03x02 - The Perfect Alibi

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x02 - The Perfect Alibi

Post by bunniefuu »

( Funky dance music playing )

♪ Let’s give the lord
an ovation ♪


 you have a headache

take a couple of aspirin.

Want me to send Sammy over
to pick you up?

Now, you be ready.

All right.

Thank you.

Sam, pick them
both up.

Do I have to baby-sit for you?

There are not enough of these
in the entire world

to get me out there
on that disc.

With the right partner

you’d be out there
in a second.

Oh, you make
a point.

For example,
if I went out there with you

nobody would
even notice me

so I would be
all right.

Buy you a refill?

Why don’t I ask
my date?

Ah, date.

Yeah, why don’t you
ask your date?

I’ll buy him one too.

Big day for me.


Chris Hinton.

Sonny Kurtz.

How you doing?

Nice to meet you.

What you drinking?

I’ll tell you what.

Why don’t you get Lisa
a drink.

Keep her company.

All right.

Jack Sorkin.

I remember you were running
 bootleg auto parts in Detroit.

You still got
 that trucking outfit?

It’s a money loser

but I’ve never been able
to bring myself

to close it down.

It’s my roots,
 you know?

My starting business.

But, believe me,
 it’s nothing now.

So now it’s bootlegged
 video tapes.

The latest titles

for a few nickels
 worth of plastic.

Yeah, but those nickels add up.

when they’re squandered

on useless

Jack here wants to be
 the only pirate in palm beach.

No offense,
Mr. Debarto

but I’ve heard
jack’s pitch before.

We have a golden goose here.

I don’t want it k*lled
 by ignorance.

 you’re being k*lled

by the New York boys.

They’re undercutting

your prices with
 the big video chains.

We could stay in the game

if we pool our resources,

move into software,
 video games.

Get real, Sorkin.

We’re talking
a lot of dough.

It would take years
to make it back.

You make more money per day
with your trucks.

You got someplace more important
to go to, Sid, then go.

Could be
a real moneymaker here.

I guarantee it.

Give me a break.

For who?

All Jack here wants
is us working for him.

Yeah, and ain’t no way
 that’s happening.

Like I said, could be
 a real moneymaker here...

For the guy who gets
 to ship this stuff

all over
the country.

I appreciate your
 considering me

for this opportunity

but I regretfully decline.

Now if you’ll excuse me

it’s Dutchy’s bedtime.



Let’s go.

All right,
thanks, sport.

The name’s Chris.

Where’s the party at?

This one’s private,
all right?

See you.

♪ Let’s give the lord
an ovation... ♪


Come on.

Come on, let’s go.

  it’s as true in palm beach
  as it is anywhere--

some things just don’t mix.

Some people say

booze and bubbles don’t go well

although others swear
  they should always go

hand in hand.

I guess it depends
  on who’s pouring the booze

and who’s blowing the bubbles.

Ready for bobbing for apples?

Ladies before gentlemen.

No, no, no.

Age before beauty.

Oh, oh.

( Grunts )

( Chris humming )

Wait up.


Good morning.

Did we drag you
 out of bed again?

Do I got bags
 under my eyes?

No, but you look

like you shaved
in an awful hurry.

You wouldn’t happen
 to be a detective

would you, detective?

Just hold still.

Got it.

Never can be too safe
these days, you know?

Oh, now that... that is low.

Hello, doctor.

What’s up, doc?

I guess he liked the feel
 of wet tile on bare skin.

Or maybe bare skin
 on bare skin.

Well, no signs
of any company.

No, he mixed champagne
with allergy pills.

Got too relaxed,
slid in, and drowned.

So why did you call us?

Because the recently departed
 was on our party list.

This is the cat I was trying
 to cozy up to last night.

Ah, your loan-out gig in bunko.

Yes, we were both
 at the disc club.

That’s Jack Sorkin’s place.

The one
 with the cameras.

Sorkin and Kurtz
 are video counterfeiters.

Bunko got a tip
 that the business

is headed for a shake out.

I would say it’s already
 starting to happen.

Sergeants, from what I see,
I have to call this an accident.

