Man Made Monster (1941)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Man Made Monster (1941)

Post by bunniefuu »

Here's another flash
on that highway bus accident.

Dan McCormick, the lone survivor is been...

taken to the
receiving hospital for observation.

Attending physicians are
astounded at his condition...

because he shows no
effects of the electrocution...

that k*lled the driver of the
bus and all of his fellow passengers.

You say the man is conscious?

Yes, it's the most amazing
thing I've ever heard of doctor.

After a good night's rest he'll
be ready to leave the hospital.

Come on, come on, give me those
pants. I want to get out of here.

- Here, here, what's going on?
- I can't make him stay in bed doctor.

But I guess I ain't as
tough as I thought I was.

Tough? You're lucky to
be alive after a shock like that.

- Now get back into bed and take it easy.
- Ok, ok, you're the doctor.

This is Dr. Lawrence. Doctor, Don McCormick.

How do you do?

Dr. Lawrence wants to
ask you a few questions.

Sure, glad to have somebody to talk to.

You know, for a minute I thought
you was one of those reporters.

No, no, there are several of them downstairs.

- You won't like for publicity.
- Oh say, that's great.

I can use a couple good
write ups in my business.

- What is your business Dan?
- Oh, didn't you know?

I run a high pitch down
on the Midway, it's an act.

I'm dynamo Dan, the electrical man.

Fool around with storage batteries and
stick my fingers into light sockets and...

make sparks jump between my hands.

- You know, yokel shockers.
- Yokel shockers?

Sure, stuff to fool the peasants.

- It's all for effect, most of it's phony.
- Yes, I see.

Hey doc, get a load of this.
Supper in bed and I ain't even sick.

Yes, we going to make sure
they take good care of you.

Well, I must run along now. Here's my card.

When you get out of here,
just drop in and see me sometime.

- Sure, sure doc.
- Good bye.

So long doc.

Nice guy the doc.

Dr. Lawrence is one of
America's foremost scientists.

No kidding.

Dr. John Lawrence, 515
Forrest Drive, The Moors.

- Thank you Henry, that's all tonight.
- Thank you sir.

- Good evening Dr. Lawrence.
- Wong.

- Hello uncle John.
- Hello dear.

Oh, look at you.

- What's the matter? No date tonight?
- Yes and a very nice one,

And I waited to tell you about your tickets.

- Tickets? Tickets, what tickets?
- For the convention.

- Oh, yes, yes, when do I leave?
- First thing Wednesday morning.

Well, that gives me a couple of days.

- I've listed the references that you wanted.
- Oh, can't we get out of that?

I detest speeches.

It's probably because I've had
to listen to so many in my time.

Well, here's your chance to get
even, not that yours will be boring.

I wish I could be sure of that
but electrobiology sounds terrifying.

Except to electrobiologists
and that's who you'll be talking to.

Well, good night.

- We'll hope for the best.
- See you in the morning.

Oh and don't forget your
medicine, I left it on your desk.

- I said good night.
- Good night.

Paul, why don't you give this up?

It will work, I know it.

With all the constructive things to be done,
why do you concentrate on destruction?

- You call my work destructive?
- Must we go over that all again?

This theory of yours
isn't science, it's black magic.

I believe that electricity is life...

that men can be motivated and
controlled by electrical impulse...

supplied by the
radioactivities of the electron.

That eventually a race of
superior men could be developed...

men whose only wants are electricity.

But man, you're
challenging the forces of creation.

The forces of creation, bah.

You know as well as I do that half
the people in the world are...

doomed to a life of mediocrity...

born to be nonentities,
millstones around the neck of progress.

Men who have to be fed, watched, looked over
and taken care of by superior intelligence.

My theory is to make these
people of more use to the world.

By successive treatments, their
bodies could be so electrolyzed...

that they are no longer subject to the
pains and frailties of ordinary mankind.

- Sometimes I think you're mad.
- I am.

So was Archimedes, Galileo, Newton Pasteur,
Lister and all the others who dared to dream.

50 years ago, a man was
mad to think of anesthesia.

40 years ago, the idea of
operating on the brain was madness.

Today, we hold a human heart
in our hands and watch it beat.

Who can tell what tomorrow's madness may be?

No one Paul, least of all I.

Since I too believe that we've only
scratched the surface of electrobiology.

But science through the ages is
been used for the betterment of mankind...

to give some faint ray of hope
to these nonentities, as you call them.


