Shining Hour, The (1938)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Shining Hour, The (1938)

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Sleep well?


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Sleep well?
- Still no.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Sleep well?
- You bet, how about you?

You bet.

My gosh, it's getting so a man is
afraid to read the front page nowadays.

- That's the way I feel about the sport page.
- Oh, from Brooklyn, eh?

Say, it said here Olivia
Riley is going to Middle Island...

get married I'd mean, ever get a look at her?

- Only in pictures.
- I've seen her dance.

- You have?
- Yes, I couldn't look at my wife for a week.

- But wait till you hear who she's marrying.
- Who?

Believe it or not Henry Linden.

- Lin, of the farm board?
- That's the one.

Can you imagine a dame like that
even knowing a man like Linden?

Oh well, after all, a man can't worry
about the farmer's problems all the time.

Yeah but marrying her.
What will he be? Her third or her fourth, eh?

First, so tell me.

Oh, yeah? Well, what about prince what's
his name? And the guy in the nightclub and...

Oh, don't ask me brother. I married the
first woman I ever met, 30 years ago.

- Your breakfast is ready Mr. Linden.
- Thank you.


Relax gentlemen, I'm not Henry Linden.

I'm his brother, good morning.

Good morning.

- Sleep well?
- Sir?

- Room and bath please.
- Certainly.

David Linden, any relation to...

Brothers Mr.Linden in?

He's out of town but we
expect him back this evening.

Thanks. Oh, is miss Olivia Riley live here?

- Yes sir.
- Is she in?

I believe she and Mr. Linden are attending
the same house party on long island.

- May I leave word that you called?
- Well miss Riley doesn't know me.

You sure to find them
both at the Sirocco tonight.

- Miss Riley dances there, you know.
- So I've heard, thanks.

Can I have your? Ah, he ain't nobody.

Why, he ain't even
dressed right to get in here.

- Only formal dress admitted sir.
- Good idea.

Your clothes sir, the
management makes no exceptions.

- This table is reserved sir.
- That's very thoughtful of you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you sir.

Ladies and gentlemen, at this point,
following an old Franklin custom,

I give you...

That's right, that's right children.
Enjoy it, it's expensive.

I give you van Stillman and Olivia Riley.

- A table Mr. Linden?
- Not tonight, thanks Maurice.

Thank you Mr. Linden.

- Miss Riley, have you Ok those proofs yet?
- I have not.

They make me look like
John I. Sullivan without the beard.

- John I. Sullivan didn't have a...
- Neither have I, look, I'll pose again.

Miss Riley, I'm chairman
for the national committee...

For the preservation
of American family morals,

- and we do so want your cooperation.
- As a member or an example?

We want you to be a contributing
patrons as a national movement...

I should've known. Well,
you write me a letter about it,

and my secretary
will take care of it for you.

- But I'd like to tell miss Riley.
- Lady, nobody tells miss Riley.

I can't get used to it.

All my life, I've wanted to meet
a farmer, I finally do and you're it.

- You can't kiss me, you're a city slicker.
- Not me, I'm all hick and a yard wide.,

and I've come to this
big city to get me a wife.

- Here we go again.
- Oh but why not Olivia? Why not?

Oh, it's not fair to keep asking me
that, you know all my best answers.

Well, there's one good thing
about the lindens, we can wait.

Long enough for a
Riley to stick her chin out?

- Are we going to start that all over again?
- We're not going to stop Henry.

This is a real world we're
living in, not just a popular song.

And the distance between the Wisconsin
lindens and the 10th Avenue Rileys...

Is a lot more than
a couple of thousand miles.

- It's as far as from me to you.
- No, it's as far as from here to the moon.

I can just see myself, tell me Mrs. Linden,
what school in Switzerland did you attend?

Frankly Mrs. Esterbild,
I couldn't quite make it.

I was too busy all day
dipping shirts in the laundry and...

All night picking my
old man up out of the gutters.

When I finally landed that job
in the chorus, I was just plain busy.

- You talk as if you were scared.
- You bet I'm scared.

Wouldn't you be if you were Maggie Riley,
that's my real name by the way Maggie-

and you met a man you liked as much as
I like you and he asked you to marry him?

Wouldn't you be scared?

Honestly, no. I'd jump at the chance.

Oh, come on, how about it?

Oh darling, we're
right back where we started.

Oh Henry, if only I liked you a
little less or loved you a little more.

- Come on honey and get dressed.
- Ok.

- You had your two pieces for today.
- Oh, I'm sick of that.

I want to eat what I want when I want.

I can see I've been using the wrong attack.

Wisconsin is pretty famous for its potatoes.

Oh, I haven't eaten one in 7 years.

Sometimes we roast them...

Spread them all around a crackly
young pig just dripping in its own gravy.

Hot biscuits too, peach pie with thick
cream, nothing heavy, mind you, just filling.

Oh, stop it.

- Olivia?
- Yeah?

According to the morning gazette,
we're going to be married.

The gazette said the cubs
would win the world series.

And if you pay extra, the New York papers
are only two days late in Wisconsin.

Have you got a front porch
and rocking chairs and fireflies?

The best.

What about your brother and his wife?

And your sister Hannah.
Oh, she'd hate me on sight.

Look darling, my sister Hannah
hasn't asked you to marry her, I have.

And she'll love you. Why, she's been more
a mother than a sister to David and me.

- I'm not exactly a mother's choice.
- You're mine.

My first and my last.

But why? What makes you want me?

Just knowing and I want you.

More importantly than I've ever
wanted anything before in my life.

Ok Henry, heaven help you, you're stuck.

- 17 C sir, to the left sir.
- Thanks, I think I can find it.

- Where's miss Riley?
- She hasn't arrived yet sir.

- Mr. Linden?
- He'll be with miss Riley sir.

Thank you.

I beg pardon Mr. Franklin,
there's somebody at the...

Front door sir that I haven't seen before.

If it sea biscuit, it's alright, I invited
him. Just take his bit and saddle

- I don't think it is sir.
- No, it isn't.