Any blow to the head?

Nothing like that.

Bruises? Scratches?

Not even a mosquito bite.

Check under the nails.

They’ve been in chlorine
 for six hours.


What is it?

I’ll need a microscope to tell.


Epidermic and hematic matter.

Skin and blood.

Skin and blood.

Like he tried
to scratch somebody.

Somebody was holding his head
under the water.

I knew he wasn’t alone
 last night.

Thank you, doctor.

You’ve been holding out
on me again, haven’t you?

No, I thought about
 stopping by around : am

but I figured
 there you were

all curled up
 with your little Teddy bear

you know... old Edgar.

It’s Albert.


Now, what else
haven’t you told me?

Well, your pal
 Donnie "dogs"

met with Kurtz
behind closed doors.

He is not my pal.

Try telling him that.

Look, will you stay
 and write this up?

I got to get over
 to the disc club

and check out
 sonny’s tub mate.

All right.

Bye, guys.

Jack sorkin.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

Palm beach
police department.

Bet you’re here
about Sonny Kurtz.

News travels fast.

Hey, it was
on the morning news.

Too bad though.
Hell of a nice guy.


He left here last night
with a girl--

I believe her name
was Lisa--

’", brunette.

Oh, lovely Lisa.

Well, she may have
left with him

but she came back
in a hurry.

You see, she was here
all night.

Wait a minute.

Your fire limit’s what?

I bet it’s .

You had people
 in here last night.

Pretty convenient
 to remember

the comings and goings
of one person.

Convenience had
nothing to do with it.

Every once in a while,
 one of our patrons

gets a little carried away
on the disc.

It makes them... memorable.

( Dance music playing )


If there were

here last night
 like you said

of them
 had their eyes

on that girl right there.

She did this
for about two hours.

Well, the M.E. Put
 the time of death

the same time

as your friend’s
jiggle show.

Maybe Kurtz and some other babe
 are howling

at the moon.

He digs
 his fingernails

into her back.

Then, depleted
 of his manly strength

he nods off in the tub.

There was something
other than champagne

in the bloodstream.

The allergy pills.

It’s a similar compound,
but it’s inconclusive.

I think we’re dealing
with a smart k*ller.

The last time Franny and I
 were in a jacuzzi together

I broke out in hives
the size of grapefruits.


So, which of these video gonifs

benefits from offing Kurtz?

Well, we’re not sure.

I’m trying
to set up a meeting

with Donnie "dogs" debarto

to see if he can tell us.

I’m going to talk to Lisa.

Maybe she knows
who was at Kurtz’s.

You can’t tell me

you didn’t get
her phone number

when you were undercover.

Some of us don’t have
to hustle dates

on the job.

Excuse me.

The bartender was
very cooperative.

He had to call her a cab.

They’re going through the logs
as we speak.

Pardon me.

Are you two

What? You’re waiting
 for the bell to ring?

Go. Go!

Uh... thank you, sir.


( Knocking )

Just a sec.



I wanted to say I’m sorry

about your friend
Sonny Kurtz.

Do I know you?

The disc club last night.

Oh, oh, right. Um...

I’m glad I’m so memorable.

It’s Sergeant Lorenzo,
palm beach P.D.

Mind if I come in?

Yeah. Sure.


I’m a little under dressed
 for an inquisition.

I’ve seen you in a lot less.

Oh, my dance last night?

Your dance last night.

Oh, my... I’m
 so embarrassed.

Um... Sonny turned out
 to be a real jerk.

Not that I’m happy
 he’s dead or anything

it’s just that he
started pawing at me

before I could even
 get into the car.

I’m not that kind
 of girl, you know?


No, I didn’t think
that you were that kind of girl.

Could... I’m
going to change.

Yeah. Yeah.

I, um...

I went back to the club

and had a few drinks.

One too many, I guess.

Unless you’re auditioning
 for a new line of work

I’d say you had one too many.

No one has to pay me.

If I want someone
 to see me naked, they do.


Want a drink?

No, thanks.

I’m on duty.

But I will settle
 for some answers.

Did you see anybody

leave with Sonny?

