Reporting for Christmas (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Christmas & New Years movies collection.
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Reporting for Christmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat, bright music]

Oh, jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Hey, jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing through the snow,

in a one-horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go,

laughing all the way

Bells on bobtails ring,

making spirits bright

What fun it is to laugh and

sing a sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Hey, jingle bells, jingle

bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse

open sleigh

[Reporter] Now that the


Tunnel and Reservoir Plan

is officially online,

12 million gallons of storm

water will be diverted

from municipal sewers

into the quarry.

This should make homeowners

accustomed to

flooding very happy.

Mary Romero, WZCH, Chicago.

[keyboard clicks]


We need more footage

of the tunnels.

Tunnels are dark,

it might not read.

Okay, then cut in more drone

footage above the reservoir.

I just need the

viewers to understand

the scope of this project.

And limit your own camera time.

[Mary sighs]

I don't understand you, Mary.

Most people in this business

would climb over their

colleagues to get on air.

Well, I don't

like climbing, Phil.

- I like reporting.

- [phone beeps]


[Hank] You busy?


[Hank] Get in here anyway.

[Mary chuckles]

[phone beeps]

All right, more drone footage.

You got it, boss.

[soft, bright music]

- Think fast.

- [Mary gasps]

[toy squeaks]

This better not be

in lieu of my bonus.

Come on, you remember

the Mistletoads.

Back in the 80s,

they were all the rage.

No, I think I missed that party.

Well, it's their

40th anniversary,

and you're gonna do a

great story about them.

[Mary giggles]

That was a good one,

you almost got me.

It's not a joke.


It's not a joke.

Why would we even consider

doing something like that?

Because the Mistletoads

were made by Johnson Toys.

Which is one of our

biggest advertisers.

Our biggest advertiser.

So, it's a shameless puff piece.

Oh no, a human interest

story about a trusted partner.

Why do I have to do it?

Because you're the best I got.

Don't try and

butter me up, Hank.

I'm not. This has

to be a solid piece.

I need a primetime player

who can get me the goods.

That's you.

Okay, I just got a lead

on the Transit Authority

expansion story.

And we're gonna do that

story, just not right now.

Then when?

When the bills are paid.

Look, times are changing.

Some people say, we're

lucky to have jobs at all.

Don't do this to me.

Think of it this way.

If you get the story quick,

you can be back

before Christmas.

What do you mean, back?

Johnson Toys is located

in Brunswick, Iowa.

Thank you.


If I do this, I want

complete creative control.

- Done.

- No, I'm not joking.

I want to tell the story the

way that I wanna tell it,

with no input from the client.

- You have my word.

- [Mary sighs]

Look at the bright side,

no holiday traffic.

Why not?

Because last time I checked,

Brunswick has a

population of about 1,000.

[Mary scoffs]

Now, it's 1,001.

[toy squeaks]

[Mary sighs]

[soft, bright music]

Okay, look, I don't know

what you are so upset about.

Because I've spent

my entire career

fighting for stories

that actually matter,

to try and inspire change.

And now, I'm shilling

for a toy company.

It's not that bad.

And soon enough,

you'll be telling them

what stories to cover.

[Mary chuckles]

You clearly don't know Hank.

I know you're living the dream.

Expense accounts, flying

first class, limos.

- Girl, I am driving myself.

- Ugh.

Okay, the contractor

should be here

first thing in the morning,

and it should only

take a couple of days.

Okay, it's no big deal.

It is a big deal.

I've been trying to get this

bathroom redone for months,

and this is the only

week they could do it.

Mary, it's all good.

I have loads of

writing to catch up on.

My publisher wants the

next three chapters

by the end of the year,

so it's just nice

to have somewhere to focus.

Thank you.

Okay, good.

And Dylan's not gonna miss you?

Dylan is fine, he's fine.

Besides, it's like a

mini-vacation for me,

before his family rolls in.

Oh, right, oof.

Mary, be real with me, though.

Are you actually going

to Brunswick, Iowa?

Of course, why would

I lie about that?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe to get out

of a double date

with us in Dylan's

business partner?

Oh, Todd.

Girl, don't even

pretend to be sorry.

I gotta go.

Saved by the bell.

Have just the best time.

Thank you, Brianna.

This is Mary Romero,

reporting for Christmas.

Let's make December

A month to remember

It's a magical feeling,

it's time for believing

Better be ready, it's here

Let's make December

A month to remember

[cars honk]

[Mary] You know what?

I feel like the hits just

keep on coming there, Hank.

It's the best I can do, Mary.

I love working with Crash.

It's just, this isn't a

job for a one-man crew.

And plus, he's

getting a little...


[Mary] I was gonna say

crankier, if that's possible.

[Hank] Look, Crash's experience

allows him to pick up the slack.

Plus, you should be

grateful I'm sending him.

A lot of stations are

requiring producers

to sh**t their own

footage nowadays.

[Mary chuckles]

Well, you're just a prince

among men there, Hank.

Don't I know it.

Drive safe.

[mellow oldies music]

It's a magical feeling,

it's time for believing

Better be ready,

soon it's here

Let's make December

Let's make December

A month to remember

A month to remember

It's a magical feeling,

it's time for believing

Better be ready, it's here

Let's make December

A month to remember

Christmas, is the

best time of the year

[Mary sighs] Hank.

[ground squishes]


[mud splatters]

[soft, bright music]

May I help you?

Yeah, just checking in, please.

Mary Romero.

You know who I am?

Oh, honey, this is Brunswick.

Everybody knows who you

are and why you're here.

I'd say I'm ready

for my close-up,

but you must have heard

that joke a million times.

Well, believe it or

not, most of the people

I interview don't

wanna be on camera,

especially if they're

being held accountable.


I actually have two rooms

under your name, Ms. Romero.

Is that correct?

Yes, my cameraman, he'll

be joining me tomorrow.

And we're looking

forward to having him.

Great, thanks.

You know, I have to make a stop.

- Do you know Alton Johnson?

- [Bernice chuckles]

Let me guess, everybody

knows Alton Johnson.

You catch on quick.

Would you mind telling

me where the factory is?

Come back the way you came,

take a left at the light.

It's about a mile down,

you can't miss it.

It's a factory.

Right. Okay.

We're really excited to

have you here, Ms. Romero.

Please, just call me Mary.

Mary, I'm Bernice.

I do hope you enjoy our town.

I'm sure I will.

[bright, upbeat music]

Eat your heart

out, Diane Sawyer.

You must be...

Mary Romero.

[Alton chuckles]

Wonderful to meet you.

I can't tell you how

excited I am about this.

Yeah, I was told that you were

one of our most

important advertisers.

I've gotten to know Hank Dean

personally over the

years, good man.

Yeah, and there they are.

[Alton] What do you think?

I can't believe it.

Me neither, 40 years.

But we can save that

for my interview.

Let's go have a quick

chat in my office.

I hope you'll excuse the mess.

I never bought that business

about a cluttered mind.

Well, a cluttered mind has

a lot of good stuff in it.

These are your artifacts.

My artifacts?

Right, family photos,

old advertisements,

product sh*ts, stuff like that.

Soon as you told me, I had

my assistant start looking.

I hope that's enough.

Your archive, and

yes, that is plenty.

- Thank you.

- I'll have one of

my delivery guys bring it

over to the inn for you.


Now, how shall we begin?

I have so many ideas I'd

love to share with you.

