Il segno di Venere (1955)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Il segno di Venere (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »


He marries today.

In three hours, it'll be done.

It's strange to see
someone getting married.

And then, what's more,
even in the same building!

Don't tell me you like him.

Was there nothing between you?
- Get real.

I've only seen him twice.

But you're upset.

If you don't confide such things to me..
Eh? - Oh, come on!

It'll pass.

Well, I don't like him, he plays dumb.

He's not worth it.
- He plays dumb?

He's just shy.
- Shy?

Say, when he passed me on the stairs,
you know what he did?

Slapped my fanny!
- Come on, I'm sure it was accident.

Oh, no? If he did that to you,
would you think it an accident?

With an open hand? - An open hand.
Everyone in the building heard it.

I'm sure it was a friendly hint or
reprimand for the way you walk.

Why? How do I walk?

A bit provocatively.

Do I walk provocatively?

I could if I wanted,
who could stop me?

That's why he always behaved with me.

Very well behaved.

# Beautiful Madonna,

# that shines from afar.

# All gold and small,

# dominating all of Milan.

Morning, aunt.
Did you sleep well?

Ah, fine. What were you
talking about inside? - Nothing.

I was talking about..
- Love!

You only talk about love
morning, noon and night.

Don't cause us trouble.
You'll spoil that girl.

What trouble?
- Yes, trouble!

Remember if you cause trouble,
you leave this house!

I'll send you to Milan to my brother.

I didn't have you come to Rome
to put ideas in your cousin's head!

Men! That's all I hear spoken
about in this house. Always!

And me, if my mama didn't
explain it all to me,

at your age, you know how
I thought babies were born?

Under a cabbage.

With a kiss.

Is that true, aunt? Not to offend
you but.. did anyone ever kiss you?

A kiss? Never.

Who can it be?

I got it!

Excuse me, Robestelli?
- Bottom floor, number six.

Morning, uncle. Sleep well?
- You take my paper? - Which one?

"The Messenger".
- No.

As soon as it arrives, it disappears.

It's my paper,
you're not allowed to touch it!

Papers mustn't be read
by women who can't understand!

The paper's in here!
Already screaming this early, eh?

I'll scream when I like! This is
my house! I paid and furnished it!

And I want to scream!
- Scream out there!

This is the kitchen!
And only I scream in it!

Who was that?

Just flowers.

For the wedding.
- Sure, now they all get married.

In my day, not so many got married.
And it was only good families.

Nowadays make me sick. Very sick.

The bride has gone to him.

That one got lucky.

She brought him a cinema and two farms.

Twenty hectares, that sly fox!
And the girl is pretty.

So you think but it won't last.

Aunt, I'm hungry.
- Hungry, hungry!

I heard you last night come to
the kitchen and eat some potatoes.

Just one. What can I do if I'm hungry?
- You'll get fat! Not like in my day.

Then girls got fat after
marriage not before.

Always jam, of course I get fat!

Are you going out?
- Why, can't I go out?

Where are you going?
- To look for a job.

Again with that?
- Look at this.

"Looking for young people of
both sexes. Easy work. Good pay."

I'm going.

Ah, but you're not "both sexes".
You're a lady.

And your place is here at home,
in the kitchen, "both sexes".

Knock it off with the Middle Ages.
- What? I don't understand.

We're not living in the Middle Ages.
Women have the same rights as men.

Also in the field of love.
Because work gives them independence.

At least, where I come from.
- Right.

What could I do in a kitchen?

Cesira works and I want to work too.

Here they go!
Both in cahoots!

This one, the Milanese, the northerner,
always the ringleader, Joan of Arc!

And this idiot, with mouth open
like this, admires her.

Close your mouth, you'll get flies.


# Rise, children of the fatherland..



Don't yell in the hallway!

I'll yell in the hallway, in the kitchen,
wherever I want!

Scream and shout!
- Oh, you had the papers!

I was looking for it!
- What, I can't read now?

In the morning it's mine.
Read it later, when I go to work.

Why do you need the papers?
- She's crazy, she wants to work.

I don't want to hear that in my house.

You'll marry when and with whom I want.
Until then, you keep quiet!


5,000 a day,
they were giving for the fumetti.

I could've earned my dowry!

And you wouldn't let me.
- You have a dowry.

The dowry of a young lady is chastity.

Enough, let's not exaggerate!

If she didn't have that land in
the country, my sister, may God and

all the souls in Purgatory protect her,
you wouldn't have married her!

I know what my daughter needs!

A home and family!

Family and home!

One minute, uncle!

Poor guy.

Poor boy.

Who knows if she really loves him?

A little nervous, doctor?


Perhaps, if he talked to me..



A minute!

Maybe I should've encouraged him.

Stay there.

- Oh, God!

What's that girl doing?
- Help! - su1c1de!

What's that?

- Help!

Cesira, where are you?

Mama mia!
- Hang on!

What a shock!
- Hold her good! Hold her!

Why did you do this?

The flower pots! The pots!
- You're worrying about the pots?

Let's bring her over there.
- Why did you do this?

Do you have any sense in your head!
- Easy.

Oh, my God!
A su1c1de attempt in our house!

This'll wind up in the papers!
- Mama mia, she's so heavy!

A su1c1de attempt in our house!
- What a scandal for the building!

All normal..

Poor doctor, I had to bother you
just now. I feel such remorse.

I wish I could've met
you on another occasion.

Your tongue, please.

Are you in pain?
- No. Are you, doctor?

Me? Why should I?

I meant..
- Inhale!

Even happiness can make you suffer.
At least that's what the novels say.

Inhale, miss, come on.

Everything is fine.

You had a close call.
Now you must rest a little.

Goodbye, miss. Sorry, if I must fly.

And good luck.
- Good luck to you too.

- Good luck from my heart.

Thank you.

Nothing, nothing at all.
It was just a scare.

Give her a nice purgative tomorrow.
- Yes.

Morning, how are you?
- Well, thank you.

It was nothing. - Thank God, Carlo.
- What a shock. I thought she fell.

Thanks, doctor, how much do I owe?
- Forget it, it was nothing.

Today, there is no charge.
- Thanks.

Good luck to the bride.
- Thanks.

May you have lots of boys!
- Goodbye, thanks.

Lots of boys!
- Thanks again.

Come on, hurry!

Get on shorty, you'll gain a foot!
- Very funny!

Excuse me! - Get on beauty!
- Cesira!

Cesira, come on!
- I'll catch up!

Hi, Carlo.

Were you invited?
- No, just looking. And you?

I love weddings.

The one I saw last Sunday
at St. Gaetana was fantastic.

The bride.


How lovely she is.
How cute.

She has a good figure, doesn't she?
- Small bones get fat quick.

What a beautiful veil!

I have almost the same which I
bought in Burano, while on a daytrip.

Of course, the veil is
everything in a wedding.

What a nice couple!
- What a veil!

I'm going home else I get
too emotional. And you?

Don't leave me alone, go with me.
Come on, have some coffee.

I'll tell your fortune.
- No, I can't. I have to work.

