04x24 - The True Graduation Duel! Judai vs. Legendary Duelist

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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04x24 - The True Graduation Duel! Judai vs. Legendary Duelist

Post by bunniefuu »

Yugi- san...

I had a hell of a blast in that duel we had...

But you're ...

Now, what do you say we start our true Graduation Duel?

Our true Graduation Duel?

Where am I?


I'm off!

I'm so sorry!

No... I should be...

Hey, you're... the Yugi!



Something about you...

...just lit me up, more than anyone I've battled...

Back then, deep in my heart, all I wished for...

...was to keep that duel - our time out there - going on forever...

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Just keep chasing it down!Keep holding on!

Just keep chasing it down!Keep holding on!

I was about to give up on my unreachable broken dreams...

I was about to give up on my unreachable broken dreams...

...on these deserted promises...

...on these deserted promises...

Those words you stuck into my heart just won't fade away...

Those words you stuck into my heart just won't fade away...

...as I keep repeating them in my mind.

...as I keep repeating them in my mind.

But now, all this wind is pushing right into my back!

But now, all this wind is pushing right into my back!

Raw Provision

Astral Union

Get up! Burning Heart! Mine's erupting with a bang!

Get up! Burning Heart! Mine's erupting with a bang!

Let's all just go and cast these changing times away!

Let's all just go and cast these changing times away!

Opening Theme


Psychic Lover




Kenichirou Ooishi

Columbia Music Entertainment

/Marvelous Entertainment

You can only live life once.

You can only live life once.

Let's all just coat this fadedworld in a shining red!

Let's all just coat this fadedworld in a shining red!

...in a style that's all your own.

...in a style that's all your own.

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Don't ever forget the dream that started it all!

Just keep chasing it down! Keep holding on!

Just keep chasing it down! Keep holding on!

The True Graduation Duel! Judai VS The Legendary Duelist

Yugi-san ...

If that Black Magician is the symbol of your deck, the symbol of my deck...

...would be my Elemental Hero Neos!

Yugi-san ! Our match is just getting started!

Bring it on, Judai-kun !

Black Magician and Neos have the same ATK!

I'll call off this battle and end my turn!

My turn! I draw!

I summon Card Gunner!

Card Gunner has me send three of my deck's cards to the Cemetery...

...and each one raises its ATK by points for just this turn!

Next, I activate the Equip Magic, Neos Force!

When equipped, it raises my Neos's ATK by points!

An ATK of ...

And then, when Neos destroys my opponent's monster in a battle...

...it deals my opponent damage equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster!

Go, Neos!

You slipped up, Judai-kun !

I activate a Trap!

Holy Barrier - Mirror Force!


When an opposing monster att*cks, Mirror Force destroys every Attack-Mode monster out on my opponent's field!


I activate Card Gunner's effect!

When Card Gunner's destroyed, I draw one card from my deck!

Next, I activate my Trap!

Death and Rebirth!

When a Normal Monster I have gets destroyed in a battle on my turn...

...it destroys one monster on the opposing field...

...and it Special-Summons my destroyed monster!

And the one I'll put up for destruction...

...is Black Magician!

In that case, I activate my Trap!

Shift Change!

With this card's effect...

...I'll switch your Black Magician choice onto my Meddling Elf Swordsman!

Be reborn...


And any monster brought back with Death and Rebirth's effect has to go into battle this turn!

Go on, Neos!

Go, Black Magician!


Black Magician!

He actually dodged that attack... That's the Yugi for you!

So, he saw through my Mirror Force and countered it...

It's my turn! I draw!

I summon Magnet Warrior Alpha!

Go, Magnet Warrior Alpha!

Give Judai-kun a direct attack!

Magnetic Air Sword Flash!!

I activate Necro Guardna's effect!

It removes the Necro Guardna in my Cemetery from the game, negating one of your att*cks!

Oh, right! It was Card Gunner's effect earlier...

He'd already discarded his Necro Guardna...


Judai- kun is handling his deck as if it were his own limbs...

My turn! I draw!

Come out, Sparkman!

Go, Sparkman!

Spark Flash!!

Magnet Warrior...

It's my turn! I draw!

I summon Swift Gaia the Dark Knight!

When Swift Gaia the Dark Knight is the only card in my hand, I can summon him without a sacrifice!

Go, Gaia!

Spiral Shaver!!

He's good... He flipped our Lives around...

I was hoping to read his moves, but he has way too many!

My turn! I draw!

I activate Necrodarkman's effect!

