A Christmas Frequency (2023)

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A Christmas Frequency (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey buddy,

countdown to Christmas.

Oh! Uh, could you

hold the door, please?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Thank you.

-Here, here. Allow me.

-Oh, thank you.

No problem.

-So, what floor?

-Uh, eight.

-WKPC? My favorite station.


-Oh, yeah?


Thank you, again.

No problem, again.

We have

matcha lattes now.

So corporate life?

Fifteen percent better.

This is like, the furthest thing

from a corporate job.

Whatever, you

know what I mean.

So what's on deck

for the show today?

Well, Brook

is still improvising

and not really listening

to anything that anyone says.

So, I really have no idea.

Yikes. She should just tell her


about the separation.


-What? No one's in here!

Brooke would fire me

if she knew I told you that.

Well, good thing

she won't find out.

Because my lips are sealed.

Seriously, this new

lipstick I got? So sticky.

I need you to not say

anything, seriously.

- I won't! I promise.

- Promise?

Like, don't

bring it up even to me again.

Never again.

You're here early.

Yeah, just wanted

to get a start on the day


my new feature comes out.

Oh, wait. Is that the place

that opened up on Fourth?

The one you took Lucy to?

Well, how'd it go?

It was fine. It was fine.

Fine. Fine? She's a supermodel

with a Ph.D.

who runs her own nonprofit.


I don't know how to tell you

the chemistry

just wasn't there.

You might actually be

beyond help.

I don't need help, Liam.

Thank you very much.

Whatever you say.

Anyway, I need your

expenses report by end of day.

And I just think a full

body cab, that just--

That just goes with just

about absolutely anything.

My question was

actually, what was your

favorite date night spot

with you and your husband?

But your favorite

one I guess is good, too.

- Oh, good. Thank you.

- Hey.

Come by my office

after the show, alright?

Okay. Yeah. Uh, is

everything all right?

Yeah, yeah. I just wanna run

something by you.

- Okay. Yeah, okay. Yeah.

- All right.

Kenzie! Who's the next caller?

We have Tanya on line two.

She wants your tips

for hosting a successful

girls day Christmas brunch.

Oh, I love a good girls


No, guys to ruin it.

Hey, Tanya, you're

having Breakfast with Brooke.


How are you doing, kiddo?

Good. Yeah.

I'm a little concerned

that the station

manager is asking

me how I'm doing.

But other than that, I'm good.

You want something to drink?


water, wine from my vineyard?

I'm okay.

All right then,

let's get down to it.

We need to lighten up

Breakfast with Brooke.

What do you mean?

Show's not good right now.

It's stale, flat, boring.

I mean, Brooke

used to actually connect

with her fans,

give heartfelt advice.

You know, before

Sheila and I were married.

I used to listen to

the guidance that Brooke

gave her callers on the show,

and I would follow it

to a tee, things like what

to say on a first date

and how to charm a lady

or how to slay an anniversary.

Did I

use that word right? Slay?

- Yeah, I guess.

- And it worked!

People loved that Brooke.

Well, I think Brooke would be

honored to know that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

I know. I get. I get it.

I mean, listen.

Brooke is Ann Arbor's number

one morning talk show host.

-Yes, she is.


But, she's been in a bad mood

for about six months now.

She's tight lipped at content

planning meetings.

She stopped giving

genuine advice on air.

She doesn't

show up to the company

get togethers anymore.

Do you have any idea

what's going on with her?




No, I don't.

Oh, well,

you're her producer. I mean

don't you have access to her

computer or keys to her house?

Can you find out?

Well, I appreciate that

you just lowkey sort of

just ask me to trespass.

Which I should admit

I'm not willing to do.

Fair enough. Fair enough.

But listen,

we need to fix

whatever is going on here,

because, stat, you

know, the suits

upstairs are breathing down

my neck to get the show back

to where it was before the end

of the Christmas season

or they might consider


Oh, no, no.

We are nowhere

near cutting anything.

So I will, um,

I will talk to Brooke

and I'll figure it out.

And then handle it?

And then handle it.

Okay, great. Great. Because,

I would hate to have to cut

my two favorite colleagues

and my wife's favorite show,

that would be...

Not good.

Maybe I would love some wine.

Where are

you going, speedy?

Uh, to save

my boss's job.

- Wait, what?

- Um, never mind.

What's up?

-It's Tuesday.


So, we eat lunch at the cafe

and watch the cuties from legal

eat salads and compete over

who can be the most

-boring on Tuesdays.

-Right. Yes.

I will meet you down there.

What? Don't leave me alone

with hot, boring lawyers!

You know, that's my type.

-Hey! So--

-Knock next time.

Right. Yes, um.

So, Mark isn't

exactly thrilled with

the state of the show.


Well, your numbers

have been dropping

and you're not getting

the positive reviews

that you're used to, so.

Well, I do not know what

would be the cause of that,

because I'm--

Okay well, Brooke, he said that

the suits upstairs

are taking notice of you

acting differently.

And I don't want to be


- Well, then don't be dramatic.

- Because the suits

upstairs are taking notice and

I think our show is in trouble.

- I'm sorry, our show?

- Yes.

My show.

Well, I've been your producer

for half a decade, so,

you know,

I kind of think...

-Are you serious?


I can't believe it's

been that long.

Oh, you mean about the suits



Um, yes, unfortunately.

But I told Mark

that I would talk to you

and we would come up

with a plan.

And why would you do that?

To save our jobs.

Our jobs are not in

trouble, Kenzie. Trust me.

Brooke, I don't think you're

hearing me.

The suits upstairs, I mean,

this is serious.

I hear you loud and clear.

This is my show.

And if they don't like

what I'm doing,

then we'll take the show

somewhere else.

WGCC, they offered me

a daytime spot.

Yes, but that was like a year

ago, so.

Okay, so we'll just,

why don't you find out

if the offer still stands?

Don't you think

that's a little bit rash?


You would rather leave

the network

that you have been

at for over a decade

instead of telling people

that you and Todd split up.



Kenzie, we have gone over this

a thousand times.

Okay. Well, I think we need

to make it a thousand and one.

Go over it again.

Kenzie, I am not going

to publicly announce

that my husband and I

are separated.

Brooke, people separate

all the time.

Yeah, but Brooke and Todd don't.


you understand that people

come to me

for relationship advice?

And you think that they wouldn't

if they knew the truth?

Yeah, I think they wouldn't

because they would think

I was a fraud.

No, Brooke, I really think

that people would understand.

Kenzie, do not

bring this up again.

I have made my decision.


-Okay. How about this?

Let's just take lunch

to think about it. Yeah?

You really

don't remember that

I'm intermittent fasting?

I am not having lunch.


Well, I'm still eating.

- Well, good for you. Enjoy.

- Thank you.

So, I'm going to go do that

and then we can circle back.

Sounds good.

Okay, but we're going

to circle back about this.


I heard you the first time.

Great. Okay.

Hey, Tawny, what's up?

We just got the exclusive

on the O Wine Bar opening.

We're the first publication

previewing it,

and I need my best guy on it.

I hope you mean me,


Of course, I mean you.

You get guests,

and if I was going to be in

town, I would use my power

as your boss and

make you take me.

You're not going to be missing

a tasting

- while you're on your honeymoon.

- Come on.

I spoke to Harry

about you the other day.

They're considering

bringing on another executive.

