Hätävara (1939)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Hätävara (1939)

Post by bunniefuu »

Once again Torikka has managed
to show his ignorance of history.

Do you really think Cleopatra
was Henry VIII's wife?

That was a beauty!

Torikka, you'll drive me
to an early grave.

At home it's the missus and kids...

...and in school it's Torikka!

You pay as much attention to world history
as a chicken would to a world w*r!

You should be moved up a class,
but it probably won't happen.

What are you doing there, Naamanen?

Obviously in a hurry to leave,
but not to do your homework.

- What time is it?
- 2.55.

It's only 5 to 3.
You don't leave yet.

I'm in a hurry too.
The bank closes at 3.30.

Naamanen, tell us some more
about Henry VIII.

Let's hear you!

Who did Henry VIII marry?

We'll take this
from the beginning.

Pay attention, now...

If they are adjacent
or opposite the hypotenuse. -

Then the lines D - B...

...and A - B are parallel.

A - B - C...

and the lines A - B...

The angles...

The triangles, I mean of course...
That's right...

She doesn't know
what she's talking about, again!

Don't forget the meetings in an hour.

It's only about electing a chairman.

But it's Jali!

Is this lesson
ever going to end?

...the consequences.

Hurry up...
We'll get good seats.

Quiet! Is everyone here?


That Jali is so arrogant.
This isn't the English parliament.

You're always bagging Jali.

I think he's the coolest guy
in the school.

If I only had a chance, I'd...

I'm only saying that.

Silence! The chairman
requires silence!

This meeting is open!

As you all know...
there's a vacancy on the board.

Because of the entrance exams,
I'm giving up the chair.

After all, studying takes time.

And the walks with Elina?!

Shame on you!

Stand up for me, Jali.

Let's just stick to the topic.

We're here to elect
a new Council chairman.

Koivuranta, Saarinen and Harkonen
have been proposed...

But all three have declined.

Why say no, Saarinen?

You know very well.

The teachers thr*aten to fail you,
so the Council has lost my interest.

And you, Koivuranta?

I don't have the gift of the gab.

Stage fright!

What an excuse!

Can't you come up
with something better?

Mr Chairman...

...I'd be willing to stand...

...but for reasons of ill-health...

Forget it!

So, what's your excuse, Harkonen?

For me, bigger things are happening,
than the Council has to offer.

Sport is where my future lies.

More important than wife, children,
or the Council.

Mr Chairman...

Well, I never!

A 6th-grader dares open her mouth
among the seniors.

What is it, redhead?

Since the boys in the Council
lack intelligence...

...or are weak and sickly,
I suggest a girl as the new chair.



Honourable Council members...
I demand silence!

I propose that this pretty chick
be our new chairman.


Stop being rude!

I thank the chairman for his trust...

...but I'm really not qualified.

Mr Chairman...


I don't accept that.

As the last speaker has a strong voice
and puts her views well...

...I consider her suitable
for the position.

Or is YOUR health and intellect
not up to scratch?

There's nothing wrong
with my intellect...

...unless I've been infected
by you lot.

Because the speaker
has no valid reason to decline...

...I hereby declare my choice binding.

If I could now just have your name,
I'll hand over my position to you.

The new chairman
is bursting into tears.

And she doesn't even know
her own name.

Doesn't Kinnunen Junior know my name,
though we live in the same block?

Go and check
at the headmaster's office.

Vappu Redhead!

My name is Vappu Kankare.

The board shortage is over.

Vappu Kankare is hereby
declared chairman.

Come, honourable 8th graders...
more important tasks await.

Shall we go to the movies?

Let Redhead do her job, boys.

A 6th-grader as chairman!

What have you
got yourself into, now?!

Did you really have to
stick your neck out?

We demand that
you step down.

Oh, you demand, do you?

Seeing that I've been chosen...

...I intend doing my job.

Quiet, all of you!
You're all gutless.

I'm going to be different.

I shan't let that uppity Jali
see me fail.

I'll do this properly,
if it kills me!

What are you shouting about, Kankare?


What's that to do
with you, Kankare?

Enough of that now.
Get yourselves home.

- Come on!
- We've had a Student Council meeting.

Off you go...!
You've homework to do.


Eat it before it gets cold.

Meatballs again!
Why do we never have proper food?

Vappu! How can a priest's daughter
talk so about God's gifts?

If she's not complaining about the food,
it's about her obligations.

What kept you so late?

Vappu now bears great responsibility
on her slim shoulders.

- Rednut?
- Mind your own business!

- Chairman!
- This is for "Rednut"!

- Let me go!
- Come and help!

You'll get your ears boxed
by a chairman!

What's all this carry-on about?

Young adults squabbling
like little brats.

- Timo started it!
- No, she did!

It doesn't matter who started it.
You both behave yourselves...

...and make up.

Are you going to make up?
Apologise to each other.

Otherwise I'll write home...

...and tell how you behave.
Hand out, Vappu!

Alright, you're forgiven, Timo.

What?! You're hopeless!
Go straight to your room

...and stay there,
till you're in a better mood.

You'd have to look hard,
to find a stroppier cousin.

And her, chairman!

If anyone dares get Vappu
worked up about this again...

...they'll have to deal with me...

No! What have you done?!

Burned a hole in it!

What is it?

- Is that you, Anna-Lisa?
- Of course it is.

I've got coffee on.

Come on in, if you like.

Did you hear me?

Yes, I did...

What's it about?

I just ran out of cream.

Could you bring
a little bit with you?

That doesn't help.

Do you have any buns?

Did you hear me?

Do you have buns?


Does that really matter?

Does to me.

I'll bring some, too.

Just pour it.
I'll come right away.


There you are.


So, how have you been?

My eyes can't abide
electric light any more..

Must be old age.

But you seem pretty fit.

A poor seamstress who's want's
to put her boy through university.

Goodness knows why.

But I can't help saying
that you spoil that boy.

I'd sew till my eyes fell out,
rather than Jali felt poor.

I've been poor all my life.

I know what that says.

But there's a limit
to what you can do.

Isn't it enough that your Jali has
to be the best-dressed boy in school?

