m*rder Man, The (1935)

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
Post Reply

m*rder Man, The (1935)

Post by bunniefuu »

Investment Company.

Mr. Halford?
Who's calling, please?

Just a minute.

But why didn't you tell me

that Mr. Mander drew
that much cash?

He said
he would tell you about it.

Come in.

Well, Mr. Halford, Miss...

The phone, please.

Yes, alright.

Tell Mr. Mander
I want to see him right away.

Yes, sir.

Hello. Yes.

Now, listen, I told you
not to waste your time

trying to see me.
We're through.

Now, just a moment, sister.

You knew it was only a game

and that's the way we played it.

No squawks when it's over.

Oh, oh, cut the hysterics.

I can't help
what you've sacrificed.

you can always go back--

What? Your money?

Well, you had me invest it
for you and we lost.

Can I help that?

Oh, go ahead,
I don't care what you do

just so long
as you leave me alone.

Well, J.S.

- You want to see me?
- Yes.

What about this withdrawal
of $20,000?

Oh, that?
We have a deal on with Burnes.

"We have a deal on with Burnes."
What do you mean?

Some bonds.
Got 'em for ten percent.

You mean, they're hot?

Well, they'll cool off
in a few weeks.

Now, listen to me, Henry.

You know that six months ago
we were investigated

and almost exposed.

We made the front page of
every big daily in the country.

- Didn't we?
- Yes, that made us famous.

- What of it?
- Just this.

I don't mind trimming a sucker

but it's too risky to take
a chance with the government.

I don't like penitentiaries.

- I'll risk it.
- Well, I won't.

You seem to forget
we're partners.

You mean, we had been until now

but this time
you've gone too far.

What's the matter?

- Getting honest or yellow?
- Neither one.

But I'm not gonna let you
put me on the spot.

Now, get this.

You take those bonds back
to Burnes and get that dough.

And if I don't?

I'll put you where you belong.

You mean, you'd haul a copper?

You know what I mean.

Get me Mr. Burnes, please.

Woman overboard!

- Save her, somebody.
- Grab her.

Good evening, Mr. Halford.

Good evening. Anything new?

Oh, just another dame
jumped off a ferry boat.

Getting to be a fad,
isn't it?

Seems so.

- Good evening, Mr. Halford.
- Good evening.

- Who's the duke?
- Oh, that's Spencer Halford.

A slick businessman.

When I say slick, I mean slick.

Ah, gee, I could sh**t.

Yeah, but this sh**t'
gallery's for men.

Yeah? Well,
what are you doing here for?

Hey, go on.
Go on or I'll call the cops.

Aw, call them.

Ah, right into the bull's-eye.

That means a cigar.

- Here you are. Another shot?
- Thank you.

No, thanks. One cigar's enough.

Hey, come here.

You have a message for me,
haven't you?

- A message for you?
- Yeah.

I'm Mr. Jones. I'm Mr. Jones.

- No, I ain't got no message.
- Strange.

You're Rafferty, aren't you?

Yeah, Peter J. Rafferty.

But I ain't got no message.

I can't understand that.

If I should get it,
where will I find you at?

I'm right across...

Uh, never mind.
I'll be back later. Goodbye.

Hey, here. What's happened?

- Why, he must have fainted.
- Fainted?

With a b*llet hole in his head?

- He's dead!
- Dead?

- Oh, Mr. Mander.
- Yes?

I thought
you'd gone for the day.

No, I, uh...

Have any messages come in for me
since I went out?

No, sir.

Investment Company.

Just a minute. It's for you.

- Shall I wait?
- No, that's all.

- Goodnight, Ms. Hopper.
- Goodnight.


Yes, this is Mander. What?

I was in the sh**ting gallery,
but I didn't get any message.

I gave it to Halford.
You'll get yours later.

Hello? Hello? Hello?


The Press room,
police headquarters.

Oh, hello, Josephine.

Calling car 321. Car 3-2-1.

Go to 9-7, please.

A dressmaker says a big dog
is tramping over her pansies.

- Dogs will be dogs.
- Hi, boys.

- Hi, Joe.
- Hi, Joe.

Well, Marino goes
to the electric chair Friday.

Yeah, I got passes

but our sports editor
wants them.

Says he'll trade me a pair
to the Cometta-Spitzky fight.

It's a k*lling
however you look at it.

Are you going up, Shorty?

Yes, if Steve Grey
doesn't want the assignment.

Say, stooge, when are you gonna
get some identity of your own?


it looks like a m*rder, huh?

- There's been a m*rder, boys.
- Well, keep it to yourself.

- We're busy.
- What?

- James Spencer Halford?
- What's he got to do with it?

Everything. It was him
who was bumped off.

No. I knew
somebody would drop that guy.

- That's a start.
- Where was it?

Region Apartments,
they found him in his car

with a b*llet hole in his head.

- Oh, boy.
- That's a hell of a...

J.S. Halford m*rder,
the chauffer opened

the door of the car in front
of the Region Apartments.

- And the body dropped out.
- Yeah.

And put in proof that
Halford was an eminent crook.

The m*rder*r was an excellent
marksman. He used one b*llet.

He was riddled in the upper part
of his body by machine g*n slugs

he's said to have been involved
with several women.

- Call you back.
- Waiting for you, captain.

Well, do you have any idea
who k*lled Halford?

Who was it?

The man who fired the shot.

Boy, that's what I call
fast thinking.

Hello, hello.
Can't you get the desk?

Still busy?
Well, gimme, gimme Robins.

Hello, Robins speaking. Yeah.

Just a minute, Shorty. Go ahead.

J. Spencer Halford was m*rder*d
shortly after 6:00.

- What? Spencer Halford, eh?
- Yup.

The chauffeur drove up
to the Region Apartments

and the doorman discovered
that Halford

was very fatally, uh, dead.

Alright, but hold on to Cole now
until I get Steve on the job.

I'll give you a rewrite.
Give a rewrite.

Spencer Halford
has just been m*rder*d.

Send Steve down to Central
Street Station immediately.

He hasn't been here all day.

What? Is he boiled again?

Why is it genius always has
to be either pickled or drunk?

Well, do the best you can.
Make it a three-column spread.

Say there's a woman, um...
There's bound to be one anyway.

Put something in
about anxious investors

rumors of impending bankruptcy.

Yeah, they've been shaky
for some time.

- Okay.
- And find Steve Grey for me.


After all,
I'm just a city editor

and a mediocre one at that

but I'd rather try to solve
this m*rder single-handed

than to find Steve Grey
when he's on a binge.

Why, he's liable
to be sleeping it off

on the bed of the East River.

Where did you find him
the last time he disappeared?

In an elevator that he stole
in the Chrysler Building.

- Where was he takin' it?
- Up and down, up and down.

And he was doin' a rumba
with the starlet's castanets.

