Years Between, The (1946)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
Post Reply

Years Between, The (1946)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Have the regret to inform you

that your husband Colonel
Wentworth was k*lled in action. "

We are gathered together today

on a sad but proud occasion

Michael Wentworth was
born here, amongst us

He grew up amongst us

As a boy, we loved him
As a man,we respected him

And so we are here today to do honor to the
memory of Michael Wentworth

The memory of a good man

Memory of Michael...

Memory of Michael...

Memory of Michael...

Memory of Michael...

Memory of Michael...

Until death us part

May 8, 1930. Here begins the
diary of Diana Wentworth.

Today I became Michael's wife. "

"August 1932. Michael won the election.
Majority: 7,842 votes! "

Captain Michael Wentworth: 26,208!

"September 15th, 1933.
Michael made his inaugural speech.

The most beautiful speech ever! "

Major Wentworth

March 5, 1934. Robert was baptized
today Thank you Michael. "

"May 8, 1937. 7 years with Michael !!!
Or is it only 7 months? "

You're ruin your eyes,if you don't
stop reading and come to bed

April 30, 1939. Anniversary of Michael.
How he likes this melody. "

Play it again,darling

You always say that

I know,but I never get tired of it

"8 Dec 1941. Michael is gone to...
we do not know where

May God protect him
and bring him back to me "

Come back safe

We shall always think
with pride of him

and of the men who died with him

They shall grow not old

as we(?) grow old

Age shall not weary them

nor the years condemned

At the going down of
the sun and in the morning

we will remember them

-Good morning,Nanny
-Good morning,Tom

- Well,they still come,don't they?
- Yes they still come

Sad loss,that's what it is,sad loss

Men like the colonel,don't grow
on birches(?)every day,that's a fact


There you are that's the lot

- Do you know what I say?
- No ?

Nothing will ever be the same
again after this w*r,that's what I say

You mark my word nothing
will ever be the same again

- That's a fact
- Yes,I think that's right

- Here's the post,Madam
- Thank you,Nanny

No,put them there please,will you

Wouldn't you like me to move some of those
things,you can't work comfortably like that

- No thank you Nanny
- It wouldn't take a minute

I don't want anything moved,thank you.

There you are

About the colonel's quilts and things

Effie and I are doing
upper room today

If you would like me to pack them away

No, I told you,I don't want
anything altered or moved

I want everything as exactly
as it was when he was here

There you are,they ought
to make your hair curl

I won't have my hair curl,
thank you,I like it the way it is

Some folks just doesn't like like anything

You don't need to be saucy

How is she?

Taking it hard Nanny says

Some do some don't

My old dad he's been quite
bobbety(?)since Ma died

-Said he feels a new man
-He ought to be ashamed

Oh,I don't know

when you have lived with anyone
62 years you are ready for the change

Besides you did not know Ma

- Good morning,Mr Ames
- Good morning

Did you get to ask her
about planting the vegetables?

She's in no condition to
be worried about vegetables

You'd better do it you think best

Taking it hard,eh?


Yeah, some do some don't

You should see my Dad chirpy as cricket

You won't see him crying

I don't see her crying either

That's the trouble,
I only wish she would

"April 30, 1942. Michael's birthday
again, where are you, darling?"

Robin,what are you doing?

Oh,My Goodness the lamp...
And your father's rod

I hope you haven't
broken that too,have you?


Put it away quickly,before Mummy comes,
I do not what she'll say if she knew

If Dad is dead,why shouldn't
I have his rod?

Robin,put that down at once

Remember in the future

none of your father's things
should be touched,do as I say

I'll do it

I'm awfully sorry,Mummy I...

Darling,that's all right

but you will take care of Daddy's
things in the future,won't you?

Oh,Diana,I almost forgot,
Mr Llewellyn is waiting outside


He's going into (?) in the car and
wants to know if you'd like to go with him

Thank you,Nanny,I don't want to go out,I
don't want to see anyone,will you tell him?

Very well

You never get tired of it,do you?

No,I'll play it again for you later on

Ames wanted to know today

whether we should plant
potatoes in the blue border

I said no in my view(?)
we could grow on one border

wouldn't make enough
difference to the matters

I know how much you
love it when it's in bloom

Robin has been fishing
with Richard twice

He's so good with him

You would think they were the same
age,so they go on

Robin wanted to use your rod today
I told him you wouldn't like that

It looks that they are
going to call our Effie

Well,then Nanny and I just have
to manage just by ourselves

It won't be so bad really

I can do the beds, and Mrs Ames
is coming in to help with the cleaning

Oh, darling!

It's so good to have you back

I began to think you were
never coming

Days seem so long
when you are away

I grow so tired of waiting...

It's all right now you are here

Nanny,what do you want?

I thought I heard voices

Someone moving about

No,there is nobody here but me

Hadn't you better go back to bed?

Yes,Miss Diana

Won't you come up too?

-No use,I can't sleep
-But you must

I can't rest I'll tell you

You'll sleep all right if you take one
of your tablets,I'll get you one


Miss Diana...

-the box is empty
-I know

But there were seven or eight
on Monday,I happen to notice

What of it?



Go back to bed Nanny,and leave me alone

- Won't you please let me know
- Leave me alone!

That's just what I mustn't do

You know you got to take
hold of yourself or you'll be ill

-I'm perfectly all right
-You are not all right

I know it's hard thing to say,but

You got to get used to the
idea,that the colonel is dead

It's no good pretending,all pretending
in the world won't bring him back again

You got to make up your mind to that and

And start a new life,without him

-Good bye Nanny
-Good bye Robin

- You know the Llewellyn's road?
- Over the bridge

Mr Llewellyn!

Hello Nanny

Mr Llewellyn,I had to come,you're the
only one I can talk to

- Is it Mrs Wentworth?
- Yes,I'm frightened


She's going to have a breakdown or
worse,if something doesn't happen soon

She doesn't eat,she doesn't sleep
She told Ames as though he was still alive

Mr Llewellyn,she even talks to him

Have you had a doctor?

Yes,he just told her to rest
and relax,you know how doctors are

Then what?

She's got to have something to do

If she had a job,something that took
up all her time occupied her mind

Then she'd be all right

But Nanny that's all very
well what sort of a job?

I know you'll say I'm crazy, but...