When Necrodarkman's in my Cemetery, it lets me summon one Elemental Hero without a sacrifice!

Show yourself, Elemental Hero Edgeman!

And next is my Impact Flip Equip Magic!

When a monster equipped with this card destroys an opposing monster in battle...

...one card in my opponent's deck gets sent to their Cemetery!

Now, go! Edgeman!

It's my turn!

I draw!

My Magic card, Treasure from the Heavens!

It makes both players draw until they have six in their hands!

And I'll...

...Special-Summon Watapon!

When Watapon gets added from my deck to my hand through a Magic's effect, I can Special-Summon it.

And now, I sacrifice Watapon!

Show yourself, Black Magician Girl!

So, this ... is the Yugi's Black Magician Girl?!

I wish Shou could've seen this !

My Black Magician Girl gets her ATK raised by points for each Black Magician in our Cemeteries!

Go, Black Magician Girl!

You can't !

Edgeman's ATK is !

Black Burning!!

No way...

You're attacking a monster with a higher ATK than yours ?

Not exactly.

What the...

The card I just sent to my Cemetery thanks to Impact Flip's effect was Gilfor Demon.

When this monster's sent to the Cemetery...

...it becomes an Equip card, reducing my opponent's ATK by points.

What ?!

Impact Flip's effect activates!

When this card gets sent to the Cemetery, we both draw one card from our decks!

I'll place three cards face-down to end my turn!

This dude really is one hell of a duelist...

He's one-upped me on every attack I've made...

So, you're afraid?


Just look at your hand.

Am I... Am I scared?

And yet, you actually aren't...

I understand your heart, and as we speak, you're trying to regain what you've lost.

What I've lost?

You've gotten very good over the last three years.

You've also overcome a lot of ordeals to grow into a promising young man.

However, there's one thing you've lost to do it.

Something I've lost?

Right—an important thing that you aren't even aware of.

It's something you'll have to recover.

Something I've completely lost...

I think I get it... What he meant...

Sorry! I don't know what's gotten into me!

It's fine! I bet I had the same thing in mind, too!

Yugi-san , you're too good! You're really good!

You're better than anyone I've ever met!

The same goes for you !

I can't say I know any duelists who have a deep bond with their deck like you do!


You were right...

I'm sure of it...

This duel will let me get back what I've lost.

I've learned that dueling isn't about fun for everyone...

And I've learned that dueling can come with a lot of responsibility sometimes...

Being prepared to handle it all is what becoming an adult is about...

Still... there's something I can never forget...

And now...

...with his help—with his strength—I'll get it back.

My turn!

And I'll give it my all , Yugi-san !

My turn! And I'll give it my all , Yugi-san !

Bring it, Judai-kun !

I draw!

I activate the Permanent Magic, Hero's Guild!

It has both players add the topmost card on their decks to their hands when it's a Warrior-Type...

...and send it to the Cemetery if it isn't.

As for my card...

Gran Mole's a powerful card that'll bounce any opposing monster it battles back to its hand, but it's a Rock-Type...

Still, I can make it work!

I activate the Instant Magic, Code Change!

It lets me change the Type written on a card to any Type I choose!

And I'll change the "Warrior-Type" on Hero's Guild to—

I don't think so!

I activate a Trap! Spirit's Mirror!

It seals your Magic's effect into this mirror!

Unfortunately, my card isn't a Warrior-Type.

But still, I haven't even started to show you my all!

Or my Subspace Battle Magic card!

It has both players choose three monsters from their decks...

...and show each one at the same time.

The player who went with monsters with lower ATK...

...takes points of damage and sends his cards to the Cemetery.

The player who went with monsters with higher ATK...

...adds his cards to his hand.

Here we go, Yugi-san !


Show yourselves!

These are my three monsters!

Come out!

These are my monsters!

All right! Buster Blader!

Destructive Sword Flash!!

Chaos Soldier!

Chaos Blade!!

Magnet Valkyrion!

Magnet Saber!!

I'll send my three cards to the Cemetery!

I'll add my three to my hand!

All right...

Now, I've got everything set up!

Oh, no!

Judai- kun sent the cards he just chose for that battle to his Cemetery on purpose...

Here I go, Yugi-san !

This is the power of my Elemental Hero Deck!

And my Miracle Fusion Magic card!

It removes the monsters I need on my field or in my Cemetery to Special-Summon an Elemental Hero!

By removing the Flame Wingman and Sparkman in my Cemetery...

...show yourself, Shining Flare Wingman!