Soon as I dumped that jerk,
 believe me

I wasn’t looking back.

Sounds like you
didn’t know him

very long.

I’ve only been here two weeks.

I was, um...
Just testing the waters.

Thought it was time

to get out
 of the rust belt.

What did you decide?

About Sonny?

No, about the waters.

They were a little chilly

but they’re starting
to warm up a bit.

Do you know who Sonny
met with last night?

No, he was always doing business
 on a cellular phone

you know, but if I
 remember something

I could call you
or something.

I’d appreciate that.

Would it make up
for me

not remembering
 who you were?


Just consider it
a community service.

you do your job too well.

I thought
after sonny’s accident

the other two would
come around, but...

The pathetic wimps
want to believe

it really was an accident.

I handled it in a way
that will never get back to you.

Maybe you knew
it would mean more work.

What can I tell you?

I’m big on the work ethic.

Well then, pretend
you’re on vacation.

I’ll give Sid rivers
and George D’amatto

one more chance to sell me
 their businesses.

And if they don’t?

As we discussed. per.

Jack, Jack, you are not
thinking like a businessman.

I do one more.
 everything seems to work out.

Then a month later

your last little friend

might change
his mind, right?

So? I fly you back in.

Yeah, which will put me
on the line

and which will cost you big.

I’ll make you an offer
 right now, okay?

Half a million,
 package deal.

I do one or I do both,
same price.

What kind of deal is that?

The kind... with lots
 of fringe benefits.

In fact, I have an alibi
for the next job

that you would not believe.


Thanks for coming.

Rita Lance.

What a pleasant

Uh... are we being bugged?

If we are, I’m going to fire

that big jamoke
 over there.

Didn’t I invite you to lunch?

Do you think
 a man in my position

accepts luncheon invitations
from our city’s finest?

Right. Of course.

So I just happen to be here

and here you are.

Saw that schmo partner
 of yours last night

the second I walked
into that cockamamie disc club.

You wanted to speak to me,
 so I allowed this to happen.

So you already have an idea
of what I want

to talk to you about.

Stop. Smell the antipasto.

I got prosciutto here--


Tonno in oil.

Whether they k*lled
 the porpoise to get it

I don’t know.

 thank you.

( Dog growling )

He loves porpoises.

Listen, Don...

Ah. Sit. Eat.

I want to explain
 a few things to you

so you know
 what you’re eating.


Now, you take this prosciutto.

Perfectly smoked. Hand-cut.

A valuable commodity. Correct?


One slice of prosciutto
for the lady.

Now, suppose there’s
some other guy over here

also makes prosciutto?

What happens now?


I gain ten pounds,
I get sick of prosciutto.


The price of prosciutto
 goes down.

See what I’m saying?

Is this the kind of prosciutto
 that comes in a box

and plays movies?

Prosciutto-- they’re making it
 all over the country.

It’s tough to compete.

One thing
 never changes.

The pigs are very unhappy.


You still have
 to get the prosciutto

from the butcher
 to the smokehouse

to the market.

How do you do that?

By truck.

Another slice of prosciutto

for the lovely lady.

So, the competition
drives the price

of the bootleg movies down

but the guy
who owns the trucks--

he continues
to profit.

Who said anything about movies?

The more prosciutto
that the guy has to deliver

the more bacon
he gets to bring home.


I think the young lady

understands the fine art
 of antipasto.

Jack Sorkin’s got
 a trucking operation.

That’s how he got started

in the bootleg business
in the first place.

Never mention
that dirtbag’s name.

But I will
 tell you this--

Sonny Kurtz was
 a real sweet kid.

 let’s get to the main course.

 so, you know what else
 he told me?

Whenever wiseguys
 hire outside sh**t

they must always go back
 to their hometown.

You know something?

If I didn’t know better
and I don’t

I’d say
you like Donnie "dogs."

He’s colorful.


And roughly the same size
as, oh, Edgar the bear.

It’s Albert.

Sorkin is from Detroit.

I called a friend
 at Detroit P.D.

I asked her to send
 a list of hitters.

See if it matches anything
 we come up with here.

