01x03 - Lights! Camera! Genies!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Shimmer and Shine". Aired: August 24, 2015 – February 9, 2020.*
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Follows two genies, Shimmer and Shine, who grant wishes for their human friend Leah.
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01x03 - Lights! Camera! Genies!

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] ♪ Two genies in a bottle

♪ Up in the starry sky

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Two of a kind

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Boom Zahramay

♪ Three wishes a day

♪ Your genies divine

♪ It'’s Shimmer and Shine, Shimmer and Shine ♪

♪ From a genie palace

♪ In Zahramay Falls

♪ Riding a carpet

♪ When Leah calls

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

♪ Genies divine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

♪ Shimmer and Shine

Okay, [span]The Dragon Princess movie'’s ready to play,

the popcorn'’s popping,

and the chairs are all blown up!

[chair squeaks]

Ooh, a little squeaky, but comfy.

All that'’s missing for movie night is--

[knock at door]



Hang on, Zac.


I'’m coming!

[sighs] Eventually.

[rubber plops]

- Hi, Zac. - Hey, Leah.

I was thinking, since we'’ve seen

[span]The Dragon Princess glorious times,

we could mix it up a little bit...

with -D glasses!

[Leah blinks]

These will make it look like

the dragon'’s flying right at you.

But don'’t worry, he'’s not really flying at you.

And I brought someone who'’s never seen the movie before...


[happy chewing, panting]

You can tell he'’s excited

'’cause he'’s drooling more than usual.


Hi, Rocket! Did you get a new toy?


I had to get him a new one

so he'’d stop chewing on my stuff.

Like this one time,

I tried to stop him from eating my sneaker,

but the only way to do that

was to give him my other sneaker.

It worked out, though,

'’cause the holes he made really kept my feet cool.

[chicken squeaking]

[chicken pops]


Looks like he needs something else to chew on.



But not the chair!


[chair pops]

[air rushing]

[crashing, glass shatters]

[electricity fizzles]

[remote clicks]

I can'’t get the movie to play.

I think the TV'’s broken.

Sorry, Leah. I should'’ve brought

a backup sneaker for Rocket to chew on.

But you know, even though the movie and the chair are broken,

we'’ve still got popcorn.

You'’re right.

[faint sizzling]


Do you smell something funny?

[both sniffing]

No, but I smell something burning.

[gasps] The popcorn!

Maybe it'’s like marshmallows.

The more they'’re toasted, the better they taste.


Ugh! Nope, no, no, no, I was wrong.

Boy, movie night is turning out to be a big mistake.

It'’s okay, Leah. We can fix this.

I'’ll start with patching the hole in the chair...

[growling, grunting]

If I can get it away from Rocket.

[playful growl]

Be back soon. See ya, Leah!

Bye, Zac!

He'’s right. Maybe movie night can be fixed.

This popcorn might still work if I scrape off the burned part.

But that won'’t work when all the parts are burned.

And there'’s no more popcorn left to make.


I'’m gonna need more than movie magic

to make this night a success.

I need genie magic!

Shimmer, Tala, allow me to present...

Shine'’s shadow puppet show!


Tonight'’s story is:

"The Genie and the Magical Ruby."

Ooh, I just love Shine'’s stories!

I'’m so excited I'’m getting genie bumps already!

[Tala chatters]

[Shine] There once was a genie who was searching all over

for a magical ruby that had special powers.

Just then, the genie saw something shiny

sticking out of the ground.

Ooh! What is it?

A stick?[gasps]

A boat? A unicorn?

Just tell me!

[excited coo]

[teeth chattering]

[Shine] It was...





I did not see that coming.

[clapping, screeching]

[Shine] She'’s not supposed to be in the story!


Or in the curtain either.


So back to the story.

- If it wasn'’t Nahal... [chimes tinkling]

What did the genie find?

Guess you'’ll have to wait to find out!

Leah'’s calling us!

[Leah] Shimmer and Shine,

my genies divine,

through this special chant,

three wishes you'’ll grant!

I'’m Shimmer!

I'’m Shine!

[both] Your genies divine!

Boom Zahramay!

Your best friends are on the way!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ We ride our magic carpet

♪ Through our genie wonderland

♪ To a world so fun and new

♪ Where every wish is our command ♪

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Up and away

♪ Up and away

[bottle pops]




Hey, Leah, if you need a new spot

for hide-and-seek, we just found one.

I'’m so glad you guys are here!

I could really use your help.

Zac and I are trying to have a movie night,

but we'’ve had a few hiccups.

Hiccups? What are hiccups?

I don'’t know but I wish we had some.