Well, Mr. Johnson...

Alton, please.

It was good enough

for my parents.

Alton, look, I know

that this isn't really

a hard-hitting

investigative piece,

but I would like to

approach it the same way

that I do the rest

of my stories,

which means conducting

my own research

and building a rapport

with the interviewees.

So, what you're telling

me is to keep my mouth shut

and stay in my own

lane, is that it?

[Mary chuckles]

I love your enthusiasm.

You don't have to

explain yourself.

This isn't the first

time I've been accused

of being a bit too eager.

The truth is, I'm just very

proud of what we built here.

But you just tell

us what you need,

we're all at your disposal.

- Thank you, so much.

- [glass clanks]

Sorry to bother you, Dad, but

they need you over in shipping.

Blake, wait, I want you

to meet Mary Romero.

She's the television reporter...

[Blake] Yeah, I know who she is.

[Mary] Well, so much for

flying under the radar.

Seems like everyone already

knows who I am around here.

Well, your reputation

precedes you.

I'll be in the factory

if you need me.

He did not seem

happy that I'm here.

Oh, he'll come

around eventually.

It's just that my

son wasn't exactly

enthusiastic about this piece.

In fact, to be honest, he

thought it was a bad idea.

Really, why?

[Hank] Oh, he's worried

the story will be

about our success,

our commercial success.

Blake's always

wanted the company

to be about more than

that, but you know what?

Our products make people happy,

which is something you'll

never hear me apologize for,

and if our customer's

happiness has made us

a commercial success,

then who's fault that?

Well, sounds reasonable to me.

But most importantly,

the Mistletoads.

[Alton chuckles]

Yes, I heard they

were quite popular.

Oh, the kids couldn't

get enough of 'em.

They just loved 'em.

Most did, anyway.

[Alton chuckles]

And we can't have another

drive card expedited,

even shipped overnight?

We can, but we still lose

an entire 12-hour shift.

[Blake sighs]

Okay, let's move production

to Woodbury's plant,

and let's add a night shift.

I'm sure the crew

there will appreciate

the overtime before

the holidays.

I'm on it.

Appreciate you.

Ms. Romero, what

can I do for you?

Were you serious

about my reputation?

- Of course.

- Meaning what?

Meaning, I'm familiar

with your work.


What specifically?

Well, your piece

on Midwest Chem,

dumping hazardous materials

into the Mississippi.

It was very illuminating.

You saw that?

The Mississippi River

flows into the Iowa.

Iowa flows into the Cedar,

which flows right into town.

I'm sure we're best

known for Johnson Toys,

but we're still a farming

community at heart.

Right. You know, Alton said

you weren't too keen

on talking to me.

Well, I'm sure I can make

a perfectly fine documentary

without my involvement.

Without the grandson

of the founder,

and the one next in line

to inherit the company?

I don't think so.

Sorry, but you're

gonna have to try.

Why don't you wanna

be a part of the story?

With all due respect,

I can already see how

it's gonna turn out.


That's interesting,

because I'm producing it,

and I don't even know

what the story is.

Trust me.

Indulge me.

I don't know,

maybe something like,

Johnson Toys is the

country's largest

manufacturer of

everything Christmas.

From America's

heartland, they produce

literally thousands of items,

from artificial trees

to advent calendars.

But what they're best known for

are there lovable Christmas

amphibians, the Mistletoads.

Well, you could have

a future in showbiz.

I think I'll leave

that up to you.

Was I close?

[Mary] Sure.

Sure, that's what my boss wants,

that's probably what

your father wants.

But I bet that there's a lot

more to the story than that.


Follow me.

[soft, bright music]

[laughing voices softly echo]

It's beautiful.

My grandpa, Alton Johnson, Sr.

[Mary] Your

grandpa painted this?

It's really good.

[Blake] Yeah, and it

belongs in a museum,

not hanging on

some factory wall.

So, show the world.

Participate in the

story, and you can talk

about your grandpa's

work all you want.

[Blake chuckles]

Think my dad will go for that?

A little trip down memory lane,

instead of the toys

that made him famous?

I think you've got it

wrong how this works.

Nobody has creative

control over my stories.

Over your

advertiser-funded stories?

The only reason I

took this assignment

was because I was

promised creative control.

You're pretty

good at what you do?

I'm very good.

Well, then you'll find a way

to tell the story without me.

I'm gonna get you to say yes.

Nice meeting you, Ms. Romero.

You too, Mr. Johnson.

[soft, bright music]


Join me for some hot chocolate?

Um, no, thank you.

I was just gonna head

out for some dinner.

You know where you're going?

No. No, I think I'm

just gonna walk into town

and see what looks good.

How was your visit

to the factory?

It was interesting.

You get to meet Alton Johnson?

I did.

He is a fascinating man.

He's an amazing man.

They could rename this

town Johnsonville tomorrow,

and no one would complain.

Alton Johnson, Sr.

Started the company

in the 40s, right after

he returned from the w*r.

Back then, Brunswick

was nothing more

than a spit of farmland.

Was your family here then?

You better believe it,

right here in this house.

My great-grandfather

built it himself.

He was one of the first

people to settle here.

He knew Eli Brunswick,

the town's namesake.

[Mary] And the Johnsons?

[Bernice] Of course.

When Junior took over

the business in the 80s,

the Christmas industry

was exploding.

But Alton, he understood

what was happening.

He turned a small

family business

into a multimillion-dollar



So, it was good

timing and hard work.

That's not all.

Take a look.

[Bernice] What's it say

on the back?

Made in America?

[Bernice] Exactly.

When Johnson Toys was expanding,

Alton could have shipped so much

of the manufacturing overseas.

He could have used foreign

parts, foreign labor.

It would've saved him a

fortune, but he didn't.

He didn't, because it also

would've cost jobs

and hurt the town.

That's the kind of man he is.


And Blake?

What about him?

He's a good kid, but he

marches to his own beat.

Yeah, he does seem

a little different.

Different in what way?

Well, certainly his father.

Anyway, thanks for the insight.

Happy to help.

Village Tavern.

Excuse me?

For dinner.

The Village Tavern captures

the spirit of this town,

and has some darn good food.


[jazzy, festive big band music]

What can I get you, ma'am?

What do you recommend?

For you, I'd suggest

a nice chardonnay,

or maybe the Mistletoad.

[Mary chuckles]

I'm almost afraid to

ask, what's a Mistletoad?

It's basically an Appletini,

but we named it after

the Mistletoads.

We're doing a special

for the 40th anniversary.

Actually, I'll have what

Blake Johnson's having.

You like rye, huh?


Well, this brand is

distilled right here in Iowa.

On the rocks.

That's Mr. Johnson's drink.

[Mary coughs]

Yeah, that'll warm ya up.


[Lexi] I feel silly

enough for thinking that.

[Blake] No, no, no.

Oh, hi Mary.

- Hi.

- Good to see you again.

So, we're on a

first name basis now?

[playful, bright music]

Let me introduce you

to our VP of Marketing.

Mary Romero.

I'm Alexis Barnes,

I'll be with you

throughout the

sh**t to make sure

that the messaging is on

brand for Johnson Toys.

Oh, well, I'm sure

you'll be a great resource.

We have an incredible

story to tell.

Happy to be able to share

it with a larger audience.

Me, too.

Well, I was just leaving.


Mary, I'll see you tomorrow.


Alton didn't mention her to me.

