Trapp Family, The (1956)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Trapp Family, The (1956)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Trapp Family

A Film from the Memories of Baroness Maria Trapp, who lives with her family in America.

Salzburg, Austria 1926.

It will be a beautiful day today!

Maria! Yes?

You mustn't whistle.

Oh, yes. Thank you.

But actually, one should whistle a holy song, no?

How can you say such a thing?

Girls shouldn't whistle at all!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! I must be at school!

Excuse me!


God's Greetings Children! - God's Greetings!

Why are you so happy?

You have a black nose! - A what?

A black nose! - A black nose?

O truly!

We'll have to fix that.

Better? - Yes!

Today we are up to the letter "D".

Do any of you know a word starting with the Letter "D"?


Donnerwetter ("Thunderstorm")

Thundersto...well yes... (Also a mild expression of anger).


Dampfer ("Steamship") - Steamship, good. Liesel?

Devil - Yes... (Also a mild expression of anger).

You must come now and see the Reverend Mother.

Yes, I... - Go. I'll stay here as long as you need me.

So what have you learnt so far?

What have I done today, dear God?

I whistled, and I was a little late to class.

And I slid down the bannister.

Dear God forgive me...oh!


Ave! (Come in!)

Come here my child.


I can't see you in the dark.

Sit down. No.

Closer to me.

Tell me Maria,

what is the most important thing you have learned here at Nonnberg Abbey?

The most important thing?

The most important thing is to know God's will...

and to fulfill it.

And when it feels difficult? - Then also.

Good my child. And now listen... It seems to be God's will

...that you leave us.

I must leave?

Go out of the abbey? No! I mean...

Not forever Maria!

In a few months you'll be here again.

And then you'll never have to leave.

Yes, but now? Where do I have to go now?

A respectable Mr Trapp has written to us.

A ship's captain in the last w*r.

His wife died a few years ago and left him alone,

...with seven children!

He seems to be having a difficult time with staff.

They always run away from him.

And he begged us if we couldn't send him someone to look after the children.

Someone who is faithful and won't run away from him so quickly.

Maybe he is too mean,

I mean, too strict. - You aren't going on his warship Maria!

And a little discipline wouldn't hurt you.

So, will you do it?

If it is God's will.

Your clothes unfortunately, have already been given away to the poor.

But surely this will fit.

What kind of Captain is he? Maybe he curses and chews tobacco!

Yes certainly. And nobody can stand it!

Now stop this nonsense!

He is a poor widower...

with seven children.


How pretty!

Elegant, don't you think?

Hopefully it isn't too worldly.

We must go for the blessing.

Don't be sad, my child.

Always remember, when God closes a door,

then he opens a window for us.

God bless you, Maria. - Thank you. Here.

See you later Maria. God's greetings.

Come and visit us! - Yes, yes

God's greeting! - God's greetings.

Are you Captain Trapp?

What do you want with the Captain?

I've come from the abbey. I wanted... - We've been expecting you.

God's greetings! - God's greetings! This way please.

Please take your place. I'll inform the Captain right away.

You're admiring my flag, I see.

She once waved on the flagship of the Austrian marines,

a long time ago. I'm Trapp. I'm delighted to meet you, Miss... - Maria.

Yes, these clothes don't belong to me

Excuse me! Mine were already given away, and in my hurry...

but I still have workclothes among them. - Oh well.

Okay, we'll take care of that. - Thank you.

And now Miss Maria, I think I'd better call the children now. - Yes, please.

Dad has whistled! - Stand up straight!

So, these are my children.

And this is Miss Maria, who from now on, has command over you.

And this is Rupert,






and Martina.

Please. - Thank you.

And Miss Maria, this is Baroness Matilda, our housekeeper.

Delighted! - Good day! Good day!

Time to get changed for dinner. - Of course, Father.

Come, I'll show you to your room. Come.


Do you know how many governesses we've had... the past 4 years?

You're the 26th.

I can't understand myself how we always have difficulties.

But you'll have it easy, Miss Maria,

if you keep exactly to the Baron's rules.

Order and discipline, that is the most important thing to him,

therefore he doesn't allow the slightest deviation.

In the w*r, he was a famous officer.

He continually performed heroic deeds, all underwater,

which I can't even begin to grasp.

Yes, and then came the Revolution,

the defeat... Come in!

Your bag, Miss. - Thanks.

So, and here is your closet, my child.

The worst for him was the death of his wife four years ago.

You know, he loves his children very much, but he has no meaningful contact with them.

Yes. The children really need a mother.

Why doesn't he get married again? - Very true.

It is perhaps too early to talk about it, you know,

but I have the feeling that something is about to happen.

It is Princess Yvonne, a magical woman, a truly international figure. A grand lady!

He has already been invited to see her a long time ago, but he hasn't been able to leave.

It would be great to know everything is in good hands...

...when he leaves now.

Oh, you must change for dinner, dear child. See you later.

Dear God, please, as soon as possible, give him a kind wife.

You don't have any bibs?

I don't make myself dirty. - Yes.

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, let this food to us be blessed, Amen

I think, Baroness, that I will travel tomorrow.

That's what you've wanted to do for a while.

