03x03 - To Serve and Protect

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x03 - To Serve and Protect

Post by bunniefuu »

( Rock music playing )

This is a good deal
for your club here, Donnie.

What are you, nuts?

Trying to get my girls
to join the union.

What’s your angle,

I’ll be shop steward.

Your people,
my people

go together
like bacon and eggs.

Think of pension funds
and fringe benefits.

No girl

can drop her top
without a card.

We’ll control every strip joint
this side of...

No union, no way.

I’m all hot and sweaty.

Words paint pictures,

You talk cheap,
you seem cheap.

Ladies bead delicately
with pearls of dew.

Follow me?

You’re incredible.

You’re incredible.

Cotton’ll take you home
after your next bit.

Get some rest.

You got finals tomorrow.

Mr. Torino wants a word.

He wants you to have this.

Tell him to shove this up...
Forget it.

I’ll do this myself.

How you doing, doughnuts?

Get out
of my club, Tony.

I’m not going
to tell you twice, get out.

You said you weren’t
going to tell me twice.

That’s twice.

Your word means squat.

You mean squat.

Don’t bore me with this
tough-guy stuff.

Don’t touch, he’s sick.

That’s too bad.

I moved to Miami
for my health.

I’m looking to expand
my business horizons.

I’m looking for a partner.

I thought you’d be
that partner.

But you said no.

I’m asking you again.

Be my partner, doughnuts.

For your health.

Don’t push me, Tony,
people’ll get hurt.

You going
to sit on them?

Think about it.

We can make money together

or you go broke alone.

Your choice.

Joining the union
will be great, Christy.

They have a dental plan,
did I tell you?


Time and a half
for overtime.

Meal breaks.

Do you think
it’s fair

you have to pay
for your costume?

I got my costume free
when I was born.

Don’t jam me up

with Mr. Dibarto, cotton.

I need this job.

You won’t need it long.

Donnie’s sweet on you.

Everybody’s talking
about it.

( Tires screeching )

Whoa, now,
let’s not get crazy.

We can talk...

( Horn sounding )

Let’s go,
let’s go!

( Christine squealing )

( Phone ringing )

Oh, this better be
life or death.

Somebody’s going to die

unless you guys
do something, buddy.

I’m at mercy general.

Donnie’s girlfriend’s here
and it looks bad.

What happened?

I’ll tell you when you get here.

Bring Rita,
Donnie listens to her.

Cotton, don’t play cryptic.

What’s going on?

Does the expression

"going to the mattresses"
mean anything to you?

They were on us
before I could move.

They grabbed Christine

and tore her up
something terrible.

Donnie’s in there now.

Take a
deep breath.

Who is they?

It was them.

The ones
in the club tonight.

You’ll get your revenge,
I swear to you.

You get some rest now,

I’ll take care of everything.

Donnie, how is she?

She only used those teeth
to eat with, right?

Let me through.

Cotton can
identify them.

Let us deal
with this.

Maybe I get there first,
I save you time.

Don’t do
something stupid.

He did something stupid,
my friend.

I’ll take
the stairs alone.

k*ll the butt.

Dutchy’s got
a sinus problem.

You called me.

We going to do
business, Donnie?

You damn right we are.

It looks like
Mr. Torino

just bought himself
a mother of a payback.

Are you out of your minds?

Do you have any concept
of day and night?

The dark part
is night.

Who is it, Harry?

Two crazy people,

I’ll make coffee.

All right,
come on in.

I get it.

I’m new to the division

so you want to see
if I can take a joke.

I hate jokes.

Sit down.

This couldn’t wait.

We just overheard

Donnie dogs dibarto
hiring a hit man.

We know
the victim.

Donnie dogs dibarto
from Brooklyn?

You got to be
kidding me.

I used to roust him

when I walked a beat,
nd precinct.

We called him
Donnie doughnuts

’cause that’s what he did.

He went
for doughnuts.