I saw that in the paper the other
day about an MP who was k*lled

... and that they elected
his wife in his place

But Diana doesn't know
the first thing about politics

Then she'll be in the same
boat as half of the other MPs

Besides most people still don't like
the idea of women in the Parliament

That's only because they are
frightened that women will get on and

do the things they are
afraid to do themselves

- Where do I come in?
- You've got to see that she is nominated

- How on earth do I do that?
- Sir Ernest Foster,he's the one to go to

Nanny,I can't go charging up to town

just to see Sir Ernest,I'm
in the middle of the harvest

The harvest can do without you for one day
Mrs Wentworth can't

Mr Llewellyn,I know
Diana Wentworth pretty well

She's a very old friend of mine

She's a very charming person

but I'm sure she'll forgive me for saying
she knows precious little about politics

How many people do?

Except of course experts like yourself


Still if she got into Parliament,she'd had
to make some sort of appearance of knowing

That's all right,Diana has got
a head screwed on the right way

In any case you and the(?)exec
what to do then,don't you?


Still we got to get her in you know

She'll be easy enough surely

Widow of an MP who
died fighting for his country

sponsored by Sir Ernest Foster himself

Very impressive

Well,there maybe something in it

I'll think it over and let you know

But Mrs Wentworth knows
nothing about politics! Nothing at all

This (?),you here of Northaltsea
may rest assured

that we at central office

didn't agree to support this candidate
without due consideration

Mrs Wentworth,if I may say so,
has her head screwed on the right way

She'll learn very quickly

we should always be there to teach
her anything she doesn't know

And you could depend on her
being a safe party member

just what we want at the moment

- But if she's opposed?
- She won't be

Even if she were you
have a very good line to take

widow of an MP who died
fighting for his country and so

Yes,but a lot of people in these parts

don't like the idea of women in Parliament

Come,come don't tell me anyone is afraid
she'll start pampering the Prime Minister

But Ernest,that's impossible

I know nothing about
politics nothing at all!

That's exactly what

Now I don't think that
could be quite true can it?

After all,no one could
have lived with Michael

and worked with him so closely

year after year,without knowing
something about politics

Maybe,but that's no excuse
for trying to take over his job

Besides as I put it to the committee,you
got your head screwed on the right way

What you didn't know

you'll soon pick up

and you'll find the whips and
the party organization very helpful

It's not possible,I couldn't
even fight the election

Sir Ernest thinks you
won't have to

she thinks you'd go in unopposed

- Precisely
- No,I couldn't do it

Diana,why the not?

Michael wouldn't like it

- Good morning Mrs Wentworth.
- Morning

- Anything for me?
- Yes

2 ordinary ones and 5
of them khaki things

More forms to fill up

Do you know what they
say down at the village?


They're saying they allow you
the means to put up for Parliament

and take the colonel's place

- Really?
- Yes

- Do you think that's a good idea?
- No I do not

-You know what I say?

Once they let women go
gabbing around running the country

nothing will ever be the
same again,that's what I say

No offense to you Mrs Wentworth

But you mark my words
nothing will ever be the same again

That's a fact!

Good morning,Alice

Hello !

I'm going to London on Monday,I want
you to take me the cab to the 11 o'clock

Yes,Mrs Wentworth,I'll be there
at the house at half past 10 am

- Fine,heard from Harry lately?
- Yes

He is in North Africa,probably
browned-off soon

Thinks I'm letting his precious
garage go to wrack and ruin

That's the last he needs to worry about,
remember me to him when you write


They're trying to put you up
for Parliament in the colonel's place

They have asked me,do
you think it's a good idea?

Well,do and I don't

Do some of these dodgy old MPs
good to have a few more women there

gingering them up


Well,I think a woman will need to be
awfully tough to make an impression on them

And I think you would
be too gentle with them

I arrive !

Good afternoon,you wanted to see me?

We really came to see Colonel Wentworth

I'm afraid that's impossible

Yes,we didn't know they
only told us when we got here

You see,we've been evacuated

We've come all the way from
Sanford specially to see him

I'm so sorry,is there
anything I can do to help?

I hardly know

You see it's about our small holding

We came to ask his advice about it
because he was our MP

Yes I see,please sit down,will you?

He did see us once before.He was always
willing to help anybody in trouble

-I do not know what we shall do now

Well,we mustn't worry you with our troubles

Won't you tell me all
about it?Perhaps I can help

No Ernest,I definitely made up my mind

No,no doubts at all

All right,good bye

- Nanny,I've got some news for you
- Really,Miss Diana?

I'm going to stand for Parliament
in the Colonel's place

No? Well,you do surprise me no mistakes

New members that are taking their seats
will now come to the table

Hear! Hear!

"I, Diana Wentworth,do swear...

I will be faithful and bear true allegiance

to His Majesty King George
his heirs and successor

as according to Law,so
help me God"

Mrs Wentworth Northaltsea

Hear! Hear!

The clerk will now proceed to
read the orders of the day

Mrs Wentworth!

-Put Mrs Wentworth's bag in the car,Max

- Mrs. Wentworth?
- Thank you

- I'll be around about 7
- OK Max

I know what you're thinking

I wasn't think anything,Alice

Then you are the only one in
the whole village who isn't

- Oh,dear is it as bad as that
- Worse

Look,Mrs Wentworth,can I
ask you something?

Of course,you can

Do you see anything wrong,
in me going to the pictures

or having a drink with the locals

with a boy like Max?

No,I don't think so

He's a decent chap,he's got a
girl of his own back in Detroit

There's nothing in it,nothing

Well,you know what I mean...

He kissed me once

- But I soon going to stop to that
- Why ?

Well,wouldn't do,would it?

- I don't know,I was asking you
- Well,it wouldn't

It's always been Harry with me

I thought everyone knew that

If you listen to the some of the
spiteful old spat in this village

you wouldn't think so
-Don't let them get you down

Oh,I won't,I wanted to marry Harry before
he went out east but he wanted to wait

Perhaps he was right,I don't know

I don't think Harry has got
much to worry about

Not even if I do rather
a Yankee occasionally

No, I don't think so

It isn't I feel different
about Harry at all,it's just that

Well,you work all day, 3 nights
a week I'm on duty as a warden suppose

The others I just do the
books and go to bed

Every now and then

I get to thinking, if I don't get out
for 5 minutes and talk to someone

I shall go mad

- No girl friends?
- Oh yes

But not the same thing

Every now and then a woman gets over
the sight of another woman makes her sick

She's got to have a man to talk to

Besides if Harry can't trust
me,I don't want to marry him anyway

- Don't worry,Harry is no fool
- Oh,I wouldn't be so sure,most men are

Especially when they are away from home.

