12x34 - Strategy Begins at Home!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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12x34 - Strategy Begins at Home!

Post by bunniefuu »

DAWN: I see it! Over there! That's Twinleaf Town!

ASH: Let's see!

BROCK: That means you're almost home!



DAWN: Race you there, Piplup!


ASH: Wait up, Dawn!

BROCK: We're almost there anyway!

Sometimes it's hard to know,

Which way you're supposed to go.

But deep inside, you know you're strong.

If you follow your heart, you can't be wrong.

Stand up! [Stand up!]

For what is right.

Be brave! Get ready to fight.

Hold on! [Hold on!]

We're friends for life.

And if we come,

together as one,

Complete the quest, that we've begun,

We will win the battle!

Galactic Battles! Pokémon!

BROCK: Wow! What a nice quiet place!

DAWN: Yeah, isn't it?

ASH: Twinleaf Town kind of reminds me of Pallet Town.

Pikachu, what do you you think? PIKACHU: [AGREEMENT]

DAWN: Look!

SAYER: Just to make sure we're on the same page,

you want the food stalls to be lined up here, right?

- IZZY: Fine. That's nice. - CARA: I'm not sure...

SAYER: All righty then,

what about putting them over near the event hall?

That way, you're more likely to get lots of customers, you see?

IZZY: Very nice. That's just fine!

CARA: Well, I'm still not sure...

SAYER: We've got to decide something!

DAWN: Izzy! And Cara! Hello!

- CARA: Why, hello, Dawn! - IZZY: Well, well, Dawn,

it's so very nice to see you back

visiting Twinleaf Town again!

DAWN: Thanks! I'm planning on staying

for the whole Twinleaf Festival and help out,

since Mom told me she's going to be the chairperson this year!

I'm really excited!

IZZY: Well, now, isn't that nice?

You being around

to cheer on Johanna will be simply wonderful!

CARA: Izzy, goodness,

the truth is you're the one who needs to be cheered on!

You see, your mother, Izzy,

and I are all organizing the Twinleaf Festival together,

and to be totally honest about Izzy...

he isn't being much help at all, which makes me worry

about how any of this will happen without an incident...

DAWN: Oh, these are the friends I'm on my journey with!

BROCK: Hi, I'm Brock!

ASH: And I'm Ash from Pallet Town!

Say hello to my partner Pikachu!


DAWN: Oh, dear. Sorry about that, Piplup!

I'd like to introduce you to my very first Pokémon, Piplup!

CARA: Piplup! Nice to meet you!

IZZY: Yes, very nice indeed!

NARRATOR: Excitement and anticipation fill the air

as our heroes arrive in Twinleaf Town

just as preparations for the town festival

are getting underway!

ASH: Hey, so that's your house, Dawn?

DAWN: Yup!

- ASH: Hey! Wait, Dawn! - DAWN: Mom, it's me. I'm home!

Boy, I'm starving! Got anything to eat?

JOHANNA: My! My dear,

you're home earlier than I thought!

Please come in, Ash. And Brock, it's so nice to see you.

Now you both just make yourselves at home,

and welcome to Twinleaf Town!

ASH, BROCK: Wow, thanks very much!


JOHANNA: Ah! Of course you must be Dawn's partner Piplup, right?


JOHANNA: Nice to finally meet you!






NOELLE: Ms. Johanna, all the rooms are ready!

JOHANNA: Great! Thanks, Noelle, that's wonderful!

DAWN: Noelle, I didn't know you were here!

NOELLE: I came over here

to take Ms. Johanna's Pokémon Coordinator class!

We've been here a week! BELLOSSOM: [HAPPY]

NOELLE: You look great!

You must be enjoying your journey!

DAWN: See? Look here!

I'm working on my fifth and final ribbon!

NOELLE: I'd say someone's working hard!

BROCK: My name's Brock, budding breeder extraordinaire!

Of course, the world's greatest Pokémon breeder

would be considered quite a catch!

So, you're a budding Coordinator, eh?


BROCK: And dearest Noelle, since the cupid of love

has mischievously brought us together,

I now ask for a lesson in love only a Coordinator can give...



BROCK: Is it me...

or are two att*cks actually stronger than one?


NOELLE: My, my, my...

ASH: Whoa! Look at all these cool trophies!

DAWN: Yeah! Remember, my mom used to be a Top Coordinator!

Of course, she doesn't enter contests anymore,

but she gives a class to Coordinators

who'd like to learn her techniques,

and she'll even have Contest Battles with them as well!

ASH: I'll tell you, Dawn, she's awesome!

DAWN: And my dream is to become a Top Coordinator

just like Mom was! Hey, I know!

Mom, will you have a battle with me?

