09x02 - The Tale of the Night Frights

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". Aired: August 15, 1992 – August 13, 2022.*
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Both series of Are You Afraid of the Dark? revolved around a group of teenagers who referred to themselves as "The Midnight Society".
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09x02 - The Tale of the Night Frights

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Are You
Afraid of the Dark"...

Have you heard from Connor?

He's the leader
of The Midnight Society.

We should be out there
looking for him.

What is that?

The Shadow man can only come
for you at night.

So if you go into
the haunted woods

after dark, you're cursed?

- I'm setting an alarm.
- Wait, I found his backpack!

Connor really was taken
by the Shadow man.

I'm gonna find him.

[ominous music]



[birds chirping]





- What are you doing?
- I was looking for you.

Well, you found me.
Come on, dude.

Gotta keep moving.

[♪ ♪]

You coming?

[♪ ♪]

[wind whistling]

[door creaks]

Hey, wait.

This is not a good idea.

What are you talking about?

We came all this way
just to do this.

You said we were gonna
check out the lighthouse,

not go inside.

What do you think "checking
out the lighthouse" means?

Connor, we've already
seen enough.

Let's just go back.



You have to come see this.

[♪ ♪]

What's the matter?

Are you afraid of the dark?

- [screams]
- Connor!

I can't get in!
Open the door!

Get off of me!

The door won't open!
[creature roars]


[door rustles]

[door thumps]


[♪ ♪]

[door creaks]

[guttural growl]


Why didn't you come
with me, Luke?

What happened to you?

Why didn't you come
with me, Luke?

You left me alone in the dark.


You left me, and he got me.

You left me, and he got me!


[breathing heavily]

[scream on TV]

[♪ ♪]

[laughter and screaming]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[children laughing]

[upbeat music]

Lights on.

Oh, my!
It's alive.

Oh, yeah.
Just finishing some homework.

Oh, yeah, right.

Looked like homework.

Don't forget to pack
your gym bag.

- You got wrestling tonight.
- Yeah, I know.

How's it going anyways, hmm?

Stanning it?
I Google-pediaed that.

Are you stanning?
Are you a Stan?


All right, well,
I'm super proud

that you're sticking with it.

Hey, you know,

I always bring a piece of paper
to a wrestling match.

In case I go up
against The Rock, right?

- With the...
- Dad.

Okay, I'm leaving.

Glad to see that you're awake.

I'll let you get back
to your biology.

- Uh, no, not biology, just...
- [laughs]

[keys clacking]

[school bell rings]

[tires squeal]

And just slowly come
to a stop.

[tires screech]

That's a stop.

It's okay.
Just comes with practice.

Well, when can I practice more?

On, like, real streets?

Driving the same ten blocks
to school every morning

isn't exactly helping.

Gabby, I hear you.

It's just,
with my overnight shifts,

it's hard to find the time.

Tell you what, why don't we
just squeeze in a short drive

before I go in to work tonight?

- Sound good?
- Yes, thank you, Mom!

"Around Your Room"]

Upbeat pop music...

♪ Throw your heart at me ♪

♪ I'm a sucker for you ♪

♪ That's something
that you might say ♪

♪ And confidentially ♪

♪ I'm a sucker for you too ♪

Hey, girls.
Come here often?

This is a walkway,
not a stop-way.

- Gabby, PSAT Saturday, ready?
- You bet.

Ms. Schaffner,
you haven't signed yet!

- Hey.
- Hi.

Something with Connor.
Come on.

I got to show
you guys something.

- Like, right now?
- I can't skip class.

Who cares about class?

This is more important
than school, Gabby.

Fourth period, art studio.
It's always unlocked.


♪ We've been
skipping sleep ♪

- What is it?
- That, Hanna, is a list.

Got that.
Thanks for mansplaining.

A list for what?

For June, it looks like.

Connor really plans ahead.

That's, like,
eight months away.

"Always say goodbye."

Yeah. I don't know.

This list was in his backpack
along with these.

I'm sorry,

but what am I looking at?


- Clues for what?
- Clues for how to find Connor.

How are these clues
gonna help us find Connor?

Well, I don't know yet.
That's why I call them clues.