Your name is

at the top of the list.

Oh, yeah. Keep it up.

Who knows? Your name could be

on the masthead

sooner than you think.

Sam is looking

really good today.

I think that juice cleanse

he's been doing for

the past

three days is really working.

Which one is Sam?

This one here?

No, the cute blonde

guy with the suspenders.


I dare you to go talk to him.

There's zero chance of that

happening ever.

- Why?

- That would be weird!

And you giving him

a fake name

and paying attention to his

dietary habits, isn't?


How'd it go with Brooke?


I would say

there have definitely

been more successful meetings

in my career.


Mark wants to know why

she's not acting like herself.

-Because of the separation.

-Maya, stop bringing it up.

No one heard me.

Besides, Mark's not wrong.

People are commenting right

and left online about how Brooke

has lost her authenticity.

I'm doing damage control

on social all day, every day.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I thought

you were handling it,

and I didn't wanna make

the situation worse.

Oh, okay.

Um, on a scale from

one to ten, how bad is it?

Okay, one,

you guys are totally

k*lling it in the clear

to ten,

you're both fired,

I'd say, I'd say a seven.

- What? What?

- Maybe eight.

But, if anyone can fix

a situation, it's you.


don't tell anyone about this.


My lips are sealed.

- Go. Why not?

- No. Because no.

You should, hi sorry,

do you need some napkins?

Uh, yeah. That would be amazing.

Oh, great. She will bring them

over to you.

-Oh, will she?


You'll thank me later.

- Hi.

- Hey, thank you.

- Here you go.

- That's really good.

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Maya.

I'm Liam. I'm an idiot.

It's okay.

I need that expense report

before I head out.

Perfect. Got it Right here.

What happened to you?

Oh, that.

Just a little spill.

A little spill that you're

happy about?

The stain, no. But the girl

I met because of the stain?

She works at WKPC.


Yeah, and her name's Maya,

and she works

in the social media team.

Do you know

someone that works at WKPC?

Yeah. No, no, I don't.

Sorry, I actually have to get

back to this. I have a deadline.

Copy. Heard.

-Expense report.

-Yeah, right. Of course. Here.


Aw, thank you so much

for knocking, come on in.

-Okay. I've been thinking.


And, have you ever online


Sorry. What?

-Todd's dating online. Already.


Yeah, It's

been, what, only ten months?

Where did you find that?

My friend

Olivia sent this to me.

I mean, if he's doing it,

I should be doing it.

Wait. Where

are you going?

I'm going to get something

to eat because I'm starving.

Well, I thought you were

intermittent fasting?

Intermittent what?

Are you okay?

Because you've been acting

a little different lately.

Like you're

kind of all over the place.

-Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.


What just happened?

- Hey.

- Hey!

- How'd it go with Sam?

- Okay. Name's Liam.

And he doesn't work in legal.

-He works in accounting.

-Oh for two!

-We're terrible at this!

-I know!

And then he asked

for my phone number,

so I guess me and not Sam

are basically married now.

What are you working on?

Oh, I'm just trying

to figure out

how to brighten up

Breakfast with Brooke.

That looks like it's

going well.

It is. Thank you very much.


Just going back

through the consumer data,

what people love about Brooke

is her advice,

that talking to her feels like

talking to your best friend,

the way they get to connect

with her.

That's why so many

people call in, or,

used to.

So you just need her

something to get Brooke back

to being Brooke.

Yes. Or just get her

to open up a little bit.

Okay. I'll give it some thought.

But, onto the real reason

-that I'm here.


We need to get you a date

for the Christmas soiree

because mine's locked

down now, obviously.

Uh, with everything

going on here,

dating is kind of

the last thing on my mind.

Okay, well if you don't have

time to go on dates,

I can set you up on

blind dates.

Come on. Nothing screams romance

like a little pressure.

I would rather be on office,

microwave clean out

duty for the rest of the year

than to go on a blind date.

Ew, really?

Yes. Blind dates are literally

my worst nightmare.

Oh, but the stories that come

after are so good.


when I went out that one guy

that Karen set me up with?

- Oh yeah!

- What was his name?

- It was Jack? John?

- No.

- Jeremy.

- Wait a minute.

That would be a great idea

for Brooke.

Wait, what, set

Brooke up on a date with Jack?

No, no, but yes.

Set Brooke up on

blind dates, on air.

Wait a minute, that could be

good for ratings.

Yes. And it would show her

vulnerable side

and it would give us a banger

for our segment

on the Christmas

Eve live broadcast.

Do you think she'd go

for something like that?

Well, you said so yourself.

The best part about blind

dates are the stories afterwards

and she just found Todd's

dating profile.

So she said she wants

to put herself back out there.

So this

could be kind of perfect.

If I present it the right way.

Well, I will send you

all the positive thoughts

and prayers

that this idea that I came up

with as a joke works out

and saves both your jobs.

And then you can take me out

to dinner and say thank you.

- Deal.

- Deal.

Now, where do we find

Brooke a blind date?

No, I understand, I just don't

think we can get the

press release out in time.

Okay. Yeah, right.

All right. Bye.

Oh! I'm so sorry!

-I'm so sorry. Here.

-No. No, that was my fault.

-I wasn't paying attention.


- You have a lot of stuff.

- Yeah.

I think we need

to get you, like,

a bigger bag or one of those

rolling baskets.

You know, that

trial attorneys have?

- Here.

- Thank you.

I think this is yours.

-Oh, yes.

-Breakfast with Brooke?

Yeah, she's my boss.

Really? My mom loves her show.

Oh, she gets that

all the time.

And what do you do?

I'm her producer.

-Kenzie. Nice to meet you.

-Ben. Nice to meet you.

So you work in the building?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just on the

second floor, Topline Papers.

Oh, I love Topline Papers!

I read your site, like, all day,

every day. Don't tell Brooke.

- Secret's safe with me.

- Okay.

So, what do you do for them?

Lifestyle pieces, "best

of" lists, things like that.

Nice! Do you do any of their

undercover food critic stuff?

No. I wish.

It's all boring stuff.

Ordinary restaurant

openings, menu

changes, things like that.

That doesn't

sound boring at all.

Menu changes sound fun.

Yeah, it's pretty intense.

Especially when

every single restaurant

in Ann Arbor

is updating their menu.

All that free food.

The food is the

best part, yes.

Well, thank you again.

And sorry, again.

Yeah, no problem. Again.

See ya.

Why do I keep saying that?

Yes. No, Absolutely, Tawny.

I'll get them to you

this afternoon.

As soon

as I can find them.

What? No, I wasn't talking

to you. It's okay.

Actually, here, can I call you

back? I have someone calling

on the other line.

Ben Covington?

Yes, speaking.

Hi, this is Kenzie Parker.

We bumped into each

other yesterday, and I think

I accidentally grabbed

one of your papers by mistake?

You don't happen to have one

that's a list of restaurants

that starts with Grayson do you?

Yes, I did. Sorry about that.

No, no, no.

I'm so happy you called.

No problem. Can I get them from

you this afternoon, 1pm?

Just meet in the lobby?

Yes. Works for me.

Perfect. Thank you. Thank

you, Kenzie, for calling.

Oh, sh**t.

Good morning.


I've been thinking a lot

about what

you said to me yesterday.


You're right.

Yeah, you're right.

You're right. You're right.

Don't make me say that again.

It feels so good to

hear you say it.