- DAWN: Please, Mom? - JOHANNA: Let's see...

DAWN: Wow, Piplup,

this is our chance to show Mom how hard we've been working!


JOHANNA: It's a deal. All right, I'll accept your challenge!

DAWN: Yay!

JOHANNA: But before that, I made a few of your favorite dishes

while I was waiting for you, and I think you should all

eat it while it's still warm. Does that sound good to you?



ASH: See, I've been kind of running on empty...

JOHANNA: Excuse me, Noelle,

but would you mind taking Ash and Brock

and showing them their room upstairs now?

- NOELLE: No problem! - ASH: Great! Thanks a lot!

BROCK: Thank you so much, Noelle! Isn't she lovely?

Isn't she wonderful?

JESSIE: Maybe sometime in this century, Goldeen, please?

MEOWTH: Hey, folks,

time to strap on the underwater feedbag...

JAMES: A whole day's angling and not a single bite!

JESSIE: These Old Rods couldn't catch a cold!

SAYER: You're not talking about my Old Rods, are you?

MEOWTH: Yo, Mister Sayer, sir!

JESSIE: No, no! We were talking about some old clods...

SAYER: So how about the Goldeen?

Don't tell me you haven't caught any yet!

JAMES: But we're close! See?

When the top of my head starts to hurt,

- I know they're going to bite! - SAYER: Idiots!

We'll have our Goldeen Scooping Game or no festival!

So start catching!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: Yes, Sayer, sir!

MEOWTH: Why do we always get to be the festival

Goldeen grabber g*ons in the first place?

JAMES: Let us not forget that festival employment

is employment nonetheless,

and if we don't start filling the Team Rocket pocketbook,

our operations will soon be kaput,

and we'll be out of a job!

JESSIE: Perish the thought!

So here's to us keeping Team Rocket afloat!

MEOWTH: And here's to patching up

the old leaky Team Rocket boat...


- JOHANNA: So, Dawn? - DAWN: So good!

- ASH: Yeah! Good call, Dawn! - BROCK: I've got to tell you

there's nothing that beats the taste of real down-home cooking

- after being out on the road! - JOHANNA: So Brock,

Dawn tells me you're quite an accomplished chef yourself,

- you know. That's great! - BROCK: Thank you,

but I think it's a case of simply doing it all the time!

JOHANNA: Dawn, look behind you! JLook at Glameow and Umbreon.


JOHANNA: See how they're enjoying Brock's Pokémon food?

And they're usually such picky eaters.

It just goes to show you that a great people chef

can be a great Pokémon food chef at the same time!

BROCK: Well, my dream is to become

the world's best Pokémon breeder,

so I appreciate the kind words...

JOHANNA: And you will be, I'm sure!

BROCK: Wow, you think? Thank you. That's so nice!

NOELLE: Brock, it would be wonderful

if you'd give me your Pokémon food recipe...

BROCK: Me? Absolutely, Noelle. but wait, there's more!

If you act now, I'll also reveal to you my secret recipe of love,

chock full of sugar, spice, and everything nice!

It's a recipe that comes straight from my heart,

and we'll make it together as we first cook over high heat

and then let it simmer...

Flame off...again!


PROFESSOR OAK: Oh! So you're staying at Dawn's house!

ASH: Right! See, I'm going to be training here

in Twinleaf Town for awhile!

PROFESSOR OAK: Remember, Ash,

Johanna is very talented and was a Top Coordinator in her day!

I'm sure there's a lot you can learn from her.

Training here, training there, means training well anywhere!

My point being, the best way to train and learn about Pokémon

is wherever you are, and to have fun doing it!

DAWN: That's amazing! The poetry man even gives you

great advice wrapped up in a poem!

JOHANNA: Now, now, Dawn,

it's impolite to address Professor Oak as the poetry man!

PROFESSOR OAK: It's no problem at all, Johanna, really!

JOHANNA: By the way, thank you for doing what we asked!

PROFESSOR OAK: Forget it! I'm looking forward to it,

if the truth be told!

DAWN: Looking forward? Forward to what?

JOHANNA: Professor Oak is going to attend

the Twinleaf Festival as our special guest!

ASH: That means I get to see you soon, right?

PROFESSOR OAK: That's right, my boy!

DELIA: Hi, honey! You look wonderful, Ash!

- Glad to see you're well! - ASH: Hi there, Mom!

DELIA: I was just bringing the professor fresh herbs,

so this is perfect timing!

JOHANNA: How nice, Mrs. Ketchum, hello!

I'm Dawn's mother, Johanna. Pleasure to meet you!

DELIA: Well, thank you for welcoming Ash into your home.

Now, if he starts to act up or misbehave,

please feel free to scold him as much as needed!

