Odd Squad: Odds and Ends (2019)

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Odd Squad: Odds and Ends (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Ms. O] coming up next

On odd squad...

I love working
with stitcher.

She has this little notebook

With every villain's

If we could get that notebook,

Odd squad would know
every villain in the world.

You have to tell olympia
the truth.

No, this stays between us.

My name is agent olympia.

This is my partner,
agent otis.

This should not be
looked in the mouth.

But back to otis and me.

We work for an
organization run by kids

That investigates
anything strange,


And especially odd.

Our job is to put
things right again.

Who do we work for?

We work for odd squad.

[Ms. O] "who is agent otis?"

[People screaming]


My clarinet of chaos!

odd squad, odd squad!

You think two children
could stop me,

Kevin noisemaker?

My first name is kevin,
by the way.

Not sure if I mentioned that.

You didn't.

And we're not
here to stop you.

We're here
to distract you.

- [Roars]
- whoa!

Hey, dude.

So you got that.

I still have my
fiddle of fear!


Or do you?

You don't.

it's over, noisemaker.

You'll never get past me.

Or me.


Or me!

- [Helicopter whirring]
- [noisemaker gasps]

Or me.

A little much,
don't you think?

It's, uh, kind of a slow day
at the office.

Good job, agents.

thanks, everyone!

Big step.

Horn of plenty of evil.

[Noisemaker whines]

Harmonica of destruction.


Weird blowy thing?

It's not evil,
it's a duck whistle.

- [Quacks]
- [screams]

Oh. He has a thing
with ducks.


- You're free to go.
- Yeah.

Don't forget your cape.

Is this new?

Ah, yes.

The stitcher made it for me
this morning.

Wait, I thought villains
made their own uniforms.

No, no, no, no, they're all
made by this villain

Called the stitcher.

Here's a photo
I took of her

At the villains' barbecue.

So fun.

I love working with stitcher.
So organized!

She has this little notebook

With every villain's

Plus cute photos of what
villains look like

Without their masks on,

And also fun facts

Like where they live
and how to defeat them!


If we could
get that notebook,

Odd squad would
know everything

About every villain
in the world.

I'm not allowed to
go anymore, am i?

[Olympia] and noisemaker said
the stitcher visits

For only one day.

We should, uh,

Try and get
the notebook, then.

Yay! I know how
to get the notebook.


Here are the villains
she's already visited today.

What? When did you do that?

When you were shampooing
your eyebrows.

I like a clean eyebrow.

Who doesn't?

All we have to do is figure out
what these villains

Have in common,
then use that data

To predict what villain
the stitcher will visit next.

Then we can go to
that villain's evil lair

And get the notebook!

Good job, olympia.

Aww. Thanks, xena.

Wait. Why are you nice?

You're never nice.
What's happening?

I'll tell you
what's happening.

We like your case so much,
we're taking it.

Take it, xena.

I took it, xavier.

[Both laugh]

What? You can't do that!

We work for the big o.

We can take
whatever we want.

Like I can take this air
in front of your face.


I took it.

Ms. O...?

Agents, come here.

This might be
a good thing.

If the xs are
out on a case,

They'll finally
be out of my hair

And your hair,
and otis' cool hair.

I have normal hair.

But... But that's
all my hard work.

Which we'll probably
have to undo.

Because you'll mess it up,

Like your squad
messes up everything.

[Both laugh]

Are you kidding me? You?

You're the ones who've
messed up everything

Since you got here.

Ooh, insulting
a superior officer.

You know what
that means, xavier.

Actually, I don't this time.


Now I know:

You're coming with us.

What? What's happening?

Ms. O? Otis?

Sorry, olympia.

This can't go on
any longer.

We have to tell olympia
the truth.

No. We made a deal.

This stays between us.

Don't worry,
the most the xs will do

Is give olympia desk duty.

And then the xs took my case
and put me in here.

Two things.

First, I don't think
you're fixing that desk.

Second, I'm sorry,

But I mean, like,
what are you gonna do?

You can't go behind
ms. O's back.