Well, send the boys out
to find him

and tell them not to come back
until they do!


Maybe Mary Shannon knows
where Steve is.

What does she see
in that dipsomaniac?

Here's one for your question
and answer department, Mary.

Where's Steve Grey?

Oh, I haven't the faintest idea.

Isn't he supposed to be
your boyfriend?

Not quite,
if he were my boyfriend

I'd make it my business
to know where he was.

Yeah, probably,
out with a dame somewhere.

Oh, I don't think so.

Steve doesn't pay much attention
to women.

Well, he's got to be found.

Hello, police headquarters?
Yeah, get me the chief.

Tell him Mr. Robins
wants to speak to him.

This Halford m*rder
is made to order for Steve.

- Halford m*rder?
- Yeah, business racketeer.

Maybe Steve's father knows
where he is.

Go on down to the press room
and ask him. Will you, Mary?

Alright, Mr. Robins.

And tell him,
if he doesn't show up today

he's through.

Oh, hello, Joe.
Say, this is Hal...

Ask your boys to do
something for me, will ya?

Try and locate Steve Grey.

Hello, Joe.

- Hi, Sweeney.
- Have you seen Steve Grey?

Not for a couple of days, but he
had enough to last him that long

when he left here.

If he comes around, tell him
to get in touch with the paper.

- They want him down there.
- Okay, I'll do that.

Has Steve Grey been in
this morning?

No, he hasn't.
But, he was here last night

and he had four cups of coffee.

- Was he, was he sober?
- I think so.

Why, is anything the matter?

If he was sober, there must be
something the matter.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Hey, has Steve Grey
been in here?

No, too early for Steve.

Yeah, but it's not too late.

I've been huntin' for that guy
all night.

- Hasn't been in here. Okay.
- Okay, thanks.

That guy's got me
on a merry-go-round.

- What's he doin' here?
- Sleeping.

He staggered in here
about 12 o'clock last night.

Bought a whole roll of tickets
and told me not to disturb him.

- I don't know who he is.
- I do.

Hey, Grey. Wake up. Wake up!

The whole force
is lookin' for you.

- Where's the rest of them?
- Your boss wants ya.

Some big racketeer named Halford
was m*rder*d last night.

So, that's it, huh?


Thanks. Here.

Take a ride for yourself.

- Who is he?
- Steve Grey.

He writes all the murders
for "The Daily Star."

The one they call
The m*rder Man?

Yeah, that's him.

Oh, Mr. Grey?
Mr. Robins wants to see you.

- Thanks.
- Hello, Steve.

- The old man wants to see you.
- So I heard.

Hello, Steve. Call this number,
very important.

- Thanks.
- Hi, Grey, had a nice vacation?


- Hi, Mary.
- Oh, Steve.

We were beginning to think
you'd gone

to the South Pole
with the birds.

No, I couldn't get reservations.

You still love me
as much as ever?

Oh, I'm crazy about you.

Well, you better be
because I'm dappy about you.

- You know that, don't you?
- Yeah. I know you're dappy.

Alright, but not about me.
Where were you last night?

I went for a long ride.

May I have
a little of your coffee?

If you don't mind
drinking out of my cup.

I prefer it.

As a matter of fact, I didn't
know what time it was myself

till I woke up
on a merry-go-round.

It all sounds pretty dumb to me.

Ah. Yeah,
it sounds dumb to me, too.

Don't you think you ought
to go in and see Mr. Robins?

What for? He'll be out here
to see me in a minute.

He's afraid somebody will
beat you on the Halford story.

- Who's on it now?
- Shorty.

Shorty, huh?
He won't miss anything.

How long have you
had this coffee, Mary?

- Well, of all the double--
- Hi, Hal.

Did the wanderlust get you?

Schooner in the offing
and all that sort of bunk.

- Why, anything new?
- New?

Spencer Halford, one
of our most important financiers

was m*rder*d last night
at 6 o'clock.

Yeah, I read something about it
in "The Globe."

Alright, alright.
Cut the kidding.

Now, you've got half of
the front page waiting for you.

Now, get on this story and stick
to it until you get something.

- I got an angle now.
- You mean...

- You've been workin' on it?
- No, no.

But I just got a sort of an idea

when I was passing
Halford's office.

I'll knock it out for you
before I leave.

Yeah, fine. But, remember,
while you're sitting here

writing your ideas, so-called

the rest of the boys
are downtown getting the facts.

Don't you worry, they won't
beat me on this story.

Well, they haven't yet.
I'll say that much for ya.

Say, you're a crazy, cynical,
drunken bum

but as a news-getter,
you're there.

Thanks, Hal.
You want some marmalade?

Are you working for "The Star?"

You bet your life
I'm working for "The Star."

Believe me,
it's a good thing I am

with the kind of editors we got.

Why do you bother
with that nut, Mary?

What gives you the idea
I am bothering?

Oh, I have a nose
for that sort of thing.

Is it true that you write
all wind chill stuff for him?

All the evidence
seems to point to the m*rder

a carefully concealed crime

by some defrauded investor.

Did they find Steve?

He just wandered in
a few minutes ago by himself.

- How is he?
- Sober and sassy.

- Don't worry, Pop.
- Is he in his office?

- Yeah.
- Thanks, Mary.

Captain Cole
of the Homicide Squad

to have the mystery all solved

within a few hours.

Now, there's your story,
Meltzer, you son of a g*n.

If you butcher this one on me,
I wanna kick a hole

right in your torso.

Hello, Pop.

- Yes?
- Send a boy in, will ya?

- Well, son, are you alright?
- Yeah, sure, I'm alright.

Haven't been stealing
anymore elevators?

No, no, no, no, no.

Well, I was just wondering,
you know?

You seem to be going around
in circles lately.

Yeah, yeah,
I guess you're right, Pop.

I spent last night
on a merry-go-round.

I don't know
what's the matter with me.

I just can't sleep. That's all.

- Just wanted to walk and think.
- And drink.

Yeah. Yeah, a little.

- A little too much, I'd say.
- You didn't wait up for me.

- Did ya?
- Oh, no, no.

I turned in at four o'clock.

Pop, what's the matter with ya?

Haven't I always taught you
to go to bed early?

- Yeah?
- 'Where is the Halford copy?'

Steve? Shorty said he thinks
Cole's hit a clue.

Well, if he has,
it'll be his first one.

Okay, Robo-boy, get goin'.
Then go trail Cole.

What do you mean, "Get goin'?"
The story's finished.

I'm givin' it to the boy now.

Take this.

Steve, this Halford
m*rder case you're on

who do you think did it?

Oh, I don't know.

One of the guys he robbed,
I suppose.

Yeah. Yeah,
that's what I thought.

Yeah, well, you wanna quit
thinkin' about m*rder cases.

Better figure those
or you'll go nutty.