- Any clue what the clues can...
- Okay, stop saying clues.

Why is any of this important?

This is the stuff
that Connor had with him

right before he went missing.

You said he was working
on something, right?

I think this might have
something to do with that.

Why would Connor have
this junk in the woods?

Why would Connor have
this junk, period?

That's what we need
to figure out.

What are you suggesting?

We do some digging.

Maybe we can stop
by Connor's house,

see if he left any more clue...

Things behind.

Okay, don't hate me for
asking the obvious question,

but are we even sure
that this is his backpack?

This is Connor's backpack.

I know what Connor's
backpack looks like.

Luke, literally everyone
has this backpack.

You have this backpack.

And unless Connor
was planning

a six-year-old's
birthday party,

I think we can assume
this isn't his.

If it's not
Connor's backpack,

then maybe he didn't even go
into the woods after all.

- I know he did.
- How do you know?

[mysterious music]

I had a dream about it.

You had a dream

about Connor
going into the woods?

When you guys were
going home last night,

did any of you see anything?

Like who?
My mom?



Okay, I know
this is gonna sound weird...


This is not your little haven

for your "Breakfast Club"

Look, if you guys want
to have your hangsies,

you can hangsy later
in detention.

Actually, we're actually
supposed to be in here.

For what?

- Uh...
- Doing what?

Because Jai is in charge

of decorating the Glow Dance.

- Yeah.
- Yes!

And he has some really
creative ideas,

and he asked if we could help
out during our free period.

Oh, okay.

Creative ideas, love that.

What kind
of creative ideas, Jai?

What kind of creative ideas?

Well, it's the Glow Dance,


So I was thinking
things that glow.

- Oh, glow.
- [gasps]

That's creative.

- In the dark.
- Oh, in the dark.

That's even better.

And I wish
I could help you out, Jai,

but I'm just so swamped
with homework.

- We're gonna go.
- Homework.

- Good luck, man.
- All of you? Okay.

Have fun.


Do you know
what I really like?

Those paper cutout stars.

You can start by making me
a hundred... thousand...

And then you can go home.

You got it.

Sure his dad's not home?

He goes on
long fishing trips.

He won't be back until Sunday.

But like I said,
all the windows

and the doors are locked,
so I don't think we can get in.

- There's always a way in.
- No, seriously, Hanna.

I came by before
the midnight meeting

to see if there was
any spare key,

unlocked window, chimney.

Not that we'd ever
attempt that, but...

[door creaks]


How did you...

I found a way in.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[door clicks shut]

[door creaks]

Very Party City.

This is weird.

I've never seen
any of this stuff before.

What do you think
he was doing with it all?

Looks like he got
your ring light.

Um, check if he left
anything behind,

like a train ticket
or something.



Why are you looking at me?

No, no, no.


The light was coming down in
a really weird way, and I was...

- His laptop.
- Yeah, laptop.

[investigative music]

[♪ ♪]

Uh, okay.

Well, how well
do we know Connor?

Uh, see if there's a hint.

"The Wolf Man."

Uh, monster movie.
Try "Larry Talbot."

[laptop buzzes]
Uh, "werewolf" maybe?

- [laptop buzzes]
- [sighs]

I mean,
this could take forever.

But this is the best way
to get answers.

His messages, locations,
Google searches.

Okay, this might show us
what he was doing.

You said earlier,

you thought Connor was working
on something, right?

Well, we find the password,

we find out
what he was doing, then...

And we find Connor.

Breaking and entering?

- Dude, that's a felony.
- Okay, that's a stretch.

It doesn't matter.
Look what we found in his room.

And you took something?
So robbery, that's two.

I think it's technically
larceny, but go off.

Look, they both match.

That means this is definitely
Connor's backpack,

and he definitely went
into the woods.

- This is proof.
- It's also evidence.

I really think we should go
to the police now.

- I second that.
- Third, third.

And while we're at it, you two
should report yourselves.

It's less jail time
if you cooperate.

Are you all crazy?

There's no point
in telling anybody.

No one will believe us.

Okay, we have his backpack.
That's proof.

Yeah, and maybe he's still
out there in the woods.

What if he got trapped somehow
or lost or hurt?