- Hello, do I know you?
- I don't think so. I'm David Linden.

I wasn't invited to this party.
I came looking for my brother.

Very natural but Mr. Linden, you
arrive at one of the rare moments...

When your brother is not here.
I'm Roger Franklin, a bitter rival of his.

These are a few of Olivia's friends, if you
read the papers, you know their names.

Their faces don't matter.
Come on, let's have a drink.

Friends and non Wisconsins...

♪ The farmer is in the Dell,
oh, the farmer is in the Dell, ♪

♪ Henry Lothario, the farmer is in the Dell ♪

♪ Now, the farmer wants a wife,
oh, the farmer wants a wife. ♪

♪ Because his lonely on the prairie,
oh, the farmer wants a wife. ♪

♪ Now, he sought a city bride,
he sought a city bride. ♪

♪ Olivia the Riley,
oh, he tried and tried and tried. ♪

Take it easy Bertie, we've got guests.

Why don't you send out
for the guest exterminator?

♪ Olivia said no, Olivia said no. ♪

♪ So exit Hank Lothario Olivia said no. ♪

♪ Oh, exit Hank Lothario,
she told him where to go. ♪

- Appropriate, don't you think?
- Perfect Bertie.

Bertie, this is David Linden. Brother.

- Big man, isn't he?
- Very big.

Is he nice?

That I wouldn't know,
but he looks sort of nice.

Well, then you please remind him that
nice big men don't hit nasty little men?

Oh, we don't hit nasty
little men, we use ant paste.

- Hello Olivia.
- Hello Henry.

I'm so sorry we're late,
but it was a very special occasion.

We're engaged.

Hey come on, to the bar everybody.

Future Mrs. Linden wishes
to be launched in champagne.

David, for the love of Mike...

What are you doing here?
Why didn't you let me know you were coming?

- Olivia, this is David.
- How do you do?

How you do?

I'm sorry I wasn't here when you hit this
den of lions, did they mangle you horribly?

Oh, not badly but I can still feel
their breath on the seat of my pants.

How's Hannah and Judy?

Oh, fine.

Where are you staying?
How long you going to be here?

I don't know how long I'm going
to be here, I flew east to talk to you.

To talk to me?

Suppose I go sober up some of my guests?

- It was nice meeting you.
- Thank you.

- Isn't she beautiful?
- Very beautiful.

Oh, let's cut out the monosyllables.
What in the name of Linden brings you here?

- The name of Linden Henry.
- Oh, very melodramatically put.

Alright, let's get it over.

I imagine the library will be
empty, it's farthest away from the bar.

You're not in love with Henry Linden,
you don't even think you are this time.

- How do you know that?
- I know you.

- You don't know Henry Linden.
- I know the type.

He's one of the love will
come after marriage boys.

Wait till he finds out he was just
one of your moods, like the rest of us.

And what mood were you,
Roger, I don't remember.


I put you where you are, remember that?

What can he do for you?

You don't need his money, he's no younger
than I am, what is he got that you want?

You've never heard of it.

What he's got is called quality.

- So has the Lincoln memorial.
- And he loves me.

That's the greatest compliment I've ever had.

That, plus the promise that my life, for the
first time, will become sane and normal.

Until you get bored and begin to notice the
rippling muscles and clear blue eyes or...

- Nearest hired man.
- That's what I mean.

You expect the worst,
all of you do, all the time.

He expects the best and
I'm never going to let him down.

Get that into your nasty little mind.
I'm never going to let him down.


- Friends of yours?
- Friends of each other I hope.

Alright David, what's on your mind?

Well, it hasn't anything to do with
my mind, I'm here on an errand.

- Sort of an errand of bad will.
- Hannah asked you to come.

She's worried about you.

I've never been in better health in my life.

- She's not worried about your health.
- Oh, my mind perhaps?

She feels if you came home for a
while, perhaps your sense of values...

Would become her sense of values, is that it?

Your point or rather Hannah's
point, doesn't make any difference...

Is that Olivia is not
good enough for the lindens.

My point is, there isn't a
Linden good enough for her.

And as points go, it's a
pretty shabby one Henry.

You're no judge of that David.

Well, perhaps not but you should be.

You have eyes and ears, look around
at her friends, listen to what they say.

The cream of cafe society,
so witty, so gay and so brittle.

- I'll take the village halfwit back home.
- Now, that's enough David.

Why you behaving
like a naive little schoolboy?

We're not being prudes about this but...

- Well, after all, why marry?
- Henry...

There's a reporter out there darling...

will you go tell him
how deliriously happy you are?

- Aren't you coming too?
- I've already told him.

I gather you're not drunk
with joy over this marriage.

- I think you're making a mistake.
- Think Henry is making a mistake.

Both of you are.

You see, I don't
think you'd like us very much.

You mean you wouldn't like me.

Why don't you let me decide
what I mean by what I say?

So I'm to give up Henry because
his brother is insufferable and smug?

Oh, that depends on the point of view.

Tell me, where did you ever
find anyone good enough for you?

Alright, you want it? Here it is.

When Henry and I walked in here just
now, we interrupted a very romantic couple.

Well, you should've coughed.

I was too busy thinking
what would happen if...

He ever walked in and
discovered you in the same situation.

- Tell that to the boys behind the barn.
- That miss Riley, is exactly what I mean.

Your life will be full of peace and joy
ad the home which you are establishing...

Will abide through every vicissitude.

Maggie Riley, wilt thou have
'tis man to be thy wedded husband...

To live together in
the holy state of matrimony?

Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor
and keep him, in sickness and in health...

And forsaking all others, keep thee only
unto him so long as ye both shall live?

I will.

Well, here they come.

Gives you a funny feeling, like
watching the enemy fly in.

Look David, what I tell
her if she asks about Hannah?

Hey David, what I tell
her she asks about Hannah?

- You won't have to tell her, she'll know.
- Hello.



- I'm Judy, David's wife.
- Hello Judy.

I'll never trust David again, he just
said you're beautiful and let it go at that.