Meet me over at Pizza Bar
at noon, will you?

- We'll have lunch together.
- Sure.

And quit worryin'.
What's the matter?

You'll be an old man
before I am.

I'm not worried...

Hey, listen!

I put nine years of my savings
in this company

and if anybody tries to holdout
on me, I'll wreck the--

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!

...your money's at stake,
you got a right as a citizen--

To see the crooks at the head
of the firm and get our money!

Be quiet! Pipe down, pipe down!

- Hey! Wait a minute.
- Hello, Harry.

- Hello, Steve.
- King Cole in there?

- Yes, but I think he's busy.
- So am I.

- Hello, Steve.
- Well, the old maestro.

Come in, we got a story for ya.

- There was a m*rder last night.
- Yeah.

Here it is.
Just look in "The Mirror."

Never saw anything yet
in "The Mirror."

Always the last on assignment,
eh, Steve?

But always the first
with the story.

- Attaboy, Shorty.
- Hey, thanks.

It's okay, Steve,
I got it all covered.

- Where's the brass hat?
- He's in there.

Lookin' over Halford's papers.

Full house for this performance.

Gotta see him
about somethin' personal.

Then you better go to his house.

- You can't come in here.
- Alright.

Hey, don't you go away.
I might wanna see you later.

- How about this guy, Mander?
- Well, he's in his office.

But you won't get much, Steve.
We've all had a crack at him.

Yeah, hold on just a minute,
will you?

Say, Burnes...

You've got to give me
a little more time.

You can't close me out
like this.

But I'll have the money
for you tomorrow.

But the insurance company's
promised to pay off

on that partnership policy.

Yes, 200,000.

Yes, that's all the time
I'll need.

- What do you got?
- Asthma.

- What do you want?
- I want news.

- News about what?
- About m*rder.

I'll m*rder you
if you don't get out of here.

I'm here as a reporter
from "The Star."

"The Star?"

If I knew anything
about this mess

I'd do my best
to keep it from you.

It's your articles and
your paper that's responsible

for bringing those frantic fools
up here.

Yeah, they were fools once.
Now they're kind of frantic.

Aren't they? Well, after all,
you can't blame them very much.

You and your partner
robbed all those people.

They invested their money
and lost it legitimately.

You and Halford carried
a lot of partnership insurance

didn't you?

- What of it?
- Not a thing. Nothing.

Except that "The Star"
is gonna suggest

that you use it to repay
all these people

that you've robbed.
Have you got any objections?

The details of my business
are no concern of "The Star."

Anything that happens
in this office is news, Mander.

Is it true
that you came back here

shortly after
Halford was k*lled?

I don't know
when Halford was k*lled.

He was k*lled in his automobile

between here
and the Regions Apartments

about 6 o'clock last night.

- Where were you at that time?
- Well, I was acr...

Say, are you trying to suggest--

I'm not trying
to suggest anything.

I'm just trying to get a story
for my paper.

- I'll give you a story.
- Now, wait a minute.

Take it easy. You know...

Another m*rder isn't gonna help
you get out of the first one.

Get outta here.

- Thanks for the interview.
- Get out!

Okay, high finance,
I'll see you at the bar.

I suppose you got a full
autobiography outta Mander.

Never mentioned the m*rder.
We talked about paperweights.

How do you spell Halford?


- "H-A-L-F-O-R-D. Halford."
- Hello. Yeah.

Halford-Mander office. Who?
I don't know anybody.

But, wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Anybody around here
named Miller?

You know my name is Miller.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's for you, Jake.
You got it.

I think it's your old lady.


Hello? Hello?

As a cashier of this firm

you handled
all physical transactions

and negotiable securities.

That's right.

When an investor gave you

stocks or bonds
or other valuables

what did you do with them?

Uh, Mr. Halford
usually instructed me

to change all securities
into cash

and deposit them
to his personal account.

Thanks, that's all.

Hello, Steve. Well, it was
about time for you to bother me.

Hi, captain.
Just been assigned to the case.

So have I, Steve. But, I have
nothing to say right now.

Oh, come on now.
Be a pal, will ya?

If I don't get some dope
on this case pretty soon

Robins will tear
the rest of his hair out.

- What's your opinion?
- I have no opinion, Steve.

We know that Halford
was shot through the head.

I think I know why, but so far,
I don't know where it happened.

Anybody hear a shot?

If they did,
we've had no report of it.

Well, that's funny.

Maxie, what do you think?

In my opinion,
it's an open-and-shut case.

Alright, alright, skip it.

Alright, wise guy.
Figure it out yourself.

Well, maybe nobody heard
that shot

because there was
a lot of other sh**ting.

What do you mean,
"A lot of other sh**ting?"

See that sh**ting gallery
across the street?

Why couldn't he have been shot
from there.

How could anybody be shot
from a sh**ting gallery?

- Somebody woulda seen him.
- Oh, I don't know.

What caliber b*llet
k*lled Halford?

- .32. Yeah.
- Sure?

That's what the autopsy chart
said. Wasn't it, Sweeney?

- I think so.
- You think?

I'm positive. I...

Get me Spring 6-6-100.
Record clerk.

Oh, I don't know, Steve.
It's a pretty wild guess.

Adams? This is Sweeney.

I wanna make sure
I'm right about something.

It was a .32 b*llet
that k*lled Halford, wasn't it?

It was a .22, chief.

- Why, you--
- But, chief, I wasn't far off.

A .22.

I think we've got something.

- Yeah, I think we have.
- 'Come on.'

I told you
this was an open-and-shut case.

I've just had an idea.

I think Halford may have been

shot from a sh**ting gallery.

- "sh**ting gallery?"
- Where?

Tell you more about it later.

See me here in half an hour.

- Let me help you, chief.
- 'Thank you.'

Say, miss, did Mr. Mander go out

before Halford left for home
last night?

Yes, a few minutes before.

And he returned
just as I was ready to go.


- When was that?
- Shortly after 6:00.

He'd been over
at the sh**ting gallery.


Mander didn't tell me anything
about that.

Me neither.

Did he tell you
he'd been over there?

No, but somebody phoned him.

I heard him say
he was at the sh**ting gallery.

Boys, don't let Mander leave
his office till I come back.

Come on.

- Thanks, miss.
- You're welcome.

Hello. Put him on!

Look at that.

Hello, Joe.
Sensational development.

Cole says he thinks
that Halford may have been shot

from a sh**ting gallery.
Yeah, and--

Yeah, I've just been reading

Steve Grey's story about it
in "The Star."

It's in "The Star" already?

Well, I'll be
a slab-side of jellyfish.

- Have a shot, gentlemen.
- We're from headquarters.

What's wrong?

Did you have any customers here
about dusk last night?

Yeah, a, a few.