Another day.
- Soon, then.

Bye, Cesira.
- Goodbye.

Wake up, dope!

- Get out of the street!

Mrs. Pina!

Don't push!
- Nobody touched you.

Excuse me.
- Don't mention it.

Go in front.

Excuse me!

Keep your hands off!

Pick five cards.

The future.

Let's see.

Your sign is now moving into
a period of happiness and love.

It's the period of Venus.
Don't waste time.

How long does that period last?
A year or two?

A month or so, depending on the case.

What can happen in a month?

Much can happen.

Many men are seen in your path.

I see one, two,

Quite a lot, my young miss!
You're spoiled for choice.

There's one.. really important.
It's very clear.

The Jack of Hearts.

Goodness gracious!

How can I tell which one
is he among the three?

Here is the solution.

Bring me a photo,
a letter, a lock of hair.

We put this over it and
we'll soon know the guy.

Now, me. I want to see
if they'll install my phone.

If I've only one month, I have to hurry.

Keep your eyes open.

You're complicated, you know?
Our Cesira is complicated.

But, you have nobody now?

It takes someone, to be happy.

Well, maybe there is one.
It might be him, but you know..

He's not one to show up in the cards.

But you know, he's no longer
young, a photographer.


He works at the Guest House like I do.
He's very moral.

That's something.
- Yes, but it's not everything.

When all is said and done,
he's a flying cartridge

that one can sh**t
with their eyes closed.

The last cartridge.

Excuse me.

Are you Mr. Mario?

- Cesira hasn't arrived yet so..

I know you because Cesira told
me about you. I'm her cousin.

Your Cesira's cousin?

- She's not feeling well..

Something bad happened,
that's why I came with her.

But I lost her:
I got on the bus and she didn't.

Where is she?
What could've happened?

To whom?
- To Cesira!

- Are you Mario, the photographer?

Ah, yes..
This I understood.

But you're Cesira's cousin?

She never mentioned you.
Jesus, Jesus!

One says, "I've a cousin like so.."
But you're standing. Please sit.

What a nice visit this morning!

What are you doing? Crying?
- I'm worried.

Worried? With those beautiful eyes?

Sit down.

Good morning.
- Oh, finally.

I was delayed.
- Where were you? An hour!

Cesira, what are we doing?

Excuse me, I stopped to
have my fortune read.

Go to your place, go.

A shave?
- Just sit, it'll be five minutes.

OK, I'll wait.

Sir, you have something to dictate?

Anything, Sir?

What do you want?

Sorry, I asked if you need dictation.
- What dictation?

It was an unexpected visit.
- Cesira works, works hard.

She needs distraction, fun.
You could handle that, right, Mario?

Fine, let's have fun.
Let's have fun tonight, OK?

You can come too, can't you?
You have a boyfriend? - Me? No.

Well then,
miss, leave it all up to me.

Leave it to me for tonight.
- Mario!

There you are!
Good day, doctor.

But.. Cesira's here!
- Miss..

I could k*ll you!


Why did you walk in without knocking?
Didn't you see I had company?

It's because you had company
that I called you "doctor".

Very nice, I congratulate you.

Well, I'm not bragging..

Very pretty. Pretty at first sight.
Who is she?

Don't tell me, I get it.

I don't understand what you're saying!
- I get it, I get it..

You don't get anything!
- I get it. - No, you don't.

She's the cousin..
of my co-worker.

Tonight, we planned on..

going out and having fun.
Let's do this! - Yes? - You're free?

Then come too.
- Where?

In the house of.. a few painter friends.
- They've invited you?

Of course! Because I'm a photographer?
So what?

Photographers, my dear, are artists.
I scrutinize, I observe, I look!

My gaze penetrates..
I'm a living lens!

Know what we'll do?
I'll bring her, you bring the cousin.

What will we do?
- We'll dance and.. dance..

I get it, say no more. No more.

Is it a house..

I don't understand you.
What the hell?

I get it.
Will it go late?

I can't go too late.

My mom doesn't want me out late.


If it's to make a friend happy,
I'll talk to mom.

You rascal!

You want a brand new car?
- Here we go again. No, I don't.

I brought it with me, it's outside.
Damn, what a deal you'd be making!

A 1400 sedan for 300,000 lire? I better
not think about it else I won't sell it.

Oh, well, the deed is done.

Take the keys, give me
the money and it's done.

But quick, before I start crying.

Cry then and take the keys.
Where can I get 300,000 lire?

Get real!
- For that money, it's a steal.

I don't want a steal, I'll buy my own.

I'd like to know what I'm buying.
- It's a car, almost new.

What do you want?
- Nothing, but whose it was.

I'm selling it, what else is there?
- It might be stolen.

- Stolen. You could be feeding me a line.

First you said it was yours,
then that it wasn't yours,

then you told me it was your dad's,
who died and left it to you. - Yes.

Look, your dad,
I found out, died 20 years ago.

In the Great w*r.
Poor Daddy!

- They didn't make Fiat 1400s back then.

And then, I want everything in order.
I want transfer of the deed.

- Why not? - No!

I can't transfer the deed.
- But why not?

Just for the simple reason that..
It can't be done.

But come on, there must be a reason why!

I can't. Let me explain.

So, the car..
here's how it is..

Want to know whose it is?
I'll tell you.

The car belongs to a
Commendatore from Asti.

This Commendatore is from Asti,
but he lives in Genoa,

with a lover.

His wife doesn't know,
here's the intrigue.

The Commendatore from Asti
called me and said,

"Dear, there's the car."

"We're partners.
You sell it. You do it."

Then the Commendatore
to avoid hassles..

said, "I'm tearing everything."
And he tore everything.

He tore the car registration?
- He tore everything. Damn! You got it?

What do you care about the registration?
It's the car that counts! The car!

I can't drive a car without papers. What
if I'm stopped? - By whom? - The police.

By whom? It's a gigantic car!
A rocket! Who'll stop you?

Mario, tonight, with those two chicks,
you'll look more cool than anything.

We'll talk it over tonight, Mario.
- Fine, we will. - Fine, tonight.

I'm glad you got it.
- No, I didn't get anything.

No, you got it.
Got it?

I got it.

Sly as a fox!

Should I make a black coat?
- No, black makes one look old.

And this one is still good.
- It's been seen.

They'll know me by the plaid.
- So? Plaid is always classic.

There they are.

Good evening. Sorry for the delay.

What are you doing?
I can't stop here!

Get in! Hurry!

Shut it!

Where to?

My friend Romolo Proietti, Miss Cesira.

Colombo, delighted.
- Delighted.

We already met. Don't you remember?
- Not at all.

Strange, your face I wouldn't forget.

Miss Agnese. - Tirabassi.
Delighted. - Likewise.

Where are we going?

We're going to a picnic. We've been
invited to a house of artists, painters.

I propose we take something.
Maybe some wine or ham because

if it's a picnic,
everybody brings something.

I brought Miss Agnese.

The sweet cousin.

Speaking of cousins..

You know the joke about the cook?

The one with a baker's "cousin"?
- How idiotic.

