Checkin' It Twice (2023)

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Checkin' It Twice (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey! Yeah, I just landed.

Hey babe.

So, how's it being home?

Uh, so far so good.

You're still flying out tomorrow

morning, right?

I promised everyone

they'd finally get to meet you.

Yes. But there is something

else I have to tell you.

Okay. What?

Do you want the good news

or the bad news first?

Oh... jeez. I... I don't

know, bad.

I didn't land

the Kingstead Building.

What? They... they said they

weren't making any decisions

until the new year.

I know.

Well, what's the good news?

I got it.

Are you kidding me?

No. I closed this morning.

Wait. I'm on a flight

for five hours and you decide

that's an appropriate time

to poach my client?

No. It isn't personal.

It's just that they trust me

a little bit more with this

level of responsibility.


There actually is

one other thing.

I know you really want me

to spend the whole week

out there...

but I sort of promised Laurence

that I would take him to that

really fancy sushi restaurant.

Well, you're supposed

to be my partner.

My teammate.

Not go behind my back

and steal a client I've been

working on for two months.

Ash, come on.

We can get past this.

It isn't personal, Trevor.

It's just become very obvious

that you are not ready for this

level of responsibility.

Yeah, I just landed.

I'm in Idaho Lake, or...

Idaho Creek, or... something

with Idaho and water.

That's great, Scott.

Yeah. So, hey, if I get called

up to this Boise team,

there's a game the 24th

in Tucson.

I was thinking I could drive up

to Phoenix and meet you.

You don't have to do that.

I thought you wanted me

to spend Christmas

with your family.

This... this is our chance.

I wanted you to want to spend

Christmas with us.

But it's become pretty clear

that's just not who you are.

Do you wanna come here?

We could find a nice

Chinese restaurant.

Scott, you're not hearing me.

I admire your ambition,

we just don't have

the same goals in life.

So, you're cutting me.

Hey, look on the bright side.

At least now you can have

a real, fresh start

out there in Idaho...

whatever it's called.

Yeah. Can't wait.

Bye Scott.

See ya.

Oh... um...

Okay. I think they heard you.

Be there in a second.

Sorry. It's just, it's, uh...

it's... it's been a bit of

a morning.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Well, I've just been traded

to what I can only assume

is the fishing capital

of the world.

I just got off the phone...

You didn't mean literally.



No, it's okay.

Look, I know this place can be

a little jarring at first

but, you know, we've got

some of the best hockey fans

in the country. So...

It's that obvious. Huh?

Yeah, well the stick

and the single duffel

kinda gave it away.

Sorry about the wait.

Cash or card?



So, you on business

or something?

No, no.

I'm just here visiting family

for the week.

I grew up here but I've been

in New York the last five years.


You should come to a game.

Not that I'm gonna play

for them for very long.

Oh no?

Nah, it's kind of a formality,

you know.

Once they kinda see me in action

they're probably gonna

fast track me up to Boise.

And after that it's just

one stop to the NHL.

Well, it sounds like

you've got a very bright future

ahead of you.

- There you go.

- Thank you.


Oh, and that's my ride.

Welcome to Idaho Falls.

So, I'll see you

at the game then.

Julie! and Becca! Hi!



You look so... sophisticated.

Is that a compliment?

You always look gorgeous!

Just a little less Idaho Falls.

Grandma knitted you a new scarf.

Oh my, she did.

I love it.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Oh my gosh, you smell so good.

Do I?

Yeah. That must be some

secret shampoo

that they only sell to folks on

Saks Fifth Avenue or something.

You know it's not

a real avenue, right?


Well, doesn't matter.

I'm just so happy to see you.

Me too.

Oh hey, congrats on your

real estate license.

- Oh.

- That's awesome.

Well, I'm no big fancy agent

like you

but it sure beats waiting tables

at the Drunken Puck.

Oh yeah, do not remind me

of that place.

So, how are you?

How's Trevor?

Good. Great!

I'm great. Uh...

everything is really good.

Tell me what's new and exciting

in Idaho Falls.

Um... Oh!

We got a new water

treatment plant.

Wow. That sounds important.

Well, to be honest,

the most exciting thing is

is that you're here.

- We miss you.

- I miss you too.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

Come on.

I'm so glad you're here.

We're so happy

to have you back.

You look so...



No. That's... that's fair.

I have been holed up in

the office a lot lately.

Well, at least you've got

Trevor in the office with you.

Your father and I have been

running the store together

for 30 years now and

that's turned out pretty well.

Yeah, but it's not like

we actually work together.

I mean, it's the same broker

but it's really just...

it's everyone for themselves.

That's too bad.

He still flying in tomorrow?


Yeah. Yeah, we just have

to figure out his flight.

Well, I'm sure he's worth

the wait.

Well, he'd better be,

'cause any guy that dates

my little sister better treat

her the way that she deserves.

Like my Dave treats me.

Did someone say my name?

Hey! There he is.

Hey. Welcome home, little sis.

Thank you.

Good to see you.

Oh... great fruitcake, Grandma.

Aunt Ashley!

Hey, there's my wild man.

What are you up to today?

Dad and I are going to play

some hockey.

You should come with.

Ah... well, I would but

I promised your grandpa

I'd help him out at the store.

But I hear that you're playing

in the big Christmas game

this year?

You're going to watch?

Uh, yeah.

I mean, someone's gotta keep

the ref on their toes.

Okay Parker, let's roll.

See you later.

Bye! Have fun.

Don't drink too much

hot chocolate

and don't break any bones.

He won't, babe.

I wasn't talking to him.

Hey, Scott!

Assistant Coach Gus.

How you doing?

My ankle still hurts, my

girlfriend broke up with me

and I'm playing hockey

in Idaho Lake.

Um... Idaho Falls.

Idaho Lake's about

20 miles up the road.

Great fishing though.

But, uh, you gotta

use night-crawlers,

them lures ain't gonna

help you at all up there.


Now, what else we got

for you Mr. Briggs?

Hey... you have any relation

to Wayne Briggs?

Yeah. He's my dad.

Well, ain't that something.

Two time NHL defenseman

of the year.

Stanley Cup champion.

Hey, isn't he up for the Hall

of Fame here in a few days?

Ah, somebody said something

about accommodation's

free for the first month.

Oh, got that for you

right here, here you go.

Here's this for you.

Now, there's a main house

on the property,

you got a little cottage

in the back.


And being as how you've got

a game in five hours,

we should get you out there

with the rest of the team.

That's it, that's it.

Good job!

Come on Zetner,

move your feet!