You notice a well-dressed,
dark-complected man

about six-feet tall,
with a moustache?

No... Come to think of it, I did.

He was here the same time
as that sailor fella.

- Did they do anything unusual?
- No.

Except, the sailor fellow
hit a bull's-eye

and cost me a good cigar. Heh!
Then he left.

What about the man
with the moustache?

after the sailor fella left

why, he leaned over and he said,
kinda confidential

"My name's Jones.
Got a message for me?"

- Then what?
- I never had no message.

And I told him so. Say,
what are you drivin' at, chief?

Just this.

A man was shot in the street
last night

with one of your r*fles.

What? Why, you're crazy.

No, I-I mean, it's impossible.

Nothin' happens around here
with my g*ns that I don't see.

You watched these two
all the time?

Yeah, sure. Why, I...

Wait a minute,
come to think of it

I did turn away
to take a r*fle away

from the kid
that wanted to sh**t.

I never let no kids handle g*ns.

And while you were doing that,
your back was turned?

Yeah, for a minute.
Gee, I almost forgot about that.

But it just couldn't happen,

Nobody could sh**t off one of
my g*ns without me knowin' it.

- Did you notice that?
- No, w-well, that is, I--

Where were you standing when you
took the g*n away from the kid?

Well, I was standin'
right there.

Where was the kid standing?

Standin' right there, inside.

Where were the other two?

Sailor was there
and Mr. Jones was there.

Sweeney? You're the sailor.

- Okay.
- Steve.

- Would you mind being Jones?
- No, no.

Good. Right there.

Now, the, uh, boy was, uh, here?

Yeah, right inside.

Alright, Welch, you're the boy.

Now, Rafferty, you start forward

as you take the g*n
from the boy.

And, Steve, you turn around
and make believe

that you fire into the street.


- Go.
- Hey, come here with that g*n.

I don't let no kids
handle g*ns.

Did you see what happened?

No, I never see nothin'.


Now, which r*fle did Jones use?

I can't remember that,

I keep changin' them around
all the time.

Oh, Welch, take all these r*fles
down to headquarters.

Yes, sir.

What about my business?

We're takin' it over
for the time being.

And you, too. Come along.

Alright, Sweeney.

- Come on, Rafferty.
- Coming along, Steve?

No, no,
I got enough for a story.

You know, I feel we have
a pretty tight case

against Mander now.

If I could only find
the right motive.

What about
a partnership insurance policy?

Steve, I think
you'd make a good detective.

Thanks, captain.
I think you would, too.

- Hiya, Pop.
- Hello, son.

I thought you weren't coming.

Well, I got tied up with old
King Cole on the Halford case.

- Did you get anything?
- Yeah, yeah, I think we did.

Looks like the guy was shot
from the sh**ting gallery

across from their offices.

sh**t' gallery?

That's a crazy idea.

A clever one, too.

The combination you need
for m*rder.

- What'll it be, gents?
- You want beer?

- Well, yeah.
- A large beer.

- And a slightly smaller whisky.
- Yes.

I'd lay off the hard liquor
if I were you, son.

Ah, it's good for you, Pop,
especially, when you're working

on a story like this.

Is the story so important?

Of course, it's important.

The most important thing
to a news writer.

And you got to get it, too.
One way or another.

Son, what's the matter with you?

Nothing. Why?

Did you get another letter
from Dorothy?

- Yeah.
- 'When?'

- Oh, a couple of days ago.
- 'What did she say?'

Oh, I don't know, Pop.
She didn't say anything.

Steve, you're not thinking
of taking her back again?

Because she'd treat you
just like she did before.


No, she'd never
do that again, Pop.

- Yes, she will, she's--
- Oh, Pop, Pop.

- Please, forget it.
- I wish you'd forget it.

I wish I could.

- She's dead.
- Dead?

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I guess, she just couldn't
stand the gaffe any longer.

She jumped off a ferry boat.

Hey, there's Steve.

Say, big shot,
how'd you happen to get Cole

to fall for that apple strudel

about Halford being shot
from a sh**ting gallery?

Yeah, and what's more, I suppose
you think it's smart reporting

writing about a story
before it happened.

- It isn't cricket, old dear.
- No.

You've picked out the guy
you're going to send

to the chair for this crime?

Do you wanna know who it is?

- Sure.
- Yeah, sure.

Read "The Star."

- See you later, Pop.
- Alright.

Is it a habit of yours to go
across to the sh**ting gallery?

Why, no. As a matter of fact,
I'd never been there before.

Then why did you go there
last night?

Someone telephoned,
said if I'd go over

to the sh**ting gallery,
the proprietor

would give me a message.

Who telephoned?

- I don't know.
- What was the message?

Well, I don't know that, either.

I-I never received it.

Then what happened?

I asked the proprietor
for the message

but he didn't know
anything about it.

Why didn't you
tell me this morning

that you went across
to the sh**ting gallery?

Why, I, uh, I didn't think
it was important.

Anything you did last night
at 6 o'clock was important.

Why? You don't think that I--

Why didn't you have the man
leave the message at the office?

It was very private.

You didn't know
what the message was

but you did know
it was very private.

It must've been.

Something you didn't want
your Pop to know

anything about, I suppose.
Is that it?


It-it was about a woman.

About a woman, huh?

- What was her name?
- That doesn't matter.

She couldn't possibly have
anything to do with this case.

Send Mabel in here, will ya?

Detective Captain Cole
in the Homicide Squad

today arrested Henry Mander

for the m*rder of his business
partner, Spencer Halford.

Cole claims the motive for the
crime was an insurance policy

providing for the payment
of $200,000 to one partner

in the event
of the death of the other.

Halford was ambushed
from a sidewalk sh**ting gallery

on the night of March the 23rd.

Type this right away, Mabel,
and give it to Robins.

Mr. Robins
is at that press conference.

give it to Meltzer then.

See if he can make
the next run on it

before every other newspaper
in town's got it.

Yes, Mr. Grey.

It's a very shaky story, Mander.


Is this Mr. Jones?

- Yeah, that's him.
- What are you driving at?

- It'll all come out in court.
- What do you mean?

I mean, you went across
the sh**ting gallery last night

to k*ll Halford.

Yeah, reads good, Meltzer.

- Here's your mail, madam.
- Oh, thanks, Steve.

Gee, you get a lot of fan mail,
don't you?

Don't tell me
somebody's in love with you.

Just because my name's Mary,
don't think I've never had

anything but a lamb
running after me.

Now, I imagine anything
running after you.

Oh, shut your silly face,
Steve Grey.

Since you're
such a smart, little boy

perhaps you can help me answer
this one.

"My wife has fallen in love
with a musician.

I still love her,
but I fear the worst."

Tell him to buy a saxophone
and enter the contest.

Idiotic as it sounds

it's vital
to this poor, silly, little man.

