07x05 - Fevers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x05 - Fevers

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: You're just full of surprises,

aren't you?

I try to be.

Have you thought about what I said?

Oh, let's talk about that later.

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Um, you know

there's one drawback.

I can't see you.

Looking at your face

your body.

Oh, that's one of the
great pleasures of my life.


I really did care for you.

What are you saying?

Good-bye, Calvin.

Why did you make me do this?





I know I'm late.

I didn't say anything.

You don't have to.

You gave me that look.

I did not give you a look.

That judgmental thing.

I came in feeling good this morning.

I don't want a fight.

Then don't look at me like that

all right?

All right... I didn't give you a look.

You did.


And how are we this morning?

Fine. Fine.

What, you two had a
sleepover that didn't work out?

That's not funny.

It's not funny.

Okay, we go to business.

just got a call from the desk manager

at the illuso over on woodside.

A dead body in a room.

One shot in the head.

The illuso... that's a
high-class place for a homicide.

The rich are entitled to get cranky.

Yeah, I can relate.


You know, I'd like you two on this

but maybe I should assign
a mediator to go along.

All right, I'm sorry.

Bad night.

It's no big deal.

Yeah, me, too.


Cruiser's already on the way.

So is forensics.

And don't forget, keep me updated.

You want to talk about this?


As a matter of fact, I do.


Fire away.


Um, well, it's just that I don't
really don't know how to...

Just forget about it, okay?

You can't leave it hanging like this.


Well, maybe you can.

Man: Your hair looks

exquisite this morning, Mrs. Nash.

No messages, I'm sorry to say.

Enjoy the yanni concert.

Palm beach P.D.

Sergeant St. John, this is sergeant Ryan.

Oh, yes, of course.

Villa in the south wing

and please use the staff entrance.

Thank you.

Uh, no.

Uh, the other way.

Are you the one who made the phone call?


Did anyone take down your statement, Nigel?

Oh, yes.

Name... Nigel Sidney.

Time I made the call, : this morning

name of victim registered as Gregory sotos.

He's been a guest before

under the same name

and he registered alone.

And, no, I noticed no one
who didn't belong here.

As if I'd let a civilian go unnoticed.

What are you looking at?

Everything I've ever wanted.

And everything you'll never get.

Brad, have you run out

of things to do?

Uh, no, Mr. Sidney.

Then perhaps you should be doing them.

We're going to need a detailed report.

Of course you will.

Well, if you happen to have the proper form

I'll fill it out and

have it messengered to your office

by, say, tomorrow morning?

Proper form.

Detailed. Before we leave.

We check for spelling.

Knock yourself out, nige.

What's going on, villie?

Mostly confusion.

Got a hair from the bed, no I.D.

If the victim had a wallet, it's gone.

No prints on his clothing

no prints anywhere

no sign of a struggle.

But, look at the bed.

Hmm, well, that's not
exactly, uh, hospital corners.

Maid probably contaminated it.

Never touched it.

As soon as she stepped in the room

she saw the body and ran downstairs.

I got an informal from her.


A little heavy on the
fragrance, wouldn't you say?

Sure is.

So, what we have here

is no prints on a bed that
was made up by the k*ller

but perfume all over it and the hair.

That's what I'm saying.

Guys, he's all yours.

Have Morton give us a call

if he comes up with anything interesting.


Who kills somebody, then makes the bed?

Martha Stewart?

In my prelim, I found foreign hair

on the victim's genitalia and shorts.

Sterling, the guy was having
sex in a hotel room with a woman.

What did you expect to find
in his shorts, the Gideon Bible?

No, no, but it wasn't pubic hair.

There was no sign of sexual activity

at least not intercourse.


Why does there always
have to be a "however"?

However, the victim's genital area

had been sprayed with cascade.

The cleaning fluid?

No, no, the $-an-ounce perfume.



Yeah, why?

Because we think the k*ller or somebody

sprayed the bed with perfume

and used it to wipe off the prints.

What was the time of death?

Around : A.M. this morning.

You know, using perfume to wipe off prints

is not a new idea

but at bucks an ounce

you'd think they'd prefer to use windex.

Just got a positive on the hotel k*lling.

Name's Calvin moreno.

Anything else?

Yeah, moreno was an attorney
with Kingston and associates.