Or go with Helvi or Elina
for coffee or a movie every evening?

You know what
young people are like.

A poor boy like Jali has to
grab every chance he can get.

Elina is from a nice family
and has a wealthy father.

I see! You're thinking
that far ahead?!

Do you know already
how big the dowry will be?

Good evening, Mother.
What's all this about?

Just sitting and gossiping!

Don't be like that, Jali.
I have a guest here.

That boy is quite insolent!

He gets stressed
with all his school work.

Don't say anything to Jali
about what I said about Elina.

Don't worry.


There's coffee for you here.
Come and have a cup.

Don't want any.

Besides I don't drink
with slaveys.


That was aimed at me,
of course.

What has his own mother been,
if not a slavey.

And she didn't even marry.

That's enough!

Mari had best leave.

Jali is well aware that the crown bailiff
gave your father a cottage...

...when he married Anna-Lisa.

Get out of here right now!

Jali, you've hurt Mari's feelings badly.

I should hope so.

I can't stand her.

If you can't find better company,
don't have any.

Vappu... are you still
in a bad mood?

I'm so angry!
That Kinnunen boy gets on my nerves!

If you also start nagging about him,
I'll go berserk!

Kinnunen this and Kinnunen that!

- I can't stand that carry-on!
- And I can't stand HIM.

- Not one bit!
- Really?

What's got into you? Only yesterday
you were lauding the Kinnunens.

Anna-Lisa's your best friend,
isn't she?

Some friend!

Come along...
I'll let you hear something.

I thought Jali was
a nice retiring boy.

He' certainly not.
He's proud as a peacock!

- What has Jali done to you?
- Done?!

Not exactly done anything...
except hurl abuse at me.

It would be nice to know
what they're talking about, right now.

Come along...!

Sit down and press your ear
against the wall, and listen.

- Really, Mari! This is sneaky.
- I know, but we'll listen anyway.

That shameless girl demanded
that a girl should take over my job.

She forced herself
into the position.

Maybe she'll do a good job.

It'll be the fiasco of the century.

What's got into you?

Can't we listen
a bit longer?

That stuck-up egotist
thinks I can't do the job.

I'll show him!

We'll write my inaugural speech.


Let's do that!

How shall I start?

Father always started...
"Dear Assembly." It doesn't fit.

In Parliament they say...
"Honourable members"

Don't be silly.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

That'll do it...
Write that down.


Perhaps I was a bit insolent.

I have to look ahead.

Do that, my boy.

I know you well enough.

No, you don't.

I want to get ahead in life...

Whatever it takes.

I only want
what's best for you.

So... How does this sound?

That Kinnunen boy
won't believe his ears.

Ladies and gentlemen...

There are moments in life
when it's difficult to find words.

Especially for a women, who unexpectedly
and against her will...

...was forced into the chairmanship
of the Student Council.

I'd still like to say a few words.

Firstly, I'd like to thank the Council
for its faith in me...

...evidenced by my appointment
as Chairman.

A special thanks
to the previous chairman.

I hope that as his successor,
I don't become the fiasco of the century.

To put the previous chairman's mind
at rest, I'll state that

...if environment affects personality...

...I have all the prerequisites
to take over his job.

I'm born in the same parish of Jukura...

...as Jalmar Fredrik Kinnunen.

I'm the daughter of pastor
Mauno Mooses Kankare...

...and his wife Olga Sofia,
nee Bergstrom...

...as their 3rd child,
and live within shouting distance...

...under the same roof
as the forenamed Jalmar Fredrik...

...at 6 Torg Street.

I can't stand that redhead!

That's what you got, Jali.

What do you think
of your successor?

Deeds speak louder than words.

Continue, Kankare.

Quiet! As chairman,
I demand silence.

I will just say...

...that because fate has given
not only a woman, but a 6th-grader...

...the honoured roll
of Student Council chairman...

...I hope that you'll overlook
my femininity and young age...

...because I can't help either.

Here, here!

I'll try to do my best
and hope for your friendly response.

Here, here!

As there is nothing further on the agenda,
we can retire to the dance.

That was smart of you
to make Kankare chairman.

The redhead could be real good.

We'll just see how she goes..

We'll have a chat with her.

Hey, Kankare!
Drag yourself over here.

Come here, if you've something to say.

Go on! Go over!

- What are you scared of?
- Why should I be scared?

Alright, I'll go.

- What do you want?
- To pick your brain.

Go ahead, if you think it worthwhile.

You seem moderate...
hope you stay that way.

So long as the 8th-graders
act likewise.

- What do you mean?
- You heard what the principal said today.

Who'd forgotten, once again,
to turn off the tap in the map room?

- I have to wash my hands.
- And powder your nose in the mirror.

Come to my defence, Jali.

If a young woman wants
to make herself attractive...

...then so be it...

...for nothing beats humility
and leniency.

Wise words...

...from the seamstress
Anna-Lisa Kinnunen.

The worst thing
you could've said!

Good one, Kankare!

What are you upset about, Son?

It's over and done with.

It upsets me to be poor like this, Mother.

All my classmates have
put on parties, this Spring.

It puts me in a bad light,
not inviting anyone here.

I wouldn't mind.
You know that.

Please...! Mother.

At school, they think
we're wealthy.

I could never show them
this wretched place.

Ask your classmates here
next Saturday.

I'll fix up the apartment
so you won't be ashamed.

Think about it...

I'd be impossible
with this furniture.

We could borrow some furniture
and decorations.

Over my dead body!

It'd be humiliating.

Poor people have to learn
to accept such things.

Don't you worry...
I'll fix everything for you.

Do what you want.
But borrowing's out of the question.

More coffee?

There are rolls, biscuits
and cake.

- Have some more!
- We've had enough already.

They have a nice place.
Unassuming but neat.

It's well-furnished,
but no piano.

Someone said they'd inherited
a house in the country.

Jali's mum has title
to a district-constable's cottage.

Is that why it says "property-owner"
in the parish register?

Let's have some more coffee..

Have as much as you like...
There's plenty to spare.

This is the time
when the class splits up.

Who knows where
we'll be next August?