Tell me,

...must you actually march in rows in unison? - We always go this way!

Excuse me, but I think that's awful!

Why don't you run on the grass? Why don't you play with each other?

But then we'll get dirty! - One must do that sometimes too.

Have you nothing else at all to wear other than this stiff stuff?

No. What else should we have?

Ah yes. Okay then, come.

You have a pretty dress. -I'll get another one too.

Mrs Hopfl is sitting upstairs in the sewing room and making it for me.

Wait a minute! Mrs Hopfl could... Why of course!

I'll be right back!

Mrs Hopfl!

I have a big favour to ask of you.

Could you make something for the children? - What would you like?

Play clothes. Something really simple out of leftover material. Haven't we got anything like that?

Hmm...old drapes or something like that. - That would be great!

Pay attention, from this we'll cut for the girls very simple play clothes.

To your places! Get set...1, 2, 3!

We won!

What are those strange children doing in our park?

Those are our children, Baroness.

I beg your pardon?

80, 90, 100. I'm coming!

Miss Maria!

Werner, Rupert! Come down from there this instant! have betrayed us. - Now it's all over.

Hold your tongue, and come down! - Miss Maria! Miss Maria!

Miss Maria! - Yes.

So my dear, I am ashamed! I must tell you something in earnest, the Baron wouldn't wish any of this!

He'll be angry, so angry.

Then he'll be angry. I belong here, not as a paid staff member, but on behalf of the abbey.

I'm on loan.

And I can't stand how the children are treated here.

So oppressed and unfree. Every village child has it better!

I'm sorry, but I had to say it once.

Okay children,

and now we'll play some more. - Yes! Yes!

Yes. It can't be helped.

I must send a message to the Baron.

I'll hand you over. - Thank you.

Yes, Baroness.

We couldn't handle her, I'm afraid.

She absolutely doesn't adhere to her orders...

and leads the most unbelievable activities. The most unbelieveable, I tell you!

This is awful.

Yes, it can't be helped, therefore I must return home.

I thank you in any case, Baroness.


Going home? Has something happened?

Oh well.

There are already problems with the children. -What?

You are more annoyed with seven children than I am with fifty employees at the bank.

Don't you think you should get married?

Did you speak with the Princess again? - Yes.


She refused me.

I can't believe that.

One of the nicest, and most wholesome guys, one of the finest men from Austria gets a refusal?

- My friend, I am a widower with seven children.

Why are you making a face like that?

Is something wrong? - Nothing's wrong. Just the children again.

'The Baron and the Children'. One could write a novel!

Why are the children at home? Children belong in boarding school.

Or else there is never order. - I grew up in a boarding school...

and I was very unhappy there. - But children are different from one another.

-Let's put it this way. A little unhappiness in childhood...

is the best preparation for life.

-Yvonne is completely right, dear friend. Send the children to a decent boarding school.

Then everything else will be in order.

Everything, I promise you.

You are right, Princess,

I'll do it.

Must you now leave again?

Are you still coming with us tomorrow to the opera?

I reserved box seats.

Ohhh! Martina!

Are you afraid? Who would be afraid of a thunderstorm? Come here.

You must stay with me, my pet.

Okay. What are the others up to? - They're asleep, they're not afraid.

Martina, look at the door.

Just now Martina said, you're not afraid.

Okay, come here.

Get on the bed right away.

Now all that's missing are the boys. - All is quiet in the boys' room.

Boys are never nervous.

Look at the door.

What then?

Are you afraid too? - No, we only wanted to see if you were afraid.

You swindlers!

Okay, take a seat.

You cowards! Come out from under the covers.

Yes, what should I do with you?

I know what!

We'll sing so loud, that one can't hear the thunder at all.

Werner, bring my guitar please.

Thank you.

Come, sit down on my knee!

It is a little horse. It is a little horsie, with silvery harnesses.

Hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

We'll ride along in candyland Where there's cakes and sweets

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

We're riding so swift, whoosh, like the whirlwind,

and then,'abracadabra', then we're in Africa.

Hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

Not only there, but to the Pole, when one freezes with Eskimos.

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

With a neigh and the crack of a whip, Trot, trot, we're heading for the stall,

My song is nearly done, clip-clop, now we're home.

Hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

At last here is the stall, full of hay and straw, The rider goes to bed, and lays down his weary head.

Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop! Horsie, run, gallop!

Again! Again!


Did you hear that?

Should I go up there, so that they stop?

Oh, not necessary. Tomorrow the Captain returns.

Dear Lord! You're not going to dress the little ones in these unslighty clothes today!

No, I'm hiding them for the meantime.

I want to suggest, that the Baron returns them to the abbey.

The best thing is to lead the children in the usual order.

But I'm doing that. See for yourself.

I can't stand it any longer, so tidied up, and walking around. - Can't we play?

Better not, Werner. - We can't make ourselves dirty. Otherwise Maria will have to leave.

We don't have to make ouselves dirty. - Exactly. Come

I know what!

We'll play U-boat! - Yes!

Attention! We'll now commence the expedition to the Brazilian coast.

Yes sir.

Batten down the hatches! Dive! Dive! Glug, glug, glug.

What are you doing in there?

Come in quick! You're standing in the water! - The water? - O yes!