Sounds about right.

Dad's got a bit of

a one-track mind.

[Mary chuckles]

Um, did you want

to stay, join me?

Yeah, sure.


[Mary giggles]

[ice clinks]


You know, this particular brand

was actually distilled

right here in Iowa.


To keeping things local.

- Here, here.

- [glasses clink]

[Roberta] And one

special for you.

Let me know if I can

get you anything else.

Thank you, Roberta.

[Roberta] You got it.

So, your father, he also likes

to keep things

local, doesn't he?

You just can't help

yourself, can you?

I'm here for the story,

not just for the, meatloaf?

Oh, no, no, no, this

is not just any meatloaf.

This is the best meatloaf

west of the Mississippi.


- Yeah.

- That is a bold claim.

It's a fact.

Okay, I'll make you a deal.

I will order that meatloaf, if

you'll answer some questions.

You drive a hard bargain.

All right, got yourself a deal.


Do you really like rye?

I do not like it.

[soft, bright music]


All right.

I concede.

[Blake chuckles]

[Mary] You win, it's amazing.

Now, you have to

answer some questions.

Yeah, a deal's a deal.

- [Mary] Okay. Okay.

- Fire away.

Have you lived

here all your life?

[Blake] Born and bred.

Would you leave?


[Mary] So, you like it?

It's home.

That's not really an answer.

And that really

wasn't a question.

Don't you ever get...

[Blake] What?



[mellow rock music]

Come one, come all,

let's deck the halls

The time is here to

spread some cheer

Eggnog and pies and

twinkling lights

are just some signs

So, what does Mary Romero do

when she's not speaking

truth to power?

Well, it's not a 9-to-5 job.

I go where the story is.

Sounds exciting.

It can be.

Well, it used to be.

You know, I didn't always

wanna be a reporter.



Growing up, I wanted

to get into politics,

to make a difference.

I mean, I was captain

of the debate team,

I was class president, I even

majored in political science.

And then, I got a job at

my college's news station,

and it just kind of

took off from there.

It seemed like another

way to help people, but...

It does though, right?

[Mary] I don't know.

You know, sometimes, it just

feels like nobody's listening.

But okay, enough about

me, I'm not the story.

Okay, what would you

like to talk about.

Alton Sr. and how he

started the business.

Well, we come from

a family of farmers.

But my grandpa, he was

always a talented artist.

I mean, even as a little kid.

And then, after the w*r,

he started painting.


Yeah, it was a hobby

at first, but

then people started buying

those Christmas paintings,

like the one that you

saw, as holiday gifts.

[Mary] Wow, so he did well.

As well as could be expected

in a small town in

the middle of nowhere.

So, how did he go

from Christmas paintings

to a toy empire?

My dad, he was born

right before Christmas.

My grandparents, they didn't

have a lot of money back then.

My grandpa, he couldn't

bear the thought

of not having a

gift for his son.

So, that Christmas, he made

the very first Johnson toy,

and he gave it to

his newborn son.

Well, Alton Sr. sounds

like an amazing man.

Ah, you have no idea.

And with the labor market

and the advancements

in manufacturing after the

w*r, he saw his opportunity.

10 years later, that

little company was

well on its way to

becoming one of the top

toy manufacturers

in the country.


So, what happened when

your dad took over?

Oh, that's when it

went into overdrive.

[Mary chuckles]

So, that's when

the company expanded,

and you started selling

Christmas decorations.

Yep. Tinsel, toys,

stockings, ornaments.

Whatever he could make and

whatever people would buy.

So, no more painting?


Grandpa had to give

that up as a business,

but I mean, he still

painted until his dying day.

He loved it.

Come on.

[bright, acoustic music]

[Blake] Okay.

Here we are.

Is this your house?

No, I live right off

town square in a home

that's probably too big for me.

Okay, so what is this place?

This is my

grandpa's first house.

He built it with

his own two hands.

[Mary] Wow.

[Blake] He was quite

the craftsman.

Yeah, I bet it

was really beautiful

when it was, you know, new.

[Blake] Yeah.

Once my dad took

over the company,

he moved my grandparents

into a much nicer house,

and he left this to

just sit here empty.

My dad's very generous,

just hardly sentimental.

Well, someone should

have stepped in,

because there's a

lot of history here.

Someone did.

[Blake chuckles]

I'm restoring it.

I'm gonna turn it into a gallery

for my grandpa's paintings.

Oh, I love that.

I already restored

a vintage tractor

I found just sitting here.

Now, it's just sitting

in my front yard.

[Mary giggles]


[phone camera clicks]

What are you doing?

I'm just gonna

take a few photos,

and then I can send the

cameraman over here,

and he can sh**t it properly.

No, no, I'd prefer

if you didn't do that.

Why are you showing me this

if you don't want it to

be part of the story?

Thought you'd appreciate it.

Was I wrong?

[Mary chuckles]

No, no, not really.


It would really help

the story, though.

Yeah, something tells me,

you know how to get a

story without this in it.

[Mary sighs]

[mellow, soulful music]

We don't see each

other nearly enough

But I love every

moment with you

I was thinking 'bout

the last time we talked

And had a good laugh

with a good glass or two

But who's counting, not

me when I'm with you, baby

No doubting, the

vibe that you give me

Ooh, you're the reason this

season's so pleasing to me

There's nowhere

I'd rather be

[Mary grunts]

With you I'm moving, I'm

grooving, so soothing, yeah

If you feel the way I do

We don't have to

wait to celebrate

Don't wait to celebrate

[phone rings]


Hey, Bree.

[Brianna] Hey, girl.

Just got back from dinner.

Oh, with Crunch?

What's his name, Crank?

[Mary chuckles]

With Crash.

No, he doesn't get

here until tomorrow.

So, what's up?

[Bree] Nothing.

I just needed a break.

Dylan's working late.

[Mary] Oh, okay.

I'm so glad I could

be your backup.

[Bree] Yeah,

everything's cool here.

I mean, the main

construction guy stopped by.

He said he's on schedule

to start tomorrow.

How's nowheresville?

You mean Brunswick?

[Mary] It's fine.

[Brianna] Any cute

toymakers, or farmers?

There might be.

[Bree] What?

Oh my God, tell me, tell me.

I mean, if you're into

hot guys from the country.

Oh, I'm totally into you

being into hot guys

from the country.

So, are you?

[Mary laughs]

I don't know, it's

too soon to tell.

It is never too early

for love at first sight.

What is he, is he a

toymaker, a farmer?

I know there are farmers.

He's a toymaker.

Ah, yes.

And he runs the factory.

Well, his family

owns the company, so.

O-M-G, I love this.

[Brianna giggles]

I'll have to tell you

everything tomorrow,

'cause I have so

much work to do.

Living the dream.

I demand a full report.

I'm so bored, I need some drama.

Okay, well I report the

drama, I don't make it, so.

I respect that, I see you.

Okay, well call me tomorrow.

Sweet dreams, of your

Christmas toymaker.

[Mary giggles]

Okay, bye.

[upbeat, bright, festive music]

[door knocks]

[Mary sighs]

What took you so long?

I've been knocking

for five minutes.

I wasn't just

sitting by the door,

waiting for you to get here.

You didn't have to get all

dressed up on account of me.

I was up all night, just

going through all of that.

[Crash] An

embarrassment of riches.

Have fun.

Yeah, well that is gonna

make your job easier.