Alright boys, bring it

in! Bring it in!

Now this is Scott Briggs.

He just got traded here from

the East Coast Hockey League.

Hey, I played in the ECHL.

What team were you on?

It'd be a lot easier

to tell you

what teams I didn't play for.

Hey. How old are you, Grandpa?

You looking for a fight, son?

Maybe. You wanna start

something or what?

Ah, ah, ah...

settle down Pierre.

Back it up.

Alright. Let's give Briggs here

a big Fighting Trout welcome.

Let's get back to practice

and, uh, Pierre... how about you

lead us in the drills? Let's go.

Have fun out there.

Dad! Hi.

Hey. There she is.

Oh, it's so good to see you, kiddo.

It's good to see you too.

Mom said that you could use some

help with the Christmas stuff?

Well you know me, I never could

turn down a set of extra hands.

So how's the job going?

You sell the Empire State

Building yet?

Ah, you know I'm still working

on that one.

Well, we all need to stop

and smell the pine cones

every now and then.

Or every day if you work here.

Your mom said the boyfriend

had some kind of a delay?

Uh, yeah.

Something like that.

Well, silver lining, that means

you have tonight wide open.

Dad, I don't know.

Oh, I know it's not a fancy

NHL game...

but tonight's should be

a good one

and the whole family's

gonna be there.

I was just hoping to stay home

and relax a bit.

What's not relaxing about

a hockey game?

Okay, I'll be there.

You know I can't pass up

a night with the family.

Mm-hmm. That's my girl.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Your mom wants a fresh wreath

for the front door.

You mind picking one up from

Chuck's while I close up here?

Of course.


Aren't you a little old

to still be chasing

the dream still, pops?

Hey, you didn't hear?

32 is the new 22.

I'm just coming into my prime.

Now that's what

I'm talking about,

great practice today, boys.

We'll see you all

in a few hours.

Oh, uh... right.

One more thing.

As most of you already know,

tomorrow starts

the long-standing

Fighting Trout tradition.

We'll be hosting a series

of holiday events

for the community, leading up

to the big jamboree.

Gus is handing out

the schedules.

And as always I expect all

of you to be your kindest,

most courteous selves,

and hopefully we'll have a

little fun in the process.

Uh, hey Coach.

Um... no offense, I'm... I'm not

much of a holiday guy.

Any chance I could just get more

rink time while you guys are out

singing carols and handing out

candy canes to the locals?

Those locals come out

and support us all year long.

And they happen to be paying

your salary at the moment.

So, I don't think

it's too much to ask

to show a little gratitude.

I just wanna show gratitude

by playing my tail off

out on the rink.


every player who walks

through my door

has the exact same goal as you,

to get the heck outta here.

But guess what?

Nobody gets to Boise

unless I put 'em on the ice

and I don't put nobody

on the ice

unless they can act like

a part of this team.

I don't care who their dad is.

Now... do you wanna be a part

of this team or not?


Good answer.

Now hit the showers,

you guys stink!

After tax that will be...


Oh, sorry.

I can help pay for that

if you're struggling, dear.

Oh, uh... no.

No, that's okay.

I... I promise I'm very

financially responsible.

Is that why you're using

a card with the name

Scott Briggs on it?

What? Let me see that.

Sorry. Since it's not your card

I have to hold onto this

for now.

Uh... okay. Well look,

I... I'm sorry.

I have no idea

who Scott Briggs is.

Yes, I do.

Yeah. I do.

It's the guy from the airport.

It's the guy from the airport.

The woman switched our cards.

She switched our cards.

Great. That'll be $57.23.

I have $1.50.

Can any of you help out

this poor, young woman?

You know what?

It's fine.

Who's next?


Wow, you guys...

you guys really like to fill up

before a big game, huh?

Thanks for buying, Scott.


Well, you know, I didn't

really make

the best first impression

back there.

So I wanna show you all

that I am in fact a stand-up,

decent guy.

This isn't your debit card.


It says Ashley Derrieux on it.

I don't know an

Ashley Derrieux.

And yet you have

her debit card.

The woman!

Uh, the woman at

the airport must've...

she must've mixed up

the cards.


Can any of you boys pay

for this?

Well, hold on.

I... guys...

Well, maybe I...

guys, don't...

Okay, you know, well I'll get

the next one.

How about that, huh?

I'll... I'll... I'll get

the next one.

It's on me next time.

Could happen to anybody.

It should be a fun game tonight.

Here comes...

he's cutting in.

... oh, struck down by Cairns.

That's going to be a replay

at center ice, a penalty shot.

Cairns get's a penalty

shot with 59 seconds

left in the third period.

This is a big moment for Idaho.

Let's see what happens.

And it's no good.

No goal for the Trouts.

Briggs. Your line's up.

Let's go.

Well... how's it feel

to be back

in the old Trout pond, honey?

You know, it's actually

not bad.

I've been dealing with real

estate sharks for so long

that it's just nice to be around

kind, normal people.

Hey! Come on, ref!

I've got cataracts in both eyes

and I could see that high stick

from here!

Phew. I had to go to three

different concession stands

but here are your

peppermint teas.

Oh, you didn't have to do that.

Well... it's not every night

I get to watch a game

with the whole family.

Um... where's mine?

Honey, I'm pretty sure Dave's

got you covered there.

Oh, thanks Dave.

Oh, did you guys

want something too?


So, Mom says you lost

your debit card at the airport?

No, no, no.

I didn't lose it, it got

switched with a guy

at the gift shop.

Well, did you get his name?

Yes, Briggs. Scott Briggs.

In fact, he said he's playing

for the Trouts.

Wait. Wait, that's him!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

You have my debit card!

Hey, you have my debit card!

Meet me after the game!


Meet me after the game!

I can't hear you!


Ooh. Yup, I think he got

the message.

Obviously it's not

the result we wanted.

Uh... we need to get the pucks

in the net and, you know,

I need to be better on

the breakaways, you know.

It's just, it is what it is.

Oh, hi.


Uh... I'm so sorry that I

distracted you back there.

How's my face?

I've seen better.


I'm Ashley, by the way.

- Scott.

- Hi.

Sorry about the mix up.


So where's my card?

Ah, it's at the Drunken Puck.

Yeah, they kept your card.


- So...

- Okay.

Give me mine.

Are those comfortable shoes?


We have to go

for a little walk.


Okay. One card down,

one to go.

Next stop is Chuck's

Christmas tree lot.

So... what do you think

of your new town?

Uh, my very temporary new town.

Ah, yes.