Oona, you're right,

I have to go
behind ms. O's back.

No, you see,
I said the opposite.

Getting this villain notebook
will help odd squad

And possibly
the world, right?


And that's all ms. O
really wants, right?

I feel like you're tricking me
so I keep saying right.


So it may seem like

I'm going behind
ms. O's back,

But I'm actually
going around her front

Because she doesn't know
her head is on backwards.

Basically, she'll
be glad I did this.

I guess, if otis
is okay with it.

I can't involve otis.

You can't involve
your partner?

No way.
If all this blows up,

I can't risk getting him
in trouble.

No one can know.

What about me?
I know.

Oh, yeah.
Can you forget?



I'm going to need
at least three hours.

We don't have
that kind of time.

Fine, but we can't talk
in the open like this.

Come on.

A lot of beans in here.

You want some?

I'm good.

According to noisemaker,

The stitcher doesn't visit
any old villain.

She always follows
a pattern.

Like last year,
she only visited

Villains with earrings.

So, if we can figure out

What this year's
pattern is...

We can figure out what villain
the stitcher will visit next

And get the notebook.

This chart shows
all the villains

The stitcher visited
so far today:

Noisemaker, tony pants,
and mrs. Big time.

What do they have in common?

Noisemaker has a beard.

tony pants also has a beard,

But not mrs. Big time.

No match.

Let's check eye color.

Noisemaker has blue eyes.

but tony pants and mrs. Big time

Both have brown eyes.

No match again.

Wait, the whole reason
stitcher is visiting town

Is to help villains
with their costumes...

So maybe we should
check their costumes.


With beans.

noisemaker wears a hat.

So does tony pants.

Mrs. Big time
also wears a hat!

That's the pattern!

And there's only one villain
left in town

That wears a hat,

And I'm going
to find him.

But you must
take some beans!

It feels like they're
crowding in all around me.


- Oh, no, no, no!
- Hello, brad hatter.

Odd squad!

Hat attack! Hat attack!

Brad, brad, brad!

I'm not after you.

Oh. Are you sure?

- Yes.
- Hat attack!

- Yes!
- Still hit you.

I'm looking
for the stitcher.

The stitcher? Why would
the stitcher be here? I mean...

Because she's visiting
villains with hats.

Uh, no, she's not.

[Lady sunshine]
hey, brad!

Oh! Hey, lady sunshine!

How are you?

What's with the kid
in the odd squad uniform?

She's a real
odd squad agent.


I hope you wore
your sunscreen.

Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
She's not after us!

Oh. Are you sure?


Yes! I'm looking
for the stitcher.

Oh, she was just at
my sunpad this morning.

She gave me
this new outfit.


Wait, you're wearing yellow.

Noisemaker had on
a new yellow cape.

Tony pants, mrs. Big time,
and lady sunshine.

Yellow's what they
have in common!

- That's the pattern.
- Sounds like the pattern, sure.

Yellow, yellow...
Makes sense.

Ha! So the next villain
the stitcher will visit

Will also be wearing yellow.

Oh, I bet she's going
to go visit nana banana.

She lives in cabana with
my friend anna from savannah.

Actually, no she's not, she's
from just outside of buffalo.


Doesn't make the rhyme
work, though.

Poetic lisence.

I'm just gonna go.

[Brad hatter]
I see. There's a savannah...

I guess people don't
say goodbye anymore.

What do you think, nana?

Oh, I love it!

And please, call me lana.

Stop right there.

odd squad!

Banana! Banana! Bananas!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I'm not after you, nana!

Oh. Are you sure?



I'm here for the stitcher.


Where's the
notebook, stitcher?

I'll tell you one thing,

It's definitely not on
that table over there.

Except you're a villain,
so you lie....

Which means it is
on that table!


Watch out for
the banana peels.

Ha ha ha--

[Both grunting]

Got it!

[Stitcher groaning]



[Xavier] looks like the
stitcher's left town, ms. O.

The notebook got away.

Or did it?

One villain notebook.

Banana on it.
I'll just wipe that off.

olympia, what have you done?