Or maybe we all know
what really happened to him,

we just don't want to admit it.

[ominous music]

What are you talking about?

[♪ ♪]

- The Shadow man.
- Oh, my God.

Come on.
We all heard Sardo's story.

Sardo, that guy's
just a mean old grump

who's obsessed with magic.

He's like the worst parts
of Hanna and Seth combined.

- Excuse me?
- Truth hurts.

The Shadow man is just
a stupid urban legend.

Just because
it's an urban legend

doesn't mean it can't be true.

Come on, think about it.

Connor's backpack,
all the books about curses.

I mean, the photos
with the shadowy thing in it.

Come on, do you really all
think it's just a coincidence?

Yes, it's a coincidence
because there is no Shadow man.

Okay. I'm done with this.
There is no Shadow man.

I saw him.

You what?

I was trying to tell
you guys earlier.

Last night, something happened.

It felt like a nightmare,

but I don't remember
ever going to sleep.

I was in my room awake,
trying to figure out

what Connor was doing
with all this stuff...

And I saw him.

Shadow man.

He ran towards me,

and then he was gone.

Next thing you know,

I'm in this dream where...

Connor and I are
going to the lighthouse,

and in the dream,

Shadow man took Connor,
and then he tried to grab me.

Then I woke up

thinking that it was
just another dream.

But then I looked
into the mirror, and I saw...

His hand print.

[ominous musical sting]


How did you know about that?

Because last night,

I think the same thing
happened to me.


It was the middle
of the night.

I woke up but I couldn't move.

[ominous musical sting]

It's like my body
was still sleeping.

[breathing heavily]

My mind was wide awake, and...

I could see
everything around me.

This kind of thing
has happened before.

When I was little, my mom used
to call them night frights,

and, well, last night,
as I was lying awake in bed,

I... I saw something.

[door creaks]

It was in the room with me.

I could feel it hiding
in the corner, watching me.

I closed my eyes,

and I felt its hot breath
on my face,

floating above me,

waiting for me
to open my eyes.


[breathing heavily]

[ominous musical sting]

What if the urban legend
is true?

Even if it is,
you're forgetting one thing.

My alarm went off.

We got out of the woods
before the sun set.

There was still light
in the sky.

So according to the story,

the curse wouldn't
even affect us.

We're not gonna find Connor
by just scaring ourselves.

Sometimes a nightmare
is just a nightmare.

We're not cursed.

- He's got a point.
- Luke, Jai's right.

Okay, sorry, guys,
but I gotta blast.

You're leaving?

Who cares about the PTSAs
right now, Gabby?

It's PSATs,

and I can care about Connor
and my future at the same time.

This isn't even about that.

My mom's gonna let me
practice driving tonight.

My God!

Oh, man!

[quirky music]

[♪ ♪]

Go change.

[ominous music]

Where are you going?
I thought we...

They asked everyone
to come in early.

I guess they need all hands
on deck tonight.

- What about driving?
- I'm sorry, Gabby.

We'll just have
to fit it in another time.

[♪ ♪]

[wind whistling]

[eerie whispering]



[door creaking]

[♪ ♪]

[music building]

[♪ ♪]


Call Luke.

- [cell phone ringing]
- Ready?



"Twilight is the time of day
between day and night

"when there's still
light in the sky,

even though the sun is
already below the horizon."

Hey, it's Luke.
Leave a message, or don't.

Lucas, we're in trouble, man.
Listen to this.

"In October,
twilight can last an hour

"after the sun is already down.

"That means
that true sunset happens

before the sky gets dark."

Oh, my God.

We didn't get out
of the woods in time.

I was wrong!

[insects chirping]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[guttural growling]


What do I have to do
to be in The Midnight Society?

Because we don't want you.

Come on.
How do I get in?

You have to tell a scary story.

I can be scary.

No, it has to be,
like, scary scary.

You couldn't cut it.

I can be scary.

Aren't you working on a new
magic trick or something?

Why don't you go to your room
and practice that?

- It's too hard.
- Okay, well, so is this,

and I can't focus
when you're in here.


[investigative music]

[♪ ♪]

[cell phone ringing]

- Hello.
- Are you alone?

Well, this call
got creepy fast.