It's so funny that one.
A baker's cousin! Have you heard it?

Miss! Agnese! Instead of the cook
having a baker's dozen,

he had a baker's cousin!

Instead of a "cous", a "doz".

Instead of a "cous", a "doz"?
- A "doz"! It's hilarious. - Got it?

Fine, let's let it go.

How good!

Bravo! That was great.

- What a voice!

You have a nice voice too.
- And she knows about painting! - Really?

Do you like this? - No.
- Why not?

It doesn't look like him.
- Who? - I have no idea!

You're nice!

What hands!
Look at these hands.

Beautiful hands!
- Beautiful. - Wonderful.

Yes, beautiful, fine,
but don't we eat here?

You need help?
- Yeah, OK.

Let's make the sandwiches.
Agnese, who doesn't work, doesn't eat.

Let's stop fooling around, OK?
Come, let's go.

Here we go.
- Why aren't you with Cesira?

Um.. later.

Do you dislike being with me?
- Hands off. Don't act fresh.

Yes, fresh, but in love!

Hey, keep the hands off!

I care for Cesira.
And you must make her happy.

And who'll make me happy?
- Good grief!

Sandwiches! May I have one?
- Please do.

Your hands! Such lovely hands!
- Really?

What's your last name?
- Me? Tirabassi.

A southerner?
- Yes. - Like me.

- Who is it?

Oh, how nice!

Don't crowd her!

Who is it? - May I have one?
- Please take some.

Why don't you make more?
- That's why I came!

One goes "Cuckoo", another goes
"Zop-zop" and I make sandwiches!

You want to take photos?
- No.

Miss, a sandwich please!
- Here you go!

Here, take this.
Take it easy.

Take it easy, don't rush.
Here, have some.

Help yourself.
- There you go.

Who did it?
- Good luck with that!

Who'll help me?
That's it, very nice, good.

Shall we dance?

Let's dance.
- Miss..

Want to earn some money? It's an
easy job. Tomorrow at 9. Can you?

But.. what is it?
- It's very easy, let me explain.

Get me a glass of wine.

Sit. Sit here.
- Thank you kindly.

You drink?

The very thought!
If I drink I sleep till Easter.


She's your cousin?
- Yes.

A pretty girl, isn't she?

Excuse me, what's your type?


Enough, I'm tired.

You know they gave you a bad haircut?

What are you doing?

Did you cut my hair?
- My little secret.

Are you crazy? - Excuse me.
- Excuse me.

Come on, let's get some air.
This place is full of jerks.

Come on, don't make me beg.
- But I can't sing.

Impossible! With that face,
you must have talent. Come on! - Wait.

She's going to sing.

# He had a collar the color of saffron

# and a dress coat the color of cyclamen.
- How lovely she sings!

# He walked from Lodi to Milan,
to meet..

I don't know any more.
- Nice!

You want to dance?
- I said no.

God, everybody criticizes Rome but

that's why it's called the Eternal City.

Can you do me a favor?
- That depends on what it is.

Make a phone call.
Here's the number.

You say, "Hi, it's Anna."
If they say, "Who's this?", hang up.

If they say, "Hi, Anna", give it to me.

"Hi, I'm Anna", "Who's this?", I hang up.
- Yes, hang up.

But if they say..
- "Hi, Anna." Give it to me.

Hi, it's Anna.

Hi, is it you?
It's me.

Are you OK?
I'm fine.

To say hello.

I love you.


You hear me?


Are you done?

Your girlfriend?

Are you married?

The art world is nice.
- I'm falling to sleep, let's go.

- We're coming.

Why must we go? I was having fun.

Isn't this view lovely, Agnese?
Right? It's lovely.

If I just had a camera.
- You may like it, I don't.

I like it and I like you.

I'm here to have fun,
stop with the hands!

Get off or I'll slap you!
I'll call Cesira!

Slap me! Call Cesira!
- Here, jerk!

Hey, let's go!

Get in.

Move it!

Hey, stop!
- Stop! - Stop!

What are you doing?
- Nothing.

Where are you taking me?
- Shut up.

The one on the phone said,
"Hi, Anna"? - Yes.

But where are we going? Paris?
- Damn women!

Didn't you see the cops?

Why, are you fleeing?
- And how!

Watch out!

What do you want?
- Why do you flee? - Shut up.

Miss Agnese, I'm sorry, I'll be good.
- Leave me alone. - No, don't leave me.

Tell me, who made you so lovely?
- And who made you so ugly?

You're so mean.
Shall I walk you home?

I'll call the police!
Leave me alone now.

Get on that bus and go home.
I've a friend here who has a garage.

Oh.. and all this, not a word.

- Bye.

Hey, listen.

Anything else?
- What's your name? - Cesira.

Not a word.


Good night, aunt. - I've already
said a few words to your dumb cousin.

To you I'll just say:
This is a decent house.

Behave accordingly or you're out!

You'll go!

You'll go!
You'll go, my girl!

Now's not the time to sing!
I must get up at 7! - I wasn't singing.

I was scolding your niece.
You should be doing the same.

Right! For that one you need
to call Beniamino Gigli!

Such manners!

If you're crazy, and your cousin
is idiot enough to listen to you,

I'm crazier than both of you together!

That one, I'll break her bones.
And you.. I'll send back to Milan.

To my brother.

Got it?

Have you been here long?
- No.

That guy is too much.
- Who?

That Proietti.
- What did he do?

Nothing, really, I was just saying.
Let's drop it.

I can be very discreet.

I'm going to make the coat.
- What?

I decided to do it. I'll use three
fourths for the plaid coat.

Yes but not too long,
else it'll make you look too old.

A refined evening, all considered.

At first yes. But then..
with your Mario!

Mama mia, what a jerk!

In the street.. get set, go!..
he kept touching!

It was like an as*ault!

Have you read "Give Me Back My Life"?

Don't you care about Mario?
I'd be offended.

Dear, what can I tell you?
You can't live by measuring everything.

Of course I know how to keep a distance.

Be prudent, dear.
- Why?

What do you mean?
What am I doing wrong?

Maybe you're a bit provocative.
- Me?

Darling, "Who wants doesn't think."
- Whatever.

Are you free?
- Yes.

What do you want, black or brown?
- Brown.

- OK, brown.

They are brown.
- These ones?

They look black to me.
- They're brown!


Don't touch me, please, move on.

Who's touching you?
- What do you want?

I've come to dictate to you
a letter for a special price.

Need a copy?
- No, just write.

"Respectable House of Cesira:
The undersigned via Priority Mail,"

"to ask your forgiveness, invites
the young lady to dinner tonight."

"At eight sharp at Piazza Esedra."

Let's not leave together
or there'll be gossip.

Wow, what a gentleman!
- You accept?

Fine. But keep your hands in place, OK?

It's done.

Thank you, sir.

Do you have a cigarette?

I think I have two.

One for each. - Thanks.
I don't smoke, but occasionally I do.

Thank you.

Am I interrupting?
- Of course not.

"Mr. Director.."
Comma, new line.