Sure, the class splits up.
But do we have to go our separate ways?

Please don't start
bringing that up again.

You've been so strange lately,

Enough of that!
Let's just dance.

This is quite impossible!

Furniture, mirrors, flower pots,
tablecloths, the housekeeping...

All borrowed by the Kinnunens.

And what for...?

So Jali could show off.

To get his hooks
into rich Elina.

He's got no chance there.

She's been seen
with that smart-looking captain.

What? Really?

Let Jali show off.

Remember what my father
says about charity...

Sacrifice, and you will be
rewarded in heaven.

Jali thinks he's superior
to others.

You're the same.

Still, Jali could have
invited us too.

Then the secret of the furniture
would have been revealed.

Let's dance, Heikki.

No way!
I want to go play ball..

Good idea...
Then we can see Jali's party.

I'll come too...
It's dreary sitting in an empty room.

- You go on ahead.
- Where are you off to?

- None of your business.
- Yes it is.

It's getting so hot in here.

It's happening, Elina!

Shame you have to leave.
Have some juice, anyway.

You have a nice apartment.

It'll do for the present..

Since we're moving to Helsinki,
we didn't get anything bigger.

Just while I'm at school.

But it's the Kankare's apartment.


- Can I see you home?
- Thanks, but it's not necessary.

Where are you going?
Let's hear some more!

How was it there?

How would I know?

Don't give me that...!
What were they saying?

That Riitta is mad about boys.

No... I'll fetch it for you.

I hit it, so I'll get it.

- Watch it, Redhead!
- Are you starting again?

You're pretty when you're angry.

Don't run away!

Get us out ball!

- Have you found it?
- Not yet.

Come on down, then.

I'll come when it suits me.

As you wish, Miss.

Open the door!
What are you doing?!


Let go of me!



What's keeping Vappu?

Here she comes at last.

You look scared.
See a rat?

Here you are!

Run, Heikki!

You can't let a girl beat you!

What sort of a man are you?

Throw the ball, Vappu!
Hurry up, Heikki!

Stop that now!

The whole town can
hear your yelling.

The police will be here.

Vappu... Redhead!

We agreed not to go
out on the street.

- Don't you understand?
- I don't need any help from you.

Don't be silly...
Just breeze through the other door.

Are you crazy, standing there
talking to yourself?!

If you don't move, I'll kiss you.
You're so damned pretty.

All you college guys
are the same.

Kiss away, then!

Just you wait, Vappu!

Wait, Vappu.
I have a question.

Which is?

Why are you so obstinate?
Let's be friends.

You don't need to fret.
I can keep quiet.

Fret about what?

About the furniture and stuff.

I realise that.

But I've decided to make
you soften up a bit.

Let's take a stroll.

Salonen's café.
Riitta and Reino are there.

We'll have a "reconciliation" coffee.

Well, firstly, we shouldn't disturb them.

Secondly, I have no money on me.

And thirdly, what would Elina say?

Yes, Elina...
That's what I wanted to talk about.

I was serious just now.

I do want to be your friend.

The wonderful Elina, then?

Yeah, Elina.

She does have her good points.
But she drives me nuts.

It's true...
She can be so tedious.

You're quite different.
You're clever, alert and cheeky.

Redheads are cheeky,
so my friends point out to me.

You know that all the girls
envy your curls.

You're one of the prettiest girls
in the school.

The pastries are so nice. I had two
and could have eaten more..

You should have called me over.

Reino... go and get some.

Buy enough for us all.

Vappu... will you come
to Elina's party with me?

What? You mean me?!

A miserable 6th-grader?

Don't let him push you around.


No, I don't want
someone else's leftovers.

You shouldn't be so modest
about being liked.

I'm not.

I'll come and pick you up.

Now you're being funny.

It's getting late.
Shall we pay?

Pay? Sure.
I'll just get some tobacco first.

Wait... I'll come with you.


I smell a rat.

You always have to be
so suspicious.

A lollipop, please.


Can I have two soft-serves
and two more pastries.

I'll be right back.

- Where to, kiddo?
- Hi Timo.

- What is it?
- Just come with me.

Can you lend me 20 marks?

What for?
If I may ask.

Don't ask. Lend it if you can.
I'll explain later.

Sounds like something exciting!

You really need it,
don't you?!

- So serious!
- Stop teasing!

OK then...

If you say "Please, Timo dear" three times

You're horrible!
Alright then...

Please, Timo dear!

You can do better than that.

Your eyes must be
lit up with love!

Please, Timo dear!

One more time.

And now like a love-sick bride
to her handsome husband.

Please, Timo dear.

That was expensive!
I should be ashamed of myself.

If only I had a flower
for my buttonhole.

Who are you getting
dressed up for?

Everyone know that he and Helvi
from Haukilampi are seeing each other.

That's right...
Help me with my bow-tie, Vappu.

Maybe Vappu would like
to go with Timo herself.

No doubt you got up to mischief
in the barn loft.

Don't be silly...
we were fetching a ball.

Besides, I'm actually invited.

What? Who?
Tell us!

- Who's invited you?
- Jali Kinnunen.

- But I've decided not to go.
- You must be joking!

Of course you should go.

- Go get changed now!
- I'm not going.


Who's talking about not going?

Vappu's coming to the party with me.

I'm fed up, after that get-together
at Salonen's cafe.

Really? Where did you
disappear to anyway?

- We came straight back.
- Rubbish!

Stop chatting now...

You're going, and
that's all there is to it.

Sit down and wait, Jali.
Vappu will be with you in a minute.

You're a straightforward girl, Vappu.

I like to think so.

I hope my straightforwardness
doesn't hurt you.

I'm not Timo,
and you're not Elina.

Can you be nice to me today?

Why me?

There are plenty of pretty girls
around town.


If I'd gone with anyone else,
they'd've thought I was interested.

Get it?

We'll see if it works.

Ladies and gentlemen...
Before we attack the food...

...I have great pleasure in announcing...

Elina's and Cavalry Captain Vikkela's

I wish you few sorrows
and disappointments...

...and much love and happiness.

A toast to the young couple....

Dear children!

Congratulations, children!