The more material they give

us, the less you have to sh**t.

I'll tell you what

would make my job easier.

A sound mixer and a

production assistant.

I'm getting too

old to be dragging

all my gear from here to there.

Yeah, well, welcome to

the new millennium, Crash.

[Crash sighs]

Just go downstairs and check in.

I'm gonna take a shower,

I'll meet you down there,

we can get a bite to eat, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

But hurry up, I'm starving.


[Mary sighs]


Hello, dear. How'd you sleep?

Good morning.

I slept fine, 'til

this one woke me up.

She thinks she's on vacation,

sleeping the day away.

I thought that we

were gonna go get food.

Oh, it's my fault.

When he mentioned he was

hungry, I couldn't resist.


You won't some?

No, thank you, I'll pass.

The trick is to salt the

eggs before you scramble them.

Makes 'em creamier.

Thanks for the

tip, do you wanna?

You go.

She's making cinnamon

rolls, from scratch.

I'll meet you later.

- Okay, we have work to do.

- [Crash] Mm-hmm.

[Bernice] Don't worry,

I'll make sure

and point him in

the right direction.

Thank you.

[mellow rock music]

A Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all

So, let the snowballs fly

and the good times roll

Before your Great Aunt

Sadie finds the mistletoe

[Blake groans]

Awful, isn't it?

Your words, not mine.

How'd you sleep?

Why does everyone in this

town keep asking me that?

I guess because when

people come to visit,

they always say it's the

best sleep they ever had.

No, no, not for me.

I miss the sirens and the

honking and the yelling.

You know, the city.

- [Mary giggles]

- Hmm.

Anyway, I was up really late

prepping for your

dad's interview, so.

No, you don't have

to worry about that.

There's no one who

likes to talk more

about the company, or himself.

Well, maybe someone is

actually embracing this story.

Wow, if I didn't

know any better,

I'd say, you're trying to

guilt me into participating.

Would it work?

What do you think?

I think I need a really

good cup of coffee.

Any suggestions?

I happen to know

who makes the meanest

peppermint latte in town.

[Mary chuckles]

I'm sorry, you just don't

normally hear "meanest"

and "peppermint latte"

in the same sentence.

Well, clearly you've never

had this peppermint latte.

[soft, bright music]

You know, I am usually a

black coffee kind of girl,

but as far as peppermint

lattes go, it's pretty mean.

Well, that makes me two-for-two.

You should be a tour guide.

Can't escape the holiday

spirit in this town.

No, you can't.

Is that why you stay?

Excuse me?

In Brunswick, at

your family's company?

You could go somewhere else,

you could do

whatever you wanted.

I mean, do you really like

working at the company?

I may not agree with

all my dad's decisions,

but hundreds of workers depend

on our company for

their livelihood.

That's just a responsibility

I don't take lightly.


That's refreshing.

[Blake] What is?

Staying at a job for

altruistic reasons.

Oh, I think you've

been covering politics

a little too long.

[Mary chuckles]

Well, probably.

So, that's the only

reason you stay,

just out of responsibility?

[Blake] Nah, you'll laugh.

Believe it or not,

but I have never

been accused of

laughing too easily.

[Blake chuckles]


I like Christmas.

You what?

[Mary giggles]

You said you wouldn't laugh.

No, I'm not laughing

because of that.

It's just, after everything

that you've said

about Mistletoads.

Yeah, well look, I

may not be enamored

with all the things

we manufacture,

but it doesn't mean that I

don't understand their purpose.

We're a big part of people's

Christmas traditions.

You know, it is a shame that

I can't put that in my piece.

So, am I gonna see you

later this afternoon

when I interview Alton?

This time of year?

No, sorry.

We're way too busy

for me to step away.

Maybe you'll change your mind.

Someone's gotta run

the factory, Mary.

Santa and those elves, they

can't do it all by themselves.

They can't.

Would you go on the

record with that?

Because that is a scoop.

You are relentless.

You have no idea.

I'm starting to

get a sense of it.

I gotta go.

I have a one-man crew,

and as awesome as he is,

it's gonna take a

while to set up, so.

Guess I'll see you around?

[Mary] See ya.

[soft, tender music]

Hey, you missed Bernice's

savory cinnamon rolls.

Just like my mama used to make.

Crash, can we talk

about that later?

Did you do this?

[Crash] It was here

when I came in.

I assumed you did it.


How many years have we

been working together?

Have you ever seen me stage

something this cheesy?

That was me.


And since the Mistletoads

are the company's

most famous item, I thought

it would be appropriate.

I know that Alton would like it,

unless of course you

have a better idea?

You know what, it's fine.

Oh, good, I see

you two have met.

I asked Lexi to oversee

things on our end.

Not only does she

have media experience,

but she knows which

is my good side.

[Alton chuckles]

[Crash] Come on, let's

get you mic'd up.

Thank you, Crash.

Okay, Alton, let's get

you set up, and then,

we can go ahead and go over

some of the ground rules.

I am in your very capable hands.

[Mary giggles]

Do I look down and

talk into that?

No. You know what, just

forget that it's there.

And then, when we do

start the interview,

don't look in the camera,

just stay looking at me, okay?

[soft, bright music]

Okay, Alton, how do you feel?

Great, great.

We can see his microphone.

[Mary] Yeah, I'm aware.

That's his primary mic,

though, and sound quality

is actually more

important than visibility.


[Mary] So, it's just like we

talked about earlier.

Just look right at

me, and it's just like

we're having a

normal conversation.

Camera speeds.

Okay, great.

So, let's go ahead and just

start at the beginning.

Tell me about the

founding of Johnson Toys.

In 1946...

I'm so sorry, Alton.

I forgot to tell you.

So, you're gonna want

to rephrase the question

in the answer, so it'll

sound something like,

Johnson Toys was

founded in 1946.

Aye aye, Captain.

Stop, stop, cut.

That Mistletoad,

it's out of focus.

We can't even see what it is,

it looks like a green blob.

It's supposed to

be out of focus.

We want the viewers

to focus on Alton.

Ah, I don't know.

I think we wanna

see the Mistletoads.

After all, they're what we're

known for, not green blobs.

[Alton] Yeah, I think so, too.

It's all about the Mistletoads.

What do you think, Mary?

How about we put it right here,

like he's my right-hand man?

You know what?

If it makes you happy,

Alton, that's fine.

Let's go again.

[Crash] Speeding.

Hey, why do you say that?



It just confirms

that we're recording.

Why not say

recording or filming?

Alton, if we could just...

It's a relic, really,

from the old days

when you actually used film.

You needed to wait a

few seconds for the film

to reach the proper speed,

so you'd say "speeding."

I love that.

So, you just do it

out of tradition.

[Crash] Habit for me.

Tradition for the new kids.

And thank you for the

history lesson, Crash.

Still speeding.

Shall we begin again?


Alton, can you tell me a

little bit about the importance

of Johnson Toys being

a family business?


Lexi, I cannot have

all these interruptions.

So, I'm gonna ask you if you

need to say something to me

to wait until afterwards,

and if you can't do that,

I'm gonna have to

ask you to leave.

Go ahead.

Thank you.

You know how we came

up with the Mistletoads?

Could we talk about

that in a little bit?

Right now, I'd

really like to hear

about how it's a

family business.

Well, this is a

story about family.

Blake's mother had mistletoe

up around the house.

She loved Christmas.