There is such a thing as love,
you know?

Yeah, yeah, I know,
I discovered that once myself.

Well, good, I'm glad to hear
there's some real emotion

under that hard-boiled exterior
of yours.

Yeah, I know what love
is and I know what hate is.

And I know exactly what
that poor sap is going through.

He's in a hopeless muddle,
that's why he writes to you.

If I thought it'd help him any,
I'd answer it for him myself.

But, advice is no good.

In a case like this,
you're caught in the rapids.

And you go
exactly where it takes you.


Steve, what are you doin' here?

The opposition slipped one over
on you this time.

Cole just arrested Mander
for the m*rder of Halford.

Get down to headquarters
right away.

And on behalf
and in the interest

of the people
of the state of New York

we shall prove
that the defendant, Henry Mander

did premeditatedly
and in cold blood

destroy the life
of his partner in business

James Spencer Halford.

That the defendant
engineered this crime

to cause it to appear
an accident.

And that his motive
for such a deed

was an insurance policy
for $200,000

and the control
of the business venture.

Lieutenant White.

Steve, I shouldn't be here.

Why not? You work
for a newspaper, don't you?

but this isn't my department.

But you're in my department,
aren't you?

Yeah, that's the trouble.

What is your official capacity,
Lieutenant White?

I'm a ballistics expert
for the police department.

Will council stipulate
that the witness is qualified?

So stipulated.

I now show you
people's exhibit S2

for identification.

- Do you recognize this?
- I do.

I've been studying test b*ll*ts
fired from this g*n.

Have you formed an opinion
as a result of your research?

Yes, the grooves
in the death b*llet

and the grooves
in the test b*ll*ts

were made
by the same r*fle barrel.

And no other r*fle barrel
could form the same grooves

as are found
in the death b*llet?

Absolutely not.

In my opinion

the fatal b*llet
was fired from this g*n.

That's all, lieutenant.

"Society's represented
by Mrs. Van Holstein"

who hasn't missed
a big m*rder trial in years.

She's up to her eyes
and chinchillas

wearing something
on top of her hat

that looks like a bulldog. Phew!

Peter Rafferty.

Raise your right hand.

You solemnly swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth

and nothin' but the truth,
so help you God?

- Sure, yes.
- What's your name?

- Peter Rafferty.
- Peter Rafferty.

What's your business,
Mr. Rafferty?

I got a sh**t' gallery.

You recognize this r*fle?

Sure I do.
That's one of my own g*ns.

There's my initials
on the barrel.

Would you recall the customers
who visited your place

on the night of, uh,
March the 23rd

say, about 6 o'clock?

I think so.

You remember a man
who called himself Jones?

Yeah. Mr. Jones.

Would you recognize this man
if you saw him again?

Yes, sir. That's him.

Thank you, Mr. Rafferty.

Hello, Willard, sh**ting-gallery
man identifies Mander

as giving the name of Jones.
Also, identifies death g*n.

Howard Jennings.
Raise your right hand.

You solemnly swear to tell
the truth, the whole truth'

and nothing but the truth,
so help you God?

- What's your name?
- Howard Jennings.

I understand, Mr. Jennings,
you're the general manager

of the Globe
Insurance Company.

Is it a fact that the firm
of Halford and Mander

carried a partnership
insurance in your company?

Yes, it is.

What is the amount
of that policy?

Two hundred thousand dollars.

And since Halford is dead

the money is now payable
to Henry Mander?

- Yes, it is.
- Thank you.

Your witness, Mr. Colville.

I don't think one man would
k*ll another just for money.

They ruined several thousand
lives getting a crooked fortune.

I don't know why one of 'em
wouldn't k*ll the other.

Mr. Jennings

can you state whether the
partnership insurance

payable to a surviving member
is in general use?

Why, yes.
It is a fairly general practice.

And did Mr. Mander
and Mr. Halford

apply for such a policy?

Yes, they did.

How long had this policy
been in effect?

- At Mr. Halford's death.
- More than five years.

This is Maguire.
Gimme the desk.

"Insurance was obvious motive,"
says the district attorney.

And get this.
I think it was, too.

Mr. Jennings,
do you know any cases of fraud

or attempted fraud,
in which the beneficiary

committed a crime
to collect the insurance?

Yes, there have been many
such cases within my experience.

And what was the average length
of time that elapsed

the issuance of the policy

and the commission of the crime?

Crime was generally committed

within six months or less

from the time
the policy was issued.

Thank you, Mr. Jennings.

No more questions.

Steven Grey, take the stand.

Steven Grey.

What does he know
about this trial?

I don't know,
but it looks like this m*rder

was just to raise, boost
the circulation of "The Star."

Steven. Are you gonna testify
in this case?

Looks like it.

Raise your right hand, do you
solemnly swear to tell the truth

the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, so help you God?

- I do.
- What's your name?

- Steven Grey.
- Steven Grey.

Now, Mr. Grey,
you're a feature writer

on "The New York Daily Star,"
are you not?

I am.

On the morning after the crime

while covering
the Halford m*rder

you called at the offices
of Halford and Mander?

Yes, sir.

And while there, you overheard

a telephone conversation between

the defendant and someone?

Yes, sir. A Mr. Burnes.

Tell the court and the jury
exactly what you overheard.

Mander seemed to be pleading

with this fellow, Burnes.
He, uh...

He kept saying, "Now, listen to
me. You've got to listen to me.

You can't close me out
like this."

Was it a heated conversation?

It was warm.

What else
did the defendant say?

He said
he'd have the money to pay.

Said the insurance company
owed him $200,000

on a partnership policy.

And then?

Then he hung up.

I see. Did you
interview Mander personally?

- I tried to.
- What was said?

Oh, nothing of importance.

What was said, Mr. Grey? Please.

- He refused the interview.
- Why?

Well, some time ago,
I wrote a series of articles

on investment broker rackets.

And Halford and Mander was one
of the firms you exposed, eh?

That's right.

Then you knew the defendant.


While getting material
for my articles

I discovered that my father
had lost some money in his firm.

I object! This testimony has
no possible bearing in the case.

I move it be stricken
from the record.

Motion granted.

Did you know
that this man's father

lost money in your business?

Well, what happened?

No, I didn't, I...

I only knew Grey as a reporter.

Oh, nothing of importance.

Mr. Grey, the defendant
is on trial for m*rder.

I must insist you tell the court
and jury exactly what happened.

Mander got mad
and grabbed some kind

of a glass gadget off his desk

and tried to crown me with it.

Yes. And what did he say?

Oh, nothing.
I don't think he meant it.

It's not for you to say
what he meant.

What did Mander say?

He told me to get out
or he'd m*rder me.

Thank you very much, Mr. Grey.

Your witness, Mr. Coleville.

Now, Mr. Grey...

- Hello...
- Hello.