Oh. That's a lot from
David, isn't it? I'm grateful.

What about me? I'm a lot prettier.
Marriage does that for a boy.

Oh, wait till you have your
first baby and lose all your teeth.

You have to watch him like
a hawk, all lindens eat like pigs.

- Hello David.
- Hello Olivia.

Hello David, where's Hannah?

Oh, your maid got in this morning,
she has already been chased by bulls.

Well, don't worry about Belvedere,
by tomorrow, she'll be chasing them.

- Where's Hannah?
- She's waiting at the house.

Yes, she was taking her nap.
Hannah always takes a nap in the afternoon.

Strange, somehow
I imagined Hannah never slept.

Like Scotland yard.

Belvedere, I hear you've
been upsetting our bulls.

Were them bulls? I thought
those cows was acting funny.

- Hello Belvedere.
- Hello miss Olivia.

- Hello Hannah.
- Hello Henry.

- Hannah, this is Olivia.
- Hello Hannah.

How do you do Olivia?
Welcome to Linden acres.

I hope you'll be happy here.

Thank you Hannah, I hope so too.

Well, Hannah, isn't she all I said?

I'm sure she is Henry and more.

- Would you like to go to your room Olivia?
- Yes, thank you.

- And may I have a drink please?
- Certainly.

There's a bottle of whiskey on the
sideboard David, I got it out this morning.

- Why you?
- I meant a drink of water.

But don't let me deprive you, you
probably need an eyeopener after your nap.

- I never drink whiskey.
- Oh, stop pretending Hannah.

You know you get stiff
as a plank every afternoon.

David please.

Well actually, I'd much
rather have a cup of tea.

Yes, we'll all have some.
Go on David, see about it.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

- Put them in the west room Leonard.
- Yes miss Linden.

And don't try to take them all on one trip.

These skimpy bags?
Why, we're practically camping out.

Belvedere is going to come in mighty handy in
the spring, we won't need that new tractor.

Come on, I'll help you unpack

I won't need any help
thank you, Belvedere can manage.

I didn't really want to help you unpack, I
just wanted to stare at what's in those bags.

I got some clothes I keep just for
showing, I wouldn't dare wear them.

Oh, I got a nightgown just like that
it came all the way from Paris.

I keep it hidden under the linen.

- Oh, it's just as I thought it would be.
- What?

Everything, the house, this room.

Look at that bed, where they
ever get it do you suppose?

Oh, I should think an early Linden made it,
out of a couple of Indians and an old tree.

How early were the lindens Judy?

- The very earliest, I mean.
- The very earliest?

Oh no one knows really. I should
think sometime shortly before Genesis.

What about you?

I imagine your family was pretty
upset when the lindens showed up.

Well, I was the little girl next
door, 38 miles down the road.

I met David when I was 6...

He put a frog down
my dress, poured ink over my hair...

And naturally I've been
in love with him ever since.

- I've been a Linden now for...
- And I've got no right here, have I?

- As much right as anyone.
- That doesn't answer my question.

Do they think anyone has any right here?

Oh I see what you mean.

It must seem very strange to you.

Almost indecent for a family
to go on for generation after...

Generation living the
same kind of life all over again.

So complacent and smug about what
it already has and afraid of what it hasn't.

It's about it.

And when you said do they think,
you meant does Hannah think.

- And David and sometime maybe even Henry.
- No, no, you're wrong, it's Hannah.

No matter what they think it's always Hannah.

That doesn't make it any easier, does it?

- No, you mustn't be frightened Olivia.
- I am a little of Hannah.

Oh, I can see you're
more than a match for her.

- And I like you very much.
- But you've hardly set eyes on me Judy.

Even so I have a kind of a feeling, I'm
always having them about nearly everyone.

- You be happy here Olivia.
- Oh, I want to so much.

- How's David's playing?
- He's given it up lately.

He shouldn't, he's too good.

- No, it's nice to see you again Hannah.
- Nice to see you Henry.

- You haven't changed a bit.
- I wish I could say the same for you.

I haven't exactly changed, just improved.

Ah, come on Hannah, relax and be pleasant.

This isn't going to get any of us anywhere.

I want you to make the best of a good bargain
I'm married, Olivia, is your sister in law.

- That's your doing Henry, not mine.
- Oh, come out from behind those prejudices.

You like her don't you?

I make it a rule
never to trust first impressions...

Too bad I didn't teach you the same.

You'll like her very much when you know her.

I won't forget that she's your wife Henry.

I want more than that, you're to
be extremely pleasant to her.

- Of course.
- I mean that Hannah.

You needn't bite my head
off, I said I would, didn't I?

Who's biting whose head off
with tea practically here?

Henry seems to think I haven't
gushed sufficiently over Olivia.

Well you were just a bit cold I'd say,
the hall is still full of icicles.

And to what do you attribute
the sudden change in your opinion?

That's easy, Olivia.

- Will that be all miss Linden?
- Yes, thank you Leonard.

- David guess what I've decided.
- I haven't been able to so far.

That I haven't got and never
did have a single thing to wear.

Hannah you got to go up right after
tea and try them all on one by one.

Possibly Olivia is
too tired to show them to me.

- Nonsense I'd love to.
- You better not.

We got 2,000 cows that are
used to the way Hannah dresses.

They're pretty sensitive to change.

There's a wonderful native sarong that
you just wrap around with one button.

That's hardly likely, fortunately I
have neither the inclination or the torso.

- How do you take it Olivia?
- Perfectly straight please.

- Thank you.
- What you have Olivia?

Egg sandwich, bacon sandwich,
buttered toast cookies or pound cake?

Just a piece of toast please.

Strawberry jam, raspberry
jam, grape jelly or marmalade?

No just the toast, thank you.

- Oh, the pound cake is a Linden specialty.
- She doesn't want it David.

Oh, sorry.

Why, I, I think I could manage a little.


- I told you she didn't want it.
- It's perfect, thank you.

This burner's gone out, you've a match David?

Yeah, sure.

Henry do you have a match? You know
those things go that go ffft and light up?