They sound so cute. Hiccup! Hiccup!


Hiccups are a funny noise you make,

but it'’s also a way of saying we'’re having some trouble.

One of the chairs popped, the movie won'’t play,

and I burned the popcorn.




I think I like my popcorn a little less barbecued.

But I bet we could fix it up with one little wish!

That'’s right!

You get three wishes a day!

Okay! For my first wish, I wish for more popcorn!

Boom Zahramay!

First wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, more popcorn divine!


Corn cobs?

Uh, usually popcorn comes already popped.

Wait for it...

[kernels popping]


[kernels popping] - [screeches]

I can see why you wanted popcorn, Leah.

This stuff looks delicious!

Plus you can swim in it!

Watch this.

Cannon ball!

[startled meow]


[giggles] I'’m glad you guys like popcorn,

but I was thinking you'’d wish up a bowl of it,

not a whole room full of it.

My mistake, Leah. It'’s possible I made too much.

It'’s okay.

We just have to hide it before Zac comes back.

But the good news is, we'’ll have plenty of leftovers!

[gasps] I love leftovers!

Especially the kind you can swim in!


[woman] ♪ When we make a big mistake

♪ Don'’t fret, let'’s celebrate ♪

♪ '’Cause we'’ll get another try ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah - ♪ We'’ll do better next time ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ When things go wrong, we'’ll find a way ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ We'’ll work together to save the day ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hooray, hooray

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oopsie, save the day

There. We put away all the popcorn!


And Nahal!


[knock at door]

It'’s Zac! Quick, hide!

Hey, Leah.



Hey, Zac!

Wow, that'’s a lot of popcorn!

Looks like you put in one scoop of popcorn kernels too many.

Yeah, I got a little more than I wished for.

So did you fix the chair?

Well, I was going to,

but Rocket chewed my patching supplies.

Can I take some popcorn to help me think of what to do?

Take as much popcorn as you want.


Huh, I think some of this popcorn isn'’t done popping.

That'’s what I call fresh!

See ya, Leah!

Okay, now that we have enough popcorn

for the next movie nights,

let'’s work on getting the movie to play.

Anything with the word play, and I am in!

Or the word "cookies."

I love cookies.





How are we gonna play [span] The Dragon Princessmovie

when the TV is broken?

Maybe if you tell us about the movie,

we can find a way to help you play it!

Well, there'’s this beautiful princess

and her best friend, the knight.

And together, they save the castle from a flying,

green, smoke-breathing dragon!

You guys would love it!

Wow! That does sound like something we would love.

Also something we can wish up!

You still have two more wishes left.

Great idea!

For my second wish,

I wish we could play [span] The Dragon Princess.

Boom Zahramay!

Second wish of the day!

Shimmer and Shine, play [span] The Dragon Princessdivine!


This is incredible!

My living room looks just like the movie!

And you two look like princesses!


You made me the Dragon Princess?

I can'’t believe it!

Isn'’t it great?

Now we can all play the movie

just like you wished for!

Actually, when I said "play [span]The Dragon Princess,"

I meant on the TV, not in real life.

Okay, but I'’m not sure we can all fit on the TV.

[giggles] That'’s not what I meant.


Do you guys know what a movie is?





I'’m thinking of a milkshake.

[slurps, coos]



A movie is just a made-up story

you can watch on TV.

Oh, corncobs. [giggles]

My mistake, Leah.

Don'’t worry, Shimmer.

We'’ll figure out what to do,

but maybe after we play dress up.

Good idea, Leah!

These dresses are beautiful!

Especially when you twirl in them, like this!


[bell tolls]

[dragon roars]

Please tell me that was a large bird

and not... [gulps]

a dragon.

Okay, it was large bird!


But really, it was a dragon.


You can'’t be a Dragon Princess without a dragon.

[dragon roars]

[gasps] We can'’t let Zac see it!

Come on!

Maybe Zac won'’t see the dragon.

It'’s dark out and...

kinda hard to see.

Especially if you squint.

[dragon exhales]

[screeching, meowing]

Zac might not see the dragon, but I'’m pretty sure

he'’ll notice the dragon'’s breath.


I have an idea!

We'’ll give him a binky!


[steam hisses]

And some earplugs!

[steam hisses]


[spits, roars]

The smoke is going up to Zac'’s window!

Oh, I wish the dragon would just stop breathing green smoke.

Boom Zahramay! Third wish of the day!

Wait. That'’s my last wish!

Shimmer and Shine, stop breathing smoke divine!

[inhales, hiccups]

Aww, I was right!


Hiccups are cute.

Ta-da! Now he hiccups smoke instead of breathing it!

