Au bonheur des dames (1930)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Au bonheur des dames (1930)

Post by bunniefuu »

The big department store
vs. the little shop.

The problem still exists today.

A cruel, unfair struggle
that ends in death and destruction,

and to blame, the thing that
regulates the ticking of the world:


Denise BAUDU, an orphan.



Mr. Baudu
in Paris, 6 Courteline St.

"Uncle, you're the one who wrote
and told me to come."

"I wrote you, it's true...
when your father died

six months ago, but since then... "

"Since then...
everything has changed...

business is very bad."

"The department store
is destroying us.

Everyone is closing down...
How can I provide for you?"

"Maybe I can get
a job across the street...

at Ladies' Paradise?"

"Work for Mouret?

That charlatan who sells at a loss
in order to ruin us?"

"That wretch doesn't care

if the little man starve to death."

"Come... We'll give you
some lunch first. "


"Genevieve. Don't you recognise
your cousin, Denise?"

"This is Colomban,
my future son-in-law.

A good young man who helps me
as best he can. "

"My poor girl, I can't let you
share in our misery.

Try to find some work. "

Rising out of the earth at
the behest of one man: Octave Mouret.

The department store,
Ladies' Paradise,

Temple of Temptation.

"Excuse me, could you tell me
where to go to apply for a job?"

"We have one opening for a model.
Come with me."

"Take your clothes off."

"I want my stores to take over
the whole neighbourhood in two years."

"Beautiful plan, Mr. Mouret.

But there's one shop
you can't buy:

the one that belongs
to old Baudu."

"His shop, Vieil Elboeuf,
is mortgaged to the hilt,

it'll succumb like all the others...
I'll buy everything up."

"Fine. But...
where will you get the money?"

"Mrs. Desforges is introducing me
to a man this evening

who has more money
than he can count,

Baron Hartmann. "

"That boy is engaged.
You should leave him alone..."

"Is it any of your business?."

"Get out of here."

"I like that girl... Hire her. "

"I'm the one
who did you that favour. "

"Thanks to you
I was hired immediately...

I wanted to thank you."

"They put me
in the beauty products section."

"Thank you...

I live across the street
at my uncle Baudu's house."

"Poor uncle...

He says Mr. Mouret, our manager,
wants to ruin him."

At Mrs. Desforges' house.

"Mr. Mouret,
this is Baron Hartmann,

He likes and supports
big projects. "

"Old buildings, worthless shops,
I'll raze everything...

and I'll make Ladies' Paradise
the biggest store in the world."

"It's an ambitious project
and an interesting idea...

But who are your customers?"

" All of the women in Paris...

He who rules the women
rules the world."

"I want to build a temple
of elegance, luxury and beauty,

your temple, ladies...

In this undertaking,
you'll all be with me."

"You seem to use women
too easily, my dear fellow...

People get hurt in that game.

Beware, one day
one of them may avenge the others. "

Baron Hartmann has given
his millions in support...

All around the Vieil Elboeuf shop
demolition work is under way.


Inside Ladies' Paradise
1:00 pm... Third sitting

"Excuse me.
Miss Holier-than-thou."

"For the anniversary
of the store

the manager is offering his employees
a day off at the L'Isle-Adam beach. "

"Will you be among us?"

"What do you think of our new model?"

"Mr. Mouret is taking
an interest in that girl...

No doubt, she was recommended... "

"Why are you making fun
of that girl?"

At L'Isle-Adam.

"That's the manager: Mr. Mouret. "

"The manager is offering a bonus

to the first person
in a bathing suit. "

"Denise... Why are you avoiding me?"

"What you're doing isn't right.

I'm nothing to you.
And you know that... "

Do you love someone else?"

"Watch out...

I set you up.
I can bring you down."

"I can't live without you.

I'll come for you tonight. "

"Where are you going?"

"Why are you leaving?"

"It's because she's ill,
very ill...

That's why, isn't it?"

"I thought you had a heart.
You're nothing but a scoundrel."

" All this poverty.
That's why I'm leaving. "

"What kind of future is this?"

"I'm young... I want to live."

"My daughter is young too...
She would like to live... "

"I know what you're worth now.
I understand. "

"I know where you're going. "

"Over there...
With the high and mighty."

"I took you in like a son...

I aided you with the little I had.
You heel."

"You'll k*ll her."

The Future was being built on ruins.

"Our earnings
are beating the records."


"Miss Denise Baudu
didn't show up this morning. "

"See him... One last time...
Denise... I'd like to... "

"What is Mr. Mouret doing?

I haven't been able
to get through to him for two days."

"Let him not forget that I'm the one
in control of this business."

"I left everything for Clara.
I loved her...

She didn't care about me."

"Genevieve is going to die."

"Come... You'll understand."

"I'm sorry... "

"Get out of here."

At the request of Mr. Mouret,

an eviction notice has been issued...

"Scoundrels. Scoundrels."

m*rder*r's accomplices.
The man who'll starve us all.

I'll k*ll you all."

"I hate you."

The storm blows over.

"For sentimental reasons

you are seriously
damaging our business."

"I thought you were stronger... "

"I've invested millions,
I have to defend them."

"I'm not going under with you."

"Pull yourself together or resign."

"Do whatever you like."

"I'm a ruined man."

"I thought I was doing
something useful.

I've only created
more pain and destruction."

"I give up... "

"You served Progress.
It's the one to blame. "

"We're the ones who were wrong.
I see that now. "

"Be proud of your work.
Be strong, so that it will continue. "

"Denise... I would have been strong
if you had loved me. "

"I've always loved you...
I've loved only you. "

"You can be satisfied. I have him.
He's going to resign. "

"Destruction, misery...

Tomorrow all of that
will be part of the past. "

"Your dream will come true. "

"Together, the two of us
will make it come true. "

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