Congratulations my girl!

And welcome, my boy!

So that's certainly
over and done with.

Don't imagine that I was in love
with that pea-brain.

A bit of a blow
to one's pride.

Forget it.

I think it'll be best
for you this way.

You ARE straightforward!

I've treated you badly.

Don't be silly.

It's boring here.
Let's leave.

Good idea.

- There you are.
- I'll pass it on, thanks.

Just your signature, please.

Get ready to die of excitement!

The new Forest Superintendent is here.

I'll try not to stutter!

Excuse me...
Are you Vappu Kankare?

That's me.
Who might you be...?

I knew right away, with that red hair,
it couldn't be anyone else.

Do you know me from somewhere?

I certainly do.
I'm Jali Kinnunen.

- Is your memory that bad?
- Jali. Of course I remember you.

It's been a long time
since we saw each other.

- Are you here for long?
- Until further notice.

I got the position of Forest Superintendent
for Puutavara.

So you're the new Forest Superintendent!

Could we go out this evening?

I don't know anyone here.

It's not the first time loneliness
drove you into my arms..

OK, but go now...

We can't have private
conversations here at the bank.

You're just as straightforward
as you ever were.

See you later.

Vappu.... what's his name?

- Why didn't you say anything?
- You don't forget a cool guy like that!

Was he your sweetheart?

No, I was the girl
in his back pocket.

Tell me about yourself, Vappu.
Are you going steady with anyone?

Well, I've been involved
with the odd bored gentleman...

...till he could find
something more permanent.

What about you?

Clearly women are drawn
to ambitious men.

Nothing wrong with having
a secure job.

Seriously, though...
You now that I'm poor.

I'm still paying
my student loan.

I've never thought...

- Your wife would have to be rich.
- Exactly.

She has to be a springboard
to something better.

You can't depend on love.

Don't worry, I won't try
and foist myself on you.

We bank girls aren't steps
up the social ladder.

But you're very smart.

Let's talk about something
more pleasant.

This is more pleasant
than you think.

I know a very suitable girl here.

She's heir to her father's millions.

Who is she.

Saara Leinjoki, a dentist.
Her father owns Puutavara.

If you like, I can introduce you.

Very generous of you
to marry me off to a rich wife.

What do you get out of it?

It combines profit
with pleasure.

Let's have a coffee.

Firstly, I don't have
any money on me...


This time I can afford it!


Would you believe Mummy
just walked in? Say hello to her.

Maybe we should forget it.

I don't want to have to say
"Please, Timo dear" 3 times.

Timo, yeah... How are you two
getting on these days?

Rather coolly.

Timo has a few too
many girls in tow.

He can scarcely manage.

I'll ring you later.

- Goodbye.
- Come on, Mummy.

Your springboard!

- What springboard?
- The rich girl.

Which rich girl?

Well, hello there, Vappu!

- How's your mum and dad?
- Fine thanks.

I'm sorry, you have company.

- Won't you introduce us?
- Of course.

Forest Superintendent Kinnunen
- Mrs Leinjoki.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Likewise.

May I introduce my daughter...

Dr Saara Leinjoki.

- Mr pleasure.
- Welcome to the district.

As you may know, my husband is
Puutavara's largest shareholder.

We interest ourselves
in the progress of our staff.

Come for tea tomorrow evening,
if you like, Forest Superintendent.

Thank you, that would
be very nice.

You too, Vappu. That suit you?

Why yes, thank you Mrs Leinjoki.


We like to take newcomers
under our wing.

Any relation to Judge Kinnunen?


All Kinnunens are related.

That's what my mother
has told me.

But I don't remember them all.

I'm not big on family relations.

We can talk about that tomorrow.


Nice for Saara to have
some civilised company.

You'll be most welcome.
Come along, Saara.

Don't you believe
we're related?

I don't know your relations.

What are you giggling at?

Do I have to ask permission, first?

You're just as impossible
as before.

Go and discuss your family tree
with Saara.

I'm going to Helsinki.

Timo doesn't think I'm impossible.

This is such fun!

Shame I can't come here more often.

I await the same fate.

I've received a medical
position in your district.

Super! Now we can
see each other more often.

You've no idea how I've missed you
and the boarding school.

I'm going to miss Helsinki.

Theatres... restaurants... girls...

I have to move everything
by the end of the week.

We'll do it together.

Would Miss Kankare
have come home yet?

Yes she did.

But she's never in
when you're here, Sir.

It must be important
when you come so often.

I can let you in.

When might she be in?

She comes home at night,
even if she's out all day.

Hi! Finally...Where have you been?

- I celebrated Walpurgis in Helsinki.
- I also had a nice time.

I have to tell you that the Forest
Superintendent is an unfaithful man.

While you were in town
he was proposing to me!

Imagine! To me!

Men are thoughtless.

I know that it's Dad's money
that he loves.

He should know that I'd never
take anyone else's intended.

Don't be sorry, Vappu. It's good
to learn how men operate.

Then we don't get disappointed.

He's the 23rd now,
who's asked for my hand.

I have an album full of photos
of my suitors.

On the back of the photo
is the date of the proposal.

He'll come to his senses
and get back with you.

Do you imagine
I have to have Jali?

After all, I've got Timo in Helsinki.

- You don't love Jali?
- No.

We were just old school chums.

Vappu, darling...
Why didn't you say something before?

I have to go.
Send Jali to see me.

Are you intending
to accept anyway?

I don't know. Make him come.
I'll be waiting for him.

- Any news for me?
- Where did you come from?

Did you hear everything?

I have excellent hearing.

Good. Now I don't have to
pass on Saara's message.

What are you waiting for?

Off you go now, to Saara's
comforting embrace!

Out of the question.

You can comfort me.

So shall I tell you the second-richest
girl in the village?

Headmistress Loimolas Kerttu.
Give her a try!

Thanks for the tip.

We've done enough
of this play-acting.

Unanswered feelings
are never pleasant.

You know very well I've liked you,
ever since school.

How can my insignificant status
be a springboard for you?

You can give me a home
and a role as husband and father.

Tell me now... who do you love more...
Timo or me?

Do I get an answer?