Sorry I went behind
your back, ms. O,

But we got the notebook.

That's what we all wanted.

That's the last
thing I wanted.

Why did you think I let
the xs have the case?

I knew they'd mess it up.

What? Why wouldn't you
want this notebook?

Because she didn't
want us to know...

...that your parnter's
a villain.

[Both laugh dramatically]

Agent otis, by the power
vested in us

By the big o...

...you are no longer
a member of odd squad.


Yes, he is.

No, he's not.

Yes, he is.

No, he's not!

Yes, he is!

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Let me see if
I can explain this

In a different way.

No, he's not!


Whoa, dudes!

What's happening?

Otis is a... Villain!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
people, calm down!

I'm sure this is just a
hilarious misunderstanding.

I mean, otis...

Otis, just tell them
it's not true.


I can't do that.

[Everyone, gasping]
what? What?!

To be continued.

I joined because cake
should be moist,

Not angry.

I joined because hot chocolate
should be hot,

Not invisible or loud.

I joined because my eyes
should not be able to do this.

It helps when walking
around at night!

we are...

[Ms. O]
...odd squad.

Since the beginning
of time -

And we're talking
way back -

We've been
fighting odd.

In our spare time,

We also like to draw
pictures of ourselves.

There's no case
too big,

No case too small.

At odd squad,
we do it all.

And yes, that is
a ham-sandwich riverboat.

Join odd squad
and now,

The rest of the story.

Everyone stop!

Otis may have,
at one time,

Been a villain,

But he's not anymore.

Xavier disagrees.

I do. He's been
helping other villains

Since the day he arrived.

It's the only way to explain
why they keep breaking in.

The fact is, otis was
and still is a...


I should go.

No, you're a good agent,

And I'm not going
to lose you.

I demand a trial!

[Ohlm] excuse me.
What's a trial?

It's a chance for both sides
to state their case

And prove that
otis is innocent.

I went to law school before
becoming a scientest.

There were night classes.

Actually, there was
only one night class.

I was late.

I only heard that one
thing about trials.

We will prove
you're innocent.

And who's going to
be the judge, you?

It shall be me.

[Xena & xavier]
the big o.

Please rise.

I came to
this odd squad today

Because the last time
I was here,

I forgot my toy train.

Found it.

But now I'll stay
and be your judge,

Because I enjoy
playing dress-up.

Okay, olympia...
What's the plan?


Odd squad rules
state that partners

Must defend each other.

But I have no idea
what's going on.

Don't worry, olympia.

I'll tell you everything.

Great idea, except
we don't have time.

[Big o]
order, order, order!

Figure skates!

Girl with the glasses,
you may begin.


So, uh, here we are
in court

Because you think otis
is still a villain,

Which he's not,

And I'm going to
prove it to you

By having otis tell you
what's really going on.

Just go ahead,
from the beginning,

No interruptions.



I was raised by ducks.

Oh, he said it.

Hi. I'm so sorry to break
the "no interruption" rule,

But did you
just say you were

Raised by ducks?

Yes. You know how some people
are raised by wolves?

It was like that,
except ducks.

That's not a good example.

[Ms. O]
olympia, let him speak.

As far back
as I can remember,

It was always just

Me and the ducks.

We would swim together,

Pick bugs off
each other's back,

The usual duck stuff.

As I got older, I realized

These were bad ducks.

They were loud.

[Otis & ducks quacking]

they were rude.

[Otis & ducks quacking]

[Otis] and they had
no sense of romance.

[Man] theresa, I love you
and I wanted to ask you...

- [Otis & ducks quacking]
- whoa, whoa! Excuse me!

Could you please stop?

I know this is where
we had our first date

And it's very special, but...

I guess we can
finish up in the car.

and then one day...

Excuse me, hate to
interrupt again,

But how did you and the ducks
talk to each other?

Oh, I built a little
voice box

So they could speak english,

But I only had one box,

So I had to put it
on different ducks,

Depending on which one
I was talking to.

Do you want to hear more?

No. No, I do not.

One day, brother quack
came up to me

In our evil duck lair.