Just call me problem-fixer-


Or something shorter.

Thanks, Shine, but I was gonna use my last wish

to send the dragon home.

I guess I made a mistake


Or a "hiccup" as you and the dragon would say.

Actually, it was my mistake.

But I know we can make this better.

We just need to think of what to do with this guy.


- [hiccup] - [meow]

[sighs] Those hiccups

get cuter every time.



[gasps] This is just like in the movie

when the dragon started eating the castle!

That sounds like a great story!

What happened next,Leah?


Oh it turns out the dragon was just hungry,

so the Princess fed it, and then it flew away!

Wait, that'’s it!

We could feed him!

But where are we going to get enough food for the dragon?

I have no idea.

Maybe this popcorn will help us think.


What? Want some?

The popcorn!

We can feed that to the dragon.

And then he'’ll fly away!

Zac was right.

The popcorn does help you think!



[bell dinging] - Dragon!


Put down that chimney and start eating this popcorn!



It worked!

I'’m really glad you made too much popcorn, Shine.

And I think the dragon'’s glad too!


[smacks lips]

It'’s like I always say.

When life gives you a dragon, make extra popcorn!

I'’ve never heard you say that before.

That'’s '’cause I just made it up!

[both chomping]









Excuse you!



And you too.




Bye, dragon!

Thanks for stopping by!

Let'’s play movie again real soon!


Okay, the dragon'’s gone. Good.

The popcorn'’s done. Also good.

But my house still looks like a castle.


I was thinking not so good '’cause

I don'’t know how to explain this to--

[Zac] Hey, Leah!



I fixed the chair with the popcorn!

Who knew you could use popcorn for so many things?

[gasps] Whoa!

Your house looks like

the castle from the movie!

It really does, doesn'’t it?

I bet you'’re wondering why.

I know!

It'’s so we can act out the movie!

Hey, that'’s an idea.

We do know all the lines,

and everything we need is right here.

You'’re the dragon princess

and I can be the knight

and Rocket can be the dragon!


I think Rocket likes that part.


Let'’s play this movie.

[woman singing] ♪ We can make-believe we'’re a knight and a princess ♪

♪ Riding on our horses far across the land ♪

♪ Climbing, climbing up the highest peak of a mountain ♪

♪ We'’ll meet an awesome dragon and we'’ll make friends ♪

♪ Hurrah hurray

♪ We'’re fearless and we'’re brave ♪

♪ Hurrah hurray

♪ Our shields will keep us safe ♪

♪ Hurrah hurray

♪ And the dragon we can tame

♪ Our fantasy our movie screen

♪ Imaginary play


Thy belly has been filled, dragon!

Now it is time to say see ya later!

Zac, that'’s a candle. Not the dragon.

Oh, right!


Fly away, dragon!

Home to your dragon mom and dad.



These -D glasses make it look like Rocket'’s really flying!

[roaring, hiccupping]

And he'’s quite the actor.

That roar soundedso real!


The dragon is gone!

We'’ve saved the town, fair knight!

I think this has been the best movie night we'’ve ever had!

And the best dragon we'’ve ever had!

Well, I better get this dragon home.

He drools when he'’s tired.

Also, when he'’s excited.

Basically, he drools a lot.

[Leah laughs]

[yawns, drools]

Good night, Zac the Knight!

See ya, Princess Leah!

Thanks for everything, you guys.

Because of our mistakes, we got to act out the movie!

And swim in popcorn!

And meet a dragon...

who hiccupped!

We fixed our mistakes and the day turned out great!

We better head home too.

Rocket'’s not the only one who fell asleep.


[Shimmer] All that movie magic must have worn them out.


Our mistakes came out great when we worked together.

Can'’t wait till tomorrow, my best friends forever!

With magical powers that shimmer and shine,

boom Zahramay!

We'’ll see you next time!

[woman vocalizing]

[woman] ♪ It'’s time to go back home ♪

♪ We granted all the wishes

♪ Made some mistakes

♪ But we fixed everything

♪ We learned so much

♪ On our great adventure

♪ We can'’t wait to see ♪

♪ What tomorrow brings

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Boom Zahramay-ay-ay-ay

♪ Oh, what a day

♪ So much fun today

You know what I realized today, Shine?

That things are always better

when two genies work together?


And my sister is the best storyteller ever.

Now, please finish the story.

I need to know what happens next!

You got it.


And so, the genie reached up into the ground and picked up...

the giant magical ruby!



But little did the genie know that the ruby belonged to...


[Shine] The dragon?



I did not see that coming!


You surprise me every time, sis!

I surprise myself too!

The end!

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