I don't know.

Timo or me?

All the best!


The image of her father!

Looks like she'll have
her mum's red hair.

Hi, Timo!

- What a surprise!
- Congratulations to the little mother.

Nice of you to come.
Haven't seen you for ages.

Patients, you understand.
Congrats to Dad, too.

Nice that you found time
to come.



What do you want?

Where's my coffee?
I'm running late.

Calm down... it's ready.

All you have is the house
to look after.

You could at least make sure
coffee and food are ready on time.

Don't speak like that
in front of others!

What's got into you?
You're touchy and in a bad mood.

Are you working too hard?

You wouldn't understand my job.

- Furthermore...
- There's a lot I don't understand.

Housekeeping, business, intercourse.

Luckily there's some pleasant company
around here.

So I believe.

Who's that cup out for?

- Your friend Timo?
- Good guess!

He isn't surly all the time,
like you.

Sorry to say, your little games
will soon be over.

We're moving to Jokela.

What are you yackin' about?

When will you learn
to speak properly?

Who'd ever think
you were daughter of a priest?

I've got a new position there.

Because of Timo?

I never would have
thought it of you.

Don't be childish.

It's a promotion to
Chief Forest Superintendent.

It might be my only chance.

I've got nothing against moving.

It just upsets me that
you didn't say anything before..

You might have at least
asked me what I thought.

It affects me just as much
as it does you.

- But all the same...
- Good morning!.

Sorry I'm late...
"Patients, patients."

Am I intruding?

Not at all. Take a seat.

I'm on my way to Jokela.

- Sorry.
- That's alright.

- Bag? Don't you need...?
- No problem.

I have my small bag packed.
And you'll be coming soon after.

See you.

I seem to have come
at the wrong time.

No matter.

Have some raisin bun.

Have you two been arguing?

It's nothing.

I thought I'd finally won Jali's love.


Now I don't know.


Bricks are 1.50 each?

Plus delivery?

Good heavens!

That's expensive.

I'll talk to the supervisor.

Here comes the new
Chief Forest Superintendent!


Make yourself comfortable.

- Can I offer you a cigar?
- No thanks.

I'm sure we'll get along
very well.

I'm looking forward
to starting here.

There's no hurry.

We won't talk about work today.

We have to get
to know each other properly.

- Come to dinner tonight.
- That's nice of you.

Yes, a good opportunity.

My daughter will also meet you.

I'm a widower, actually.

I have an adult daughter at home
who runs the house.

Hello, Father.

Good morning, sweetheart.

This is our new Forest Superintendent,

My daughter, Miss Hyvari.

Pleased to meet you.

Welcome. I hope
you'll be happy here.

It looks very promising.

I'm quite sure
it'll work out well.

Nice to have
cultivated acquaintances.

Do you ride?

I'm in need of a riding partner.

Alright, take it easy...

If you move in too quickly,
you'll scare him off!

Anyway, you're married,
aren't you?

That's right.

I'd be happy to ride with you.

My wife doesn't mind.


When does your wife arrive?

As soon as I've
got myself organised.

Gives you a chance to take
a little break from marriage.

You might just be right.

Look who I found, Mother.

- Hello, Mrs Kankare.
- Doctor Timo!

Would you like coffee?

I can't right now.
Another time.

Goodbye for now.

Such a cheerful boy,
that Timo.

Had a letter from Jali yet?

No, I guess he's not ready yet.

Still strange that he hasn't written.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How's it going?
- It'll soon be ready.

This looks...

You and your family
can move in soon.

No hurry.

Just make sure
you do a good job.

Come and get a coffee
before it's cold.


Hi! Are you nearly ready?

- Can I meet you there?
- That you can do!

I'll come as soon as
I've pulled my boots on.

I'll be there in a flash,
now that I've got the car.

See you soon.

You keep asking the same question.
I don't know when we're moving, Mother.

I know it's a long time
since anything was up to me...

But I think it's strange
that Jali's in Jokela...

...while you're sitting here alone.

I'm sure it's just that the apartment
isn't ready yet.

Nice to have a little variety.

Good heavens... it's you!

- Who were you expecting?
- Least of all you.

Lovely to see you for once.

I haven't heard from you
for so long.

You don't seem very glad
to see me.

Give me a kiss.

- Who were you expecting, Vappu?
- It doesn't matter.

My goodness, it's Jali!

What a surprise!

- I thought it was...
- Hello.

- Who did you think it was?
- I thought it was Timo.

He has a car like that.

I didn't recognise you
when you were holding Vappu.

Vappu has missed you so.

Let's go inside.

It's like this...

I'm in a hurry.

I'm here to pick up you
and the kid.

You might have let us know
you were coming.

Don't you have everything ready?

I've been ready for 2 months...

...for where we're going
to be forced to live.

Don't worry.
Just bring the essentials.

We'll buy new furniture
in Jokela.

So this is how it is.

Looks expensive.

You're not angry, are you?

Why would I be?

No... you just go shopping.

We can afford it now.

Besides, a Chief Forest Superintendent
has to have a presentable home.


I won't be home for dinner.
I have to work late.

Bye bye.

See you later.

Hey girlie!

You, redhead... come here!

Is the Forest Superintendent home?


The lady of the house, then?

She's not, either.

When will she be home?

I don't know.

This evening, I imagine.
Are you the servant here?

Yes I am.

Did the master or
his wife hire you?

The master.

I thought so.

Wives don't like girls
with hair like that.

You realise you're very pretty?

Does your master appreciate it?

I don't know.

Is his wife as pretty as you?

It's hard to say...
maybe even prettier.


A little old prudish
priest's daughter.


Yes... a bit like that.

Listen, I like you...

Your master and I
have been riding together.

Ring me as soon
as he comes home.

This is for your trouble.

But who is it that I'm to ring?

Good heavens!

Is there really someone in Jokela
who doesn't know who I am?

I'm Miss Hyvari, daughter of
the head of the Chamber of Commerce.

Don't forget to ring.

Fish! fish!
Get your fresh fish!

What sort of fish
do you have today?

Pike, perch...

Whatever you fancy, Ma'am..