Now, now, now,
together we've been very successful.

Let's drop it for tonight.

You hurry and clean up, there's
some cheese and beer in the kitchen.

I'll make a welsh rabbit and we'll celebrate.

What do you say?

- Alright John.
- Good.

I won't be a moment.

- Do you like it?
- It's terrible.

Say, who are you?

- Mark Adams.
- Oh?

So you're Mark Adams, the big newspaper man.

Well, I have something to say to you.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Five people k*lled and the best
thing you can do is write bad jokes.

Under his own power.

Oh, well look lady, five people were...

k*lled and we treated it with the
proper respect but that was yesterday.

Now the globe dispatch has
a circulation of 300,000...

say a million readers and they don't want
to read anymore about the five that died.

They want to read about the
one that lived Dan McCormick.

Where is he?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Oh, come, come.

By the way, what makes you think he's here?

Well, I bought the fourth floor nurse a...

dollar dinner and found
the taxi cab that brought him here.

Now come on, get with the news item.
What's Dr. Lawrence's angle?

I still don't know what you're talking about.

Ok, I'll wait.

You wasting your time, there's nobody here.

Nobody but us dogs.

Hey, you must be alright, he
doesn't usually make friends so easily.

Sure, me and dogs always get along.

- What are your plans?
- Oh, I don't know.

I was headed for the county fair
when that accident happened.

I was going to open
up my act, guess I'm too late now.

Suppose I'll have to do something else.

In the meantime?

Well, in the meantime there's always that...

good old 18 bucks a week
from the unemployment insurance.

Of course, that doesn't
start for a couple of weeks.

- Now, why don't you come and work with me?
- Eh?

- I say why don't you come and work with me?
- What doing?

Well, I was thinking about
that electric act you used to do.

Oh, I already told you that was a phony.

Nevertheless, you survived an
electrical shock that k*lled 5 other people.

Maybe it wasn't such a fake after all.

Maybe you've built
up an immunity to electricity.

- What's that?
- Immunity?

Ordinarily, fatal doses of
electricity can't hurt you.

Oh, you mean kind of like I
was vaccinated against it?

Something like that.

Some cellular or glandular change is
taken place which renders you immune.

- I'd like to find out what that is.
- Hey, wait a minute.

You don't mean you want to cut me open?

No, no, no, just take your blood count,
examine your muscular coordination and...

study your reflexes.

If we can find out what it is that
produces this immunity against electricity...

we might be the means
of saving the hundreds of lives...

that are lost every year
through accidental electrocution.

You'd live right here too.

- You mean I get to eat here too?
- Surely.

Take it easy until
you're well and strong again.

That's good enough for me.

Dr. Rigas, come here a minute.

He's my associate. Dr. Rigas,
I want you to meet Dan McCormick.

- Good morning sir.
- Hi you doc.

I've been trying to persuade
Mr. McCormick to come work with us...

while we study his apparent
immunity to high-voltage electrical shock.

Oh yes, yes, of course, forgive me.
I didn't recall the name for a moment.

- You're the one...
- Yes, I'm the one that lived.

And I've assured him that we would do nothing
to injure his health in the slightest today.

- Yes, yes, of course.
- Well, then let's get to work.

What say, pup?

You ready Corky? Go get it.

- Good morning miss June.
- Good morning Dan.

- Lovely day, isn't it?
- Oh, sure is.

Well, are you beginning
to feel at home around here?

Yeah, you know, every day around
here is like Sunday on the farm.

- They're not working you too hard then?
- No.

Boy, they just give me a little
shot of electricity and feel my pulse...

and look in my eyes and tap me
on the knee, you know how doctors do.

Oh, doesn't the electricity hurt?

No, I used to take more than this six
times a day when I had my carnival act.

You know miss June, you look mighty
pretty with those flowers in your arms.

Thank you Dan.

You reminded me of a girl
I used to be kind of sweet on.

She had a high wire act in
one of the big Mac shows.

- What happened to her?
- Oh, she ran away with the fire eater.

Well don't worry Dan, I won't do that.

Hi Corky, come here kid.
Give me that ball, give me that ball.

- Good morning Miss Lawrence.
- Well, you do get around, don't you?

- How goes the great experiment?
- Nicely, thanks.

- How long is a thing like this take?
- Oh, weeks, months, a year perhaps.

You see, when a scientific
discovery is announced to the world...

To the world, it must
be proved beyond chance.