Leland Kingston.

Baron of brickell Avenue.

One of the most successful

merger-acquisition guys in the state.

Moreno worked there?

Junior partner.

Moreno was tied in heavily

with the "Cubans for a better Miami."

They know about moreno?

We just found out.

They got somebody they want to see the body

somebody named ramone Ramirez.




I was in the neighborhood

and thought I'd take a
chance you'd be home.

I just walked in.

I thought maybe we
could grab a bite to eat.

Oh, I'd love to, but it's
been such a long day.

Then how about I make dinner for you?

We don't have to leave
the place till daybreak.

Man: So tell me.

Tell you what?

Your day?

How was your day?

Did you catch the moreno case?

How did you know?

The m*rder was on the news.

Figured they'd give it to you and Ryan.

You're the best.

Doesn't always work like that.

It just depends on who's ever
up when the m*rder is committed.

How did he buy it?

Um, he was shot to death.

That must really be surreal.

Walking in and finding
a corpse on the floor.


Bed, floor... whatever.

What goes through your mind

the first time you see a corpse?

Richard, how come you
always want to hear about my job

and you never tell me about yours?

Well, mine is boring.

Tracking stocks on the Internet.

People don't like to make movies

about what I do.

But homicide...

People, they just, they can't
seem to get enough of that.

Well, I can.

Oh, hey, if you don't want
to talk about it, I understand.

Why don't you leave that here?


The g*n.

It just reassures me
how safe I am with you.

Well, it just reminds me
of how long the day was

and if you want to feel safe

then why don't you turn on the alarm?

Hey, I was just kidding.

Oh, yeah.

Me, too.

I'm, I'm just tired.

I need the other half now.

Small bills, tomorrow, same place, :.

Wear noisy shoes.

The better to hear you with, my dear.

Cassy wants you

to pick her up when you're done here.

Be my pleasure.

Can you tell me why ramone Ramirez

is suddenly the guy who identifies bodies?

Because the planets are
all in the wrong positions

and you did something to offend the gods.

Fine. Well, and to appease them

I'm going to offer them a human sacrifice.

Anybody I know?

The name ramone rolls gently off my tongue.

That thing you mentioned

about using perfume
to wipe away the prints...

Harry, you're changing the subject.

Ah, sounds like a cleaner to me.


Why would they bring in a professional

to destroy evidence?

No reason. Unless it was a mob hit.

You think moreno was tied in with the mob?

Oh, no, absolutely not.

He's a lawyer.

Lawyers never associate
with people like that.

Yeah, right.

Mr. Moreno's office, please?

Woman: Hello, officers.

I'm Susan majors.

We appreciate your seeing us

especially with what
you've been going through.

It's very hard.

Please have a seat.

Thank you.

Well, the problem is

is that there's never a good
time to do this sort of thing.

Anything I can do to help.

Have you noticed any change

in Mr. Moreno's behavior
the last couple of weeks?

No, he was the same as always.

Soft-spoken, considerate...

Tom: Well, sometimes

with a large firm

like this

a client can present a problem.

They all present problems.

Lipschitz: But some problems are

more threatening than others, right?

No. We don't represent
those kinds of... people.

You sure?

Very sure.

Especially Mr. Moreno.

He was one of the most moral
human beings I'd ever met.

Your relationship was
strictly professional?

Of course.

Mr. Moreno maintained a distinct line

between his personal
and professional lives.

That... that perfume?


Is that, that's about
$ an ounce, isn't it?

It was a gift.

From Mrs. Kingston.

The wife of the senior partner?


She's very generous.

As was Mr. Moreno.

Is there anything else?

Uh, no.

Actually, we will need to see

Mr. Moreno's personal phone book.

Of course.

And we would like to see

Mr. Kingston.

He didn't come in today.

He's working out of his home.

He's taken this rather hard.

He and Mr. Moreno were very close.

It seems a lot of people
were very close to Mr. Moreno.

As I said, he was a very special man.

Cassy: Thank you for seeing us,

Mr. Kingston.

Do you have any leads?

We were hoping you might
be able to help us there.

What about the people
in your partner's life?

Clients or personal?


We've always been very careful

about who we do business with.

We just always have been.

What about Mr. Moreno?

He was no wallflower, sergeant.