- ASH: Aww, Mom! - DELIA: Ash, dear...

I realize your journey has taken you far away from me,

but I have no doubt you're becoming a fine young man!

DELIA: But since he's always been a rambunctious young man,

Johanna, please! A bit of a scolding never hurt anyone!

ASH: Hey, Mom, whoa!


- JAMES: I've got you! - MEOWTH: Eureka!

- JESSIE: A bite-a! - JAMES: It's a Barboach!

MEOWTH: Hey, looks like a bunch of bites...

A Finneon!

JESSIE: It's a bite fest! Heave ho!

JAMES, MEOWTH: Wow, a Whiscash!

JESSIE: Don't you see? If it's not Goldeen we're grabbing,

then we're just wasting valuable rod time!

- MEOWTH: Now you make sense... - JAMES: Back in the drink...

JAMES: A Crawdaunt we don't want!

MEOWTH: Hey, we don't need no stinking Remoraid!

JESSIE: Fly in someone else's face, Feebas!

JESSIE, JAMES, MEOWTH: They're blasting off again!


JOHANNA: Brock, you are such a big help!

And I had no idea you have a green thumb as well!

NOELLE: It's amazing!

BROCK: Odd jobs happen to be what I do best!


BROCK: Now, you two just leave everything to me!

I'll have your garden in perfect shape for you in no time!

NOELLE: Ms. Johanna, why don't you leave the garden to Brock,

- and you and Dawn can battle? - JOHANNA: That's a good idea!

How does that sound to you, Dawn?

DAWN: That sounds great! Thank you, Mom!

ASH: Awesome, buddy, they're finally going to battle!


CARA: We're really sorry to bother you

while your Dawn is at home,

but might we have a word with you?

JOHANNA: Sure! How can I help you?

SAYWER: The problem is, I asked them which food stall

should be placed near the Pokémon Battle Ring,

which of course is our main festival event.

the Octillery snack, or the Altaria cotton candy stall!

CARA: Yes, we can't seem to decide

which one should go where!

IZZY: The Octillery snack stall sounds quite nice...

CARA: But at the same time,

we can't forget that kids really like cotton candy!

IZZY: Well, Altaria cotton candy sounds very nice, too!

CARA: You think? Octillery snacks

are really quite popular as well...

SAYER: They've been going back and forth like this forever,

and they can't seem to make up their minds!

JOHANNA: I hear you!

Then how about we do both the Octillery snack stall

and the Altaria cotton candy stall together,

since I know

there's still money left over in the festival budget.

which would solve the problem by

allowing us to have both stalls side by side!

CARA: Both stalls?

IZZY: That's what I call very nice!

SAYER: Perfect! Both it is, then!

You were a great help, Johanna! See you later!

JOHANNA: See, it's the first time

the three of us are working as festival organizers,

and there are so many things

we don't know that we're more or less learning as we go along!

NOELLE: Guess organizing a festival is challenging,

to say the least!

JOHANNA: So! What were we all talking about again?

DAWN: Mom, we were talking about having our Contest Battle!


JOHANNA: Right, the Contest Battle!

SAYER: Excuse us...

We're really sorry to bother you again,

but now they can't seem to decide

exactly where to build the two stalls!

They just keep going back and forth and back and forth!

IZZY: The west side of the building is quite nice...

CARA: West? Do you really think so?

IZZY: The east side is nice too...

CARA: East side? You really think so, huh?

IZZY: The south side is nice...

JOHANNA: There are lots of other food stalls,

so why don't the four of us simply walk around

the festival site together

and then decide which stalls should go where, all right?

SAYER: Can't tell you how great that would be.

JOHANNA: I'll be back in a flash,

so why don't you just relax, okay?

- DAWN: Okay... - NOELLE: Don't worry about us!

DAWN: I guess there's nothing else to do

except wait until Mom gets back. Okay, Piplup?


ASH: Oh well, that's the way it goes. Hey, I know!

Pikachu, I got an idea. Let's go for a little walk

and check out Twinleaf Town at the same time!

ASH: Dawn, want to come, too?

DAWN: No thanks. I'll stay here!

Piplup, what do you say we go over our battle strategy

- against Mom? - ASH: Okay, catch you later!


ASH: Pikachu, look!


ASH: The Sunflora are chasing the sunbeams!


ASH: Pikachu, you okay?


ASH: It looks like lots of different Pokémon

are living around here!


Don't go that way, please?

- ASH: Who are you? - NATHANIEL: Hi! I'm Nathaniel,

and I just put some Honey on that tree the day before!


NATHANIEL: Wow! A Pikachu, right?

- NATHANIEL: Mind if I hold it? - ASH: Go ahead!


NATHANIEL: I really want to be a Pokémon Trainer, but I can't,

because I'm not old enough yet!