So sorry, I forgot it's just a

pit stop on your way to Boise.

You got it.

Well, what did you think

of your first game

as a Fighting Trout?

Well, besides the jet lag

and learning that I have

to volunteer for an entire

week of Christmas...

Christmas activities, I'd say

I played pretty well.


You had six sh*ts on nets,

scored zero goals and you had

a plus/minus of negative three.

I mean, call me crazy

but I don't think the boys

up in Boise would call

that playing pretty well.

Why don't you tell me

what you really think?

Oh, I'm sorry.

No, it's fine. I... I

appreciate the honesty.

I just, I'm surprised you cared

that much to pay attention.

Don't flatter yourself

too much.

It's just something I picked up

after years of going to games

with my dad.

The plus/minus?

I mean, nobody tracks that.

Oh, I disagree.

It shows how well the team

does when you're in the game,

whether you make them

better or worse.

And for me, that's the most

important stat there is.

Alright, you know your hockey.

Yeah, I used to have time

to be a fan.

I mean, not so much anymore.

It did look like you were

having fun to me.


I was having fun with my family

but I can assure you,

I was not enjoying a single

second of the game.

Even when I smashed

my face in the ice?

No. Yeah, that was

rather enjoyable.

I promise you, it's his card.

But how do I know it's his card

unless I see some photo ID?

I told you, I left my wallet

in my locker.

I know. It's quite a conundrum.

Oh! Wait a second.

Here. This is his photo ID.

Right here.

That's him. See?


I didn't know you were a Trout.

My apologies, Mr. Briggs.

Welcome to Idaho Falls.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

What was all that about?

Well, what can I say?

For some crazy reason,

people in this town

actually respect

their hockey players.

What do you do

in New York again?

Uh... it's not

that interesting.

Or you just don't think

I'm gonna think

it's that interesting.

I sell commercial real estate.


Like hotels and office

buildings, things like that?


And for the last two months I've

spent all my time and energy

trying to land this client

with one of the biggest

shopping centers in the city.

Sounds cool.

It would've been very cool.

But at the last minute

they decided to hire

my now ex-boyfriend.

- Ouch.

- Yeah.

I'm sorry if I haven't been

exactly cheery,

it's just that it's been

a stressful couple of days.

It's fine. Yeah.

You know, it's a lot

like my life.

Oh yeah? Try me.

Well, for the last six months

I've been playing hockey

for this team in Michigan.


Trying to get called up

to the Red Wings.

Some of the best hockey

I have played in my life.

Week after week, some kid

with half the talent

gets called up

because he's younger.

So why don't you quit?

I've been playing since

I was four.

My dad was in the NHL but

it's never been an option.

How do you keep yourself going?

Well, you take the hit,

you shake it off and

you get back out there.

If you do that over

and over again,

eventually you're gonna get

where you wanna go.

That was a good pep talk.

It helps when you say it

every morning in the mirror.


Well... it's been a very

interesting evening.

I'm glad you got your card back

and good luck in Idaho Falls.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

Hey. Um...

You mind if we share the cab?

It's... it's kinda late.

You do kinda owe me one.

I do? How do I owe you?

I humiliated myself in front

of my teammates using your card.

I humiliated myself

trying to use your card

in my home town!

Yeah. Sure.

Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you. Here.

Thank you.

845 Deerfield Court.

Wait. That's where I live.

Are you

following me?

That's my parents' house.

I'm staying in

the guest cottage.

You're paying!

That's right, just take

the hit, shake it off...

get back on the ice.

Take the hit, shake it off,

get back on the ice.


You got this.

You got this, girl.


Donna, this is Ashley Derrieux

over at Atlas Real Estate.

How are you?

I am looking at your property

on East 37th.

Brian! Hi. Listen...

Anyway, just thought I'd call

and see if you had

any irons in the fire.

Call me when you get this,

I'll be around any time.

Well, if anything comes up,

please don't hesitate

to give me a call. Okay?

Happy holidays.

Yeah, happy holidays.

Well, you certainly

got up early.

Yeah, I'm sorry

if I was too loud.

Not at all.

You look very nice.

What's the occasion?

It's my Cider Social dress.

Oh, right.

Getting ready.


Can I help you?

Uh, yeah. I'm... I'm one of

the hockey players.

Briggs, right?

Yeah, that's right.

You're staying at

our guest house.

I'm James Derrieux,

nice to finally meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

No one told me that I had

to dress up for this.

Listen, you don't happen to sell

sports goods here, do you?

Follow me.

This place is basically

my second home.

I'm sure I'll be able to find

something for you.

Ah... let's see.

No, no.


This hasn't fit me for years

but I'm sure it'll work for you.

Thank you.

Hey, you're a part of

the Fighting Trout family.

That makes you a part of

the Derrieux family now too.

Oh. Don't forget your hat.


Merry Christmas.

Okay. What'd I miss?

Oh, well...

they just crowned

little Abigail this year's

Cider Social princess and little

Annie-Sue is not happy about it.

What am I supposed

to do?

Oh! Well, you pick up

the cider...


Like this.

And then you politely

approach the table

and you pour it

into their cups.

Okay. I can do that.

Ah, what... what table?


And always remember to smile.


Good morning, ladies.

Mr. Briggs, looking rather

dapper today.

Thank you, Miss Derrieux.

So, this is the famous

debit card thief.

Pleasure to meet you.

Can I offer anyone here

some cider?

Yes please.


There you are.

Don't forget Mr. Wiggles.

How could I forget Mr. Wiggles?

There we are.

Now, can you do me a favor?

And can you let Mr. Wiggles

know that this cider is hot

and it should sit for a moment

before he drinks it.

Thank you.

Um... are we all good?


Perfect, thank you.

Well... he seems sweet.

He's wearing Dad's jacket.

So? Dave used to borrow Dad's

clothes all the time.

Yeah, and Dave gave you rubber

worms for your anniversary.

Because he knows I don't like

to put the real ones

on the hook.


I think what Ashley is trying

to say is that she has

a perfectly suitable man

in her life

that we will all be meeting

very soon.

Isn't that right?


So, now we can all enjoy

this rare time

that we get to spend together.

Looks like someone's finally

got that warm and fuzzy feeling.



Well, you said

you're not a holiday guy,

but I can see that Christmas

twinkle in your eye.

It's not a twinkle.

It's a tear because

the longer we're here,

the less time

we're at practice.

We can practice any time.

This only comes around

once a year.

My time's running out.

So if I want to get moved up,

it has to happen,

like... yesterday.

I'm behind schedule, okay?

