Wagons Roll at Night, The (1941)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Wagons Roll at Night, The (1941)

Post by bunniefuu »

Up closer, everybody. Up closer.

Here we have the streets of Paris.

A bevy of gorgeous girls.

Here he is ladies and gentlemen:

Ajax the Terrible.

The strongest man in the
world at this weight.

He beats all-comers.

He is going to give a free exhibition.

But before he does, a word of warning.

Where you find crowds
you will find pickpockets.

And I must ask you to
watch your pocketbooks.

Over here ladies and gentlemen.

One of the greatest wrestlers
this county has ever known.

Here, here, here folks!

Are you in love?
Are you worried about money?

If so, consult Madam Florina.

She knows all, sees all
and for a small sum ..

I see a woman entering your life.

She is young, dark.

Beautiful, glamorous.

Could you give me her name?

She has gone now.
- Can't you bring her back?

I will try.

For another fifty cents.

Hoffman, Hoffman the great.

The most daring, death-defying trainer
of wild animals in the whole world.

I hear them lions ain't got no teeth.

Maybe so, neighbour. But they
sure can gum you to death.

He risks certain death twice a day.

See him, folks.

Watch him demonstrate the
power of mind over matter.

The strength of the human
will versus brute ferocity.

Leave me alone.

Come on, wake up. Snap out of it.

Wake up, Hoffman.
- He's blotto in spades.

That Caesar lion will flatten him if he
ever catches a whiff of that breath.

Is the boss in?

Stay out of here.

You can't get away with this.

My pocket has been picked. I had ten
dollars when I came to this carnival.

Hey listen, fellah. Are you insinuating
there are pickpockets working my show?

I insinuate nothing. I had ten dollars
when I came here and I ain't got it now.

And if I don't get it back I'm
going to call the Sheriff.

Alright, pipe down, pipe down. Here.

Here's your ten bucks.

Now pursue this log off the lot.

Hey, you can't throw me out.
- You heard what the boss said.

Here is your ten back, boss.
- Thanks, Snapper.

I'll see you later, Flo.
- Hey, wait a minute, Nick.

- What do you want?

Where is my bracelet?
- Your what?

My bracelet.

You know, the round
gold thing with diamonds.

I wear it on my wrist.

Oh, you mean that thing?

Ain't that around?

Come clean will you.
You know you took it.

Well, supposing I did.
I gave it to you didn't I?

You mean you loaned it to me.

It's been in every hockshop
from Texas to Minnesota.

Alright, I took it, Flo.
But I'll get it back.

You said that about my watch, using
it last year to move this trick outfit.

I haven't known what time it is since.
- Now take it easy, kid.

Listen, when I get a break ..

I'll hang a whole jewellery store
around that beautiful neck of yours.

Great. It's had thousands
of them. All bad.

Limping from town to town.
More sheriffs than suckers.

Blow-downs, mud, leaky tents.
- But that's all part of the racket.

Listen, Flo. You got to take
the good with the bad.

I know that one by heart too.

If I had a little less sense,
I'd love it. How about new line?

Why don't you mind your own business?
Your line is telling fortunes.

Mine is figuring out how to
get people to see this show.

Well, you're doing a rotten job of it.

What this turkey needs
is a shot in the arm.

Some big razzle-dazzle that will ..

Drag them away from their
checker boards and their radios.

So, a big razzle-dazzle?
Just like that, huh?

Well, suppose you take a look in your
crystal ball and see if you can find it?

Boss. We can't put on our new
cat act. Hoffman's tight again.

Oh he is, is he? Set up
the props in the arena.

That act goes on and
Hoffman will be in there.

Listen, them cats will k*ll him
if they smell liquor on him.

When I'm through with him there
won't be any liquor on him or in him.

Now, get that act ready.

Will you guys get out
of here. Look, now.

Hoffman, come on,
come on. Snap out of it.

Snap out of it.
- Leave me alone.

Is this what you learnt in the big time?
Drink before a show and lose a crowd?

A crowd? Those silly yokels.

For whom I, the great Hoffman
have to give an exhibition.

Listen, when I hired you and them scabby
cats of yours I knew you was a lush.

It's why Rengling fired you.

And I told you what would happen
the next time you did this. Now, Bundy.

Go tell Doc to keep the crowd
happy until I get this lug on his feet.


Go to the mess shack for a
gallon of hot black coffee.

On your way back bring in that fire
hose, couple it up and turn it on full.

Okay, boss.

Now, wait a minute.

You asked for it.

Hey, it's a pretty good
house for a change.

I said it was a pretty good house.

I don't know, I'll have to
look into my crystal ball.

What's the matter with you?

I don't know who you think you are to
bark at me as though I was a roustabout.

Let me tell you, Nick Coster.
- Ah listen, I didn't mean a thing.

I just had a million things on my mind.
- Things on your mind?

You always fly off the handle,
and then you're sorry.

It will be the same thing
all over again tomorrow.


I guess I am pretty much of
a mug the way I treat you.

We've been through a lot together and ..

You are just aces with me.

The way you put up with
me and keep me in line.

It's like riding hard on a skyrocket.

One day that temper of yours
will get you into trouble.

No it won't. No it won't.

Listen kid, I'll get your bracelet back.

You just keep slapping my ears down.

Don't think I won't.

Don't carry me around like
a little baby. I know my way.

Wait a minute.

Do you think he can make it?
- I wouldn't want to go in that cage.

Yeah, that's because you have
no courage, no stamina.

Never mind that.

Okay, tell Doc to start the show.
The customers are waiting.


Don't try anything fancy in there.
You'll get your head chewed off.

Ha! A real man can drink
and still do his work.

Go away.

Get your hands off that cage.

What is this?

What are you waiting for?

Park that thing against the tent.

They are expensive animals.
Not alley-cats.

Hold it, hold it. Just a minute.
You go everything alright?

Now open up.

Caesar, get in there I tell you.

Get in there, I tell you.

I show you who is master
here. Go on, get in there!

Get in there!

Caesar! Caesar!

Get back there.

The lion is loose. The lion is loose!

Matt. Matt Varney.

Hello, Mrs Grebnick.
- Hello, Matt.

How are you today?
- Fine, thank you.

Hello there, Betsy.

That's my girl. What can I do for you?

Well, I have my list here.

You want to help me wait on your mama?

How about some candy, huh?

Can I give her a lollipop?
- What flavor?


She had strawberry yesterday.
Have you any raspberry?

Raspberry. There we are.

There is my list.

There you are, darling.