I do, too, but she

really loved it.

Anyway, Blake would

smash words together

when he was two or

three, and when he saw

some mistletoe hanging one

day he shouted "Mistletoad!"

[Alton chuckles]

We just thought it was

the funniest thing.

[Alton chuckles]

The rest is history.

We drew it up that night,

and the Mistletoad was born.

This is great.

[jazzy Christmas music]

So, what do you think, honestly?

He's a natural storyteller.

Plus he's funny and likable.

Got nothing to worry about.

Yeah, but you're not

the one that's gonna have

to sift through hours

of Mistletoad talk

just to find the good stuff.

Well, that's the job.

Yeah, but what about Lexi?

Can you believe her?

You've dealt with plenty

of PR flacks before,

who were just as pushy.


The politics on this

one, it's tricky.

I mean, how are we supposed to

maintain integrity like this?

You just stick to your g*ns.

Now, we've worked

together a long time,

and there's one thing I've come

to learn about Mary Romero,

is that she brings integrity

into everything she does.

You got this.

Crash, you old softie.

Well, I just call

it like I see it.

Well, thank you.

Oh, you wanna screen some

footage with me tonight?

No can do.

I have plans.

You have plans?

- Mmm.

- Here, in Brunswick, Iowa.


I make friends easily.

You are the biggest

misanthrope I know.

[both chuckle]

[soft, bright music]


Bernice offered

to cook me dinner.

We got to talking

about mushrooms.

Years ago, I did a piece

on truffle hunters,

and it turns out she

forages her own mushrooms.

What is going on?

You have a date, and

I have a PR person

telling me how to

direct my sh**t.

Is this the Twilight Zone?

Nope, just Christmas

time, season for miracles.

And speaking of miracles.

Thank you.

Thank you.


A date.

Mmm, fries are good.

Try 'em.

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

[mellow rock music]

[door knocks]

[door knocks]


No solicitors.

What are you doing?

Oh, I was taking a shower.

One second, I'll be right down.


- Hi.

- Hi.

How'd you know where I live?

Right off the town square,

vintage tractor

in the front yard.

I mean, even in a farming

town, that's not really

a dime a dozen, so

it wasn't that hard.

Come inside, it's freezing.

Yeah, okay.

[Mary giggles]

You always have a fire

burning for all your guests?

I was just about to

settle in, do some work.

Oh yeah?

What can I do for you,

Mary, besides warm you up?

I mean, with the fire.

I know that.

So, how did the interview go?

I mean, don't you already know?

What do you mean?

You had Lexi there to spy on me.

No, Lexi does not wait on

my instructions on anything.

Right, but you guys

are, you know, like.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to say that

you're together, right?

Lexi grew up here, and so did I.

We went to the same

schools together.

Let's just say there

weren't a lot of options,

you know, for either of us.

So, you dated.

A lifetime ago.

Yeah, and now she works

for you, which is not weird.

It's not weird for me.

I don't think it's

weird for her.

Is it weird for you?

Why would it be weird for me?

Is that why you came

by, to chat about Lexi?

No, you distracted me.

Oh, I'm sorry, I think.

Look, I came by to ask

you to please reconsider.

Oh, you really

don't give up, do you?

Blake, this story

is gonna happen,

whether you want it to or not.

Don't you want your story

to be told correctly?

That's what Lexi keeps saying.

You know, get in front of

it, control the narrative.


Lexi and I agree,

just this once.

You know what? Come on.

[Mary sighs]

[fire crackles]

[soft, bright music]

[Mary] Wow.

Are these?

My grandpa's, yeah.

[Mary] Really?

Some of them just look a

little more contemporary.

You know, he was

ahead of his time.



You know, Brunswick

is a lot more

than just Johnson Toys.

I do know that, yeah.


not everyone does.

This town is hurting.

Well, they just need to

look at your annual budget.

I mean, you're receiving

less and less money

from the state each year.

You're cutting back on

the schools, the clinic.

I do my homework.

Well then, you also know

that we're having a hard time

filling the empty

seats on town council.

Nobody wants to face the music.

That's what I'm talking about.

This piece could bring Brunswick

exactly the type of

exposure that you need.

It could.

[bright, playful music]

If I did this,

I'd be trusting you to tell

the real story

about the company.

How Johnson Toys is more

than just Mistletoads.

What we mean to this town,

and what this town

means to my family.

Something that my grandpa

would be proud of.

I wouldn't have

it any other way.


Told you I'd get you to say yes.

It's my turn.

No, it's not.

It's mine.

It's my turn.

There you go.

[Bernice] You're so bad.

Candy cane.

[Crash] What are you

so happy about?

Blake agreed to my interview.

- Really?

- [Mary] Mm-hmm.

I thought he was

dead set against it.

He was, but I feel like

we're really connecting.

I bet.

How was dinner?

Hmm, so-so.

[Mary gasps]

He had two helpings.

He would've had more, but I

made him save room for dessert.

I was hungry after

a hard day's work.

That's all.

Had nothing to do with the meal.

- [leg thuds]

- [Crash groans]

You guys, you are too much.

What about you, dear?

Can I fix you something?

No, thank you, I have

a lot of work to do.

[tongue clicks]


[festive, bright rock music]

Aw, yeah


It's time when we're

nearing the end of the year

And time for the season

of joy and such good cheer

This time when we set aside

All feelings

that cause divide

And bring us together

in peace and love

It oughta be

Christmas every day


There oughta be

snow and lights

and Santa on his sleigh

And when the sleigh

bells start to ring

And all the children

start to sing

Oh, it oughta be

Christmas every day


It oughta be

Christmas every day

[Mary sighs]

So, you nervous?

Nervous about what?

[Mary] Your interview.

No, I'll be fine.

I'll be fine, right?

You'll be great.

And I happen to be really good

at putting people at ease.

Yeah, so I've noticed.

I do have a favor to ask.

[Blake] Oh?

I don't want Lexi there.

She's the Vice

President of Marketing.

She's a distraction,

and I do not need

or want her looking over

my shoulder all day.

[Blake sighs]



Okay, I'll tell

her to stand down.

Thank you.

So, what happens after you

filmed everything you need?

Hmm, go back to the city

and put it all together.

And that's it.

[Mary] That's it?

[Mary giggles]

That's a lot.

No, I mean that's

it for Brunswick?

[soft, jazzy music]

Yeah, it is.

That's too bad.

You know, I did enjoy it here

a lot more than I

thought I would.

Yeah, no, me too.

I mean, having you here.

And I won't say it wasn't

great getting to know you.

But you have a life and

a job back in Chicago.

And you have an entire

family legacy to continue.


Another time, another place.


[phone beeps]


[Brianna] You were asleep?

[Mary] Yeah, I

guess I needed it.

Sounds like the country

life agrees with you.

It was just a late night.

[Brianna] See, I love that.

I love that for you.

Okay, now tell me everything.

How's the toy farmer?


[Brianna gasps]

He has a name.

Blake, yes.

Yeah, he's a really great guy.

But I just think

it's bad timing.

Oh, who cares about timing?

I mean, can't he leave Iowa?

No, girl, he's not leaving.

He has roots here.

Would you, gasp, move there?

No, no.

I have spent way too many years

working my way up

that network ladder.

It would be so

stupid to leave now.

And this story is

just so much better

than I ever could have imagined.

I think I'm just

getting caught up in it.

I think that's all it is.