Hello Mum,you're awfully late

- Hello darling,is your old cold better?
- Absolutely gone

- Uncle Richard is here
- Oh Richard,how nice


Just dropped in to say Merry Christmas

I hate train journeys in w*r time

Robin,you can go and
help and get Mummy the tea


Were there any bombs dropped in London,Mum?

A few,darling

The postman said that London
will never be the same again

Come now and run along

Diana,you look all in,
alone(?) working here?

I suppose so but I
shan't have to any longer

- Oh,why not?
- I've got a secretary

- Have you now? Where?Here?
- No,she works in the flat mostly

- The flat?
- Yes,didn't I tell you?

No,nobody tells me anything anymore

Well,it's tiny, but it's less
than a minute from the House

A very cranky traveling up and down
every day the way the trains are now

Or staying in a hotel for weeks on end

You might look as though you were pleased

Can't expected to be pleased

Just being to see you less than ever

No,I shall work down here
whenever I can get away

You know,you've changed.

- Have I?
- Yes,amazingly

Yes I suppose I must have

I really haven't had time to notice

Oh there's so much to do,and so much to
learn, if I'm going to be any good at it

So far I've been content to keep my
ears and eyes open and my mouth shut

Next session,I intend
opening my mouth as well

Watch and don't put your foot in it


-So I should think
-I think I'd better be going now

-Oh,must you Rickie
-The change is too much for you

- Why that?
- I was very fond of the old Diana

You're not so fond of the new one?

That's a leading question


Something I brought for you for Christmas

Rickie,how sweet of you

Can I open it now?

Robin's been told he can't open
his till Christmas day

I haven't got as much self control as Robin



It'll look wonderful on this

It would look much better
on a wedding dress


I don't suppose you'd be
pleased about marrying me

Darling,I'm awfully fond of you

But only I'm not quite ready for that yet

Of course I don't want to rush you,but

I had hoped you'd think it
was a rather good idea

No,it wouldn't be right
for either of us just now

You see...

Everything about my
life is changing so quickly

I've got a new job,I don't
know nearly enough about it

I say I want to get out and see people,
speak to them,talk to them

Find out what they are thinking and feeling
what they want out of life

Poor Rickie,there's so much to do

Oh,at least think of that,will you?

Yes,I will

Thank you for the lovely present

There's the time I got there,Nanny?

There's a Sgt Higgins to see you,Madam


- I don't know any Sgt Higgins,do I Judy?
- No,I don't think so

- Shall I go and look in the file?
- No we'd better go there wherever

- Show him in
- Very well,Madam

I think no to that and that and
that and that one is plain silly

Oh,Mr Bradshaw

Sergeant Higgins,Madam.


I hardly recognized you
behind all those stripes

- Really Madam?
- How nice to see you.

You'll stay and have lunch won't you?
We can manage one more,can't we,Nanny?

Oh yes I think so

It should be nice to have some
home cooking for a change,won't it?

Oh,I don't know Madam food in the
the army is very good

- Really?
- Plain,beautifully cooked

-Effie is a cooking instructor now,Madam
-Oh,I see

- We'll have a long talk after lunch
- Yes Madam

-Come on Effie
-See you later,Effie

That was Mrs Hanson,WVF

She wants to know what you can
do about clothes for the b*mb damage

- Wait,I'm coming,Nanny!
- Yes,Madam

Those clothes of the Colonel up in his room

when you have a moment I want them
all turned out and I'm sending them to WVF

- Everything,Madam?
- Yes,there's no point of keeping them

I'll do it directly when the Sgt's gone

Now,where were we?

"28 Jan 1944 - St Stephens 30 Jan 1944
- Recovery."

You all know the wrought iron gate
at the bottom of the drive here

Very beautiful and rather valuable

But if Northaltsea produces
better results this year than last year

I give those gates to the
service campaign

"23 Feb 1944 - Crèche"

No woman worth her salt wants to be
parted from her babies

But no woman with any sense wants to
settled with them 24 hours a day

Now we can afford to spend thousands on car
parks and car park attendance

Surely we can afford a
few hundreds for baby parks

"March 15, 1944 -
military canteen for women "

they are identical to one
10 thousandth part of an inch.

And yet this one costs 20%
less than this

- You know why?
- Yes.

Yes,this one was made by a woman

"March 30, 1944 -
rallying women "

This business of standing in queues all day

has got to stop

It's unhealthy


and is unnecessary

If the men had to stand in the queues
instead of the women

They'll do find a way of preventing it

And if men can do it

we can do it

-Diana,I want a word with you

We want you to speak first
on the debate on Wednesday


That's all you got to say about it?

Of course I'm delighted,
will I be good enough?

We've having plenty of practice lately

Besides some of your speeches
been creating quite a stir

- Have they?
- Quite a stir

BTW you do know the
party line on it,of course

- I think so
- Just so there shall be no mistake

There are only notes,you needn't
use no word of them if you don't want to

They do make our
point of view pretty clear

Good luck for your maiden speech

Thank you

You follow the oaf of (?)and they can
really be ready to hear you

Mrs Wentworth

Mr Speaker

On this occasion when I address
the House for the first time

I crave for my shortcomings that ?
for which this House is justly famous

Most other members listening to me today
will have passed through the same ordeal

and will sympathize
with me in my task

The government,in its wisdom,
has placed before this house a bill which

I think we can safely say

which,I think we can all agree

is comprehensive

That was the beginning of the
speech I had intended to make today

Suddenly find I can't go on with it

Go on,go on

I can't tell you why

except I have a feeling Mrs Smith ought
to be making this speech instead of me

You see,Mrs Smith is the person
who is vitally concerned with this bill

Few of us know her nearly well enough

and some of us scarcely at all

But if she's the one this
bill is intended to help

it's up to us to find out whether
it does measure up to her needs or not

I like to tell you
what I know about her

Mrs Smith isn't very interested
in statistics because

there are no statistics for human
emotions or decency or ideals

In fact if she were here, she
would just tell you quite simply

that she is married
and has two children

When w*r started her husband was called up,
he's fighting now in the jungle in Burma

Her two children aren't with either

when the Blitz started they
were evacuated to the country

so she's quite alone now

She doesn't like that very much

Then the government wanted her to
work in an aircraft factory

so she got on with the job

She's working a 12 hours
shift at the moment

She doesn't like it but she's been told
it's necessary,so she does it

When she came home
off her shift last night

she went home and did her house work

and when she's done her housework

she put on her tin hat and went
out for a night of fire watching

The previous night's b*mb
blew in her windows

shook down her ceilings and
k*lled four of her neighbors

She was on time at the
factory the next morning

She writes to her
husband every other day

and on alternate days
she writes to the children.