So... if we could just

get these crumpets out,

we could get back to work.


You sure know how to ruin

a cider social.

Well, that was lovely.

I have some last-minute

shopping to do.

Anyone interested in joining me?


I told Becca that I would go

see her new office

but I'll see you guys later.

Oh. Have fun, sweetie.

I will. I love you.

Love you.

- Ready?

- Yeah.

Let's go.

Uh huh. Oh, perfect.

Okay, I'll be there

in 20 minutes.


Hey! Look at you.

Making deals, taking names.


Um... okay.

I am so sorry, I know

this is last minute

but I have to go show

this house real quick.

That's okay, that's fine.


Hey... you wouldn't wanna come

with, would you?


It's... it's just that I get

so nervous at these showings

and I know how experienced

you are.

Christmas manis on me

if you come.

Well, you've clearly got

the negotiating part down.

I'm sold.

You are the best.

- Lead the way.

- Okay.

And, uh, this is

the family room.

This is charming, Becca.

How many bathrooms does it have?

Um... 35.

Wait! No. Uh... three

point five.

There's a period.

You know, it's a good size.

I just wish you could see the

lake as soon as you walked in.

Um... yes.

Uh... that would be great.

You know, there's a really

easy fix for that.

Is that so?

Oh yeah, yeah.

If you take out

this wall here,

it would open everything up

and then you would have

this beautiful view

as soon as you walk in.

I mean...

look at those mountains.

That would be perfect actually.

And, you know, I love

the original hardwood

floors out here.

I just wish it matched

the kitchen.

Um... you know,

my uncle actually has a flooring

business in town.

Uh, he could match any hardwood

you find here

and we could get you

a great price too.

I think this could work

for us, Rex.

I think so too.


Hey, Zetner.

Maybe if you aim for the stands

you'd hit the net.


You want some unsolicited


At this point

I'll take anything.

You're holding the stick

too tight.

Loosen up a bit, yeah.

Now with your wrist I want you

to turn the blade.


Now sh**t.

Here goes nothing.


Thanks Scott.

Alright, boys.

We've got two days to turn this

place into a winter wonderland.

Let's get to it.

Hey pops.

Yeah, what do you want, Pierre?

Can I, uh... talk to you

for a second?

I saw what you did with Zetner

and I was, um...

wondering if...

If you could get some help

on your breakaways.

You know?

Yeah, everyone knows.

That's why you haven't been

called up to Boise yet.

It's those one-on-ones.

I always seem to miss high.

That's 'cause you're

full of adrenaline.

You freeze up.

You need to breathe.

I think I know how to breathe.

Well then try it but slowly.

Through your nose.

Okay. Thanks.

I'll give it a try.


Come on, back to work.


I think you might've just

helped me sell my first house.

This is the perfect way

to celebrate.

Teamwork makes

the dream work.

Oh yeah.

No wonder you're doing

so well out there.

Eh... it's really not as

exciting as you think it is.

What? I thought you loved it

out there.

I did. At first.

I really loved the people

and the sounds of the city

and the thrill of being anywhere

but here.

Oh, that makes sense.

Yeah, but lately I don't know.

I keep getting passed

over by clients

who would rather be wined

and dined at a golf course.

What about Trevor?


I broke up with him.


When did this happen?

The day I landed.


I... I thought everything

was going great.

And then as soon as I invited

him home for Christmas

to meet my family he turned into

every other self-centered jerk

I've dated in

the last five years.


What did your parents say?

I haven't told them.

Ashley, you have to tell them.

I know, I will.

I will tell them.


It's just, I always do this.

I... I make a big deal

about a guy,

thinking that he's perfect and

how he could be the one, and...

I just really hate feeling

like I'm letting them down.

Please. Your parents

aren't gonna care.

They're, like, the sweetest

people in Idaho Falls.

They are the sweetest people

and that is what makes it

so hard to give them bad news.


You broke up with your boyfriend

and you lost one client.

You will bounce back.

How do you know?

I just do.

You know, any day now some

new client is gonna call

looking for the amazing

Ashley Derrieux

and you won't even remember

what you were down about.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Come on. With these sparkly

beauties on your fingers...

I would say you're bouncing

back already.


Do they bring out the sparkle

in my eyes?

They really do,

you're glowing.

Briggs! Hey, Briggs!

I'm locking up here.

Gus! Come on,

30 more minutes.

I'm trying to get to Boise.

And I'm trying to get home

to get my wife's

homemade Christmas fudge

before the grandkids eat it.

Look, there's a public

rink on the edge of town

if you need to get your fix in.

I pick Cameron.

Oh man, you always

pick Cameron.

And we always kick

your butt.

I pick him.

Hey you!


Hey. Do you know how

to play hockey?

According to the head coach

of the Grand Rapid Griffins...


Well, you're on our team.

Come on.


I'm Parker.

I picked you for my team.

If you don't know how to play,

just follow my lead.

Just follow your lead?

Come on!

You're going down again, Parker.

Is that all you got?


Next one wins, which means

you lose again.

- Yeah!

- Woohoo!


I get him tomorrow.

Alright. So what

you're gonna do

is present the puck to the

defender, then drag it around.

- Put it in.

- Can I try?

Yeah. Yeah.

Like this?



Hey, where was that move

in last night's game?


What are you doing here?

I'm picking up my nephew.

Aunt Ashley,

come for a skate.

Alright, fine.

I'm coming out.

But if I break a nail,

you're buying.

- So, Parker's a pretty good kid?

- Yeah.

Great hockey player.

Yeah, he's really sweet.

And Julie and Dave,

they never miss a game.

It's kind of a... a big

to-do in the family.

Lucky kid.

Did your parents not come

to your game?

Well, my mom did.

But she passed when I was 10

so it was just me and my dad.

When you're in the NHL

your career sorta takes

your priority.

So, he never coached

your team or anything?

Those that can't play, coach.

His favorite saying.


Well still, he must've taught

you something.

Yeah. He taught me that to make

it in hockey

you can't be distracted

by anything.


Even your family.

Yeah, I relate to that.

Why, what do you mean?

Yeah. I mean,

I've spent the last five years

trying to build this

perfect life and career in New

York and I have not given myself

a lot of spare time to come

back home and visit.

So then why don't you

just move back?

To Idaho Falls?


I mean, can't you just sell

real estate here?

It might not be as prestigious

as New York

but I'm sure you could make

a living.

I wish it were that simple.

Why isn't it?

I... I don't know.

I mean, my parents sacrificed

a lot

just for me to get out

of this town.

