02x39 - Don't Fear the Reaper

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x39 - Don't Fear the Reaper

Post by bunniefuu »

Lucien: time for you to rest in pieces!


And now...

Witness the power of the reaper!

With the lord of darkness by my side,

I can draw any card I want!

Aren't you dying to know which one?

Well, wait no more!

'Cause my ultimate combo is finally complete!


Whoa, man, take it easy!

I'm just in this for the medals!

All right...

Prepare to meet your maker!

[Sinister laughter]



There's no way I'll lose the gx tournament

With this deck!

Distorted voice: well done, lucien.

Though I pray you haven't forgotten our pact.

Of course not.

A deal's a deal after all.

But you have to keep your word.

You give me victory,

And I'll give you my soul!


I have to win.

All in good time.

But first, you must rest.

Good idea.


I thought I heard you!

This games on!



Sam hill!

Uh, hi?


I think I have the wrong forest!


What was that, a ghost?

Chazz: not quite.


The grim reaper.

Grim reaper?

Come on.

See for yourself.


I heard about it when I was at north academy.

It was supposed to be locked away.

But someone let him out!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


Check it out.

Lucien grimley.

He's a student from the north.

Lucien: north academy!


Where's my deck?

Chill out.

It's right here, bro!


Hands off! It's all mine.

Relax. It was in good hands.

That's enough!

Whoa, talk about grumpy!

You need some more sleep.

We can't all be as happy as you.


Are you jaden?!

Then you must be chazz!

The chazz.

I've heard about you, kid.

You're leading this tournament, aren't ya?!

Well, not for long!

My deck is unbeatable!

Feel like losing?

I've heard that before.

What makes you special?


My card!

What did you do with it?!

Tell me!

You don't know what you're dealing with!

Yeah, that's the whole point.

But it's been taken care of.

You're not going anywhere, mr. Reaper!

As long as I'm in charge...

We're gonna be doing things my way!

Ya got that, pal?!

What were you thinking using that card!?

It's too dangerous!


I don't care!

Don't care?!

Don't you realize

You unlocked a power you can't control?

I've heard the legend!

First you win the duel...

Then you lose your soul!


That's right.

Why'd ya think it was locked away?

I'm telling ya, that card is evil!

So that thing we saw outside,

It was the real grim reaper?!

That's right, kid.

Here's the deal...

Not again!


Nice deck!

Try building one that actually has a chance!

One card.

That's all that I need to win.


You need a lot more than that, buddy!

Perhaps you should stick to "go fish!"


At that moment, I made a choice:

You want to be great,

Then get some help!


You call a deal with grim reaper getting help?

So what?!

What's a measly soul compared to winning?

'Cause the reaper promised me victory!

Lucien, are you all right?

Harvester of souls, return to my deck!

Hear me?!

If you want my soul,

Then keep your promise and bring me victory now!



Great cesar's ghost!




Sorry, boss.

But did you really think I could stop the reaper?!


Thanks for nothing!


I knew he'd find his way back!



Huh?! Lucien?

Right here, jaden!

What do you want?

What do you think?!

Right now, you're in first place.

But the moment that I bury you...

I'll take the lead!


And use all the magic you want!

I've got everything I could need right here!


Let's duel!

Jaden: all right, lucien,

Time to get your game on!


I summon elemental hero clayman

In defense mode!

That's one.



Now I play a facedown.

Your turn, bro.

That's card number two.

Look! They started!

And it's his turn!

Don't tell me you believe all that hooey

About winning the duel in one turn?!

It's true. Just watch.

The grim reaper allows him

To draw any card he wants.

My move!

Stand back!

I play my temptation of the goddess spell card!

Now I get to look at your hand

And then force you to summon any monster

I choose to your side.

Now, dearly departed,

Unveil your cards.


Sparkman ought to do!

[Thinking] what's this guy up to, anyway?


Next I activate this--

Mischief of the goddess!