Just promise me one thing.

When you and Donnie
go on Donahue

don’t use my name.

Check it out.

My goodness.

Looks like some merchandise
is changing hands.

Yes, it does.

What do you say we go punch
their eject button

and see what comes out?


Oh. This is way too well made.

That’s why we get

a little bit
 more per unit

than you do.

You two guys
wouldn’t be colluding

on price, now, would you?

George and I have formed
 a temporary alliance.

Oh, good. So now I only have
to deal with one of you.

Sorkin, we’ve heard your spiel.

You said
you had some information

about Sonny Kurtz.

That’s why we’re here.

Right. I thought maybe you guys
would be interested in the fact

that the type of accident he had
 could be contagious.

You buzzed Sonny, didn’t you?

An accident,
in the light of which

I’m offering to buy out
your businesses, your inventory

and all of your
 distribution contracts.

I didn’t think
 you had the guts to do it

but I’m not surprised.

Name your price.

Sonny was wet behind the ears.

He hung around
 with those Hollywood types.

Your threats aren’t going
to work with me.

Like I told Sonny--

I say my piece,
and then I do what I have to do.

You listen to me,
you two-bit truck driver.

Pull with me
what you did with Sonny

and you’ll have
a full-scale w*r.

Thanks for the tape, Sid.

I’ve never seen
this one.


Mr. Sorkin, a pleasure
to see you again.

Meet my partner
Sergeant Lance.


Fatal proposal, huh?

Think I’ve lived
that one before.

What do you think, detective?
Is it real?

Maybe you’d like
 to see a receipt.

No, I wouldn’t like
to see a receipt.

If I were you

I would see as many movies
as I could

while I was still
a free man.

I don’t know what you guys
 think I did wrong

but when you figure it out,
please, let me know.

Well, I’m sure
 you and Lisa

will have a great time
 watching that tonight.

It’s not a date.


It’s not a date.

You’re not still
on duty, I hope. Hmm?

No. I got off duty
about an hour and a half ago.

I’m really glad
that you came back.

Being new in town,
it’s hard to meet new people.

No. Come on, Lisa.

I bet you meet new people
all the time.

Not the right people.

So, you were telling me
 about Sid rivers

and Sonny Kurtz.

Right. The last time
that you were here

I wasn’t thinking too clearly.

But then I remembered

that a few nights
before Sonny and I went out

on our first date,
more or less

and he got a phone call

and then he got really angry

and he started talking about
something like tomahtoes.

I mean,
that’s how he said it.


You say to-may-toes

I say to-mah-toes.

Wait a minute.

Could it have been D’amatto?

George D’amatto?

Yeah. It could be.

Does that help you?



Maybe since you’re off duty,
you know

we don’t have to talk
about that stuff.

You could tell me
about yourself.


Come on.

There’s not much
 to tell actually.

Uh, local boy takes
 a walk on the wild side

and then he goes straight.

You had parents, though, right?

Yeah. More or less.

I moved in with my grandma rose
 when I was in high school.

You don’t know
how lucky you were.

My folks were k*lled
in an accident

right after I was born.

And... I spent my whole life
in foster homes.

You didn’t have
any other relatives?

I tried really hard not to need
 more than they could give.

I mean, I understood the score.

I was an outsider, you know

and I could deal with it

on one level, kind of.

But, I mean,
I was just a kid.

And it was
always something--

a new family
or new foster parents

or a new school.

After a while

I just thought that it
was my fault, you know?

You were a teenager?

Well, that’s
when I got really bad.

Emotions get out of control
at that age

it can be tough.

I’m not talking about pimples
or boys or sex.

I’m talking about dreading

every day
of my life, okay?



I’m sorry. I didn’t mean

to, um, go off on you.

It’s just that
 it’s right here all the time.

You know what I mean?

I’m sorry.

It’s okay.

It’s okay.

You know, you seem
 pretty together to me.

I finally found a friend...

Who made me look at my life
 and to look at me

and who convinced me
that I mattered.

I guess I need
 that reinforcement.

Maybe that’s why

I get too close to people

too fast sometimes.

Maybe that should tell us

to slow this thing down.

