Gates of Paris, The (1957)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Gates of Paris, The (1957)

Post by bunniefuu »


When there is no wine
in my cask,

when there is no wine
in my cask,

I'm not afraid to
drink water, no.

There are the little flowers.
There are the little flowers.

There are friends.

Goodbye, my heart,
Goodbye, my heart,

I am famous in my neighborhood

I am famous in my neighborhood

I am famous in my neighborhood,
for my defamed heart.

There are the little flowers.
There are the little flowers.

There are friends.

Goodbye, my heart,
Goodbye, my heart,

I come to City Hall,

I come to City Hall,

whenever I marry.

There are the little flowers.
There are the little flowers.

There are friends.

Goodbye, my heart,
Goodbye, my heart,

- It's beautiful.
- But sad.

- That's life!
- Don't start. Go to bed!

- If you talk to me like a dog...
- What?

I won't come back!

- You already said that.
- When?

- Yesterday.
- You'll see.

- When will I see?
- Tomorrow!

OK, then. Until tomorrow.

Take that, for tonight.

Learn to drink for free.

- Did you hear him?
- They're pigs!

They're pigs, alright.

Except you...and I.

And me, absolutely not.

- The bread is dry.
- Soak it.

- There's not much.
- We'll split it.

When I'm rich, you will
never eat dry bread.

You'll have whatever you want.

Whatever you want! What is
the best thing you've eaten?

Foie gras.

- Foie gras?
- Do you know what it is?

I don't remember.

If you had tried it,
you'd agree.

Artist, you're a good friend.

Listen, when I'm rich...

- You'll serve foie gras.
- All you want.

I'm no good!

Worthless! They all say it.

And they're right.

- Take my glass.
- Never!

I won't!

I don't want any more.

- You hardly drank any.
- You're thirstier than I am.

- We'll share it?
- It's all yours.


- I'm a pig.
- Like everyone.

More than anyone!
I don't know why I'm on this earth!

Doesn't matter.

- I want to hang myself.
- You've already said that.

- When?
- Yesterday.

- Goodbye, Artist.
- Goodbye, Juju.

- Tomorrow I hang myself.
- Yeah. See you tomorrow.



"Mama, Mama!"
She just left.

- She didn't wait for me?
- If she waits for you, she doesn't work.

Mom! Juju wants to go with you!

I don't need that useless bum.

Did you hear that?

Poor mama! Working at your age!

It's incredible!

What's incredible is having
a brother like you!

And a sister that finished
all the coffee.

If you want some, go to the bar!

You see? You're forcing me to go.

Okay, I'm going.

Hey, Juju!

- Hey, Juju.
- Hi, Maria.

- Everything ok?
- No.

- Why?
- It's habit.

- You could help.
- Yes. I never think.

But you think about yourself.

That's not funny. Do you know of
anyone that thinks of other people?

- Not many.
- I know one.

- Who?
- Someone who's not selfish: the Artist.

Yesterday I had nothing to drink
and he gave me his glass.

I'll give him a reward.

He's a friend, the Artist.

- What's happening?
- Police!

- It's dangerous. Get inside!
- This isn't my shop!

It doesn't matter.

- Where are you going?
- My house.

- Where?
- There.

Do you like foie gras?
Today it's free.

I'll return the bag.

Don't eat it all, I'll be back.

And they say I don't think
of others!

- Where are you going?
- To return the bag to Maria!

She's the girl from the bar. Alphonse!
I have your daughter's bag!

Stop clowning around and
get on with it.

- What about Maria?
- Look at the police! What are they after?

- Someone's committed a robbery.
- They say it's dangerous.

Perhaps he's hiding in here?
Here, the potatoes!

They're checking all the houses!

- What houses?
- All of them.

- They have no right.
- They don't care.

- They're searching houses!
- Who?

- The police! Looking for someone...
- So what?

- They'll come!
- So what?

Don't you understand?
I didn't pay for the tins!

They're moving closer.
Soon they'll be here.

- Let's hide the cans.
- And if they find them?

- I'll say they're mine.
- And if they ask where you got them?

- Maybe you're right...
- We must throw them away.

- What if they find them?
- They won't find them here.

- What about prints?
- What prints?

- Fingers!
- My God!




And ten!

- And we are calm.
- They can come now.

- How about this?
- Do you think that...?

- If the shopkeeper said anything...
- Look out, they're coming.

- What do we do?
- Don't worry.

- They're here.
- Act naturally.

- As if we weren't waiting for them.
- Sit!

Look like you're busy.

Through his mouth,
the most gluttonous in the world,

he slid almonds.
Being a thief, what a great profession!

