Flight 93 (2006)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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Flight 93 (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, you must be leroy homer.
Captain dahl.

Nice to meet you.
Should we get started?

Morning, ladies.

Morning, captain.

What do you say
I take the flight up,

You bring her back home?

That's great.
Fine with me.

Let's check the summary.

I didn't beep?


Miss lauren grandcolas,
please report to gate number 26.

Miss lauren grandcolas,
please report to gate number 26.

One at a time.

Do you have
an extra one of those?

without a wheelchair,

To gate number 26, please.

Skycap, without a wheelchair,
to gate 26, please.

Hey, I just wanted
to let you know

That I'm on the 8:00
instead of the 9:20.

I changed flights,

So I'll be getting in
around 11:15 or so.

See you then, hon.
Everything's fine.

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to united's flight 93
bound for san francisco.

We are now boarding
first class passengers,

People with small children,

And those otherwise
needing assistance.

It's a light flight today,
so once first class is seated,

We'll dispense with
boarding by section.

Please have
your boarding cards ready.


Good morning.

Have a nice flight.

Thanks a lot.

Have a nice flight.

Have a nice flight.

Have a nice flight.

Flight instructions?



Checked and set
for san francisco.

Radio and radar?

On standby.

Left and right engine
hydraulic pump switches?


Left and right electric
hydraulic pump switches?

We're now
boarding all rows

Of united's flight 93
to san francisco.


Excuse me!
Excuse me!

Can I go ahead of you, please?
I'm sorry.

My plane leaves
in 10 minutes.

I'm sorry.
I owe you all. Sorry.

Oh, man!

Thank you.

United's flight 93
is now closed.

All passengers should be
on board at this time.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Hold up! Hold up! Hold up!

Just in time.

I made it.

Yes, you did.

Thank you.

Engine start switches?

Check and check.

Flaps and rudder?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Here you go.
Have a great flight.

Thank you.

Be careful with that.

Oh, excuse me.
Can I grab one of those?





Transponder on.

Fire warning panel?


Left and right electric hydraulic pump switches?

The cabin is secure.

Lock her up.

Ground, flight deck?

Go ahead.

Brakes off.

We're clear
for pushback.

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

I'm deborah welsh.
On behalf of captain dahl

And the entire crew,
I'd like to welcome...

Left engine normal.

Start right engine.

Right is normal.

Thank you
for your cooperation.

Have a great flight.

I'm glad
it's light today.

I was gonna
call in sick.

I took someone
else's shift.

My husband almost
divorced me over it.


He begged me to stay home and
got mad at me when I didn't.

I'd have stayed home
if mine had begged me.

What was your excuse?

Well, I want to be home
for my son's first birthday.


Ladies and gentlemen,
this is the captain speaking.

We're gonna be another
15 minutes or so.

That's the way it
looks right now, folks,

But we have
a pretty good tail wind,

So we should be
able to make up

Some of the time
in the air.

Thank you.

Glad I rushed.

Can I help you?


Press right there.

Matt, it's mark.
Thanks for driving.

I made the plane.
I'm sitting in first class,

Drinking a glass
of orange juice.

Plane's gonna be 45 minutes late,
can you believe that?

I, uh... I'll call you
when I get in. Bye.

Stay at 2-1,000.

Proceed direct.
Expect radar right there.

Ils-4, right.

Steady and turn left.
Level at 3-0-0.


Stand by, roger.

Remain and hold...

Level 3-3-0.

Northwest 1-1-4,
sector 3.

We have the plane.
Nobody move.

Everything will be ok.
If you try to make any moves,

You'll endanger yourself
and the airplane.

Just stay quiet.

American flight 11,

American flight 11, boston,
come in, please.

Is that your call?

What do we got?

We may have a hijacking.

We got a threatening

Probably intended
for the cabin.

Is anyone else on frequency?

American 1-1, boston center,
come in, please.

American 1-1, boston center,
come in, please.

Yeah. Ok, I'll get
back to you on that.

American, boston.

Please listen
very carefully.

This is amy sweeney
on flight 11.

We've been h*jacked.

Two attendants
have been stabbed.

We're off course...


Amy? Amy? Hello?


Hello, amy?

She's 9 years old.

United 93, runway 22 right,
clear for takeoff.

United 93, runway 22 right,
ready for takeoff.

Do we know where
it's headed?

Any word from the cockpit?


Yes. I have
to speak very fast.

Do you have any idea
where you're headed?


People in coach think
it's a routine emergency.

We've asked for a doctor,
but none's on board.

They still think
it's a heart attack.

