m*rder Will Out (1952)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

Moderator: Maskath3

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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m*rder Will Out (1952)

Post by bunniefuu »

Is that you darling?

-Good evening Mr Allen
-For two one please

I have over here

All right,Sir?

-Yes, I'm waiting for Miss Bridges
-Very good,Sir

Good evening,Parker

-Seeing anybody?

Excuse me

You're very late

-I apologize Alycia
-I demand an explanation

The office

Isn't Jonathan coming?

He sends his apologies,I'm afraid
you does have to put up with me


Is that a friend of yours?

One of my writers

He looks lonely

Waiter! Ask the gentleman sitting alone
if he cares to join us,would you?


Is he useful?

In certain direction


Alycia,may I present you Allen?

-This is Mrs Jonathan Roach

Care to join us?

I am waiting for someone

Won't you wait here?


I understand you're a writer

Yes,I write unpublished novels

Not all of them

He's just being kind

Ronnie once published two of my books

He's regretted ever since


I'm sure he hasn't

-Would you like to dance?
-I'd love to

You mind Ronnie?

Not at all

I'll entertain your guests
when she arrives


I think you..

You first

I was going say I think you're the
most beautiful woman in the world

And I think you're the most beautiful man

Except for Ronald Parker

What are you working on now?

A thing called m*rder by Morning
Post,sounds dreadful,doesn't it?

Why is it so many writers
chose m*rder for a subject?

Well it's supposed to be
commercial but I'm bound to say

I haven't found my
check books(?) of it

I think the people should have practical
experience of what they write about

Why don't you try romance?

Thank you,Mrs Roach

You're welcome,Mr Allen

Two other gents used to call
her called a quite a lot,Sir

Do you know their names?

-Yes,a Mr Jonathan Roach an author

-He writes books
-Oh,it's Roach

Anyone else?

A Mr Hugh Allen,he's the
one who sent the flowers

Oh,what time did they arrive?

Oh,about half past seven,Sir

I didn't bring them up right away

-Because I ..
-Because of what?

I usually pop round the
corner to wet my whistle,Sir

That's when I saw Mr Parker's car

What time did you get back?

A quarter to nine,Sir

A rather long whistle,wasn't it?

The car gone then?

-Hello could I speak with Mr Parker,please

Oh do you happen to
know the telephone number?

Oh thanks,thanks very much no no no message

We get the Flamenco restaurant,OK?

Go ahead

Did Mr Parker call her much?

Yes,he used to drop Miss Bridges

On the way from the office

What was she? Was she a secretary?

I believe so,Sir

Flamenco restaurant?

I understand you have a Mr Ronald
Parker dining with you tonight

Could you call him to the phone,please

OK,he can go

All right,the inspector will
call for you if we need you

Most of these are signed Hugh


-Mr Parker
-Yes,Ronald Parker speaking

Yes,I know her

What's that?

I'll be there about 20 minutes

You must be very proud of your husband

He's a genius,isn't he?

That's what he tells me


Were you expecting to meet Jean?

Yes,I was

I'm afraid she won't be coming

I just had a phone call from the police

-Something wrong?
-I think there must be

They've asked me to
go to her flat right away

I'll come along

Now I think it'd be better
if you stayed here

If Alycia doesn't mind

Of course I don't mind

I'll be back as soon as
I can,excuse me,Alycia

I believe he's been
seeing a lot of her recently

He had a date with her
tonight at the Flamenco

-How do you know?
-He was waiting for her,when I met him

Where were you Mr Parker
before you went to the Flamenco?

At my office

What time?

Oh,nine o'clock I had a
lot of work to catch up on

Anyone with you?


You say Miss Bridges
left at her normal time

-which was?- 5 30 -and
you didn't see her again?

-I told you I was working
-Of course

So you left the office at 9 pm?

Do you mind telling me what your
car was doing outside here at 6 30 pm?

-My car?
-Your car

The porter saw it outside the block

Oh yes,of course I had to collect
some papers from my flat

I called by here to ask Miss Bridges to

-do a letter
-There is a letter in the typewriter,Sir


Why did you tell me you
didn't see her again?

I completely forgot,stupid of me

As a matter of fact I have a
had rather lot on my mind lately

Business worries

All right,I'm sorry to kept you so long

-Good night
-Good night

Most people were at dinner

And the porter was having
a snifter of the local boozer

Love from Hugh

What a lovely idea of yours

It's a bit less crowded than the Flamenco

My husband is not going to
be very pleased with us

You can always say that
you came overfed(?)

-Do you like this place?
-Quite perfect

You come here to write?


That girl you were waiting for this evening

Aren't you curious to know
why Ronnie had to go to her flat?

Yes,I think

Well,if you'd waited you'd found out

If I'd waited I wouldn't be here now

Are you in love with her?

In love?


You usually ask girls to
dinner if you don't like?

I didn't say I didn't like her

I'm too inquisitive

And I'm too obvious

As a matter of fact

Jean and I were meeting
for the last time tonight

I think we are both pretty relieved

No appeals then?