I know, I know it does.

But, you're right.

The show hasn't been the same.


I haven't been the same.

So, I want you to

talk me through it.


-Your plan to save our show?

Our show?

Yes, our show.

Okay, um.

What is it that listeners love

the most about the show?

That I'm funny.

I was thinking more along

the lines

of how both you

and the listeners

really enjoy it

when you get to connect.


All of the data shows

that the listeners love

feeling like they're actually

a part of your life.

They like getting advice

from you while connecting

with whatever it

is that you're going through.

- And...?

- And, I say we give them that,

but on an elevated level,

something really engaging.

- Okay.

- So with the WKPC

Christmas soiree

right around the corner,

I was thinking that

maybe, um, on today's show,

you could tell

the listeners about Todd

and the separation.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

I don't know about that.

Well, wait,

Brooke! I'm not done. Hold on.

And then I would set you up

on a series of live

on-air blind dates

that you would take

in the studio

to find the perfect date for

the company Christmas party.

I love it.

- Yeah?

- I love it.


-It's young. It's fresh.

See, this is why I hired you.

All right, let's do it.

Let's do it.

- Let's do it.

- Let's do it.

I will do it today.

I will do it today.

We are going to get Breakfast

with Brooke, back to number one.

Yes, we are! Oh my gosh.

She loved it. Oh, she loved it.

Hey, you got this.

And if you don't got this,

that's what I'm here for.

Just give me the signal.

Thank you.

Okay. You are live in five,

four, three...

Good morning, Ann Arbor!

This is Brooke Walkins,

and you are having Breakfast

with Brooke. Okay.

Today's show is going to be

a little different

because there is something

very personal

that I would like to share

with all of you.

I know that a lot of

you have noticed

that I've been acting

different lately.

Well, mainly because

I've seen your comments.

So thank you very much.

I'm glad

that you're very honest,

and I am different

and I apologize.

The reason being

is because my husband,

Todd and I have decided to

separate earlier this year.

So it was very difficult, um.

You know, Todd's

an amazing man

and a wonderful


but a lot of you,

I'm sure, can relate to this,

that sometimes people

want something different

than what you can give.

I was very hesitant

in telling

all of you because you guys come

to me for relationship advice.

So I felt like,

I don't know, it was hard

for me

to, to share that with you,

but I love all of you.

And anyway, that's

what's been going on

and, I am very sorry

it's taken me this long

to tell you,

but I am in a place

where I'm very excited

to see what my future is and

being open to possibly

meeting someone.

And Kenzie has got something

fun planned for that.

So on to the fun stuff, Kenzie.

Thank you, Brooke.

I commend you for your bravery

and your vulnerability.

Thank you.

But like you said, now

on to the fun stuff.

Listeners of Breakfast

with Brooke.

I need your help.

Our beloved Brooke is single

and ready to mingle

and she needs a date

for the WKPC Christmas soiree.

So, I am going to set

Brooke up on a series of live

on-air blind dates in studio.

Do you know someone who would

be a great fit for our Brooke?

If so, send them my way.

Oh, wow. It looks like you all

have a lot to say about that.

Brooke, what do you

say we take a caller?


Let's take a caller.

Great. Okay. You have

Nancy on line one.

Hi, Nancy. You're having

Breakfast with Brooke.

Brooke, hi.

I think my brother Mike

would be just perfect for you.

Oh, really?

Forty-two, never been married.

A doctor, and he loves dogs.

Well, I love that

he loves dogs.

He-- he sounds like he could

be perfect and wonderful.

So I will pass

you back to Kenzie,

my producer, and she will

get his info. Thank you.

Hi, this is Kenzie.

So you want to

nominate your brother?

Okay. What's his name?

Okay, So you really do.

You really thought

it was okay?

Yes. We already have over

a hundred submissions.


-A hundred and one!

-Oh, my gosh. Already?

-Yeah. Yes.

Well, look who it is.

- My dynamic duo.

- Hey!

So, I listened

to the show today.



And I didn't think it was good.

I thought it was great.

It was our highest

rated show this quarter.

We're extending the show

an additional fifteen minutes

until Brooke can find

that perfect date.

- Oh, and Kenzie?

- Yes.

You let us know what resources

you need from us.


checks on potential dates,

additional hands on deck.

Let us know.

Okay, I will.

-Excuse me.


Thank you so much

for sharing that. Thank you.

Look. I didn't want to say

this in front of Brooke

because, well,

you know how fragile

on-air talent are.

Oh, I don't think that--

Look, the show today,

it was good.

Well you said it was the highest

rated show of the quarter.

It was, but...

This is the first time,

Brooke has spiked

in the ratings

scale in months.

It could just be a fluke.

-Oh, no.

-And if it was,

we'll be having

a much different conversation.

So, we'll let you know

who will be Brooke's date

for the party as we get closer

to it.

Wait, what?

Yeah, I already have Maya

putting together a tracker

to see who polls the best

with our listeners.

We'll pick Brooke's party date

based on the ratings,

you know, give the people

what they want.

A Christmas live broadcast.

Right. But what about Brooke?

What about Brooke?


what about what she wants?

She gets a date to the party

and she gets to keep

her show on the air.

Now get out there, make that

producer magic happen,

and ensure that Brooke gives us

all that romantic Christmas

magic as she

falls in love on-air.


Yeah, I thought

we were going to wait.

I know. I'm sorry.

I was going to talk to you

about it.

I just think that it's time

that you and

I accept the fact that we are,

that we're separated.

Look, Brooke,

if you wanted to start

dating other people,

you should have just said


Oh, okay.

So those are the rules

that we're playing by.

Okay, you know what?

I'm at work right

now, and I can't do this.

Okay. Sorry. Goodbye.

Based on the way the listeners

reacted today, I think they are

really excited

for you to find love again.

Okay, if I don't?

We just won't

allow that to be an option.

So the way I see

this working is I will screen

the potential candidates--

You're a little

too excited about this.

And then if they're a good fit,

I will bring them

into the studio

for a live on-air date.

Yeah, that sounds good.



-Hey, you.

-Sorry about that.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

-So sorry.

-No worries.

No worries. How'd the show go?

Uh, good. Yeah.

I'm sure my mom will tell me

all about it tonight.

We do dinner every Wednesday.

This week she picked Zini's.

I love Zini's!

Zini's is the b*mb!

-Their eggplant parmesan--

-It's the best!

-Oh my god, it's so good! Yes!


So I actually do their menu


for their seasonal menus,

if you ever want to go,

because, you know,

we both like food.

Oh, yeah. I'd love to.

Great. How's Friday?

Yeah, like this Friday?

Yeah, Friday's good.

Okay, I'll send you

a virtual ticket.

Well, I will let you know

if I have any more

of your papers and stuff.

-Thank you again.

-Yes, sorry about that.

No, of course. Thanks.

Who was that?

Oh, just a guy.

It's just a guy.

Mister handsome

with the haircut? Hello?

Not-- Maya stop staring!

Physically impossible

because he's' so cute!

Yes, he's cute.

And he goes to dinner

with his mom every Wednesday.

You have to marry him.

Or at least invite him

to the Christmas Eve party.

I am not inviting somebody

I barely know to the company

Christmas party. Plus, I don't

even know if he's single.

But he did invite me

to a tasting at Zini's.

-Hey, sorry to interrupt.

-Oh, no. You're fine.