" Your inexplicable refusal
has made me face reality."

"If I do not receive a
response with the money,"

"before the night falls,
I'll know what I'll have to do."

"Do not be surprised by my act."

Did you write "act"?

"My departure.."

"will only leave you a shadow of regret."

"I know that in these times,
dreams of beauty are not encouraged."

"Beauty" with a capital B..

Thank you.

Then the signature.

"Sincerely, Alessio Spano."

Excuse me, I don't want to intrude but..

Maybe you'll understand when
I say that I don't even have..

the money to pay for this letter.

Do you forgive me?

the letter's not important.

It would be 60 lire, but whatever.

But you'll really send it?

I'm having a bad time.

My radio program has been canceled.
"The Song of the Lark." You know it?

Cancelled, just like that.

And the papers, you see them?

Petty events of the day:
beauty contests, scandals,.. Martians!

No poetry or literature.
How does one live,

pardon my boasting, who is a poet?

Where do I write? On the walls?
Fine, enough!

I lived enough to know that life is..

nothing more.
- Thanks.

This morning,
I got up.

I looked to the sky.

I expected to see..
a letter, with a check.

But not even that.

Not even that.
Fine, enough!

Enough! Enough! Enough!

Thank you, miss.

Thank you and excuse me.
- Wait .

No, no. - Please.
- No, no. - Let me.

Miss, look..
- You can pay me back.

If that's the case, OK.

Listen, tear up that letter.

Maybe it'll be better tomorrow.
Maybe even today.

Don't be discouraged.
God forbid!

A gentleman like you.

Look, I'm never mistaken.

I noticed your manners right away.

Tomorrow I'll refund the money.

- Cesira.

Cesira. See you tomorrow.


How much?
- 40 lire.


This one is dry. How about 30?
- OK.


For me? - Yes.
- Thank you for the thought.

There aren't many women
who deserve a flower.

Thanks again. See you tomorrow.
- See you.

Ah, a flower, eh?

A dear friend.
A poet.

Evening newspaper!
Latest edition!

The papers!

Latest edition!
- Hi.

- Bye.

Are you crazy?

I'm the crazy one?

You stick out the whole street and call
me crazy! - You rammed into me!

Is there any police here? - What police?
I'm in the right. You hit me first!

No, please, I turned right
and you hit me!

But you had no signal on!

How could I? I had my blinker on!

You were supposed to look,
and break in a timely manner!

Miss, did you see it?

Yes, I saw that thing blinking.

You hear? She saw it!
I'm right!

What did you see?

The young lady saw it, I guarantee!
- Guarantee what? - Excuse me.

What is it? - This man
hit me, I have witnesses!

This lady saw everything!
- Yes, that's right.

Why do you want to get me in trouble?
- Shut up! Gimme your license.

Your license.
- Immediately.

Wait, miss, don't go. I need a
moment to get your address.

My girlfriend saw it too. Right, Daisy?

Yes, but let's hurry.

Ignazio Bolognini.

Son of Nicola and Maria Montorsi.

Well what did you see, miss?
- I..

Well, I saw..

Truly, I think that car there
was going too fast.

He braked and turned too quickly.

That's what I've been saying.

But miss, first you said you saw my
hazard lights blinking! - I said that?

I don't even know what a blinker is!

But you must have seen the red light?
- Am I talking to you? Excuse me.

Officer, I was saying that I saw
his vehicle break suddenly

and the white car cut him off.
That's what I saw. - Alright.

Give me my license.

Thanks, miss. Thanks a lot.
I don't know how to thank you.

Why don't you speak Italian?
Excuse me.

You probably don't have an easy life.

Why? I work and I train.

Train in what?
- Boxing. For the Lazio championship.

I'm a little heavy,
I should lose a few kilos.

You should try a Turkish bath.

You should come to the hotel
I work at across the station.

I can get you a discount.
- Cool! Not a bad idea.


How scary!

But I like strong people,
they're more honest.

Look, I live there,
right after the pizzeria.

It's a little far.

But the area is good
with brand new buildings.

Wait, let me show you something.

From a year ago.

Ah! That's you.

How short your hair is.

May I keep it? - Why not?
- Cesira!

- Are you coming up?

Yes, go on, I'm coming.

Goodbye, Ignazio, and thanks a lot.
- Thank you. Miss..

My cousin Agnese.

Ignazio Bolognini, it's a great pleasure.

Shall we go now?

What's the hurry?
Let's hang out and get some coffee, eh?

No, it's impossible.
It's too late.

You know where to reach me
for my testimony? - Of course.

Then come and see me
even if it's not for that.

I'll expect you. Goodbye.
- Certainly.

- Are you a fireman?

I'll say! A firefighter, dear, of course!

Lucky you! Going to movies for free.
- It's my job.

Honey, a little more discretion.

Well, we're leaving.
Goodbye, Ignazio.

Evening. - Good evening.
- Good evening.

Who was that?
- A pest.

- Good night.

Ah, Mario waited for you all night.
- How do you know?

He called.
- It won't harm him to wait.

You go on, I'll be a minute.
- What are you doing?

Ah, Cesira! You want to come in?
- Yes, Mrs. Pina, it's urgent. - Come in.

Hi, Agnese.
- Good evening.

Come this way.

It's warmer.

Sit down.

You know what?
Your house is small and cozy.

Modestly, I have good taste.
- Yes, you do.

And the means for it.
- I worked hard.

Ma'am, this is for the locket.

This is Mario, photographer.

I only bring a little
because his hair is so short.

No fluid.
- I'm not surprised.

Damn this period of Venus,
such tough luck!

This one is from Rome.
His name is Proietti.

I want to know if at least if he's alive.

It says he's alive.
- He doesn't call.

True, he's a man of few words,
but at least a phone call.

Dear, you don't need to
look for a complicated love.

I'm not. Did I say I wanted
a complicated love?

Look at this one, ma'am.

It's moving!
- And how!

Is it this one?
- No, this one.

Handsome boy. An energetic type,
home and family is everything.

Could someone else in the group
make the locket move? - Not at all.

all of them are handsome boys.



- Morning.

Remember me?
- Sure.

What finds you here? A fire?
- No.

I was passing by, I saw you and I said,
"Maybe Agnese is going downtown."

Agnese? So you remember my name?

Yes, I'm going downtown to work.

Maybe they'll give me a job.

If you like, I'll go with you.
I've nothing to do. If you don't mind.

How nice. The bus'll take an hour.
- Then let's go. - Alright.

Over here?
- Right there. - OK.

Miss Tirabassi.

My respects, sir.

Come in.

Come forward.

- Yes

- Agnese.

First job?
- Yes, Commendatore.

You've never worked in an office?
- No, sir.

Well.. no matter.

What's important is
having the right attitude.

You must know I'm very
demanding on my employees.

Seriousness above all.
On this, I don't compromise.

I won't compromise because
the rest should follow.

I was taught that punctuality,
order, performance, discretion,

are the children of seriousness.
Is that clear?

I can't promise anything. We'll see.



Well, you can work in the archive.