Answers a squirrel
from a hole

Answers a squirrel
from his hole

saying "I'm greedy
and I have a fine nose,

just like an almond..."

- What's down here?
- Nothing.

- What's it for?
- It's the cellar.

He sees the nicest almond
tree in the neighborhood,

He sees the nicest almond
tree in the neighborhood,

And his greedy mouth
defies the world!

He slid almonds.
Being a thief, what a great profession!

You think that's funny?

Look in the corner!

He can't be here.

Okay. Come up.

It won't be so funny when
we find them!

- Let's go get the foie gras.
- Are you sure?

They won't be back, they already looked
everywhere. They'll find it out there.

Come on!

- If they found them...
- They would have eaten them.

I knew something bad would happen.

- Nine...
- And ten.

- I got them all.
- Come on.

We have not done badly,

You're right.

We'll eat until we burst!

Say anything and I'll k*ll you.
Shut the door! You hear me?

- Don't move!
- Put down the g*n.

- Shut up or I'll sh**t!
- You're the one making all the noise.

- Enough. Is there another way out?
- No.

If they come back...

- We haven't done anything to you.
- I don't care!

Will you permit me?
If they return, there's a cellar.

And when I'm inside
you'll call them!

No, no!

Around here, guys!

- Is this a basement?
- Yes. Very small.

Open it!

- The dog has brought us here!
- We've already checked it!

- But the dog...
- What does the dog know?

- There's a basement...
- I've looked. Come on!

- Now that was close.
- It wouldn't have hurt to say something...

- But we didn't.
- No, we fell into it.

- Ms. Cabatier, your son!
- My son is a bum!

Juju, are you working today?

- I can't. I'm busy.
- I thought so.

Hi, Mom.

- Hi, Mom.
- Don't touch anything!

Are the clothes for sale or not?
I come as a customer.

Customers like you...

- You'll give me a good price?
- I know your price.

- It's for a friend...
- I know your friends.

This one you don't.

- Do not touch anything!
- I'm not a thief. I'll pay you.

With what?

Now here's a surprise:
With money!

- How much longer?
- Wait until dark.

- Sure you're not just talking?
- I haven't had a drink today.

When I think about being
stuck with rednecks like you...

- You can't always choose.
- If I'm wrong, too bad for me.

- I'm shattered.
- How long have they been after you?

Since yesterday morning. Enough!

Go ask the police.

- I could have done that before.
- Why haven't you?

- Because you're in my house.
- So what?

It's a rule of the house
not to turn anyone in.

- Juju, come have something!
- I have no time!

- I'm buying!
- Another day!

Juju, come join us!

Leave me alone!

Crazy, you left
the curtain open!

Change of clothes.

With this he'll be able to escape.

- That's all I want!
- Why are they after him?

We'll see in the newspapers.

- Did he say anything?
- Not much. He's sleeping.

I'm going to wake him.

What's his name?

I don't know. He doesn't talk much.

My friend! Here are your clothes!

- What?
- You can go now, there's no one around.

You can disguise yourself.

I was dreaming! Let me
sleep for an hour!

Only an hour!

Come on, let him sleep.

- They're my friends.
- Get rid of them!

They'll call the police.

Quiet! I'm coming!

Say goodbye for me.

Get out of here!

There's playing for you!

- They were using a machine g*n!
- We were just talking about that.

Can we continue?

Pierre Barbier
was known to police.

Until now, he was not considered
a very dangerous individual.

Barbier, attractive and elegant,
related to

certain environments of
Montmartre and Marseille...

He has now become
public enemy number one.

The police prepared
a trap in a hotel

where Barbier intended to meet

with one of his victims.

But Barbier escaped
and proceeded to steal a car.

At the wheel of the car
he crossed through the village.

None were able to prevent
his escape.

The police gave the alarm
and went in search of Barbier.

They continued to track the car,
which they located in a traffic jam.

Then, Barbier took his
machine g*n and fired.

Two officers were shot,
dying in the line of duty.

In the confusion of the sh**ting,

three pedestrians were left injured

and the k*ller disappeared.

He then drove all night,
trying to get to Paris.

At dawn he had an accident

near the Porte des Lilas.

Witnesses saw a wounded man
get out of the car.

The area was surrounded

and police checked all houses
of the vicinity in vain.

Despite the tracking dogs,
the bandit remains at large.

30 years old, blue eyes, mustache.

He wears a checkered suit.

He won't get far.
And when they catch him...

Three people, two agents...

- Without a doubt!
- This newspaper's a joke.

If he had come here,
he wouldn't have escaped.

- I think he's gone.
- With so many police around?

- And those clothes?
- It would attract attention.

- Maybe he waited for night...
- And where do you suppose he waited?

Just saying. I don't know anything.