You know, while all of their

friends were busy going

on big cruises and buying

luxury RVs,

they spent their entire savings

on my college fund.

They even paid for

my first apartment

before the commission checks

were coming in.

That's all good and well, but

I mean, if you're not happy...

What about you?

You know, I mean, don't you get

tired of moving around

all the time?

Chasing big dreams but never

having a place to call home?

I'm different.


Because I never had

what you have.

Our family was never together.

No, this... this has always

been my safe space.

I always felt at home

on the ice.

Just breathe.

And Pierre Chaison

will take the penalty

shot for the Trouts.

Can he put

the Trout in the lead?

That's how you do it?


Nice shot, kid.

Thanks pops.

I overheard Coach on the phone.

I think someone in Boise

got hurt.

They're gonna bring

one of us up.

No, we'd have heard

about an injury.



Did somebody in Boise

get hurt?

Yeah, Walker,

about two hours ago.

Separated his shoulder, he'll

be out for a couple of months.

Walker plays right wing.

You play right wing.

I remember.

Briggs. Come see me

in my office.



Ty Walker in Boise separated

his shoulder

against the Bobcats.

Yeah. I... I heard.

They need a new right wing.

Coach, um...

I just wanna say how much

I appreciate this.

I am...

They're calling up Zetner.


Zetner is moving up to Boise.



I had to teach him how

to keep the puck

from k*lling half

our fan base.

What... why, why Zetner?

Because he's a lot faster

than you.

Look, I know it's disappointing

but the big club isn't looking

for 32-year-old rookies.

But I want you to know

that I see the way

you've been helping out

the younger guys.

Yeah. So I can help

them move up.

There's one more thing.

You're cutting me.


Zetner was supposed to coach

the kids' Christmas hockey

game tomorrow.

I need you to step in.

- Seriously?

- Mmhmm.

Uh... I don't know anything

about coaching a bunch of kids.

You taught Pierre

how to actually score

on the penalty shot.

I'm sure you can handle

a pee-wee hockey game.

Wow. Are these all

for Parker?

No, no. Just some donations

for the jamboree.

Oh. Oh!

Grandma's donating

a family scarf?

Oh, no. She made that

for Trevor.

Did he get his flights

figured out?

We only have a few days

'till Christmas.


Oh honey, what's the matter?

Is the coffee too bland?

No! No, no, no.

No, the coffee's fine.


No, it's Trevor.

He's not coming.

Oh. Well that's alright, sweetie.

I mean, there's always

next year.

No, he probably won't come

next year either.


I'm so sorry, I should've told

you guys sooner.

I just...

I don't know. Julie has Dave,

and you two have each other,

and I just thought that this

would finally be

a perfect Christmas where

I bring someone home and...

and when it all fell apart, I...

I don't know, I just felt

very embarrassed.

Oh, Ashley.

We don't need some hot shot,

who clearly is not good enough

for our daughter, to make it

a perfect Christmas.

Well, to tell you the truth,

I'm a bit relieved.

You are?

I didn't like this Trevor

fellow from the beginning.

Dad, you never even met him.

That's why I didn't like him.

You ask me, you dodged a real

b*llet with this one.

Thanks guys.

As always

a big shout out

to our hometown heroes

the Fighting Trout

for sponsoring these

developing young players.

Hey, you made it!

Yeah, I made it.

Where's Dave?

He's not allowed within 50 feet

of the referee anymore.

Forget Dave.

It's the new coach you should

be worried about.

What? Scott's coaching?

More like nervously pacing.

Hey, rookie!


How are you doing?

You look a little pale.

Well, they threw me

into this last minute.

I... I have no idea

what I'm doing.


You remember how you told me

your dad was never around

to coach you?

Bringing up my absentee father

right now, is...

it's not helping.

Just be the coach

you wanted him to be.

You got this.

On my left,

we have the green team,

coached by our Trout's own

sharp sh**t Pierre Chaison.

And on my right it's

the red team

coached by our newest recruit

from the east, Scott Briggs.

Yeah! Let's go Coach Briggs!


- Get back on defense!


Come on team!

It's my favorite

time of year

Doorbells ring...

Hey ref, come on.

Fifty feet, Dave.

Sorry Brent.

No problem.

Okay, alright. Okay.

You got it, Parker.

You got it!

You got this, honey!

... Love and laughter up

to the rafters, alright

Heads up! Heads up!

There's no place

that I'd rather be

Than with my friends

and family

'... are so much brighter

Being with the ones you love

by the fire


Nothing is better than all

of us together at Christmas

I don't know what you said

to Scott but it worked.

You know, now that

you're single,

maybe you ought to invite him

to dinner tonight.

You heard about that, huh?

I didn't have to hear anything.

I knew something was wrong

the moment you landed.

I just wish you were comfortable

enough to tell me about it.

I just don't want you to worry.

I'm your big sister,

I'm always gonna worry,

because I know how great you are

and what kinda man you deserve.

Thanks, big sis.

There's no place

that I'd rather be

Than with my friends

and family

Time out, time out.

Thank you.

Oh, that smells delicious.

I knew you'd get back

on your feet, dear.

Oh... no. I was never...

Okay, she doesn't care.

Alright guys, tie game.

This is when we gotta really

reach down deep and bring it.

Arlo, Brad, great job on

defense. Keep it up.

Allie, I want you to get

the puck,

I want you to feed it to Parker.

Parker, I want you to take it

hard to the net.

Remember the move.

Got it, Coach.

Alright. Shut 'em down.

Team on three.

One, two, three...


Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Let's go, let's go.

Heads up, heads up!

Let's go guys, hustle.

Come on!

Come on, defense!

There's no place

than I'd rather be...

Go Parker!

... than with my friends

and family

...even the ones that

you love by the fire

Nothing is better than

all of us together

at Christmas, yeah

Nice shot!

Nothing is better than all

of us together at Christmas

That was a great game, Scott.

Yeah, must have something

to do with the coach.

Pretty easy when you got

a player like Parker.

He's quite the athlete.

Yeah, he gets his natural-born

athletic ability from me.

Okay, we're gonna grab Parker

and head back to the house.

See you there?


So, um...

I know you, you said that you

feel more at home on the ice.

But we're... we're headed back

to our actual home to have

dinner if you'd like to join?

Might be more fun than reading

old copies of Sports Illustrated

in the guest house.

Have you been spying on me?

Well... it was either that

or old Stanley Cup highlights

on YouTube.

So, do you wanna come

to dinner or what?


You do?


I mean, a guy's gotta eat.

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, so... just a heads up.

After dinner my grandma is going

to offer you eggnog.