It's not difficult.

All depends on your willingness
to learn, to work together,

and your love of work.

Here, we're one big family:
All for one and one for all.

We help out one another.

What happened?

He looked honest, a father.

When he finished speaking,
it looked great, and then..


What bull! I'll go kick his ass!
- No, come here!

Come, let's go. - What scum!
They think everybody is like them!

He seemed so serious.
Why are people so bad? - Idiot!

Don't cry. Not everybody's
like that thankfully.

I want to know why they all disrespect me!

Honestly, I know few girls as respectable
as you. Very few. Just my sister.

All, all, all, all, all!
- Come, dry your eyes.

Look how upset you made this girl!

I swear it's like they
did it to my sister.

Excuse me. It's just nerves.
- Now you're calm, forget it.

To make those lovely eyes cry!
It's a crying shame.

Do you remember that song? Surely not,
it was something my mom would sing.

How beautiful the Via Appia is.

Shall we stay a moment?

It's late, I have to be home at seven.
- Five minutes.

What's this? I'll dirty my skirt.
- I've the raincoat.

It's a shame there's no moon.

Why? Do you come here
when there's a moon?

Me? Never.
No, I was just saying.

Tourists come here just
to see it with the moon.

They say it's very nice.

Look at that sky.

Yes, but..

It's late.

Hey, little girl..
You know that I consider you..

Have I shown any disrespect?
Have I?

No, you haven't.
- Do you know why?

Because I do respect you.

One day was enough to see what you're
like. You're girl with heart. Lovely..

Lovely and honest, that's rare.

I wanted to tell you something.

It's better you don't tell your
cousin that we met today.

Hey, Ignazio, tell me the truth.

Maybe between you and Cesira..

Because I love Cesira.

Me? Are you crazy? Cesira?
She's just a witness for my testimony.

But it's better not to tell anyone.

Even Cesira wouldn't understand that
we're good friends and I respect you.

You understand?

Come on, let's go.

I'll walk you home.

You see how I am?

When I respect a woman,
she's sacred to me.

Thanks, Ignazio, you're very nice.

Let's stay a moment.

It's so lovely here.
You want to?

Look at that sky!

What a sky!

Sir! - Yes?
- Sir, a donation, please.

How much?
- Only 300 lire.

Let's see what she's selling.
- Give me one. - One for me.


What? Is it for the Red Cross?
- For Art Day, sir.

Huh? - Art Day, for the dissemination
of Italian culture throughout the world.

For what? - Culture, sir.
How many do you want? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?

100 lire each.
To help art, sir.

No, thanks, I'm in a hurry.


Mario, Romolo! Come, boys!
You're gentlemen, right?

You're going?
- And the donations?

What donations?
Wait and talk to me.

We must come to an agreement.
I came with you but I can't waste my day.

I'm wasting your day?

Since you showed up with the car,
you haven't left me in peace.

I won't leave you in peace.
Is the deal done?

I'm a serious businessman. Imagine if I
came to you and said, "The car is sold".

You'd have the right to say to me..
- I wish! I wish! - What "I wish"?

How I like that.

How beautiful.
- You sly old fox!

You say you like that?

No wonder! A 1400 for 300,000 lire?
Who wouldn't? - What "1400"?

Sly old fox!
- I was talking about Agnese.

Look how beautiful she is.
What a figure!

I really like her, I do!

Have you told her your feelings?
- What?

About your passion.
Did you tell her? - Oh, no!

I'm afraid she'll reject me.
I'm proud, you know, I'd be very hurt.

Does she know you have a car?
- What frickin' car? You're obsessed.

You wanna take her by bus? - Don't shout.
- A girl like that deserves to be driven.

You say, "May I? I have this car,
I'll drive you.." You throw her inside..

May I have one?
- Go away, we're talking business!

Forget him! - But he was a foreigner.
- With that beard, probably some bum.

Gentlemen, a donation for the arts?

What are you selling, miss?
- Nothing.

Agnese! Let's go to Pincio.
- Let's stay here, it's sunny.


- Ignazio!

What is it?
- I must speak to you.

Ma'am, at least..

Look who's here! Good day.

I haven't seen you in ages. - We've had
to stay at the firehouse for months.

Look what chance life brings:
I walk by and find two cousins.


What is it? Why did you call me?
We were going to meet tonight.

I'm so desperate, Ignazio!
- Careful.

What a lucky meeting!
- Really?

See you tomorrow, eh, Cesira?

Guys, we won't do anything down there.
Let's go.

Why tomorrow?
Are you free?

No, the testimony!

Tomorrow at court, they'll
claim 60,000 lire in damages.

You must save me.

But I'm afraid to tell a lie.
Very afraid.

Are you having second thoughts?

Fine, I already told my mom,

"Don't worry, mom, there's
a young lady who'll help me."

"She's as nice as she is cute."

And why shouldn't I do my
duty as an honest citizen?

What's my reward?

May I walk with you?

Well, yes.

Guys, to Pincio!

We're coming to Pincio!
- What "Pincio"? - Want to drive?

I don't want to drive anything!
- Get in! - Damn car!

Six thousand.

A donation, sir?

Come on, I have to tell you
or I'll k*ll myself.

Keep calm, we're here.
We can't talk right now.

Besides, I don't want Cesira to notice.
- I can't take it anymore!

Are you depressed?
- A little.

I understand your depression.

The simple fact is that your
life is trapped in stinginess.

But I'm glad that it's me
who makes you see the light.

You made a great deal.

I'll bet that blonde is yours,
now that you have a car.

I have no car.
Leave me alone, I'm very sad.

I realize that I'm really in love.
- Then dive right in.

Dive in where? A lake?

What's the matter? Afraid?
- What?

I think you're afraid.
- Afraid?

You want me to approach her?

You want me to reveal
your feelings to the blonde?

I'd do it, but I don't feel like it..
I'm tired.

You can't, you're the interested party.
It takes tact.

You're at a disadvantage.
I'll take care of it.

You want me to close the deal?

It's already done.

Here are the keys.
- The keys to her home? - The car.

First the whip and then
the horse follows. Remember!

Are you absolutely sure?
- Yes, Ignazio.

I didn't say anything because I didn't
want you to think I was obligating you.

But if I can't tell you,
who can I tell? I have nobody.

This is all I needed.
Damn it the hell!

Tell me something..

do you really love me?
- Of course.

I have to go, it's late.
- Don't leave me alone, please, don't go.

Excuse me, Blonde Fairy.

That creep has a crush on you.

I know. Look, play along
and help me sell the car.

Blonde Fairy, let's get to business.

If you help, I'll give you five percent.

What is it you want?

Five percent.
Remember, Blonde Fairy.

Guys, what a loot!
Another two hundred lire.

Blonde Fairy!
Blonde Fairy!

Anything for the Italian culture
of the world? - What culture?

I understand your ideals and I hate to
disillusion them but I won't give a penny!

I'll give you a pin all
the same, Mr. Spano.

You know me?

Alessio Spano, the poet, right?

You've read something of mine?

So.. I know you
and you don't remember me?