Two cans of ..


Limburger cheese.

We've got three kinds of Limburger.
Mild, mellow and ripe.

How much is the ripe?

37 and a half cents a pound.

It's gone up two and
half cents, hasn't it.

That's on account they have
to put it in a special packet.

Now, here we have a
little number that you ..

Oh, Miss Grebnick.

Miss Grebnick. Speak to me.

What's the matter?
Miss Grebnick, what's the matter?

Gosh, I didn't know it was that ripe.

Miss Grebnick.

Get back.

Get back there.

Get out of here.

Go on, get away.

Lion, I'm telling you: get back!

Hello Harry. How are you?


Get back.

Lion, I'm telling you, get down.

Matt is in there with a lion.
He's got him with a pitchfork.

Quiet now. Don't frighten him.

There's your lion! See?

Nice work, young fellah.
- Yeah, I'll say.

Hey. What about tall this damage here?

Don't worry about that.
I'll settle for everything.

Take care of that cat, boys.
- Okay.

Hey, come over here, kid.
I want to talk to you.

Thanks a lot young fellow.
You sure pulled me out of a hole.

It certainly took some nerve to stand
there waving that pitchfork in his face.

I wasn't waving it, ma'am.
I was just shaking.

Seen the Carnival yet?
- No, I haven't.

Here's couple of passes.
Bring your girl.

Say, thanks.

But I haven't got a girl.

The way you handled
that cat, it won't be long.

That sure was something.
- Were you scared?

No, he wasn't.

Quiet! Wait a minute. Hold it.

Friends of yours?
- They're customers.

Come on Flo, let's get going.
We've got a show to do.

Okay, Nick.
- See you later.

You bet. Goodbye.

Come and see the show tonight, folks.

Say, Flo. I got it.
- Got what?

That kid is a goldmine. You see the way
those youngsters flocked around him?

He's a hero.

They'll lay it on the line
heavy to get a look at him.

They've looked at him all his life.
- But he's captured a lion now.

It's the biggest thing to hit this
burgh since the Pony Express.

Why, with that kid I can get our
clambake out of the red in a week.

What are you going to do with him?
- Put him in Hoffman's act.

What can he do?
- He can take a bow, can't he?

Inside the cage?

Sure. Why not?
Hoffman will take care of him.

Who will take care of Hoffman?

Now don't try to talk me out of
this. That kid starts tomorrow.

Don't look now but does the
kid know anything about it?

What, and spoil the surprise?

I was waiting on Mrs Grebnick.
I was selling her some cheese.

Of a sudden, she went out like a light.

I looked up and there was
a lion in the canned goods.

Little Betsy was sitting ..

Oh, wait a minute.


Oh darling, what are
you hiding on me for?

Come here, come here.

Eating all my apples, huh?

That's the stuff. That's good work.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

For the first time in any arena.

The grocery boy lion-tamer.

The boy who held the king of
beasts at bay with his bare hands.

Hey, hey. It weren't done
with his bare hands.

He had a pitchfork.

Yes, sir. With his bare hands!

Watch him defy death.

And meet the denizens of the jungle.

Are you scared, Matt?

Well, I don't know.

It's certainly a lot different
from the grocery store.

No worries, son.

Those lions was raised on milk.

Don't let the kid you, Matt.
You'll be alright.

Sure. You'll knock them cold.


If you do that again
I'll cut your brains out!

Now wait a minute.
You can't get anywhere doing that.

What's the matter with him?
- I say he is crazy.

Berserk. For weeks it
has been coming on.

Now he's had a taste of freedom
and that is the last straw.

What do you want to do with him?
- I think he must be k*lled. Destroyed.

Destroyed? Are you off your nut?
- Listen.

I am afraid of nothing but even I
don't go in the cage with that beast.

I'll be committing su1c1de.
Nobody could work him.

Who said anything about working him?

We can always exhibit him, can't we?

We bill him all over town as "Caesar the
man-eater". The meanest lion in history.

They'll eat it up. I can get two
bits a throw just to look at him.

Why, sure.
- Sure, sure.

Now, why couldn't you have
thought of that, Hoffman the Great?

Two minutes, Mr Hoffman.
- Yes, I am coming.

Now we jump. Now we're jumping.

Down boy. That's it.

Come on, the next one.

And now, ladies and gentlemen.

The big fellow you've been waiting for.

Introducing the hero of the hour.

Your friend, my friend.

Matt Varney.

Go on kid, you're on.
- What do I do now?

Just go out and take a bow.
Go on. Good luck.

So you think you're quite a hero, huh?

Well go ahead, do something.

Here is the whip.

What do you suppose would
happen to you, grocery boy ..

If I walked out of here
and leave you alone?

Gosh, can you imagine it?
Me working in a circus.

I guess I've dreamed all my
life for something like this.

Where you from?
- Right here.

I was born right about where
they put up the gas station.

I came from a place like this too.

Only I was kind of ambitious.

I thought I was going to panic New York
with songs, dances, and witty sayings.

Only I didn't.

I don't see why they wouldn't
be crazy about you.

You are awful pretty.

I'd like to hear you sing
sometime, Miss Lorraine.

Don't call me Miss Lorraine.
It makes me feel kind of old.

Oh shucks.

I bet you're not much older than I am.

You know, it's a funny thing
me working Mr Hoffman's act.

All my life I felt I had a kind of
a friendly feeling toward animals.

I guess that comes from
working on a farm, huh?

Lions are kind of different.

Maybe but ..

If you look at it in a certain way a
lion is nothing but a large chipmunk.

Are there any more at home like you?

No, I'm all alone.

I guess I got no kinsfolk to speak of.

Well, I guess I had
better go back to work.

Madame Florina.

Sees all, knows all, tells
all about the future.

Oh, do you think you could tell me mine?

I think I could.

You are a nice kid.

You are getting a taste of
a different kind of life.

When this week is over ..

You'll go back to the grocery store and
the strawberry fair and the rest of it.

Things will be different.

You'll start dreaming.

Dreaming about all this.

You won't be the same anymore.

So long.

So long.

Yeah, not bad.

Not bad.

Thanks to the kid.

Yeah. It worked out alright.

I hope we do as well in Sedalia.

Too bad we can't get him to capture
a lion in every town we play.

I wonder what he'll do after we go.

It's a funny thing about him.

I had him out as a kind of sap-eroo who
ain't got brains enough to get scared.

But that ain't the angle.

He's got a funny kind of nerve alright.

Something with animals.

I got a hunch it might
make him a natural.