You're really crazy!

Where are the children?

In the garden.

Stop! Martina!

Martina stop!


turn off the water.

(Maria) Oh children!

Children! What have you done? - Martina got us!

Quick! Out of the box and change. You look awful!

Tell me, Martina! Did you spray?

But I am perfectly clean and dry. - Oh yes, you! And the others? Come!

You've come just in time, Baron!

Can this really be the right time? But now I'll put things in order here!

This lady doesn't belong here!

The country bumpkin is leaving!

Where are the boys? - Maybe with the girls?

Didn't I tell you that the boys are not allowed to be with the girls? - I told her everything!

They are not here either? - Then they can only be with her.

What is that?

That is the guitar. - What?

Yes, they... they sing together sometimes.

Even during nights.

If I were a little bird And had two little wings, I'd fly to you...

But as that can't be...

But as that can't be,

I always stay here.

This is unbelievable. - Yes, isn't it? Altogether in one room. And on the floor!

Even though I'm far from you,

I'm by your side in dreams,

And I talk to you.

Mother, Oh Mother, mine,

Mother, Oh Mother, mine,

don't be distant anymore.


Say, how do you look? What are you wearing?

Play clothes -Maria ordered them.

We have clogs too.

I see, I see.

Okay, all of you go to the garden. I have to speak to Miss Maria. Go.

Come soon, Maria!

And Martina, you will leave the gardenhose in peace? Yes? Okay.


So, now you know everything. - Yes

What a shame! You were really meant to find it all out a bit at a time.

Am I such a difficult man? Yes?

Oh yes!

At least, as far as the upbringing of your children is concerned.

And it's wrong, you mean? - Indeed it is. Fundamentally wrong!

And old-fashioned and unnatural. - Ah.

Say! Don't you think this is a little too much to take in at one time?

How do you know all this exactly?

Because I know about children!

My father was a teacher in quite a small village.

And you wouldn't believe how happy the children were with him.

Had he heard how you handle your children, calling them together with a whistle,

or that the boys and girls aren't allowed to see each other.

This is almost like a boarding school here!

No, Miss Maria,

this is a principle found in all well-run households...

Children belong together! That is what having a family is all about!

But naturally, when the father is always away on trips, then...oh!

Excuse me, please.

Now I've hurt you, haven't I?

I am awful, I know!

Much too impulsive and bossy! In the abbey they always say that.

Please, excuse me.

I promise you that I will no longer act like an authority.

After all, you are the captain here,

I mean actually, the father.

No Miss Maria, now we don't want to upset everything again. I give in.

And I don't know, in this case, if it isn't the cleverest thing - both of us giving in.

Maria! Come down!

The children want to play. I'm coming.

I'll come later and play with you too!

Oh look!

Isn't this the best, Maria?

Christmas in a family with a lot of children?

Yes, it is wonderful.

Oh careful!

And wouldn't you miss this a lot in your abbey,

a Christmas such as this?

You wouldn't believe how many children we have in the abbey on Holy Night.

We bring the poorest of them all together from the surrounding areas.

Sometimes it's about a hundred.

And with a hundred I can naturally not compete.

But my seven,

...they would miss you very much! They love you namely.

This is mutual.

Very mutual actually.


I would...

I would really like to light a sparkler. May I?

Impossible! That is totally against the rules.

Against what kind of rules? - Against the strict rules...

from Captain Trapp.

Oh, the Captain. No-one listens to him anymore.

Actually, when will your time with us here run out?

In a month and eighteen days.

My goodness! You seem to live your life like a bookkeeper.

Do you like it here so little?

Oh, I like it a lot but...

I don't really belong here. I'm only on loan from the abbey.

Yes, I understand that you're worried - about the children.

But you will get married soon, won't you?


Oh that makes me happy, with all my heart.

A still night,

a holy night.

The world sleeps on;

alone keeps watch,

the faithful, highly holy parents,

who gaze on a beautiful child

with curly hair:

"Sleep in heavenly peace!"

"Sleep in heavenly peace!"

That was beautifully sung.

So, and now go!

So what does one do with it?

Oh, is this the right one? Yes? Good.

Agatha, don't you want to unwrap that one? - Oh yes!

Oh look a hip-flask

Rudi, this... the children drew these?


Say, did you draw this? - Yes.

Oh this is really pretty.

Well, Maria, unfortunately no-one can give you anything.

You can't bring anything to the abbey. - No.

Here are a few small things.

Oh, thank you!

But maybe it will please you more that today every child in your abbey

receives a pair of sturdy clogs in your name.

Exactly how you provided my children with some. - All the children?

There are a hundred! - Yes, a hundred.

Oh, thank you!

And now, let's get Maria! - Maria!

Come here!

Captain. - Yes please, in the library. Are you coming?

Okay, Maria, want to try?

Children, this is a harpsichord. - But it doesn't work!

One must pull out all the stops. - Oh we get it!

What do we want to play now? - Little Hans!


Oh, Agatha, how did it go? Try it on the recorder, okay.

I must say that girl is really magical. - Yes.

Yes, she really is. A real gift from heaven.

I wouldn't count on that, that heaven has 'gifted' her to you.