I'll take those two big pike.

What are you staring at?

Is something wrong with my hair?


My father made bricks.

What are you on about?
This is fish business.

That's right. Pike...
These two are 15 marks.

Keep the change and come again.


Still leaves 5,900 marks.

Get your fresh fish!

Here you are, then.
I've just come from your place.

Your maid said you weren't home.

It's been ages since
we were riding together.

Listen, Linda. I don't think
I've time for that any more.

I understand.
Your wife.

She needn't know everything.

I don't want to deceive her.

Even about something
so innocent.

Don't be so hypocritical.

I already talked to Pops.
The company can arrange you trip...

...when I'm going to London.
What about it?

That can't happen.

You've misunderstood
our relationship.

Listen... why are you pretending?

You know I can help you
get on in life.

I move in influential circles
and have good contacts.

While on the other hand,
your little wife...

Leave her out of it!

You are...

It's nice of you to offer,
but I can't go.

- Goodbye.
- "Goodbye for now" surely?

Call me if you change your mind..

One should never move.
It's been chaos, the last fortnight.

Isn't it nice,
having such a lovely home?

Miss Hyvari? Just to let you know
Mr Kinnunen is back home.

Yes, I am.

No, Madam knows nothing.
I didn't say anything.

I see...
so I needn't have rung.


Hi Vappu...
I was able to get away.

- How's the bub?
- She's asleep.

- Someone rang for you.
- Who?

I don't know.
I don't know anyone here.

She said something about riding.

That would have been
the inspector's wife.

I've been riding to keep my weight down,
with all the sitting I do.

I see.

You should keep it up.

I have a bit of a headache.

Are you sick?

I don't know.
I feel rather strange.

You must go and lie down,

How does she seem?

The fever's subsiding.

She'll be better within a week.

It's not anything serious.

- Thanks very much.
- I'll call by in the morning.



My head...!

- Jali...
- Try and sleep.





Have you thought more about it?

Shall we travel together?

Yes, why shouldn't we?!

My wife? She's a bit off-colour.
She'll be alright soon.

We'll discuss the details later.


Excuse me for coming in like this.

- I've got fish.
- Didn't Miina pay you?

Yes, I was paid, but...

I have a message for you, Ma'am.

You're very secretive.
Sit down.


It's like this...

I want to improve myself...

...and selling fish
pays so little.

The tourists are travelling further
and the watchmaker has moved.

Hyvari isn't buying while his daughter's
travelling abroad.

Has Miss Hyvari gone abroad?

She went with the Forest
Superintendent didn't she?

How much more do I owe?
I gave you 100 last time.

There's still 5,000 owing.

What's that for?

I hope you won't be offended
if I tell you...

...how much your hair colour
reminds me of bricks.

My father had a brickworks.
Now I've decided...

...to follow in his footsteps.

What's that
to do with me?

Let me explain.

Bricks cost 1 mark each.

100 bricks cost 100 marks.
1,000 bricks cost 1,000 marks.

And there's a shortage of bricks
in Jokela.

What would please me more
than to make bricks and make money?

Nearby, in Sonninnotko,
there's a lot of good clay.

And in Suikarlahti, there's sand.

A brickworks in Sonninnotko
and I'm a rich man.

I talked with Hyvari,
but he said that girl of his...

...is spending all his money overseas.

Was it 5,000 you needed?

Yes... but that's a lot of money for me.

You'll get the money from me.

You? What will your husband say?

It's none of his concern
how I spend my money.

I've a bit put away
from when I was working.

It would still probably be better
to discuss it with him.

You wouldn't get a penny then.
I'll decide about my own money.

Is that clear?

- I've got fishy hands.
- No matter.

For a company,
we'll need a third person.

- I'll fix that.

If you take into account, Doctor,
that the bricks come by train to Jokela...

...the transport costs
are greatly reduced.

Production is cheaper.

We'd certainly find customers here
and in the surrounding districts.

You understand
we need a third man.


It's not a bad idea at all.

I'll happily go along with anything
that you do behind your husband's back!

Enough of that!
This is serious.

So the company must be registered.

It could be called "Bricks Inc.."

Shareholders Aapi Keto...

...Vappu Kinnunen and Timo Muranen.

- OK?
- Fine.

- Brickworks manager - Aapi Keto.
- Of course.

As business manager,
I suggest Mrs Kinnunen.

Well, I can look after the books
in the beginning.

I'll come in once a year
and look important.

Can we now have the works manager
explain the construction plan?

Yes, it'll be like this...

The whole of that hill
consists of clay...

Here we are the ovens.

All the sand comes in here...



Are you hurt?

Sometimes even the
sinner's prayer is heard.

No, I'm alright...
if you could give me a hand up

Do you think I'm some sort
of mobile crane?

Shift your leg,
so I can move Th bike.

You can drag your carcase up now.

You're not very respectful!

Just look for my glasses
over there somewhere.

You must be some sort of boss...

...the way you order people around.

Don't you know who I am?


Here are your glasses...
They survived better than you.

You've had a bad upbringing.

Don't you show respect
when you talk to your elders?

You're not so old.
Why should I need to?

Listen, my girl...

I'm sorry, "Miss"...

Without my glasses,
I thought you were just a kid.

No matter.
Tell me more.

I'm all ears.

Is that a wig you're wearing?

Or have I run into a paint pot?

Pull on it
and see if it sticks.

- It's all the Good Lord's work.
- You have a way with words.

I could fall in love with you.

One doesn't often hear
such refreshing speech.

Tell me who you are.

Gentlemen first.

My name's Hyvari.

Head of the Chamber of Commerce...

Don't you believe me?

Of course, but how is it you don't know
who I am, father dear?

I'm you're daughter,
Miss Hyvari.

You don't say!

I've no reason not to take you
as my daughter...

...now that my real one
is abroad.

Then you certainly know,
as does all of Jokela...

that the head of Chamber of Commerce
went on a week's holiday yesterday.

Now I really am in love.

I want you as my wife.

You can fall in love
with anyone.

But marriage requires
my consent.

Wait there!

You don't escape me that easily.

Hide the bike.
If someone asks, I'm not here.