Well, you had a week now.
What progress have you to report?

Oh, I think we can safely say that the
preliminaries have been completed.

Well, that's fine, now we can get to
the main bow, what you doing tonight?

Why Mr. Adams, I thought
you were here professionally.

Well, if you think
there's anything amateur...

Look June,

you're making it awful tough for me, I'm
trying to romance with you and what do I get?

- Biology.
- By the greatest authority in the world.

Well, maybe is.

But if you're interested in the subject,
I too have a few ideas along these lines.

Hi. Oh, I hope I didn't interrupt.

No, it's all right,
I wasn't getting anywhere.

Hey, you and Corky
seem to be getting along all right.

Sure, him and me gets along swell.

Say, you want to see
something? Get a load of this.

Alright Corky, lay down, down.

That's it, turn over on your side.

Over, hold it, hold it.

Now, clear up on your
back, turn over on your back, hold it.

Hold it, now back on your side.

No, no the other side.

Hold it, attaboy.

He learned that one quick.

I think maybe when I go back to the
carnival, I'll get myself an animal act.

- Dan, will you come in here please?
- Sure.

No, not you. No, no, no.

I don't like that guy.

- You don't know anything about him.
- Do you?

I know that much of the
success of this laboratory is due to him.

- He's a genius in his line.
- Maybe.

But I'll bet he spent his
childhood sticking pins in butterflies.

What do you think Corky?

- Hey doc?
- Yes?

- Where's Pete?
- Pete?

Yeah Pete the rabbit, in the end case there.

Oh, he worked yesterday.

- Now, if you step on this please.
- Sure.

Say, ain't we going to wait for Dr. Lawrence?

Dr. Lawrence is away for a few
days attending a scientist convention.

He left full instruction about
the experiment, now just relax.

That's right.

Down please, thank you.

Now just relax.

You're perfectly all
right, you can get up now.

- Hey doc, what happened?
- Must've dozed off for a minute.

- Oh, feels like my hands are asleep.
- Oh, that's strange.

Just the usual voltage,
enough to maintain your immunity.

Oh, I wouldn't know
from that scientific talk.

- You all through with me now?
- - Yes, that's all for today.

- Ok. So long.
- Good bye.

Hi you Corky, come on kid, let's go, eh?

What's the matter?

Come on Corky, come on kid.

Come on, I won't hurt you.

Ah, it's good to be home.

Conventions are alright in their way but I'm
for holding them all in my own living room.

Yes, I always thought
them pretty much a waste of time...

same old fogies with the same old theories.

Oh, this wasn't so bad.

Now our Latin American friends are
really doing some worthwhile things.

By the way, where is Dan?

He was sitting out in
the garden just a few minutes ago.

Maybe doesn't know what time it is.

- Wong, call Mr. McCormick.
- Yes doctor.

I'm worried about Dan.

Oh, what's the matter? Isn't he happy here?

I guess so but he seems to slowed down.

- Perhaps it's a reaction to our experiments.
- Oh, maybe we're crowding him too much.

I'll check the reports after luncheon.

He's coming now sir.

Oh, how are you Dan? Did they
take good care of you while I was away?

Oh, I'm Ok doc.

Special for you Mr. Dan.

No thanks, I ain't hungry.

Finish your lunch
doctor, I'll take care of him.

Take his plate back to the
kitchen Wong, he may eat it later.

Yes doctor.

Uncle John, is something the matter with
Dan, something strange is happening to him.

Oh, nonsense child.

I admit he looks rather
badly but as Dr. Rigas says...

that might be the result of our experiments.

Well, I wish you'd make sure.

I will, now that we've got that
scientific conference out of the way.

Have you any idea what might be wrong?

Well, nothing definite but
you remember the goldfish?

- Goldfish?
- Digs and Betty, in your office.

- Oh, yes, yes, of course.
- They died.

That's too bad.

- Something in the water, eh?
- Yes sir, electricity.

Paul, look here.

- June asked me to give you this.
- Oh yes, yes, thanks.

- What you make of Dan's condition?
- As I suspected, he's nervously upset.

- I ordered a few days rest.
- Take a look at this blood specimen.

Seems me be way
below normal in cortisol count.

It was taken from his arm this morning.

Nothing much like the specimen we took
from him when we first arrived, is it?

No, isn't.

- I don't know what to make of it.
- Have you kept a record of his treatments?

Of course, I'll get it.

Here it is doctor, I think you'll find
everything according to your instructions.