Heaven will hold on to her, and that is probably a good thing -

as I believe she is completely innocent in the things of the world.

Sugar? - Yes please, three lumps.

But then, there are always situations in life

where one has need of a capable and resolute woman. - Yes.

Yes, by the way,

the Princess is coming tomorrow to visit us.

Aha, aha.

Then what I would do with the little nun is to keep her a little hidden.

What for?

How beautiful she is! I must kiss her!

Where am I? And who, then, are you?

Here you see me kneeling at your feet!

"I am a prince from a foreign land, sent to free you by my hand".

"You're the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life! I now beg of you to be my wife".

"I myself would immediately say 'yes' to you petition, but first I must ask my father's permission".

My Prince, since you have saved us all,

receive my daughter, Aurora, as your wife.

And in memory, she will be know from this day forth as

...our Briar Rose.

That was wonderfully done! I didn't know that you were real artists!

You were a wonderful king, Rupert.

And you are a real magician!

Georg writes me in every letter. And I must say, he hasn't exaggerated a single word.

Come, you must tell me about yourself. Have you had experience with children in the past?

Yes, you performed very beautifully, but that's now enough for today.

The two of them are getting along really well!

I would just wait if I were you.

You have a pretty place here. Charming.

What a shame that you can't always stay here, no?

By the way,

you will leave behind a broken heart. - Pardon?

Either that or you will need to behave...

in a more restrained manner towards the Baron.

I don't understand you. - The way he looked at you just now...

He's in love with you. - No!

But you must have noticed it!

Yes I have, for heaven's sake! What have I done! This is terrible!

It's not at all terrible. - But I know where being in love leads!

I'm not that unworldy!

Romeo and Juliet, 'Intrigue and Love'

...nothing but m*rder and manslaughter!

No, no! No, I must leave this house right away, yes!

Where do you want to go?

Well, back to the abbey.

This evening!

I don't want to stay another night under the same roof with him.

but Miss Maria, a man falls in love quickly.

He will let you go again quickly.

It all depends on you alone. You just have to hold yourself back more. - Oh Please let me be!

Maria, I can't get this beard off!

And I can't get this veil off! - Please help us!

Maria, what are you doing? Are you leaving? - Yes

How come? Not right now!

You knew that I must leave one day.

yes, but not right now! - Not for another month.

Things have changed.

- Does Daddy know about this, that you are going?



I must tell you something,

you are behaving impossibly. - How so?

My dear child, you may know your prayer book, but about yourself, you know nothing.

Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Maria, she want's to go!

Wait a minute, wait a minute!

Now be quiet for a minute! I'll go and see her.

She was with Maria upstairs.

Be quiet and go to your room!

Make room!

What actually happened, Princess?

Why does Maria want to go?

Ah, I don't know.

I was only making a little jest.

- Pardon? What kind of jest are we talking about?

Tell me, Georg, do you actually see in this nun the governess of your children...

or perhaps the mother?

I already told you, you should go to your room by thunder!

Oh please! Leave my room, I'm changing!

What did the Princess say? What kind of jest was it? - A jest?

Oh, it was a jest? - Yes. What did she say?

Yes she said...


Don't even try to lie to me, you can't even do it properly.

She said, you were in love with me.

In love?

Yes. Is that the truth?


that is not the truth,

at least not the whole truth.

(Baron) Was that the princess?

Okay, leave her alone right now.

The Baroness is taking her to the station. You can go to her tomorrow.

I wanted to lay kisses on her feet in gratitute. -Okay, but why?

Because she broke the ice.

Aha, what kind of ice are we talking about?

He's going to see her again.

It really would have been a sin, if I had married the Princess.

Yes, to marry someone...

and to love someone else? - Oh yes!

Yes, that would be a great sin. - Exactly

I still can't stay here.

Of course not.

As governess, that's finished.

Maybe as my wife. I know, it's not possible. I know that already!


Unless, you also like me a little.

If I do, I don't know it.

But I could ask someone.

Yes, please.

Yes, but do you know someone you could ask? - Yes.

Yes, my child, What should I say to you about this matter?

You came to us at one time,

because you wanted to devote your life to God.

You tested your heart,

and were always firm in your decisions.

But God's wisdom has set before you a choice,

which is significant and has serious consequences,

not only for you, but also for a man's life and that of seven children.

Do you love him?

I don't know it.

I respect him and I would like to help him and...

I don't know it.

But you like him too?

I mean he pleases you?

Oh yes! Very much!

She said...

I must marry you sir!

Hurray! Hurray!

The ring! The ring!

A glorious voice, no? - Yes.

Yes, wonderful, but maybe... he needs something.

Of course, he's hungry!

Okay, it's already here. Look, look!

There, you see. Okay...

Maria? I must tell you something, something that has been bothering me for a long time. - Yes?

I am so awfully jealous.

But Georg, have I ever given you the slightest reason?

Incessantly and constantly. - How so?

You simply love all people. I sometimes feel very lost in the crowd.

But Georg!

You stand above all people, really high on a pedestal, as the sweetest and best person on this earth.


If you would say that to me once every day,

things would be much easier for me.

Ah that is Gruber, who Walter told me would come by today. Excuse me!