Or to go
as fast as we can.

You’re not just
a little bit scared?


Not with you, Chris.

I feel safe with you.

I’ve felt this way
all the way from the beginning.

Did you?



They say a tin shield
and romance

don’t mix well either

but funny thing about romance--
  sometimes it sneaks up on you

like that first cold chill
  on an ocean fog.

Sometimes romance
  is just another name

for two people thrown together
  in the heat of the moment.


Yeah, it’s me.

Everything’s set.

Yeah, he’s here.


( Horn honking )

( Phone ringing )

( Ringing continues )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

 yeah, listen.

We got two more guests of honor.

George D’amatto
 and his bodyguard.

The two detectives
 responding to the call

said it was robbery.

I think we’d better
crash the party.


Oh, um...
 I tried you at the house.

I got up early.

Thought I’d get
 a little exercise.

Exercise? Really?

That doesn’t sound
like you at all.

Yeah, well,
 you know I’m flexible.

What about Lisa?

Is she flexible too?

See you in a bit, okay?

How close is our
surveillance on sorkin?

If he sneezes,
 we can wipe his nose.

He was nowhere near
George D’amatto.

The same thing goes
 for Sorkin’s man.

Donnie dogs
 led me to believe

that sorkin hired
 outside help.

Maybe someone
 will turn up

in this stuff
 from Detroit P.D.

Any officers
canvassing the bar?

Yeah, couple of uniforms.

And since I trust them
the way I do

I think one of you
 should get down there

and do it
 again, huh?

Captain, can I borrow
my partner for a second?

Yeah, if you stop
 grinning like that.

You hear this good.

Nobody around here enjoys life
until I find out

why guys are
 getting waxed

right under
 my nose.

You got that?


What do you got?

Does this look
like anyone we know?

If that’s hair
under that cap

I’d say she looks

a lot like that topless dancer,
 confidante, informant.

She’s a better dancer
 than she is informant.

Why doesn’t that
surprise me?

She was caught leaving the scene
 of an alleged mob hit.

Same description came

from a similar hit
 in Chicago.

No names, no leads.

( Sighs )


You dog.

You slept
 with her

didn’t you?

You did.

I can see it
 in your eyes.

Let’s just say
 I spent the night with her.

But you didn’t sleep.

Of course
 you slept.

You needed your rest.

Before you jump
to any conclusions...

Why don’t you see

if you can pull some prints
 off of this.

Well, Christopher,
 you never cease to amaze me.

Even in a tender moment,
your cop instincts

were unflagging,
amongst other things, I’m sure.

Well, thank you
 for the vote of confidence.

Hey, butch and Sundance.

Bunko’s moving in
 on Sid rivers.

You want in?

Uh... which one of us
is butch?

You are.


Thanks, captain.

Go, go, go, go.

You’re going

to a very lonely place,

What are you guys,

I get my mouthpiece
 on the phone

I’ll be behind my desk
 in two hours.

Guess where
they were headed?

That’s a warehouse
for Sorkin’s club.

Sorkin finally
got to you, didn’t he?

Read me my rights
 and give me my two dimes.

You’re a tough guy,
aren’t you, Sid?

But not so tough
when you heard

about George D’amatto
getting popped.

Why do I
get the feeling

that it was
Sid’s turn next?

If we can keep Sid
under wraps

we got a way
to flush sorkin out.

Then we can nail his hitter
in the act.

You know, and I think I know
just the way to do it.



Fresh from Tuscano’s bakery.

I’m impressed.

Come all the way
out here

just to bring me

Well, why else?

Do you think I’d be caught

consorting with a known
 underworld figure?

It’s okay, dutchy.

This officer’s
just having

a little fun.

This cop thing
is standing in your way.


How else would you explain

an exceptional woman
 like yourself

and no man in her life?

Uh, no, thanks.

Actually, I’m glad
 you brought that up.

I need your advice
on something--

my social life.

Well, that’s why I’m here.

Well, good.

Let’s just say--

that I’m dating two guys
in the same business.

I could see that happening.


it turns out
they’re both stinkers.