He's part of the

story, you know?

Mary, what about your story?

[Mary chuckles]

It's just complicated.

Is it?

[Mary chuckles]

How's my bathroom?

[Brianna] It's fine.

I think the guys

left early for lunch,

'cause I was talking too much.

Oh, I'm sure

that's not happening.

Look, I'm coming home tomorrow,

so just call me if

anything explodes, okay?

You'll be the second

person I call, bye.

- [phone beeps]

- Bye.

Okay, I gotta get up.

[bright music]

[Mary] You know what?

I interviewed Alton

behind his desk.

I don't wanna do the

same thing with you.

It's too similar, so I

think we'll put you here.

Okay, whatever you say.

Sorry, Mary, give me a minute.

The colors on the

monitor are off.

Plus, I still need to mic him.

Okay, you know, I can mic him.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.


Could you stand up, please?

And I'm gonna go ahead and just

slide this down your shirt.

[soft, tender music]

You can grab it on the bottom.

And you can just put

that in your pocket.

And have a seat.

- All right.

- [camera beeps]


Okay, so just remember

what we talked about.

Look at me, don't look at the

camera, no one-word answers,

and try and rephrase the

question in your answer.

Rephrase, right, right, got it.

So, why don't we start talking

a little bit about craftsmanship.

Why is craftsmanship so

important to Johnson Toys?

Craftsmanship is important

to Johnson Toys because,

[Blake clears throat]

Craftsmanship is important to

Johnson Toys because, well,

look, I'm sorry, could we start

with something a little easier,

like what do we manufacture,

things like that?

We already got that with Alton,

but it's okay, just relax.

I'm trying.

[Mary giggles]

Pretend that we're at dinner,

just like the other night.

Speak from your heart

and just tell me,

why is craftsmanship

so important?

My grandfather, the

founder of Johnson Toys,

he always said, "Anything worth

doing is worth doing right."

- [Mary giggles]

- [Blake chuckles]

I know, I know, millions of

people say the same thing.

But I don't know how many of 'em

actually live it, you know?

'Cause to him, craftsmanship

wasn't just about

doing your best work,

it was about

allowing other people

to see the greatness

within themselves.

That was really great, Blake.

[Mary chuckles]

So, Johnson Toys could

manufacture whatever it chooses.

Why focus on Christmas items?

All right, please don't

take this outta context,

but you know what

drives me crazy,

is that for so many people,

it's all about the money.

That's what Christmas

is about, the money.

Not for me.

What's it about for you?

They say Christmas is the

happiest day of the year.

Well, we'd like to bring that

spirit to the other 364 days.

[Mary giggles]


Ah, there you are.

I was looking all over for you.


Everything okay?


Are you not happy

with the interview?

'Cause, I mean, Crash

said I was pretty good.

[Mary giggles]

Oh wow, he was just

being nice, wasn't he?

Crash wouldn't do that.

Okay, then what is it?

You were amazing.

Well, I guess I was just lucky

that I had someone that

could put me at ease.

[soft, jazzy piano music]

Just remember our

deal, all right?

The real story.

Real story.

Look, I hate to throw you out,

but I got some work to do.

Maybe if you're free later,

we could get some dinner,

just to say goodbye?

I think I can fit you in.

- Okay.

- Sure.

See ya.

[Mary sighs]

[Crash] Sure you don't wanna

ride back to the inn?

Nah, I feel like walking.

[Crash] You know,

I had my doubts

about all this,

just like you did.

But the truth is, it's turning

out to be a nice piece.

[Mary chuckles]

Get outta here.

- See ya.

- See ya.

Ever wonder what it's like

To only wanna

be in one place

When any and everything

Reminds you of the

sweet smile on that face

A smile with enough sunshine

To bring a snowman

to its knees

There's something

in the air

That makes me wanna make

More memories with you

Mary, how long

have you been there?

Not long, I'm

just on my way out.

Oh, can I fix you something?

[Mary] No, no, no, thank you.

I have plans.

Plans? Here,

in Brunswick, Iowa?

I make friends easily.



Can I get you guys

anything while I'm out?

We're fine, dear.

You have fun.


We don't lock doors here,

so come back whenever.



Laughter and relaxing

These memories

are all we need

If you only have right

now and right here

- Hey.

- Hi.

[Mary giggles]

You look great.

So do you.

Oh, hey, Blake, we're slammed.

Gimme a minute?

Take your time,

we're in no rush.

You want something to

drink while you wait?

I'm good.

Mary, rye?

No, thanks.

[Mary and Roberta chuckle]

You know, I'm really starting

to like how people

know my name here.

Aw, you're gonna miss

our small town hospitality.

I am.

Speaking of which, how's

Bernice treating you?

She's so sweet, I

want her to adopt me.

Careful what you wish for.

[Mary giggles]

Oh, looks like we're ready.

So, my next piece is

on the Transit Authority

and how the bidding process

is not transparent

to the public.


So, this makes for

potentially criminal behavior,

and even if it doesn't,

it foments distrust

of the government.

Wow, that sounds

like quite the expose.

It's important

for people to see.

Making a difference, right?

That's right.

So, the interview

must have gone well,

if it turned into a date.

[Lexi chuckles]

I'm kidding.

Seriously though, how'd it go?

It was fine.

I recall you using the words,

"you," and "were,"

and "amazing."

It was a very good interview.

I got exactly what I needed.

I'm thrilled to hear it.

What else do you need

for your story, Mary?

Blake was the last holdout,

so as of a few hours

ago, we're wrapped.

Heading back to

Chicago, then, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, we're all gonna

be so sad to see you go.

[Mary] Thanks.

[Lexi] Well, I don't

wanna intrude,

I just wanted to make sure

everything went great.

Glad to hear it did.

Have a good night.

So, where were we?

Making a difference, yeah?


[Mary giggles]

Sorry, one second.

[phone buzzes]

It's my foreman,

I need to take this.

Please, yeah.


[Blake sighs]

No, I understand.

See you soon.

The assembly line is down again.

What's that mean?

It means I gotta go.

- Oh.

- I'm sorry.

That's too bad.

I know it sounds dramatic,

but Christmas is on the line.

[Mary giggles]

Santa and those elves...

Can't do it all themselves.


[soft, tender piano music]

[Mary giggles]

Well, if this is goodbye,

it was so nice to meet you,

and thank you for everything.

No, yeah, it's been great.

Thank you.


Goodbye, Mr. Johnson.

Goodbye, Ms. Romero.

I was hoping you'd fly

south with the birds



But hey, that's nothing new

What feels different

now is I'm spending

Hey, I don't think I'm, oh.

Did Blake have to leave?

Yeah, something went

wrong at the factory, so.

He tried, you know.

- I'm sorry?

- In the city.

He tried to sell his

paintings in Chicago,

even opened a little store.

They just never sold.

His grandfather's paintings?

Is that what he told you?

But you brought back that

feeling that melted away

Why are you telling me this?

Maybe to save

you some heartache.

- I can take care of myself.

- Please, Mary.

Blake is amazing,

and we all love him.

But if he can't face the past

or his own failures,

how's he ever gonna grow,

be the leader that

Johnson Toys needs?

Maybe he needs some encouragement,

or the right support?

Yeah, maybe.

Guess we'll never know.

Well, safe travels.

Mm-hmm, thanks.