Of course.
- What are you doing here?

I was just thinking.

Tomorrow I need to deliver
something on the radio.

And I don't know what to do yet.
- You're back on the radio?


Ah, yes.
I'm back.

A nice collection, eh?

There's probably six,
seven thousand lire.

Judging by eye.

Tell me about you!

Just like last time?

A pianist!
I remember it perfectly!

Actually, I write, Mr. Spano.
- How stupid! Of course!

What nice thing are you writing now?

The typewriter at the Guest House.


Oh, Cesira! Don't deny it!
Yes, from the Guest House.

I thought a lot about you these days.
- No!

Yes, why not? Very often.

Where.. where did I put it?
- What, Mr. Spano?

You think I've forgotten the 1000 lire?

Forget about that, Alessio, absolutely.

What are a 1000 lire to me
in the position I'm in now?

One day more,
one day less.

No, don't! Don't.

You know you're very stubborn!

You remind me of Isotta.

Who's that? Your wife?

No, the heroine of "We Who Seek Peace".

A radio drama which RAI is dying to do.

In her, I tried to embody
all the women of this world.

With the anguish, the loneliness,
the cruel solitude of modern women.

It's set in the Middle Ages.
Whoever wants to will understand.

How could they not understand it?
You explain it so clearly, beautifully.

As I was saying,
Isotta is a lot like you. Yes..

The same generosity, the same faith,

the daily struggle against
the blind indifference of men.

I understand very well..
the problems of women.

Yes, very much so.

Shall we have dinner?

I, to be honest..

My friends are waiting for me.

Who are they?
- A coworker, an artistic photographer,

there's Mr. Proietti,
a car salesman, I think, and..

my cousin Agnese
and a fireman, Ignazio Bolognini.

Well, let's go with them then.


Spano. Pleased to meet you.
Let me invite you to dinner.

Please, this way.

This way, come.

I've eaten too much!

What a good joke, a good one!

Oh! But come on, what nonsense!

Give me a cigarette.

Give me you hand.

Say what?
- Give me your hand.

- Because, I want to read it!


One sees that you're an artist.

A sensitive, articulate, sinuous hand.

Do you like women, Alessio?

Women and poetry: What else is there?

And are you sensitive?

I'm tough. I make 'em suffer.

Would you make me suffer too?

I don't think I'd have the strength,
but I'd like to try.

What big eyes!

Do you like them?
They're silly, aren't they?

What big eyes!

What is it?
- The bill.

Why give it to me?

No, no, don't annoy them.

Come here.

Come here.

You have a pen?
- Yes

Thank you.

What does this mean?

It means he adding it to the account.
And bring us more wine.

More wine.

Miss, you look a little worried, tired.

Yes, I would like to go.

I officially declare it's late, gentlemen.

Late? The party's just beginning.

One lives at night.

In the day we vegetate, work.
Am I right?

You're dead right.
I feel the same way.

The night is for work. Right.

You heard the professor?
Another bottle!

Garsaunce, de litre!

Professor, are you kidding?
- Why?

It's 5,300.
What are we doing here?

I signed for the bill.

Sir, you already owe a lot.
What do you want to do?

And so? You think we're
going to duck out perhaps?

We'll go Dutch.
- Yes, Alessio, we'll chip in.

What "chip in"? Hey!

He invited, why should we chip in?
- That's what I say.

I invited..
- And did I invite? No.

You mean you don't pay
and yet invite other people?

And order chicken?

Very nice.
- Excuse me.

If you don't pay, you can ask
for anything except chicken?

What is it you want?

I'm trying to reason it out.

Then, bring me everything except chicken,

I won't pay and you keep quiet, OK?

Then I'll come to eat here everyday.

No, you won't come here again.

Why? Who's going to stop us?
You, innkeeper?

Here's another one!

You should be thrilled that we
come here, and you can't stop us.

You can't.

Come on, guys! Shall we go?

You're leaving?

If others want to pay,
why prevent them from paying then?

This is the thanks I get for coming
here for years! And I made you famous!

Allow me, Cesira,
We'll settle it later.

Count it and keep the change.

I don't want it,
I'll throw it in your face.

Give it to us!

Don't take one lira.
- You don't deserve it, you're loaded!

Who's loaded?

You want me to kick you out?

Want to bet?
- Your choice.

Excuse me, who were you saying
you were going to kick out, me or him?

Both of you.

In what sense?
- In the sense of kicking you both out.

Both of us?

You got your coat?
- Yes.

Excuse me.
Come on, Cesira.

Go on.
- Goodnight.

This way.

Rome is becoming impossible!

Miss Cesira, come with me.
I want to pay you back.

We'll be right back.

Wait for us at the bar.
We'll only be a few minutes.

Wait at the bar, we'll be right back.
- One minute.

Don't leave!
- Don't go!

Let's go, move it!
- Be thankful that I don't shut you down!

I'll give you a "thanks"! - It's too
late now, I'll close him down tomorrow.

I've a classmate who's in the police.

Where are the others?
- What? They're gone, OK?

Like I was saying..

I've friends everywhere: influential,
important people, believe you me.

Why did they leave?
- They were chicken.

Afraid of being in trouble.

Don't trust people you meet by chance.

You know what? humanity disgusts me.

How long do you think it'll last?
- What?

This political situation.

What do I know about it?
I'm an artist.

I study, I observe, I scrutinize!

I am a living lens.
What do I know?

That's why I turned to you.

Today you had the luck of buying an almost
new car at 300.. - Here we go again!

That car!

OK, I gave it to you for 300 because
I can put it in my big turnover.

No, never mind..
- Give it for 300. - Yeah, yeah..

300, 'cause you bought it from me.
- Ah, yes.

But if you ask me tomorrow,
the price goes up to seven.

Because that's the way it is.

I don't want it today or tomorrow.
Because I hate it. I'm not buying it!

But you already bought it.
- No, I didn't. - Yes, you did.

Upon my mother's soul, I didn't buy it!

Am I charity? - What "charity"?
- Yes, I'm a charity! - How is that?

I already sold this car.
I gave my partner 150,000 lire

and 50,000 to mom for going to the spa.

And now? My mom went to the spa
and the car unsold?

Mom? Spa?
What does this mess have to do with me?

Get it through your head,
I don't want this car!

No, you want this car. Take it.
- Leave it, because I'm going.

Where to?
- I'm going home.

No, not that.

Think again.

I don't need to think again, I'm going!
- No, think again.

I want to go home!
- No, think again!

Romolo, let me go home.
- If I tell you to think again, you do it.

I want to go home!

What will you say about money?
- Don't worry, I'll refund it.

From the Postal Bank.

You have savings there?

Ah, nice. Well done, Cesira.

Let's be friends.

This is providential.

I don't want to know how much you have,
but I'll pay you back everything.

We have arrived.

Would you like to see my play?
- My friends are waiting and it's late.

One second.
Come, come on.

"There, where the night
trembles between your arms.."

Say, what about a few days at Capri?

Or Ischia, it's cheaper.