Oh,and I forgot

In between while she stands in queues
for fish or oranges

or trips to shops trying to find a
pair of shoes for the children

Now when Mrs Smith
has time to think

which isn't very often

She thinks of a happier more pleasant
world after the w*r

She wants quite a lot of things
out of the post-w*r world

a decent home to live in

and in time for the day when Mr Smith
and her babies come back to join her

not 10 years later mind you
but when they come back

She wants the best education in the world
for her children

Especially if she is not so sure

they've been learning all they
should while they've been evacuated

She wants a little money saved
against her husband's return

And as long as she doing
a man's work

she doesn't see why she shouldn't
have the men's pay packet

at the end of the week and that's not all

Mrs Smith has earned the right
to all these things and a great deal more

She going to want an equal say in
the government of this country

And what does Mr Smith say about that?

Order! Order!

On this occasion,he's prepared to
let his wife have the last word!

Good evening Judy

- Is she back?
- No

She said she'd stay about 6 pm
I'm waiting for a call now

- She's late
- She's at the committee

They have fun,I gather

Yes, she is in the thick
of the fray I suppose

I didn't wonder

That's very thoughtful of you

Thank you

- That's how you like it?
- Perfect

Here it is again


She wants you

Thank you

Hello Diana?


Oh I am very sorry

Oh my God can't be helped

I've got a committee that
probably go on till about 11 pm


It sounds ominous

What is a deputation of my constituents?

Look why don't you have dinner
and call for me afterwards

1030? All right,good bye,bless you

Well,it seems the committee
is sitting so I'm stood up

Yes, committees always come first

Do I detect a note of bitterness?

Certainly not.I'm just sorry
your evening seems spoiled

It's all right,I'll soon get over it

- Are you going now?
- Yes

- I have finished my work.
- I (?)

- That was close
- Yes

I suppose I ought to be used to it by now

Always panic and grab the first
thing that comes to hand

I dare say I like it to hand

- So am I
- Does that always happen?


That's always happen

- Good evening Mrs Wentworth
- Good evening

- You needn't come up if you don't want to
- I'd like to

- I get you a drink?
- No thank you

- Mind if I have one?
- Help yourself-Thank you

Look Diana I'm only
telling you what people had said

I thought you'd like to know

Whether you do anything about it at all
is entirely your own affair

But don't blame me because I repeat it

- But you do agree with them,don't you?
- That's not fair,I didn't say so

- But you do think they're right
- Not necessarily

That's just hedging

That is not hedging,it's none
of my business what you do

- I'm glad you realized that
- Don't worry you made it abundantly clear

Good night Richard

Good night


Why didn't you do that before?

"All my best wishes
for your wedding"

I come in final as usual
everything is all right?

Yes,I think so

Ah,I must get my breath,
then we have a drink

I sorted(?)out these bottles,next month's
rations will be in by the time we get back

I need one

Well,let's have it

I booked the tables for 400.The hire
car will pick you up there at 11 am

Thank you

Your dress is come it's in the
bedroom,Nanny has unpacked it

Mr Llewellyn is sending you flowers,I
happened to find out so I didn't order any

The people at the church has been
warned to keep it all aside as possible

Mr Llewellyn has got everything
else, special license,(?)(?),and so on

Your luggage is gone,
except for two small bags

Mr Llewellyn is coming
for those in a few minutes


I think that's all

Thank you,Judy dear

I don't know how I should ever
have managed without you

You could not have taken more trouble
if it had been your own wedding

It wasn't any trouble,I enjoyed doing it

You know,you look all ill

It's all right,I think

I'm afraid I've been working you too
hard,a holiday would do you good

Yes,holiday is all I need

It's high time you stop talking,and
came and change

Right,Nanny,I shan't be a second

And look don't forget,nobody is to
know anything about this until we get back

Don't worry,nobody will

Pick my (?)
press men waiting outside the church

It seems funny to be wearing
an evening dress again

We did lot of these things in peacetime
seem funny now

Is that the new ring?

- Like it ?
- It's lovely

Nanny,do you think I'm doing
the right thing,don't you?

Of course

- It will be good for Robin too
- Yes,he needs someone with a firm hand

It isn't that Richard were trying
to take Michael's place.

This is something quite different

Don't worry,dear. He wouldn't have
wanted you to be alone all your life

Bless you,Nanny.
I feel so much better somehow

I hope you will be very very happy.
You deserve it

Thank you


Diana,is that you?

Who is it ?

Ernest Foster

Hello.How did you find me here?

I've been trying to locate
you for the last hour

Fortunately we were able
to track your secretary

Diana,I must see you at once

But I'm leaving in 20 min,
I've got a train to catch

Won't it wait until I get back?

I'm afraid not

What is it?

Diana,I got a very important news for you.

Don't tell me another government crisis

This isn't a political crisis,Diana
it's a personal one

What?I'm sorry,what did you say ?

I'm afraid you and Richard
won't be able to go away

Not go?

Listen dear,you know the
Russians and the France

have overrun several
prison camps lately


In one of them, they
discovered several British prisoners

People of whom we've no record whatever

Ernest dear,do speak up,will you,this line
is dreadful,I can't hear you properly

I say,in one of them they
discovered several British prisoners

People we thought were dead

You mean...

Yes Diana

Michael is one of them

I had a word with the
department before I left

It seems the doctors wanted him to stay in
hospital for a week or two

But Michael wouldn't have it,he insisted
on coming to London.

- Ernest,there's nothing very much.. ?
- Nothing serious

Just complete exhaustion,
malnutrition,nothing else

Nothing that rest and peace
and quiet won't cure

But they say you ought to take it easy

He oughtn't to be worried
by anything for a bit

It's all right,he won't
be worried by anything

Oh thank you


Do you think that door
is open too much for you?