Just to look at lights

and feel anything at all

I can't find the cold,

but every year that's true

It just got warmer now that

I'm sitting here with you

And no matter what,

every year feels the same

This is ridiculous.

But you brought back that

feeling that melted away

Something's been missing,

but this year, it changed

And now, Christmas

doesn't feel so far away

[door knocks]

[soft, tender piano music]

- Hi.

- Hi.

Everything okay at the factory?

That's why you're here?


I don't know, I can't sleep.

Yeah, that makes two of us.

I have one more question

I need to ask you.


Come inside.

Fire, something to drink?

Coffee, if you have it.

[soft music]

Here you go.


So, what's your question?

- Were you gonna tell me?

- Tell you what?

That all these

are your paintings.

Not all of them.

A few are my grandpa's.

Well, they're really similar.

Yeah, well, I adopted his style,

and I added a little

flair of my own.

It's just too bad I

didn't inherit his talent.

They have a ton of talent.

Did you ever sell any?

A few, here and there,

but not enough to ever...

To keep a gallery

open in Chicago?

Yeah, I know.

Let me guess, Lexi?

Is it true?

Is it true that I once

opened a gallery in Chicago,

and that I don't own it anymore?

Yeah, it's true.

What happened?

You're leaving tomorrow,

what does it matter?

You lied.

[Blake] I omitted.

Same thing.

I answered the

questions you asked me.

I participated in your piece

to the best of my abilities.

I see.

Listen, I'm exhausted.

We work farm hours here,

so I gotta be up soon.

Yeah, absolutely.

I better get going.

Look forward to

seeing the story.

[Mary] Mm-hmm.

[lush, emotional

orchestra music]

Good morning, Mary.

How'd you sleep?

Okay, you know.

It wasn't the room's

fault, though.

You're up early.

Yeah, I thought I'd get

a head start on the day.

You heading home?

I am.

Are you?

You know, I've been in

this business a long time.

Some might say, too long.


So, I thought I'd

stay here for a while.

On the house.

Oh, well Bernice,

you need to watch out,

because this one here

is a shameless charmer.

I got that feeling.

She'll probably get tired

of me before Christmas.

From what Crash tells me,

this place and the folks here

have a tendency

to grow on people.

People you'd least expect.


Did you tell Hank?

Not yet, I'll wait

until after the holidays.


Okay, great.

Well, this is a lot

for me right now.

So Bernice, if I could just

settle up, I'll get on my way.

You won't be a

stranger, will you?

You know, I have

enjoyed it here,

but I honestly don't know

how often I'll be back.

Except for, probably,

the 50th anniversary

of the Mistletoads.

Well, good luck with the story.

Everyone is so

excited to see it.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

[Bernice] You're welcome.


[playful, bright music]

[soft piano music]

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

[glasses clink]

It is about time we

made this happen, finally.

I know, I'm so sorry,

it's all my fault.

I just had a really busy year.

Mmm, Mary is the

busiest, the coolest,

and the prettiest

person I know, okay?

Yeah, you're a reporter, right?

I am, yes.

I actually just finished

a story about this company

in Iowa that manufactures

Christmas items.

But the real story, it's

actually about the town

more than it is the company.

Cool, like a charity piece.

No, no, not a charity piece.

Right, so I'm not sure

if Brianna told you,

but Dylan and I

are in real estate.

Yeah, she mentioned that.

We're working on a

huge project right now.

It could be a game-changer.

- Okay.

- And you know,

if those investors

really come through,

we could bid on that

riverfront property

as early as next quarter.

[Todd] Properties.

Remember, we don't wanna

limit this to the riverfront.

[Dylan] Absolutely, properties.

I'm not the one you

need to convince.

I still think we

should do commercial.

[voices murmur and echo]

Hey, what's up?

Oh, thanks for swinging by.


- No, thanks.

- We gotta talk.

You know the Transit

Authority bidding scheme story?

It's really starting

to heat up, so...

I wanna talk

Brunswick, Johnson Toys.

I watched your cut,

I had Phil show me.

It's not done yet.

I think we should just

wait until I fine-tune it.

Come on, Mary, don't spin me.

I've been doing

this a long time.

I know how to watch a rough cut,

and I can see where

you're taking the story.

But that is the

real story, okay?

It's an artist who sacrifices

his dream to save a small town

and then becomes one of the

biggest employers in the state.

I'm taking over, I had

Phil start a new cut.

Hank, you promised

me creative control.

Look, I like what you did

with the Christmas paintings,

and the old man

building up the company

so the son has

something to inherit.

But you missed the brief.

You were supposed to be

there for the Mistletoads.

This story is actually

very important to me,

and I made promises to the

people who participated.

What do you want me to say?

I've got bosses,

too, and right now,

they're more concerned

with the bottom line.

I gave them my word.

It's not gonna be that bad.

I know what I'm doing, okay?

The piece airs in two days.

So, why don't you just go home

and have yourself

a great Christmas.

[Hank sighs]

[soft piano music]

Thanks for coming over.

Of course.

- Happy to be here.

- You excited?

We'll see.

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

[grand orchestra music]

Chances are you've got

something made by Johnson Toys

among your holiday

decorations, or under the tree.

And if you're of a certain age,

you probably remember

this festive frog,

whose 40th anniversary

is this year.

[Alton] It's all about

the Mistletoads.

He's my right-hand man.

[Alton chuckles]

[News Anchor]

With annual sales

in the hundreds of millions,

Johnson Toys of Brunswick,

Iowa is now the country's

most successful purveyor

of Christmas trinkets.

Thanks to some little

green helpers that had

an adorable start, all

because of Alton's son, Blake.

Blake would smash words together

when he was two or three,

and when he saw some mistletoe

hanging one day, he

shouted, "Mistletoad!"

[Alton chuckles]

We just thought it was

the funniest thing.

[Alton chuckles]

The rest is history.

[News Anchor] Even though

Brunswick is a small town,

it has cashed in big

on the Mistletoads.

[Roberta] We created a special

drink, the Mistletoad.

It's been really popular,

we're actually keeping

it on the menu.

[News Anchor] And what

about Blake Johnson,

the little boy who

inspired it all?

Does he still love Christmas?

He now serves as Johnson Toys'

Vice President of Operations,

and is focused on one thing.

It is all about the money.

That's what Christmas

is about, the money.

[News Reporter] Well, when

you're as successful

as Johnson Toys,

Christmas would be

about money for me, too.

Happy 40th, Mistletoads,

and may you hop along

for decades to come.

Nicely done, Mary.

[soft, sad piano music]


I thought it was great.

It was great, right?

That was terrible.

It wasn't that bad.


No, it wasn't bad at all.

I think this is exactly

the kind of stuff

you should be doing.

I mean, this is what

people wanna see,

especially around the holidays.

That is not why I got into this.

[Dylan sighs]

Okay, yeah, no problem.

He is never gonna forgive me.

I'm sorry.

We'll get out of your hair.


[festive, sad music]

[Alton] Yes, yes.

Well, that's Christmas for you.

[Alton chuckles]

Okay, will do.

Thanks, Jim.

Mary, it's so nice

to see you again.

You, too. Um, is Blake...

- I loved it.

- What?

The piece.

I already had my tech

people pull it off the air

and stream it on our site,

or stream it off the

air, or whatever they do.

I can't thank you enough.

It was so positive, so upbeat.

It didn't take cheap sh*ts.

I'm making it mandatory

viewing for all our employees.