Shining Flare Wingman's ATK gets raised by points for each Elemental Hero...

...I have in my Cemetery!

Next up: the Magic card, Miracle Contact!

It sends Fusion Material Monsters from my field or Cemetery back to my deck...

...to Special-Summon a monster that's fused with Neos!

I'm sending the Neos, Gran Mole and Flare Scarab in my Cemetery back to my deck...

...for a Triple Contact Fusion!

Show yourself!

Elemental Hero Magma Neos!

I activate a Field Magic! Neo Space!

Neo Space'll raise Magma Neos's ATK by points!

And then, Magma Neos's ability raises it by more points for each card on the field!

So, your monsters have and ATK?

This is the potential my Elemental Heroes have, Yugi-san !

Amazing... Just amazing !

Go, Magma Neos!

Super Heat Meteor!!

Still, even my Black Magician Girl has magic that lets her redirect each of your att*cks!

I activate a Trap!

Magic Cylinder!

What ?!

My Magic Cylinder negates my opponent's attack and sh**t that attack back at him !

My Instant Magic, Contact Out!

I'm cancelling Magma Neos's fusion!

You dodged my Magic Cylinder!

And I still have Shining Flare Wingman's attack left!

Now, go!

And Shining Flare Wingman deals my opponent damage equal to the ATK of any monster he destroys in battle!

Yugi-san , this duel is mine !

I wouldn't say that...

Here he comes...

The other soul resting within the King of Duelists...

The what ?

Then, that's the soul of the...

...legendary Nameless Pharaoh!

Partner, would you mind if I handled this for now?

Other Me?

You see, my soul as a duelist couldn't help but ache at his strength for a while now.


He's all yours, Other Me.

Here we go, Judai-kun !

I activate a Trap! Coffin of Black Resurrection!

When my opponent has summoned a monster...

...sacrificing that monster and one of my monsters...

...will revive one black mage in my Cemetery!

So, I'll sacrifice your Gran Mole and my Black Magician Girl...

...to bring my monster back from my Cemetery!

Don't tell me... Is it Black Magician?

Not quite.

At this moment, I'll activate the effect of the Code Change inside Spirit's Mirror!

This card allows me to change a Type written in a card's text...

...to any Type I happen to see fit.

You don't mean...

Unfortunately, my card isn't a Warrior-Type.

...that card, do you?

I do! It's not a black mage that I'm calling forth...

It's a God !

Show yourself! Osiris the Sky Dragon!

Is this... a God ?!

Judai-kun ...

For a duelist of your caliber, it's only fitting that you face a God .

Yugi- san... I won't forget it...

You sent me the best present I could ever ask for: the time of my life!


It'd be my pleasure!

Getting to take him on is getting me so pumped !

That's the spirit!

This is where our true match starts!


I... I got it back, all thanks to you...

What I'd lost without even knowing it...

What I can never forget about, even as an adult...

Let's do this, Neos!

No matter what happens, I won't forget it again...

How it feels to actually enjoy dueling whenever it happens!

Yugi-san ...

I'm going to get stronger, and when I do, I'm sure we'll...

Thank you, Yugi-san !


That was a really fun duel...

Now, then...

Don't tell me...


And Professor Daitokuji?

Oh, my! You've really gone a long way- nya!

Hey, what are you even doing out here?!

Well, you see...

Going with you seemed more interesting than staying at the Duel Academia- nya!

What is this ?

What the...

I'd say that the others saw through the pattern in your behavior- nya.


They all love you, Judai- kun, don't they- nya?

Yeah... And I love them all, too.

Now, then... Which way do we go-nya?


Should we go with the wind, or go with our guts...

Got it.

I'm just going to keep on running!

Wait for me- nya!

Straight ahead...

Straight ahead...

I'll keep my eyes set straight ahead!


You have to use your best card to go grab onto...

...that shining, endless dueling dream you want to come true.

Your courage has sparked up dramas of wonder...

You'll see that they won't end.

Franklin Gothic Medium Cond So, let's go make a chance out of this pinch we're in.

We'll do it... We sure will.

That rainbow bridge will get crossed over...

...and the future will be ours to hold!

Beyond that door, we're sure to find...

...that there's a dark shadow standing in our way...

Franklin Gothic Medium Cond ...so keep your crimson flames alight!

You have to use your best card to go grab onto...

Ending Theme

...that shining, endless dueling dream you want to come true.

Franklin Gothic Medium Cond It won't matter what kind of rough times we're all in for...

...just as long as you take in the smiles of the friends you trust.
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