Yes Rudi! It makes me happy that you've decided to show yourself again.

Yes, I have to speak to you for a moment.

Unfortunately the reason is not so pleasant.

With a face like that no one makes himself at home. Say hello to Maria first.

How is she doing? - Just fine, thank you.

Captain? Dr Wasner would like to speak to you. -Yes, please, Dr Wasner. God's greeting! God's greetings!

Actually I wanted the Lady Baroness...

It's about the donation for the new church organ.

Oh yes! My wife was telling me about that,

the old one squeaks so dreadfully. I'll let my wife know.

Thank you. - Please take you place.

Unfortunately I don't have that much time.

Bravo! Bravo! - Children we have a visitor!

The 'Hallelujah' from Scarlatti! (an Italian composer).



Dr Wasner, a thousand apologises! I'd completely forgotten about you.

God's greetings, Dr! God's greetings!

You've surely come about the church organ.

Yes, but now that is not so important.

I didn't know you have the most beautiful little organ here at home - these glorious children's voices.

Really? Did you like it?

The little organ was alright, but it didn't perform well.

Excuse me! I thought it was perfect.

You may be a racey driver, Sir, but that doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about music.

Dr Wasner is a great specialist in this field.

How would it be, Doctor,

wouldn't you like to be our teacher?

I don't know, Lady Baroness.

When it comes to music I am awfully irritable and quick-tempered.

Simply unbearable!!

Well, then, really we mustn't let you mix with people anymore!

Well? - Yes!

Good, then we'll start with the 'Hallelujah' right away, yes?

Once more from the beginning. You, go over there. A chord, please.


What is the matter? Why is no-one starting?

Start, go!

Yes, what is it then. Are you afraid? Okay, once more.

Please. - Hallelujah...

No, no, no! F flat, G A! F flat, G, A!

The second voice sang A instead of C. That's wrong. F flat, G, A. Okay, once more please.

She's a wonder, Maria.

Yes, she is still a little unworldly. - How so?

She can't lie, she believes anything anyone tells her, and is friendly to the most repulsive people.

It's good that she can afford to do so.

I must be as distrustful as a fox. But that hasn't helped me at all!

- Tell me what is wrong, Rudi.

Oh well, I'm standing on the precipice of ruin, Georg.

If there isn't a miracle I must declare bankruptcy in the next few days.

But that is not possible!

I only came here to inform you.

You are lucky you don't have much money with me, you will get that of course.

Now tell me, how did this happen then?

It's the same with several Austrian banks now.

The Depression,

and then the trade boycott of Austria by n*zi Germany.

Be happy that you have your money in England.

My fortune belongs to Austria.


I believe in this country.

And I want to show...

that I believe in it.

I'll write right away to my advocate in London. My money will be transferred to your bank!

I can't let you do this, Georg. Think about your family!

My family lives in Austria.

Do you think we could live peacefully if the men from Wilhelmstasse (the n*zi Government) arrived here?

Under the rule of our "glorious fellow Austrian"?! (Hitler).

No, Rudi, we must defend ourselves!

Have a little courage! We'll succeed.

Vienna Daily Post Banker Gruber commits su1c1de.

For heaven's sake!

Gruber has k*lled himself.

What you sang just now sounded just the way it would in a concert hall.

My compliments, Dr. Wasner.

- You mustn't praise the Dr, it irritates him.

- Yes, they're not precise in their timing yet.

Especially the third group of voices. - What? That's all Werner's fault!

You always blame others!

Now, now, now!

Sing! Sing!



Very good. Why is it better now?

Okay, and now you two, yes? Attention!

(Doctor) That was very good.

And now we'll sing the Hallelujah from the beginning, yes?

Please, Lady Baroness.


Vienna please, R38...



What is it, Georg?

My God!

Trapp speaking. Director Berchthold, please.

Trapp here. I'm reading to my dismay...


Oh poor Rudi!

Maria, it's not only the death of a friend.

We have lost our fortune.

We are poor people.

Georg, I know you're uneasy, but...

It's my fault, Maria.

I'm at fault.

No, no! You helped your friend.

And you wanted to help your country. That can never be a fault.

My darling.

Franz, it's always been said

that our money was in England?

What will he do now, our Captain?

Maybe he'll sh**t himself in the end also.

Look here.

I've taken away the key to the g*n cabinet.

(Baron) It's worse than I thought. Much worse.

Well, then we'll have to sell the house.

But Maria, nobody has money these days. Who will buy a castle now?


I have an idea!

I have an idea! You know what?

We'll take in guests!

What do you mean? - Paying guests!

We'll turn this house into a hotel! - A hotel?

There is never enough accomodation here in Salzburg.

And especially during the festival perfomances.

"The Trapp Castle Hotel". Doesn't that sound wonderful?

Appalling! It sounds appalling! Our name ought not to be...

Besides, it's totally impossible. Running a hotel is a complicated business.

One must have learned the trade. - I feel that I can do it!

Quite simply, I can do it!

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it! If you would only believe me!

Oh, please, dear Maria, one shouldn't

overestimate one's abilities.

In what direction are you leading this household?

Come on now. - Tell me please, just once, in what hotels have you stayed in?