And no ties

I'd like you to read one of my books

If you could bear it

Will you send me one?

I've got a better idea

Why don't you come and fetch it?

Much too obvious

Good morning,Jonathan

Good morning

You were in rather late
last night,weren't you?

Quite late

Did you enjoy the concert?

No,it was noisy

The concert?

The rabble was supposed
to be listening to it

Anything new in the paper?

Yes,Parker's secretary has
been m*rder*d,Jean Bridges


See my old friend Inspector
Thornton is in charge of the case

I wonder who did it

You knew her,didn't you?

I did

Good heavens I'm supposed to be
in the theatre in half an hour

I shall have to rush

-I'm going to London shall I drop you off?
-Thank you

Extraordinary things these

Two of them keep me alive
and four put me under the ground

I'll get the car

What was she like?


Jean Bridges

Oh,she loved life

Most people do

I hate it,I hate anything
that hangs by a thread

Are you not feeling better lately?

I wouldn't say your life hangs by a thread

You mean you only hope it does

Was there anything very special about her?

She was unusual

Attractive I'm sure


-And intelligent?
-On the contrary

I rated her intelligence
even lower than I do yours

Thank you,my dear

You want me to pick you up?

No thanks

-Can I have a word with you?

You can talk to me while we
are rehearsing,my new play

Should interest you,police inspector
turns out to be the m*rder*r

"Oh I don't slate
everybody,just Priscilla,please"

-Good morning,Jonathan
-Good morning

"All right now,Henry,you're discovered back
to the audience looking out of the window"

"Georgina,you enter from the left"

"Naturally you're surprised to see him"

"Start your speech after
he lit your cigarette"

"Lydia,you're seated..."

Have you discovered Jean
Bridges' m*rder*r yet?

No,not yet

When did it happen?

We were not able to
pinpoint the time but it

It must have been soon
after 7 30 pm last night

-All right,Jonathan?
-Yes,all right

"All right take up your.."

I was with myself in the afternoon

Do you happen to remember the exact time?

About 6 pm

Do you mind telling me what
you did after you left her?

Yes I went to the park and fed the pigeons

Did you meet anyone there that
might have recognized you?

They all did

absurdly tame at this time of this year
one of them even sat on my shoulder

-What I mean is

"I didn't expect to see you"

"I had to come back"

"After we talked last night"

"Everything seems so
final yet so incomplete"

Mr Bannister do you mind raising
your voice this is not a bedroom scene

"Yet so incomplete
darling you must listen to me"

Miss Thompson,you are not trying to escape
from a piece of (?)believe it or not

"Eric please "

-Miss Thompson
-What the hell is it now?

Miss Thompson,you're a
woman of spirit,a living flame

You're in love with this man
and yet you are repulsed by him

-Mr Bannister

You know how she feels towards
you so try to employ a little more delicacy

Your amorous advances
should be a little more wary

and a little less like a grizzly
bear at the height of its (?) cycle

I beg your pardon

Of its mating season now do it again

Yes,Mr Roach

-"I didn't expect to see you"
-"I had to come back"

Are you still here?

Did you meet any friends?

My friends are out of London

-All of them?
-Both of them

Will you please raise your voices a little

-Acquaintances then?
-None that I know of

You didn't return to Miss Bridges flat?

No,after the park I went to
a concert at the Albert Hall

I arrived ,let me see,about 8 pm

At the end of the first movement

I sat at the cheap seats as I always do

Have you got any idea who did it?

When you left the girl did she appear
worried or upset about anything?

No,she seemed in excellent spirit

People usually are when I leave them

"What do you think they did to me"

"What sort of life do you think
I've had since I married you"

"Do you ever stop to think"

"of the kind of life I could have
had if I'd never met you?"

"The opportunities I missed"

Can you tell us anything
about this girl's character

that might help our investigations

Yes,she had no brains

with a sort of low animal cunning which

served just as well

Have you've been able
to discover the motive?

Not yet

If you know of anything that might help us

I'd be awfully grateful if you
give me a ring at the Yard

-Good day
-Good bye

Miss Thompson could you manage
a little feeling in your voice?

It will assist the audience to
endure the expression on your face

Difficult I'm sure

-Nice chap

-What next?
-Hugh Allen


Hi there

Good morning

How did you get here?

Your most excellent butler let me in

-What's the time?
- 10 30 am

Have you seen the morning paper?

Yes I have

Poor Jean

She didn't deserve that

People don't deserve to be
m*rder*d in their own

People I write about always do

Have you ever tried writing
beneath the surface?

From your heart

I wasn't aware I had one

Till last night

What happened last night?

I met you

Is that all?

I mean all that happened?

I didn't m*rder Jean Bridges

I didn't ask you

I thought I'd make the point quite clear

-Is this one of yours?

"Gale warning" can I take it?

When you go

-I'm going
-So soon

I can't wait to read it

I'm supposed to be a good critic

If I don't like it I'll advise
you to sell motorcars

Tell me are you attracted to me?