He don't belong in a place
like this, taming lions.

He belongs on a farm milking cows.

I don't know. I'm going to
give him a play anyway.

What can I lose? He'll work for peanuts.

Nick. He thinks you're the
greatest guy in the world.

Why do you have to
take advantage of him?

Hey, what is this?

You getting stuck on him?

Nothing. Act your age.


There is still some nice
people left in the world.

Name one.

What about your sister?

Wait a minute.
Leave her name out of this.

I said I don't want anyone in this
outfit to even talk about her.

She ain't like us.

We're a lot of mugs and ..

Grifters and riff-raff.

Yeah. All under one tent.

Wait a minute, Flo. Where you going?

This bunch of riff-raff is going to the
animal tent for a breath of fresh air.

Now Flo, don't get sore.

I'm glad to know what
you really think of me.

Why you little dope, anything I said
about you goes for me too, don't it?

It's just a sleazy game we're in.

If that's how you feel about it,
why not get out of it?

Yeah. And wind up in a breadline.

It's the game I woke up in.
It's the only one I know.

But it ain't for my sister.

She's going to be a lady if
I have to break her neck.

Oh, forget it.

It's open. Walk in.

Hello Flo.
- Hello, Matt.

Hi, Mr Coster.

Hello, Matt. You all packed?

Yeah, I gave all that stuff
back to Mr Hoffman.

He is a nice fellow, you know.

He hollers once in a while but
he taught me an awful lot.

In six months you could be teaching him.
- Me?

Sure. I've been watching
you with those cats.

I didn't do anything.

I walked into the cage and bowed
to the folks and walked out again.

I've been around those acts
for years and I couldn't do it.

There isn't one man in
a thousand who could.

Did you ever think of taking up
lion-taming as a profession?

Sure. Sure, why not?

You're too smart a guy to stand
behind a pickle counter all your life.

You could be a hero, a star, a big-shot.

Maybe he don't want to be a big-shot.

Let him make up his own mind.

What do you say, son?

Look, you got a 20-buck check coming to
you for a week's work. Just chickenfeed.

When you get to the big towns
you'll be in the real dough.

With your name up in lights.

"Varney The Great".

Varney The Great.

I don't give a hoot.

Hey Caesar. Up!

Yeah, you've sure been
a big help to me, Flo.

I don't know what I would
have done without you.

You are doing alright now, I see.

Oh yeah. I'm doing alright now.

It takes quite a spell though
to become a lion-tamer.

Don't you worry, Matt. You just
stay in there and keep pitching.


That's all I'm doing, morning,
noon and night. Just pitching.

Hiya, Caesar.



Come on, get out of there. What
do you think you're doing in there?

Just trying to find out something.
- Find out?

You fool. What are you doing?
Get yourself k*lled?

Shucks, I won't get k*lled.
Not if I'm a lion-tamer.

That's why I joined this show.

It's high time I found out whether
I'm a lion-tamer or a grocery clerk.

Is that what you were doing there?

Well, you won't let me try
anything during the daytime.

Listen kid, you got the makings
of a great lion-tamer.

I told you that when I hired
you but you ain't ready yet.

You got to crawl before you can walk.

You got to walk before you can fly.

You see what I mean?
- Yeah, but you see, Mr Coster.

Someday you'll be able to handle Satan.

You'll be able to handle
any lion that lives.

But you ain't ready yet.

I'll let you know when you're ready. Now
you go to bed and don't try that again.

Not unless you are tired of living.

Mr Hoffman.

Mr Hoffman. You're on!

Hey, Mr Hoffman.

Hey, Mr Hoffman. Hey come on,
they're playing your entrance music.

Hey, Mister Hoffman. Come on,
you've got to snap out of it.

Look, mister ..

Oh, what will I do.

Mister Hoffman!

Mister Hoffman.

Wake up, wake up.

They are playing your music.

Mister Hoffman, you can't do this.
- What, again?

I'm sorry, Mr Coster.
- I thought I told you to watch him.

I tried to keep an eye on him, following
him all over. But he got away from me.

He's out cold.

Mister Hoffman, come on.
Wake up, wake up.

The people are out there.
You can't do this.

Mister Hoffman.
- Shut up and listen to me.

We got a big crowd outside
and we've got to work fast.

Do you think you can ad-lib this act?
- Ad-lib?

Go in there and make a bluff. Fake it.

Me? Alone?

You don't need nobody with you. Just go
in, make a few passes and get out quick.

You think I'm ready?

I told you I'd let you know, didn't I?

So now is the time, huh?
- Yes. Get out of that coat.

Sure I'll be okay?

You'll be marvellous, sensational.
Would I kid you?

Where's that whip? Come on, kid.
- Yeah, I'm okay.

Wait, Nick. You can't do
this. The boy will get k*lled.

What are you talking about?
- You can't throw him in like that.

I won't get k*lled. The lions like me.

I've a tent full of people waiting
and you're telling me I can't do this?

Come on, kid.
- Nick.


Ladies and gentlemen.

Owing to unforeseen circumstances.

Hoffman will not appear
at this performance.

However, instead.

We have an even greater
attraction for you.

For the first time, under canvas ..

That fearless, intrepid ..

Daring and death-defying
tamer of wild beasts ..

Varney the Great.

The kid is going on, boss.

See what he's doing.

Doc just opened the cage.

Let them ..

Let them come!

Get out of here.

Snapper, I'm afraid the kid will k*ll
himself. I shouldn't send him in there.

He'll be alright, boss.
- But you'll have to watch him. I can't.

Right, boys. Places.

Hey, boss.


I hope you're right about this.
- What, you too? It's all set ain't it.

Matt is, but I don't
know about them cats.

Ah, he can handle those cats.

Uhuh, Satan is giving him trouble.

That's it. Sit.

Come on, sit.

He's backed Satan over to the bars.

He's still anybody's, Hank.

Here comes Sultan. He's behaving
himself. So are the other cats.

All but Satan.

He turns on the kid, the
kid chases him right back.

He is still a mean cat though.

Get ready. Get set.

Alright, go!

Come on back now.

He's going to put him through the hoop.

Sure he is. What did I tell you?
The kid is doing fine.

Alright, Satan. You ready?

Come on, let's go!

He's through. He done it, boss.

Through? Sure, he's through.
What did you expect?

He's a natural.
Just like an old professional.


Nick, he was wonderful and the
customers were goggle-eyed.

Sure. That's what I told you all along.

Stick him in a cage and he can
do anything Hoffman can do.