So I start to think to myself

"wouldn’t it be great
to set them

against each other?"

Make one think

the other one
 shot him down.

Start two businessmen

amongst themselves.



My beautiful rose
turns out to be

a Venus flytrap.

I love this.

Exactly what business
 are we talking here?

The prosciutto business.

See, unfortunately

my two beaus are the only

prosciutto makers
 left in town.

I heard they were slicing it
 pretty thin.


the guy
 with the trucks

is expecting a shipment
 from the other guy

only it’s never going to arrive.

So I thought
 it would be interesting

if word got out
on the street

that he barreled his pork
somewhere else.

Why would I want
 to be involved with this?

Well, like you said,
 sonny Kurtz was a sweet kid.


You were just about
to write me a check.

Change of plans.

Sid Rivers’ shipment
never made it.

Word is he’s selling out
to some New York boys.

Aren’t you glad
you made that deal with me?


I’ll sign
one of these for you

when you’re all done.

Oh, too bad.

My juices always flow
whenever I see your signature.

Look, it’s got
to be done soon, okay?

I need some peace of mind
on this.


You come to my place
this afternoon

and I’ll take care
of everything.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Hi, Chris.
 it’s me, Lisa.

Lisa, where are you?

At my apartment

and something really bad
 is going to happen.

Tell me what’s going to happen.

I can’t.

I need you to come here, okay?

I need your help, Chris.



Uh... you just sit tight.


Very convincing,
little sister.

You were born

three minutes before me

and you get to call
 all the sh*ts.

What would I do
 without you?

Don’t think like that.

No one’s ever going
to separate us again.

I want to go home.

Just a few more hours, Lana.

I promise.

Lisa, I don’t know
 if I can do this.

You have to, okay?

Or everything falls apart.

Don’t think about it.

Just do it.

See me doing it.

It’s not even
like it’s you.

It’s me, okay?

Come here.

What is this?

I’ll sweat to death
 in this thing.

Well, there are
 worse fates, Sid.

 in your case.

I can’t believe I’m
 going along with this.

You have no choice,

You could run from sorkin
all your life

or go straight to prison.

Sid, meet your
new bodyguards

officers Johnson

and Gutierrez.

These guys are going
to stop a b*llet for me?

You’ll have police protection
every step of the way.

Lee Harvey Oswald
 had protection too.

Look where it got him.

Look at the bright side.

You might be mentioned

in the next
 Oliver stone movie.

So, got everything
all set up?

Yeah. We put out a hot tip

that Sid is moving his
inventory to a new location.

My guess is

that sorkin will try
to hit on him then.

Stick with Sid.

Look at this first.

What is it?

Open it.

Lisa Bannon...

a.k.a. Lana Bannon.


Laura Barkley.


Get Lorenzo on the horn.

I want this girl
in here for questioning.

No more playing footsie
under the table.

Yes, sir.

( Telephone rings )

Yeah. Lorenzo.

We got the yellow sheets
 in on Lisa.

What’s the verdict?
 do I let her meet the family?

Not unless
it’s the Toreno family.

Her rap sheet
 could paper this bullpen.

She’s got smash and grabs

armed robbery...

No prostitution, though.

Good. We’re safe then.


She hasn’t been arrested
for three years.

Something doesn’t make sense.

What? I’m at her apartment.
What doesn’t make sense?

She did two months in Taconik

the same time she served
 for embezzlement in Dixon.

That’s not what they mean
 by concurrent sentences.

Was she printed
at both places?

Yeah. When they’ve
 got a felon

all they’re doing is
 checking them in.

Maybe the unnamed photo
never cross-checked the prints.

Same S.S. And same
 FBI Pad number.

Maybe the dates are wrong.


Does the blood type on the raps

match what the M.E. Found

underneath Kurtz’s nails?

B positive and... B positive.

All right, sergeant.
Come on. Let’s go.

Uh, Chris, listen.

We’re on our way out
 right now with Sid.

You stay close
 partner, okay?

You be careful.

Okay. Bye.

Hi. Come on in.


You sounded upset
on the phone.

Everything okay?

I just wanted

to talk to you
 about some things.