Can you tell us anything more about the hijackers?

Yes. They have
knives and mace.

They say they have a b*mb.

They were in seats
3d, 5d, 1a, 3a.

We're losing altitude
pretty rapidly.

How are the people
who were stabbed?

One flight attendant's ok.
I'm not sure.

The other may not make it.
We have her on oxygen.

Oh, my god!
Something's wrong here!

What's happening?

Amy, are you still there?

We're in rapid descent.
We're all over the place.

Can you look out the window
and tell us where you are?

Do you recognize anything?

Amy, do you know you're headed toward kennedy?

I see water, buildings.

We're flying low.

We're flying
very, very low.

We're flying way too low.

Oh, my god!

Can you hear me?
Amy? Amy?

Can you hear me, amy?

I think I lost her.


No, we've lost her.

Some fruit for you, sir?

Oh, yes.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

We have news
of a tragic event.

Apparently, an airplane hit
the world trade center

At the tip of manhattan.

There it is.

And you're looking
at a live picture.

The plane hit
one of the towers

Near the top
of the building.

Here's another perspective.
Now it looks like...

...debris all over,
smoke is billowing

From the top 10 or so
floors of the tower.

I would assume that
it's being evacuated.

In here!

Now we're trying
to find out

What type of aircraft

...their offices.

The fire department is
responding to this event,

Which happened around
8:45 this morning,

And we have so far not
been able to obtain word

On how many casualties
we may expect.

The plane could have been en route to newark or kennedy.

And for some reason,
it strayed off path.

Plane's circle this area

As they wait in rotation
to land at newark.

Although, how an aircraft could
hit one of those massive towers

On such a clear day,
it's very hard to comprehend.

Hi, this is
melody homer.

I just wanted
to send a message

To my husband,
leroy homer, via arcs.

He's first officer
on flight 93.

Uh, 93, ok.
Uh, things are pretty hectic.

That flight is proceeding
normally, though.

I can take
your transmission now.

Hi, hon.

I just wanted to make sure you were ok.


New york terminal.

Terminal, can you
help us track a plane

That's strayed off path?
We've lost transponder.

Ok, yeah, I got a target
that keeps coasting.

Ok, got 'em again.

He's over staten island.

Do you know who he is?

No, he's tracking
towards manhattan.

He's moving fast.

Looks like you got
another one coming in.

The plane hit the north tower of the world trade...

There's another one!

We just saw another one.

Yes, we just saw another plane
apparently go into...

...hitting the south tower.

This is incredible.

A huge fireball
from this expl*si*n.

That would be the second...

2 Planes.

This raises, um...

This has to be
deliberate, folks.

Here you are.

Would you like
coffee or tea?


Would you like
some coffee or tea?

Some coffee would
be great, thank you.


Can I get you
anything else, sir?

No, thank you.

Some tea?

The second plane
hit at 9:03...

Can I have
some more juice?

The people were
already at their desks.

What's the word
you're looking for, madison?


...the fires spreading
to other floors.

You know, fighting a fire...

I'm hungry.

Oh, all right.

Let's get you
something to eat.

...it's difficult
to contain the fire.

This is a huge tragedy,
almost incomprehensible.

Undoubtedly, this is
t*rror1st related,

But we can only guess as
to who is behind this.

Is that a fire, mommy?

Yes, it is.
Drink your juice

And don't watch
the tv, girls.

Is it a movie?


It's possible
they were in control.


They most likely would have
taken over the plane

Once it was in the air.

It's a sunny, clear day,
so visibility would not be a problem.

I need some paper.

Girls, watch
your little sister.

I'll be back
in a minute.

There's a message
from your wife.

In a minute. We're coming
on cleveland center.

my anniversary.

No kidding.
How many years?


I'm gonna surprise her,
take her to london.

You'd better
check this out.

"Beware cockpit intrusion.

Two aircraft hit
world trade center."


Better verify that.

Did you get it out?

2 Sectors are covered.

I'm working on the others.

Any acknowledgments?

They're coming in now.

You're welcome.

All right.

Are you all done
there, sir?

I'm ok.

Can I get
something for you?


Just shut up.

Shh! Shh! Shh!

Be still. Be quiet.
Sit down.

Shh. Shh. Shh.
Don't move.

Shh. Shh.

Stay calm.

Be still.

Stay calm.

We have bombs and g*ns.

Sit down.

Come on, guys.
What's going on here?

Hold on, hold on.
Sit down!

Tell us what you want,
tell us what you want,

And we'll figure
something out.

Listen, it's ok...


Sit down!
Sit down!

Sit! Uhh!