But Georg, I've never stayed in a Hotel. I was only ever at a youth hostel.

- That's priceless! Alright.

Ok then, we will open up a hotel. -Yes? Yes!

What could possibly happen to us now! Thank you!

(Franz) The Travel agency called just now.

The hotel guest are on their way.

-Okay, I believe everything is finished now.

- Where is the key to room 18?

What are you doing standing around the door?

I must greet the guests so that they feel welcome.

They know they are welcome because they are paying guests. - Paying! Oh come!

Sit and make yourself comfortable...

and read the newspaper. That always makes you look...

so extraordinarily respectable. Come, sit down. Relax.

Now you're sitting as if you are the first guest! - Oh Maria!

They're coming!


Now we've gone international.

Did you go to the laundry?

Misson accomplished! The laundry, winery, and the greengrocer's.

Look here, Werner!


Werner, look!

We should join the competition! - Yes, but Dad wouldn't allow it!.

But we would have the competition up against the wall! - We would mop the floor with them!

And it would be good advertising for the hotel!

- But Dad...

Of course at first he'd get angry,

but afterwards he would be glad.

Where do you sign up?

Festival house. That's nearby, come!

Yes, but what about Dad...

When God wishes to show true favour to someone,

He sends him out into the wide world

to show him His wonders

in the mountain, wood, river and field.

The little brooks spring from the mountains,

the larks soar high out of sheer pleasure;

why should I not sing with them

with full throat and fresh spirit?

I would like to know who pulled off this prank and signed us up here!

Maybe it was one of the guests who heard us.

But it is now too late to change all that, Georg!

Impossible! In front of all these people! Why didn't you cancel?

The programmes were already printed.

Careful, don't step on the cables!

What kind of cables are these? - Broadcast cables. Eight radio stations are connected. Good grief!

The whole country will know that the Trapp family...

...want to entertain the people! But Georg, this is not shameful.

One may go broke,

but one musn't beg on the streets!

Papa! - What's the matter? Why are you crying?

It was my fault, Dad. I was with Rupert at Festival House.

- Please, would the Trapp Family now get on the stage!

So, it was you!

We thought, perhaps you would be happy. - Boys, how could you just walk into Festival House on the quiet?"

Please, ladies and gentlemen... - Yes, right away. Let that be a lesson to you!

Stop crying, it's too late for that!

My very honoured ladies and gentlemen!

I can't sing now! - I believe I can't either.

It will be a disgrace all over Europe!

I have something entirely unique to announce.

A choir, from one entire family. And from a family...

Pull yourself together!

...that is full of inner harmony.

Now, Baron, that's going too far.

Please, please. Pretty please, yes.

It will be fine.

Just don't be nervous.

Please. - Not me!

Oh, excuse me.

The Trapp Family from Salzburg!

Oh, Werner! Stop crying this minute! Come, now blow your nose.

La, la... One moment, one moment!

What are we going to sing?

- I don't know.

The new one, the hunting song. - Yes, the hunting song.


Excuse me please, ladies and gentlemen.

We can't exactly sing.

I mean, we're not actual singers,

we only sing at home.

And now we must sing here.

yes, and we'll sing now.

Do you hear, you rabbits in the fields and the deer in the green woods too?

Do you hear how the hunter blows his horn, and how the dog's bark echoes?

Tra-ra, tra-ra... (horn sounds) Bow-wow... (dog sounds) From far away the hunting horn echoes,

In clovers green and woodlands green, From far away the horn echoes

Tra-ra, tra-ra... (horn sounds)

Bow-wow... (dog sounds)

Run you rabbits, run you deer as fast as you can in the brambles!

Else the huntsman comes with his flint musket, and he sh**t after you!

Tra-ra, tra-ra...

The Trapp family, Chancellor.

What? The Trapp family from Salzburg? Yes, Chancellor.

That can only be Georg Trapp.

The U-boat man. - Yes chancellor. What good fortune has come his way!

A slice of the best that Austria has to offer.

Actually, they must sing at our next official reception.

Tra-ra, tra-ra From far away the horn echoes,

In clovers green, in woodlands green, From far away the hunting horn echoes.

But when the evening bell rings,

It brings calm and peace.


Ding, ding, dong...(bell sounds)


Are we all of the same opinion?

My very honoured ladies and gentlemen!

A unanimous decision from the jury. First prize goes to the Trapp Family!

Thank you! - Mrs Trapp! When are you coming to America?

To America? Never! - You must! With all of your sweet children!

I guarantee you great success! - Thank you! But we're not coming to America.

- But please, if you come, don't go to another agent. Come to Samish.

Samish will take care of everything! I'll take care of all the entry fees and all costs.

Here, my address. - Thank you, Mr Samish! You must excuse me now, I have to look for my husband.

Of course!

Please, Madame, the delegate from the Chancellor.

Forgive me for intruding, the Federal Chancellor sent me...

Very delighted! But please give me a second. I'm looking for my husband.

He left shortly after our song began.

Here he is.

Okay, off to bed now quickly, yes? Good night.

I've looked for you everywhere!

I must fix something. The submarine tower is falling apart. Please don't upset the glue pot.

How did you like our singing?

- Singing?