Except how to steal my newspaper!

- I'll return it tomorrow!
- Go away, thief!

Little Barbier!

What are you doing here?

- Playing Barbier. You know him?
- No.

The one that was here yesterday.
How long has he been gone?

He's still here.

- No way.
- He's sick...and uncomfortable.

- I'm not surprised.
- He's angry.

When he's angry, he's dangerous...

Look who's in here. Barbier!

- Do you see the risk we run?
- Collusion, cover-up...

He has to leave here healthy!

Any problems?

Did you hear me?

You should take the air outside...
it's not good being locked up!

Set aside the g*n!
It's me, Juju!

- Don't you feel well?
- Let me die.

- What?
- He wants to die.

If he dies, what will we do?

It's true...if you die,
we'll be in a mess.

You can't do that.
We have to treat you.

But what's wrong, exactly?

- I feel bad.
- I know. But what's wrong?

- I can't see well.
- You're in a basement!

I'm heart beats
fast and then stops.

And I hear noises, as if
I'm being pursued by an army.

Barbier! It's Barbier!

- Am I going crazy?
- Don't mind them. They're children!

- How do they know I'm here?
- They don't. They're just playing.

- Why are they calling my name?
- They're playing at being Barbier!

What? Go k*ll them!
sh**t! They're police!

Enough, or I'll throw you out!

- Do you understand?
- He's Barbier!

- No! I'm him!
- No, not you! Me!

- I don't want to be a cop!
- Am I not, Barbier?

- No!
- Well, take that!

Just take what I told you to.
And stay in bed.

If there's no improvement,
tell your doctor.

The doctor, the doctor...
I won't be talking to anyone but you.

Look, it's like
I'm suffocating...

My heart beats fast
and then stops.

- No, it does not stop.
- Yes, I told you it does...

Maybe it's nerves, but
suffocating is another matter.

- What happened? Are you sick?
- No, but he must stay in bed.

- It's not that serious.
- This morning you weren't sick.

- I just caught it.
- Look at me. Don't pout.

It's nothing.

Come on, one, two, three!

How will I get it back up here?

We'll see. Look, on the
mattress you'll feel better.

We are not savages.
With a good bed you'll improve.

What's wrong?

Come on upstairs.

- It's the cat.
- It was looking at me!

- Are you afraid of the cat?
- It's bad luck.

- For the rats, not for you.
- It's a cop! Throw it out!

Don't get angry! I'll get rid of him.
You won't see him again.

- What?
- He doesn't like cats.

- It happens.
- He has a fever. Put yourself in his place.

Keep playing. He says that music
helps him sleep.

It's as if you're rocking him.

Shaven face is best.
Tomorrow you'll run like a rabbit!

- To your health!
- It's no time to drink.

Come now, don't get angry.

- You keep a lookout. I'll follow you.
- I'll keep my eyes open.

Do you remember everything?

I phone her and say "Libel".

- I'm the only one who calls her that.
- If she pretends not to understand?

- There's danger. If you answer...
- All clear. "Libel"...

Don't look so nervous, you'll
attract attention!

- Don't be afraid.
- Come on.

- Act naturally.
- As if we're just walking.

She looked at us strangely.

So what? Do we call or not?

Go ask your friend!

Tomorrow he'll be gone.
He'll be with her again...

with his love.


I am a friend of
Libel, the flame...

Can we talk?

Yes. On the fifth floor?

Yes, right now.

- Do we have to go?
- She said right now.

This is love.

Wait. They might have followed us.

Let's not lose any more time.

Where are you going?

- Up to the fifth.
- To see whom?

- A lady.
- What's her name?

- I don't know...
- You don't know?

- I must have the wrong house.
- I'm not surprised.

Here we are not beggars!

And if you insist, I'll call
the policeman at the corner!

I come on behalf of Pierrot.

Are you sure that you haven't been followed?

All clear.

Here's his things.
They're all ready to go.

But you don't know.
I have a surprise for you.

Tomorrow he'll be here...

You'll have him all to yourself.

Are you crazy? Here?
With the noise he's made?

Take this, and don't stay out here.

What do I say to Pierrot?

I'm going on a trip...
but I'll be thinking of him.

With things as they are,
Artist, we're lucky.

- If the cop had seen us...
- We're still in luck. Look.

No worries. We have a vehicle.

And here it's shorter.

We're a bit stupid.
We could go to jail.

- We must do it.
- For Barbier!

We're doing him a favor.
You go first.

Who are we going to this much
trouble for? A m*rder*r!

- You sound like the police.
- I'm not in favor of the police.

Nor the m*rder*r's.

- Whose then?
- Mine.

- You alone?
- Me alone.