- Are you?
- Uh, Seth's home,

but our moms are out
at the bowling league.

No, look around.
Are you alone?


Is this where you pop out

wearing a Ghost face mask
or something?

Hanna, you're in danger.

- Ooh, bye.
- No, don't...

- [cell phone rings]
- Oh, my God.


I don't have time
for this, Jai.

I'm trying to figure out
Connor's password.

- Hanna, we're cursed.
- What?

I got the time wrong.

The sun set before
we got out of the woods.

- How do you know this?
- It doesn't matter.

You and Luke were right.
I think he's coming for us.

[door clattering]


Someone's here.

[door clattering]

It's him!
It's the Shadow man!

Uh, close the door.
Make sure it's locked.


Right, stay quiet.
Don't hang up...

[breathing heavily]

[ominous music]

[door clattering]

[♪ ♪]

[banging at door]
[breathing heavily]

Okay. Okay.

[door creaks]

[ominous musical sting]

Told you I could be scary.

[quirky music]


Mask drop.

Oh, my God.

It's about who gives in
or gives up,

and who fights back.

Remember, gentlemen,
practice is where

the real work is, okay?

Get out of here.
One, two!

Not you, Luke!
You know the deal.

You want to be late
to my practice,

you stay late and do laundry.

Luke's on laundry duty, boys.

[phone dings]

[phone chiming]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[breathing heavily]


[dramatic musical sting]

[ominous music building]

[♪ ♪]


[♪ ♪]


[♪ ♪]

- [screams]
- Is everything okay?

No, no! Please help me!
That man is following me!

What man?

That man right there!

I don't see anyone.
What man?

Right there!
You don't see him?

There's no one out here.

Who are you looking at?

[♪ ♪]

The Shadow man.

So I've got the line
concealed in my hand here,

and you're gonna
pull it tight.

And then on the count
of one, two, Shandu,


[playful music]

This is so hard.

Super easy.

Anyone can do this trick.

Shut up, Shandu.


[mysterious music]

[♪ ♪]

[cell phone ringing]


[breathing heavily]

Jai, I know it's you
by your mouth breathing.

If you want something to do,
help me find this password.

You know what?

I honestly don't know
who's more annoying,

you or my stupid little...


[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[door creaks]

Seth, quit being dumb.

I'm in my room!
You're dumb!


[♪ ♪]

[ominous musical sting]

[eerie whispering]

You're not funny, Seth.

[♪ ♪]


[door creaks]


Seth, stop turning off
the lights.

I get it, I get it!

I'm not turning off
your lights!

Why are you out there
yelling at me?

How would you like it if
I turned off your lights, huh?

- [screams]
- [gasps]

[breathing heavily]


[suspenseful music]

Get away from her!

I looked like
a crazy person.

The girl was like,
"I don't see anyone."

And that's how
I knew it was him.

- [cell phone rings]
- Wait, that's Hanna.

Guys, the curse is real.

Something just att*cked us
in Seth's room.

He was there trying to grab me
just like my dream.

Wait, stop, shut up.
Has anyone heard from Luke?

[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]


We have to get
to the school.

- Luke is in danger.
- But then what?

Once we get in,
what's the plan?

We need somewhere we can go,
where we can stick together.

- The loft.
- The TMS loft?

In the dark shipyard building?
Are you joking?

Right, someone's house then.
Gabby, your mom works nights.

You think I want that thing
coming to my home?

- Boy, are you crazy?
- I got it.

I know where we can go,
but first, we have to get Luke.

How are we supposed
to do that?

We can't go out there.
It's out there.

Gabby, I have an idea,

but you're not gonna like it.

[garage door creaking]


I'm so never getting
my license after this.

[tires screech]

[engine revs]

[locker squeaks]

[♪ ♪]

[breathing heavily]

[eerie whispering]

[dramatic musical sting]

[horn honking]

- Seth, hurry up.
- I have to make it look real.

It's fine.
Let's go.

- Come on.
- [sighs]

Okay, let's go.

Come on.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

This is a rescue mission,
not an Uber!

Come on.

Gabby, ignore
every red light.

I'm already breaking,
like, so many laws

driving without a license,

That's why you have a permit!