I liked your hair better
the way you used to do

Did you?

Seemed too young somehow

Too young...

You're not very old

I feel it

Never mind,looks very nice the way it is

So good to have you back
I can hardly believe it's true

How's Robin?

He is fine. He's grown

So I imagine

He is very excited

Yes I suppose he would be

Don't worry,darling,no one's
going to (?)

You are very thin

Yes, I'm horribly
gaunt,I'm afraid

Never mind,we'll soon
fatten you up

Make me sound like a Christmas turkey

There's only another minute to go

Train gets in at 4 am,and a taxi
is going to meet us at the station


What did you do when you thought that
I wasn't coming back?

I tried to fill in my life as best I could

It wasn't easy

Don't suppose I thought it was

We're starting!

Yes, we're starting

All over again

- What happened to Harry?
- He was called up ages ago

Alice is minding the garage for him

- Where is he?
- Italy

He's just been wounded

Alice!I didn't know that,I'm so sorry

Is it anything bad?

It's his legs I think,I don't
know anything more than that

You want me to make some inquiries?

If it wouldn't be too much trouble
But he'll write to me.

I expect

Stop. Stop the car

What's happened to the gate?

Darling,the government.Salvage you know

A sacrilege you mean

Shall I go on,Sir?

No... wait here a minute
I think I'll walk up to the house

I'll meet you there

Don't tire yourself,will you?

I just want to see what else the government
have taken from me while I've been away

Is that the lot,Venning?

Just about two boxes,Madam,
and another large package

Through that door to
the kitchen,through that one

Very good,Madam

Oh, Nanny... what a day.

- Where's Robin?
- He's over at the farm,I think

- Isn't the colonel?
- No,he left us at the gate

He wanted to walk up through the woods.

I tried to say not to

- Did you tell Robin?
- Yes

Hideously leaving it all
to you what could I do

I had to tell him once before,remember


Bless you

- The colonel's room is quite ready?
- Yes

You mustn't show you worry about him

He's very thin,tense,tired

The doctor says he is
suffered terribly from the action

We'll take care of him

Normally I think he needs
rest and quiet

He won't be worried from the village,
I'll see to that but those London papers

The telephone has been ringing
every minute since the news got out

Miss Meredith got here just before lunch

She's coping with that


Mr Llewellyn was here this morning

He said that if there were
anything you wanted him for

Anything special

He'd come over at once

But he wouldn't be coming otherwise

Thank you Nanny

- He didn't leave a note?
- No

It's the one for the kitchen,Madam?

Oh,yes Venning

Nanny,this is Venning,the colonel's
new servant,he joined us today

- Good afternoon
- Good afternoon

That can help a lot,I've got Mrs Ames
coming over every morning

And she promised to come for an hour
in the evening to help with the washing up

I don't suppose he will

I dare say I think Venning will help with
the washing up won't you,Venning?

Anything to oblige a lady,Madam

All right?Not too tired?

No,no,of course not

Where is the old cabinet gone?

We had it moved upstairs,we thought it
took up so much room

Alter the whole look of the place somehow

- That table has been shifted too.
- No...

Is it?

Saw so much smaller
when I remembered it

If you only knew how many
times I imagined this

That hasn't changed anyway

You used to do white
roses in that bowl

There will be again

Maybe the garden isn't what it used to be

So I noticed

You see Thompson has been called up,and
there is only old Ames to do everything now

I'll have the cabinet moved
down again tomorrow morning


Something with that table isn't right

We used to have it set up


You have overdone it

Would you like to have your dinner in bed?

A very festive suggestion I must say

The doctor said you
need both rest and forget

Been (?)to mean to be cooked
up in bed.Where is Venning?


Good afternoon,Sir,welcome home

The soldier's return,Nanny.
Rather a quiet one

But trumpets sort of all sounded
for him on the other side

Don't get up,Sir

- How are you Nanny?
- Quite right,thank you,Sir-Good

He hasn't changed
much,has he,Madam?

A little thinner perhaps,but
otherwise,just the same

Yes,just the same

A little more difficult one can't be
cooked up for years at my age

and get away with it entirely

-Half starved most of the time

Don't worry,no,I'm not going to
make a flesh creep with my lurid tales

I keep those for the
House of Commons

Colonel Wentworth enters the House

cheers resounded from end to
end of the historic chamber

Or didn't it?

-What about opening that case of(?)Nanny?

Poor Nanny,she'll never
forgiven me for growing up

She is very devoted

Fidelity is always touching

Come and sit down

I will directly I must give Nanny
a hand with that box first

What are you doing with my rod?

I didn't know you were back.
I never heard the car

Never mind about the rod,
let me have a look at you

I hope you're quite well

That's very considerate of you,
I might be worse

- And what of you?
- I'm all right I think

- At school?
- All right,I think.


I think you're feeling jolly tired
You are right to rest

I think I just go and see
what Mummy is doing

No,no,don't run away

And don't let anyone
mention the word rest to me

Tell me what you've been doing

Nothing much,just mucking about

How long have you been
with the long trousers?

Since my birthday. I am 13

No Grey hairs yet.

The w*r news is very good,isn't it?

We seem to be actually
rushing ahead everywhere

Are we?

What was the roses like this year?

There aren't any more,
there are cabbages now

There aren't any wrought iron gate either

Mummy gave them to salvage
She made a speech about it

She did what?

I forgot,I wasn't to speak about this

Why,was the speech such a rotten one?

No,it was jolly good

I can't understand it,she often
makes speeches?


No,I don't really know

- What the mystery?
- Nothing.

I expect you saw an awful lot of
chaps k*lled,where you've been,didn't you?

I saw a whole lot who
would been happier k*lled

Tell me about the speeches,
it's much more important.

I don't know anymore

I think... I just go and
see what Mummy is doing

Mummy got to see what Nanny is doing

I expect the thing about supper

It made all the extra
work,you see,with your coming home

I am sorry

Venning,did you come across
old brown velvet jacket?

- No Sir
- In the cupboard?

No Sir,there is nothing in the cupboard


Do you mind ask Nanny whether all my
clothes were given away,will you?



In fact they were

And Lazarus came forth from the tomb

Darling,I knew you'd understand.
when we thought

Excuse me,Madam

It would have been rather selfish and
sentimental to have kept them


All those people being bombed out

Of course,you're perfectly all right

Can I have a bath,or has
that been taken to salvage too?