There you are.

We're simple folk darling,
you get used to us in time.

What? Oh yes, of course.

- He's good, isn't he?
- Yes, he's good.

David that's lovely,
you haven't played in ages.

I haven't felt like it in ages.

Good morning Mr Collins.

Good morning Mrs
Linden, this is my boy Benny.

- You're the one who plays the coronet.
- It's a trumpet, hot.

Yeah, I heard you practicing
last night, you play nice and loud.

Oh, thanks.

He wants to go to Milwaukee
and get a job with a band.

I tell him he's only kidding
himself thinking he's that good.

Why I am that good.

If I ever get a decent horn I'll
have a band of my own in a year.

Then I'll step right into the movies,
I'll photograph alright they tell me.

- He's a modest boy Mrs Linden.
- Oh no, I ain't.

Well I'll tell you what Benny,

if it'll make it sound any
better, I'll buy you a new trumpet.

- You will?
- Yeah.

Oh, thanks.

I've got a picture of just the one I want.

- I bring it up to the house in half an hour.
- Oh, that's fine and...

I bet with a new trumpet,
you could play very quietly, eh?

Oh that's the way you like it, eh? Sweet.

Yeah but not corny.

- I get it.
- Here, stop that kind of talk.

- Goodbye Mrs Linden.
- Goodbye Mr Collins.

Hey Olivia.

- Is that you or a forest fire?
- Hello darling.

What do you burn for gasoline
around here? Old cigarette butts?

Right to the spot.

That's a kind of smoke mother used to raise.

- Where you going?
- Flying Milwaukee for a couple of hours.

And listen don't overdo on the digging,
if a weed or two escapes what of it?

But I love digging.

Perhaps it isn't that Olivia loves digging
so much as she loves a slim figure more.

Perhaps it is that you've
called the turn Hannah

I'll write to my congressman and see.

And don't dig up anything until
Collins tells you they're weeds.

- They may be my special yellow lilies.
- One lily I dug up, one and a runt at that.


Oh please play, I didn't mean to disturb you.

But it's hot in the garden.

Funny, I'd been thinking was stuffy in here,
I'd go out in the garden for a breath of air.

You're a funny kind
of farmer David, do you like it?

- Some of the time.
- And the rest of the time?

I hate it.

But I've been that way
always about everything.

I want what I haven't got
and I'm bored with what I have.

But I've stopped wondering about it.

I just call myself a neurotic.

And your music?

I hadn't played in a
long time until you came.

It bored me.

Then suddenly I wanted to play.

- You knew I was playing for you didn't you?
- And Judy

Judy won't be able to ride with us...

This afternoon, she
has some errands in the village.

Will you be ready about 4 o'clock?

Will you?

My idea of a swell view is
central park on top of the bus.

This sort of thing only existed
on backdrops in musical comedy.

- Like it?
- Like it? Oh but you're so used to it.

You don't know the
thrill of suddenly coming upon...

Something so beautiful
it takes your breath away.

I think I do.

I wish Judy had been
able to ride with us, I like her.

She adores you

I detest women as a rule, I know
too much about them but Judy...

- David, do you know how lucky you are?
- Yes, I know exactly how lucky I am.

- I'm glad.
- Why should it make any difference to you?

- Because I want you to be happy.
- Why?

Well because I...

Oh, let's not get into one of
those pointless discussions David.

I've hardly been civvy to you, why
do you want me to be happy?

Well I don't. Oh, oh look David.

See that knoll beside the lake?

We're going to build
our home there Henry and I.

You arrived here hating
me, what's made you change?

It will be all the homes I've ever
wanted to have rolled into one.

Henry and I have compromised
on ideas, everything is to be my way.

It'll be white and colonial.

With a big porch facing the lake for
me to eat crackly pig on and grow fat.

And a huge green lawn that
slopes to the water's edge.

With horseshoe pitching for me and
a dainty little tea house for Henry.

Stop talking about Henry and
you and your rotten little house

I'm sorry

I'm sorry for what I said to you in
New York or even coming to New York.

That's alright David I forgave you then...

Forgive you now and a blanket
pardon for all future trespasses.

You were right to have slapped me

I was so complacent and smug and sure...

It's alright David, let's forget about it.

- Henry back yet?
- He's upstairs changing.

He said Milwaukee was
hotter than you know where.

- What's a 3 letter word for...
- I suppose David hasn't got back yet.

- No.
- You think it wise Judy?

- Do I think what's wise?
- To let David go about with her so much.

Do you think it's wise for Olivia to let
Henry play checkers with me so much?

That's different.

But why? I find Henry very attractive.

You don't really Judy.

Do you think it's wise for Henry to let
Olivia spend so much time with David?

No, quite honestly I don't.

Tell me have you seen any signs
of their falling madly in love?

- No of course not yet.
- Neither have I yet.

While I'm waiting it seems I've just enough
time before dinner to de-flea a few dogs.

Oh and if they show any immediate tendency...

To break an important
commandment whistle, will you?

- I'm sorry Judy, my intentions were good.
- Yes, I'm sure they were Hannah.

It's just that you were born with
a strong sense of interference...

And I'm afraid you'll die with one.

Hi Hannah.

- What are you so cheerful about?
- Why not?

I've half a mind to tell you why not.

Hannah, why don't you have all your
teeth pulled out? It sometimes helps

I don't know whether
that gelding is better than I...

Thought or whether
it's the way Olivia rode him.

All that when all I can
do is hang on for dear life.

Well, I've got some
very interesting blisters.

- Hello darling.
- Hello.

- Oh, what's in the box?
- A house for my collection of rag dolls.

Oh, a model of our
new home Henry, how beautiful.

Beautiful isn't the word.

Why you're going to feel like the
other side of the tracks, eh David?

I like it here.

You know Henry, I
suddenly find you very attractive.

You're kind of cute yourself.

Of course you realize it's
only the house I'm after.

- Good idea Hannah?
- Why not?

There, you see Olivia?
We have Hannah's blessing.