You're not interrupting.

This is

for you just to say thanks.

I wasn't sure which

to get you, so I just got you

my favorite hazelnut

and peppermint combo.

Well, those are two flavors

I've never thought to mix.

It's great.

You're going to love it.

This is best friend Kenzie.

Nice to meet you

best friend, Kenzie. I'm Liam.

Nice to meet you.

I'll let you two get

back to it. See you, Maya.



Mm, no.

-Can't be that bad.

-It's bad.

-Oh, that's a crime.

-That's a choice.

Oh, gosh.

Okay, E.J. Phillips. "I am a

powerhouse of physicality,

and I can often

be found at the gym."

Okay, we're going to pass

on that one.

Randall. "This

bloke is a total riot.

He loves nothing more

than enjoying a cold one."

While you sound very fun

and your beanie is

very festive, I have to pass.

Mike Sanders. "Hi there."

Hi, Mike. You are cute.

"My name is Mike.

I'm an allergist,

recently divorced.

I am looking for someone

special to share my life

with and hopefully

find true love."

I think you might be our guy.

"If you're looking for someone

who is friendly and dedicated,

then I'm your guy."

Yes, you are.

Okay, let's reply to Mike.

"Hi, Mike.

My name is Kenzie Parker

and I wanted to speak to you

about coming in

for a blind date with Brooke.

Are you interested?"

Okay, next.

Hi, baby.

Hey, Mom.

Wait. Are you still at work?

I know, I am still at work, but,

you know,

I need to wrap up some stuff.

So you're really enjoying

your empty nester life?

No, actually, I'm not.

I just want you

to be happy, Mom.

I am happy.

Well, I have my last final,

in a few days,

so I'll see you guys

next week.

Oh, I miss you.

I can't wait to see you.

Is there any way

that you can come earlier

and spend time with us?


I'm sorry. I miss you.

I miss you so much.

What are we doing for


Are we still doing dinner

with Dad?

I don't know how you guys

are doing things since I left.

You know what? I will,

I will call your Dad and

we will figure it out, okay?

Cool. Well, I got to go.

My morning

class is about to start.

I'll see you soon.

I love you so much.

I can't wait to see you.

Love you, Mom.

Hi. You've reached Todd.

Leave a message.

And that's what got me

into collecting

vintage Mason jars.


I have over three hundred now.


I donated a few to the museum.


Okay, so, um,

can you tell me what it is

that you're looking for

in a significant other?

Oh! Well, I'm looking for

someone who's giving.


I live in a studio apartment,

so I donate the majority

of my income to the less


Yeah. So, really,

I'm looking for someone

who is totally selfless

and who's cool with a roommate.

Or two.

And so from there,

I backpacked through India.

Where I met my third wife.

- Your third--

- Third wife.

Right, um.

How many wives have you had?

Well, I'm hoping Brooke

will be my number five.


I'm going to go get,

um, something.


-Oh, gosh.

I'm sorry, I didn't

mean to scare you.

No, it's okay.

-Who is that?

-That is a potential blind date.

-A potential?


For Brooke. For the WKPC

Christmas Eve soiree.


-How's it going? Going well?

-Terribly. It's going terribly.

He hasn't said anything

since he got here.

Absolutely nothing.

It's been silent.

I don't know what to do.

Do you need some help?

You want me to go over there

with you, give you an out?

Yes. Yes, I would.

-Yeah. Operation Blind Date.


-Let's go.

-Okay. All right.

Larry. Crazy coincidence.

This is my friend Ben,

and I totally forgot that,

I told him that I would

help him...

-Water my--

-His cat.


That was easy and awkward.

-Very weird. Very weird.


-You're kidding.


A broke college kid's got to do

what a broke college kid's

got to do.

Uh, what is your favorite food?


My mother's blueberry pancakes

and scrambled eggs.


food is my favorite, too.


-Yes, but bagels

and cream cheese.

Whipped cream cheese.

If you give me plain.

Well, I'll eat it, but I'll

enjoy it like

thirty percent less.

Thirty percent?

That's a specific number.

So you're not a fan of cream

cheese frosting then, are you?

Oh, no. Cream cheese

frosting and cream cheese

are two very different

spreadable categories

that should never be combined

as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sorry. You're just very

passionate about that.

I am. Bagels and cream cheese

are truly the way to my heart.

So if somebody did

want to make you feel special,

they shouldn't send flowers.

They should just send bagels?

- Yes.

- Noted.

I'm looking forward

to the tasting tomorrow.

Me too.


Well, I should get going.

Thank you again for getting me

out of that situation.

Saving the day, literally.


-I appreciate it.

You okay?

Brooke. Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay.

Wait, you're not having second

thoughts, are you?

Am I having second thoughts?

No, I'm good. I'm good.

You know, this is something

I need to do and I want to do.

And let's do this.

Yes, you can.

Okay. Are you ready?

We are live in

five four, four, three.

Good morning, Ann Arbor.

You are having Breakfast

with Brooke.

And today we are doing something

that is so fun and different.

My wonderful producer, Kenzie,

came up with this idea

that I can't believe

I agreed to, Brooke's

Blind Dates, where

I will actually be going on

blind dates on-air

live to help me find

the perfect date

for our station's Christmas

Eve party, where we will also

be broadcasting live.

So that's what we're doing.

Are you ready

for the first blind date?

-Yes, I am.


-His name is Chris.


He is forty-two.

He's a single dad

who lives in Birmingham

with his two golden


His son just started

his freshman year at Berkeley.

Okay Chris, you are having

Breakfast with Brooke.

Hi. It's so

nice to meet you.

Oh, it's so nice to meet you,

too, Chris.

It sounds like

you probably know

a little bit about me

if you listen to this show.

So maybe tell

me some things about you?

Oh, okay.

Well, that was today's show.

Thank you so much

for all of you

joining me for breakfast.

And the next time

we will all find out who

my blind date

is that my producer Kenzie

has picked for me.

Hey, Chris.

Great job today.

Would you like to go

on a second date with Brooke?

Oh, you would? Fantastic.

Okay, let me give you

some date options.

Yes, I will send these over

right now. Thanks, Chris.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How do you think the show went?

I don't know.

How do you think it went?

I thought it was good.

-You do? Really?

-Yes, I like him a lot.

I think we should

bring him into the studio

for a live on-air date.

Well, you're the producer.

I, I do have to step out.

Oh, but what about our content

planning meeting?

I need to push it

to, like, six-ish.



That's not going to be

a problem.



-Yeah. Six-ish is fine.

-Yeah, thank you.

-I'm excited about this.

-Yeah. Good show today.

Thank you.

Someone's in a good mood.

Yeah, sorry. I didn't realize

anyone was here.

That's okay, man.

I know that dance.

Either you got a promotion,

which I know hasn't happened yet

but I do hear is coming.

So if it's not that.

What's her name?

- No.

- Come on.

Come on, I know you too well.

There's someone.

Tell me, what's her

name? Come on.

I'm not

ready to share her name.

Okay, I hear you.

Well, if she's got you doing

the Ben

happy dance, then

she must be pretty special.

Yeah, I think she might be.


What are you doing here?

I thought you were at work.

Well, I'm not.

Yeah, well, Ava

called me and told me there's

a leak underneath the sink.

We all know how you put off

home repairs

to the last minute.

Yeah, we do.

- But it's because I'm busy.

- Right. Yeah.