Yes, singing?

Your wife and your children sang today.

Oh that?

I believe it was quite pretty.

Really?! The others thought so too.

We received first prize...

and lots of offers!




I must now say something to you. My family will not participate... the entertainment industry.

The branch of the von Trapp Family has an honorable place in Austrian history.

- Oh the branch of the von Trapp Family! Walter von der Vogelweide (a famous poet) was also noble and also sang in front of people.

But that family line has died out.

Okay, then I will refuse the offer.

I actually accepted one. - Cancel it!

Oh, Georg, can one call the Chancellor on the telephone?

The Federal Chancellor? - Yes, yes, we were meant to sing for him at the great reception.

The government and the diplomatic corp will be there. The generals, well, in short, everyone.

The Chancellor said that: 'We were a slice of the best that Austria has to offer'.

Careful, the glue pot is bubbling over, Georg!

Yes, so I'll write a rejection letter.

Good Night. - One moment.

The Federal Chancellor?


Well...that's actually a different story.

That is, to a certain extent, a higher task - a kind of order.

- No, no, I can assure you that it wasn't an order,

it was a polite inquiry or request, if you will.

Excuse me, let me explain to you a Chancellor's request.

In truth, it is not made in vain.

Self-evidently, we must go.

Well yes, so, we must go then. - Yes evidently.

And also you need to have a new evening dress made.

You simply think of everything!

Good day, I'm delivering an evening dress? - No idea.

Excuse me, I'm here to deliver an evening dress.

Excuse me, I'm supposed to bring this evening dress! Please, an evening dress!

- Radio: An unimaginable cheer fills the whole country! You hear the cheers, the enthusiasm, that the German solidiers receive here! Finally, on this day, the union of Austria with Germany!

Austria doesn't exist anymore! It becomes the eastern province of the great German Reich! Hold on, we now cross live to Vienna.

I have just met the new leader of the Federal Chancellery. Here in this historical room, under the portrait of Empress Maria Theresa...

Well Franz,

is the house empty?

Yes indeed, Captain.


I must now raise my flag.

What kind of flag?

The cut-up cross (swastika) flag.

Never franz! Never!

Beside, we don't have one, and we'll NEVER have one.

Captain, I already bought one. - Are you crazy?

Captain, I'm sorry, but I must finally confess something.

I have been an illegal member...

of the n*zi Party for the past three years.

Long live Hitler!

Well...what do we have here?

Why is there no flag on the roof?!

Leave my house at once! - Well, what is this?

Why do you speak to me in that tone of voice?

I am here officially! You understand?

A flag will be placed on the roof.

Ah yes. I wouldn't want to have any trouble with you.

I say to you... - Some changes will absolutely have to be made, Baron.

We know everything!

You financed Mr Gruber.

And he financed our enemy with your money,

didn't he?

Yes, and the Lady Baroness,

always with a spiritual man (Dr. Wasner) at her skirts aye?

It's alright...

(n*zi)...we'll get you soon!

And now get out.

We'll see now...

...who must get out!

That was...

unfortunate, Sir Captain.

In my own home!


we must leave.


They will arrest you. -Yes, but that is good! "Captain Trapp,

receiver of the Military Order of Maria Therese arrested". It will open the people's eyes.

I don't want any martyr in a cell!

I want to keep you!

I really love you, Georg.

Do you know a way out?

It is almost dreadful, but I know of one, Georg. - Go on.


I still have the address from the agent. We will sing.


- Yes, it will be difficult, we'll have to pull together...

...but we will be together. - But Maria...

Please, Georg, believe me. Sister Raphaela... gave me this as I departed:

"When God closes a door to us,

then he'll open a window for us".

We are going for an outing, Franz. We want to spend a day in the mountain.

With the baby? With the baby.

With the baby? With the baby.

Of course,



in spite of everything,

I would like to think back with pleasure of the times we spent here...

...and of you also. Do it too.

...and of you also. Do it too.



Go immediately into the library. Come.

Please, Baron, you must go in as well!

No Franz, no! - You must go in, Captain!

Georg, please come!

So, here we are again!

Baron Trapp please!

The Baron Trapp, please!

The Captain has gone with his family on an excursion. They're coming back tomorrow evening.

- Son of a b...

Do you want us perhaps...

Ah, look here!

You are a Party member!

Nothing will be done.

You're extremely fortunate!

When is the best time for us to come?

Tomorrow? In the middle of the night.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, in the middle of the night, comrade.

Long live Hitler, comrade!

Come on, we're going.

The window has opened, Sister Raphaela was right...

but the opening is barred.

And it's my fault.

It's all my fault!

Hello, why is it her fault?

Because she told the truth. Our visas are only valid for a visit to America.

Because she told the truth. Our visas are only valid for a visit to America.

When the customs officer asked when we we're returning, she said...

"We want to stay here forever!" - Holy smokes! (Yiddish)

Didn't you tell the woman that she should lie?

Oh, I beg your pardon.

But they can't keep us here forever!

At some point they must grant us entry.

How long have you been here?

Ten months.

Ten months!

I don't understand why we haven't heard from the agent yet.

He must have received even our second telegram by now.