A pisher
in Anthony Torino’s crew.

So small he couldn’t
get himself arrested.

Now he’s hiring hit men.

What a town, this palm beach.

All right, so who’s the hittee?

Anthony Torino.

He’s going to k*ll
"toe tag" Tony?

Yeah, sure,
two down front, please.

Torino’s been
muscling dibarto.

He beat up
his girlfriend.

We were at
the hospital.

We heard Donnie
order the hit.


He beat up his girlfriend.


Why were two homicide cops

at the hospital
with a two-bit...


Make that a penny-ante mob guy?

Uh, it’s a little complicated.

Uh, Rita has... has a kind
of relationship with him.

Swell, one of my cops has
a relationship with a gangster.

He hears about things.

Sometimes we have lunch
and he lets those things slip.

Not good.

This is not a good thing.

You lay down
with dogs--

the expression--

you’ll get up with fleas.

So what does he ask in return
for these things he hears?

Uh... he’s got
a crush on her.

Oh, well, sure, well,
that explains everything.

Hi. No, no, no.

Don’t get up.

There you go.

It’s decaf,
have all you want.

Mrs. Lipschitz,
I’m Chris Lorenzo

this is Rita.

We met
at the station.

Oh, I remember.

You were in Harry’s office,
with the door closed.

We’re sorry for waking
you up, Mrs. Lipschitz.

No, please,
call me Fran.


What makes you think

we were sleeping?

Uh, thanks for
the coffee, Fran.

Oh, you’re welcome.

Oh, I get it.

"Here’s your hat,
what’s your hurry?"

The old bum’s rush.

Don’t let the door
hit you in the butt.

I’m going.

I’m already gone.

Oh, Rita?


I believe in an
open-door policy.

I mean, two attractive people
in a room together

and I’m not saying
anything might happen

but why risk it?


Keep the door open,
won’t you, sweetheart?

Better safe
than sorry.

Night-night, tootems.

We were at this big charity ball
in New York--

Fran warned Cher
to keep away from me.

It’s your call,

What do we do about
this situation
with Torino?

I guess we better warn him.

I don’t care
if the doctor’s sleeping.

Dutchy’s nasal drip
is getting out of hand.

I’ll hold.

Doc, finally. Listen up.

That medicine you gave Dutchy
didn’t take.

It’s just making him tired.

No, no change.

( g*nshots, glass shatters )

We better get the hell
out of here, Dutchy.

( Dutchy whimpers )

Got every uniform
in palm beach

looking for Torino

and not a trace.

Isn’t that
Dibarto’s hit man?

Yeah. So why
isn’t he in cuffs?

I don’t know.

Lance. Lorenzo.

Say hello
to Peter Dexter.

Heads the Miami
organized-crime unit.


He was with dibarto
last night.

Maybe we ought to
take this into
your office, captain?

It’s taken me almost six months

to talk Donnie dibarto
into testifying against Torino.

Now that I’m ready
to score, he bolts.

If someone
shot at me

I might run,

You were
guarding him.

He almost
got k*lled.

What happened?

I went for some food.

You left him wide open.

You’re out of line.

It’s so dry
in here

a cactus
couldn’t survive.

I can’t breathe

with the air conditioning.

I been working Anthony Torino

since he came
to Florida.

Dibarto knows where
his skeletons are buried

and he’s ready to talk.

What makes you think
we can help?

He knows about your relationship
with dibarto.

You’re the talk

of the underworld

lonely hearts


If, or when, he contacts you,
I want to know.

Sounds like an order.

All right.

You’ll have the full cooperation
of my officers.

( Horn honking )

( Horn honking )

Cotton, what’s up?

A friend of yours
is trying to reach you.

( Dutchy whimpers )


You got
to help me, Rita.

You’re the only one I can trust.

Dibarto is where... with who?

You know,
for a minute there

I could have
sworn you said

he was with Rita Lance--

a homicide detective
under my command.