Just say no.

Why? I love eggnog.

Oh, I love eggnog too

but this is no eggnog.

No, no, no.

No, this is a witch's brew.

I'm no expert for family dinners

but if somebody

offers me something, I think

it'd be rude to say no.

Trust me. If you drink it,

you will regret it.

I'll be fine.


I used to play a little puck

back in the day.

If they ever need a right winger

to slap 'er like a rocket-ship,

you tell them to give

old Dave a call.


Oh, easy there Gretzky.

Who's ready for some eggnog?

Not me.

I have to clean up.

I'll help.


Uh... sorry Stella,

I'm on a diet.


You have to try

my homemade recipe.

Um... okay.


Uh... yow, yeah.

I'll try it, I mean.

It's not like it's gonna k*ll me

to have a little taste, right?

You drink up now,

there's plenty more

where that came from.



It's really good.

It's really good.

Finally someone around here

who doesn't get all paranoid

about that salmonella.

Oh God.

I remember when Dave

first came to dinner.

I thought I was gonna

have to take him to the ER.

Same thing happened

with your father.

I gave him fair warning,

it's not my fault he was afraid

to offend Grandma.

Aw, I thought it was sweet.

This always makes Dave

feel better.



It's great. Thank you.

Well... how do I look?

I'm sorry, you don't have to

wear that if you don't want to.


You don't think I can pull off

the whole Derrieux family look?

Oh, is that how we look?

You know, I don't think I have

ever been given anything

that somebody's actually

made before.

It's kinda nice.

Well here, I brought you

some pie.

It'll help wash that really

good eggnog outta your mouth.

I've got the decorations

for your tree out front.

Uh, my back's a little sore.

Since we got him here,

maybe Scott wouldn't mind

lending a hand?

Oh, yeah.

You up for it, Briggs?

Happy, happy... happy to help.

What do I say?

You can always count on

a Fighting Trout.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I... I know I'm kinda new

to this whole thing

but isn't a Christmas tree,

like, inside the house?

No, I've never heard of that.

So... explain this to me again.

So when I was little,

I loved decorating the Christmas

tree so much

that when we had

to throw it away,

I would have a full-on meltdown.

Just... temper tantrum

for days.

You? No. I don't believe it.

Anyway... one day my dad

comes home

with a little, itty-bitty tree.

And he tells me that

if I help him plant it,

we will have a Christmas tree

all year long.

And that was... gosh,

that was 20 years ago.

And we still decorate it

to this day.

The only thing my dad

ever got me

was a bunch of

used hockey pucks.

I think what you have's

really sweet.

It's, um... it's really special.

I should get, um...

- I should get going.

- Yeah.

I gotta get up early tomorrow

and help decorate for that whole

Christmas jamboree.

Right. Right.

And I promised Becca

that I would wake up early

and help her show

another house.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

You're gonna come...

you and your family are

gonna come tomorrow.

Yeah. Yeah, we'll be there.

Okay. Good.

Well... I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey. What book

are you reading?

Diary of a Christmas Elf.

I thought so.

You know, I loved that book.

She loves all books.

Honestly, we can't keep up

with her reading habit.

Oh yeah? Well, you'll be

able to here.

There's a library

two minutes away.

Is that so?

Oh yeah.

We used to spend hours

in there after school.


She would absolutely love it.

Well, that's what's important.

I really think that we can

be happy here.

Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.

You are so welcome, sweetie.

See you guys.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Oh my gosh.

That was so sweet.



You know Becca,

you're a natural at this.

You know, I think this is

the first job

I've ever had where

I actually feel...

really good about what

I'm doing.

I love that.


But I have to admit,

it's really nice to see someone

who's actually happy

about what they're buying

for a change.

What? 'Cause your clients

aren't happy?

Oh no, they're happy about

the deal that I get them.

But it's not like

they're starting families

or making memories.

You know...

I was thinking about how you

were looking for new clients.


I just found out that

Wendy Vaughn, who sells, like,

half the houses in this town,

is retiring.

That means a lot more

potential clients.

I see.

I know it's crazy,

I just thought...

maybe, if things weren't

working out in New York,

you and I could start a team.

Well I have to admit,

you're a lot more fun to work

with than my current colleagues.


I don't know. That's just...

that's a really big change.

You know, I'm not...

I'm not sure that I'm quite

ready for that.

No, no, of course.

It's just an idea.

Think of it as a backup plan

in case you decide

you wanna come back

to this crazy little town.

- Thanks.

- Okay.

Nice hustle out there boys,

even you Pierre.

Good work.

Briggs, hang back.

I need to talk to you

for a minute.

Now, I know it's a little early

for Christmas presents but, um...

there's something

I wanna give you.

You got me a...

you got me a book?

A book that smells surprisingly

like our locker room.

It's not just any book, that's

the book that changed my life.

I don't understand.

I know you got your heart

set on making it to the bigs,

but I heard you did

a pretty great job

coaching those kids

the other day.

Oh. That, uh... that was...

that was just for fun.

No, I... I don't wanna

become a coach.

A coach isn't something

you just become.

The way you helped Zetner,

the way you helped Pierre.

It's already who you are.

Listen, I am...

I appreciate this.

I do, but I... I have been

trying so hard to get called up.

I... I can't throw that away.

Okay. But let me

ask you something.

When you put on that jersey

on Friday night,

are you still having any fun

or maybe you're just doing it

to prove something

to somebody else?

Coach, I...

Look, finish out the season.

Hopefully you get picked up by

some team from who knows where.

But if you're

still interested...

we'll have a home for you

right here.

I'll think about it.


Hey Scott.

Come on, Scott.

You gotta keep your head up,

you should know that.

Solid advice.

Well, the team sure did

a bang-up job this year.

Yeah, everything

looks amazing.

You know, you've really

outdone yourselves.

Well, it's worth it to show

a little gratitude

to such great fans

like you guys.

Scott, come be on my team.

Um... I should...

I should probably get you guys

some drinks or something first.

Oh, come on!

You've worked hard enough.

It is time for you to have a

real Idaho Falls experience.

Um... you know, I think this is

where I draw the line.

Alright, well we could have

Dave take you real fishing

with his buddies.

Trust me, this is getting

off easy.

I'll take your word for it.

You're going down, buddy.


Alright folks, welcome

to Merry Fishmas.

Now the rules of the game

are simple.

First team to have every member

pull up a trout

within the 60-second time limit

will be crowned victorious.

Team one, are you ready?

- Yes!

- Yeah!

Team two, are you ready?