Steve Grey,
big-shot reporter of "The Star"

was on the witness stand and...

Steve Grey, star reporter

gives sensational testimony
against Mander.

Extra! Extra!

Well, never mind that, Joe.
Here, take this.

Mrs. Horowitz,
one of the members of the jury

was wearing
a horn-colored monkey jacket.

Extra! Read all about it.

"Steve Grey gives sensational
testimony against Mander!"

Extra! "Prosecutor wants
Mander death penalty."

"Mander case goes to jury."


Best job you've ever done,

Your testimony went a long way

towards sending that rat
to the chair.

Yeah, I don't like rats.

I'm not sure I like the idea
of k*lling them, either.

Aw, forget it.
You've been working too hard.

Take a rest, it'll do you good.

Go away for a couple of days.


Next time
I'll strap the guy to the chair.

Then, uh, then maybe you'll
give me a whole week off, huh?

Hey, Steve, what are you
tryin' to do? k*ll me?

Sorry, Mary. I didn't see

- Where you goin'?
- Around the world.

- "Around the world?"
- Yeah.

Big-hearted Jake just gave me
two days of vacation.

Oh, then I know
where you're going.

- I bet you do.
- Sure, to Joe's...

Or Pete's or any other bar
you can find.

You know all the answers,
don't you, Mary?

Most of them.

Alright, can you tell me
what would be better for me then

than a good
old-fashioned drunk?

Yes, I can.
But, I haven't time now.

Can you meet me in half an hour
at The Savoy Grill?

- Buyin' my lunch?
- No, you're buying mine.

- Alright. It's a date.
- It's a date.

Give me two slugs
and a soft one.

Hello, Steve.

Give me a shot.

Just been readin' your story.

Clever way that guy did it.

But, I always says k*lling's
bad business, Mr. Grey.

- Well, hey!
- Hello, Steve!

Come on, have a drink.
Hey, Jimmy. A little service.

Well, Steve,
you certainly gave us

one swell trimming
on that story.

Yeah, but you musta had
some inside dope.

"Inside dope?"
Nothing, he's a newspaper man.

Come on, give us the low-down.
Where'd you get your--

Hey, can't you guys talk
about anything else?

- Yeah, but--
- Aw, shut up!

- How do you do, Mr. Grey?
- Send me a drink over here.

- Will ya?
- Very good, sir.

- Hello, Steve.
- Oh, hiya, captain.

Well, the case is all over.
He's signed and sealed.

And when we deliver him up
the river, the job's finished.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, it was
an open-and-shut case.

I knew all along we had him

but it will be
the same old story.

He'll go to the chair,
protesting his innocence.

They always do.

Well, so long, Steve.

See you at the next m*rder.

There you are, Mr. Grey.
Now, what would you like?

Another drink.
Bring it right away, will ya?

Yes, sir.

You might've
at least waited until

after we'd had our lunch.

Just a little appetizer.

I know your appetite,
but you've had enough.

Okay, boss.

Steve, I know
what's bothering you.

Your testimony against Mander.

- But it was only your duty.
- Certainly, it was.

- The guy had it coming to him.
- Well, of course he did.

But you've gotta
forget about it.

Go away someplace

where you can do something

- What is worthwhile?
- Lots of things.

I want to see you
accomplish something, Steve.

I wanna see you do all
the things I know you can do.

You wrote a book once.
It was quite a success.

You can do it again.

Listen, I know a place
away from all this.

We won't let a soul
come near you.

And as far as the rest
of the world's concerned

there won't be a Steve Grey

until you've found
yourself again.

You think I could do that?

Of course you can,
if you try.

Alright, I will try.

For you.

"Your Excellency

the death commitment
of Henry L. Mander

"has just been returned to me
by your messenger

"and your signature
is duly noted.

"In accordance
with the said commitment

"I shall carry out
the decree of the court

"at 11 o'clock tomorrow night.
And we'll notify...

Warden's office.

Just a minute.
It's your call, sir.

- Wh-who is it?
- The long-distance call.

- Mr. Robins at "New York Star."
- Oh, yes, yes.

Hello, Mr. Robin.

This is Warden Powell
of Sing Sing.

Mander has agreed
to grant an interview

and the board has okayed it.

Have your man here at 11 o'clock
sharp tomorrow morning.

No, I haven't told Mander
which paper.

Thank you very much, warden.

Got it.


...I want you to...

- Clara.
- Yes, sir.

Ask Mary to come in here.

- Will you, please?
- Right.

They've just granted
a death-house interview

with Mander,
tomorrow morning at 11.

That means I take
the 9 o'clock for Ossining

in the morning, eh, chief?

What? What? Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Oh, come in, Mary.

Mary, you need a rest.

How 'bout taking
a couple of weeks off?

- With pay?
- Why, of course.

I'm making the suggestion,
am I not?

Well, then, I'll be glad to.
Starting next week?

Alright, thanks.

Oh, wait, just a minute, Mary.
Sit down.

How'd you like
to do me a favor?

What is it?

- I want Steve.
- Mr. Robins.

I've told you before,
I can't tell you where Steve is

except that he's away
writing a book

and taking a long rest.

Well, he's been gone
for three months.

That's rest enough, isn't it?

It'd be a crime
to drag him back now.

- He's salvaging his life.
- Mary, listen. I need him.

We've just been granted
permission to interview Mander

in the death house
tomorrow morning.

Well, can't you send Shorty?

I can send
a hundred other reporters

and get a statement from Mander
on the day of his electrocution

but nobody can write that story
the way Steve can.

I'm sorry, Mr. Robins.

Well, you're not being
very loyal to the paper.

I think it's up to me to decide
where my loyalty is due.

- Don't you?
- Alright, never mind.

Forget I mentioned it at all.

And, uh, my vacation is over?

No, no, no, no.
You can take it.

There are no strings
attached to it.


Mary, you can go now.

- This minute?
- Yes.

Oh, thank you very much.

- Come here, Shorty.
- Yes, sir.

You're not going to Ossining,
I have a much more

important assignment for you.

I want you to get
a couple of sandwiches and...

Is that you?

- What are you doin' up here?
- Robin gave me a vacation.

He did?

What did he give ya, two days?

No, two whole weeks.

Two weeks? Gosh.
It sounds like a bribe.

Maybe you're right.

How is the old warhorse?

Oh, he's still pining away
for you.

- Ah, let him pine.
- How's your book going?

- It isn't.
- What do you mean, Steve?

I haven't even started it yet.

What's more,
I don't think I will.

Oh, but, Steve,
you told me you were gonna--

Yeah, I know, I told you
a lot of things.

I don't know, I...

I don't seem to be able
to get down to it.

Besides, there are enough punk
books in the world without min'

I think. Hey,
let's not talk about books.

let's talk about you.

Uh, uh, what are your plans
for your vacation?