Nah, must be the water
I got in my ear

from the shower
this morning, huh?

Come on, he trusts her, captain.

Put yourself
in his shoes.

He turns himself
over to Dexter

and, boom, somebody
tries to take him out.

He can’t tell good guys
from bad.

Here’s a news flash, Lorenzo.

Dibarto is one
of the bad guys.

Now you and
Lance grab him.

Bring him in here for
delivery to Dexter-- now.

You’re still in my office.

Why are you still
in my office?

I know who and what
Donnie dibarto is

but we owe him one.

He walked in on a couple
of sting operations

we ran last year.

If he’d said one word,
we’d be dead-- but he didn’t.

That buys him
a face-to-face with you.

Loyalty’s a great thing--
I’m big on loyalty.

But in the wrong hands,
it’s a dangerous thing.

But he saved our lives.

Don’t con yourself.

The only reason dibarto
kept his mouth shut is

he knew you’d owe him a favor.

When you owe a punk

he owns you.

Cops cozying up
to gangsters--

it stinks.

I hate it.

Get dibarto
for delivery to Dexter.

You got a problem
with that, Lorenzo?

You’re damn right I do
and so will Rita.

If we turn him
over and he dies...

We got to live with that.

Are you disobeying
a direct order?

Meet with him, cap.

Hear him out,
that’s all I’m asking.

If you want us to turn
him over after that...

It’s a done deal.

Captain Lipschitz--

just the man
I was looking for.

You know my campaign
manager, Paige Hamilton.

Where are we on
the McDowell case?

Let’s talk in
your office.

Hold on, you’re not
cutting a deal.

There isn’t a jury that wouldn’t
convict on a m*rder one.

Juries are unpredictable,
dangerous animals.

We’ve reviewed it and
the margin for error

is too large
for comfort

on a case with
this much visibility.

A plea bargain in
this situation...


We? Who the hell is we?

Is she calling
the sh*ts?

Certainly not.
I agree with Paige.

The case is risky.

How do you
look at yourself

in the morning,

Ow! Oh!

Whoa! My back is
k*lling me.

Do you call
that a seat?

They’ve got things
called shock absorbers.

Give them a try,
they work.

He’s in there, huh?

Yeah, I’ll get him.

No, that’s okay.

Just keep your
eyes open.

Harry the lip--

long time no see.

That’s capt. Lipschitz,

Don’t call me that.

Oh! Pardon me.

What is it now-- dogs?

You reinvented yourself
down here, didn’t you?

That’s a cute dog.

What is that,
a schnauzer or what?

You wouldn’t know a chihuahua
from a pit bull.

Dutchy’s a
miniature Dobie.

How do you like it
down here, Harry?

I hate it.

Sun, sun, more sun.

Palm trees up the wazoo.

It’s the most monotonous
place in the world.

I been here six years,
it grows on you.

Like a fungus I got
from the humidity.

Get down.

All right.

Rolling over on "toe tag" Tony

takes a lot of stones.

The guys looking
to whack you out

better take
a number.

They’ll be pinning
a medal on me

I get him sent away.

Everybody hates him.

It ain’t my people
I’m sweating, Harry.

This Miami cop is supposed
to be watching out for me.

Ba-DA-bing, ba-DA-boom,
they’re taking sh*ts at me.

What are you saying,
Dexter’s dirty?

I’m saying this...

You want me to sing
Tony’s swan song

accommodations will
have to be made.

Namely, Lance and Lorenzo
tuck me in every night

until it’s
over with.

Forget about it.

Wait a minute!

It wasn’t me that spit on you
at Yankee stadium

and called your wife
filthy names, Harry.

It was Tony
"toe tag" Torino.

It wasn’t Harry the lip
he called you, it was...

I know what
he called me.

Harry the lip?

I could put him away.

You don’t play,
I don’t play!

Torino’s future
is in your hands.