Sure thing.

Aapi... come here!

Did you know that man, Aapi?

Of course I know
who Mr Hyvari is.

You're not fooling, Aapi?

I'd never try and fool you

Hello, Anna.

- Greetings from abroad.
- Thank you. Welcome home, Sir.

Isn't my wife home?

No, she went off
cycling somewhere.

- Does she do that often?
- Nearly every day.

Get me a coffee, Anna.

Excuse me, ma'am...

We need some more workers.

Koponen is a good guy...

But Issakainen had to go.
He was a lazy good-for-nothing.

Timo and the others
will be pleased.

- This is not a bad business.
- What did I tell you!

You have to look after yourself, Aapi...

You're wearing yourself out.

So, you're home!

You didn't expect me?

Not for a while.

There's nothing like
a surprise arrival.

Welcome home.
I'm sure you had a lovely trip.

I've missed you.

Don't lie.

Where were you?

Out cycling.

Who with?

Do I have to be with someone?

Don't give me that...

I saw the man who followed you home.
Who is he?

I don't ask who you travel with.

Who is it?!

Aapi Keto, if you must know.

I've heard that you've been seen
every day at his brick factory.

I thought it was just a nasty rumour,
but now...

- You should be ashamed!
- What for?

We have common goals.

We want to become manufacturers.

You can't make me believe
you go there for Keto's sake.

That doesn't wash with me.

Funny that you don't trust me.

Now you have grounds
to ask for a divorce.

You'll find all the witnesses
you want.

You think I want a divorce?

Where do you get that from?

Where from?
Nowhere in particular.

Pulled it out of the air.

An evil woman always finds things.

That you're so bad-tempered, absent,
make us move...-

...ride with the bosses daughter,
and go abroad.

I haven't raised your social status...

...but I'll step aside
if you want.

You take your princess,
and climb to the top!


Tell me who it is that
makes you want a divorce.

It can't be Aapi Keto!

You're really driving me insane!

We've got off to a good start.

By autumn we'll be debt-free.

My word!

The orders are just pouring in.

1000 bricks to Kaipainen
and 5000 to Puranen.

The Mylly company asks
if we can deliver 10,000 bricks.

- We'll be overwhelmed.
- We have to hire more people.

We'll have to work 2 shifts,
till we get the other oven going.

We must have a board meeting and
discuss the expansion. We have to...

What? You're here?!

What do you have to do
with a brickworks?

Where did you come from?

I'm the factory bookkeeper,
if you must know.

Hello, sir...
Planning to expand the sawmill?

We've got plenty of bricks.

Give me a price on 10,000.

I have a message
for Mrs Kinnunen.

She's not here right now.
What's it about?

- Don't forget the ovens, Aapi.
- Oh, of course!

Though I'm an independent man...

...I sometimes have to
obey my daughter.

She claims that Mrs Kinnunen
visits the brickworks as a guest.

- Have you seen her today?
- Yes.

What does she do here?

What do you do yourself,
in your sawmill?

I see how the work goes on.

I own most of it....

...would you believe?

And Mrs Kinnunen
owns most of this.

Believe it or not.

Don't give me that!.

She had to provide
for her own income.

You know that your daughter
is planning to steal her husband.

That woman
is obviously no fool.

I heard that she had
some sort of schoolgirl romance...

...that she couldn't forget.
So the marriage went off the rails.

You don't know Mrs Kinnunen.

I'd be suspecting her husband.

For him, a woman is no more
than a springboard to wealth.

- You don't care about such things yourself?
- How so?

I offered for you
to become my wife..

You knocked me back.

I feel sorry for you.

I'd drive you crazy...

I'd be sticking my nose
into everything.

...while you just close your eyes.

I won't stop trying.

For every son
you give me...

You can choose two things
in me to be corrected.

Is it boys you want?

They're fun.

Then maybe Kinnunen
will back off...

...when he realizes
that a marriage with my daughter...

...will not get him any help
up the social ladder.

Get acquainted
with Mrs Kinnunen.

You judge her wrongly.

That wayward brickworks owner
won't show herself.

Her husband works for you.

Sack him if she doesn't obey.

I'm lost for words!

If you won't marry me, I could
offer you a job in my office.

Ask Mrs Kinnunen.
Don't want to leave her in the lurch.

As I said, she avoids being seen.

Is it a "yes",
if she goes along with it?

We'll think about it.

I'll shake on that.

Doesn't Hyvari know...?

No. And he doesn't have to.

Remember that, Aapi.

For the board meeting...

...I think we should decide
to increase the share capital.

I think you should go
see to the ovens now.

I think so too...
He'll have things to ask you.

You certainly weren't
coming here for Aapi.

- Am I vindicated then?
- That would be hard.

I saw with my own eyes
how Hyvari tousled your hair.

Has he kissed you?

You should have watched longer.

You've also tousled
his daughter's hair.

Would it bother you to have your ex-wife
as your mother-in-law?

It bothers me that my wife
hangs around in a brickworks.

And deceives me
with my boss.

Is taking an order for 10,000 bricks
being unfaithful?

What are you talking about?

Look around.

There is an oven there...
drying racks...

...storage area.

Your wife owns a third
of all this.

How is it possible?

I saved some money,
working at the bank.

Don't forget our marriage contract.

To let Hyvari
play with your hair?

All my life I've been teased
about my red hair.

The tom-foolery is over...
We're going home.

That was the most sensible thing
I've heard from you in a while.

By the way, Hyvari
has invited us to dinner.

To get in with you,
of course.

If he's inviting us,
the daughter's sure to be there.

She is an energetic woman.

Runs the brickworks
like a regular man.

I think I know what you mean.

Men don't love energetic women
in case they make the mistake...

...of marrying them!

I don't believe that.

You'll see a goody-goody priest's daughter
coming through the door.

The mystery around her
suggest it.

Speak of the devil...

I'll show them in.

Do I look good enough
in this dress you bought in Paris?

Will you not be ashamed
of your wife?

Don't be silly...
Come on.

At last we get to meet you, Mrs...

I feel we've met before.

I've been of service to you
Miss Hyvari.