Hoffman? Say, wait a minute.

Listen, what's the idea?
- Hoffman, you are fired.

Fired? Me?
- You heard what I said.

You're through, finished, washed up.

Get your stuff together
and get off the lot.

You couldn't even put on
a show without my act.

Your act just finished without you.

I sent that Varney kid in and he
was better than you ever were.




I'll get my cats.
- Oh, no you don't.

You're in to me for too much dough
already. The cats stay with the troupe.

Why, you ..

Now get up and get out of here.

Yes. And now me, the great Hoffman.

All my life a headline
all over the world.

Now I am kicked out
without even my cats.

And what for?

To make room for a young monkey
whom I have taught everything.

Want another drink?

Never touch it.
- Huh?

But in your case I'll make an exception.
- Hey Shorty. A beer.

Hello, Mr Hoffman.

I've been looking all over for you.

Oh? Now you've found me. So what?

Well I ..

I just wanted to make sure
there was no hard feelings.

Hard feelings?

You, who has taken my act from me. Who
snapped your fingers in my face like so.

You come to gloat over my misfortune?

I admire your colossal nerve.

No, Mr Hoffman. You've got me wrong.
I had nothing to do with that.

Is this the fellow you told me about?
- Yes.

A white-haired boy. Isn't the handsome?

Well ..

Our lady fortune-teller thinks so.

She is the one accountable
for all decisions.

Even in show business, there
is nothing like influence.

That ain't true, Mr Hoffman.

That blind dope Coster.

He don't even know what's
going on in his own troupe.

He thinks she is his own patootie.

Take that back.

Back? My dear fellow,
why are you so angry?

And why do you defend such a cheap dame?

Hey, you can't pull that stuff here.

Get out of here and don't
come back any more.

You only had a half t*nk, chief.

Thanks, Snapper.

Well goodbye, honey.

Take care of yourself.
- You bet I will.

Jumping ahead?

A trip to Kongsburgh to kick
my advance agent in the pants.

He's got no billing,
no permit, no nothing.


Oh, hiya boss.

What's this about you taming a lion
tamer and getting thrown out of a joint?


He said something I didn't like.

I would stay away from him.

And get this, kid.

You ain't a grocery clerk any longer.
You're one of us now.

Remember this, there's one thing we
can't afford. That's trouble in public.

No matter what happens.

We're gypsies. Monday guys.
Strictly behind the 8-ball.

Towners just don't like us
away from the troupe.

So don't forget that.

Yes, boss.

Well Doc, you're the skipper while
I'm gone. Take care of everything.

Flo will help you. I'll pick
you up in Kongsburgh.

Take it easy now.
- Goodbye, Nick.

Have a good trip.

You've had a busy day, kid.
Better get some sleep.

No. First I think I'll have
a look at those cats.

Nellie wasn't feeling so good
at tonight's performance.

I've never seen a rookie
take a job so serious.

He's not a rookie anymore, Doc.
Not after today.

Funny. Him going down
and socking Hoffman.

I've been wanting to do that all season.

Hey, Caesar.

What's the matter, boy?

Take it easy, son.
- Good evening.

What are you doing here?

Don't worry, my friend.
You will soon find out.

You going to beat him up, Mr Hoffman?
- Yeah, but I don't dirty my fists.

Look out!

Matt, Matt.

Are you hurt? What happened?

What's up?
- Get a first-aid kit.

You, call a doctor.

Gangway, gangway.

Coming through.

How did it happen, kid?

I seen it. I seen the whole thing.

He tried to k*ll him.

Shoved him right into that there
lion. I'm going for the Sheriff.

I'll tell the police and everybody.

I'll tell the whole town and they'll
burn these tents down round your ears.

You'll see. I'll tell the Sheriff.
Let me out of here. It's m*rder.

I'll tell the Sheriff.

Come on, kid. How did it start?
- I didn't try to k*ll him.

He came after me with a whip.


This guy looks bad. You think
we ought to move him?

Better wait until the doctor gets here.

What if Hoffman dies?

I'm afraid Matt will be in a jam.

They'll believe that village yokel.
- They'll hang it on Matt for sure.

Come on then. We can't waste any time.

Snapper, get your car.
Have plenty of gas in it.

What will you do, Flo?

Must get Matt away. Hide him
somewhere until this blows over.

But he's the one that started ..
- Quiet, Matt. Come on. Give me a hand.

Alright, fellahs. Gangway,
gangway. Let me in here.

Open up. Open up.
- Wait a second, will you.

Okay Doc, we're all set.
- Let's go.

You got to get rolling before
that Sheriff gets here.

Open up. Come on folks, come on.

Alright, you people. I'm the Sheriff.

I don't want anybody to leave here.

How do you feel now, Matt?

I'll be alright.

I sure owe you a lot for this, Flo.

Yeah, we all do.

This was your idea. So now we got
him out here, where do we take him?

I didn't figure that far ahead.


You might get him to Nick's farm.

Nick's farm? Are you crazy?

Why, if Nick ever found out ..
- Shut up, Snapper.

If Nick ever what?
- Shush.

It's alright, Matt. Never mind.

Hey, wait a minute.

You must be off you noodle.

You know how Nick feels about carnival
people mixing with that sister of his.

He's nuts on her. He keeps her away from
any rough stuff. If Nick found out ..

What's more important right now?
Matt, or Nick's feelings?

Come on, step on it.

Nick's farm.

Nick's farm, huh?

Gee, it will be swell
to meet his family.

Hey, won't Nick be surprised?

Surprised? He'll be overcome.

He don't look so good.

You should have fixed
him up at a hospital.

What, and answer a lot of questions?

[ Doorbell ]

You'll be alright, kid.

You know, maybe there is nobody home.

Well, you'll just have to bust a window.

It won't be the first time.
- Very funny.


I hate to break in on you
like this but this boy is hurt.

We are Nick's friends.
We're with the carnival.

Bring him in.
- By all means.

Bring him in.



Put some water on the stove. You'll
find clean towels in the hall closet.

We'll take him upstairs. This way.

We'll put him in Nick's room.

Second door on the right.

Take it easy, boys.

Do you think we need to call a doctor?

No, I don't think so.
He's not hurt so bad.

Just scratched up a little.

You know, cats.

Yeah. They will do it sometimes.

I know. We've got a
couple around the house.

Come. I'm, going to
make you a cup of tea.

No thanks. We'll run along when
we're sure Matt is alright.

Don't you worry about him.

How is Nick?
- He's fine.

Now you just sit right down there.