Or just fascinated by
my literary potentialities

A wise woman let the
man guess what she thinks

Would you like to hide under the sofa?

Thank you,no,I feel so
foolish if somebody looked

But if you do then say I was just leaving

I shall know what to say

-Mr Allen?

Inspector Thornton of the Scotland Yard

-May I have a word with you?
-Won't you come inside?

Thank you

Excuse me I was just leaving

Oh,Mr Allen I'll read your book and I may
give you a telephone call tomorrow morning

If you're still at large

-Oh do sit down,won't you?
-Thank you

I understand you were
a friend of Jean Bridges


Yes,I suppose you're aware
that she was m*rder*d last night

Yes,she was going to have dinner with me

What time did you arrange to meet her?

-8 o'clock
-At the Flamenco?

-Where were you before then?

I was driving up from the country,Rye

What time did you leave there?

About a quarter to 7 pm

It'll take you about 45 minutes
to get to town wouldn't it?

No longer

I had a slow puncture I had to keep
on stopping to put more air in the tyre

I had no spare

I suppose you passed a number of garages

that could have changed the tyre for you

Most of them were closed

Can you think of anyone who might
have seen you on the road about 7 30 pm?

No I can't

-Is it important?
-It could be

May I ask you a personal question?

Were you in love with her?


The orchids rather suggested
that you'd might have been

Did you ever,did you ever quarrel with her?

-What about,another man?

-Who was it?

She wouldn't tell me

That's why we quarrelled

I see

-Is there anything else?

Were you aware that
she was a convicted blackmailer?


Thank you

-Good day

The porter found her at 7 50 pm

when he delivered the orchids

But three are men
who can't establish an alibi

during the twenty five minutes
in which she was m*rder*d

Now Roach was somewhere
between Hyde Park and the Albert Hall

Parker was in his office alone

And Hugh Allen was driving from the country

Each knew Jean Bridges

And each had an opportunity of k*lling her

What do we do next?

We have three men to watch

And I think their behaviour
is going to be very revealing

Thank you,Pierce

What are you reading?

"Gale warning" by Hugh Allen

-Do you know him?

I've heard of him

Through Parker?

Probably,where did you meet him?

Parker introduced us

This isn't at all bad

You care to read it?

No thanks

His style reminds me a little
of some of your earlier works

Before you decided to
become an intellectual snob


Are you deliberately trying to annoy me?

Not at all

And don't compare a down and out hack

with one of the field marshals
of British literature

Oh,he isn't down and out by any means

Have you made up your mind
yet about the BBC broadcast?

Yes,I've decided not to do them

Why not?

I don't like broadcasting

It seems a pity to waste all that material

And the BBC are offering
you a lot of money,Jonathan

That's unusual

It'll go towards your income tax

What an inducement

Anyway I don't like the stories
they're old and dated

-The BBC liked them

And they don't know you wrote them

I submitted them under a pen name

You what?

Yes,I was curious to know whether they'd
recognize great writing,when they saw it

Frankly they did

What name did you use?


If you don't want to do the broadcast

let's get someone else to do them

Who do you suggest?

It doesn't really matter

-Staff announcer

-An actor?

Well then,how about a writer,an unknown

There must be dozens who'd jump the chance

of broadcasting for a field
marshal of British literature

Alycia,I'm intrigued to know why
you pursue my business interest

with so much avidity

Business is the only thing
we have in common,Jonathan

And after all you made me your manager

Good night,Jonathan

Your holiday was wonderful

Remind you don't fall in

Of course I won't

Hurry up,slow coach

I've just got to tie up

I've got the radio thing

You don't need the radio


And we met only three days ago

What is it?


Leave him

Do you really want it?

Of course I do,darling

I love you


I can't ask you,I'm a failure

-Don't say that,it isn't true
-But it is true

Look I read your books

Do I have to sell motorcars?


Seriously,not as long as you can
write books like "Gale warning",it's good

Obviously it needs a little
more work but it's all there

Well,Parker didn't think so

Parker doesn't know

I want you to meet Jonathan


I have an idea

Trust me

What time's dinner?

Madam has asked it to
be served at 8 o'clock,Sir

All right

Tell me the bad news,the truth

If you take things easily
you might live for 5 years

-but if you don't
-How long?

Three months at the outside

A man can do a lot in three months

I want you to carry on with the digitalis
and get this prescription made up

To take in the event of an
attack I'll give it to Pierce

What is it?

Apemphy(?),see that you
don't exceed the dose

You know,you're a terrible
trial to me,Jonathan

Am I your worst patient?

By far the worst

-I like distinction in everything
-Quite incorrigible

If you change your mind about the work

-I won't
-Good night,Jonathan

Good night

Well,that's that

What did Dr Forrest have to say?

He said my expectation of
life was a small as my ego

Small? Now you should live to be a hundred

You wouldn't like that,would you?

I haven't thought about it

And why not think about it now


Try not to force a quarrel

My dear girl,nothing was
further from my thought

I came in to talk to you about Hugh Allen

Parker spoke to me about
him this afternoon

Did he?