Of course you can have a
bath,I'll run it for you myself


Come straight back

She's a peach

- Who ?
- Mrs Wentworth

- Yes,you could call her that,yes
- I'll say you could

She's a proper eye for it,no mistake

I bet the boys came buzzing around that

when they thought the governor
was not for good,eh?

If they did,she soon
sent them buzzing off again

He's still asleep

No,I'm not

You looked just as you were fast asleep

-I was thinking.
-He brought you up some breakfast

Nice light diet

When do we k*ll the fatted calf,Nanny?

I think we could manage with another egg
Venning will give you his

Oh,nonsense,I wouldn't hear of it

-Really how long have I've been asleep?
-About 14 or 15 hours

-How did I come to fall asleep like that?
-You were worn out,Sir

You fell asleep while
Madame was running your bath

That reminds me,where is Madam?

Round to the farm,Sir,
up right there she was

What on earth for?

Well,you see food is harder to come
by than it was before you went away

- She's gone to beg for a chicken
- Beg for a chicken?Can't we pay for one?

Nowadays,it isn't the matter whether
you could pay for a thing or not

It's a matter whether you're a friend
of the butchers or not

And if you aren't
Heaven help you

I tried to write to you a note, but
the right words wouldn't come

There was no need for a
note,I'd have understood

I know you would

There's no good putting it off

we got to talk about eventually and
decide what are we going to do

There's only thing you can do,
you must stay with him

I know you're right, but...

He's practically a stranger

He is your husband

- You might have been that by the day
- I don't need to reminded me

Darling,I didn't mean it like that

Look let's be logical about this

He is my husband

He is tired and ill

having such a tile(?) of a try of
adjust himself to his rambling

- We all have to do that
- Yes, but... he's so lost

He is like a child,who
had a long illness.

Suddenly started to get better

to find that the world's
grown up while he's been away

So you are going to mother him

That's right

What about you ?

I don't know, Richard,just don't know

Diana,you know I'll do anything you say

You know I love you


And him?

I am not sure...

For the moment,I just feel sorry for him

-That will be quite enough you'll find
-Then I know he needs me desperately

This is why

Oh darling

I wish I knew what was
the right thing to do

Grief, what have they done to this room

I beg you pardon?


I'm Judy Meredith

- How do you do,I am Michael Wentworth
- Yes,I realize that I've seen your picture

Did you alter the room like this?

No,it's always been like this

Indeed it hasn't

-Do you live here?
-No,I live in town

I only stay here when Mrs
Wentworth wants me to help her

Well,don't let me prevent you being helpful

Thank you

I'm only merely looking for a book

Can I help you?

Oh,no no,thank you

You go on helping my wife,I'll help myself

I beg you pardon,I'm
afraid I'm disturbing you

Not at all

-There are some letters for you here
-Ah, already?

There's yours

-And those?
-They are Mrs. Wentworth's

Really?She must be a very
regular correspondent

That's nothing really you see
the post she has in town

-In town?
-Yes,at the flat

What flat?

Don't you know about the flat?

No,should I?

Mrs Wentworth will wish to
tell you about it herself no doubt

No doubt

Tell me...

Tell me,are there any
wrought iron gates at the flat?

Wrought iron gate?

No,I don't think so

No,of course not,why?

Well,just wondering

Thank you for setting my mind at rest

"Mrs. D. Wentworth, MP"


-Is this true?
-Yes Michael

That's what Robin meant,
about you making speeches


Do you mind?

Well,I don't know yet

- How long has it been going along?
- Ever since you...

Since we thought you were dead

Ernest suggested it

They only did?

Is it so funny?

I'd better get used to it, but...

You of all people you do know
the least thing about it

I suppose I'm silly and inconceivable

I have worked very hard, and
I do know quite a lot about it now

- What was your majority?
- I was unopposed

- Why was that?
- I don't know,no one else stood up

Some serve I suppose,
widow's weep and all that

Yes perhaps

My husband gave his life for his country

For those of you who hold
his memory dear,I will say this:

Elect me in his place

I always wanted to know what it serves
like to be an MP

It wasn't at all like that

I'm sure it weren't,I am sorry

Come and talk to me and grab me

You see...

I woke up and you weren't there

I was frightened

You must be there.


Don't worry

You will always be there


You don't resent me being back?

Resent ?Michael,what a thing to say

Well,must a bit of a bore having
a husband that you believed dead

suddenly appearing from nowhere

Michael,why couldn't you let us know?

Well,it's a long story...

I'll tell you some day not now

All right

- Do you know what I'd like?
- No?

I would like everything to be
just as it was before the w*r

As if the w*r had
never happened

I'd like to watch a cricket
match on the village green

Walk back home for tea through the woods

The postman says things
will never be the same again

He is very mournful

Will you mind very much?


Give up everything up,and
being a wife again?

Do you really want me
to give everything up?

Yes I think so don't you ?

I don't know Michael

Why do you want me to give everything up?

Because I want you back again

But you got me,you still have me
whether I work or not!

That's mean I'll see you 5 minutes
as you trip from meeting to meeting

- It isn't as bad as that
- But it is

I don't want a wife

who forever making speeches and
being Madam chairman on committees

I want the wife I left behind

And I'm not the only one either,
there are thousands like me,millions

Fellows who in peace time
wanted nothing better than a

a pint of beer on the way home,
picture on Saturday night...

They're coming back soon,you know

They want to come back
to the life they knew

to the woman they loved,and not...

not something different

But darling things are different.
I've got a job now,an important job

The job happens to be mine.


You mean you want to it back again



You look so lovely

All right,don't worry

I don't want to be a nuisance

Darling,I'm so sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry about

You must give me time to
get used to you being here

Mind much of a stranger and all that?

No, of course.

Yes,I think you are.

It isn't easy to put the clock back for you

Don't you know that I not realize that?
It isn't easy for me either

Of course not, we are
both in the same boat.

Are we really in the same direction?

Michael,it isn't that
I do not love you.

- Isn't it?
- No!

But it's all the years between

The years between

They've got a lot to
answer for,haven't they?

I think I shall go up to
London this morning.

Up to the flat?