[Ducks quacking]

Brother, spare a quack?

Always, brother.

Reach into my feathers.

What is this, brother?

It's a line graph that shows
the number of ponds

The ducks took over
this year.

[Otis] brother quack
used the vertical line

To show the number of ponds
we took over each month

And he used
the horizontal line

To show all the months
of the year.

By connecting the dots,

Brother quack showed
how the ducks took over

More and more ponds
between january and august.

But then the line went down,

Because the ducks
took over zero ponds

From september
through december.

And why did the ducks
take over zero ponds?

Because we have to fly
south for the winter.

But I have a plan to do
away with winter forever.

Reach into my feathers again.

[Otis] brother quack showed me
plans for a machine

That would move the planet
closer to the sun.

That way, there would be
no winter ever again.

The more I studied
these plans,

The more I knew this machine
would destroy the world.

I tried to warn
my brothers.


Is my wig on straight?

It's just a little...

I got it.

- There you go.
- Continue.

[Otis sighs]

When they didn't listen,

I had no choice.

[Ms. O] are you the one
that contacted me?

Ms. O?

Don't look back.

Did you bring the plans?


Not yet.
Open this first.


Because I want a pickle,
but I can't open the jar

Because I just washed my hands
and they're all slippery.

Now the plans.

No, no, no, no, no.

This machine will
destroy us all.

You know what
needs to be done.

finally, the day arrived.

Ms. O and I had it
all planned out.

I just had to
give her the signal.

Brother quack, I'm going
to get some, uh,

Fresh air.

Hurry, brother quack.

You are the only one
with opposable thumbs.


[Ducks quacking]

[Otis] it was the only way
to stop the machine.

Go, go, go, go, go, go,

Go, go, go!

Odd squad, odd squad!

[Ducks quacking]

why, brother? Why?

Don't worry, we'll take
good care of the ducks.

There's a zoo in minnesota
that owes me a favor.

You did a good thing
here today.

We could use someone
like you at odd squad.

Odd squad? But they'd never
let a villain like me

Into the academy.

True, but there are
other ways

To become an agent.

ms. O trained me herself.

She turned my life around.


No, you're still waddling!
Back it up!

[Otis] I had to learn how
to not walk like a duck.

[Ms. O sighs, whistles]

Feet forward!

Better, better, better,

But I still see
a little waddling!

You're not a duck!

Back it up!

Show me some gadgets.

Try again.


I can't do it.

Odd squad agents

Don't know the word can't!

- What's your name?
- [Quacks]

What's your name?

[Quacks] ...tis.

What's your name?


That's better.

[Otis] I'll never forget
what she did for me.

And because of that, I will
always be true to ms. O.

And odd squad.

So you're afraid
of ducks because...

I'm afraid it's
my duck family

Coming back to get me.

Olympia, I wanted to tell you.

That is all, agent otis.

You other guys can go now.

Thank you, your o-ness.

That was a nice story...

But you know
what's also nice?

This horizontal line

Shows the first
three months of the year

And this vertical line
shows the number of times

Villains broke into
this odd squad.

There were no break-ins
in the entire month of january,

And no break-ins
at all in february,

But there were
many in march -

, To be exact -

Which is when otis
started working here!


Thank you, xavier.

This line graph shows
villain break-ins

During one week in april.

Notice the number of break-ins
along the side

And the seven days of the week
along the bottom.

You see this big
dip down to zero?

That mean there were
no break-ins on wednesday.

In fact, there were no
break-ins on any wednesdays.


Because wednesday
is otis' day off!

So they drew a bunch of
fancy lines on fancy paper.

That doesn't say
anything about

The kind of person otis is.

You're right.

Which is why we're calling
his partner to the stand.

This is a truth helmet.

Green for true,
red for false.

This thing is heavy.


Now, you once said,
and I quote,

"Once a villain,
always a villain."

Oh, well, that was before.

Did you say that?
Yes or no.



[Xavier] after hearing
everything today,

Do you believe
it's possible

That your partner
is still a villain?

Can I please just
have a minute?


Is he a villain?
Yes or no.