So I thought I'd fix it before

it became an actual problem.

Well, thank you.

That was very nice of you.

Of course.

So, I heard the show today.

-You did?


I'm glad you're

getting out there.

Thank you.

I'm glad you're

getting out there, too.

So, things are good?

Their wonderful. Can't you tell?

- Yeah, you look--

- I'm joking.

I'm actually not. Things are so

different right now,

but I am working really hard

to try to find a better


between work and life.

You've been

saying that for years.

I know I have. I am.

I'm sorry

that it's taken me so long.

I've always wanted

you to be happy,

you know that.

I know.

Well, you're here, and

you already unlocked my door.

Do you want to come in

for a minute?

I'd love that.

Okay. Good. Come in then.

-Let me get that for you.

-Well thank you so much.

Glad you're here.

Do you remember when she became

so obsessed with those poppers

that your Mom

would have at Christmas?

My mom came back from England?

-Yes, I remember that.

-Yes. Yes.

And then Eva wanted it

at every single holiday.

And your Mom? She's so sweet.

She even had it

for Saint Patty's Day

with the little green


She's, she's amazing.


Just give me a second.

Thank you.

Todd, my meeting was canceled,

but I thought maybe

we could find those poppers

and surprise Ava.

That would be amazing.

- Really?

- Yes.

Of course.

Hi. Hi.

-I am so sorry I'm late.

-Hi. No worries.

- Everything okay today?

- Yes.

Yes, everything's great.

Oh, okay.

They started driving on

the lake with the jet ski,

and I'm on these pool noodles.

I, I ate it so bad.

It's not a real story.

Are you serious?

Yes, one hundred percent.

I mean, they were

the cool kids at summer camp.

I believed them.

I thought it was possible.

I am so sorry

that that happened to you.

I was okay.

Water is mildly forgiving.

I had a lot of fun.

It was wonderful.

It was a good time.

Well, Mr. Fancy Food Writer man.

Do you have anything else

fun lined up after this?

I actually am going to be

doing the tasting

for the new O Wine Bar

that's opening up.

Oh, cool. That's the Danson

brother's place, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

How did you know?

Are you a foodie?


That's a thing.

I am allowed a guest

if you want to join me.

-I mean, if--

-Yeah, yeah. I mean...

I mean,

I don't know if there's, like,

somebody who deserves it

more than me.

Deserves it, what?

Yeah, like a girlfriend or,

I don't know,

some special person.

There's no girlfriend.

And the only one

special in my life is my mom.

That's so cute.

You're so cute.

So, I mean,

if you don't want to go--

No, no, I do. I do.

I do want to go.

I do. I would. I, yes.


-Okay, great.

Because I think it'd be a

lot more fun with you there.

Oh, sorry.

I have a ninety-seven alarm

set to remind me

to do some writing

for the show tonight.

Some questions

for the blind dates.

Brooke keeps you pretty busy.

Yeah, but I'm happy to do it.

Brooke works

better from an outline

and makes the show flow


Plus, this blind date

thing is kind of

the most important thing

that we've ever done.

So I want to make sure

that it is perfect.

She's very lucky to have you.

Well, I'm lucky to

work on a hit show.

Have you ever thought

about having your own show?

Just a talk show. I think you'd

make a great host.

No, I mean,

yeah, I've like,

like, maybe thought

of thought, but I don't know.

No, no, I'm, I'm,

I'm a behind the scenes gal.

It's just, that's how

it's always been.


I don't think anybody would

really care

about what I had to say.


absolutely not true.

I'd care what you have to say.


I think you have

a lot of great things to say.

Well, that's very sweet.

Thank you. This was very nice.

Thank you, again.

No problem. Again.

So, did you like

the cheesecake

or the chocolate cake better?

Which one's getting the

the five star review from Mr.

Fancy Food Writer man?

Oh, my gosh,

you have to invite Ben

to the Christmas Eve party.

He's totally into you.

Come on.

It'd be so romantic.

Okay. Yeah, I'll invite him.

I'm so happy for you.

What if he doesn't say yes?

He's going to say yes.

Do you think

he's going to say yes?

Yes, he will.

Can I help you with

something, Maya?

Right, um. Okay,

so I was thinking.

Me and Liam should coordinate,


Like I'll get him a sparkly

pink tie to match what I'm

wearing or a vest.

Liam would look fire in a vest.

I call dibs on

officiating this wedding.

- Duh!

- Oh, no.

Wait, what?


Let me see, let me see!

Oh, it's him.

That's your new hottie.

Oh. Why is he applying

to go on a date with Brooke?

I don't know.

Wait, was he just using you

to get to Brooke?

Of course he isn't into me.

He is into Brooke.

Well, I mean,

that was just one theory.

Why else would he submit

an application?

Is the whole thing filled out?

Maybe it was a mistake.

"Hi, my name is Ben.

I'm 37,

and I work as a lifestyle

writer for Topline

Papers. I'm

looking for someone to join me

on this journey of life. Someone

who is up for adventure, romance

and a little spontaneity.

Someone who is fun loving, who

I can share

new experiences with."

Well, um.

If he

wants to go out with Brooke

so bad, let's

just give him what he wants.

-You sure?


But I do need

to get back to work

because Brooke has her in-studio

dates this week, so.

Okay, well, I'm sending you

all the good vibes

to find a little holiday


That doesn't involve the guy

that you have a crush on.

- Right. Thanks. Bye.

- Bye!

Wait. You've never changed

your own tire?

No, and I know, I know.

I do pride myself on not

having any handyman skills.

You know, my hus-- um.

Actually, I hire

someone to do that stuff.


I'd be happy to teach you

the basics sometime.

Maybe we could grab dinner,

and then I could teach

you how to check your oil.

That was a joke.

I'd love

to just take you to dinner.

Your joke wasn't funny.

I meant I'd rather

take you to dinner.

Sounds like your

daughter is really amazing.

Oh, she is. Thank you.

Honestly, I never

thought I would have kids.

Oh, so you don't like kids?

No. I mean, I didn't say

I don't like kids.


I just put my career first.

Oh, because I have a

career my child suffered?

That's not what I meant at all.

It kind of came off that way,

I have to say.

When was the last time

you got a sound bath?

A what?

You aura is a bit dirty.

-My what?

-Your aura.

It's messy.

My aura is dirty?

Repeat after me.


I just don't understand

what the problem is.

I just don't like any of them.

Okay, but can you tell me why?

Other than,

"Your aura is dirty" guy.

Okay. Yeah, that one was weird.

I'll give you that.

But the other two,

they seem nice?

-What's wrong with them?

-I don't know. I don't know.

I just,

I just think that we need

another gimmick

for our segment.

Okay, well,

it's a little late for that.

We need to stick with

what we've got or...


-There is one more guy.

Look, I appreciate everything

you're trying to do.

One more day, please.

I know that

I can give you the perfect one

and give our listeners

and our bosses

exactly what they want.

You. Romance. Christmas.

-Fine. One more.

-Great. One more date.

One more date.

Hi. This is Kenzie Parker

from Breakfast with Brooke.

Hey you.

We received your

application and--

I'm sorry. What?

Your application from the WKPC

site to go on a date

with Brooke?

Anyway, our team

reviewed your profile,

and we think that you would be

a good fit for Brooke.

Anyway, I just wanted to let

you know that our team

was pushing your application

to the next round,

so I will be in touch to set

up a date.