Yes,I've got a lot of work to clear out
and I want time and peace to think

Maybe gone about 3 or 4 days

I see

That will give you time
to settling down here

and give us both time to
think and adjust ourselves

Yes,by all means let us adjust at the role

Then maybe when you're rested,
you might come up to London and join me

Thank you

I think I shall stay here then
you can join me

Michael,won't you,please,
try to understand?

I might ask you that

All right

I'll give you a ring this afternoon

Thank you.



Hello Richard,my dear fellow,how are you?

Very well thank you

Good,when are you coming over to see us?

I'd like to

I'll tell you I'll give you
a ring some time,look

Michael, your son just
fallen in our stream

- Is he all right?
- Perfectly,soaked to the skin,of course

Do you think you can get Ames to bring
over a change of clothes for him?

Yes,of course.I'll bring
one over myself now

No... don't bother to do that

There's no bother,looking forward
to see you again,I'll be right over


-Hello there!
-Hello Michael

-Here are the clothes
-Thank you,Doris

I'm afraid young Robin
being a rather nuisance

No,not at all,he's perfectly all right

Doris, take this up to
Master Robin,will you,please

-Thank you

No it is,it wasn't very deep,no harm
done just got soaked to the skin that's all

He seems to mad about fishing

I'm afraid that's a kind of
my fault,I encouraged him


Diana told me...

She did?

Yes about,you helping her with
business matter,money and on accounting

and I'm very grateful

Oh,nothing at all,it
was the least I could do

After all, I've been safe and snug here
while you've been out there

You don't need to have an
inferiority complex about it

just because your game let kept you here

- You've done a great job
- Nothing compared what you've been through


Why didn't you let anyone know
you were in that prison camp?

I was there under a false name

If the Germans had found
who I really was...

Well,I don't suppose I should be here now


I had some information they
wanted rather badly

Surely Michael after 5 years!

I wasn't in a prison camp for
more than half that time

What? And what on earth were you doing?

Working underground


They sent me out to organize
the resistance movement

They wanted someone who knew
the country,languages

It was rather fun while it lasted

And the beauty of it was that the Jerry
never did discover who was the back of it

- Surely somebody must have known
- No,only intelligence

They worked the whole thing out
even arranging for my plane to crash

You see

I had to be well and truly disposed of
so nobody could connect anything with me

So, I... disappeared, in an
official puff of smoke

You mean it was all planned from
the start before you left here?

The intelligence arranged everything

You did it deliberately
knowing that Diana...

knowing that the world
would presume you dead?


Surely you could have told Diana

My orders were to tell no one

Not even your wife?

Not even my wife

Didn't you sometimes wonder what
people at home were thinking?

Yes,my worst nightmare
was dreaming that I'll come back

... to find Diana married
to someone else

What would you have done,
if she had?

Of course I wanted to k*ll myself

- Hello Robin!
- Hello dad

- Recovered ?
- Yes,sound and fit

Excuse me

It's almost q*eer without
uncle Richard at the house

He was always there before

- Before what?
- Before you came home

Your's hadn't been
such bad w*r has it,Robin?

We had several bombs.
One only half a mile away

There's an enormous crater there still

I wasn't thinking about the bombs

What were you going to do
for holiday if I hadn't come back?

I was going to stay with
Dawson for this week and next

while Mam and Uncle Richard
were up in Scotland

Scotland?Where were
they going in Scotland?

I don't know,some quiet place,Nanny says

I only know that they had to be back by the
29th,because of a meeting in London.

We were all three going up to the flat and
have a week there doing theater and things

before I went back to school

It seems... selfish of me
to have spoiled the plans

Goodbye Richard. And thanks for everything.
Are you coming Robin?

I understand perfectly

that there's no reason I shouldn't
go back next week if I want to

You see Michael,it isn't
as easy as all that

There's no precedence as I've
heard of,how are you to go into it?

There's nothing to go into,I'm the
elected member of Northaltsea

I went to the w*r at
the government's request

and I've come back safe and sound

I want my seat

Well,I've to talk to the speaker about it

You've been presumed dead,you know?

I'm not dead

I know,I know

But don't you think,look here

there will be a general election in
a few months anyway,why not take it easy

Diana is very popular,very efficient
let her carry on to the end

I don't want to take it
easy I want my job back,now

What are you going to
do when it's all over?

Ask me the old job I expect

-What was that?

- No,I mean before the w*r
- That's right,sergeant


- Where?
- The Palladium, Finsbury Park.

Hardly seems like a man's job to me


I like to see a woman who could do it

When you see a woman in the uniform,
covered with medals all over her...

and shouting "Standing in 1 and 9!
6 and 2! 6 and 3! "

You feeling there is a w*r too?



Why?Why not?

He's terribly shot about
you know,lost the leg

Poor Harry!

I'm so sorry

It was an awful shock to me first

I made up my mind it wasn't going
to make any difference

I said, I don't care how he comes back,
he's mine and I'm going to marry him

I thought I could run the garage

and he could look after the books
in the firm and all that sort of things

We manage between

Now he says no

- Does he say why?
- Yes

He says no one has got the
right to come back

and find things just the
same as they went away

He says the man I got
engaged to doesn't exist any more

And he's not going
to beholden to anyone

What does he want to do then?

They are training him to
telephone operator

He says he'll sell the
garage to me if I like

or if not he sell it anyway and give me
half the proceeds

- That's very generous.
- I don't want half the proceeds

I want Harry

- Have you told him that?
- Yes, but he's so blasted pigheaded

Can't see anyone else's point of view

I wonder if you'd speak to him

- Well,I'll try
- Oh, thanks a lot

You don't know how
important it is to me

You know... it must be
nice to be like you

To have your husband at
home and no troubles


Hello Nanny,anyone home?

The colonel is out and Robin,
Mr Llewellyn is waiting in the drawing room

Mr Llewellyn?

Yes,he rang up,I told him
you'll be home this evening

He's been waiting since 8 o'clock

Thank you Nanny



I had to come,we can't go on like this

I know,that's why I came back

Why did you go?

I wanted to get away from everybody
when I made up my mind what to do

-Have you?

It's Michael?

No,it's you if
you still want me

Oh darling

Saw Ernest,when I was in London,he told
me all about Michael and what he'd done

Do you remember that
day he went away?