All right, as of right now
you’re in protective custody.

Lorenzo, Lance,
you’re holding G
his chain.

The Miami cop knows bupkis
until you find out

who’s trying to take me out,

Don’t capisce me, Marlon Brando.

Looks like we’re
going to be roomies.

I’ve dreamed of seeing
your boudoir, Rita.

They’ve probably got
my place staked out.

We’re going to
need a safe house

with food and

Give me an hour to set it up.

I’ll need a few things.

What, I’m your grocery boy now?

Don’t forget the wine, Harry.

What? Stay there.

I want that hospital
watched hours a day.

No one’s seen him.

I never pegged this guy
for a rat.

A mouse maybe, but never a rat.

If I know
you’re hunting me

I’m gone, I’m way
out of palm beach.

That’s good, Richie.

That’s why you’re
sitting on your ass

eye-popping my women
instead of looking for him.

Look at Gus.

Want some crab, Gus?

Be my guest.


Go find dibarto!

Before that Miami
cop does, you hear me?!

He could send me away forever!

Find that
son of a bitch!

( Dutchy growling )

Tickle him under the chin.

Can’t I put him down?

Haven’t his feet
ever touched the ground?

He’s not feeling
up to par.

Don’t you like dogs?

Yeah, I like
dogs, Donnie.

This isn’t a dog,
it’s a hood ornament.

Now you’re
insulting him.


You like the nice policeman,
don’t you, Dutchy boy?

Aw! I got
good news, guys.

Lipschitz says Christie
is doing much better.

They’ll release her
in a couple of days.

That’s fantastic.

Could I see her?

No, we can’t
take that chance.

I agreed to testify

not to be held hostage here.

You want out,
say the word.

This was your idea.

Somebody’s trying
to k*ll you, Donnie.

Unless we narrow
the list down,
we stay here.

How’s Dutchy doing?

His nose is still
a bit warm.

Take his temperature again.

you do it.


My thermometer is in the case.

Yeah, okay.

How do I keep
the thermometer
in his mouth?

Don’t go in his mouth.


A couple of officers
are missing in action.

Dispatch hasn’t heard

from Lance and Lorenzo
since yesterday

and they’re both on duty.

That seems curious to me.

You let me worry
about my people, Dexter.

I thought we were working
together on this.

My officers are out there
trying to find dibarto.

What the hell
are you doing?

Maybe they
already found him.

This isn’t a
game, captain.

I’ve been working Torino
since last year.

I won’t let two local yokels
blow my best shot.

You’re a guest
in my house, mister.

Watch your mouth!

Lorenzo and Lance
are the best I’ve got.

If Dibarto’s with them,
he’s in very good hands.

What is this,
the mushroom treatment?

You keep me in the dark...

My officers will contact you

if and when they
feel it prudent.

Until then

stay out of my face!

Hey, cotton!

Is this about that
track mix-up?

Tell Ramon I’ll make
good those markers

by this weekend.

You work for
Donnie dibarto.

You seen him around?

Nobody has--
who might you be?

We’ve got friends
in common--

Lance and Lorenzo.

You know where
I can find them?

I haven’t seen
them in days.

But if I do

I’ll tell them you’re
looking for them.

You do that.

Boy, am I glad
to see you!

Boy, the guy was
sh**ting up the place.

I barely got out of there.

I don’t think he saw me, though.

Well, if he saw you,
you wouldn’t be here.

Was it

What’s in a name?
It was the same cop.

I saw him in the rearview--
that’s why I called.

Yes, we’re safe, captain.

I spoke with Chris.

He said he’ll meet you
at the new place.

Otherwise we stay here
until we get the word.

Yes, I am sure
that we weren’t followed.

You shouldn’t have,
Mrs. Lipschitz.

Please, Fran.

Fran, I don’t want
to put you out.

All this trouble...

Oh no,
I’m thrilled.