Talk to you soon.


Thank you.

Mm. This looks delicious.


I'm sorry I was late again.

I took Maya drink after work.

It's fine. That's fine.

The game doesn't start for

another thirty minutes,

you're okay.

Are you?

You just seem like you're

really falling

for this girl, huh?

I'd be lying

if I said I didn't.

That's great. That's great.

And I'm happy for you.

So how about you?

How's things with mystery girl?

She must work in our office


She'd be wearing far

too much cologne to do the work.

Yes, I completely misread

that situation, actually.

You know, she called today

to set me up on a date

with her boss.

Wait, what?

Yeah. The radio shows doing

this whole blind date thing.


Turns out, I think she was just

vetting me for her boss, so.

Are you going to go?

What, on the blind date?

No. I mean, I don't know.

She was really pushing for it.

It sounds like

you might be doing

mystery girl a favor

if you do.

Who is her boss?


Walkins and mystery girl.

She's no longer a mystery.

It's her producer, Kenzie.

Best friend, Kenzie.

I think I met her with Maya

and Brooke Walkin.

She's a legend.

You've got to go.

And maybe then

we can do double dates.

Come on. It'll be fun.

I have tons of fun

in my life. Ask Mr. Bubbles.

- Loads of fun.

- Yeah, totally.

And the groundhog

on Groundhog's Day

is always right.

I hoped I'd find you here.


I am a creature of habit.

Excited for your phone date

with Brooke today?

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Turns out everyone in

my family is a big,

big fan of hers.

Well, there's a

lot to be a fan of.

I think you two are

going to be a great fit.

I can feel it.



So just be yourself,

and I know Brooke will love you.

See ya.

Okay, I guess it's

that point in the show

for Brooke's Blind Dates.

Kenzie, do we have one?

We have Ben Covington.

He is thirty-eight.

He is a lifestyle writer

for Topline Papers,

and he's a really great guy.

He sounds very interesting.

Yes. Yes.

And he is on the line.

Ben, you are having Breakfast

with Brooke.

Well, hey there.

Hey, Ben. It's so great

to meet you on-air.

It's nice to on the air,

meet you, too.

Thank you.

Kenzie speaks really

highly of you.

Oh, thank you.


I pay her to do that.

The natural way, by far,

is the most important thing

in any home.

No, I absolutely

disagree with that.

The size of the kitchen

is the most important thing

in a home.

Hey, size

isn't everything.

I love to cook.

I think cooking

is one of the most romantic

things you can do with someone.

I do, too.

I love cooking with someone.

So what's favorite thing

to make?

My Mom's blueberry


Where are you

on the scale for breakfast food?

Even though

my show is Breakfast

with Brooke,

I kind of skip breakfast.

You skip breakfast

with yourself?

Yeah, I do.

I do love a good bagel,


It's hard to deny

like a fresh baked bagel.

Do you like bagels?

Yes, sir. No, I agree.

He's the best choice

for Brooke.

Perfect. Okay.

I will let them know now.

Thank you.

Hey, you.

Are you happy with

how it went today?


So much so that we would like

to bring you

in for a live in-studio date.

Do you have any availability

this upcoming weekend?

You know Kenzie,

if you don't want me to--

I do. Like I said,

I think you and Brooke are

a great fit, so

I'll email you some options.

Okay. Talk soon.

Okay, bye.

How do you shred it?

You freeze it first and then

just take a cheese grater.

-The way that the fats meet.

-Oh my gosh, I didn't.

-That makes so much sense!

-Incredible. I'm telling you.

Hopefully it saves you

a few more hours than me.

Oh, my gosh. I can't wait.

Good morning.

Oh, morning.


Morning. Hey. Um.

Should we go to the studio?

Sounds like our cue.


You coming?


Okay. We are

live in five, four, three.

Good morning, Ann Arbor.

You are listening

to Breakfast with Brooke.

And we have a very

special show for you today.

We have Ben here.

Thank you, it's actually really

nice to

-finally be here in person.

-Thank you for coming.

Thank you both for having.

The listeners were

very excited about you.

Well, it's nice not to get

voted off the island so early.

Exactly right.

Well, thank you.

I came prepared

to ask you a couple questions,

if that's all right.

Oh, really?

I love that.

I think it's great.

-Let's just cut to the chase.


So Christmas.

- What about it?

- It's coming up.

It is coming up.

And since you boldly said

size matters.


Big light bulbs

or little light bulbs?

- I like, um, both.

- Both?

Yes, I like to mix it up

a little bit.

What are your other questions?

I was curious

how you feel about presents.

When's the right time to

open them?

Is it at Christmas Eve?

One present kind of thing?

Okay, so

when my daughter was younger,

I definitely waited

until Christmas morning.

Oh, you have a daughter?

- Yeah?

- Oh, yeah.

No, it's amazing. I actually

really admire that.

It's incredible for you to have

your own show and to still

take care of the family life

and it's really beautiful.

-Thank you. So, um.

-I really admire that.

You don't have kids?

I don't have any children. No.

And never been married?

I don't know if I should share

that on the air.

So I was engaged once,

and it obviously didn't

work out.

I'm here.

We decided to part ways


So we're still friends.

And we just grew apart.

Okay. And that's all the time

that we have for today.

Oh, already?

I feel like

I could talk to you for hours.

-Yeah. Likewise.

-All righty.


I got to wrap up the show.

Don't take those off yet.

I'm sure all of our listeners

are loving Ben.

Of course. So, it was so great

to meet you in person.

Thank you so much for coming.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

That's it for our show today.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Great job, guys.

Great, great show.

Great show. Okay.

Yeah, we're out.

She seems

to be in a bit of a hurry.

Sorry, but thank you again.

Come in.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing's wrong.

I mean, we're,

we're saving the show, so.

That's good.

Well, then

why do you look so miserable?

I don't know.

I really like Ben. I do.

But he's not Todd.

I didn't realize that

Todd was an option.

Well, he's not.

I mean, he's obviously

and clearly moved on from me.

You saw his profile.

As long as I'm committed

to the show

and to the broadcast, he,

he doesn't

want to do it again, so.

I don't blame him.


have you told him that you're

having second thoughts

about the separation?

No, I haven't.

I mean, I made my bed

choosing the show,

so I got to, I got to lie in it.


Great news.

The station has picked your

date for the Christmas soiree.

Ben, the writer from Topline.

-Hmm. That's so great.

-So great.

And we're already talking

to Topline

about a potential partnership

for more

Brooke and Ben content.

So this could be huge

for all of us.

So just carry on and business

as usual. All right.

Okay. Well, the listeners,

they want a Christmas romance,

so let's give them a Christmas

romance, right?

Right. Yes.

All right. Well, okay.

Give me Ben's info, please.

I want to make this

as real as possible and

whatever. Who knows?

Maybe there's something there.

With us, right?

Right. Yes. Yes, of course.


So who'd they pick?

I'm not telling you that.

Why not?

You have to find out

at the Christmas

soiree like everybody else.

It's Ben.

They're picking Ben.

Oh, my gosh.

-And your feelings for him.


No, I don't have feelings

for him. I don't.

Okay, I like maybe might be

in the vicinity of considering

having feelings for him,

but no, he's, he's

the station's pick, so I'm not

going to tell him that

-I have feelings for him.

-Ha! So you admit it.

I think that's so sweet

and super romantic.