- Let's go for a walk in the garden.
- How about a cocktail?

Oh, let's celebrate tonight champagne.

Will you take it warm or do
we wait dinner for it to cool?

- Of course, I'm sorry.
- Never mind David, I'll have a cocktail.

No let's have champagne.

Come on David, you can pick
the spiders off the bottle

I've sent for some pictures
of early American furniture.

We'll take our time
furnishing, say 20 or 30 years, eh?

Henry you're the nicest guy that ever lived.

How come I found you running around loose?

Are you going to wash up for dinner Olivia?

You know you do have that
faint aroma of the stables

Hannah, no one is ever told
me more nicely that I smell bad.

And dinner is been waiting some time,
don't bother to put on your diamonds.

I didn't bring any diamonds with me.

Is it alright if I don't bother to
put on my pigeon-blood rubies?

- Only a joke my dear.
- I'm sorry, I'm a little dull.

- My humor doesn't go very well with Olivia.
- You're reaching for your laughs-

that sidesplitting remark about
the champagne for instance.

I thought it was funny

Henry, how long will it be before you
and Olivia can move into the new house?

Well knowing the local talent
as I do I'd say many months.

Many months.

Miss Livvy they going to fill these walls in?

Of course Belvedere.

I was just thinking it might
get awful drafty if they don't.

You feeling alright,
eating all these fresh vegetables?

What do you suppose they're
doing in Harlem this minute?

They're doing alright, they're dancing.

And at the Sirocco the
dinner crowd is just coming in.

The out of towners got to catch that
10:15 back to New Jersey and Connecticut.

Oh don't they dance
around here at all, anybody?

I knew something was worrying you, you ain't
going to let her get you down miss Livvy.


She hates this house.

She hates what it stands for me.

She doesn't want either of us in her
world because she didn't put us there.

That don't worry you, she
ain't even what is troubling you.

- No? Come on, let's get back.
- Sure.

I've tried doing that, I can't
make my feet come out even.

- Coffee Olivia?
- No thanks, it's too hot.

One wouldn't think
dancing like that is refreshing.

Wouldn't one Hannah?

If you see Charlie before I
do tell him not to work the brass...

Oh, don't stop, let's have some more,
David likes dancing girls, don't you David?

- Sometimes.
- It's too hot.

Yes, it suddenly got
warmer in here, coffee Henry?

Yeah, thanks. Oh, by the way David,
can you fly to Milwaukee for me tomorrow?


I was going to take Olivia to pick
out some carpets for the new house...

But the air conditioning man is going to
be here and I should stay and see him.

Well, come to think of it, I won't be
able to leave here tomorrow either.

The little black mare ate a lot of green
corn yesterday and blew up like a balloon.

But Charlie can take care of her.

He maybe he can but
I'd rather be here myself.

But why Dave? You're no vet.

Maybe not but I said
I'd rather be here myself.

David, don't be so touchy

I'm sorry

Henry I can take the train.

- But it's so hot.
- But I'd rather take the train.

Please let's not talk about it anymore

David, you hurt Olivia's feelings.

I didn't mean to.

Well, you didn't have to be so rude.

You better apologize to her, go on darling.

Let him alone Judy.

And whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein.

- What's that?
- Hannah's quoting the Bible again.

One of these days we're going
to put her in all the hotel rooms.

- How about some checkers Henry?
- Yeah, fine.

You needn't run.

I promise not to be objectionable.

I was rude, I'm sorry.

Seems that every time we meet I either insult
you or apologize for having insulted you.

You have a blanket pardon David, remember?

- Why do I did do you suppose?
- I haven't the slightest idea.

- Can we go in now?
- You do know, don't you?

Your feelings are your own David,
I can't possibly know what they are.

You should, you feel them too.

- You do feel as I do, don't you?
- No David.

And if I did what of it? It's not important.

- It's funny how unimportant it is.
- That's not true.

Look David...

This is nothing new to me, I've known
it all my life and I don't want it anymore

I'm married to Henry now and
I've got what I've always wanted.

There isn't anything I
want I haven't got, get me?

- Hi, where are you?
- We're here.

- Well, you two fixed things up?
- There wasn't anything to fix up.

It's such a lovely night darling,
let's walk up to the new house.

Good idea, want go along David?

No thanks, I'll see you later.

- What's eating David?
- Oh too many fresh vegetables I suppose.

- And he's got Lindenitis pretty bad.
- Lindenitis?

The place is full of it,
everybody except you and Judy.

David, Hannah even
Benny Collins give the impression...

Of never having had
a single doubt about anything.

Will you object to people
being sure of themselves?

Oh, not in the least, I just wonder
what exactly they're so sure of.

I don't think that's David's trouble.

Well, suppose we don't worry about it, eh?

I've half an idea he's
falling in love with you.

That's half an idea you've wasted.

- Can't say I blame him though.
- It's a gallant thought Henry.

As a matter of fact, he's been acting
strangely ever since we arrived.

Look Henry, can't we discuss
something a bit more pleasant.

Like plumbing fixtures
or farm relief or something?

It's not like David to act
this way, it's got me worried

- I'm fond of David I don't want...
- Of course, you're fond of David...

And David is fond of
Hannah and Hannah is fond of you.

All the lindens are fond of each
other and themselves, they're famous for it.

And the smugness and
pettiness that goes with it.

What are you talking about?
Nobody is being smug nobody is being petty.

Oh, you're just being lindens.

It's too hot to walk
Henry, I, I'm going to bed.

Olivia, wait a minute.

Oh darling.

Hannah and the heat are getting you down,
I'm not helping any, am I?

- I'm sorry.
- Oh let's forget it Henry please.

Not me, this is an
historic occasion, our first quarrel.

And our last, eh?

Yes Henry, our last.


I wish we could've move in today,
the smell of paint is too much for me.

What's your hurry?
We like having you with us.

You like having us with you anyway.

You know Judy...

Sometimes I think maybe Henry and I...

Built a little bit too
close to the rest of the family.

- Too close to Hannah you mean.
- Well, yes.