I love to cook and
Harry eats pre-op.

That some kind
of special thing or what?

Pre-op-- it’s what they
give you before an operation.

Totally bland--
no spices...

No texture, no taste.

You know, we met
in a hospital?

In the cafeteria.

He went there to... eat.

How’d you find the time?

Freeze and nuke.

It’s my reason for living.

Uh, no,
she hasn’t
left yet.

Okay, I’ll tell her.

All right. Thanks, captain.

Uh, Fran...

I know, I know.

Harry wants me
to leave.

He doesn’t think
I’m safe in she hasn’t
my own house.

You guys eat,
enjoy yourself.

When you’re finished,
you’ll lock up.

It was a pleasure
to have met you.

And I got
to tell you--

for a gangster,
you’re very nice.

Thanks, Fran.

See you,

You called me,

I’ve been reviewing
the McDowell case.

It may not
be a winner

but it’s worth the fight
to put the freak away.

We need to talk
about this.

This is
a surprise, George.

I thought we
had an agreement.

Any negative
publicity this early

would have a very
damaging effect.

The guy’s
a cold-blooded
k*ller, Paige.

I can’t allow a plea
to a lesser charge.

Elections aren’t
about right or wrong.

They’re about

And I’m here
to help you win.

You’ve got to trust me.

I also got to look at
myself in the mirror.

I’m taking McDowell
to trial.

Give me a hand
with this, will you?

Now I’m a pack mule
for doughnuts dibarto.

If the guys at the nd
know about this,
I’m dead meat.

Any information
on Dexter?


He’s the Lorenzo of Miami.

Youngest in the department
to get his gold shield.

medal of valor.

Your average super cop.

He’s headed their
organized crime unit

for a couple of years.

He’s taken down
some heavy players.

So he’s in palm
standing straight up.

Did I say that?

The man’s on vacation.

They know from nothing
why he’s here.

Dracula reacts better
to this than me.

One piece of garlic toast,
I’m in intensive care.

So tell me, Rita,
what do you think?

You think I’m a rat
for testifying?

No, I think it’s terrific.

But I play for the other team.

How do
you feel?

My whole life
I live by this code:

You keep your mouth shut.

I always wanted
to be a wiseguy,
you know?

In my neighborhood,
it was a career choice.

Got old enough,
joined the crew, that was it.

Me, I crewed
for Tony Torino.

Now I’m going to rat him out.

You’ll be doing the world
a favor, Donnie.

The guy is
bad news.

I wanted to be just like him.

I wanted his life.

Big cars, flashy girls,
tipping big.

"Yes, sir, Mr. Dibarto,
your table’s ready."

Nothing but
the best.

Then I find out
I’m nothing like him.

I don’t have
the stomach for it, Rita.

Tony sends me out one time

to break this guy’s knees.

A working guy.

Got in too deep,
he couldn’t pay.

I wind up settling
the markers myself.

I tell Tony

I beat it
out of him.

Some tough gangster, huh?

Know what they
called me in New York?

Yeah. Doughnuts.

Tony said I was full of lard

and soft in the middle.

He wasn’t
too far wrong.

You’re standing up to him,

Nobody’s ever
done that before.

I would say there’s
steel in the middle.

It’s your move.

Where are you
going to resettle?

The southwest is
absolutely beautiful.

I’m staying put right here.

Are you

Witness protection is
the only chance you’ve got.

I was a nobody most of my life.

I know how that feels.

In palm beach
I’m somebody.

I’d just as
soon be dead

as be a nobody

we’d miss Rita too much.

Wouldn’t we, Dutchy boy?

Yeah, what?

Where the hell
are Lance and Lorenzo?

I’ve been leaving messages.

They don’t return my calls.

Maybe the fact that you’re
pleading out a hairball

they busted their asses to nail

has ’em a little bit angry.

What do you think, Donovan?

Tell them to have their butts

in my office for pretrial prep

no later
than the end
of the week.