You're so selfish. Don't you
think of others? What about me?

You? You're not my friend.

- No? Since when?
- Since he arrived.

- You admire him.
- I admire, I admire...

I wouldn't want anything
bad to happen to him.

Come on.

Nothing bad? What about the others?
Hasn't he done bad to them?

He didn't know them!

And people like him remain
in this world.

I don't want to discuss this.

Don't argue and come on.

- Easy!
- Easy! Don't make me laugh!

- Hold on!
- I'm doing what I can.

- And now what?
- What about me? Just think of yourself!

- Artist! Where are you?
- I'm here!

Have you broken anything?

Pass the bags!

Just think of the luggage!
What about me?

- I won't argue with you.
- Take them yourself.

I don't know whose luggage
this is!

The cops!

Damn! Damn!
You can't trust women!

- You're right. You can't.
- I can't go to a hotel!

- You wouldn't last long.
- Where does she expect me to go?

- I think she doesn't care.
- You think so?

It's not going to work like that.
I'm going home to sort this out!

Tomorrow...we'll go tomorrow.

- Well, I'll go!
- Calm down.

You'll get sick again.

- What happened?
- It's nothing.

Think I can't hear?

- Are the fireworks in your house?
- No, I haven't heard anything!

Everyone is against me.

I'm all alone.

I'd be better off if they shot
me and finished me off.

Don't say that, you're not alone.

We're here. We won't let that happen.
eh, Artist?

I can't compromise you both.

You're not jeopardizing the Artist!

We can't abandon a friend.

Now I know, you are a
friend. Right, Artist?

Sure. A real friend.

I don't know where they came from.
I didn't notice.

- Three sh*ts.
- Maybe.

- You don't know anything?
- I know as much as you.

- Did you hear the sh*ts?
- I heard nothing.

- They came from where the artist lives.
- I was at the Artist's place.

- When?
- When they were fired.

But you didn't hear them...

They say that Barbier
has crossed into Spain.

The newspapers lie.
Who are you talking about?

Of Barbier!

- Who's he?
- Juju, we've talked about him!

- People talk too much.
- Where are you going?

To work.

- Increible. You come to buy?
- I'm a customer.

- What were you looking for?
- Too expensive.

I didn't say anything.

Have you got anything not so loud?
It's for a sick person.

- Hey, it's too hot!
- I don't want you to catch cold.

Throw me some ice!

Coming up!

I have your stuff.

- What brand?
- I can't read this.

- Let's see.
- I hope it's what you wanted.

- Yes, next.
- English cigarettes...

With cork filter?

- Yes, cork.
- Next.

And last.

This is all I have left.

- It won't get you very far.
- But I have to go.

- How will you make it?
- Relax, pour the water.

Yes, Colonel.

- I've never had one of these.
- Choose one.

- I don't want to leave you without...
- Choose one.

Thank you, Pierrot.
I can call you Pierrot, right?

- Sure, I'll call you Juju.
- This?

A girl gave it to me.

- Libel?
- Not her. Another one.

I call them all that.

- The tobacco smells very strange...
- It's English.

And the cork filters?

- So they don't stick to the lips.
- You think of everything.

Are you always dressed like that?

I can't afford
clothes like yours.

Let's eat! Come on up!

This I can't give you.
Nobody would believe it's yours.

Doesn't it bother you?

This is it's home.

Don't get angry, soon
it'll recover it's place.

- Think you'll be going soon?
- If you help me.

- That's all I want.
- Look how brave, the Artist.

He'd do anything to get rid of me.

- What do you want?
- A passport...

...for going overseas.
Will it take long to get one?

- It depends.
- More or less?

- Ten to fifteen days.
- Ten to fifteen days!

Hey, your hat!

What do I need?

You must bring me the
necessary documents.

Identity card...

Military papers...

and two photos.

When you have the passport,
I'll stick my photo onto it.

I'm good with false documents.

And with a passport,
you can go anywhere.

- I'll go to South America.
- Won't you get bored?

Less than here. For now,
for me, France is a basement!

I don't want to spend my life in a
basement! I like the sun!

Juju! Come see this.

- Who is it?
- A girl.

- What's she doing here?
- Don't move, I'll see.

- I know her. It's Maria.
- What Maria?

- The girl at the bar.
- Why's she here?

She's a friend. Likes
the Artist's music.

Careful, she's coming back.

- I don't want her near the house.
- I'll get rid of her.

- Be careful what you say!
- What do you take me for?

Don't trust her. Women
can find out everything.

- Hey, Maria!
- How are you, Juju?

- What are you doing here?
- I hoped that I could come in.

- I must have been sleeping.
- You weren't sleeping, you were talking.