I'd love to go to Capri.
- We'll go someday. Listen..

The landlady is a bit difficult.
She practically forbids any freedom.

Put this on.

If she snoops in the corridor,
she won't notice

and mistake you for a man.
Sorry, but you see..


And this.
Act indifferent.

Come on, Alfredo, this way.

And this is my abode.

Come, take off your coat.

After I see your play, I'm going.

Tell me, if you like the title,
"The Days of One Man."

Good. Kind of sad.

Take off your coat, come on.

It's a little cold here.

I see, you're still a petite bourgeoise.

who doesn't have the courage
of her opinions.

No, perhaps my heart isn't free.
It's better to be frank.

It's taken.
- Let's make coffee, come.

Let's make some coffee to keep awake.

You see, I have everything here,
but it lacks a woman's touch.

Of course, quite apart from the practical
aspect, it'd be spiritual, ideal.

Woman is his companion by nature.

Exactly. It's almost ready.

You're not like the others,
you're an artist.

Society doesn't give a fig about artists.

And since you speak to me
as a poet and not a man,

come, I want to give you my play.

Here it is, but I won't read it.
I want to prove my trust.

Read it at home alone.

Make observations,
correct spelling errors. OK?

And if you have a free moment,
can you do me a favor?

Of course.
- Make me three copies.

Two on flimsy paper, OK?

You can do it in a day, dear Cesira.
- I'd be thrilled.

Is it a deep work?

Qui?n sabe?

Glance it over.

If I may, I'll rest a minute.

Just a minute.
A tiny nap.

That rascal's wine was bad.
A minute only.

Meanwhile, watch the coffee, darling..

How nice is my girl!

Just a minute. When the coffee's ready,
get me, OK?

Get me.

Sorry, Cesira.

Don't worry.
I'll wake you up.

Thank you, dear.

You're an angel.


Alessio, coffee!
- One moment!

Five minutes! Oh!

Your lordship..

Your lordship..

Your lordship!
- What is it?

I'm paying for the lights.

And you know I don't want any women here.

This is my typist, my secretary.
This is Dona Elvira.

I don't want any secretaries.
- Cesira! Stay.

I should go, it's late.
- You got the play? - Yes.

I'll come by. - Yes.
- Tomorrow. - OK!

Not very nice, ma'am.
Not nice!

It won't be nice tomorrow when
you get your stuff and get out!

Forget about what you owe me,
just leave, leave! Oh!

The transfer can't be done!

Because the Commendatore isn't in Asti,
he's in Genoa with his lover.

Do you want to go and tell his wife
he's not in Asti with his lover?

No, I want to go home!
- Want to go to his wife? Well, let's go!

Take your car and go to his wife.
- I want to go home!

Home? Why?
- I'm scared and I want to leave!

And you're an artist?
A living binoculars?

A living lens.
- A living lens! You disgust me!

I know, but I want to go home.
- Then go.

Go home!
Damn it, I'll kick your ass!

Go home then.
I wasted a month with that one.

Stupid bastard!

Ces?, what are you doing?

Did they all go?
- All. Those jerks.

Why didn't they wait?
- Why should they?

What are you doing? Get in, let's go.

Where are you going? In the back!

- Hurry up.

Shut it.

Shut it!

But how could I, be reasonable,
my love, with 30,000 lire a month

and fire insurance, maintain a family?

If you have a little patience, I..
in a year will be settled.

A year!

And then we'll marry with a child!

Listen, Romolo, be good,
let me go. Good night.

First you're nice,
then you abandon me.

At least, let me buy
you a coffee at the bar.

No, thanks a lot. Good night.

Let me go.
- Damn, you're all the same!

Listen, Romolo, I'm sorry..
- g*dd*mn it!

Don't get mad, Romolo.

Don't be angry with me.

I didn't want to offend you really.

Good night.

Good night just the same.

Good night.


Excuse me.
- Oh, Cesira, we waited!

Ignazio decided to take me home.

I'm sorry, you had to come back alone.

Don't you feel well?

Oh, no, I feel great!

Listen.. we didn't tell
you earlier because..

he wanted to keep it secret.

But Ignazio and I..

It's clear, dear.
No need for explanations.


Stay away, don't touch me!

Stay with that jerk!

Why a "jerk"? I've done nothing.
What have I done?

Both of you had fun lying to me!

Now I get it:
"I can't, I'm on duty."

"I must go to the dressmaker". I don't
want to be with you one second more!

I'm leaving!


What did I do?
You can't be nice to a girl..

She once threw herself out the window.
We must stop her, she'll k*ll herself!



Holy Virgin, she'll k*ll herself!
- Why say that? You're crazy.

I want to go up and tell dad!

We must save her,
must do something!

Why do you want to wake everybody now?

What does it matter? I'm telling Dad!
If you're afraid then go away!


Dad! Aunt!


Aunt! - What is it? What happened?
Mama mia, a man in the house!

No, aunt, it's just Ignazio.

He's a friend of ours, mine and Cesira's.

He's a fireman.
- Oh, what's on fire now? Jesus!

No, nothing's on fire.

Oh, God!

Ignazio, you tell her.

I don't understand anything anymore.

Well, ma'am..
- Miss, please.

Excuse me, miss, Miss Cesira..

What did that nut do? Did she
get herself k*lled? - No, Agnese..

Miss Agnese fears
there's been an accident.

Yes, yes!

You're worrying for nothing!

I don't believe it.
- What is it?

What don't you believe?
- Good evening. I'm Ignazio Bolognini.

My father.

Ah, pleased to meet you.

What is he doing here?
What happened?


Good evening, Romolo.

Well? Didn't you go home?

I'm not going home.
They all hate me.

Did you run away?

Where are you going?
- I don't know.

Where are you going sleep at this time?
- You tell me, Romolo.

Why ask me?

I don't know where I'm going to sleep.

To my house, I can't go.
It's impossible.


Do you want to sleep at my house?

If you do me a favor.
- The telephone? - Yes.

You call this number and say..
- "Hi, Anna.."

Who are the calls for? I'd like to know.
- My mom.

Your mom?

If she says yes, you'll meet her.

You'll love mom.
You look like her, you know?

You're nice, you know.
- I doubt it.

That you're nice?
- No, I mean your mom.

You run to her when it suits you.

No offense though.
- What's this talk? Go call. Move it!

Hurry up.

Isn't that the 1400 they're looking for?
- I think so.

Look there.


How did she answer?

- Come on, come with us! Let's go!

- Let's go!

Come here, miss!
- Don't worry, we'll settle this.

You're very avaricious, ma'am,
I can assure you.

Very avaricious!

Because of one month,
to send away a gentleman!

Leave the ashtray, it's mine.

Hello? Yes.

A call.
- From the radio?

The police station.


It's me Alessio. It's Cesira.

Could you run over to
the police station at Numentano?

No, a misunderstanding.

But why?
Why must I come?

To vouch for you!

To vouch for you?
Of course.

Sure, I'll come immediately.

Did you hear?
They want me to vouch for someone.

Learn to respect me, ma'am!

Learn to respect me!