I don't know what's the
matter with me, I'm weak as a kitten.

Oh, you overtaxed
yourself at that convention.


Why won't you go upstairs
and lie down for a while?

You watch Dan carefully, we
mustn't let anything happen to him.

Well, of course, I'll take care of him.

You go to bed.

It's been a good many years
since I've been tucked in.

- It's very pleasant being waited on.
- Are you sure you'll be all right?

I hate to run out on your like this,
but it's Mark's night off and we planned...

Now, I understand perfectly,
and please don't worry about me.

Well, here your reference
books and your paper and your pencil.

- If you take my advice, you go to sleep.
- Thanks.

- There just a few things I want to look up.
- Promise?

- Yes, I promise. Now run along.
- Good night.

Good night.

Well Dan, I have here a nationally advertised
cigarette, now if you watch closely...

I'll put the cigarette in the palm of
my left hand and make it disappear.

Now watch me.

Right out through the elbow, pretty good, eh?

How about a little card trick?

Yeah, you like card tricks? I've a
standard deck of playing cards here.

Now if you just pick any card
out of the deck, any card at all.

Don't let me force the Ace of spades on you.

Any card, that's it,
take one of those right there.

That's fine, now...

if you look at the card, remember
what it is and put it back in the deck.

Ok, put it back in the deck
there, anywhere at all, just...

slide it in there,
that's it, put it in there...

Hey Dan?

What goes on in here?

I don't know. I'm showing Dan some card
tricks and I guess I didn't go over so big.

How's Dr. Lawrence?

Oh, he's much better, I made
him promise go to sleep early.

What seems be the matter with him?

Well, overwork I guess, he was
pretty nauseated and awfully weak.

Sounds like someone is been
dishing out mickeys around here.


Yeah, that's a little thing they give you
when your presence is no longer required.

Now, where would uncle
John get a thing like that?

Dan, I'm ready for you.

Mark, I'm not going.

- There's something wrong around here.
- It certainly isn't with Dr. Rigas.

Dan seemed anxious
enough to go in there with him.

Yes, that's just it.

Dr. Rigas seems to have some sort of a hold
on him that the rest of us don't know about.

Oh June, don't go Edgar Allan Poe on me.

Look, you see these tickets?
They cost a buck 10 a piece.

And when a newspaper man lays
out cash for tickets, that is true love.

Hurry up, will you doc?

- You like these treatments, don't you Dan?
- Yeah.

They make me feel strong like I used to.

- They wear off too quick.
- Oh well, we'll fix that.

Now stretch out please.

That's right.

This is our final experiment.

If we're successful...

we shall have proven a theory
that will revolutionize the world.

A theory that will silence completely
those scoffers who babble of trivialities.

And we shan't be disturbed.

I've taken care of that.

Yeah, that's what I thought you said.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Look June, this is a big night, I got
a lot of important things to do and say...

but I can't get started if you're
not going to pay attention to me.

- Oh Mark, I...
- Now wait a minute, let me finish.

I had this whole routine all worked out.

The show, supper, a little music, you
know, sort of work up to a gradual like...,

and now you dust me off with the first pitch.

What's the matter? Don't you want to go?

Of course I want to go and I want
the dancing and I want the supper...

and most of all I want to
hear what you have to say.

But Mark, I'm worried.

Take me back to the laboratory and
let me check on uncle John and Dan...

and make sure they're alright...

and then wind yourself up for
some enthusiastic cooperation.

Now you made a deal.

Now you'll do exactly as I say.

Step down from there.


Even more than I'd hoped.


Now, point your finger at that condenser.

Stop, that's the power of the energy in you.

We must conserve it, I've prepared for that.

Come over here.

Get into this
rubber suit, it'll insulate you.

That will save the electricity
that's giving you your strength.

With these rubber
gauntlets, your power is safe.

Without them, it will run from
you through everything you touch.

There you are, not
Dan McCormick but something I created.

Obeying my will, I can
give you life or take it from you.

- Paul, what are you doing?
- Finishing the experiment...

that proves once and for all that
my theory of electrobiology is correct.

Look, there he stands, the shell of a man.

Electrically alive,
every impulse controlled by me.

Come here.

- You must be mad.
- Of course I'm mad.

The while you were fooling with
the conventions, I had conquered destiny.

Think of an army of such creatures, doing
the work of the world, fighting its battles.

Look at him, the worker of the future,
controlled by a superior intelligence.