Let's get fishing.


You got this, Parker!

Oh, you got this, Parker!

That was almost in.

Oh, oh, oh!

Slow and steady

wins the race.

I almost got it.

Oh man.

Got it!

Yes, Parker.

Coming in quick!

Oh, I got one! I got one!

Oh, my god!

Not much time left.

Come on, it's all up to

you, Dave.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

- Go, come on!

- I need one more.

Time's ticking down.

Come on, Dave.

You got this.


It's all you, Dave.

Remember what I taught you.

You can do it.

Slow and steady

wins the race.


- Very nice!

- Whoo!

Well, team Briggs comes through

in the clutch

and takes home

the championship.

Admit it, you had fun.

Ah... I wouldn't go that far.

Although it was kinda nice

to take down Dave.

Mm-hmm. I think we make

a pretty decent team.


Hey, can I ask you

a serious question?


You grew up here so you've seen

a bunch of players come and go.


Do you think I have what

it takes to get to Boise?

Are you serious?


Yeah, it's just...

I have pursued this

my whole life

and sometimes I wonder

if I'm being delusional.

You know, like if I should start

considering other options.

What other options?


Coach Jensen said

that there might be...

there might be an assistant

coaching position

for me next year.

You wanna coach the Trouts?

I don't know.


It'd be nice to settle

down somewhere.


Oh... I should really see

who this is.

I'm sorry.

Can... can I just meet you

over by the gingerbread table?

Yeah. Yeah, I'll just be over

at the gingerbread table.

This is Ashley Derrieux.

Hi Ashley.

This is Bonnie Sullivan

from Main Financial.

You left us a message

the other day?

Bonnie, yes.

The West Village Hotel.

That's us.

That property is so beautiful.

Yeah, we think so too.

And going over

your recent sales,

I think you might be the right

agent for the job.

Well, I'd hate to disagree

with you on that.

Listen, there's one catch.


I have these heavy hitters

in from out of the country

and they've been hounding me

to go see the place.

You already have

potential buyers.


When do you need me by?

I know it's a lot to ask, but

can you be here by the 23rd?

So... I'm actually in Idaho

Falls right now.

I... I really don't know

if I can even find a flight.

I'll tell you what, if you can

make this deal happen for me,

I have three more buildings

coming up in the new year.

Okay. Let me look at some

flights, see what I can do,

and I will get back to you

as soon as possible. Okay?

Sounds good.


How's everybody doing?

- Hey Dad.

- Dad.

Have, uh, you seen Parker?

Yeah, he's over there playing

a game with Coach Gus.

Alright. Come on,

come on, come on.

- You got it, you can do it.

- You got it.

Oh, you got it.

There you go.

- That's it.

- Well, he's got it.

There you go.

There she goes,

there she goes.

I swear, sometimes I feel like

I have two children.

I agree.


This is my first gingerbread

house ever,

so... don't judge.


Is everything okay?

Yeah. That was just a very

unexpected phone call.



No, it's this mid-century hotel

in New York

that I've had my eye on

for years

and they called wanting me

to represent it.

So... that doesn't sound

so bad.

Well, they want me there

in two days.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

I mean, it's a great

opportunity. I...

I... just don't know that I

wanna rush back there right now.

Well, do you have to decide

this second?



Because this house is about

to fall over

unless it gets some

serious assistance.

Okay, I think I can handle that.

Please, help me.

Oh brother.

What'd you do?

I don't know.

- It was him!

- It was her!

Oh yeah? Is that how you guys

wanna play it?

Oh boy.

Well, that just means...

you both are going to get it.

Got him!

Get him, Parker!

That's enough fun.

It's time for serious business.

Oh yeah.

Scott, are you gonna help?

Uh... I'd love to

but I've, uh...

I gotta get to practice.

Wait, wait, wait.

Have you ever built

a snowman before?


Okay. Alright.

This is way more important

than hockey.


Hey Parker.

Did you know that you might

be building a snowman

with a future Fighting Trout

assistant coach?

You're gonna be coaching

the Trout?

That would be so cool.

Well, nothing is official yet.


I have a whole other season

playing on the ice.

It's just... something to think

about in the future, that's all.

Well, take it from me...

you could do a lot worse

than making a home here

in Idaho Falls.

It's always done right by us.

And on that note,

Dad... carrot please.

Thank you.

I think you should do

the honors. Right?


Let's see if I can figure

this out.

It can't be that hard.

Uh... what do you think?

Right, uh... right about here?

Maybe on the face?


Like, uh... here?

Hmm, a bit higher.

A bit higher?

Right around here?

A bit...

Right around...

just say when.


- If you say so?

- There you go.


Anyways, welcome.

Who was that?

That is the new right wing.

Wait, you play right wing.

I remember.

The new guy's here.

There's 24 guys

on the roster max.

Someone's getting cut.

Maybe they're moving

one of us up.

Hey Gus.


Anybody in Boise get injured?

Uh... no, no.

Anyone there get moved up

to Seattle?

Hmm... no.

Briggs. My office, 15 minutes.


So sorry.

Yeah, sorry man.

It's... it's fine.

I... you know, I...

I've been cut before, guys.

Best thing to do is just

walk in there

and face the music

like a man.

Listen, um... before you

say anything.

I've been thinking about

the coaching offer.

I know you're gonna cut me.

So if the offer still stands...

Who said anything

about cutting you?

Well, you didn't have

to say anything.

My... my replacement's standing

outside the locker room.

Oh, that's right.

While he's replacing you,

you're replacing Zetner.

Well, Zetner's in Boise.

Was in Boise.

Some guys move up too fast.

They can't handle the pressure.


Zetner wasn't ready.

So he's gonna take some time off

but Boise's gonna hold

his spot when he returns.

Until then...

You... you're saying that...

You're going to Boise.


I'm... I'm... I'm...

I'm going to Boise.

Yes, you are.

I'm... I'm... I'm going

to Boise.

Thank you, uh...

so much, sir!

I'm going to Boise, so...

Alright. Hey, guys! Guys!

I'm going to Boise!

Wow, okay.

So, have you decided

whether you're going back

for that big hotel deal?

No, I have to call her today.

Well, I know it's

a great opportunity.

I just hate the idea of spending

Christmas without you.

Do you ever regret

staying here?

We're different, Ash.

You were always the smart one.

Oh, please!

It's true, even when

we were little kids.

Everyone used to say

you'd go off and do big things.

Well, you were always

a lot braver.

- Ah...

- You were!

I mean, you did whatever

you wanted to do,

and you never cared

what anyone else thought.