Doesn't matter how I feel.

I have to do

what's best for the show.

What's best for Brooke.

Sorry. I got to take this.

See you later.


- Ben Covington? Hi.

- Speaking.

My name is Mark Hanson,

and I'm the station manager

for WKPC.

Listen. We'd like to formally

invite you to the company

Christmas soiree tomorrow

as Brooke Walkins' date.

I'll have my assistant

send over all the details.

All right, chat soon.


-Ho, ho, ho!


Okay, so that was genius.

I'm sorry. What was? What?

Going on Breakfast with Brooke?

The number of reads on

your articles

have been through the roof

since the show.


have really taken notice.

I'm impressed.


Come in.

-Hey. Hey.

-Hey. Hi.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I was,

you know, just in the building

thought I'd swing by. See,

You don't still want to go

to the tasting at O Wine Bar

tonight, do you?

Oh, no, I probably shouldn't.

No. Yeah, of course.

Makes sense.

Kenzie, is, is everything okay?

I think so.


Because I want you to know

that I--

You are more than welcome

to still come.

I need to get back to this.

I got a lot of work to do.



Of course.

Busy. Busy.

Yes. Yep, I am that.

I'll leave you to it.

I'll see you around.


Hey, I just wanted to

catch you before

you went home for the night.

You're here late.

Yeah, I'm

still prepping

for the broadcast tomorrow.

You know

how live events can be.

Isn't that Brooke's job?

I guess. Technically, yeah.

But my parents don't fly

until Christmas morning,

and Brooke works

better from an outline,

so why not fill the time

with work?

She's lucky to have you.

And great job finding her

the perfect date for the party.

Ben is polling high

with our listeners.

It's so great.

And I'm sure I don't have

to remind you of the stakes.

You need to bring the romance.

And Brooke needs

her magical Christmas happy

ending, or suits upstairs are--

Yes, I got it.

It will happen, Brooke.

Christmas romance



What is it, dear?


Nothing. Mom, I'm fine.

I know you, son.

What's going on?

I have a lot on my mind.

Would it have to do

with a certain radio host?

It seems like the two of

you really hit it off.

I mean, of course I voted for

you on the WKPC website

and I told all the ladies

at pickleball to vote, too.

Thank you, Mom. Thank you.

I like Brooke a lot.

She seems like a great woman,

but I don't know all that

fashion pizzazz.

Well, she's a celebrity,

you know?

I mean, don't get me wrong,

It is very cool.

But the more I think about it,

the more I'm

just not

sure she's the woman for you.

What makes you say that?

Look, you don't light

up when you talk about it.

You get a bit excited. Sure.

But do you light up? No.

But it was worth a shot.

I mean, she is a local celebrity

I had to try.

What do you mean?

Like you don't think they just

plucked you out of thin

air to go on a date

with Brooke, do you?

I thought her producer

set me up.

Her producer?

Honey no, I submitted you.

I filled out the application

form and everything.

Did a mighty good job of it.

If I say so myself.

No, I'm sorry, backup, what?

What did you just say?

Pickleball ladies and I

were brainstorming on

who we could submit to go

on the blind date with Brooke?

It was fun.

All of us pitching our sons.

Can you

finish the tasting for me?

How do I finish the tasting?

Just, they're going to bring you

out food.

I need details on the menu,

pick a few items that you like,

Write about them here. Okay.

I'm going tell the manager

that you're going to do this.

-I'll be back.


I love you. Thank you.

I have to go.

'll let the manager know.

Okay. Bye.

There you are.

My mom

submitted the application.


-My mom.

She submitted the application

to go on a date with Brooke.

This whole time,

I felt silly thinking

that I was the only one

that had feelings for you

and that you didn't

have feelings for me.

And that's why you sent me

on a date with Brooke.

I don't have to

go through with it, Kenzie.

I do want you to.

What? Why?

You are the only person

who even remotely hit

it off with her.

And she said she might

actually be interested in you.

I mean, she texted you right?

No, no, she didn't text me,

and it wouldn't matter.

Listen, I know that

this is important to you,

so, yes, I'll go to the party

as her date.


Then we'll see what happens.

Yes, we'll see what happens.

No, no. With you two.

Mark already told me about

the potential partnership

between the station

and Topline.

The listeners, they really

like you two together.

This is the best thing

for our careers.

I'm sorry. Am I really the only

one that's feeling this?

Because ever since I met you,

I can't get

you out of my head.

Kenzie, you're funny,

you're driven,

you're talented,

you're kind and smart,

and I just...

Everything with Brooke,

that's not real.

Yeah, but they could be.

And you're the station's pick.

I can't, I won't

go against that.

You and Brooke,

you have a lot of chemistry.

This is the best thing

for the show.

-The show forget about the show.

-No, no, I can't.

I can't forget the show, Ben.

You're the only viable,

I don't have another option



-No, I like you, Ben.

I do.

But I've worked

way too hard for this.

I'm not going to let

some silly crush derail that.

If I give in to you.

Give in to this.

It will ruin everything.

Yeah, or it could be the best

thing that ever happened.

It's not

how the real world works.

-Kenzie, please.

-No, I'm sorry, Ben.

I'm sorry.

Hey. Kenzie.

How are you?

Todd? Hi. Good.

-How are you?


You know me, just

living the single life.

This Christmas, it's,

it's different.

Yeah. You're even online dating.


-Oh, I, uh,

I found your dating profile

in doing research

for the show.

Oh, that?

Jim in my office did that.

He did it as a joke.

I thought he took it down.

Wait, what?

Yeah, I'm not looking to date or

I don't even want to.

You know, what maybe it's time.

If online dating is good

for Brooke,

maybe it'll be good for me.

Yeah. Yeah. No, no,

You don't need online dating.

You're, you're good. Yeah.

I mean, unless you want you,

but maybe don't.

Okay. It was good to see you.

Merry Christmas?

Yes. Merry Christmas, Todd.

- Yeah.

- Merry Christmas. Okay.

See ya later.



Okay, so I was thinking,

what are you wearing tonight?

Uh, I don't know.

Maybe jeans?

What? You can't wear jeans.

The dress code says no jeans.

What are you wearing?

Okay, I was thinking

this blue dress with, like, a

subtle glitter heel.

I don't think glitters ever

been subtle.

Okay. Or this hot pink pantsuit?


We could get ready together.


Hey. What's wrong?


Oh, nothing.

Nothing's wrong.

-I ran into Todd.

-Brooke's ex Todd?

Yes, and he said that he didn't

make the dating profile.

One of his coworkers did. So.


So, Brooke thinks that Todd

made himself

the dating profile

and that he is online dating.

That's why she agreed

to go on the blind dates.

She wouldn't have done it

if he wasn't actually dating.

You can't tell her. Why not?


You didn't hear this from me,

but Megan in advertising

told me she was talking

to Karen in accounting

about how the suits

are pretty set on cutting

Brooke from the lineup

if this whole partnership

with Topline doesn't

go well. It's bringing in a

lot of money for the station.

And if she knew that Todd

wasn't actually online dating,

that would blow

everything up with Ben.

So if you want to

keep your show on-air,

you can't tell her.

At least wait till after

the Christmas party?

-Oh boy.


So, the pantsuit?

Yeah. Okay.

I'll see you later.

See you later.

There he is, Mr. WKPC and


partner of Topline Papers.