Be still.


Remain seated, please.

Be still!

Don't move.

Don't move.




Take us
in the cockpit.

Take us
in the cockpit.

Do it!

I saw you knock.


Make them.

I can't do that.

Open the door.

No! Ohh!

Mayday! Mayday!
Get out of here!

[Speaking arabic

Don't! Ohh!

Mayday! Mayday!

Get off!

What is this guy

I didn't clear him
for descent.

Mayday! Mayday!

Somebody call cleveland.

United 93,
verify 3-5-0.

United 93,
verify your flight level is 3-5-0.

Quiet! Quiet!

You ok?

What the hell
was that?

Just a little turbulence.

What kind
of turbulence?

What's goin' on here?

Gentlemen, I need you
to please sit down.

Everybody fasten
your seat belts.

Thank you very much.

No, you...
Ok, ok, ok.

Reporter, on television:
both towers are in flame.

The south tower was struck
just after 9:00,

And the plane entered
several stories lower

Than the one that hit
the north tower.

Good job.
If anything, there'll be...


Oh, tom. Are you ok?

No, I'm not. I'm on a plane
that's been h*jacked.


They just knifed a guy.

A passenger?

I'll be right back.

You'll be all right, sir.

Stay calm. Stay calm.

Just a little turbulence.

Where are you?
Are you in the air?

Yes. Just listen.

Oh, my god! Aah!

Ohh! Ohh!
Shut up!

No, no.
No, no, no, please. Quiet!

Listen, our airplane
has been h*jacked.

It's united flight 93 from newark into san francisco.
We're in the air.

The hijackers are saying
there's a b*mb on board.

They've already a knifed a guy.
Please call the authorities.

Tom? Tom?

Reporter, on television:
what comes to mind to me is pearl harbor.

The catastrophes here,
sadly, could be greater.

We... We certainly hope...

Uh, and in new york...

Definitely gonna be
a challenge.

United 93, verify your
flight level as 3-5-0.

United 93, verify your
flight level as 3-5-0.

Reporter, on television: you know,
one thing that I would assume

That is being
closely watched

Is the possibility that other planes have been h*jacked.

What is your emergency?

This is deena burnett
in san ramon.

My husband just called
from united flight 93

To say that his plane
has been h*jacked.

I'm sorry, where
did you say he was?

He's on united flight 93.
He called me from his cell phone a minute ago.

He said that his plane
had been h*jacked.

Uh, uh, a passenger
has been k*lled,

And there's weapons
on board.

Hold on, please.
I'm going to transfer you.

N-no, wait!

This is sergeant ross of
the contra costa police.

You said
a plane's been h*jacked?

My husband called me from united flight 93.

He said
that he... He...

You said your husband
called from the plane?

Who am I talking to?
Deena burnett.

Mommy, come play.

Anna clare!
He... He said someone had been knifed.

Hold on a second, ma'am.
I'm gonna transfer you.

Wait, no, i...

This is agent franks
of the fbi.

What is your
husband's name, ma'am?

Tom burnett.
What is his occupation?

C.o.o. Look...

He told me his flight has been h*jacked.
Someone on...

I'm sorry. We're pretty
busy right now, ma'am.

Anna clare!
You're telling me your husband

Was on one of the planes that
hit the world trade center?

No, I'm not. This flight
is still in the air.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
Can you clarify?

No, please, just...
Listen to me, please.

My husband, his plane
did not go into the towers.

He's on united flight 93,
and it's still in the air.

This is a completely
different flight.

We've notified norad.

United 93, cleveland.

United 93?

United 93, if you hear
the center, iden.

Pilot, on radio: american 1060.
Ditto also on the other transmissions.

American 1060, you heard
that shouting also?

We heard it twice.

Executive 956.
Go ahead, executive 956.

Just answering your call.
We could hear that, uh, yelling, too.

Ok, thank you.
We're just trying to figure out what's going on.

Ohh! No!

go to the back!

Get up, get up! Go!

Get up right now!

I said get up!

Please, please...

I'm going, I'm going!

Ok! Ok!

Move! Move!

Come on, go, go! Come on!

Move, move!
All right, all right!

Move to the back
of the plane!

Shut up! Shut up! Go on!
Go on to the back! Sit down!

Sit down. Shut up
and sit down!

We have a b*mb.

Shut up!

We're calling 93
a hijacking now.

Let's isolate it
on screen one.

How many people on board?
Pretty empty. 44.

It took off at 8:42.
It's traveling west at about 400 knots.

Are we in contact?
No, not since 9:27.

Keep trying to raise 'em.
I'm on it.