We haven't seen him in months.

Well, the show keeps him pretty busy.

I suppose so.

But we were disappointed.

He promised to come back
here when Mary graduated.

You know how these things ..

You don't mean Mary finished school?

More than a week now. She's here.
- What?


She's grown up so
Nick wouldn't know her.

Look. Maybe it would be better
if we did take him to a hospital.

Hospital? But you just
said he wasn't hurt bad.

Yes. But he might make
you an awful lot of trouble.

Now don't you worry about that.
We'll take very good care of him.

Yes, but ..

He looks like a nice boy.

What does he do?

He's a lion-tamer.

A lion-tamer?


Harry. Did you hear that?

That nice young man is a lion-tamer.

I can't say as I blame him.

Don't worry, Flo. He'll be alright.

I'm not worried about him.

I'm afraid I put my foot in it.

His kid sister is back there.
- What?

You mean she's home from school?

The old lady told me while
you were taking him upstairs.

Well, I sure don't want to
be the one to tell Nick.

[ Door knocks ]

Come in.

Good morning.

Good morning.



Feeling better?


I'm feeling alright only ..

I'm Mary. Nick's sister.


Oh, hello.

My name is Matt Varney.

Yes, I know. Ma Williams
told me all about you.

You don't look like a lion-tamer.

Why, have you met many of them?

No. Nick has always been funny about
keeping me away from the Carnival.

He's always been very nice to me.

Here, wait, you shouldn't
do that. I'm not helpless.

Now you stay where you are
and eat every bit of that.

Eggs, toast, wheat-cakes.

You know, I haven't had wheat-cakes
since I left Paddleford.

Is that where you're from?
- Born right next to the gas station.

Maybe someday they'll
put a monument there.

They almost had me last night.

That would have been dreadful.

Would it?

I wouldn't want to see
anybody get eaten by a lion.


Neither would I.


Hiya Nick. Have a good trip?

How are you?
- Hello Doc. Hello Flo.

Say, come on inside you two.
I want to talk to you.

What's all this I hear about
the kid having to lam out?

He was mauled up pretty bad,
him and Hoffman both.

And the law was right on his tail.
- Yeah? Where did you take him?

Well, I ..
- It was my idea.

We had to work fast.
- Sure, I know, but where is the kid?

Well, after we got him off the lot
we sort-of had to keep going.

Where did you take him?

That was quite a question.

We had to take him some place safe.

We must have driven all
night, maybe longer.

Look, would you mind telling me
where you parked Matt Varney?

Just one word like Omaha
or Tulach, South America.

He's at the farm.

What farm?
- Yours.


Hey, what are you lugs trying to pull?

Nothing. Only we thought ..
- See Nick, there was no place else.

You know I don't want Mary mixed
up with anyone in this racket.

We thought she was away at school.
- She's been home for two weeks.

It's a fine how-do-you-do to get smacked
in the kisser the minute I get back.

All I do is duck out for a few days ..

And I got road-show vermin
crawling all over the house.

Where are you going?

Where do you think?
I'm going to get him out of there.

I guess that will hold us.
- He didn't mean it, Flo.

Road-show vermin.

I guess after all the excitement of
the show and travelling and all.

This place must seem pretty dead.


Oh no.

I should say not.

No. I should say not.

But you must miss your friends.
Why, that would be only natural.

That's funny but .. I guess I
haven't thought much about it.

Ma Williams said the
night you came here ..

It was a girl that brought
you into the house.

A girl?

Oh, Flo?

She is with the troupe.

She is very nice.

What does she look like?

Mighty beautiful.

Sort-of puts me in mind of the girl in
the calendar of McBurney's feed company.

I guess you like her a lot.

Like her?

She's been like a sister to me.

A sister?


How did you get to be lion-tamer?


Kinda by accident.

Do you like it?

It's more than I ever hoped for.

Of course.

After a while when I've
got clear to the top.

Then I think I want to settle down
and just be a country gentleman.

Show business is alright.

But it is not for raising children.

I would have a little farm.

Could you live on a farm?

I mean, for the rest of your life?

Oh, I think it would be wonderful.

I've never been to any
place but to a convent.

The Sister used to let us work
in the flower garden and ..

Nick has got this place.

But it's not anything like having
a real farm as your own home.

Yeah, that's what I mean.

What's the matter?

I was just thinking.

How different you are from Nick.

He is very nice I mean, but .. you're ..

You're prettier.


I think you are ..

Honest. I do.


Hello, honey.

I'm so glad to see you.

How have you been?
- Fine.

Say, you're growing, kiddie.

Getting bigger every time I see you.
Finished at the convent, huh?

Yes, and you promised to
come to the graduation.

I know I did, but I was busy
and I couldn't make it.

Where are the folks?
- They are in the house.

Is Varney around?

Your lion-tamer?
He's out by the hen-house.

How do you like him?

He's alright, I guess.

I got to take him back.
The show needs him.



Hiya, boss.

Get your things together.
We're going back to town.

Going back .. when?

Right now.


I guess this is goodbye.

But only for a little while.

I'll be back.

Will you really?


Mighty soon.

Do you mind if I write you
a postcard or something?

I'll be mad if you don't.

That is, if you get time.

Well then don't worry.

I'll see to that.

Well, goodbye, Mary.

Goodbye, Matt.

Matt. Let's go.

And I'll come back too. You will see.

Boy, I sure hated to say
goodbye to the Williams.

And Mary.

Hey, I didn't know you
had a sister like that.

I want you to forget them.

I want you to forget them all, see.

You mean forget the farm, and Mary?

- Why?

Because I say so. Ain't that enough?

No, it is ..

It's because I don't like the idea of
troupers hanging around her. That's all.



It's your home. If that is
the way you want it.

That's the way I want it.

Just keep your mind on your work.

I'm going to build a swell act for you.

I'm going to build the whole show around
you but it will take a lot of work.

I want you to forget
everything else, see.

I mean, everything.

Thirty-five of the most
beautiful girls from the island.

Dessie, the beautiful girl of aloha.

Thirty-five in number.

Step inside, folks.
The performance is just about to begin.

"I have been wondering .."

"When you would keep your promise
about coming down to see me again."

"It's fine weather for
fishing and I miss you."

"Yes. Love from Ma and Pa Williams."

Come on young fellow.

You'd better get busy
with that new routine.

Huh? What did you say?

This here is the last stand
before we hit Chicago.

You'll need plenty of rehearsal.
You and them kitties, both.


Oh, let's skip it today.
I don't feel like working.