We must assemble all the great scientists
and show them this creature, we must...

- Where going?
- To call the police.

- You destroyed a human being, that's m*rder.

Oh please don't, you're a
brother scientist, you must understand.

What is one life compared to this discovery?
Oh, he'll live, a beautiful existence.

No pain, no sorrow. John, don't.

Stop him.

Dan, Dan. Don't you know...

That's enough, let him go.

He's dead.

You k*lled him,
remember that. You k*lled him.

When they ask you,
you tell them. You k*lled him.

You come, I must get that power out of you.


Hold that.

You'll remember nothing of what
happened except what I told you.

You k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

Alright sugar, take
your look and let's get going.

Uncle John.

What happened?

Dr. Lawrence came into the laboratory to
check the treatment I was giving our patient.

I left the room for
a moment, there was a crash.

When I came back, our
patient was choking Dr. Lawrence.

- I was too late to help.
- Do you mean to say Dan k*lled him?

- I don't believe it.
- Ask him.

Dan, it's a lie, isn't it?
You didn't k*ll Dr. Lawrence, did you?

Come on Dan, we're
your friends. Did you k*ll him?

I k*lled him.

- Is Mr. Stanley in his office?
- I'll see, what is your name please?

June Lawrence.

- Yeah?
- Miss Lawrence to see you.

Have her come in. Dr. Lawrence's secretary.

- You go ahead with the preliminaries.
- Yes sir.

Come in Miss Lawrence.

Mr. Stanley, I want to talk
to you about Dan McCormick.

Of course, sit down.

- Now, what about Dan McCormick?
- Dan didn't k*ll Dr. Lawrence.

- He's signing a statement that says he did.
- I know but Dan couldn't k*ll anything.

He was kind and gentle.

Well, something is happened to
change Dan completely, something terrible.

Must've to make him
confess a m*rder he didn't commit.

Now Miss Lawrence, your uncle died of
a broken neck, caused by a brutal choking.

A powerful man did that.

Now you yourself admit that Dan and Dr. Rigas
were alone in the laboratory at the time.

- Have you any reason to suspect Dr. Rigas?
- Oh, I'm all mixed up.

Maybe Dan did k*ll him,
but he wasn't himself.

Now, now, wait a minute, take it easy.

- How long have you known Dan McCormick?
- Ever since he came to work for my uncle.

Get along all right together?
Went out to dances and parties and so forth?


I see what you mean,
no, we've never been out together.

I'm engaged to Mark
Adams of the globe dispatch.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm not more coherent
in telling my suspicions but...

don't treat this like an ordinary k*lling.
There's something tragic behind this.

- And now with this confession...
- Of course you must realize that a...

confession cannot be accepted
by the court as conclusive evidence...

when the charge is first degree
m*rder, I still have to prove my case.

I know but you'll introduce the confession
and it's bound to influence the jury.

Miss Lawrence, I give you my word...

that I will do everything I can
possibly to help Dan McCormick.

Then find out if
Dr. Rigas has actually been...

following my uncle's
instructions in the laboratory.

The District Attorney moving
swiftly through the preliminaries...

promises a speedy trial in the case of Dan
McCormick, the so called electrical man...

accused of murdering Dr. John
Lawrence, noted scientist.

To expedite matters, he is requested
the appointment of a commission...

to determine McCormick's sanity.

Dr. Rigas, the District
Attorney would like to see you.

Of course, show him in.

How do you do Dr. Rigas?
We're sorry to disturb you sir.

I wasn't doing anything of importance.

We'd like to have you explain just what
treatments Dan McCormick was undergoing...

and what bearing, if any,
they might have on his condition.

- Of course, won't you sit down?
- No, thank you.

Well, here's the case history.

I completed a record of
the experiments and treatments...

given in accordance
with Dr. Lawrence's instructions.

I see.

Just what was the
purpose of these experiments?

Dr. Lawrence was trying to
determine what furnished the immunity...

that enabled Dan to
escape electrocution in that accident.

That called for quantities of
electricity to be given, did it not?

Oh no, just small amounts, enough to
maintain immunity as that chart shows.

I see,

Did this application
affect any change in him?

Well, he did become moody and irritable,
but I can't see what connection there is...

between that and the mild
treatment he received here.

What's this doc?
Looks like an operating table?

Oh, that's an electro thermostatic table.

We've succeeded in curing many
malignant diseases with electrical heat.