There's an evil shadow monster
chasing us.

Now hit the gas and drive it
like you stole it.

[tires squeal]

[breathing heavily]


[♪ ♪]

[ominous music builds]

- [gasping]
- [growls]

[breathing heavily]

[♪ ♪]


Luke, come on.
We gotta go.

[suspenseful music]

[♪ ♪]

Come on!
Let's go!

- Let's go.
- Go, go, go, go, go!

- Okay. Okay.
- Go, go, go!

[♪ ♪]

Okay, let's see.

We've got sage,
salt, black candles,

I'm calling this a chalice,

also some incense,

more herbs,
my mom's essential oils,

and Connor's books
on breaking curses.

What's this for?

That's an at ha me

for performing
sacrificial rituals.

Oh, good, now we can perform
a sacrificial joke.

Hey, my toy knife.

I've been looking for this.

Jai, what'd you bring?

[quirky music]

We said essentials.

We have to eat to survive.

This is literally
one of the most

essential things on the planet.


Water bottles, first aid kit,

this whistle...

Power pack
to charge our phones,

and some money
that I've been saving

from working at the diner.

I'll take that.
You know, safekeeping.

Safer with me.

Anyone want to see
what I brought?

Is it a bunch of toys
from your magic kits?

And, Luke,
we all brought you some stuff.

Clothes, toothbrush.

Thanks, everyone,
for saving me back there.

You would have done it
for us.

This is all my fault.

We all went
into those woods together.

There's no blame.

- I blame Jai a little bit.
- Really?

- Just a little bit.
- The sunset thing again?

- What did you do?
- Okay, you had one job.

[overlapping dialogue]

Guys, guys.
Come on.

We don't know when this
thing's gonna come back again.

So we should probably
get some sleep.

Two of us should stand guard.

I'm serious.
This thing is totally haunted.

Just look.
Why aren't you looking?

I'm not into comics, Jai.

That's what I'm saying.
This thing isn't a comic book.

It can totally
predict the future.

Just look.
You see that guy right there?

- [sighs]
- That's me.

All the more reason
not to care.

Why are you even studying?
School doesn't matter anymore.

To you.

How do you spell

As in "Her super gross
alien skin

was super nauseating
to everyone"?

What are you doing?

He's trying to write
a scary story.

I want to join
The Midnight Society.

And your scary story
is about aliens?

No, Hanna.


[♪ ♪]


You look great, man.

You look great.

- Great.
- Really pops.

Thanks for the shirt.

- Yeah.
- Any progress?

Uh, none.

And I'm almost at the end
of my list.

I got it.

Maybe he's not talking
about the monster movie.

Maybe he's talking about the
Wolf Man comic book character.

Try Gary Hampton.

- [laptop buzzes]
- No dice.

What about Connor's
werewolf story?

Remember, he pranked us
on a full moon.

What was that one called again?

"The Tale of the Quicksilver."

- That has to be it.
- Yeah.

- [laptop buzzes]
- Luke, any ideas?

Come on.
You know him.

You know what he likes.
Like, if it was any of us...

I thought I knew him.

[dramatic music]

Connor was running away
from this thing

for, like, three days,
and I had no idea.

Even if he would have told me,

I probably wouldn't
have believed him.

I have no clue
what he was up to,

and I can't even think
of a stupid idea

for the stupid password.

The only things
that I know he loved

were The Midnight Society
and baseball.

I mean,
I'm supposed to be his friend,

and that's all I know.

I mean,
what kind of friend is that?

[♪ ♪]

Besides, it's my fault that
this ever even happened to him.

What are you talking about?

Uh, nothing.

I just... I wasn't there for him.

That's all.

Was Connor the leader
of The Midnight Society?


How can he sorta be
the leader?

Here, check it out.

Say this is us, okay?

The five members
of The Midnight Society.

We make a good team,

but we all have our strengths.

This is Luke, the Dagger,

small but reliable.

What does that even mean?

It just means you're small.
Just really tiny.

Here's me.
I'm the Crossbow.

Quick and stealthy.

This one is Hanna.

She's the Gauntlet,
the fighter.

Why is Hanna the Gauntlet?

Excuse me?
I can throw hands.

- Yeah.
- So can I.