He knew then that he
was to be reported k*lled

He said good bye to me

and I kissed him and said,
"Come back safe"

He knew then that a week later
I should get a telegram saying he was dead

And he never told me

-Perhaps he had orders not to

It doesn't matter anyway

I could forgive him that if
there weren't anything to do

What I can't forgive

is to keeping up the secrecy
after he'd been captured

He could easily had let me know that he
was alive 2 years ago

-I suppose you're sure of that?
-Of course that's what finally decided me

I couldn't to you before because
I was thinking of him

I thought, he's been through hell

He needs me more than Richard does

I didn't know then that he was perfectly
capable of taking care of himself

Now I do know,I am ready

I come to you whenever
you want me

Richard,haven't you anything to say?

Diana it's no good,I've
got to tell you

It wasn't like that at all

-What was ?
-What happened to Michael

He couldn't have told you
before he went away

because he had strict orders
not to tell anybody

Yes but after,after he was captured?

Had he let anyone known then,
had given away the whole show

All the work he'd been doing underground

might had cost the lives of dozen of
men he'd been working with

He wanted to tell you,all right but
he couldn't

-How do you know?
-Michael told me

He told me

that his worst nightmare was
imaging you marrying again

-He said that?

Richard,I'm so muddled

Darling have you told Michael about us?


Don't you think it'd be better?

Perhaps so,I don't know

I'd think you'd better
put your cards on the table

Tell him,we were going to be married

Tell him everything

I think that's the only way

Oh Richard

Excuse me

Please don't go on my account

They have to(?) best to go

No I,I think you should hear the news

It may be a historic moment

"In accordance with the arrangement between
the 3 great powers

an official announcement will
be broadcast by the Prime Minister

at 3 am tomorrow afternoon
Tuesday, May 8th.

so tomorrow will be treated
as the V day

and the whole day will
be regarded as a holiday

The day after,Wednesday, May 9,... "

Peace finds us ill prepared

Mark my word Charlie,this time will
never be the same again

"The day of victory"
"The peace"



I just had a letter from Ernest

He told me that you're claiming your seat

That's right

Why did you do that without telling me?

Should I tell you everything?

You tell me everything?

You mean about Richard...

I was just going to tell
you today he wanted me to

Please don't bother,
I'm not really interested

You should be


I'm not the first man who had his wife
stolen from him while he is away at the w*r

Quite a common thing they tell me

Michael... you know
it isn't like that at all

I agreed to marry Richard but
I thought you were dead

Had been dead for 3 years

If you'd come back just one week
later,he and I would have been man and wife

We neither of us have
anything to be ashamed of

Richard behaves wonderful,
he agreed to go away

and leave me to come back to you

I don't want anyone's charity

Is that really all
you have to say?

What else is it for me to say?

That I don't think you've
been fair to a man

who's gone through hell for his country

But I can't live without you?

I don't want to say anything you don't need

Well,then has only got this to say

I love you.

It's a pity you didn't think of that
the day you said goodbye to me

I thought of nothing else

But you didn't love me enough
to tell me about what you were planning

I had to choose between my
inclination and my duty

My orders was to tell nobody

Not even your prospective widow?

Do you think it was easy?

Do you think I didn't realize
the risks I was taking?

I knew perfectly well

that was I lucky enough to come back
I might find you married to someone else

I knew it was a gamble, but I
thought I could somehow could gamble

... on you.


I gambled and lost

Don't let so (?)

We must go our own ways

Very well,Michael

If that's what you want it

It is

I'll go up to the flat this afternoon,
Richard can join me there

About the seat

Damned seat

I've already applied for Chiltern Hundreds

I'll put up somewhere else
again in the general election

You must do what you think best

Oh Nanny... I'm leaving

I want you to pack all my things

I've just taken an overnight bag now
send for the rest of my things next week

Ask Venning to call me for a taxi will you?

Do you mean you're leaving the colonel?
Is that what you say?

Yes Nanny,that's what I'm saying

Is this true,Sir?

It looks like it,doesn't it?

But you can not do that!

You can't either of you be so silly

- Too late,it's done.
- What about Robin?

Robin will stay with his father

Who is going to tell him?

It's no use looking at me this time

Twice I have had to tell that boy that
his whole life been changed around him

and I'm not going to do
it a 3rd time not for anyone

His father will tell him

Don't you want to tell him yourself?

Not particularly

You say that I'm an
interfering old woman but

There's something else I want to say

I never told you
about this before because

it hurts too much

Did it ever occurred to you to
wonder why I never married?

I was going to be,to a
nice boy, but...

he was k*lled on the Somme
in the last w*r

I didn't know,Nanny,I'm sorry

You've no cause to be sorry

There are hundreds like me, in
this w*r as well as the last

Women whose men
won't come back to them

But there are thousands more like
you,women whose men will come back to them

Men they didn't even
expect to see again

Men they didn't very much
want to see again

-Nanny that's not fair
-I know it's nor one sided

There'll be thousands of men coming back
who won't make allowances

for what their wives have been
through while they've been away

Men who'll expect to find
nothing changed

Even though they've changed themselves

But that's not the point

It's this

Somebody has got to start
a little give and take

You heard what the Prime
Minister said the other day

on the wireless. He said :

Nations got to collaborate, and...

and have faith in one another,
if there is ever going to be peace

But if people like
you can't do it

how could you expect nations too?

Have you got so big that you can't be
the wife of your husband anymore?

And have you got so important that you
can't bear

to see your wife doing something just
as well as you did it?

You mean to say that you are
incapable of working together?

-Nanny that's enough
-Yes it is

Quite enough

I said my say, I
can't do any more

There's peace in the world again

It's starting today

But if you two are an example
of what's going to happen

then we might as well have
the w*r again right away

Because we've lost the peace

Lost it before it ever started

I won't have anything to
do with it,do you hear?

I don't want anything to do with it

This is London.

Prime Minister Right Hon
Winston Churchill.

Today is the day of victory,

and the w*r ends tonight.

There is peace in the world again,
starting today

But if you two are an
example of what's going to happen

and we might as well has
the w*r again right away

Because we lost the peace

Lost it before it ever started

Judy, give me some pen and paper...


Give this to Richard when he comes

They look very happy,don't they?


The trouble is that they don't
know what's ahead of them

But everything is going
to be all right now,isn't it?

You really think so,don't you?

Yes I do

Don't you?

I wonder

You're ruining your eyes,if you don't
stop reading and come to bed

Colonel Wentworth

The right honorable member...
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