Parker thinks he's worth watching

I'm sure he'll benefit from your interest

Yes,I'm sure he will

I might give him that
BBC job we talked about

Take him under my wing so to speak

I can watch him closely under my wing

Good evening,Sir


How are you

Tell my husband Mr Allen's here,will you?

Very good,Madam


Shaking like a leaf

Darling,I thought you'd fallen


Jonathan read your books he'll take
the trouble to pull it to pieces

He may be unbearable,he'll patronize you

Try to put up with it,for my sake

Jonathan,this is Hugh Allen,my husband

I have to excuse you a little
dinner time Alycia,I'm very busy

Perhaps you'll look after our guest

-You are dining with us?
-Oh certainly

I wouldn't miss Mr Allen's dinner
conversation for the world

It looks very might be rather scintillating

Besides I'm anxious to learn
something about you

What's that,Sir?

I want to find out if you ever read a book

I've just discovered
you haven't written one

Excuse me,won't you

Unbelievable isn't he?

Yes,that's putting it mildly

Come and have a drink you'll need one

Of course your power of description
is practically non-existent

But you may not be a very
acute observer,Mr Allen

You should open your eyes,occasionally

And what about character?

Oh,your strokes are much too broad

No finesse no light in shade

I'm not saying your work
entirely lacks promise

Thank you

Mr Parker is here,Sir

Oh,ask him to wait,will you,Pierce

-He's in the study,Sir
-Thank you

Weren't you going to speak to Mr
Allen about the broadcast series,Jonathan?

Oh yes

Parker suggests you might be suitable
to broadcast a series of stories of mine

At a nominal fee

Are you interested?


Alycia will arrange the terms
how many hours Alycia?


The BBC want to broadcast
them over a period of 12 weeks

And as I personally don't want
my name connected with them

We've chosen a pen name

What was it Alycia?

My maiden name

Oh,yes Merrill

What made you think of that?

I tried to think of something I
associated with happiness,Jonathan

Anyway in order to avoid complication

You're unaware of the name of the author

-Is that understood?

Go and look after,Parker
for me,will you,Alycia?

I'll see you in a few minutes

Very well

-You're an admirer of beauty,Mr Allen
-I hope so

I suppose you're thinking how lucky I am to
be possessed of a wife as lovely as Alycia

Yes,I suppose I was

Naturally,Mr Allen,your
human is your only asset

Have you ever thought whether or
not I appreciate my good fortune?

I wouldn't presume to

Surely we men of letters can disclose
our thoughts to one another

without encroaching on personal feeling

Frankly I don't know whether
you appreciate your wife or not

Oh,but of course I never show it

I always suspect men who admire their
wives in public of beating them in private

I can't imagine anybody
beating Alycia

What a charming compliment

I wish I could think of
nice things to say about people

But I never can while they're alive

After they're dead it's easier

And speaking of the dead
what made you break

off your engagement to Jean Bridges?

I wasn't aware that you knew her

It's surprising the people I know

I was her father confessor

She told me how unhappy you made her

-We were never officially engaged

Jean led me to believe the contrary

Still,women are like that,aren't they?

Well,I must go and see what Parker wants

Alycia will join you in the drawing room

It was nice of you to speak
to my husband about Hugh Allen

Thank you Ronnie

I tried to please,Alycia

Good evening

See you later

-I'm in deep water,Jonathan
-I know you are

Who told you?

Your late lamented secretary

Who blackmailed you over some
little falsification she found

in the company's books

I was most interested to discover

that my co-director had
joined the criminal classes

I need 3,000 pounds,Jonathan

-To cover it up with
-I borrowed the money

-Thinking I could pay it back
-Oh yes, they all do

And Jean was a very clever little girl

discovered you hadn't paid it back

I wondered when you were going
to ask me to help you

If the books were audited

I'd be arrested for fraud

Jolly bad luck

Will you help me?

Why should I?

-I was counting on you
-Is that a good reason?

We've been friends for a long time

It mustn't make crime too easy for you

It might start you off again

No,I'm sorry Ronnie

Extraordinary girl wasn't she?

Amazing courage and resource

I'm glad you think so

You must be bitter,Ronnie

Remember the old superstition
to speak ill of the dead

They'll arise and slay you

I'm sorry you can't stay

BTW that was a good idea of yours

having Allen broadcast these stories

I've decided to let him do them

-Good night Ronnie

Parker asked me to say goodnight

He's feeling rather depressed
business isn't so good

Here's the first three scripts you'd
better take them home and read them

Thank you

And don't alter one single line

To deliver you from temptation

I shall send you the others
one day before each broadcast

As to the name of the series

Since this was entirely your idea,Alycia

We'll call it "the Voice of Merrill"

All right

Tonight representing the first of a
series of twelve original stories

written by a modern author
who prefers to be anonymous

The stories are brought to you by the

Voice of Merrill

I am the voice of Merrill

I'm going to tell you a story
which might be yours or mine

I wonder how many times in
our lives we use the word if

If I had done this how
different things would have been

If this had happened

or that

The whole course of my existence
might have been altered

So it was with Helen Selby

Fate sat in a corner of
her life like a spider

Spinning the curious web

That devised tragedy or success or failure

According to its whim

I found the door of Helen's
apartment austerely closed

as though determined to
share no responsibility

The tragedy it conceive

You're very quiet,darling

This is a celebration

I was wondering how all this was
going to help my career as a writer

It will,I promise you

-But how?
-Leave it to me

Anything else worry you?