You know... okay, never mind.
What am I?

- The Shield.
- The Shield?

Jai is the Shield,
the protector.

The Shield is so lame.

He's not expected to fight.

He watches over the group.

Which brings us to Connor,
the Sword.

He's the one who takes charge

and leads the way for us.

So if Connor is gone,
who's the new leader?

[♪ ♪]

- [banging at door]
- Oh!

Oh, God.

[all gasping]

[ominous music]

Seth, please tell me

you're outside
wearing a Halloween mask.


[door banging]

[♪ ♪]

[door banging]

- He's here.
- Already?

How did Connor survive
three nights of this?

[door banging]

[all gasping]

- What the...
- Oh, oh!


[eerie whispering]

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

- [all breathing heavily]
- Okay.

[ominous music]

[♪ ♪]

[all screaming]

- [growls]
- Seth, no!

both: Seth!

Oh, my God.

Turn on the lights.


[door creaking]



- [grunts]
- [grunts]


These ones don't work!

[all screaming]


No, no, no!

Seth! Come on, Seth!
Come on!


- [both grunting]
- [growls]


I can't find the switch!
I can't see!

- Get over!
- [breathing heavily]

Oh, my God!

[both gasping]

Oh, my God.

Come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

[all breathing heavily]

- Seth, are you okay?
- Look.

What did you do?

I don't know.
My foot slipped up.

No, no, no.
How did you hurt him?

It was his flashlight.

[♪ ♪]

He doesn't like lights.

[electricity buzzing]

- [all gasping]
- Oh, my God.




[tense music]

[♪ ♪]

Light. Light.
He doesn't like light.

All right, that's a light.

[breathing heavily]
All right.

[door creaks]


I don't know what to do.

How do you fight
with these things?

You don't!
Be the Shield.

The Shield?

Shield, Shield, Shield.




- [screeches]
- Shield, Shield, Shield.



[breathing heavily]

Luke, behind you!


Shield, Shield, Shield...

Shield your eyes!


Boom, how do you like
the Shield now?!


[all breathing heavily]

[tense music building]

[♪ ♪]

Where's Seth?

Please let this work.

[♪ ♪]

I see the plug.



It's in the closet.

[roars and screeches]]

[♪ ♪]


[♪ ♪]

[dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]

Super orb magic trick.

[sighs] Now we know
how Connor lasted three days.

Must have figured out the
Shadow man doesn't like lights.


What else do you think
he figured out?

Lights, we know about.

Candles make light,

but none of the other things
on this list make any sense.

Maybe it doesn't
make sense to you

because you're Luke,
not Connor.

You need to keep being Connor
to keep being Luke.

I don't know
why I understood that,

but maybe wizard boy
has a point.


Not wizard, shield boy.

He's right.

You're the one
closest with Connor.

So tell us.

If you were him and you just
found out you were cursed,

what would you do?

I'd try to break it.

Then that's what
he was doing.


Say what?
We're playing baseball?

I can't catch a ball.
I've tried.

[investigative music]

[♪ ♪]

Connor loves
The Midnight Society

and baseball.

[♪ ♪]

We're in.

- What am I looking at?
- More clues.

- Clues for what?
- Clues for how to find Connor.

June Murphy.

It says here
she died in 1996.

Maybe she was one
of the Shadow man's victims.

Take a look at this.

- "How to hold a seence."
- Séance.

It's when you try
to summon dead people

so you can talk to them.

Like ghosts.

So Connor was trying
to talk to a ghost?

"First, prepare the room
with the candles.

"Have pictures of the person
you wish to summon

"along with gifts to offer.

"And then when finished, thank
the spirit for joining you,

remembering to..."

Both: "Always say goodbye."

Guys, I know what we gotta do
to break the curse.

We gotta hold a séance.

Next on "Are You Afraid
of the Dark"...

June Murphy.

She could be the key
to all of this.

The sun is setting.
The Shadow man's coming.

We have to be ready for him.

Let's set up the lights.

Everybody needs to circle
and raise some spirits.


[dramatic musical sting]

There are rules
to every séance.

Not every spirit is friendly.

What if June wasn't
the victim

of the curse after all?

What if she's what started it?

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