Oh, I'll probably stay down
in the village

and bother you occasionally.

Well, you'd better bother me
more than occasionally

or I will be bothered.

- What do you like to do?
- Well, I...

I like to fish.

Alright, we'll go fishing.
What else?

And I like to swim.

we'll go swimming. And?

I like to walk and dream.

I'll tell you what we'll do.

We'll forget about
everything else in the world

and we'll just think
about all the things

you like to do,
for two weeks, huh?

That'll be grand.

But you know,
you're gonna be awfully busy.

Well, I-I don't think
I'll mind that.

- Hi, Steve.
- How did you get here?

Uh, well,
I just happened to be passing--

Yeah, I know. Robins sent you
up here to get me, huh?

Yes, he did, Steve. He wants you
for a very special reason.

Steve, he wants you to interview
Mander in the death house.

Yeah, and he had a pretty hard
time gettin' permission, too.

'Mander goes to the chair
tomorrow, you know?'

Yeah, I know.

As if that could make
any difference to you.

Well, surely, you don't want to
interview the poor fella.

Oh, Steve, you wouldn't,
would you?

You're away from all that now
and if you go back...

What'll I tell Mr. Robins,

Tell him I'll be at Sing Sing
in the morning.

And you can tell him
I'll be back in his office

in the mornin'.

Grey of "The New York Star."

Okay, over here.

Sit down.
I'll have him brought out.

You've only got a few minutes.
So, make the interview snappy.

Dave, have Mander brought out
for this newspaper guy.

Yes, sir.

Bring Mander out.

- Alright, Mander.
- What is it?

A visitor.

A newspaper man is here.
Come on.

Just a few minutes.


Why'd they send you up here?

You offered a granted interview,
didn't you?

Yes. I want the world to know
I'm innocent.

I didn't think they'd send you.

I haven't got a chance with you.

You're not as cocky as you
used to be, are you, Mander?

You don't know
what it means to be here.

Waking up,
wondering what day it is

and how many hours
you've got to live.

And those terrible mornings

when the guards
pull the curtains

and you hear whispering,
shuffling feet

and a priest praying
for some poor, mourning fool

they have to drag to the chair.

Oh, Grey, do something.

- What could I do?
- I didn't k*ll Halford.

Put it in the paper,
tell everybody I'm innocent.

- Tell them I'm not a m*rder*r.
- No, no, no.

You're talkin' to the wrong guy,

You and Halford
were the worst kind of K*llers.

Ya k*lled people with
your schemes and with your lies

just as surely as if you'd
shot them down in cold blood!

But I'll make it up,
everything I stole.

I'll go to prison. I'll pay
for all the wrong I did to them.

You know, I knew
some of the people you robbed.

Men like my father who
turned over every cent to you

and women like...

We don't have to mention
any names.

You had Halford
with his love schemes for them.

They came to you in trust and
turned over everything they had.

Nothing was too low
for you to do

nothing too contemptible.

Listen to me, Mander.

I've got sympathy for every man
in that death house.

There isn't anything in
the world I wouldn't do for them

but not for you, Mander

because you've got it coming
to ya.

But I'm not a m*rder*r!
I didn't k*ll Halford!

I know you didn't.

What? What did you say?

You know I didn't?

Oh, Grey.
Grey, you gotta do something.

You must do something.
You will help me, won't ya?

You can't let them k*ll me
when you know I didn't do it!

Oh, Grey, for heaven's sake,
save me! Save me!

- Time's up, Mander.
- I've only got a short time.

- Until 11 o'clock tonight.
- Come on, Mander.

Oh, Grey, don't sit there
staring at me, tell me

you'll help me.
You're the only one who can!

You're the only one who knows!

Oh, Grey, don't let them
k*ll me like this!

Grey! Please! Grey!

Grey, please!

Grey! Please, Grey!

Grey, please!

- Yeah?
- Steve.

Where's that Mander story?
I've been waiting hours for it.

We've missed two editions

I've been trying
to get an angle on this.


Do you realize
I had to move heaven and Earth

to get that interview?

We're the only paper
that could work it.

Alright, alright.
You'll get your story.

They're typin' a copy of it now.

'Is it good?'

How do I know
if it's any good or not?

Here you are, Mr. Grey.

It's a wonderful story,
Mr. Grey.

I guess it appeals to me

because I had an uncle
that was electrocuted once.

- Once is generally enough.
- Oh, but he didn't do anything.

It was all a mistake.

And he was awful pretty, too.

- Mr. Grey, what are you doin'?
- Run along, Mabel.

But, Mr. Grey, you know their--

Go on, get out of here!

Oh, Ms. Shannon,
he's torn it up.

- What?
- Mr. Grey. He's torn it up.

The-the story, I mean.
And he's awful extra mad.

Oh, never mind, Mabel.
I'll take care of it.

What's the matter, Steve?

Mabel says
you've torn up your story.

Yes, I tore it up.

Why should I pander
to the morbid curiosity

of a lotta people
who wanna know how a guy looks

before he goes to the chair?

If you could've seen
how he looked

if you could've heard him
plead with me...

Oh, it must've been horrible.
You shouldn't have gone, Steve.

Ah, what do I care how he looks
or how he feels.

What do you call this,
a cocktail party?

- Where's that story?
- It's in the wastepaper basket.

If you like jigsaw puzzles,
there it is.

- You tore it up?
- Yes, I tore it up.

And I'm not gonna
write it again--

Oh, yes, you are,
you drunken fool.

- Drunken or not, I'm through.
- What do you mean, "Through?"

Take it any way you like.
I'm quitting.

You can quit if you want to

but you don't go
until you write that story!

Leave him to me, Mr. Robins.

Yeah, and I'm not gonna
write it for you either.

What's the matter, too strong
for your delicate stomach

you drooling saphead?

Can't stand to see a man
in the death house, eh?

You've got the biggest story
in months

and you're holding it
from your readers.

That's the lowest thing
a newspaper man can do.

And they call you
The m*rder Man.

Why, you oughta be writing
bedtime stories.


Okay, I'll write your story.

I'll write ya
the greatest story

your cheesy newspaper
has ever printed.

I'll give your million readers
something to gloat over.

Now, get out of here
and leave me alone!

That's the way to talk, Steve.

I hate to see you so upset.

Get outta here, you, too!

At the 11th hour

Henry Mander was saved
from the electric chair.

Steven Grey,
the man who shot Halford

from Rafferty's sh**ting gallery
on the night of March the 23rd...

...walked into
Captain Cole's office

at police headquarters at...

...at 5:45 today
and confessed the crime.

A sardonic touch
was added to the situation

by the fact that Grey,
who was a reporter on "The Star"

interviewed Mander this morning
in the death house at Sing Sing.

- Well, he's doing it, Mary.
- Good.