You don't feel like working?

Hey, Doc. Which cats is he going to use?

I don't know.

The way he's been acting lately,
he should be training fleas.

The Seven Flying Samaris are here
reporting for work. Where is Nick?

Probably downtown planning some
stuff with the newspapers about ..

Varney of the lions
contemplating arctic expedition.

Varney of the lions had
better snap out of it.

What's the matter?
- I don't know.

He's been moping around
like a genius for a week.

What are you doing?

Some business correspondence
for the maestro.

We are getting to be a class outfit.
- Yeah.

What's the matter with Matt?

Well, speaking as an old-timer who's
seen a lot of life and foolishness.

I'd say he was in love.

He's a mighty nice kid, Flo.


Hey, you're not talking at me?

Why not?

He wouldn't fall in love
with a carnival queen.

I've known you for a long time, Flo.

But you can't beat aces.

See you later.


What are you doing, shadowing me?

Doc, I'm sorry I acted like a ham.

I'll troop from now on.

Sure you will.
- Is Flo inside?

Just left her. She'll be
real glad to see you.

Hey, Snapper. I'm going to
work the cats in half an hour.

Hi, Flo.
- Hello, Matt.

Ain't there supposed to
be two Z's in chiselling?

I don't know.

The man we're writing
to can't read anyway.

Coster's Combined Circus and Carnival.

Boy, we certainly have come
up in the world, haven't we.

It all happened since
you joined up with us.

It's your act that made the difference.

Doesn't that give you a thrill?

Oh ..

I don't know.

Sometimes it does.

Then again, sometimes I get to
wondering what it all amounts to.

I know.

Doc said something was bothering you.


Yeah. That's what I want
to talk to you about.

You know.

Ever since we first met
in that grocery store ..

You've always been on my side
and told me where I stood.

What I mean is ..

I never double-crossed Nick but I
can't talk to him about this, Flo.

I understand, Matt.
- I knew you would.

Well, it all started when I was
hiding out down at Nick's farm.

I met his sister there. Mary.

I'm in love with her, Flo.

I don't know what to do.

Does she love you?
- Yeah.

Well, I guess so.

Can you imagine anyone
being in love with me?

Have you seen her since?
- No.

We wrote a couple of
letters back and forth.

Flo, what do you think I ought to do?

Nick doesn't want me to see her again
and I owe everything I have to him.

I suppose he's got some right
to say about his own sister.

Well, you're my friend and a girl and ..

What do you think I ought to do?

I just thought that maybe
you could advise me on it.

I'll tell you, Matt.

Go and see her.
- You mean it?

Sure I do.
- Well ..

What about Nick?
- You've always been square with Nick.

You made the show for him.
- Yeah but ..

Nick hasn't any right to interfere
with people's happiness.

And you are nobody he could
object to. You never will be.

But when could I go? I can't leave.
- We've lay off a week before Chicago.

Go and see her then.
- Oh, that's swell.

Gee, if we can only be as happy as
you and Nick have always been.

Thanks, Flo.

Well, you sure it will be alright?

If you don't tell Nick you're going.
You would if I didn't warn you.



I seen them do that in the movies.

You must have gone to a funny school.
I was taught to read a letter this way.

Matt! Is it really you?

You faker.

Who is it from?

From a friend.
- A close friend?

Pretty close.

A nice fellow?


Let me see ..

You aren't scrapping, are you?

Hello, Ma Williams. No, I was just ..

Here is Matt, Ma.
- Yes, so I see.

I didn't expect him so soon.

Don't believe a word of it.

She's looked up and down that road
for you since the crack of dawn.

Ma Williams.
- Well, it's true ain't it?

I am glad to see you, Matt.

Had your supper?
- No.

No thanks. I don't think I should stay.

What did you bring in
that bag, a sandwich?

You better get washed up.
Supper is nearly ready.


I miss you, Mary.

That's the way I feel too, Matt.

We'd better go in to supper.

Could I ..?

Could I have my dessert now?

Your dessert?


I suppose we've got to go in and eat.


Quiet down.

Hey, Matt!

Caesar! Get back there.
- What is it, boss? You hurt?

No. I am ..

I'm alright, but watch out
for that cat. He's m*rder.

You're telling me.

That Caesar will sink them claws one day
and when he does I want to be in China.

Yeah, but that won't be far enough.

Say, listen. You seen Matt?

No, not since he was packing
his suitcase this afternoon.

Suitcase? Where did he go?

Well .. I don't know.

He was looking at a bus timetable.

I don't know what Nick
is going to say, Flo.

I do, but forget it.

He won't know until Matt gets back.

We'll have plenty of time
to start worrying then.

Nick, what happened?

Where is Matt?
- That way ..

No he ain't. He packed a suitcase and
took a bus this afternoon. Where is he?

I don't wear an apron.
If I did it wouldn't have strings.

If it did, Matt wouldn't
be tied to them.

Your deal.

Playing dumb, huh?

Okay, I learned arithmetic.

There's only one west-bound bus today
and it goes within 3 miles of my farm.

Does that add up?
- Nick, you're crazy.

Sure. Like a fox. Or a couple of rats.

He's scared, Doc.

Take it easy, Flo.

A penny?

- For your thoughts.


I don't know. I was just thinking.

It's so quiet and peaceful here.

At the carnival it's noisy and
lights and music night after night.

I don't suppose you'd care
very much for that, would you?

I don't know, Matt. I've never seen it.

That's right.

But then, I don't suppose it makes
much difference where a fellow is.

As long as he's got
somebody with him that ..

That what, Matt?

Makes him feel like I do now. All ..

Lifted up and happy inside.

You know I love you, don't you?

I love you too, Matt.
- Always?

So this is where you sneaked off to?

I didn't sneak off anywhere, Nick.
I came here to see Mary.

Nick, listen.
- Shut up.

For all I've done for you,
you double-cross me.

We haven't double-crossed anybody.

I told you to stay away from here.
- I know. Nick, you don't understand.

Mary and I are in love.
- Love? Is that what you call this?

Standing here in the dark mauling each
other? What does she know about love.

She's too young, just a kid.
- You know nothing about me.

You will stay away from guys like this.
- I'll do as I like.

Get yourself snared by the first
carnival tramp that comes along?

Why do you think I sent
you to a convent?

To keep you clean and decent.

I am clean and decent!
And Matt is not a tramp.

It's just your own foul
temper and dirty mind.

We love each other. And you
are not going to keep us apart.

Why lie to me then?

Why did you say that time
you didn't even like the guy?