Wow, well I'm glad

you liked it, I guess.

Normally for us, Christmas

is done by December 15th,

but with this story,

the orders are flying in.

[phone rings]

Will you excuse me

just a second?

- Sure.

- Heya.

I know, I know.

[Alton chuckles]

We're trying.

Yeah, we've got

everything at capacity.

Can we talk?

Look, I didn't expect you

to be excited to see me,

but I did come all the way here.

The least you could

do is let me explain.

Explain what?

How you used me?

How you used everyone

in that piece

to tell the story you wanted?

It wasn't like that.

I made our version,

the real story,

and the station,

they took it over.

The thing is, I'm

not even mad at you.

[Blake chuckles]

I'm mad at myself for trusting

you, caring about you.

[Mary chuckles]

I care about you, too.

Well clearly, we value

different things, then.

That piece, that made

us look so shallow.

That wasn't about

my grandpa's legacy.

No, I know that.

But hey, my dad loves it.

I'm sure he's gonna

spend a fortune

on advertising

before he retires.

He's retiring?

[Blake] This is his last Christmas.

He's gonna announce it at

the next board meeting.

So, are you gonna

take over the company?

Are you asking because

you actually want to know

or are you still working?

'Cause I wanna know.

I hope you have

a great Christmas.

[door creaks]

[emotional orchestral music]

Thank you.

Hey Tim, would you mind

putting this up on

the bulletin board?

I'd love that,

thank you, so much.

Hey Mary.

Actually, I'm glad

I saw you here.

Oh yeah?

Let me guess, you're thrilled

about the story, too?

Oh, yeah.

It was a bit clunky,

but got the job done.

But that's not why

I'm glad I saw you.

I'm competitive.

I can be competitive.

People have told me that, and

I think I might have gotten

a little carried

away the other night.

I hope I didn't put

you off towards Blake.

I was just angry about being

excluded from the interview.

Oh, it's fine.

It doesn't matter anyway.

You were put in an

impossible situation.

Happens to me all the time.

Why do you think I was so

difficult to deal with?

[Mary sighs]

You weren't difficult.

You were just doing your job.

And you were just doing yours.


So, what are you gonna do

now that Alton's leaving?

Blake told me.

Figure it out, we always do.

And you will too, right?

Yeah, yeah, of course.

[Mary chuckles]

What are these?

Oh, my side hustle.

I'm helping a friend

on the town council

with her reelection campaign.

Should be a walk in

the park, though.

There are more vacancies

than candidates this time.

- Here.

- Let me see.


Well, good luck.

Thanks, Mary.

Merry Christmas.



- No.

- Christmas.

- Yes.

- [Mary giggles]

- Yes.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Merry Christmas.

[Mary chuckles]

[soft, bright music]


What are you doing back here?

I just need some cheering up.

[Mary sniffles]

Is Crash still here?

He's down in the

basement fixing the boiler.

That man can't sit still.

[Mary chuckles]

I'm not gonna stay for too long.

I just wanted to come

by and say hello.

Did you check the weather?

No, why?

Because you're

not going anywhere.

The storm is supposed

to last until Christmas.

You'll be stuck on

the highway all night.

Please tell me you have a room.

You can have your room.


I wasn't expecting fireworks,

but I thought you'd be happier.

No, it's not that.

It's just...


Did you see the

Johnson Toy story?

Everybody saw it.

Not my best work.

The sh*ts were nice, you

got the whole town in it,

and everyone looked

good on camera.

Oh, you didn't like it, either.

It's okay.

But you know what?

This place,

my time here, it changed me.

[tender orchestra music]

And I went home, it doesn't

feel like home anymore.

But I messed up, and

now, I don't know

if there's a place

for me here, either.

It'll be okay, dear.

You just need a

good night's sleep.

Yeah, maybe.

[Mary chuckles]

Thanks, Bernice.

Let's go inside.


[soft piano music]

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Lights on the rooftop

Candles on the table

Fire burning slowly

I hold you closely

Let's cherish the moment

This season will leave

before we know it

'Cause next year will

be better than the past

'Cause we found what

we didn't know we had

I don't want any

presents or snowfall

I just want to embrace

and remember it all

This year was

gone in an instant

Turn the page, I hope

we didn't miss it

I just want this

Christmas, baby

I just want this

Christmas to last





All the cards are written

All the gifts have

their receipts

Fire dying slowly

We will never feel lonely

Let's cherish this moment


- Hey.

- Hey, Merry Christmas.

Good morning, Merry Christmas.

Bernice told me

that you were here.

Yeah, I was just about to leave.

Good morning.

Good thing you didn't

leave last night.

I know.

It looks okay now, though.

Yeah, the roads going

back are probably clear.

- The plows were out all night.

- Good.

You want to get home soon, huh?

I do, yeah.

That would be really nice.

And what about you?

When are you coming

back to our fair city?

Well, you know, we'll see.

Okay, well I guess I'll

see ya when I see ya.

How about a coffee and a

pastry for the road, Mary?

That would be great.


[soft, playful, bright music]


[soft, tender piano music]

[door creaks]

[Blake] How'd you sleep?

[warm piano music]


What are you doing here?

Saying I'm sorry.

No, no, I'm sorry.

I didn't edit that piece.

Once I got back to Chicago,

I had nothing to do with it.

I know.

If I would've known how

that piece was gonna turn out,

I never would've even

accepted the assignment.

Mary, I know.


I should have known

better, that you wouldn't

have done that to me,

or anyone else, really.

And I'm just sorry that I

reacted the way that I did.

Thank you for saying that.

I should have believed you.

And when I realized

that, I convinced Crash

to call your editor and

give me a copy of your cut.

[Mary chortles]

You know, for

someone who's supposed

to be taking it easy,

Crash is a very busy man.


So, what are you gonna

do about your company?

I've been wrong

about a lot lately.

Johnson Toys isn't the problem.

I am.

So, are you gonna sell?

No, I couldn't do

that to the staff.

Then, what are you gonna do?

No more running from my past.

I'm gonna launch a new

line of Christmas paintings

to honor my

grandfather's legacy.

I love that.

And it's all because of you.

And once my grandfather's

house is all fixed up,

I'll start showing his

paintings there, and maybe mine.


Looks like you got a lot

of work ahead of you.


You know, that house has

good bones, a lot of history.

Well, and after

we get it fixed up,

might need to find someone

to help you run it.


Maybe I was thinking

about relocating.

What about your

job, your career?

The kind of work that I love,

it doesn't exist for me anymore.

I was thinking that

I would go somewhere

that I could actually

make a difference.

[warm, tender orchestra music]

And I did hear that there's a

spot open on the town council.

Maybe I could help people

the way I always wanted to.

Well, you got my vote.

And just so you know,

I thought your version

of the story was spot on.

Maybe I just made it

per an audience of one.

Well, sometimes all you need

is one person to

make a difference.

If it's the right one.

'Cause you're

my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday

[soft, bright music]

Turning down our road,

I'm like a kid again

I can't wait to see

all of my family,

and all of my friends

And I'm on my way, 'cause

you're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday

Turning down our road,

I'm like a kid again

I can't wait to see

all of my family,

and all of my friends

And I'm on my way, 'cause

you're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday

Winter stories make our own

We'll sing songs, the whole

world knows, whoa, whoa

Everyone we love is here

Drinking up the season's

cheer, whoa, whoa


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday


You're my happy holiday
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