- I wasn't talking!
- Well then, who was?

- The Artist.
- He's at home?

- If you heard talking, he must be.
- Is he coming to the dance tonight?

- I don't know.
- Ask him.

Artist, will you be going
to the dance tonight?

- He says yes.
- If you say yes, then yes.

Goodbye, Maria.

Goodbye, Juju.

- Goodbye, Maria.
- Say hello to the Artist for me.

Artist, Maria says hello.

Good morning, Artist.

Hey, Artist! Say hello to Juju!

- Is everything OK?
- I'm fine.

You've only drunk half.
Last time, you emptied it all at once.

- When?
- Before, the last time you drank.

You got me worried.

- Juju, are you feeling better?
- What's wrong with you? I'm not sick.

This afternoon you made a bad face,
and it doesn't seem any better.

But you're looking beautiful.
For whom?

For you!

When I am rich, we'll go to the Midi.

Okay. What a handkerchief!

- It's silk.
- But you're not wearing it right.

Is it a gift? From a girl?

- Who would want to give me anything?
- Your cigarette smells very strange.

- It's English with cork filter.
- Why cork?

To avoid soiling the lips.

Juju, you're very nice!
You make me laugh. Goodbye.

- Don't stay out too late.
- Watch the lips, Juju.

Is she laughing at me?

Maria, did you laugh at me?

Maria...I wanted to tell you something.

Tell me.

Before, what you heard,

it wasn't the Artist, you know?

It was me. I was speaking.

- Why tell me?
- Well, you might have thought

- I was talking to someone...
- You're within your rights.

Yes, but there was nobody else.

- Then, you were talking to yourself.
- Just to myself.

- Are you coming to the dance, Juju?
- I only dance on July 14th.

- Will you come to the dance?
- If you want...

I'm not like you, Juju.
I don't like talking to myself.

- All right, Juju!
- You are the king!

- How well you dance!
- Shut your mouth!

- Don't talk like that when you dance!
- But they're laughing at me.

Let them say whatever they want!
You are the cutest! You are the king!

You also laugh at me.
You can't trust women.

What are you saying?

- They are all whores.
- Enough is enough! Goodbye!

He's king!

- He's the strongest!
- If you're not dancing, then sit down!

Where are you going?

What are you doing there?
You'll catch cold.

My head is spinning.

- What, all of a sudden?
- All of a sudden. Sit.

A beautiful night,
don't you think?


if I told you something you can't
tell anyone...a secret...

- Can you keep it a secret?
- Yes!

- Me too.
- Then keep it!

- I have nothing more to say.
- Then shut up.

- What's that?
- He forgot to turn off the radio.

Does the Artist have a radio?
Since when?

- Since I bought it.
- What if we turned it off?

- I don't know how.
- I do.

We always lock the door.

And when you want to enter
and it's locked, what do you do?

You use the key.

- How did you know?
- I have good eyesight.

- You must learn to close your eyes.
- And my ears.

Give it to me.

Are you serious about going
to Midi when you're rich?

You never know...

- Am I invited?
- Still a long way off.

Here, finish it.

You seem to know what I'm thinking.


...whatever it is you know,
could you not tell anyone?

You haven't said anything.
I have nothing to repeat.

If I tell you something, can you
swear not to tell?

I have no secrets from you.

Good night, Juju.


- You'll never tell?
- No, Juju.

- Not anyone?
- I've sworn.

If something happened,
you know what's waiting for him?

- I know.
- I couldn't live with myself. I would die.

You are very good, Juju.

Your hair smells good.
If I ever get rich...

Take me to the Midi.

Enough, go inside.

- Goodbye. You can sleep peacefully.
- I'm not so sure.

- Not so loud!
- What?

The radio, not so loud!
You're getting reckless.

- We can't hear anyone.
- But I can hear the music through the walls.

You're right. Let's be wise.

- There are some guys out there!
- What guys?


- My God!
- Do you know them?

- No.
- They look like cops.

- Relax, nothing will happen.
- Have you spoken to anyone?

Pierrot, if they came for you,
I'd sh**t them.

And the Artist? Where's he?
What's he doing?

Artist, they're asking for you.

- Who?
- Two gentlemen.

- What gentlemen?
- Having trouble with the cops?

They're headed over to your house.

Where are you going? Don't interfere.

- Who's he?
- A friend.

- Does he live here?
- No.

- Do you live alone?
- I'm not married.

- What are you doing here?
- He came to see me.

As did we...we're here to see you.

- You know what about?
- No idea.

- How about you?
- I don't know anything.

Do you have a clear conscience?
Do you know what we want here?

I don't know.

Make a little effort...
Last week...

You don't have anything for us?
No? Maybe we can help you.