I'm coming.

Commissioner, the Professor'll
be here soon. - Fine, sit down.

- You assh*le!

You assh*le! Lowlife! Good for nothing!

I'll teach you to steal cars!

Come here, good for nothing!
Move it! Come on, scoundrel!

I'm so sorry, Sir! Take off
your hat before the gentleman!

Take this, wretch!

I brought your underwear!

You see.. he's very particular.

He's always changes
his t-shirts and undies!

Oh, sir, the night that I've had!

It's almost better he's wound
up in here because I suffer so!

I told him, "Don't call. I don't
want to see you. Stay far away!"

I just wanted to tell you I love you, mom!
- You hear him! That's how he is.

To be honest,
he's always been affectionate.

If it weren't for bad company!

She's the one who ruined him!

I could..!
- I could..!


Did she come back?
- Who?

I've looked everywhere.

She's in some trouble, I knew it!

I've looked everywhere:
the Holy Spirit Clinic, the ER.

The police know nothing.

And the papers?
- It's still too early, maybe later.

Here, sir, I got it for you.
- Thanks.

How is it possible you
don't know where she's hiding?

The good friends you are!
- How should I know?

Sir, have some coffee. It's fresh.
- Thank you, miss.

Don't call me, miss, I don't like it.

Call me what you want.
If you want to..


I bet she spent the night at
Villa Borghese doing crap.

Aunt, don't say that, stop.

Agnesina is sensitive like me.

Take some bread and jam.
You're young and must be fed.

That's it.

Agnese has told us all.


Why did you leave home?
That was a mistake.

What do you expect?
No one understands me.

We have different ideas.

I don't like them either.

Cesira, you're a good girl, capable
of great tenderness and generosity.

One day you'll meet a man
who'll understand you.

You know, we women are
sometimes so stupid.

We place great stock on the physical
but it's what inside a man that counts.

His.. his experience in love affairs.

If you want, here I am.
But what good would I be?

I'm 53 years old. You're at least..

I don't want to know.
But at least 30 years younger than me.

Sometimes, I think I've succeeded
as a poet, but failed as a man.

Without a home, ties, free but
lonely, struggling everyday.

The only thing that concerns me..

is food. And yet..

I still have a little hope.

You run from home and I get kicked out.
Do I care? I'm still laughing.

And I suggest that you take a day off.

Let's meet at noon and go to the country.

We'll talk.
Many things change when you talk.

Who knows? Perhaps
we can clarify our feelings.

Look, I could be your father.

It's better to be friends.
Sounds good?

Yes, Alessio.

I'll come at noon to the Guest House.

Let me pack my bags, put
things in order, do my toilette,

then a tram to the sites.

Thanks, Alessio. You're sweet.

That's life.

Life will sort it out!

Morning, Cesira.
- Morning, Mrs. Pina.

How's our Cesira doing?
I haven't seen you in a while.

How could I be, Mrs. Pina? May I present
the poet Alessio Spano. Mrs. Pina.

A pleasure.

Strange. Your name sounds familiar.

The locket?

Perhaps "The Song
of the Lark" on the radio.

Yes, that's right. Could be.

A pleasure.

You live here too.
- Yes, a small apartment.

With a mortgage. You see
it's a good investment.

Besides, I don't need
a big apartment, I live alone.

A nice building, solidly built.

Where are you going?
- A place of little poetry: the market.

Well, there's poetry also in the markets.

At this time, the crowd,
the festive atmosphere, the purchases.

Are you Emilian? - Why, yes.
- Ah, Emilian cooking!

One time, I found myself..
many years ago, I found myself in Modena.

Ma'am, let me assure you that..

Excuse me, I'm going now.

If I may.

A pleasure.
- Same here.

Bye, Cesirina.
- Goodbye, ma'am.

- Such a lady.

Well, we meet again at noon.

I'm going, remember..

everything I said.
- I will. - Bye, dear.



We'll see you at one, eh?
For lunch.

Bye, Agnese. - At one sharp.
- Go now, son. - Don't forget.


- No, please!

No sermons!

I announce that soon
I won't bother you anymore.

I'll pack my suitcase and leave tomorrow.

Maybe this afternoon.
It depends.

Morning, Ignazio.
- Hi, Cesira.

Ignazio, please be punctual.
- Go, Ignazio, go.

We'll expect you. You'll have
sit together with the bride.

Beautiful bride and groom.

What a pair, how wonderful!
A gentleman in our home!

Bye, handsome Ignazio.
Watch the steps.

Bye. - A gentleman in our house.
- Go on, go.

Handsome, good, dear Ignazio!

- Talk to me.

Cesira, do you forgive me?
- My dear, of course!

I'm not angry with anyone.

It's not my style, if I may so.

Because I've always had style.

I laugh at all of this.

And it's true, Ignazio..
is a very good boy, and all the rest..

But if I may say so,
I aspire to something else.

I wish you good luck.

Cesira, I love you.

Me too, Agnese.


Here's my wedding present.

It's too nice.

And you?

I'll get married in pants.

I'm no longer a girl.

A man is on the phone.

Hello? Yes.

Tell me, honey.

I wanted to give you the good news.

I called the radio and they
want me to go to Ladispoli.

It's about a little poetic research.

Was I right in accepting?

Of course, it's a great opportunity.
Are we leaving at noon?

You're near the station?

OK, I'll be there as fast I can. Yes.

You're already there?

Well, look, tell me the platform.
Tell me because I'm coming now.

I'll get the ticket on the train.

Ah! Right.

Your director is also coming?
I see.

No matter, another time.

See you tomorrow?

Will you call?

People want to use the phone?
Let them wait. God. Hello?



I'm hanging up.

Who was that?
- Alessio.

He left. But he comes back
tomorrow. It's for his career.

He left with the director, go figure.

You have any rosemary?

Because a little rosemary
goes well with lamb.

No, you're right!
- Rosemary.

I'll pack tomorrow.


Cesira, think it over, stay with us.
- I don't know, we'll see.

Ooh! 8:30!

I have to go to work.



- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Hey, hothead, be punctual.
We have guests. Be on time.

Got it?

Three to one.

Because at one sharp, lunch is served.

When I get back to work,

at 8:30 sharp,
back to the table.

The table.

The table.

Pina, give the pasta to me.
- Thanks.

How heavy!
How much did you buy?

Two kilos.

Of course, the ziti,
the spaghetti, the rigatoni.

are not like the well sung,
classic Emilian pasta, right?

Hold this.
- But of course.

"My house, my house,
though you're small, you are.."

"you're always a paradise."

The apples!
The apples.

How many did you get?
- Three kilos.

What a spendthrift!
- Let's not start with names, OK?

Where do I put this stuff?
- In the kitchen at the back.

A lovely apartment. Spacious, sunny.

Ma'am, tell me something,
how much mortgage do you have left?

Only two years more.
- Very nice.

What a nice bathroom!
May I freshen up a bit?

Come on, let's go! Let's go!

Get on shorty, you'll gain a foot!
- Very funny!

Stupid! Always the same story!
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