Would you care to try it?

No thanks doctor, I'll take your word for it.

I wish he could tell us what he thinks.

Oh well, all dogs
respond to certain vibrations.

I remember my aunt Hattie's house, that's
aunt Hattie on my father's side, she had...

Oh, it's no use Mark,
I'm worried and I'm scared.

I feel sure that
Dr. Rigas did something to Dan.

I'm worried about what it is,
and I'm scared we won't found in time.

Yes, so am I sugar.

How about your paper?
Won't they help? Don't they want to know?

Yes, if we could go to
them with something definite.

I tried to tell the chief what we suspected
and he started calling a man in a white coat.

Of course, of course, anyone who
commits m*rder must be momentarily insane.

Otherwise they wouldn't do it.

Well Dr. Rigas, thank you for your courtesy.

Don't hesitate to call me
any time I can be of help.

- Good day.
- Good day.

- Dr. Rigas?
- Yes.

Dan was insane, wasn't he?

They can't hold him
legally responsible, can they?

That will be determined tomorrow.

- Yes but those doctor's, they...
- Don't worry.

Dan's business will be taken care of.

The District Attorney is invited me
to be present at the examination.

You have been reluctant to
discuss the night of the crime...

but I assure you that your reticence
will not prejudice us against you.

We want you to feel perfectly at your ease.

You did k*ll Dr. Lawrence?

I k*lled him.

Perhaps if we go back
over your boyhood again...

we can find some mental meeting ground.

As I remember your story...

you were brought up in an orphanage.

There was a man there, he hit you often.

He hit you hard.

He hurt you, you cried.

Nobody would help you.

All your life, you've been
anxious to get even with him.

In your mind Dr. Lawrence...

was that man because he
ordered the treatment that hurt you.

You did get even with him, didn't you?

You feel better, you
keep telling yourself you got even.



k*lled him.

And in conclusion,
I say without hesitation...

that the accused Dan McCormick,
suffers from acute melancholia.

- Induced by a persecution complex...
- In our opinion then...

is that make him mentally irresponsible?
In other words, is he legally insane?

On the contrary, he is decidedly sane...

and definitely responsible.

Thank you doctor.

You've already testified
that you're a newspaper man.

- That's right.
- A feature writer?

Well, my stuff carries a byline.

Then you'd do almost anything
to get a good story, wouldn't you?

I'd do anything I could to save an
innocent man if that's what you mean.

Thank you, that's all.

And when I returned to the laboratory...

the accused was standing over
the body of Dr. Lawrence.

- What did he say?
- He kept repeating, I k*lled him.

The cause of death was
a severe dislocation and...

partial fracture of the
third and fourth cervical vertebrae.

- In other words, a broken neck.
- That is correct.

Thank you.

We find the defendant guilty as charged.

To be put to death before
midnight of the 29th of May...

in the manner prescribed by law.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
this is your local reporter bringing you...

interesting highlights on the day's news.

First, let's consider the
case of Dan McCormick.

The man who used to do an
electrical act at fairs and side shows.

Well, ironically enough, the last
act of his little drama will find him...

dying in the electric chair where all
the immunity in the world won't help him.

Alright, Dan.

Well, looks like he's on his way.

Oh, be careful.

What's the matter, getting jumpy?

I guess so, these things
always get my goat man.

Hello Joe?

Well, he just went into
the execution chamber.

Mark is inside to watch him go.

What? Sure I can speak up.

No, there's nothing the matter with my voice.

Did you ever cover an execution?

That's what I mean.

Well, that's that.

- I could do with a drink.
- Me too.

Hey Sully...

- What's going on up there?
- Oh, I don't know.

Joe, they gave him three
sh*ts and he's still alive.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Say Mike, did you hear that?
Must be some wrong in there.

He's taken all they can give him.

Listen to this, they can't k*ll him. He just
k*lled two guards in the execution chamber.

He just broke through,
he's headed for the yard.

Hey, you hear that?

Don't touch him, he's full of electricity.

He just broke through,
he's headed for the gate.

He's got the warden with
him but they can't sh**t.

Poor guy is walking dead.

No, the warden can't run.

If he starts Dan will grab him
and he'll shrivel up like a potato chip.

Has anybody seen him?

Take it easy.

Have you had any trace of him
since he walked out of the prison?

Boys, I'll be absolutely frank
with you, I haven't heard a word.

The experts say that he can't
live more than three hours.