Your wife is as humorous
as she is pretty, Jali.

Come here, Father,
and meet Mrs Kinnunen.

such a pleasure at last to meet...


You mean to say,
you're Mrs Kinnunen?

Jali... is this your wife?

This redhead?

She certainly is.

It seems Mrs Kinnunen
has been kidding you, Father.

She has... good and properly!

Sorry to say it, Jali...

...but you are quite irresponsible...

...to let your wife
run riot behind your back.

If you'll allow me, I'll have a chat
with this prankster.

My dear...

Do you know what I'd
most like to do with you now?

Kiss me, most likely.

Box your ears!

That you had the effrontery
to make a fool of me!

Aren't you afraid of me?

Of you? Not in the least.

I'm really not angry,
you know.

I admire your ability
to exploit opportunities.

You'll want revenge
on my daughter...

...for her thoughtlessness.

And on your husband
for his infidelity.

Before we go on...

...there are a couple of questions
I would like an answer to.

Do you promise to
answer me truthfully?


I believe you.
Do you love your husband?

Think carefully
before you answer.

It's not necessary. If you promise
to be quiet, I'll give you an answer.

Not a word.

Is it so hard to answer?

Yes, it is.

Well don't answer
if you don't want to.

Where did you find
such a full-blooded...


He's considered a good man.

In the timber industry, yes!

But you're not
a piece of timber!

We'd better get back
to the others...

...before those inventive women think
they've something new to gossip about.

Where has your lovely wife
disappeared to?

We're curious about her.

She's talking with Mr Hyvari.

Here they are.

At last! Now let me
introduce you.

Hey, Jali...

You seem to have created a bit of a mess,
that's kept your wife hidden.

It wasn't only up to me.

What do you mean?

You'll understand eventually.

Mr Heiskanen, bank manager.

Mr Salo, product manager.

Come over here.

I wanted to talk to you.

You want to talk
about my husband. Go on.

That's right.

- It's difficult to...
- Don't beat about the bush...

Jali said that you
had never loved him.

He's not a happy individual.

Can you make him happy?

I thought so in the beginning...
but then I realised...

...that it wasn't me, but...

Aren't you curious about
what would make him happy?

If I'd been able
to make him truly happy...

...he wouldn't have gone after you.

I love him so much that I'm willing
to see him happy with someone else.

If you can make him happy,
then I'll step aside

So you'd agree to a divorce?

If he says otherwise,
he's fooling himself.

But he has to initiate it himself.

That's my only condition.

Now, Linda...

Give me a chance to talk
with our new guest.

Strange, we can't seem
to make Jali jealous.

If only I was a little younger!

Oh... Jali...

Now I know why you never introduced me
to your wife before.

I've had quite enough.

We're going home.

You're behaving badly, Jali.

- I'm so sorry.
- You're not my mother-in-law yet

I hereby resign
from the company.


Well, if that's how it must be...

It's best we leave now.

Pity you have to go already.

You're surely not...!
We've so much to talk about.

You stay, Jali.

You can talk with me.

I want Jali!


Why not?


...you'll have his wife
as your mother-in-law.

Perhaps it's time to use
the old proven method.

Which countries
haven't you seen yet?

At least say something.

Answer me honestly...

Who do you love?

Timo, Aapi Keto or Hyvari?


Don't play Miss Innocence...

Let's get everything
out in the open.

You already fancied Timo at school.

Don't deny it!

You married me, only because
Timo didn't ask you.

At the altar I saw Timo's gaze.

I took away his most
treasured possession.

I remember how your eyes lit up
when Timo came to the christening.

You never looked
at me that way.

Timo was always at our place.
I couldn't stand it, so I went away.

Timo was with you
when I was away.

You were expecting him
when I arrived home.

You've been seeing each other
the whole time.

When you were sick and feverish,
you called out for Timo!

When I come home from work,
I see you with Keto.

And to top it all,
I find you in Hyvari's arms!

Who are you to accuse anyone
about anything?

I know all about your plans.

You want Miss Hyvari...
and I'm in the way.

Instead of asking for a divorce,
you just hurl accusations.

I don't want to know
about Hyvari.

If it's him you want,
you're free to go.

But I keep Tytti.

I'll colour her hair black,
so I'm not reminded of you.

Admit it. Hyvari is just a pretext.

There's no way
you'd love him.

Timo's the one you love.

I'm fond of Timo,
but not in the way you think.

I'll possibly regret saying it,
but here it is...

You're the only one I've loved,
and still love...

...even though
you don't deserve it..

I've just been one rung
on your ladder.

I don't want to stand in the way
of your happiness.

But let me keep my child.

I know I can care for her
and educate her.

Don't cry, Vappu.

Let's just calm down.

I can't stand your eternal silences.

Only if my father had millions
to give you...

...would you be happy.

You think money and power
are all I want.

One evening, I saw under a pile of red hair
a pair of eyes looking at me with contempt.

I wanted very much
to change that..

I thought I'd succeeded...

...until I saw that look
appear again.

For the first time in my life,
I felt defeated.

I wanted to let go of you,
but I couldn't.

I can't live without you.

Then it's out of pure love
that we try to get rid of each other.

Why did you call me Timo?

Why do you think
it's called delerium?

God, how close I came to losing you,
you brick-maker!

Don't be so patronizing...!
You just resigned your job.

You need me.

We'll find you a job
in the office.

The girl in my back pocket.

I've always liked her.

We've decided to increase
the company's capital...

..and to allot Mr Kinnunen...

...250 shares in Bricks INC.

Mr Chairman...

In principle I have nothing
against that...

...but I'd like to know more
about Jokela INC...


- Hello.
- Excuse me...

I'm interrupting.

After seeing you quote,
I want to increase my order.

We'll add a zero
to the number.

Do you mean that...?

Excuse me, but about my husband
resigning yesterday...

What's done is done.

I'm already looking
for his replacement...

But I've decided to offer Jali the job
of Deputy Works Manager.

If the brickworks manager
has no objections?

Did you mean a million bricks?

No, 100,000 will be quite enough.

Oh yes... that's what it comes to.

So I became your springboard after all!
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