What do you think

The first time since I've known him

I now feel sorry for Jonathan

He's a very sick man

We have all our lives

To us and your success,Mr Merrill

This is the third of a series of stories

brought to you by the voice of Merrill

Life started to ebb from the body that had

long since begun to die

I am the voice of Merrill

Louise was the loveliest
woman I had ever seen

Her voice was like a gentle whisper

Her beauty came into my
life like a radiant light

I can see her now silhouetted

against the endless sky listening to the
first footfalls of her lover's approach

Turn it off,Pierce

Do you follow that program?

Yes,Sir,it's most interesting

-Beautiful written
-Oh, beautifully,Sir

The style reminds me of yours

Although hardly up to your standards

You have been listening
to the voice of Merrill

-Another Merrill fan,eh?
-Yeah,pretty good

-I've been trying to place the voice
-Hugh Allen

-What's that,Sir?
-I said that is Hugh Allen

Oh really?

Well,I managed to find
Jean Bridges' banking account

That girl got some nom de plumes

Nom do what,Sir?

??? that means other names

Make me an appointment with Ronald
Parker in the morning,will you?


Every successful writer
should have a secretary

Johnathan hasn't got one

Only because they can't stand him

To hear you talk anyone would
think I wrote the Merrill stories

Would they?

I wonder what goes on in
that genius brain of yours

Wait and see

I can't really afford a secretary

You won't have to

I'm not gonna let you pay

Time you got down to
some really serious work

I'll find you a secretary that will
stop you thinking of anything else

I choose her with great care

I don't want any rivals

Hello,Sara the secretary speaking

Oh,Mrs Roach

Yes,Mr Allen is just here


-Everything all right
-Oh yes yes

Just fine

What time are you through at the BBC?

The rehearsals is 11 am
I should think about 1 pm

I'll pick you up

And darling


I love you

Oh,yes,I think so too

Good bye

More fan mail is arrived for
the Voice of Merrill,Mr Merrill

I mean Mr Allen it's so confusing

More enquiries about you personally

Everybody's just dying to know who you are

And what you look like

They'd get a quite a shock,wouldn't they?

They certainly would,Mr Merrill,Mr Allen

3,000 pounds deposited in
your name Mr Parker

Do you mind telling me why you gave
your secretary so much money?

It was a loan

Did she offer any security?

I didn't ask for any


And she,she didn't say
what the money was for?


Tell me,had she access
to the firm's accounts?

Yes she had

And that in view of her record you have
no objection to the police examining them

I'm sure there's no need for that

Are you? Well,we'll see

There he is

Hold it Mr Merrill

Thank you

Hello there

Anything wrong?

I was wondering why I've just
being photographed by the press

Were you?

I'm afraid that was a little premature

What do you mean?

I'll tell you

Matey aren't they?

Yes,the highway of success,Baker

is still with men being
pushed along by women

Why aren't they doing the shopping

Sit down and go on and get in

When did first think of this?

Does it matter?

Are you really suggesting that I
should playing the work as my own?

Only if Jonathan dies

I can't do that

Why not?

For the simple reason I didn't
write the Voice of Merrill stories

But you will have written so much by then

The important thing is that when
a novel like "Gale warning" comes out

It'll be noticed because
you'll already have a name

Well,that's all very well

A name will take you years
to establish in the ordinary way

but if

-Jonathan finds out
-Jonathan doesn't want his

own name connected
with the voice of Merrill

so we wouldn't be robbing him of anything

What about Parker he knows
I didn't write the stories

I'll handle Parker

All I want you to worry
about is your writing

Except when you're with me

-Madam back yet,Pierce?

-Excuse me,Sir,

On the front page,Sir

Isn't that the gentleman who
dined here a few weeks ago?

-Yes it is
-Thank you,Sir


I'd like a word with you

What is it?

I've been hearing quite a lot
about our program lately

It's astonishingly successful isn't it?

Yes it is

Stories must be better than I thought

So difficult to be completely

objective of one's own work

Anyway I decided to let the
public into our little secret

I propose to announce that

I'm the author

But you can't do that


I mean the whole reason for its
success is the fact that it's anonymous

The public intrigued mystified


Really?Do you call that anonymous?

I suppose that you knew
nothing about it did you?


And nor did your friend Mr Allen

Posing like a 5th grade matinee idol

No,Jonathan he didn't

No,no,Mr Merrill,author
of the Voice of Merrill

I suppose he was unconscious
when that was taken

Well,what are you expecting him to do?