Feeling a little
awkward now, Harry?

Somewhat surprised, perhaps?

Okay, so you’re doing your job.

I’ll throw you a parade.

You got a real attitude,

a real New York state of mind.

Thank you.


( Telephone rings )


Excuse me,
I didn’t see you.

That’s what they all say.

Hi, Mrs. Lipschitz.

Fran, Gracie.
Please call me Fran.

Yeah, yeah.
That’s good, Rita.

I got units on both ends
of the street.

Just sit tight

until this is all sorted out,
all right? Okay.

Franny, honey.
What a terrific surprise.

It would have even
been bigger

if I’d caught you
with Gracie

with the door closed.

Promise me, Heshie

promise me, never...

Come on,
what’s the matter?
Are you nuts?

I’m married to the
most beautiful woman
in the world.

What would
I see in her?

Two things
come to mind.

Get out of the car, now!

I said,
out of the car!

Now what?

Turn around.

Hands against
the car.

I usually get
to say that.

your backup?

., ankle.

Look, Lorenzo

I don’t blame you
being paranoid

but we’re
on the same side.

Right hand.

I’m a cop...

Give me
your right hand!

Cotton said you rousted
and followed him

and shot the safe house up.

Okay, I followed him.

But I rear-ended some old lady.

I lost him.

Check it out.

One of your patrol units
wrote it up.

Your department’s

not paying for that, hmm?

Considering you’re
down here unofficially

on vacation time?

I was trying

to avoid procedural hassles.

Don’t lie to me.

I worked dibarto

on my own time and money

for the last year.

My department won’t
cough up the bucks.

Now you two
are going to cut me out?

You’re forgetting--

you had him.

But you went out

while somebody shot at him.

Maybe you’re in Torino’s pocket.

Chill out.

Nobody calls me dirty.

Cool it
or I’ll drop you.

I want dibarto,
he’s mine!

You’re crazier
than I am.

( Dutchy whimpering )



Dutchy’s worse.

That medication didn’t help.

I’m going
to the vet.

We can’t leave.

Forget the rules.

This is the best friend
I got here.

You’ll have to sh**t me
to stop me.

( Telephone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

Yeah, Rita,
everything okay?

No, sounds like
trouble to me.

You check with the lip?

No, Dexter’s off the street,
he’s here with me.

You be careful, partner.

If anything
happens to dibarto...

It’s not dibarto
I’m worried about.



Excuse me, sergeant.

I was going over
some ads

for George’s

Can we count on you?

I like George better
as a prosecutor.

We don’t need another
pretty face as county attorney.

We need somebody
to brawl for us.

Like the McDowell case.

Yeah. If you’ll excuse me...

Then you
haven’t heard.

I haven’t heard what?

I was impressed
with your passion.

I wondered if George
wasn’t playing

too cautiously.

We talked, and he’s
indicting for m*rder one.

Justice can’t
be compromised by ambition.

But you know that.

That’s terrific.

I’m glad you’re pleased, Chris.

May I call you Chris?


Maybe we should have lunch.

I’d like to hear your insights
on how to address concerns

of the law-enforcement

I’d like that.

Thanks again
for helping us

do the right thing

on the McDowell case.


Okay, Dexter.

Records kicked out
the accident report.

You weren’t the sh**t.

So now do
I get dibarto?

No, somebody’s still
trying to k*ll him.

That hasn’t changed.

Anybody know
that you were

coming into palm?

There’s no leak on my end.

Let’s figure this out.

Say Torino sent people

after Donnie

follow you
from the hospital

to sh**t him.

They miss, and try
at the safe house.

They didn’t know where it was.

You tailed cotton?

They tailed me

and went after him.

No, too big of a stretch.

Hoods don’t take
those kind of chances.

Where’d you spot cotton?

In traffic.

I hung a U-ie

he stopped,
I moved in to question him

and followed him.