A half mile far away
wouldn't make any difference.

- Well it might simplify matters.
- No it wouldn't, wouldn't simplify anything.

What you mean?

Olivia, I suppose you know what's
wrong between you and Hannah.

Oh I wish I did.

You got different
senses of honesty that's all

Hannah is as honest as her imagination
and her instinct will allow her to be.

You just got a much bigger
imagination and a much deeper instinct.

Thank you Judy.

Olivia, why did you marry Henry?

Why did I marry him when
I wasn't in love with him?

- Yes.
- Because I liked him very much.

Because I was alone.

Because I didn't like any of the things
I did and the people I did them with.


Well, just because I wanted to get married.

- That would shock Hannah terribly.
- Doesn't it shock you?

No I've done the same, I have done the same.

David was never in love
with me, you know never.

- Did he think he was?
- Oh yes but I never enlightened him.

- Did you ever tell Henry that you loved him?
- No.

Well, I told David that he loved me, so
you see, you made the more honest bargain.

- You must've wanted him very much.
- More than anything.

I loved him so much I couldn't help myself.

I thought second best
was better than nothing.

And it is too, while the going is good.

- You got a window that sticks Mrs Linden?
- Oh yes, in here Benny.

- How's the trumpet Benny?
- Oh terrific.

You ought to hear me play now Mrs Linden.

How do anyone within 5
miles help hearing you play?

This one over here.

Why don't you play in the orchestra
at the housewarming tonight Benny?

- Are you going to have a band?
- From Milwaukee.

- Will you make them let me play with them?
- Well, I'll do my best.

You bringing your
best girl to the party tonight?

- Oh me, I don't mess with no girls.
- Oh, I can't believe that.

An attractive young chap like you,
what's the matter? Don't you like girls?

Oh yeah, I like girls.

I'll bet they like you too,
that personality gets them Benny.

Oh I don't know, you got
a lot of personality yourself.

- Hello Judy.
- Hello Henry

I'm in a gay dancing mood,
come on, let's toss off a gavotte.

- No thanks.
- Eat?

- Not hungry.
- Don't tell me you're moonstruck.

Isn't it awful? An old married lady like me?

I'll bet the man in the
moon reminds you David.

And the music and the night.
Everything I see, everything I hear

I'm in love with David.

Henry in case you didn't
know, I'm in love with David

I know, you've been telling me that
at regular intervals ever since you were 8.

Have I? Well tonight...

Is as if I'd never felt anything before.

When you were 13, you almost put my
eye out for hitting him because he hit you.

I'd been nasty, he was right to hit me.

- Henry how have I changed?
- How do you mean changed?

I'm 24 now.

- What's different about me?
- Well for one thing, the freckles are gone.

And you've become lovely to look at.

Become, I don't like that word.

So gradual, so unexciting.

- Don't you want to be exciting Judy?
- Yes, more than anything else.


So that David might look at me and...

Suddenly know that he love me.

So that he might hear a song and think of me.

Or that he might walk into a room
I'd just left and know I've been there

Judy, everything is alright, isn't it?

- Between you and David?
- Of course Henry.

- Truly?
- Yes truly.

Everything is just
exactly as it always has been.

For a moment you had me worried.

Henry tell me, what did you feel when
you first saw Olivia, the very first instant?

- That I loved her.
- Did you care if she loved you?

- At first.
- And then?

Then nothing very much
mattered, except that I loved her.

And you didn't want anything more than
just to know she was there for you to love?

Oh Henry, she's so beautiful, so exciting.

- Judy, can you come here a minute?
- Yeah, I'm coming.

I'll be back in a minute
and we'll toss off that gavotte.

Where's David? He promised to mix the punch.

- I haven't seen him.
- Where's Olivia?

They're not together,
if that's what you mean.

I didn't mean anything.

Everybody thinks every time I open
my mouth lately I mean something.

Well don't you?

- You don't have to do that Hannah.
- I like to do it.

I'm not all rigged up in Paris
clothes and I can do what I like.

I take it you don't approve of this dress.

On the contrary I think it's
a very beautiful dress Olivia.

But in your opinion
not appropriate for tonight.

Let's not argue about it.

We don't have to agree on clothes, do we?

- Now you're being just rude.
- You're very difficult to please Olivia

Hannah would you mind telling me what
it is about me that you resent so much?

Well oddly enough
I don't resent you personally.

I see nothing very odd in that but go on.

Haven't you ever had
a fixed instinct about a person?

I had one about you even before I saw you

I thought you wouldn't
fit in here and I still feel it.

You're a disturbing influence.

Well as far as I can see you're
the only person I've appeared to disturb.

And that doesn't upset me very much because
I think someone should've done it long ago.

- Aren't you being just rude now?
- Yes I am

I've tried to be pleasant and that's
made you all the more offensive

I've endured your petty
persecutions but now I'm tired of them.

So in the future if you're rude to
me I shall be infinitely ruder to you.

The general
embarrassment will be considerable.

Now perhaps we understand each other Hannah.


But I don't think
I could ever like you Olivia.

You see, I happen
to be very fond of my family.

Don't you think I am?

I don't believe you've ever
been fond of anyone but yourself.

Oh what's the use?

I haven't seen you laugh
since the day you came.

Well, you're the first
thing I've seen to laugh at.

- Dance with me.
- No David, I can't, I, I...

- Got an awful lot of things to do.
- Just for laughs.

- You dance well.
- Yeah, I do pretty well with a fan too.

The orchestra is surprisingly good, isn't it?


What else can we talk about to
keep from saying what we feel?

We've got to talk, haven't we?

Probably another old Linden
custom, talk while you dance.

Oh, here you are Mrs Briggs. Mr.
Linden is been dying to dance with you.

I'm afraid I can't dance well enough.

Oh, of course you can, she's just
being modest David, she's really wonderful.

- Shall we?
- Thank you.

Hello Benny.

Guess you ain't having a very
good time at your party, are you?

Of course I am, why do you say that?

Ah, that bunch of clucks must bore you stiff.

