I Have k*lled (1924)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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I Have k*lled (1924)

Post by bunniefuu »

I have k*lled!

Drama by Roger Lion, made by
the author, with Miss Frances Ghuihan.

Professor Dumontal,
a scholarly orientalist...

The worker always tireless,
despite warnings of a weak heart.

Huguette, his young wife.

G?rard, their only son,
their pride and joy...

It's not very nice that you
never go out with me at night.

Come on, get dressed...
There's still time!

And you, you'll be late.
Go without remorse, dear little Huguette.

My only joy
is to see you happy.

Each week, Professor Dumontal
gives a lecture on the Far East

at the Galli?ra museum.

Huguette, following a custom
that is very dear to her...

As you wish,
before returning home

we will make a tour of old Montmartre.

That morning, a stranger...


My purse... give it to me, thief...
and right now!

I was not wrong!
It's my Tokyo antiquarian!

Mr. Dumontal!

My wife will be so happy to see you again.
Seeing a talented artist

whose friendship was precious to us
when we were in Tokyo.

I will answer for
the honesty of this man.

Hid?o remembers the distant dream...

This is our son, G?rard.

You must come see us soon.

In Huguette's happiness, a cloud.
In her past life, one blemish...

... which two wretched characters take
advantage of. V?rian, an adventurer...

and the supposed
Baroness de Calix, his accomplice...

You have an infallible w*apon
against her: her letters.

The time has come to use them.
If you falter...

... I will be the one to act.

Hello? Is that
Mr. Dumontal's residence?

Mrs. Dumontal, please...
On behalf of Mr. V?rian.

It's very urgent that I see you...

Is Thursday alright?
I must insist.

I don't know...
if I'll be free... if I can...

I know what your...
shrewdness will dictate.

Professor Dumontal's house, Neuilly.

On the right,
service entrance.

Mom... wait. I'll look for her.

We understand your grief, Hid?o.
You have left there your house, your home...

No, there I have left only
misery, devastation and death.

Over our heads, fire...

... Under our feet,
the yawning chasm...

... and among those there...

... my loved ones, everyone.

Then, alone in the world,
destroyed by the catastrophe,

I boarded a liner
that brought me to Anvers...

In a suitcase I hurriedly gathered
some objects d'art, the most beautiful.

Two men, who, too late
I understood... were scoundrels...

Sir, would you like me
to recommend a hotel?

Hotel Porpoise. Two floors,
moderate prices, good cuisine.

The hotelier lets
us serve ourselves.

That woman, without hair...
Why? An illness?

Yes, a contagious disease:

My suitcase!
Where is my case?

Then... I came to Paris. Determined
to protect the little money I had left.

I've led a miserable life.

I'm alone,
I'm poor and I'm lost...

Hid?o, would you like
to accept our hospitality?

I have started an important work
on Japanese art and I will need

a collaborator... that is a friend.

Thanks to the hospitable offer,
Hid?o had a small workshop...

... and a great friend.

It's that nasty man who always comes
to see mom. Oh how I hate him!

I'll teach you boxing
and he won't come back!

Why didn't you come yesterday,
as I had asked?

Do you know the story of Prince Hasaki?
It's very beautiful! Listen.

You will come tomorrow. It is no longer
a plea, although it is not yet a threat.

The Mikado had a pearl,
unique in all the world.

A man with a black soul and conscience

introduced himself into
the palace to steal the treasure.

Daring to come here...
like a thief!

But hidden, Prince Hasaki
watches over the master's treasure.

You know I cannot defend myself...
Ah, you are just a coward!

Listen and remember.

Later you will understand
what the words loyalty and devotion mean.

You will come tomorrow.

You are too worried
about your reputation to refuse.

The next morning...

It's her.
It can't be anyone else.

I have a sudden commitment,
I'm sorry I cannot visit you today.

Enough wasted time!
She must understand and submit.

Come with me without concern:
I'll follow you along the way.

Your hand I can't touch come what may,
Friend, know I am solitude

Hid?o, I would so like
that in our friendship

you would find a little
forgetfulness and tranquility.

I follow my route...
without looking back.

Sometimes, on the arduous path,
a light both sweet and pure...
a perfumed breeze...

And deep in the thicket,
a rose.

We breathe... we dream... we pass.

It's Mr. V?rian... He insists
that Madame receives him.

Again that naughty bird
that calls mom "Huguette".

Am I obliged to come here looking
for the interview you're trying to avoid?

This persecution is hateful! I've
had enough! I beg you to leave!

Huguette, it's me persecuted by you.
Me who is tortured by your indifference.

Am I guilty for loving you?

If you loved me, you would respect
my life as a wife and mother.

If these arguments leave you indifferent,
I have others...

whose reading would interest
your husband very much.

You would not commit
such abominable offence!!

Go find your mother, fast.
Do you understand?

You won't manage to trick me!
What I want, I will have...

Think of Mr. Dumontal's health.
His weak heart... Such a revelation!

You are not a m*rder*r.
You wouldn't do that!

No... if you are reasonable.
Accept the appointment I ask for.

Dine with me one night... in Montmartre.
Or... those letters...

Mom, they're calling you.
Hurry, quickly! The dressmaker!

Madam... I feel that a misfortune
threatens you. Right now, that man...

I beg you, make use
of me, of my life.

Oh, what could you do for me?

At the Auteuil racecourse.

Without the knowledge of Mrs. Dumontal,
Hid?o starts his own investigation.

The Baroness, habitu? of the turf,
in the company of a friend of V?rian,

another adventurer who
calls himself Count Ricardo...