-Wear a mask
-No I don't

I think he should stick to the
contract or is that inconvenient?

Will it stifle his status as writing the
Primrose part at the success on my back

He would be mad anyone would think
he disclosed his own name

Why didn't he,it's the
next logical step,isn't it?

Or are you waiting after I'm dead

-Let me go
-No I know I'm not Hugh Allen

If I were to die tonight you rush to prove
he didn't write the stories,wouldn't you?

It'll be worth while chinkling
(?) for,wouldn't it,Alycia?

Answer me

Take your hands off me

I'm sure he wouldn't be opposed to
having the success and prestige of a genius

plastered on to his own puny talents

He wouldn't mind crawling through
the mud to say you showed him the way

Did you (?)this?


Tablets on the dressing table


-How many?

Hello,may I speak to Mr Roach,please

The master was taken ill last night,Sir

Dr Forest has given instructions that

he isn't to be disturbed

I see

Do you care to speak to Mrs Roach,Sir?

No,thank you,Pierce,I'll

I'll phone later

Dr Forest is still with the Master,Pierce

-He has to remain quiet for a long time

I understand,Madam

BTW I think I should disconnect the
telephone in his room when he is asleep

-We don't want to disturb him
-Very good,Madam

Hello,who's speaking please

Oh,Mr Parker,just one moment

I'm sorry Mr Allen is in a conference

I'll tell him Mr Parker rung

That's certainly the right way
to treat publishers,Mr Allen

Especially when they
start running after you

Hello,just one moment,I'll see
if Mr Merrill can speak to you

It's the Standard

Tell them I'll get in touch with them

I'm sorry,I'm afraid Mr Merrill
is in a script conference

Is there anything I can do?

I'm his secretary you call again

Good bye

Hello,I couldn't possibly interrupt
Mr Merrill at the moment

Oh yes,writing a play a novel

And a further radio series

I beg you pardon

I'll ask him for you

Good bye

-Good morning,Miss Quinn
-Good morning,Mrs Roach

I thought you were out

No I wasn't out

The telephones,they haven't stopped ringing

Silly,wait that was the Echo

They want to know what Mr
Merrill did in his spare time

But excuse me

I think I'll go to lunch


Mrs Roach,you won't forget to telephone
the Pancroid Press about Mr Allen's stories

They are waiting a reply to their proposals

Thank you,I won't forget

What stories?

A collection of the Voice of Merrill series

I'm arranging publication
under the Merrill name

You're not serious

Darling I know what I'm doing

It'll be months before they come out and

by that time Jonathan maybe

Oh for heaven's sake let's drop this whole

fantastic idea we can't gamble on

-Why not?
-Why? Because

Look Jonathan had his
worst attack last night

The doctor doesn't think
he can survive another

I know the idea was to wait but

and now the newspapers are almost on to it

It'd be foolish to go back

You've organized the whole
thing perfectly for me haven't you?

Do you really mind so much?

Have you forgotten Parker knows?

Parker has too many worries of
his own to bother about us

Darling,look at me

I'm not really a hard
designing woman I love you

and I just want you to have everything
that you want for yourself,success

But of course I want success

But I want to get it on my
own merits not Jonathan's

But you will

All I'm trying to do

is to save you being worn out and
frustrated by the long climb to the top

can't you see that?

Oh once you're there you have the talent

and ability to stay does it
matter how you get there

Oh come on darling I know
I'm right,believe me

Look,look at these

Fan mail letters to the Voice of Merrill

They're coming into the BBC
by the rate of hundreds a day

Jonathan must be very pleased

Why should we have to talk about Jonathan

-Well,after all Jonathan..

I'm sorry

I've got to go

I thought you were lunching with me

No I forgot to tell you

I'm luncheon with Sir John Gregson

We're going to talk about a new series
(??)they'll pay you very well

So you'd better start to work remember

keep the same style of writing

We'll lunch tomorrow my darling

and one day soon all the days of our life

I trust you have a good appetite,Sir

I could eat a horse

Not the smell perhaps

Excuse me,Sir

-Probably that fool Parker

-The master is in his room,Sir
-Thank you,Pierce

How is chicken,Jonathan?

Stop asking damned silly questions,sit down

-I want talk to you
-You must be furious about Allen

You'll expose him of course

It looks something like a deliberate

Stop chattering,you know I loathe the
sign of anybody's voice then my own

I've been thinking about
your little financial problem

And I've decided to help you

I shall be extremely grateful
Jonathan you see I

On one condition

Oh,stop wandering about man,
get a chair and sit down

Under no circumstances
either now or the future

Will you reveal to anyone

that Allen's claim to be the
author of my stories is not true

-Not true?
-N O T spelled not

But I don't understand

You don't have to

Bring me that chair

-But surely I'm not going to
-I'm not let him get away with it

I'm still very much alive

and have plenty of time to
work out Allen's punishment

Before I give you this check

I want your solemn promise

Hugh Allen wrote the Voice of Merrill

Is that's the way you want it,Jonathan?