Women were attracted to him.

And he enjoyed their company

but to my knowledge, he never did

anything to excess.

Is that a photo of Mrs. Kingston?

It is.


And that's Mr. Moreno?

The two of you look very close.

Just like family.

So, she's taking this all pretty hard.

Actually, she's distraught

beyond measure.

I suppose you're going
to want to talk to her.

We will.



Um... these detectives

are looking into Calvin's death.

Why, anything I can do to help.

Hi. Uh, yeah, Mrs. Kingston

we just need to ask you a few questions.

Tom: Your husband

says you were

both very close to Mr. Moreno.

Oh, yes, very.

And do you remember

any of the women that he brought over?

Yolanda Tate.

Melissa bays.

They were the most recent.

Mrs. Kingston, I have to ask you this.

It has no personal implications, but...

You'd like to know

where I was when, uh...


I was here... with my husband.

Lipschitz: Yeah. Mm-hmm.


Sorry, they're still doing the autopsy.

Maybe tomorrow.

It is muy importante that I see him.

You know that he's already been I.D.'d.

I do not comprendo this "I.D.'d."


That does not matter.

It is I who must see him.

You will arrange this como vos prometeis...

As you promised.

As somebody promised.

Hey, mister, how did you hurt your leg?

Kicking children.



Just a minute.

Wait, wait, wait.


What are you doing here?

You look like you could use some coffee.

Oh, god, cassy.

What I could use is a
couple more hours' sleep.

Well, settle on the coffee.

What are you doing here?

I couldn't sleep.

I see.

So you decided to come and wake me up?

Well, I called.

And how come your phone...

Is off the hook?

That's because Harry called

and wanted us to go

to the morgue with ramone

so he could see the body.

I told him we were too busy.

And he called back

so I let the machine get it.

And then he called back.

And I took the phone off the hook.

So, how was your night?


So I made some calls.

Vital records, mcsasser over at treasury.

Just wanted to see how solid moreno was

in the financial department.

You know he had to be insured

up the ying-Yang.

It would be interesting to
see who his beneficiary is.

Yeah, wouldn't it?

Did Martha get the
perfume store list together?

I checked out the two
leads Mrs. Kingston gave us.




To the minute.

Oh, and Susan majors.

She has a record.

I ran it through the fed cruncher

and she was under psychiatric care

three years ago in Miami.

She was suicidal.

Tried to o.D. On valium

over a break-up with a lover.


That would make it too easy.

Just some guy she'd been seeing.

But moreno's the one that hired her

so we know he knew.

Well, that doesn't leave us with much.

Oh, it does if he was seeing her.

But the cleaner?

I don't know, I haven't got a clue.

How come you're not sleeping?

I don't know.

He always asks me how my day was.

Never tells me about his.

It just the way he looks at me sometimes.

Ah... ha.

You mean the stockbroker guy?

You always do that.


You always refer to all
the guys that I go out with

by their occupation.

You never say their name.

"Oh, the stockbroker."

"Oh, the lawyer."

"And how's the podiatrist?"

His name is Richard.

You went out with a podiatrist?

Cassy, this guy...

Richard... he likes you for what you do.

And what you do is a
big part of who you are.

He likes who you are.

So if you want

I'll have lunch with him.

Feel him out, tell you what I think.

Thanks, that'd be nice of you.

Vested self-interest.

You've been a little grumpy lately.


Well, that's the polite version.

He's here to identify the body.

Of my friend.

Calvin moreno.


Okay, fine.

Come with me.

You okay with all these?

Sir, I once thought of
becoming a doctor myself

as did my father before me.

Your father's a doctor?

He thought of becoming one.

So you see

it is in my blood.


Just what is that supposed to be?

It is him, senor moreno.

Doesn't look like him.

That is because

it is not terminado.

Well, unfortunately, Mr. Moreno is.

Well, that is why I am here

so that I may finish the portrait.

Attendant: Captain, do you need

me anymore?

No, thanks.


This is a morgue.

This is not an art studio.

Por favor.

The Cuban community has commissioned me

to do this picture for
a great deal of money.

Aha, and if you don't
finish it, you don't get paid.

Precisamente, senor capitan.

It would be worth your while

to help me in this endeavor.

You're not talking about a bribe, are you?