Steve is a tough guy
to get along with

but he's a peach.

Isn't he?

Yes. Yes, he is.

And that's the story, Mary.

Now, you know
what's been the matter with me

and why I've acted so strangely.

I guess there isn't
anything more to say


...except that I think
you're a swell girl, Mary.

And I only wish I had met you
a long, long time ago.


- Yes, Steve?
- Come here a minute, will ya?

Mary, I want you
to type this for me.

Alright, Steve.

Hey, I know it sounds
a little funny

but, uh, well, I want you to be
the first one to hear it.

Of course,
I'll do it if you want me to.

I'm sorry I yelled at you
a little while ago.

Forgive me, will ya?
It's my nerves.

I guess they're a little shot.

Why don't you go home
and take a rest?

No, I can't do that,
I got an appointment

with Captain Cole at 5:45.

- Will that keep you long?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it's liable to keep me
quite a while.


I won't see you again
for a long time, maybe.

What do you mean, Steve?

Well, you heard me
tell his nibs

I wasn't gonna work here
anymore, didn't you?

Hm, yes,
but Robins won't let you resign.

He'll find you
and bring you back again.

Oh, no, he won't. No, no.

Hey, look, Mary.

Why don't you give up
this racket, too?

It's no good,
not for a swell girl like you.

Why don't you get yourself
a nice husband

and get married, eh?

Then you'll have problems
of your own, see?

You won't have to worry
about other people's.

Thanks for the advice.

I'd like to think of you
as being happy, Mary.

There isn't anything you'd care
to do about it personally.

- Is there?
- Yeah.

Yes, there's a lot I'd like
to do about it personally...

...but I can't.

Why can't you, Steve?

Hey, you.
Your big story's finished.

- And so am I.
- Yes, you are.

You'll be around here tomorrow
and I'll tell you

about a bonus check
I have for ya.

Yeah, you can...

Give the bonus to my old man.

Goodbye, Hal. Good luck...

...at 5:45 p.m. today
and confessed the crime.

Police headquarters.

Except that I think
you're a swell girl, Mary.

And I only wish I had met you
a long, long time ago.

We're awfully late tonight,
Mr. Robins.

Yes, it was that Mander story.

But you've got the copy now,
haven't ya?

No, sir,
we're still holding for it.


Mary has it in Steve's office.

- Mary, where's that story?
- I don't know.

Gimme that!

Oh, Pop?
Come along with me, and hurry.

- What's wrong, Mary?
- We've got to find Steve.

Right away. Come on.

Hey, Steve?
You can't go in there.

The captain's asleep.
Been on a case for 48 hours.

What are ya
bustin' in here for?

- News.
- No news. Get out!

- I got some news for you.
- It'll keep.

Big news never keeps,
this is gonna be screamin'

all over the 6:30 "Star."

I thought I'd be a good guy
and come down

and tip you off to it.

Next time,
don't trouble to be so nice.

And this time, get out.

Mander's not going
to the chair tonight, Cole.

What do you mean?

I thought that'd make you
sit up.

Gimme a match.

- Is this a gag?
- No, it's not a gag.

- Mander didn't k*ll Halford.
- Well, if he didn't, who did?

That's the news, see,
that's the news.

You still want me to keep it?

- No, spill it.
- Alright, I'll spill it.

But I'm gonna spill it
in my own way.


The story begins five years ago.


Yeah, it begins five years ago

with a young wife
telling her husband

that she had met
a couple of upright businessmen

that were gonna invest
her life savings safely.

- Halford and Mander?
- Yeah.

I see, and the nice young wife

was playing around
with one of 'em, hm?

That's right, that's right,
with Halford.

Halford was a ladies' man.

He was the type
that fascinates women.

And this Mander
was the kind of a guy

that used Halford's charm
to snare in any woman

who was sap enough
to fall for it.

Who was the woman, Steve?

She deserted her husband.

She turned over everything
they had to these two guys.

And then
when she didn't have anymore

she found out she was alone

and she found that out,
that was too much for her.

The police dragged her body out
of the river a few days later.

And that was too much
for the husband.

Well, go on.

Then he became
a brooding maniac.

He neglected his work.

He stayed drunk
for days and days at a time.

And, finally,
this brooding drove him

to the m*rder of Halford.

So, he phoned Mander
to come to the sh**ting gallery

to get a message.

Well, then he was shot
from the sh**ting gallery?

No, he was shot from a hallway.

- Next to the sh**ting gallery.
- But the g*n, Steve.

That g*n was Rafferty's.

The fellow borrowed it
long enough

to do the job.

- Who was it, Steve?
- He squared everything.

By k*lling one of them
and framing the other.

Well, then all that evidence
was framed against Mander.

Yeah, the fellow who shot
Halford sat in the courtroom

and watched Mander being tried
and convicted for m*rder.

And he thought
he was going to be able

to see him go to the chair...

...but he couldn't.

And that's why
you're hearing the story.

Steve, what have you told him?

- Mary, what're you doing here?
- Oh, please, don't believe him.

He's been drinking, he
doesn't know what he's saying.

- Go on with your story, Steve.
- No, no, Steve.

- I've broken that cylinder.
- Who k*lled Halford?

Steve, don't you say
another word.

I did.

Call Sweeney.

Can I use your phone?

Help yourself.

Get me Robins
at "The Star" office, will ya?

- Yeah.
- 'Steve Grey on the phone.'

- 'Mr. Robins.'
- Hey, where are you?

Did you accept my resignation?

No, but the next time
you resign, you're fired!

Well, here's that story
you've been waiting for.

Steve Grey just confessed
to the m*rder of Halford.

What! Are you crazy?

I'm sorry, old timer,
it's on the square.

Well, son,
ya-you did the wrong thing

but you straightened it out
the right way.

I knew
you'd take it that way.

I knew you'd do it that way.

I guess we must be related,
huh, Pop?

Yes, I guess so.

Go on back
to your work now, Pop.

I'll be here tomorrow
to see you.

Alright, I'll be here.

Come on, Mary.

I had to go through with it,

I understand.

I'm sure you must've had
your reasons.

I did.

It couldn't have worked out
any other way.

You remember my telling you
a long time ago

about being caught in the rapids
and going wherever it took you?


that's what happened to me.

And I, I'd like you
always to remember that.

I'll remember
a whole lot more than that.

Yeah. So will I.

Just, just think of me
as one of those fellows

who wrote you a letter, Mary

because your answer
to the problem

would have been the same
as mine, wouldn't it?

You better go now.

Oh, darling.

What is it, chief?

- Book Grey for m*rder.
- Mu...

- m*rder?
- Halford.

Come on, Steve.

Don't feel too badly.

I've been around for 30 years

and I want
to tell you something.

It's a long step
from here to the finish.

You know...

...juries take a lot of things
into consideration.
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