That's the way I want it

I don't know what you have in mind

I want him to have his hour

I want to open his gullet and
swallow the whole Milky Way

Higher he climbs the harder he'll fall

And I want you to write a letter

A letter?

To Hugh Allen

For that you're getting three thousand
pounds to put things right at your office

So the police need never know that Jean
Bridges has been blackmailing you

And they never realized what an
excellent motive you had for murdering her

Will they?


-Should you be up?
-Of course not dear

According to Dr Forest
I should pushing up daisies

I certainly don't
intend to do that just yet

The uncertainty must be
quite terrifying for you

Incidentally has Allen done anything
about that preposterous claim of his?

What preposterous claims?


Oh,you mean the photograph

Yes,I'm sure he'll trying to
do something about that

When?Next year

Whenever he's finished reading the series

I suppose you would prefer him
to make his own little confession

wouldn't you?

Yes please Jonathan

Unless I should happen
to die in the mean time

And it wouldn't be necessary,would it?

I can see that's the upper thoughts
in your mind at the moment


Tell me how would you do

if you were suddenly informed
you only had a short time to live

Oh,speaking quite impersonal
you understand,Pierce

I trust so,Sir

Oh,fascinating position in which
to found oneself in,don't you think?

Little eery,Sir

However I suppose ones natural instinct

would be to do something little daring,Sir

Depending upon how much energy one

could expend in the process

Speaking for myself,Sir,there's
a complete nonentity as it were

I would be inclined to perform at least

one small act of national service

And what would that consist?

It will entail the sh**ting of at
least two prominent cabinet ministers,Sir

I'm convinced the only thing deterring
a number of persons from a similar course

is the fear of the consequences
if one could remove that

I see your point

May I be permitted to inquire
what you would do,Sir?

Of course,Pierce,I should
write my greatest story

Probably to read after my death

It would be about a girl
with three men friends

She deceives each one in turn


Yes and she irritates one to such an extent

That he decides to teach her a sharp lesson

-So he sh**t her

You won't forget your medicine,will you,Sir

No,all right

Good morning,Mr Allen

Good morning

What is it?

It's from Parker

Mr Jonathan Roach requested me to take care

of the last remaining story
in the Merrill series

I will therefore pass

to the BBC for approval in the usual way

and deliver it to you in reasonable time

before you are due to go on the air

May I see?

Go on the end Mr Roach has informed
me that the BBC and the general public

had remained permanently
under the impression

that you were the original
author of this series

I wonder what Jonathan

If he's trying to humiliate me
he's chosen a funny way of doing it

Sent apart these letters

Do we have to use his story?

Why can't we use the one I've written?

I'm afraid it's not quite
good enough,darling

Oh,what's wrong with it?

You can do better when
you're not quite so worried

I see

Of course you can


Jonathan is waiting for me to read the last
story in the Merrill series

before he breaks me,isn't he?

Perhaps but darling he might do anything
he's quite unpredictable

He hates me

He hated me from the
very first moment we met

What are we going to do?

I won't let him break you


I don't know what I going to do
but I think of something

-Listen to me
-Don't call me

I'll get in touch with you

Pierce,I want Mr Parker to
have this by tonight

I see to it,Sir

Thank you

Thank you,Pierce,I forgot my keys

The master is in the study Madam

-Isn't it your night out?

You can go whenever you
like I shall be in this evening

Thank you

You won't let the master forget
his medicine at 8 o'clock,Madam?

Just two drops

-Where's Pierce?
-It's his night out he went off early

I told him I get your medicine for you

It's alright I've taken it

-You took your medicine?

When does Allen do his last broadcast?

This Thursday

I suppose he's told you I've
decided not to expose him as a fraud

He has

Kind of me,don't you think?

Unusual of you


Instead I'm going to prove that
he m*rder*d Jean Bridges

Why do you say he m*rder*d her?

That's not quite the point I
said I was got to prove he did it

Oh,I see you don't appreciate
the irony of the situation,Alycia

I'm afraid I don't

Nor the pleasures of uncertainty of not

knowing what's around the corner,perhaps

If that's a pleasure I've certainly had

it since I was married to you

You should be congratulated

Most women find life rather
dull after five years of marriage

You can't say that about ours


Ours was never dull

Good night,Jonathan

Good night

I told you to keep away
why did you come here for?

I came to stop you


This will haunt us the rest of our lives

He had a heart attack

You'd always think of it like that


We'll always speak the same

I'll telephone the doctor

You must go before he gets here

Whatever you do wait for
me to get in touch with you


New style Standard

Thank you,Sir

Read all about it famous author dies

New style Standard

Dear Parker,I've cause to believe that

for a reason in which you must be aware

my wife is planning to m*rder me

in the circumstances I think it would be

advisable to take the necessary steps to

ascertain beyond doubt
the cause of my death

Yours truly Jonathan Roach

He says for a reason of
which you must be aware of

What is that reason?

Anything to do with Hugh Allen?

I believe so

I,I happen to know that
Mrs Roach is in love with him

Any other reason?