And then I come up here and fine you
hugging around like a common little rat!

I'm sorry. I had to do it, Nick.

You shouldn't have hit Mary.

I guess you just forgot yourself.

Hiya, boss.

Hi, boss.

Morning, boss.

Hey, boss.

Hey, boss.

Well, we finally hit
the big burgh at last.

So what?

Hey, Flo. Now that we're in Chicago,
I've got an idea for fixing up your act.

Now listen to this. I think that ..

What's all this?

What's the idea of the bag?

I'm leaving, Nick.


What is this, a gag?

I'm quitting. I'm washed up.

What are you talking about?
Wait a minute, Let's get this straight.

After all we've been through, h*nky-tonk
towns with a mangy humpty-dumpty outfit.

Now, just when we're getting a break?

Why, you are crazy.

Maybe, but not the way you think.

I've never lied to you, Nick.
And I'm not going to begin now.

I'm in love.

You are what?

A carnival fortune-teller
dreams of orange blossom.


That washes us up.

I'm licked. I've got to get away.

Who is the guy?

You will never believe it.

Who is the guy?
- Matt.


So he's double-crossing me with you too.

The dirty two-timing heel.
- No. Listen, Nick.

He doesn't know of it. I never told him.
He's square with you. He always will be.

Square? You call it square
going up to the farm ..

And making up to Mary behind
my back, and now you?

For a small-town hick
he sure gets around.

Well, I'll fix that.
- Nick!

Nick! Nick, wait a minute.

Listen. I tell you I'm nothing to him.
- Don't give me that.

Then why did you get the heebie-jeebies
every time he tried to work those cats?

I'm getting smart and seeing things.
- That's not true and you know it.

Nicky, we've had some swell years
together. Let's not spoil it now.

It's just the breaks, and
we can't beat them.


Yeah .. I guess you're right.

Just the breaks.

We've come a long way together.

You've been swell to me, Nick.

And I will never forget it.

I just want to get away by myself.

I don't even want to see him again.

Why not if you love him?

He doesn't love me and never will.

Where are you going to go?
What are you going to do?

I don't know.

I'll find something.

You couldn't change your mind?

So long, kid.

Goodbye, Nick.

I'll see you around, maybe.

If you ever need any help ..
- Yeah, I know.

Doc was right.

You can't beat aces.



Before I go, do me a favor.

Sure, Flo. Anything you want.

It's about Matt and Mary.

Don't be sore at them anymore.

I know how you feel
about carnival people.

But Matt is not like that.

He's different.

He deserves a nice girl.

A girl like Mary.

Now wait a minute, Pollyanna.

That's why you were pulling the
hearts and flowers stuff, eh?

Just a phony little tear-jerker
trying to soften me up ..

So Varney gets what
he wants. Is that it?

No it isn't. I swear it isn't.

I just thought you might give the
kids a break now that you and ..

Nick, don't be so hard.
Let them get married.

And drag my sister into this?

I've spent all my life looking after the
kid. Keeping her away from the rackets.

But the racket muscles in. She winds up
with a honeymoon in a cheap tent show.

Ain't that something?
- Nicky, you are so wrong.

You're not a cheap carnival now.
You are a circus.

Circus people are decent.

When Matt and Mary get married ..
- Those two will never get married.

I'll fix that. Believe me.

And the quicker you scram out of here
and stay out, the better I'll like it.

Marge, get Nick.
- Yes.

Hey, boss. Boss.
- Yeah, what is it?

Accident. They're looking for you.
- Who's hurt?

Bundy. He's clawed up pretty bad.

He got too close to that cat.

Come on, get him up here.
- Bring him up.

How'd it happen, Doc?
- He got too close to that cat.

- Yeah. Caesar.

Just for a minute. That's all it took.

How bad is he?
- He's gone.

Caesar k*lled him.

Hey, Matt.

Come on over here.
I want to talk to you.

Listen, kid.

I've been doing a lot of thinking,
especially since poor Bundy got it.

I guess I blew my top.

I kind of went off the deep
end that night at the farm.

You got sort of excited but ..

No, no. I must have been nuts.

How about letting bygones be bygones?
You know, bury the hatchet.

How about it?

Sure boss, that suits me fine.

Sure. There's no room for hard feelings,
not at a time like this is there.

[ Lion's roar ]

There he goes, boss.
Into the main menagerie.

If I had my way I'd sh**t him.
- That ain't Caesar?

That k*ller shouldn't be with working
lions. He'll get them all stirred up.

Say, Matt.

I want to talk to you about that.

That cat is a celebrity now. He ..

He k*lled a guy. It's in all the papers.

Boys, don't get me wrong.

I sent some dough to Bundy's
widow and all that. I ain't heartless.

But as long as it happened,
we might as well cash in.

Yeah, that's right. What do you mean?

What do you mean, Nick?
- Boys, we're in Chicago now.

We got to give them something
different. Something sensational.

You mean, you want me to work Caesar?

In the same cage with those other lions?

No, no. We'll let the others out first.
Send Caesar in after they're through.

It will be a cinch with just one cat.

Nick, have you gone crazy?
There's no telling what he'd do.

Did I ask you?
- No, but ..

You flopped the big time, didn't you?

Okay. You're no showman,
so keep your nose out of this.

Now listen, kid.

I know that cat k*lled Bundy and
believe me I'm sorry about it but ..

But the guy was careless. He just
didn't know. With you it's different.

You could handle any cat.
- No, not Caesar.

Ah, he's no different from the others.
They all go dingo once in a while.

But you are the Great Varney.
You can snap him out of it.

And how the public will eat it up.
Why, with all this publicity ..

Yeah, but ..
- Matt, listen to me.

You are on top now and you
have got to have a top act.

This is your chance. Your big break.

I wouldn't steer you wrong.

Who put you on top? Who told
you when you were ready ..

And wouldn't let you
go on until you were?

I did. You remember?

I gave you your first break,
eased you along.

Built you up into a
great lion man, but great.

Now you're in a big town.

And I know this show needs that kick.

I want you to do it.

I want you to do it for me.

What do you say?

I guess I will if you say so, Nick.

If you think I'm good enough.
- I know you are good enough.

I'll take your word for it.
- Now you're talking.

Good luck, kid.

Keep the change.
- Thank you, ma'am.

[ Doorbell ]

I'll answer it.


You are Mary Coster, aren't you.

Why, yes.

And you are Flo from the carnival.

Won't you come in?

How did you know ..
- Who you were?

I should. Matt's described
you often enough.