It’s okay. It’s okay.

Come here.

Whatever it is you need,
I’m here for you, okay?

You feel so good.

Looks like you got scratched

since yesterday.

I did?

I don’t know
 how I did that.

Lisa Bannon

you’re under arrest
for the m*rder of Sonny Kurtz.

You know, you don’t even
kiss like your sister.

Where is she?

Hold off on the family
reminiscing, okay?

( Chuckling )

Do you take turns

or did she ask
to do Sid

to stay in practice?

What’s he talking about?

Shut up, Jack.

You don’t know, Jack?
You don’t know why she comes up

with these air-tight
alibis, do you?

You have a lot
of explaining to do.

Why did you bring
 a cop here?

He saw me leave with Sonny.

When I found out
 he was a cop

I kept an eye on him.

I’m glad you gave that job
to your sister.

She’s friendlier.

What’s all this
sister business?

My twin sister Lana.

Lana was afraid she
couldn’t finish you off

if you started
 figuring things out

so I sent her to do Sid.

That’s a crock.

You’re the hitter.

Your sister

never k*lled anybody.

There’s a first time
for everything.

How you guys doing, huh?

Okay. Now, as soon
 as you see her

make a turn, and you follow her
 very closely.

My nose is k*lling me, man.

That’s her.
 stay where you are.

I don’t think she sees us.

I can’t do this, Lisa.

I’m sorry.

I can’t do this.

What the hell happened?

I have no idea.
 call Chris.

If he’s still at her

he can head her off.

What the hell is going
on here?

You said your partner
 would take care of Sid.

Right. As soon as it’s done

you’re going to help me
k*ll this cop.

You got me k*lling
a cop?

( Telephone rings )

It’s not as clean
as I’m used to.

We’ll be long gone
by time they find

our friend here

at the bottom of a swamp.

Give me the cuffs.
Give me the cuffs!

Put them on him
from behind.

You know all about cuffs,
 don’t you?

She doesn’t always
 get away with this stuff.

That’s before I found Lana.

You think you’ve got
 the perfect alibi.

As far as your computers
 are concerned

there is no Lana Bannon.
 two people, one I.D.

It’s perfect.

I’ll bet Lana loves that.

You have no idea what it’s like
 to be so close to someone.

We are the same person.

( Screams )


You won’t bleed
to death

if you tell them
where you’re at.

Drop the g*n.

Unless you want your sister
to end up alone again

you drop the g*n.


You think you know, huh?

I know what your sister said
about your parents dying.

She left out some details,
but I think it was the truth.

It was.

I’m sorry, Chris,
you’ll have

to let my sister go.

He’s not going to do it


sh**t him now, okay?

I couldn’t k*ll Sid.

I’m sorry, Lisa.
 I couldn’t do it.

That doesn’t matter, okay?
This matters.


we’ll get you some help.

My guess is you haven’t
k*lled anybody.

You don’t understand, Chris.

Lisa and I each thought
 we were alone.

Then we both went looking
for our birth parents

at the same time.

Isn’t that amazing?

And then we found each other.

They’re going
 to separate us again.

Now, sh**t him!

You all right?

Everything’s fine.

Lana was just about
to put her g*n down.


think about before
we found each other.

We’ll never be
 together again

for the rest of your life.

We’ll never be
 together again.

( No audio )

It’s okay.

We’ll always be together.



Come on.

Please don’t die.

Please. Come on.

Come on.

Wake up. Please.



Chris, you think my being a cop

is preventing me from having
a normal relationship?

What are you
 talking about?

We have a normal

Yeah, I mean, I mean...

a little less platonic.

Oh, Rita, I had no idea.

Not with you, you hound.

No. I mean...

You are totally

That’s not true.

I’m sorry.

I didn’t mean that.

No, it’s all right.

You know, I wonder
 what it was like

for Lana and Lisa.

Growing up separately

and then suddenly
 finding each other.

That’s got to be tough.


Why did Lisa have to use
her sister like that?

I don’t know.

I guess maybe that happens
sooner or later

in all relationships.

Not in ours.

No. Not in ours.

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