- Does this say anything to you? What is it?
- A can.

- Okay. Full or empty?
- Empty.

Outside we found six more.

Eleven of them disappeared from the shop.
Where are the others?

If this is what you came for,
you might have said so.

There was no need for all this.
I can show you the others.

- And on top of that, they laugh!
- There are five cans. You're welcome!

I took them myself.
You have some complaint?

The shopkeeper isn't bothered.
Don't you think, Artist?

Artist, what's wrong?
He's stunned.

Not the time to sit down.
We're going to the police station!

Sure! Come to the station!

These gentlemen don't have
time to waste.

- The cops have wrecked everything!
- Did they check the basement?

Is there a basement?

There's a mattress. Do you think
the Artist sleeps here?

- What are you doing here? Out!
- Nothing bad, we're singing!

Do I have to fetch your father?
Get out!

Don't move.

Don't play with that.
It's not for women.

Careful, it might go off.
Put it down.

- Isn't your name Maria?
- How do you know?

I know. And you know my name?

- No.
- I don't like liars.

- What's my name?
- I don't know.

- Look into my eyes.
- You're hurting me!

Say my name!
Come on, be brave!

- Pierre Ba...
- Enough.

I see that I'm famous in
this neighborhood.

- Did the artist tell you?
- No.

- Who?
- The artist didn't say anything.

I get can't trust anyone.

- I won't say anything.
- If I make you silent I can be sure.

Just have to push...
you wouldn't make noise...

But you're lucky.

You're lucky to be so beautiful.

The newspapers would laugh if
they knew I couldn't k*ll you!

Go tell the police!
Get out!


Are you daydreaming?

They're coming!

- Are they?
- They let them go?

Artist, what did you do?

- He hasn't done anything.
- Tell us about it!

I have no time.

- Juju! Come on!
- What happened?


- He's gone.
- No way.

- I tell you, he's gone.
- Have you looked well?


He's gone!

- We'll celebrate.
- You'll have to drink alone.

The police are sometimes right.


Without the cops he would have
stayed here the rest of his life.

- You have no feelings.
- Here.

- I have no desire to have fun.
- Have one for consolation.

If it's for consolation...

- For Pierrot!
- We did what we could.

Where could he be?

You're here!

I can come in?
You expect more visitors?

Don't complain.
It could have been worse.

Worse? I spent the afternoon
thinking that the police would return.

They won't come again.

Thief! Stealing cans of food...

This is a den of thieves!

Now what happens?

If they decide to charge me,
I'll be passing some time in the shade.

You'll have earned it!

That little friend of yours,
who likes the music...

- Her name is Maria.
- She comes around a lot.

- Maria came by?
- Just after they detained you.

- She lives nearby.
- Maybe too close.

- Sure she doesn't know anything?
- You can't be sure of anything.

- Perhaps someone told her.
- Who could have told?

- Who? I'm asking!
- Women find out everything.

They do? Are you sure you
didn't tell her a little?

Maria won't say a word!
She promised.

I'm about to throw your friend out
into the street!

- Listen, Barbier...
- Got something to say?

- This is my house!
- All right!

What are you waiting for?
Go back to the police station!

Tell them where I am.
You'll be given a reward.

Answer me! Do something!

Why not break my face?
You have the right!

I was wrong.
I deserve to be beaten.

Don't stay out here.
You'll catch cold.

Hit me!

Go to sleep.

Tell me you're not
angry with me.

Let's forget it.

Beware of women,
some of them are whores.

Maria isn't...

The Artist has closed the door.

- He doesn't want to see you again.
- I know.

Artist! It's Juju! Open up!

- Go home!
- Pierrot is out here!

- Let him stay there!
- Where could he go?

- I don't care!
- I'll shout until you open the door!

- Artist!
- Don't interfere.

- Listen, Juju...
- Shut up! We've made peace.

Don't say anything.

Come on, come on!
What are you waiting for?

Maria doesn't seem to mind the cold.
She's acting as if it's Spring.

It's better here than out in
the street, don't you think, Artist?

Better than at home.

- What about coal?
- The coalman left nothing.

But I've managed.
The Artist isn't worrying.

I've been lucky.

To think that within a month
I'll be in the heat.

It will still be Winter.

Not for me. In Brazil, it's Summer.

First you have to get there.
You can't get there by car.

- Then I'll fly.
- With what money?

Money is everywhere.
Just need to find it.

But you never learn.

When I am rich in Brazil, I'll
think of you and send you money.

- What a bundle.
- And you'll drink with me in mind.

- No, I won't drink.
- What will you do?

I'll go to the Midi.
To see the blue sky.

Don't you think it's
making too much smoke?

No wonder, look at the chimney.