Oh, is there anything
wrong with Matt or Nick?

You mean ..

Did they have another fight?

So you know.

Matt told me about it.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

You see, we're all very fond of Matt.

He has a right to be happy.

I don't like to see your brother
try to break you two up.

He couldn't.

You don't know Nick.

When he gets set on an
idea nothing can stop him.

That's why I had to come
up here and see you.

I don't know what's got into Nick, son.
But I tell you no matter what he says ..

Don't you go in that
cage alone with Caesar.

That cat has gone k*ll-crazy.

I'm no lion man, but I've been around
animal acts long enough to know ..

Is that so?

Maybe you've been around
show business too long.

I was only telling ..
- I'm telling you.

When you try to run my business it's
time for you to look for another boss.

You know as well as I do what it means
sending Matt in alone with that cat.

He's just k*lled Bundy.

Once a lion gets the blood lust
it reverts back to the jungle.

I tell you kid, it's su1c1de.

You get out of here. Go. Beat it.

Listen Nick, he was only ..
- You heard me.

What do you want to listen to
an old has-been like that for?

You know what I think of you.

Would I send you in there if I
didn't think you could do it?

No. No, I guess not.

But Caesar has been acting kinda funny.

Look, if you're afraid that's different.
- I'm not afraid exactly, but ..

Then, forget it. You have a g*n full of
blanks when you go in there, don't you?

The meanest cat in the world will back
down if a blank is shot off in its face.

With that g*n in your pocket you'll
be as safe as a baby in a crib.

Okay, Nick .. I'll go in.

Sure, and you'll be alright too.

It's strange but a couple of months ago
I didn't think I would like you at all.

But I do. A lot.

Same here, Mary.

You know how we all feel
about Matt, don't you?

Yes, I know.

That's why I really came up here.

So you two wouldn't be cheated.

So you could do something about it.

What can I do?

Don't misunderstand me, Mary.

Nick is a grand guy, always was.

But I know you mean more than
anything in the world to him.

That's why he's dangerous.

He'll cook up something in
that scheming head of his.

Mary. You've got to
get Matt out of there.

Mary, Mary. Look at this.

Matt's picture is smack dab right in
the middle of the Chicago paper.

"The Great Varney To Tame k*ller Lion."

That's her boyfriend.

"Nick Coster acts swiftly to stop police
interference in tomorrow's performance."

"He stated that Varney Of The Lions."

"Positively will be alone
in the cage with Caesar."

"The notorious outlaw lion who last week
went berserk and k*lled a trainer."

Flo, what does that mean?

I told you Nick would find something.

He wouldn't. He can't.

Maybe it's just publicity?
- Come on.

What are you going to do?

I ain't never seen him this bad before.

I'd sure hate to be that kid.

Nervous, kid?

There is no reason to be.
Caesar is okay.

Just hasn't been handled right.
Bundy got careless. That's all.

Matt, look. I hate to keep harping on.
It may cost me my job to say it, but ..

Take it easy, don't worry. I'm okay.

I hope so.

Hey, Doc.

You know what I think I'll do?
- What?

I think I will try a cigarette.

Step inside folks.
The performance is just about to begin.

Reserved seats to the right.

General admission to the left.

And don't forget to visit Varney.

The greatest lion act in all history.

How's it going, kid?
- Alright, Nick.

Well, don't let it throw you.

You're the best animal
man in the business.

So long as you got this g*n you ..

You got nothing to be scared of.
- That's right.

When you get through tonight.

You'll have a rep that
will make circus history.

Two minutes, Matt.
- Okay.

Take it easy, kid. They'll wait for you.

That's right.

Say, Nick.

I'm glad you don't hold nothing
against me after what happened.

Ah, forget it. We all make mistakes.

Good luck.

Thanks, Nick.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Coster's combined circus and carnival.

Takes pleasure in presenting
their feature attraction.


Varney of the lions!

Let 'em come.

Come on. Get over
there where you belong.

That's the boy.


Get back.

That's it. Get back.

He driver, have you got molasses
in your t*nk? Step on it.

And now my friends.

Varney will attempt something.

The police of this city have
endeavoured to stop.

I might say.

He will be armed only with a whip.

And an injunction.

Uhoh, I knew it.

Come on, pull over.

Yes, sir.

You have all read in your
newspapers of Caesar.

The outlaw lion.

Now, the management wish to
have this animal destroyed.

But they were reckoning without Varney.

This death-defying man.

Begged for the opportunity
to demonstrate his power.

Will he succeed?

Or will he fail?

Let him come.

Alright Tex, send him in.

Here you are lady. But you're
paying for that speed ticket I got.

- Thanks.

Get back. Get back!

Caesar, get back.

Caesar, get back.

Get back!

Nick .. Nick!

Listen, you've got to listen.
You're k*lling him.

What you doing here?
- Don't let that lion in there.

It's m*rder, Nick.

He's a lion-trainer, ain't he?
And Caesar is a lion, ain't he?

Alright. Let's see how good he is.

Nick, you can't go on with this.
Don't let Matt stay in there.

You don't know what
you're doing. It isn't you.

It can't be. Nick, please.

I know what I'm doing.

I know what you're doing too. You're
k*lling the kid because of him and Mary.

You'll m*rder him to satisfy a grudge.
- You stay out of this.

Nick, please don't do this
to him because he loves me.

I'm not a kid anymore. I've got a
right to love. To get married.

I live him. I'll always love him.
Can't you understand that?

Please don't let him get hurt.

You've got to save him.

I'll go in there myself.
I'll do something.

Don't let him die, Nick.
Please don't let him die.

Get back! Caesar!


Caesar, get back!

Look out! Look out!

Oh Matt!

Matt, do something!

Open up will you please.

Let me through here.

How is he, Doc?


0h, Nicky.

Hello, honey.

We've got an ambulance coming.

You're going to be alright, boss.
- Yeah.

Yeah, sure. I'll be alright.

You got to get well, Nick.

I was wrong Mary about the kid.

I guess I've been wrong
about a lot of things.

He's a swell guy.


You two keep on being in love.

Being happy.


Yeah, boss?

I must have been crazy.

I don't know.

A guy does ..

Funny things when a ..

A dame gets mixed up with his thinking.

That's all over with now. Forget it.

As long as I'm squaring things.

I never done you no good neither.


Do me a favor, will you.

See that these kids get married.

Get started right.

You throw them a swell party
like I should have done.

Keep an eye on 'em.

I wonder if they could
use a smart promoter ..

Where I am going.
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