So I get to see your hand again.

And if I spy a spell card...

It goes facedown.

And I seem to remember one.

It's your burst impact!

How is this helping him?


That's !

I'm afraid all your life points

Are about to become deceased!

Come again?!


Stop the duel, soldier!

Lucien: too late!

Now let the cremation begin!

I activate my slash draw spell!

Now for every card on the field...

I can send one from my deck into the graveyard.

Then I draw again.

And if it's slash draw,

Then all field cards are destroyed!

And here's the part I savor:

You lose , life points for every one!



Hold on!

There're cards out there!

But if that's the case

He'll lose , points!

If lucien picks slash draw,

It's all over.

Rest in peace, dork.

Hmm. Give me a break!

There's no way you'll draw that card again!


Who said I'm drawing it?

The power of the grim reaper

Will extract it for me!


Reaper of souls,

Come forth from the shadows and grant me victory!

My price...

Is your soul!

Very well.


[Reaper laughs]

Now, farewell!


Jaden! Jaden!


That's it. Game over.

Nice try, kid.

But your medals are mine.

You still have points?!

Of course. Thanks to this!

See I had another facedown card!

It's called hero medal,

And instead of going to the grave,

It goes to my hand.

And then I get to draw another card from my deck!

What do ya know?

Looks like slash draw only works

If the card goes to the graveyard.

So that's why jaden only loses , points!

Way to play!


My one round win never fails!

No worries, bro.

You can just rename it the two round win!


Of course, I don't plan on losing then either!

Zip it!

How dare you mock the reaper!

Now, on with your destruction!

I play footsteps of the goddess!

This forces you to summon elemental hero avian!

You want it, you got it!


Now I get to play a monster also...

As long as it has fewer than , attack points.

Here to say a few words...

Is invincible demise lord!

Maybe this is a two round win!

Your move!



I drew just what I needed--

Without the reaper's help!

So I use polymerization

To I fuse avian with burstinatrix!

So, please give a warm welcome

To elemental hero flame wingman!

Now attack-- infernal rage!


And that's not all!

Because of his effect,

Wingman gets one more attack!

A direct one!




Don't fear the reaper, son!

That ends my turn.

Do have any idea how lucky you are?!


Of course not.

You drew exactly what you needed--

The only combo that could beat my lord.


That's all you are!

And luck is something I never had!

It's more than just luck!

He draws what he needs

'Cause he believes in his deck!

Yeah, well I already tried that!

But then I learned that believing isn't enough.

Only the power of the reaper can help me win!

My days of having bad luck are over!

Now, I can draw whatever card I need,

And that's worth way more than my soul!

You're just jealous because the reaper belongs to me!

Now watch this!

Thanks to his ability,

My demise lord returns from the grave,

And he's more powerful than ever!


'Cause he comes back

With an attack strength of ,!




These things are holograms, right?

'Cause I'm a little scared.

It gets worse!

Now, demise lord, attack!



What's this?

Has your good luck streak finally ended?

Why don't we just see

What your next draw brings you!


Here goes!

To start, I'll summon this--

My dandelion in defense mode!

And next, I'll throw down a facedown...

And end my turn.


How sad.

Even the great jaden yuki

Couldn't draw what he needed this time.


Don't be sure!

Dandelion might just surprise you!

I doubt it!

That weed is worthless!

And thanks to this,

It's about to decompose

Along with your life points!

Spell reproduction!?

Doesn't that let you bring a spell

Back from the grave?!

As a matter of fact, it does!

And if you've been paying attention,

Then you know what I choose--

My slash draw!

All I need to do is draw one more.

He must have another slash draw card

In his deck!

And he's gonna use the grim reaper to get it!

Which means he's about to win this!

Jaden: wrong, chazz! Say what?!

Lucien's not gonna use the reaper!

He's gonna do this on his own!


You just have faith in your deck,

Like me, and you can draw anything!

What do you know about me?!

More than you think.