On the contrary Benny.

You don't belong on a farm.

You were made for bright
lights and champagne and love.

Yes, so they tell me.
Now, if you will excuse me I'll...

Oh wait a minute, I,
I got to tell you something.

Won't you tell me tomorrow?

Oh, I, I got to tell you
tonight, I got to get some sleep.

You got me so I can't
sleep for thinking about you.

Oh, stop standing there breathing like
a bull and get out of here, you're drunk.

Oh, you know you made me go
for you, you showed plenty of interest.

I'm never interested in stupid little
boys that get drunk, now get out of here.

Oh, you don't mind them stupid.

But you like them a little
older, is that it? Like David Linden.

Laugh that off.

Let go of me.

- Oh, come on, you aren't kidding anybody.
- Ok squirt, you asked for it.

Get off this farm quick.

What happened?

Stop laughing Olivia
and tell me what happened.

Oh, it's so funny David.

- What is?
- Everything...

Benny you and me.
Look out David I might hit you too.

Oh, stop it Olivia.

I've stopped.

What you think happens next David?

- I don't know.
- I suppose you haven't thought.

- No.
- You should've David.


- Are you looking for someone?
- Olivia.

I saw her in the garden just
now, I thought she came in here.

No I, I haven't seen her.

- It's a nice party, isn't it?
- Very.

- And you look lovely.
- Do I?

I wanted to very much tonight.


- Yes, David?
- Nothing, just Judy.

You look as if you'd
seen a ghost or something.

- Are you alright?
- I, I've been wrestling.

I'm getting a little old
to be playing the big boys.

David be careful.

Ah Charlie Collins wanted to see you.

I think he said one of the
colts hurt his leg or something.

Thanks, I'll go see.


Just a little piece of cigarette paper.

- Henry let's get away from here for a while.
- Away?

You mean the farm? Why, what's happened?

- Well, I...
- Another run-in with Hannah?

Yes, yes. We finally had it out.

- Hannah says I don't belong.
- Well, I say you do.

Well she may be right.

After all I'm from the big city
Henry and I can't forget it just like that.

Every now and then I
find myself wishing that a cricket...

Was a taxi horn and a cow a streetcar.

Yes but why all this tonight?

You had fights with Hannah before,
what makes it so urgent tonight?

Well, I don't know,
the people and the music and...

Oh I don't know Henry, don't ask me so
many questions, I only know how I feel.

- Are you sure you know that Olivia?
- Yes, I do.

Oh darling it needn't be forever.

Just for a little while to, to make me
sure again, sure that this is what I want.

- And that I'm what you want.
- No.

No Henry, I'd want to go away alone then.

- What about your house?
- We'll come back to it and I hope soon.

Keep swinging Maggie.

The Rileys always
get out the way they get in.

- Good night.
- Good night

- I had a wonderful time.
- I'm glad.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I hope all your life in this house
will be as lovely as this evening.

Well, I'm afraid our life
won't begin here for a while.

You see we're leaving in a few
days, a sort of delayed honeymoon.

Oh isn't that nice? How long
will you be gone?

- About 6 months.
- Have a good time.

- Thank you.
- Is that true?

Good night Mrs smart.

Good night Mrs smart.
Yes but we'll be back soon.

- Good night Jesse.
- Good night Henry.

If you go you'll never come back.

- Good night Mr Perkins.
- Good night sir.

6 months won't make
any more difference than 6 minutes.

Then I'll make it 6 years.

- Good night.
- Good night Mrs partridge.

Good night.

Must you work tonight? It's so hot

I've to get these accounts into
some sort of shape before we go.

- Must you go?
- Yes.

- Why?
- Because Olivia wants to go.

- I want you to stay.
- We'll be back soon.

You will never come back.
She'll never let you come back.

Does she love you Henry?
Tell me, does she love you?

- She's my wife.
- And I'm your sister, I love you.

There are sisters who
don't love their brothers.

And wives who don't love their husbands
but who love their husband's brother.


A woman's love should go
only one way, to one man.

There are women whose
love reaches out to every man.

Like the tongues of a fire
that capture and consume.

Send her away Henry,
before she destroys us all.

That's enough Hannah.

We're both going, Olivia and I
and you're sending us, remember that.

You and your hate and your sick
warped little soul are driving us out.

No Henry, you stay for your sake

I brought her here wanting
her to love you just as I did.

But I'll leave hating you, just
as you hate her, remember that.

No Henry, for your
sake, for David, for all of us.

Oh stop blubbering and
get out I'm sick of the sight of you.

A new foal is been born.

- Come and see it?
- It's too hot.

- Must you play that?
- You liked it once.

Well I'm sick of it now, quite sick of it.

Now you just being cheap.

I am rather cheap,
have you only just realized it?

Now we mustn't quarrel like this.

Oh yes we must and do you know why?

- Yes, because...
- Because we're so much alike.

Because we're used to getting
everything we want, we're spoiled David.

And spoiled people come
to no good end, ask Hannah.

I'd rather ask you.

You were happy before I came,
you'll be happy after I've gone away.

Do you believe that?

I wasn't happy, I was content,

- I'll never be content again.
- Oh, how can you say that?

Because I love you
Olivia and you love me too.

Heat is pretty terrific, isn't it?

- Yes but you look cool.
- Do I?

I've been up on the
Ridge, it was lovely there.

What made you sweat all
that way on a night like this?

I felt like it.

Where is everybody?

Well, Henry is adding up figures,
I don't know where Hannah is.

- And I'm going to bed.
- No, don't go, I feel like talking.


I've good news for
you Judy, a foal is been born.

Really? Is it a nice one?

- Yes, a nice little filly, a Chestnut.

I guess I'd better see
the vet before he goes.

Don't look so cross about it

David come here a minute.

You'll never learn to look after yourself.

There that's better.

Now you can go.

Thank you Judy

David is simply awful about his clothes.

I wish you'd been with me on the
Ridge, I'd the strangest sensation.

I felt suddenly that I knew everything.