I already fixed it.

- You mean you'll go to Midi?
- Yes, with a girlfriend.

- It's hot!
- Use the handkerchief.

- Do you have a girlfriend?
- No, I was joking.

This smoke stings my eyes.

Hey...what is Maria like?

Maria? She's a good girl.

I've been burned!

How much work you've done.

At least I'm good for something.

I haven't met many
people like you, Juju.

- Everyone says I'm useless.
- Don't listen to them.

- I'll never forget you.
- Me neither, Pierrot.

- I thought it would hold.
- You thought...

- I'm no expert!
- I can see that!

- You did a hell of a job.
- Open the window!

- It'll let the air out.
- We have to put out the fire.

- It's still smoking.
- Let me do it...

- You're going to burn the place down!
- What happened?

I tripped over the trunk!

No one is as useless as you!

You do it, if you dare!

Whenever you do something
it turns into a catastrophe!

Because of you I burned myself!

Whoever says you're useless is right!

And you...

- Where are you going?
- To take the air!

Are you crazy?

- Look at the smoke!
- Fire at the Artist's place!

- No, no fire!
- Fire department!

You're not wrong. It's me.
I'm risking my neck to see you.

- Don't stay here.
- Are you scared?

Give me a rum.

- Do they give away glasses?
- Hush, Alphonse!

- What does he want?
- A rum.

- I'll serve.
- Let me do it.

Enough, father and daughter!

The day came that wine
ran along the Seine

The day came that wine
ran along the Seine

And thousands of people
went to drown their sorrows.

And thousands of people
went to drown their sorrows.

- Come, Artist!
- What are you waiting for?

- Seems to be the day for it!
- Come on, continue!

Goodbye, Seine.

There are the little flowers.
There are the little flowers.

There are friends.

Goodbye, my heart.
Goodbye, my heart.

When there is no wine
in my cask

I'm not afraid to drink
water, no.


- Where are you going, Maria?
- To get some air.

Some's raining!

I'll go to the movies.
It doesn't rain in the cinema.

Today the movies,
yesterday a friend's house...

Before yesterday to a dance.
Nearly every night.

- And then you come back very late.
- So what?

Well, this can not continue.

You're right.

- What's he getting at?
- Yes, what are you getting at?

I don't like to stay here
each night with the drunks.

- It's up to you.
- Don't mess about. Stop it!

You hear that? It's up to you.

- You talk. I can't?
- When I speak I know what I mean.

You're old enough to do what you want.

Did you hear? I can go out alone.

And her father has
nothing to say about it?

- A father is a father.
- You hear? A father is a father!

You can go, Maria.
I give you permission.

Don't be angry,
I'll bring her back.

If she's not back in an hour,
tell her to sleep somewhere else.

Easy. She'll find plenty of places.

- It is raining.
- We'll run. It's not very far.

- What?
- The cinema.

- The cinema?
- I'll come with you.

- No need to come.
- It's no trouble.

I'm not going to the movies.

- Cover up, you're getting drenched.
- No, thanks.

We don't have to go to the movies.
We can go anywhere.

We can't stand here talking.

- Juju...
- What?

Be nice.

That's what I want.

- Would you do me a favor?
- Sure!

- Then please go!
- Why?

I need to go to this place alone.

- Really?
- Don't you understand?

You don't see anything. Not even
that I'm wearing the same scarf as yours.

True, I hadn't noticed.

Hasn't he told you, your friend?

How would you know?

You told me where he was.
He says you saved his life.

I appreciate it very much.

Goodnight, Juju.

Won't you say goodnight?

Goodnight, Maria.

We're still friends, right?


Then give me a kiss.

Don't say anything.

You know I would never say anything.

- Is Juju here?
- Yes.

- And I don't think he can move.
- I have to see him.

First you need to sober him up.

You'll be lucky if you can wake him.

He didn't drink that much.

- I couldn't keep up.
- He's recovered by now.

Your friend's in a lot of pain.

- What are you doing here?
- I have the passport.

- The passport?
- The one he asked for.

- So what?
- He can go now.

- Who?
- Our Friend! He'll leave!

- He'll go?
- Yes.

So I'm no longer needed.

No one needs me.

That's it! With this paper
you can go around the world.

On the condition you have a
photo. And we have it!

- Juju, are you deaf?
- No.

- Are you worried about something?
- Yes.

Why am I leaving?

Couldn't last forever, right?

No, not forever.

The Artist isn't sad. He gave
me his name so I could leave.

He looks good in photos.
Hop! I have changed!

Barbier takes his place.
A good job, right?

Hardly noticeable.

Arrived at the border. Police.
"Passport?" Please.

I'll look. "Occupation?"