No, no, no, senor.

You would be doing me a great favor.

And I would be happy to
do one for you in return.

An exchange of favors?


Between two mens of honor.

Okay, paint away.

What is the wish that you would like?

We'll talk about that at a later date.


It's all right, Erin.

They'll never find out, never.

I'll protect you.

I'll protect you.


Richard: She's dynamite,

that partner of yours.


Yeah, she is.

How'd you ever let her divorce you?

Well, it seemed like a
good idea at the time.

It must have been really interesting.

That it was.

Two cops in the same house.

You ever argue about
who got to handcuff who?

Yeah... we heard that one a lot.

You know what I mean.

Isn't, I mean, a cop, they're
the symbol of authority, right?

I mean, badges and g*ns and clubs?

It just seems to me you're cramming

a lot of power into a small space.

Oh, well, we, we don't
think of it as power.

We think of it as responsibility.

Yeah, right.

That's what the police
public relations office says.

No, actually, that's what I say.

You don't feel different

walking around with a
loaded g*n in your holster?

Different from what?

Civilians like me.

Well, yeah, you're right.

I do feel different from you.

Lipschitz: So last time we went

over everything

you mentioned

some cockamamie idea about a cleaner.

Lee "Rembrandt" fat.

Known mob ties

planting false evidence

obstruction of justice.

We were right.

The guy's a cleaner.

Where'd they find the body?

Near lake park, about : A.M.

Must have happened late last night.

Body was in good shape.

Prints ran right through.

During the prelim

Morton found this

in the guy's mouth.

It's from the illuso hotel,
I already ran a check.

Okay, we're on it.

How was your lunch?


What did you guys talk about?



He thinks you're great.

Double duh.

What we do, how we
work together, like that.

What aren't you saying?



You're saying something.

He's a nice guy.

We had a good lunch.

Enjoy your dinner,
Mr. Langford, Mrs. Langford.

The tranches de jambon
morvandelle is exquisite.


Excuse me.

Remember us?

I'll be with you in a moment.

Ding, time's up.

I'll look around.



I remember you.

And you are so hot.

And I am so busy.

You're a cop?

I love making it with cops.

It's like plugging into your power source.

I bet you've got great g*ns.

Who said you could touch me?


Hey, cass, hey, hey.

I'm sorry.

The locker that fits this?

Yes, of course.

You'll need this to get in.

Just through there.

Thank you.

Is this the cleaner's insurance policy?

Tom: With a double indemnity clause

for Susan majors.

What are you doing here?

What's the matter?

How did you get in?

Uh, the manager.

Oh. Going to have to have
a talk with the manager.

I told him that I misplaced my key.

That's funny, you don't... have a key.

I know, I... I figured

that it would just be a matter of time.

You figured wrong.

Exactly what's that supposed to mean?

It means that we're through, it's over.

Just like that.

Just like that.

But why?

Do you know how I feel?

My day revolves around you.

Looking at a clock
until it's time to see you.

I know. I know.

And you are the most attentive
man that I have ever been with.

And you listen to what I say.

I mean, you really listen to me.

And I kept trying to
figure out what it is in me

that kept feeling so off-balance, and...

then I got it.

This afternoon some jerk hit on me and...

And I realized what your problem is.

You got blue fever, Richard.

What the hell is blue fever?

You like making love to cops.

You get off on my badge, not me.

And you're tapping into
some... imagined power

that you think that we have

and it makes you feel invulnerable

like you're wearing Superman's cape.

Come on, cassy.

Is everything suspect in your world?

You read ulterior motives everywhere.

It's like the scorpion said to the frog

"it's just my nature."

You're going to feel
badly about doing this.

For a while.

But it'll pass.



The coffee will be ready in a minute.

It's okay, we've had ours.

Ms. Majors, when we
asked about your relationship

with Mr. Moreno...

I said I had none.

Was that by choice?

Do you think I k*lled him?

Just answer the question, please.

Does Mr. Kingston know

you're questioning me like this?

Does Mr. Kingston know

that you have a police record?

That was three years ago and, yes, he does.

Put that down.

That is none of your business.

Well, I'm afraid it is our
business, miss majors.

Were you in love with Calvin?



And was Mr. Kingston aware

of your relationship with his partner?