He broke out of prison at 11:15.

And right now he may be
dying in some out of the way spot.

Maybe hours before
we find what's left of him.

Here's a late bulletin
on the McCormick escape.

The body of warden Harris is been
found in the woods near State Prison.

Apparently, the warden tried to get away
from McCormick and was electrocuted.

McCormick is still at large,
a menace to everything and everybody.

Three men died during his escape
and countless others are in danger.

Stay indoors, refuse an admittance to your
home and notify the police if you see him.

He can only live a few hours because
the electricity which gives him life...

is running out of his body
with every step he takes.


- Hey.
- Fred.

Mary Beth.

You can absolutely quote me
as saying that the danger is passed...

that the public has nothing...

- Yeah?
- Urgent on one.

- Stanley speaking.
- My name is Frank Davis.

I'm at the Lakeside Rod and g*n Club.

A man just came out of the
bushes and scared my wife.

- It must be that escaped convict McCormick.
- Yeah?

Alright, thanks
Mr. Davis, I'll take care of it.

Sergeant, I want you to have 10 men,
two squad cars downstairs in five minutes.

- Yes sir.
- What happened?

McCormick just scared the life out
of some people out at Lakeside...

and he's stolen a pair of rubber boots.

- Rubber boots?
- But then he won't die.

- Did you say lakeside?
- Yes.

- Well, that's out at the Moors.
- Yes.

Hey, put aside, hey look out.

Get away from that steed.

Attention all police and sheriff details...

Dan McCormick, convicted m*rder*r
who escaped from State Prison tonight...

is somewhere in the neighborhood
of Oak Road and Crescent drive, the Moors.

- He's headed for the laboratory.
- Step in it Reagan.

- May I help you?
- I was just tidying up a bit.

- How nice.
- Yes.

- Well, I think I'll be going.
- Is this what you wanted?

Go on, take it, read it.

It contains a most amazing record
of the extraordinary experiment...

was only completed tonight when Dan McCormick
walked away from the electric chair.

I knew you'd done something terrible to him.

Terrible? Was it
terrible that I gave him life?

I haven't made a great discovery and I
present him with a spectacular demonstration.

Tonight, the whole world will
be talking about Dan McCormick...

not a handful of musty
scientists but the whole world.

You mean, you deliberately let Dan go
to jail when you might have saved him?

- At first, I intended to...
- But...

No, no, no, no, no,
he really k*lled your uncle.

Sure, he was under my control at the time...

and didn't know what
he was doing but he k*lled him.

My efforts of controlling,
in fact were so successful...

that the temptation of putting him
to the supreme test proved too strong.

- And they gave him a sanity test.
- Yes.

Ironical, isn't it?

Dan McCormick as you knew him was doomed...

from the first day
he came to this laboratory.

For years, I'd hoped to
find a subject with immunity...

that would enable me to test my theories.

You mean you deliberately destroyed him?

I k*lled one human life in order
to prove one great scientific truth.

You know, it's a curious fact...

that ever since my earliest
experiments with rabbits and Guinea pigs...

I've always found
the female of the species...

was more sensitive to
electrical impulse than was the male.

It's fortunate that we met here.
Shall I show you how it's done?


Stop, stop Dan, stop.

Stop, I tell you. Dan.

Stop, I tell you. Stop.

Can't you hear me? Stop.
I'll take the power out of you.

Dan, it's the police.

Dan, don't run away,
we know what they did to you.

Here's the book, there
must be some way to cure you.

Dan please?

Alright, Lachlan Mack, come
with me. Sergeant, cover the ground.

Blake, Murphy, around that way,
the rest of you fellas come with me.

- Rigas.
- Electrocuted.



He's just out at across the field.

- He's carrying something.
- It's a body.

- June.
- June?

Dan, Dan, where you going?


He's going to hit the fence.

Dan, Dan, put me down.

- He's caught on the barbed wire.
- Dan.

If that cuts through that
rubber suit, he's finished.


Dan, get away from that fence.

The electricity is running out.

And when Dan carried me out
of the laboratory, I held onto it.

- Is anyone else seen it?
- No one alive.

We can have
photographs of the notebook and...

and photostats of the pages
in Rigas' own handwriting.

- Do you think you ought to print it?
- Do I think I ought to print it?

Why, the story will
get me the Pulitzer prize.

Do you want to make it possible for
someone else to do what's been done to Dan?

Well no but...

Yeah, I see what you mean.
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