Musician. Is everything in order?
"Yes, sir."

- Say "Bon voyage."
- Bon voyage.

Thank you, Mr. Inspector.
Goodbye Police! Goodbye France!

Away I go! Life is beautiful!
I win!

Have you broken something?
What happened?

The cat. It's bad luck.


When I said that life
is beautiful! It's a bad omen.

- Nonsense.
- Oh yes!

- I'll wring it's neck!
- Are you crazy?

I should have done it before!

Hello, Artist.
We've come to see you.

We can come in and talk?

- Tell me.
- Come, Paulo.

- No, you.
- Who lives in your house?


- Who was here last night?
- Juju.

No, Juju was in the bar.

Juju got drunk.
Do you mind letting me in?

- What are you getting at?
- Let me in.

Come in.

You realize this is my home.

I don't like people coming
in to inspect it.

I don't like my daughter
coming here to meet someone.

- I don't understand.
- Tell me what you know, Paulo.

- I know nothing.
- What did you see?

From my house I saw Maria
come out through this door.

And the door closed
behind her.

Someone closed the door
when she left, do you understand?

- Who?
- That's what I want to know.

- I can't explain it.
- I'll give you some advice:

If someone you don't know
closed that door,

tell the police.
I'll take care of it if you like.

If you don't know who's meeting
my daughter, I'll find out.

- Don't meddle in someone else's business.
- You're right.

Yes, I heard.

All clear.
Okay, pass me the suitcase.

Do I bring these or not?
No, it would be foolish.

Shirts with my initials...
You can sell it all later.

Aren't you taking anything?

I'll take this.
Just in case we run into trouble.

Alphonse won't do anything.

- You never know.
- Maybe you shouldn't go.

Here I'd just sleep more.

Come, you go first.

You can go.

- Perhaps we'll meet again.
- Where will you sleep?

- On the train. Tomorrow I'll be gone.
- What about money?

I'll find it. Goodbye, Juju.

You're like a brother.
You've done a lot for me.

What I could. Nothing more.

- You could...
- What?



Take this, give it to her.

Just a couple of lines.
To say goodbye.

I'll give it to her.

Do it now.

It's the last thing I ask.

I have to go to him.
Say you're taking me dancing.

What singing!
It hurts my ears!

- Go on, don't listen to him.
- Go on without me.

- Maria, are you coming?
- Where are you going?

- To dance. I'll take you dancing.
- I'll get a shawl.

No way.
You're not going anywhere.

- I'm going with Juju!
- I don't care!

- Be reasonable.
- I'll do as I like!


I'll be waiting for him just
like at the dancehall. Take this.

Tell him to find me.

- As we agreed.
- As you agreed.

In Marseille.

In Marseille. Why?

I don't have time to explain.
Quick, someone could come.

- What are you waiting for?
- I'm going.

Tell him I only
think of him.

You only think of him...

- What are you doing here?
- Maria...

- Is she coming?
- She can't come.

- What did she say?
- She's only thinking of you.

- What's this?
- She sent it.

You should have given it first.

It's all I need.

Money is no problem. I only need
to know how to speak to the girls...

Maria didn't say anything?

You'll find her in Marseille.

In Marseille. Okay.
Goodbye, my friend.

You're taking Maria?

Poor fool! What kind of life
would she have with Barbier?

Easy, when she gets to Marseille,
I'll be long gone.

- Then...
- I don't want to drag her along.

- Then...
- What?

And apologize again
to her father.

- What then?
- I thought you were a hustler, like me!

In life, everyone should
look out for themselves.

- Don't you ever think of others?
- I have no time.

- No way.
- What?

- You can't do this!
- We'll talk another day.

- Anything else?
- You can not do this to Maria!

She's a girl like all the others!

- No.
- They are all whores!

Maria isn't.

Are you in love with her?
My poor friend!

In this life?
You have no chance.

You're not good with women.

Go drink to my health.
It's easier.

Pierrot! Give me that money!

Alphonse's money?
Worried about Alphonse?

- When Maria finds out...
- When she finds out what?

That you never loved her...

You've done this for money.

She'll learn to not
be such an idiot.

Pierrot, you can't.

Juju, if you don't let me go...

- You can't leave.
- I won't tell you again!

- You can't go!
- Leave, Juju! Or it'll be bad for you.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Yes, makes me wonder.

- What is it? Are you hot?
- I thought I heard firecrackers.

The dogs are barking.

Don't whistle.
Not now.

- Why?
- You have no feelings.

What will you do with the money?

Return it to Maria.

So nobody knows anything.

What will you tell her?

I will tell her...

I will say...Pierrot
no longer needed it.

- What about you?
- I don't want any.
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