- What?
- Olympia?

- I didn't mean--
-[big o] silence!

Based on what
I've heard today,

Agent otis is...


We will fight this!

I'm not finished.

Ms. O, you are one of the
smartest children I know.

Thank you.

So I find it hard to believe
you didn't know

Agent otis was trying
to destroy odd squad.


Which means you're
also a villain.

- What?!
- No, no, no, no.

Off the squad.
Take them away!


This is the worst
day of my life.

To be continued.

[Ms. O] odds and ends.

Attention agents

Of precinct .

Now that ms. O is gone,

It is time to find
a new leader.

It's probably
gonna be me.

[Big o]
while there are many

Who could do the job,

Only one gave me
this really cool toy.

Your new mr. O
is agent...


[Surprised chatter]

Ohlm is gonna be mr. O?

Why ohlm?

But ohlm
was my partner.

Who am I
supposed to work with?

Why don't you partner
with olympia?

[Xavier] yeah, remember
how she's the reason

Otis and ms. O got kicked out
and this is all happening

Because of her.

How could we forget?

[Big o]
now I have to go,

Because I have a play date
with my best friend ethan.

And we have to go
because we fixed everything.

Right xena?
Right xavier.

[Both laugh]


Don't worry, guys.
I have a bunch of great ideas.

For example,

We should make it
so only kids work here.

Only kids do work here.


If anyone needs me,
try and catch me!

I'll go.

Can you help me
with this?

Why are you wearing
a life jacket?

I want to be ready
when you throw me overboard

Like your last partner.

Hey, olympia,
just want to make sure

This is all otis' stuff.

Yup, just that empty box.

Alright, let's take this
and ms. O's stuff

To todd's place.

Todd's place,
like odd todd's place?

Why are ms. O
and otis there?

Welcome to todd's home
for villains, trademark.

It's a place where
bad guys come

When they just want
to be regular guys.

Todd, this is a mistake.

This is not
a mistake, okay?

I have tons
of successful clients.

Captain earthquake here,
he used to cause earthquakes,

Now he sells garage
door openers.

Maple syrup mary used to
pour maple syrup on stuff,

Now she sells
garage door openers.

I have an in with
a garage door opener company.

Anyway, follow me.

Take a look around.

So peaceful
and serene.

What I do is help villains
find other hobbies

Instead of causing
chaos or destruction.

Mr. Lightning,
how's that painting coming?


But not evil,
that's the difference.

Todd, the only reason
we're here is the big o said

We had to come
or he'd shut down our odd squad.

We're not villains.

Ha, did you hear that?

They said
they're not villains.

[All laugh]

[All laugh]

Well, you know
what we say to that?

♪ Say you did wrong
if you wanna get right ♪

♪ A villain in denial
is a sorry sight ♪

♪ If you can't see the dark,
you'll never see the light ♪

♪ Say you did wrong
if you wanna get right ♪

♪ Say you did wrong,
that's how we roll ♪

♪ Say you did wrong,
it's good for your soul ♪

♪ Say you did wrong.
Why so uptight? ♪

♪ Say you did wrong
if you wanna get right ♪


Now you do one,

Sing something
about your feelings.


What you got?


Hey, guys,
I need all your gadgets.


So I can put
fun stickers on them.


'Cause then, they'll have
fun stickers on them.




we need to talk.

About what?

The fact that odd squad is
destroyed and it's all my fault?

[Whispering] or about how I
found a way to fix everything.

Or about how everything is
creepier when you whisper it.

Meet me in the lab.

Hey, oona.

You'll need this.

This is all the paperwork
from otis' trial.

The xs made me file it

Because I was the last one
to say "no filesies",

But it's a good thing,


Come down here.


[Oona] this is a line
graph that shows

The number
of villain break-ins

For the month
of march only.

The days of the month
are along the bottom,

And the number of villain
break-ins are along the side.

March first and second
are at zero

Because no break-ins.

And then, see,
it spikes on march third

Because that's when the first
two villain break-ins happened.

Except you and otis

Didn't start working here
until march fourth.