- ASH: Gotcha! - NATHANIEL: When I get older,

I'm definitely going to be a Trainer, but for now,

I'm trying to find and study as many Pokémon as I can,

and I do it every single day!

ASH: Every day? Awesome! That's great!

- NATHANIEL: Wow, look at that! - ASH: Let me see...

NATHANIEL: A Heracross! How cool is that?

ASH: Wow, Nathaniel reminds me of me...


I can't wait to grow up and become a Pokémon Trainer!

ASH: Of course I'm around Pokémon all the time now,

but you know?

It's really a privilege to be a Pokémon Trainer!

NATHANIEL: And just as soon as I'm old enough to get started

on my journey, I'm going to catch tons of Bug-type Pokémon!

NATHANIEL: Aww, it took off...


ASH: So you like Bug types, huh?

NATHANIEL: Yup! Love them!

ASH: Cool! Hey, I caught a Heracross once!

- NATHANIEL: Wow! Really? - ASH: Yeah,

and I also had a Bulbasaur whose sap was my Heracross's favorite

in the whole world!

It always tried to get some whenever it had a chance!


ASH: They were always stirring things up!

DAWN: So let's go over our strategy one more time!

DAWN: Now this is the formation for plan A!


DAWN: And this is plan B right over here...

Pachirisu, is something wrong?


DAWN: Wow!

These are newspaper articles about all of our contests!

That's awesome! Mom cut them all out and framed them, too!

JOHANNA: I'm home! So sorry to have kept you waiting, Dawn!

DAWN: Oh, hi, Mom. Hope everything went well!

JOHANNA: All right, this will be a two-on-two Double Battle!


DAWN: All right!

NOELLE: We're finally seeing the mother-daughter showdown!

BROCK: And half the excitement comes from seeing it with you,

my dearest Noelle!



BROCK: All the best of luck to both of you!

JOHANNA: Dawn, you have the honor!

Time for you to show me what you've got!

DAWN: You bet! Piplup, Whirlpool!


DAWN: Pachirisu, Discharge!


NOELLE: Wow, that Whirlpool is simply sparkling!

What a spectacular move!

BROCK: Although that Whirlpool's beauty

pales next to your beauty...


BROCK: Guys, be sure to give it the best you can!


JOHANNA: Umbreon and Glameow,

dodge it and give me a double Quick Attack!


NOELLE: It looks like they're just dodging, but in fact,

there's a whole lot more going on up there!

BROCK: Even the beauty of their crisscrossing movements

- has been carefully calculated! - JOHANNA: Double Shadow Ball!



ASH: That Shadow Ball was strong!

Man, I'm impressed...

NOELLE: With Pokémon that were raised by Johanna,

I wouldn't expect anything less!


DAWN: Looks like the two of you are still determined to go!

All right, let's show them plan A!

DAWN: Now, Piplup, Bubble Beam! PIPLUP: [BUBBLE BEAM MOVE]



DAWN: Pachirisu, Super Fang!


DAWN: Plan A totally worked! That's awesome!


JOHANNA: That's very good, Dawn! But now it's my turn!

All right, Glameow and Umbreon, use double Attract,

and let's just see if we can charm Piplup

and Pachirisu as well!



- DAWN: No, not that! - ASH: Oh, man!

NOELLE: Attract worked great on those two! Johanna's amazing!

BROCK: You know I'm attracted to you, Noelle...


BROCK: All right, guys, this is no time for letting up!

JOHANNA: Let's finish this!

Now, Umbreon and Glameow, double Swift, go!



DAWN: Piplup! Pachirisu!

JOHANNA: Oh well, I guess that's it!

DAWN: Which means I lost...


DAWN: Thank you, you two. You battled really well!


DAWN: Mom, you were amazing!

You are Top Coordinator, that's for sure!

JOHANNA: Well, Dawn, you really impressed me!

And the most important thing:

it's obvious that you three have a real bond going!

DAWN: Really? Thanks, Mom!

ASH: Yeah! That'll help us do our best, too!



with hopes and dreams reaffirmed and nurtured,

our heroes are obviously enjoying their stay

in Dawn's hometown,

as they excitedly await the moment of the Twinleaf Festival!


- JAMES: One more time! - JESSIE: It's a Goldeen gala!

MEOWTH: Yeah, but I really think we're on full...

JAMES: Point taken, but the fat paycheck we'll get

when we give those Goldeen gives me shivers!

JESSIE: Me too! Then one last Goldeen for good luck!


JAMES, JESSIE, MEOWTH: We grabbed a Gyarados?

MEOWTH: Our big eyes and bigger dreams toasted by a big mouth!

JAMES, JESSIE: And blasting off again!
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