Sure, I made my mind up about

how I wanted my life to be.

But that doesn't mean there

aren't days where I wonder

if the grass isn't greener

on the other side.

You do?

Of course.

You have so much freedom.

You get to travel,

you wear fancy dresses,

go out for expensive dinners.

But whenever I talk to you...

I don't know, the stress.

Constantly running

from meeting to meeting,

these boyfriends who don't know

how to treat you right.

I just don't want you

to miss out

on the things you love the most.

Like what?

Like... this.

Sipping hot chocolate

in a cozy home,

surrounded by people

that you know

will always be there for you.

We're home.

Hey, you two.

Everything okay, buddy?

I'm fine.

Where'd he get

that jersey from?

Scott gave it to him.

He did? Why?

I guess you didn't hear

the big news.

He got called up!

You're kidding.

Well, don't act so surprised.

The man's practically turned

the whole team around in a week.

Sure gonna miss him around here,

but if you ask me,

it couldn't happen

to a better guy.

Yeah. So when does he leave?

I'm taking him to the airport

in a couple hours.

So you'd better hop to it if you

wanna say your goodbyes.

Among the 12 potential inductees

into this year's NHL Hall of

Fame class is Wayne Briggs.

The former defenseman

led his team

to two Stanley Cup championships.

And in my opinion, is the most

deserving of the bunch.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Do, uh... do you wanna come in?

Thank you.

Hey. I... I, um...

I heard you got promoted.

Yeah, I did.

I was actually just about

to call you.

Wow. That's amazing.

I'm... I'm so happy for you.

Well, Boise's not too far away.

If you wanna come down

for the first game

I can probably get you tickets.

Well I would, but...

I'm flying back to New York

for that client.

It's everything I've been

working towards, so...

Um... congratulations.

Looks like we're both finally

having our big break.


Well, I got you something.

It's a little early, I know,

but I'm not sure when

I'll see you again.

I know it's sentimental,

I just thought...

It's perfect.

This way you'll always

have a family on Christmas.

It's perfect. Thank you.

You're welcome.

I, uh... I actually

got you something too.

- Oh, you did?

- Yeah.


I was gonna put it

under your tree, but...

seeing as how you're here,

why don't you open it?

Hmm. Okay.

It's a plastic fish?

It's not just a plastic fish,

that's the plastic fish

you helped me catch.

I thought you could hang it

on your tree.

Just something

to remember me by.

I like it.

Hey, I wanna say something

to you before you go.


I know that you wanna make it

in the NHL

and I know that you wanna prove

you're just as good as your dad.

But I want you to know

how special

this week has been for me.

How special you are.

And no matter where you end up,

nothing can take that away.


I, um... I appreciate that.


And... I appreciate

you letting me act

like I was a part of the family.

Even if that eggnog almost

k*lled me.

Oh... woof.

Seriously though,

I had a great time.

Yeah, me too.

And you know, if I, uh...

if I ever play

Madison Square Garden.


You bet there'll be a front row

seat with your name on it.

Oh, there better be.

Yeah, it's a deal.

Well, I should go.

- I'll see you around.

- Yeah, I'll see you.

Hey Scott.

Parker. Hey.

Scott, guess what?

We played the Grizzlies today

and we won.

I used the grip that you taught

me and I scored two goals.

Wow! That's so great,

buddy. I'm so proud of you.

Listen, is, uh... is your

Aunt Ashley still around?

I think she's outside.

You want me to get her?

No. That's... that's alright.

I, um... I... I want you

to tell everyone

I just called to say

Merry Christmas.

And that you're all welcome

to come up and see a game,

whenever you want.

Cool. Thanks.

Alright. I'll talk

to you later?



Hey kiddo.

Are you all packed up?

Yup, I sure am.

Scott was trying to give you

a call.

Must be quite an adjustment

being up there all by himself.


Oh sweetie.

I know you two had

something special.

Yeah. But it's not just Scott.

I mean, yes he's great, but...

it's all of you guys.

I mean, I wanted this client

so bad,

but now I'm not even gonna be

here on Christmas.

Well, maybe it's okay to take

a step back for a little while.

I'm sure they can find

another agent.

Well, it's not really

that simple.

I mean, if I bail on this deal,

word will get around real fast

and then...

And you guys sacrificed

so much

just for me to get

outta here that...

I mean, it wouldn't be

fair if...

if I threw that all away.

Ashley, we are so proud of you

and what you've accomplished.

You don't have to do

anything for us.

And you wouldn't

be disappointed?

The only thing we'd be

disappointed in...

is if you weren't living the

life that truly makes you happy.

What if I don't know

what that is?

Well, sometimes we don't know

what makes us happy

until it's standing

right in front of us.

But no matter what,

we're always here

to support you.

Thank you.

- I really love you, guys.

- Baby...

Love ya, hon.

We're here

with the newest member

of the NHL Hall of Fame.

Congratulations Wayne Briggs.

Your family must be

proud of you.

Well, you know,

in this business

your teammates

are your family.

So I'd like to give a big

shout out to my family,

especially that great goalie

we had on the Stanley Cup team,

Victor Zalapski.

Not to mention my boys who could

take a hit, shake it off,

and get back out on the ice.

I couldn't have done it

without them.

You're talking

about the team

you helped lead to two

Stanley Cup champion...

You know, I've read

that one too.

It turns out being alone

at Christmas...

isn't something I wanna

survive anymore.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were in Boise.

I was.

You know, I couldn't stand the

thought of spending Christmas

with 23 guys I barely know,

when I already have the perfect

team right here.

Yeah, but that was your dream.

You know, I think my dream was

to prove to myself that I'm...

I'm just as good as my dad.

Because of you,

and your crazy family,

I realized that I don't have

to play hockey to do that.

So what are you going to do?

I took the coaching job.

And I was thinking...

if I stuck around Idaho Falls, maybe...

maybe I could see you again

next Christmas.

You took a...

a coaching job...

just on the off-chance

that you might see me

one week out of the year?

Well... maybe that wasn't

the only reason.

They have pretty great

medical insurance.


Full physio.

A dental plan.


Those are really good benefits.


So... what

happens now?

Okay. First thing in the

morning I am calling Becca.

We have a real estate office

to set up.

Sounds great.

And actually, I have no clue

where I'm gonna stay tonight,

so maybe you could find me

a place.

Well, I may know of

a cute little cottage

that just opened up.

How are the neighbors?

A little goofy.

But their youngest daughter

is delightful.

You should really get

to know her.

I can't wait.

845 Deerfield Court.
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