[Olympia] so how could otis
help villains break in

On march third...

...if he wasn't here yet!

So otis is innocent!
Which means ms. O is innocent.

[All chattering]

Alright, everyone.
Everyone settle.

Settle down.

The thing is
is that, look...

Very good.

I'd like to welcome
ms. O and otis

To their very first
show and yell.

Say hi, everybody.

[All greet]


Don't you mean
show and tell?


Will you start
please, jamie jam?

I made this cup

When all
I wanted to do

Was cover
the town in jam!

But I made
this cup instead.

I like this cup.

It's a great cup.

[All clap]

Great work.

You see?
This is a safe place.

Odd squad, odd squad,
stop right there!

[All angrily shouting]

take a breath.

No. Please, no.

We just wanted to talk
to ms. O and otis.

Outside, do it outside!


Hey, hey, guys,
it's okay, they're gone.

guys, do I hear rain?

Is that rain?
Guys, show me rain.

And I think that's thunder.
Is that thunder?

And what comes
after the thunder clears?

The sun comes out.
Great job, everyone.

Give yourselves
a round of applause.

[Oona] you weren't
even here on march third,

When the villain
break-ins started.

And look, there was
another villain break-in

On thursday,
march th,

But I remember
you were out sick that day.

Now, was otis really sick,

Or was he just
pretending to be sick

So he could celebrate
st. Patrick's day?


Doesn't matter.

Either way,
otis wasn't in headquarters.

Which proves he wasn't
working with the villains.

Which proves
you're both innocent.

Thank you.

Olympia, can i?

He was also sick on flag day.
Just saying.

I'm sorry I didn't
tell you the truth sooner.

No, I'm sorry I didn't believe
you when you did tell the truth.

[Both overlapping]

[Both overlapping]

And the best part about it is,
every day, I get to work

With my best friend.

everything's okay!

To celebrate,
I made a thumbs-up cake.

Everything is not okay.

The xs were right
about one thing.

One of my agents
is trying to destroy odd squad.

And if we say we're innocent,

That person will
go back into hiding.

So we you need to keep
pretending that we're bad

Until we know who it is.

Question-mark cake,

How do we figure
out who that is?

By investigating
every agent.

But we'll have to sneak back
into headquarters to do it.

How big of a cake
can you bake?

Depends on the flavor.



[Ms. O]
when you said huge...

You were right, oona.

attention, agents,

A friendly reminder
to turn in those gadgets.

Was that ohlm?


He's mr. O now.


Sorry, I can't say it
without doing that.

Here are files on every
agent that works here.

Whoever was inside

Every time there was
a break-in was the bad guy.

Or girl.

Piece of cake.

You think this is easy?

There are thousands
of files here.

No, I mean I have
pieces of cake.

I figured we could
eat as we work.

There was a villain
break-in on april third,

But owen couldn't
have been involved

Because he was
on break.

For the whole day?

I've gotta get that
under control.

Cross him off
the list of suspects.

Who's next?

Agent orchid.

Throw some dates
at me, people.

I already checked
march and april.

Orchid was in headquarters

Every time there was
a break-in.

Alright, she's guilty!

Whoa, whoa, we still
need to check may.

Here's a line graph that shows
the number of break-ins

During the month of may.

The days of the month
are along the bottom

And the number of break-ins
are along the top.

On may fourth,
there were six break-ins.

Orchid was in

and more break-ins on may th.

Still in headquarters.

more break-ins on may th.

Orchid was out sick.

So she can't be working
with the villains.

Well, this is just great.

So we have no idea
who the bad agent is,

You're both
still kicked off,

And we're stuck working
with ohlm forever.

Wait, where is ohlm?

In his office. Or lost.

He's probably lost.

No, I mean
where is his picture?

Oh, I didn't include him
because he's not an agent.

When ohlm first got here,

He was otto's partner
for one day.

That was one day

You started,
march third!

That's when all
the break-ins started.

Let me check if ohlm
was in headquarters

During all the break-ins.

This line graph shows
all the villain break-ins

During the month of june.