It's 8, Flower Shadow, an outsider!

What will be will be.
Isn't that true, ma'am?

Yes. I lost.

Oh, nothing much! Fifty.

And you?

Less than nothing... fifty thousand.

Let me introduce myself:
Viscount Ossumya...

Would you do us the honor
of accepting a seat in our car?

Now, Hid?o
leaves his workshop.

Isn't your great friend here?

The Baroness showed a keen
interest in this oriental gentleman

who knows how to lose fifty thousand
without losing his sang froid.

Hello? One question... Is Viscount
Ossumya staying at the Ritz?

Well, quite so, ma'am.

A few days later,
at the Isba Russe cabaret.

Terrorized, Huguette Dumontal has
had to agree to accompany V?rian.

Following his plan, Hid?o does
nothing to discourage the Baroness.

My letters...
You promised!

Not here. At my house.

Don't worry. You have my word.

Let's go to my house.
I will give you... what we have agreed.

The Baroness thinks that she will
finally have the "affair" of her life.


You have a charming little nest.

Yes, charming...
but maybe... too lonely...

Verian has lied and leads
Huguette to the Baroness's house.

This photograph...?

Yes... he is my brother.

Suddenly she realizes
the terrible danger...

You get out and open up first,
so that nobody sees me at your door.

I will follow you.

Driver, fast... To Neuilly!

You do not understand that I am...
that I... that you are very dear to me?

What are you doing here?

By what right does this man
interrogate me?

Don't you recognize him?
He is... my brother.

That's alright!
Enough of this pretence!

Your two timing
will cost you dearly!

For heaven's sake! It's not my fault.
This man... has forced his way in!

I do not doubt, sir, that you
will be willing to make amends...

Amends... choose your w*apon?
At your command!

A duel, with a stranger... never!

There is another way to make amends...
if however you accept...

But I do not have much on me...
ten thousand francs.

I do not want to give this affair
more importance than it demands...

And in fact... that sum...

The damage does not deserve to go beyond...

Poor fools!

I am no more a Viscount
than you are a Baroness,

nor richer than you are honest!

I wanted to see
what was behind this facade.

I've no doubts...
It's a dirty business!

I know of the disgraceful blackmail
of Mrs. Dumontal.

Some good advice: leave Paris;
the air is unhealthy.

Haven't you understood?
Let me explain.

Either you disappear
from Mrs. Dumontal's life,

or you'll go to jail.
The choice is yours!

Simple, easy to remember
and to meditate on: To Jail.

A few days later, a party at
the home of Professor Dumontal.

... 8... 9... 10!
To the land of dreams!

How dare you come here tonight?
Are you determined to ruin me?

Not in the least. I bring what you
refused to accept the other night.

The means to end all this.

Come on, no more tears!
I'll go and look for mom.

Who is that?

A friend... very good and faithful.

G?rard has fallen whilst playing.
If Madame could come a minute...

And now, sweetie,
it's time for beddy-byes.

Oh, don't go...
Stay, mom!

The little devil has torn my dress!

I can wait no longer, do you understand?
Let's finish it now!

Leave! Oh, leave,
I beg of you!

What it was I promised,
I do not give... I sell.

I ask for little in return...
a souvenir.

That little "Satzuma" is a unique piece.
I will bring it to you.

You wretch!


Shut up!

Silence, or the child will pay!

A doctor! Run!

Hello? The police station...

Ten minutes? I understand.
We will keep him here.

Please, ma'am...
Did you see it. Speak...

Him!... Guilty?...
No!... Let him go!

But that knife...
In his hand!

A m*rder?...
No!... I swear it!

My poor husband has died of
the illness he suffered from... his heart.

The Commissioner of Police...

Do you persist, ma'am,
in your first statement?

Please answer?

I've told the truth. My husband
has been ill... for a long time...

Through knightly devotion
and to save Huguette's honor,

Hid?o allows himself to be accused
of Dumontal's death.

Three months later,
in court...

The Judge.

In my opinion,
this woman knows the truth.

And this truth, Mrs. Dumontal
is not the only one who knows it.

The accused, will you stand.

You have heard the witnesses.
What do you have to say?

I went there... to steal.

Surprised, I wanted to attack him
with the knife... but he disarmed me.


It was me...
me alone.... I have k*lled!

Mrs Dumontal, you have heard
the defendant's confession.

Do you insist that death was accidental
and due to a heart condition?

Gentlemen of the jury, do not fail
to appreciate the attitude of a woman

who defends the m*rder*r of her husband.

Sit down!

Call the next witness.

You were in Mr. Dumontal's house
on the night of the crime, is that not so?

Indeed, I... was there, yes, My Lord.

Do you recognize this hat
and this coat as belonging to you?

By chance I happened...
to be present... at the drama...

I lost my head...
and I fled...

The accused has confessed his crime!
He has confessed!

This man is the m*rder*r!
I saw it!

You scoundrel!

He lies!... The truth!...
I will tell it all!... He lies!

That wretch, has for months
been following me, persecuting me.

Wanting, through his reign of terror,
to extract money from me.

It was he, he who k*lled.
Strangled my husband in front of me!

He is innocent! I swear! Listen...
Hid?o... out of loyalty, sublime devotion.

He has sacrificed himself
for honor... for my honor!

Alright, yes... I confess!
I was the one who k*lled him!

But you must know the whole truth!

The truth... of this woman
who speaks of honor!

A few days later...

Why have you abandoned me at
the very moment when my poor heart

asks for protection
against grief and loneliness?

Who are you writing to, Mom?
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