I loved him.

He used me.

Then he found somebody else.

Who was the somebody else?

Did you break in on him that night?


Where were you around midnight that night?

I was flying back from Tallahassee.

I was there on company business.

Little late to be flying.

The flight was delayed because of weather

so I called up Mr. Kingston to tell him

I'd be in late the next morning.

So after moreno broke off with you

it was business as usual.

I had a choice.

I could quit and never see him again...

Or I could swallow my pride.

I chose the latter.

I became just a face at the desk.

A voice at the phone.

Coffee the way he liked it in the morning.

I even delivered his laundry

the week he spent at the Kingston house.

And when was that?

About a month ago.

His house had to be tented for termites.

Mr. Kingston was going to
Europe for two weeks of meetings.

He invited Calvin to stay at the house

for as long as he needed.

So moreno was there by himself

while Kingston and his wife went to Europe?

Oh, no, Mrs. Kingston didn't go.

Mr. Kingston always went
alone on his business trips.

I didn't k*ll Calvin moreno.

Miss majors, I don't believe you did.


Where's Mr. Kingston?

He's gone... in Miami

but he said he would call you. Okay?

Did he, did he leave you the house money?

Mrs. Kingston, please, please listen to me.

Give me the house money.


Vital records got back to you?

Kingstons were married five years ago.

Pre-nup leaves her a fourth, regardless.

What about his company?

Serious financial difficulties.

Moreno brought in a lot of Cuban business.

Kingston made some bad
choices, lost a lot of money...

Looky here... Kingston had moreno and Erin

insured for $ million each

with the company as the beneficiary.

Erin Kingston was involved?

With the company, in name only.

With moreno the involvement

may have been deeper.

As in biblical?


We figure she seduces him

then whacks him.


She and hubby collect $ million

and live happily ever after.

Aha. What about the cleaner,
this Rembrandt person?

We think that was the frame.

We're sending forensics to Susan majors'

to get a hair sample.

We bet they'll match
the other two we found.

Sounds good to me.

Just one glitch, Harry.

You see, the kingstons
have each other alibied out.

But he knows the frame's not going to hold.

Because he knows that Susan majors

was in Tallahassee the night of the m*rder.

Well, maybe you better
go and ask them about it.

Just what we were thinking.

Where's Mrs. Kingston?

She's not here.

Where's Mr. Kingston?

He's out of town.

Mrs. Kingston is in bad trouble, no?

Do you know about Calvin moreno?

Senor moreno? No, I'm
talking about the dr*gs.

That filth she puts into her body!

Cassy: So you're saying that

her husband knew about her addiction?

Yes, yes, many times I
saw him give her the sh*ts.

Tom, he's setting her up.

Yeah. She left this morning?

Yes, when, when she
has no more in the house

she, she just, she gets crazy this way.

Do you know

where she buys?

Where her dealer is?

She could be in great danger.

If you know, you could help save her life.

Mrs. Kingston: Barry?

Bar... Barry, I need a hit.


It's going to be okay, Erin.

Leland, I thought you were in Miami.

Change of plan.


Where's Barry?

Out for a walk, a very long walk.

But I need him, I need a...

I know what you need, Erin.

And it's right here.

You don't know how bad I need that.

Wait... Leland.

That's too much, Leland,
I can't take that much.

Of course you can.

What are you doing?

I'm finishing what I started with Calvin.

What you started?

From the day the termites
showed up at his house

and he moved in with you and fell in love.

You made me k*ll him.

No. No, you k*lled him

so you could keep swimming in heroin

for the rest of your life.

Because I was out of money

which meant you were out of luck.

You see, the problem is,
this little habit of yours...

Well, it's a big threat to me

because as soon as
the police find out about it

you'll say anything for a fix.

Which means I have to say good-bye.

Biggest jolt you'll ever have.

Drop it, Kingston!

Go, go! Out back!


Thanks, cass.

You knew what it was
with Richard, didn't you?


I've seen it with women

but I've never seen it with a guy.

Were you ever going to tell me?

Well, cassy...

It wouldn't have meant anything
coming from me, you know?

You had to figure it out for yourself.

And if I hadn't?

Well, I would have told you eventually.

How eventually?

Right after the wedding.


Too late?


How about during?


And how about this?
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