[Ms. O] now show all the days
that ohlm was in headquarters.

I don't believe it.
It's a complete match!

Every time
there was a break-in,

Ohlm was in headquarters.

[Otis] and every time
ohlm was missing,

There were no break-ins.

[Olympia] it's the same in july
and august, it just keeps going.

No, it can't be ohlm.

I mean, ohlm is ohlm.

He eats yogurt with
the wrong end of the spoon.

He's messed up every case
he's ever been on.

Unless he was only pretending
not to be smart.

So you'd never
suspect me.


To be continued.

I joined
because tomorrow

Shouldn't come
before yesterday.

I joined because time
is not an illusion.

Or is it?

I joined because my voice

Should not be able
to go this low.

[Deep voice]

[Normal voice]
or this high. "Oh..."

No, that's normal, actually.

we are...

[Ms. O]
...odd squad.

Since the beginning
of time -

And we're talking
way back -

We've been fighting odd.

In our spare time,

We also like to draw
pictures of ourselves.

There's no case too big,

No case too small.

At odd squad, we do it all.

And yes, that is
a ham-sandwich riverboat.

Join odd squad
and now,

The rest of the story.

Why'd you do it, ohlm?

Why'd you turn
against odd squad?

[Ohlm] there are three reasons
anyone does anything.

For love, money,

Or power.

Odd squad agents
don't get paid,

Love gives you the cooties,

And so the answer
must be...

Power. [Laughs]

So you never wanted
to fight oddness?

Of course.

I started like you,
at the academy.

Except, when it came
time to graduate...

Congratulations, ohlm.

We're proud to
make you an agent.


But I want to be the big o!

Well, maybe after
lots of hard work

And years of training.

So you won't give me
the job right away?

No, that's ridiculous.

Then I shall
destroy odd squad.

What did you say?

I said I shall
destroy odd squad.

I'm sorry, I went
swimming this morning

And I have some
water in my ear.

Could you repeat it again?

You'll see.
You'll all see!

Still didn't catch that.

After that,

I decided if odd squad
couldn't see my genius,

I would use my genius

To destroy it!

I pretended to be a fool

So I could steal
codes, gadgets,

Anything I could
get my hands on.

I gave the villains
everything they needed!

Here's a map to break
into headquarters,

And here is the

And the hat-inator.

Whoa, whoa, I don't
wanna make hats!

And I get my hair
done professionally.

No, no, no!
You don't understand!

Every gadget
has a number on it.

You can combine gadget numbers
to make the number you need.

For example,

The hair-brush-inator
is number ,

The hat-inator is number ,

But if you combine
and ,

You get ,

The freeze-inator!

[Both laugh]

Ooh, I like it!

Which way does it point?


Another villain down.

Every plan failed!

I was about to give up,

But then olympia -

Sweet, foolish olympia -

Got otis and ms. O
kicked off odd squad,

Which made me mr. O,

And now I'm in a position to
finally take this place down

Once and for all!

No, you won't!

[Gasps] oh...

Did little old ohlm
take away your gadgets?

My plan was never to put
fun stickers on them.

Although I do
like stickers.

Banana sticker!

It's scratch and sniff.



Smells like failure

And banana.

Hey, mr. O,

Here are the last
of the gadgets.


I feel like you're evil.

I feel like you're right.

Sixty... Plus ten...

Equals seventy.

The freeze-inator!


[All grunting]

I can't move.

What do we do now?

We could play "I spy".

Alright, I'll go first.

Uh... I spy
with my little eye

Something that is yellow!

[Ms. O growls]

Hint: it's not this
giant banana sticker.

Second hint: it's under
olympia's collar.

These yellow strings...
They inflate my suit!

[Sighs] I made it
too easy.

Yes, and you just saved us!

- Yay! We did it!
- Well done, olympia.

Alright, I spy with
my little eye something that--

Oona, we don't
have time for this.

It was the boxes!

[Ms. O]
ohlm, stop!

You broke free.

How exciting.

What is that?

I combined every gadget
in headquarters

To equal , , which is...


I'm sorry, what?