Isn't that enough ?

Well if you subscribe to the
view that love justifies m*rder

I suppose it is

After all a number of
people have thought so

A man suffering from cardiac
liable to pop off at any moment

and a wife who feel that
moment may never come

It's interesting,quite interesting

Well,thank you Mr Parker

You'll keep in touch with us,won't you?

-All right
-Order a car,Baker-Yes,Sir

You haven't forgotten your appointment
with Alison publications have you,Mr Allen

-What time is it for
-11 o'clock

Use our headache tell him I can't make it

Has Mrs Roach telephoned this morning?

No,no she hasn't

Will you get her for me
now? I'll take it in here

Inspector Thornton to see you,Madam

And Mr Allen to speak you on the phone

Thank you

I'll ask him to hold the line

Good morning I'm sorry to
trouble you at a time like this

But from information received

I'm compelled to ask for
an autopsy on the body of your husband

Purely a formality

What information?

I'm afraid I can't disclose that

Have you any objections?

Then I'll make the arrangements

I won't trouble you more than necessary



I had to phone is everything all right?

Yes,yes of course everything's all right

But you sound worried,are you sure?

Quite sure


I may not be able to see
your broadcast tomorrow

Why not?

There's so much to do here,you know

Arrangements and things

I shall be listening to
you,of course,as usual


If anything should happen
you let me know,won't you?

Of course I will,hi darling

Don't worry

-Good evening,Ronnie
-Good evening

Your script

Thank you


Now that Jonathan is dead I think the

least you can do is to tell the truth

But if you feel so strongly
about it why don't you?

Because I gave Jonathan a
promise not to expose you

-What was his object?
-I don't know

Whatever it is I have to respect it

I'm sorry Ronnie

Well I hope you enjoy your triumph

And I hope it won't be too short-lived

What do you mean?

You haven't heard about the autopsy?


The police have reason to believe
that Jonathan may have been poisoned

They've ordered an autopsy

You look very nervous of that already

You're on the air in five minutes,Mr Allen


Come in

It's Mr Allen



I've just heard

Now listen to me whatever
you do don't talk to the police

I'm going to them
myself after the broadcast


I shall say that I quarrelled
with him over the stories

and saw the chance to
put that stuff in his glass

No Hugh

Oh,I wanted it to happen
as much as you did

I knew you were going to do it,
I could have stopped you

But you did try

-Mr Allen they are waiting for you



I'd like to see Mrs Roach,please

Inspector Thornton to see you,Madam

Show him in

I have to inform you,Madam,that the
autopsy ordered on your late husband

showed that he died from natural causes

I shan't have to to trouble you any more

Good day,Madam




What are you doing?

I was removing a stain
from the carpet,Madam

I think the Master must have dropped
his port wine glass before he died

The voice of Merrill number 12

written and told by Hugh Merrill

I decided to k*ll Jean not through jealousy

an emotion I have always deplored

but because of the insults she levelled at

my intelligence that I
could never forgive

Her excuses her miserable
protestation of innocence

would scarcely have annoyed me

had they not been accompanied
by the impertinent presumption

that I would accept them

How dare she

I had known about Jean's
lover for some time

He was a writer like myself


I laid my plans very carefully

I parked my car some
distance from the block of flats

and walked the rest of the way

I passed no one I knew it was
dark when I reached the street

where she lived

The kind of night that suited me well

cold and black with few people abroad

I walked slowly measuring my tread

and feeling the pain of my aching heart

I made my way into the
front entrance building

because I knew the porter
would not be there

I had thought even of so lowly
creature as the night porter

Jean was barely important enough to k*ll

She was certainly not
important enough to hang for

As I drew near to her room

and heard the sound of cheap music that

so typified her

I felt only one momentary
qualm then it vanished

At this last glimpse of
feminine complacency

Is that you,darling?

I looked at the vase she had knocked over

And the water dripping
into the open handbag

And somehow I caught from

this a strange sense of
foreboding for someone

I wondered if it was for me

You've been listening to
the voice of Merrill

written and told by Hugh Merrill

A vase with water dripping
into an open hand bag

Good heavens

He's told an almost parallel
story with the Bridge's m*rder

and he's disclosed something in her flat

that only the m*rder*r apart from ourselves
could possibly have known about

The voice of Merrill got
some explaining to do


Mr Allen

I was coming to see you

Were you? We found your
story very interesting

Based on fact wasn't it?

On personal experience


Are you sure? You wrote it didn't you?

No I didn't write it

It was written,it was written
by Jonathan Roach

This gentleman can prove it

Are you prepared to say,Hugh Allen
did not write the story you just broadcast?


No,I'm not prepared to say

Mrs Roach can prove I didn't write it

In that case we'd better
have a word with her

Do you mind coming along to the Yard?

You too,Sir,if you don't mind

Could I have your autograph
please,Mr Merrill

Me too please

Thank you

Thanks very much


Don't say anything to them


All right

After all

Of course

Keep trying

My love

God bless you

There's something I should
explain to you,Inspector

All right
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