For one I know that you're afraid.

So much that you made a deal

With the grim reaper!


But you don't need him, bro!

It's all about you!

Trust me.

The secret to dueling is about believing

Not about getting lucky!

Yeah, well...

That's an easy thing

For someone like you to say!

Just think...

You always draw the exact card

That you're hoping to get!

And you will, too!

All you have to do

Is believe that you can!

I know you have it in you!

I used to, but not anymore!


Back then, everything was different.

This is my best deck!

Ha ha.

This combo's gonna crush anyone

With the guts to face me!

I'm gonna be a star!

I'll be the best!

I'll call it "the one round win!"

And it's gonna take me to the top!

[Thinking] back then, I had faith in my deck!

I dueled with the same confidence that jaden does!

Reaper: and what did that get you?

Nothing but loss and embarrassment.

Without my help,

Your combo will never work!


He's right!

I have no choice.

So I activate my slash draw!

And since there are cards on the field...

Of mine are sent right to the graveyard.

And then I draw a card!


Fight it.

All you have to do

Is believe in your deck and draw!

Lucien, you don't need the grim reaper!


Reaper: do not listen to that fool!

Draw with the hand that's powered by me!

It will deliver victory to you and your soul to me!

Jaden, you were right!

Reaper: what?!


You're through!

I don't need you to win!

I have faith in my cards now!

Our agreement is null and void!

And my soul is staying right here!

Reaper: no!


Lucien: time to draw!

What's he doing?

Impressive maneuver!

Looks like he's gonna draw with his other hand!


Way to go!

I knew the real lucien was in there somewhere!

Thanks, jaden. You saved me.

Of course, I'm still gonna win!

And now...

I'll draw this card on my own!


In your face, grim reaper!

I drew slash draw!

Lucien: this duel's over!

Jaden: now that's how you draw a card!

I would've lost...

If it hadn't been for my trap!

That's right, bro!

You activated it when you played your spell card!

Have you ever heard of emergency evasion?!

It removed every card from my field

Before you could destroy 'em!

No way!

Nice tactic!

Well, I guess it was ok.

Aw, come on...

You're making me blush!


The duel goes on.

I was having too much fun to let it end so soon!

So I guess it's my turn.

Not quite.

You said that I should have some faith, right?

I do!

And that's why I'm not done yet!

Remember him?!

My demise lord's still in play!

So you knew I'd survive!

That's why you kept your demise lord around!


That's right.

Demise lord, take him out!

Hey, I've got faith, too!


My emergency evasion has another effect!

All those cards it removed

Come right back to the field!


But I have to draw

The same type of card that I removed!

So I guess it all comes down to this.

Monster, I win.

I get anything else...

I'm a goner!

Sounds good.

Now don't forget...

Drawing isn't about luck,

It's about believing in your deck!

A good friend once taught me that.

Here goes!

I haven't lost my touch!

So I get a monster back!


Ha ha ha!


Just look at him!

He can't stop me!

Well, then...

Go ahead and attack!

Ok, you asked for it!


Thanks a lot!

'Cause when he's destroyed...

I get two fluff tokens!

Yeah, so?

What can they do?

Glad you asked. Now watch!


I'll sacrifice my tokens...

To play this!

Elemental hero neos!

Well, it was a valiant effort...

But look!

My demise lord has more attack points!

For now.

But I play...

My neos force spell!

So, neos gets a boost--

An -attack point boost!

He's got over , points!

Neos, attack!

Finish him off with cosmic crush!


Oh, and there's more!

Thanks to his ability,

Your demise lord's attack points

Are automatically subtracted from your score!



He did it!

Of course, he did!

Big deal.

That's game!

We gotta do this again sometime!

You got yourself a deal, jaden.

And speaking of deals

It looks like my pact

With the grim reaper is off!

Thanks, jaden.

You restored my faith in my deck.

And I promise,

I'll never lose trust in my cards...

Or myself again.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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