Cotton picked up

the prescription for Dutchy.


His dog is sick?


Wait a minute,

Torino was
at the club that night.

He could have heard
about Dutchy.

He’d know Donnie’s crazy
about that dog.

He finds
dutchy’s vet


Big payday--

hear from him, we hear from you.

They knew somebody was coming

to pick up that prescription

because the vet tipped them off.

Donnie and Rita

are on their way
there right now.

( Beeping )

What do
we got here?

Your partner
don’t give up easy.

The phone,
now the beeper...

Too bad you
got a date...

With Mr. Torino.

He knows
where I am.

If I don’t answer

this place will
be full of cops.

We’ll see
about that.

You want to hurry?

I appreciate
you guys

letting the doc
do this.

How much you get

for selling
me out, weasel?


He was a bargain.

Five grand and
he’s not hurt.

It’s getting where you can’t
trust anybody these days.

( Tires screeching )

We’re too late.

Torino’s boys were
waiting for them.

Torino leases a place
on Bayview

big pillars,
east side of the street.

Move, I’ll put it

on the air.

You might
need this.

Feel like I just
got out of jail.

Something is wrong
with this.

Torino knows that vet will talk.

We got what he wanted us to get.

He’s not on Bayview.


You know his track record,
how he thinks.

He tried to muscle
into a fish market once.

Tony hung up the guy
in his own freezer.

He’s at Donnie’s club!

( Tires screeching )

I’m surprised

Donnie didn’t mention
he promoted me

to general manager
before he left.

We’ll be
a union shop.

Great achievement
for organized labor.

We’re not open!

Donnie, Rita!

Take them
and lock them up in the back.

Don’t be a hero.

Do what he says.

Color me cooperative.

Let’s go.

the toadstool?

He’ll be here, have a seat.

How nice,
the g*ng’s all here.

He always makes
a big entrance.

You disappoint
me, doughnuts.

It was bad enough
refusing my friendship.

But seeing you
with that Miami cop

I knew you’d
rat me out.

You never had brains.

Enough to stay
away from you.

You bought yourself a cop.

I’m impressed.

I’m in
protective custody.

Great job, lady.

You doing us
or what?

He does his own killings

so they call him
"toe tag."

This guy’s in a hurry to die.

I’d like to do this

but not
this time.

Too many

are leading back to me.

I wanted
to say good-bye.

You’re so

In this outfit

you get the kiss
on the last date.

I wouldn’t kiss you
with his lips.

Sorry you were

dealt a hand, lady

but that’s life.

Or the end of it.

Take them out in deep water.

Weigh them down
so they don’t float.

See you in hell

fat rat.

See you.

Bye, Dutchy.

You bitch.

Give me your g*n!

You’re mine!

Police, drop the g*n.

You all right?

Yeah, yeah,
I’m fine.


No problem.

Come on, Lorenzo.

Better late than never.

You too, Miami.

I guess testifying’s
a mute point.

Moot, Donnie,

Like I said.

I realize
a hug of gratitude

would be inappropriate...

If I could, I would.

Me, too.

I wouldn’t.

Got it all?

Get them
out of my office!

Move it, move!

Uh-huh, friends
of yours, cap?

They get those builds
in prison, working out.

What a system, huh?

Let cons spend their time

making themselves
stronger and meaner

so they can do some real damage.

I’d make them spend
the whole time in bed, huh?

What are you standing?

Aren’t you supposed to be
in Donovan’s office?

We’re on
our way.

Move, move!


Hey, guys.

Could I buy
you guys lunch?

We’re in pretrial prep all day.

Good luck.

Well, if you’re
down my way, look me up.

I’d love to buy you dinner.

If you’re down this way,
same offer stands.



How about Saturday night?

I’ll drive back.

Since you’re already here
how about tonight?



I know this Italian restaurant

with the best
veal piccata in town.

This includes me, right?

Uh, no.
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