Announcement: "Father Wasner, come to the office, please...thank you".

Maybe it's news from our agent? - For certain!

Look here, Mummy, a loaf of bread, a piece of cheese,

two onions,

and an apple.

But Martina, did you go around begging for food?! We'll be given food here.

Things can always get worse.

You know, to have a servant of God interned here is very unpleasant for us.

For me too, Sir, me too.

But I'm happy now.

An approval came today.

Your stay in the United States has been approved. - Yes?

And also for the Trapp family? - No.

Only for you.

Then I'll stay here too. I can't leave these people alone.

It's better that you go.

You can't help them here. - Who can help them?


who gives...

sponsorship. But that's very expensive with so many little children.

Don't you have any friends in this country? - No, only an agent.

We have already telegraphed him twice.

Then telegraph him again!

We have no more money.

If we don't get this sponsorship, what will happen to us?


then unfortunately,

you must go back...

to where you came from.

Telegram :IN DESPAIR. PLEASE RELEASE US AND EXTEND SPONSORSHIP. THE TRAPP FAMILY. (Petrov) What can these people do? - Oh you know, they sing wonderfully!

They come out onto the stage, the woman and several adorable, charming children...

in leather shorts and alpine costumes.

- What do they do?



They don't juggle. Juggle!

They sing. - sing?

Yes, folk songs.

and choral music.


A real attraction! A choir in leather shorts!

And we must authorize bailout funds for these ten people?

But I made an offer for them to come over. - An offer?

Are you mad? Who has heard of such a thing? Was there a witness to these promises?

No, no, no! Actually...there was a minister there.

A priest! - Yes.

We have to go against the word of a priest?

Even with the devil's help you couldn't get out of this one. - Couldn't we perhaps help them...

- Shut up! We're driving to Ellis Island and speaking to the customs officials.

These people must return to Europe!

If the officials get here first, we will have to pay for these adorable little children...

until we are bled white. Come on!

What are you looking for?

I thought I still had one clean shirt.

No, we don't want to talk to these people. We only wanted to explain that we want nothing to do with them.

We have promised them nothing, and can not help them! Right?

Right. These ladies and gentlemen must go back. Tell them that. Goodbye!


There's no door handle.

Well, we're a prison.

Come with me.

Tell these people yourself...

that you want to send them back.

Look Georg, Mr Samish is coming.

That is Mr Samish! Agatha, come, take the baby quickly!

Mr Samish?!

Mr Samish! I'm so glad you came!

Georg, this is Mr. Samish, our saviour! I was so worried.

I thought you might be sick. - No, no.

This here is my partner, Mr Petrov.

How wonderful that you came also.

Yes, there really are still good people all over the world. Where is the Doctor and the children?

I'm so sorry that you have to spend money on us immediately.

But, believe me, we'll bring it all back to you!

Listen Madame! You will no longer get my partner involved in your affairs. That is why I came.

We won't spend a single cent for you.

What did you really think? The greatest singer in the world has come to us?

And you come with little children? - But Mr Samish said...

He never said a word.


"We MUST come", he said. And he would take care of all costs and guarantee...

But he's no idiot! Right? -Right. Yes, but Doctor, you were there!

What did Mr Samish say in the performers room that time in Salzberg?

There were so many people talking over each other there, I wasn't paying attention. - Yes, but Dr Wasner...

Well, Samish, let's go. - No, but...

Come away from this farce. She's dangerous, she's persistent, and she's lying.


Mr Petrov!

Please give us a chance!

Listen to us at least once!

First you attack us, then you want to sing to us, aye? No Madame!

Here again, there is no handle! - Sing, Ma'am. Sing!

Open the door! Please! Hurry up! I've got to move on.

Outside the village gate's a fountain,

And an old Lindentree.

Under its shady branches,

My dreams were sweet and free.

I carved in its old bark,

So many phrases dear.

In times of joy and sadness,

It always drew me near.

Today I still must wander,

all through the gloomy night.

'twas then that in the darkness,

I closed my eyes so tight.

And I heard branches whisper,

As if they called to me,

Come to me weary wanderer,

You'll find your peace with me.

The frigid winds were blowing,

Against my face and me.

My hat flew into darkness,

I did not turn to see.

Now I am many hours, away from this old tree.

And still I hear it rustling, You'd find your peace with me.

I am for many hours, removed from every place.

And still I hear it rustling,

You'd find your peace with me.

Mrs Trapp! I want to hear that for an entire evening,

in a real concert hall!

We will pay, right? Right!

If the people like it or not!

Stay here! Stay here! We must give them an encore.

But we have already sung all the songs we know. - We don't know anything more.

Yes, but they're not going home!

Mr Petrov, this is now the 6th encore! - Three tour invitations! Records! Radio! I'm very moved! Very!

I'm falling asleep. - You poor thing! Come here.

I have an idea. We'll sing "Good evening, good night". - Great. And we'll sing so quietly,

...that the people will finally notice that it has ended.

Good evening, good night.

You'll be covered with embroidered roses

and with flower buds.

Slip in under your covers!

Tomorrow morning, if it's God's will,

you'll be awakened again.

Tomorrow morning, if it's God's will,

you'll be awakened again.

Good Night!
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