You excited about the party



Come on. It'll be fun.

What's better than a little


on a cozy winter's evening?

Whatever you say.

- Yeah.

- Get in.

Hey, I've been texting you.


Is everything okay?


Today is,

today's the day that Todd

and I met.

I know it might sound silly,

but we would

call it our "Met Day,"

and we would celebrate it

every year at that


little restaurant Zini's.

And we would get the little

table by the window. And

every year I would fall

more and more in love with him.

Oh, I really thought

he was my soul mate.

I mean, how do you let

your soul mate, slip away?

But I did, because I'm

so focused on my career

and this show.

Anyway, I'm so sorry

to dump all this on you.

Are you okay?

Mm-hm. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm fine,

I'm totally fine.

I just have a thing

that I have to go do right now

that I forgot about.

It was. It was.

It was a pre-planned thing.

So I'm going to,

I'm going to go,

but I will see you later.

- Okay? Bye.

- Bye.



I have a reservation

for two for Walkins.

Yes, he's over there.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

Sorry I'm late, I--


Happy Met Day.

What are you doing here?

I heard through the grapevine

that you were looking for a

date to a certain Christmas

Eve party tonight?


-You look beautiful.

Thank you.

And you look very handsome.

Thank you

for the heads up.


Have a great time tonight.

Okay. Okay. Bye.

You good, Mr. Grumpy?

What's wrong?

What? Yeah.

It was just Kenzie, she canceled

my date with Brooke tonight.


Said I was more than welcome

to go to the party.

Just not as Brooke's

official date.

Oh, you're still going

to go, though. Right?

What, to the party? No, no.

Come on, let's throw a suit on

and go

and celebrate a little bit

of Christmas magic.

Maybe a little holiday


I think I'm a holiday

romance-d out.

Thank you very much, but no,

thank you.

But as much as I love the idea

of being a third wheel

to you and Maya,

Yeah, I think I'll pass.

You could just make it up with

Kenzie, then you'd be on your

own, totally dependable,

two wheeled bike.

I don't think that's

going to happen.

Are you sure?

Yeah. You're

not going to win this one.

All right.

Go. You look great.

Look at you.

You look great.

Okay, man.

I know you do enjoy

a Friday evening in

with your fish.

It's Mr. Bubbles,

and you know that

you know his name.

I love the tie.


It looks perfect.

You go.

-No, you go.

-No, no, no.

Please, please. You go.

Thank you.

Well, I've been going on

these blind dates

through the show, and--


I've listened every broadcast.

-You do?

-Of course!

I wouldn't

miss an episode of your show.

It's been really good.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

You seem so relaxed. Engaged.

- Thank you.

- Hopeful.

I haven't seen

you like this in years.

So if dating

makes you feel

that way, then, please--

Babe. It doesn't.

You do.

You make me feel that way.

And, yes,

I've gone on dates

with some great guys.

But they're not you.

They're not my Todd.

I miss us so much.

I feel the same way.

-You do?


I feel like

the last few months

I haven't been myself.

I felt like

the biggest piece

of me was missing.

Todd, I know

I made such a big mistake.

I know I have thrown my

everything into my work

and the station

and the show when

I needed to throw a lot of it

into you.

You know, you're

my dream girl, right?

You know,

you're my dream guy, right?

I love you.

I love you, too.

Well. I think we have a

Christmas Eve party to go to.

I think we do.

-Shall we?

-We shall.

All right, party people.

T-minus two minutes

till showtime, now.

Does anyone have eyes

on Brooke?


She'll be here in a minute.



I love you.

And in case this doesn't go

well and I lose my job,

it's been amazing

working with you.

And I'll fill you in later.

Okay. Wish me luck.

Wait, Kenzie, what?

What is she talking about?

All right.

We are live in five,

four, three.

Good evening, everyone,

and welcome to the annual


Live Christmas Eve broadcast.

Thank you so much

for joining us this evening,

ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Kenzie Parker,

and I am the producer

of Breakfast with Brooke.

You might be wondering

where Brooke is

and who she picked for her

blind date.

Was it the funny Chris

or the charming Ben?

What about Keith?

Sound bath guy!

Or sound bath guy? Yes.

The truth is, it's

none of them,

because none of them

were the right fit for Brooke.

I was pushing Brooke to do


instead of encouraging her

to follow her heart.

I thought that

if I could set Brooke up

with the perfect situation

to fall in love,

that it would fix all of our

show's problems.

But I know

that's not the case.

So I did something else

and set her up with someone

else. Who,

I will let her share that


What is she doing?

She's saving the show.

Oh, here she is.

Everybody, Brooke Walkins.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much

for being here.

You're all very wonderful.

And I also need to give it up

for my fabulous

producer, Kenzie.

I really would not be here

if it weren't for her.

She is incredible.

She came up with this

crazy idea that you all loved.

So thank you so much, Kenzie,

for that.

And the truth is,

she actually helped me so much

because these

dates made me realize that

I had the perfect

guy right in front of me.

And I know a lot of

you know of him because I have

spoken about him

many times on the show.

And I'm very happy to say

that we are back together.

And it is my husband.

There is, though,

someone that does need a date

-that is very close to me.



-What are you doing?

Just go with it.

I actually noticed

a little connection with her

and the guy that was there

to be my date.

Wait, is she talking about Ben?

I want to introduce,

because you all loved him

on the show. Ben.

You'll thank me later.

Hi, Kenzie.

I was wondering

if you had a date

to the WKPC

Christmas Eve soiree?

So it turns out I don't,

but I would love one.

Thank you again,

everyone, for coming.

Merry Christmas

Eve and Merry Christmas.

And thank you again, Mark.

Let's give it up for

Todd and Brooke Walkins!

Hey, come in.

Hope you had a Merry


I did. Thank you.

Now, as you know,

we here at WKPC,

we value authenticity,

tenacity, spirit.

Which is why

Coffee with Kenzie

will be WKPC's

new morning segment,

which will alternate days

with Breakfast with Brooke.


All the data supports

that adding you to the morning

lineup will not only be good

for Brooke,

but good for the station.

You're trending

very high with the listeners.

Are you serious?

Yes, we are serious.

And you know that

I've been trying to find

a balance

between work and family.

And this is definitely

a step in the right direction.

And we both know

that you are going

to be an amazing addition

to our on-air team.

I second that,

and your show already

has its first sponsor,

Topline papers.

I think this has the potential

to be something really great.

So what do you say, Kenzie?

Oh, could you hold

the door, please?

Thank you.

Here. I got it.

Thank you, again.

No problem. Again.

Good morning, Ann Arbor.

I hope you had a very Merry



welcome to Coffee with Kenzie.

It feel so crazy

to actually say that.

Anywho, so

my name is Kenzie Parker,

and you might know me

as the producer of

Breakfast with Brooke.

Shout out to Brooke Walkins

for teaching me

everything I know.

To pay homage to Brooke,

I think we should start

the show

by taking some callers. Yeah?

Okay, let's do this.

Hi, caller.

You're having Coffee

with Kenzie!

Hi Kenzie, did

you have a Merry Christmas?

I did have a Merry

Christmas. Did you?

Oh, that's great.

That's, wait. You

do stockings twice?

Stockings on Christmas

Eve and Christmas morning?

That's epic!

I'm gonna steal that.

No, I love it.

I think that's genius.

Are there any other amazing

tips you should be giving me?
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