There's a really
bad echo in here.

The black-hole-inator!


And now I shall suck

Every odd squad agent
into oblivion! [Laughing]

No, ohlm!
You'll get sucked in, too!

[Ms. O]
take cover!

Uh oh...

Help me!


Grab my hand!


We need to take
those gadgets apart.

Whoa, whoa, you can't just
take away any gadget!

Then it won't equal ,
and it'll do something else.

Believe it or not, it could be
even worse than that!


Your hand is sweaty!

I'm saving you.

Can you do it without
sweating so much?

We need to take away
a specific gadget

To get a specific number.

Oona, what's a good number?

Nine thousand, nine hundred
and ninety-five.

Agents, help!

My hand is slipping!

It's because
they're so sweaty!

I'm coming, ms. O!

We need to find
the difference

Between , and , .

That's your answer!

Let's use a number line.

I can't hold on...


Ew! Your robot hand
is sweaty, too!

You've got the sweaty hands!
That's the problem!

We need to find out
how many numbers

Are between ,
and , .

We can count up from , .

[Otis] that's one, two,
three, four, five.

We need to take away
gadget number five.

Where is it?

Way up there!

We'll never reach it
in time!

Olympia, remember how
I told you my duck family

Used to fly south
for the winter?

Are we seriously talking
about this right now?!

What I didn't tell you is...

I flew with them.


- [Ohlm groans]
- [oona] that was... Weird.

Yeah, totally weird.

So... Gadget , is
the pineapple-inator.

Better than a black hole.

Unless you really
hate pineapples.


Ohlm, are you okay?

No! No, I'm not okay!

Odd squad is still here.

You may have
defeated me today,

But I will not rest until
odd squad is destroyed.

Well, then there's only
one thing left to do.

our son did what?!

Mom, dad,
you don't understand.

We understand perfectly.

And you, young man,
are grounded.

Come on!

To your room, now.



Thank you,
mr. And mrs. Ohlm.

His name is ohlm ohlm?

It's a family name.

And it's pronounced ohlm.


I hate to drag
parents into it,

But sometimes
it's the only way.

[All agree]

Speaking of families,

Otis, looks like there's
someone here to see you.

[Ducks quacking]

[Ducks quacking]

Hello, brother quack.

Brother quack.

On behalf of all the ducks,
we're sorry.

We know you were just
trying to protect us.

Thank you, brother.

Add this to
a list of things

I thought I'd never see.

Not me, actually.


For bravery in the face
of oddness,

It is my pleasure
to award you all plates

With pasta glued on them.

I made this.

Thank you.

- I made this.
- Thank you. Ooh.

I made this.

Well done.

- I found this.
- Oh, okay.


Welcome back, agent otis.

[All cheer]

Good to have you back,

Good to be back.

For far too long, I've put off
going to kindergarten,

But now it is time,

And I need someone
to take my place.

Wait, are you saying...?

I want you to run
all odd squads

As the new big o.

[All applaud and cheer]

[All applaud and cheer]

That's the last of
the juice boxes.

You're all packed up.

Guess it's time
to say goodbye.

Whew. Well,
see you guys later.

What? No.

Ms. O is leaving.

You taught us
everything we know.

Now you know it.

Plus, you taught me, too.

[Olympia, otis, oona]

Are we still going?


Oona, I never thought
anyone could come close

To filling oscar's shoes.

You taught me sometimes
even the boss is wrong.

Thank you, ma'am.

Otis, you taught me
people can change

For the better.

And lawn bowling.

It's a fairly simple sport.

Olympia, you taught me
to always look

On the bright side.

The way you love odd squad
made me love it even more.

It's been the honor of
my life to work with you.

And I've lived
a long time.

I'll miss you.

Us, too.

Put that away.

And bring it in.

Do me a favor:
go easy on your new boss.

Uh, ms. O, I know orson
has lots of experience,

But how are we supposed
to understand him?

[Baby talk]

Easy. Right now,
he's saying

Something very odd
has happened.


chickens clucking]

Guess I can stick around
a little longer.

Well, what are we
waiting for?




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