- It's always satisfying.
- It must be.

Well, maybe I didn't know everything.

But I knew for certain that
everything I did know was right-

absolutely right.

What do you know Judy?

Rather more than you tonight.

That's quite possible,
I don't think I know anything tonight.

- You know you making a big mistake.
- What you mean?

You know the expression two
people been made for each other?


Of course, it's used pretty indiscriminately.

But you would believe that sometimes...

Very seldom but sometimes...

Two people are made for
each other and for no one else?

- Well, do you or don't you?
- Oh, I don't know.

- I should imagine it happens very seldom.
- When it does.

It's more important than people being hurt.

It's more important than anything, isn't it?

I suppose but it depends...

No it doesn't, it doesn't depend on anything.

- Olivia shall I tell you why I admire you?
- No please.

I admire you because you're
honest with yourself and clear.

It'd be an awful pity if you were ever
to become blurred and messy-minded

- I got to go now Judy.
- No, there's something I want you to do.

I want you to go away with David.

Henry will divorce you.

- Henry and I getting out of here tonight.
- Oh and what about David and me?

- We'll live happily ever after I suppose.
- In time you will, of course you will.

You know that's not true.

No Olivia, you going to do what I tell you.

- You going to do what I would do.
- But you don't know what you're saying.

Unless you take David away with you...

There is nothing in the future for
any of us, don't you see Olivia?

But you love David.

- And so do you...
- No.

And David loves you.

Oh, Olivia tell me you love
him for both of us please.

Henry. David.

Henry, where's Henry and David?

The new house is on fire,
we got to find them, come on.

I've lost it before it was ever mine.

My home is gone Judy.

But you wanted to leave it, you
wanted to run away, why Olivia?

Stop fighting Henry,
stop fighting and let it burn.

- You can't stop it now.
- What's happened to you Hannah?

What's happened to us all Henry?
It'll burn to ashes if you'll let it.

And the ashes will be carried away by the
wind, away from here away from the lindens.

- Let it burn Henry, it's got to burn.
- You did this Hannah.

- You set fire to the house.
- She set fire to ours.-

to David to Judy and
you and you can't put it out.

It's the fires of hell Henry
and you can't put it out.

She did it Henry, she did it, she did it.

- Leonard, take my sister away.
- Yes Mr Henry.

You see now Olivia? Do you see?


Let's get them in the car quick.

Stop playing now
David, I want to talk to you.

- I said I want to talk to you.
- There's nothing to talk about.

There's something I want to know.

I want to know about you and Olivia,
I want to know all about you and Olivia.

- Stop yelling so you wake Judy.
- You're a little late worrying about Judy.

- David I want you to tell me...
- There's nothing to tell.

- Don't lie to me.
- David.

Henry have some coffee both of you.

Thank you Hannah.

How's Judy?

She'll be alright.

There'll be a lot of pain though.

And Olivia?

Hardly anything, just her hand.

She was lucky.

Yes, coffee David?

I don't want any.

You should, you had no sleep

I'm quite aware of that Hannah
and I don't want any coffee.

I tell you I don't want any.

- David.
- Oh stop Daviding me.

Minding other people's business.

That's what's wrong with you,
haven't enough of your own.

Well I'll give you some.

There get busy with that.

Lots of little pieces Hannah, just for you.

Try to put them together again.

We'll all be busy doing that.

Mr Linden?

Mr David Mrs Linden would like to see you.

- Judy.
- No Mrs Henry Linden.

Come in David.

This is the first time
I've seen the farm at dawn.

They do say after the first time
things are never as lovely again.

Thanks, we really are alike you know.

That's good, we can leave so much unsaid

Judy was going to free us and she has.

But not the way she thought.

We are free, you know David, from each other.

Are we Olivia?

- Aren't we?
- I don't know.

I don't know anything this morning
except, that I'm not much of a person.

And I'll never forget last
night and what I've done to Judy.

- Not that that helps protect you Olivia.
- Oh but it does David so much.

Knowing yourself does,
most people don't in their lifetime.

We found out last night.

- We're not very pleasant people you and I.
- No,

a world full of us wouldn't
make one Judy, a love like that.

I wouldn't have believed
it if I'd read it in a book.

But when she ran into that fire...

I suddenly knew about us, how little we felt.

How little we want what we think we do.

And how little we know what we have already.

Oh but Judy never want me now.

You're wrong again
David, I wouldn't and you wouldn't...

But she would.

People who love like Judy and Henry...

They love like that.

Come on, she's waiting for you.

- Oh but I'm not supposed...
- Oh, that's never worried you before.

Don't start now.


Hello David.

- Olivia...
- I'm going now Henry.

And thanks, really thanks.

- I'm going with you.
- No.

I've got a lot of places to
go and a lot of things to do.

Who was it once said something about,
she rides fastest who rides alone?

I wouldn't know.

That wasn't one of the subjects they
taught in the dance hall I studied at.

But I've learned plenty here, on the
level Hannah, I'm not being sarcastic.

And you were right, all
the way and that should please you.

But darling, we've all learned a lot.

From now on it'll
be different, it'll be right.

I can't take the chance

I've hurt enough people and
I don't want to hurt any more.

But we've hurt you too, that's over now.

There's nothing here but the things you love.

The things you've always wanted.

And Maggie Riley? She's here too.

That's what I've learned Henry.

It, it just doesn't work being Olivia
Linden outside and Maggie Riley inside.

Oh, I look like a lady
sometimes, that's my trouble.

That's as far as I go.

- You love David.
- David is with Judy.

I love you Henry, you got all my love
whatever it's worth, a plug nickel maybe.

No I'd much better go.

Who knows?

The next time it might be the hired man with
the rippling muscles and clear blue eyes.

- Don't let her go Henry, make her stay.
- But she won't.

Then go after her, don't lose
her Henry, don't ever lose her.

And forgive me, both of you.

We'll have to stop somewhere between here
and south America to get me a clean shirt.

I wouldn't worry about no shirt Mr Henry,
I put your bag in here 20 minutes ago.
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