Ohh! Aah!

Shut up!
Watch it.

Move to the back!
Shut up!

Shh! Keep her quiet!

Reporter, on television:
debris has covered lots of...

I wanna talk.

- They're in the cockpit.

The guy they knifed is dead.

He's dead?

Who's dead?

I tried to help him,
but i... I couldn't get a pulse.

Tom, they're hijacking planes all up and down the east coast.

They're taking them and hitting a designated target.

They've already hit both towers at the world trade center.

Oh, my god.

It's a su1c1de mission.


They're flying planes into buildings up and down the coast.

It's a su1c1de mission.

Who are you
talking to?

They're flying planes into buildings all over the place.

Do you know
who's involved?

They don't know if it's
commercial airliners.

They're speculating
cargo planes,

Private planes,
and commercial. No one knows.

How many planes
are there?

They're not sure.
At least 3, maybe more.


Do you know
who's involved?


We're heading back to new york,
back to the world trade center.

No. No, wait.

Wait, no. We're turning
back the other way.

We're going south.

What do you see?

I don't see anything.

We're over a... A rural area.
It's just fields.

Hey, tom...

Hey! Hey!

Gotta go.

No, tom...

Is that daddy, mommy?


This is the captain.
We have a b*mb on board.

Sit down.
Keep remaining seated.

United 93 calling.

United 93, you're unreadable.
Say again slowly?

Pilot, on radio: executive 956.
Sounded like he said there was a b*mb on board.

Uh, say again.
You there, 93?

Sounded like someone said
they have a b*mb on board.

That's what we thought.
We just didn't get it clear.

Executive 956,
aircraft transmitting at 12 o'clock, 1-5 miles.

Turn left heading 2-2-5.
I'll get you away from him.

Looks like he's climbing.
Ok, I wanna keep everybody away from him.

Ok. I think
we got him in sight.

1989, I have traffic
for you at 110'clock.

15 Miles southbound,
41 climbing.

Looks like he's turned east,
wide and 3-6 zero.

This is the captain.
We have a b*mb on board.

We are going back to the airport.
They have met our demands.

United 93.
Calling united 93.

United 93. Calling...

This is the captain.
We have a b*mb on board.

We are going back to the airport.
They have met our demands.

Back to the airport?
No way.

No way.

Go wait
by the curtain.

Go on.

The biggest fear is that
there are more att*cks...

Yes? Joanne, it's me.
It's jeremy.

Put liz on the phone.

Yes, yes. Hang on.
Liz? Liz!

Mom? What?

It's jeremy.
Come on, sweetie.

Jeremy, it's me.
Are you ok?

Liz, there are some
very bad men on board.

The plane's
been h*jacked.

There's 3 of them.
Middle eastern-looking, maybe iranian.

They're threatening
to blow up the plane.

Ohh... Ok, um...

Did they hurt you?

No. They sent everybody
to the back of the plane.

One of them's got a b*mb
strapped to his waist.

I can't believe this
is really happening to me.

You... You'll be ok.

You'll be...
You'll be ok.

I can't believe this...
I can't believe this is really happening here.

They say they're gonna
blow up the plane.

Oh, my god.

They... They've got a b*mb,
and jeremy, he's on the... Plane.

Liz... Liz, I love you.

I love you so much...

And emerson...
No. No. No, listen.

Listen. Jeremy? It's ok,

And I'll be strong.
I'll be strong for you.

And you'll be ok.
You have to believe that.

You'll be ok.

Honest to god, liz,
I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here.

Don't be silly. That...
That's not gonna happen.

It's not gonna happen,
jeremy. I won't let it.

I want you to know that
whatever you decide to do...

Don't talk like that.

I love you!

We're gonna stay together.

We'll... We'll work
this thing out.

I need you to hold on.

I need you to hold on
for one second.



Woman, on phone: hello?

Kathy, it's mark.
Put mom on the phone.

Alice. It's mark.

Hi, mark.

Mother, it's mark bingham.

I'm on a flight from newark
to san francisco.

3 Guys on board,
they say they have a b*mb.

A b*mb? Mark. Mark,
who are these guys?

The question is, can anybody fly a plane?
That's paramount.

I can fly
a single-engine.

Alice, on phone:
mark, are you there?

This isn't

Can anybody on the ground talk you down?

I... I don't know.
I think so.

the alternative?

It's all we've got.

Alice, on phone:

Mark, who are these guys?

You believe me,
don't you, mother?

I believe you.
Who are these guys?



Are you there?




We have to resign ourselves to the fact that this...
It's goin' off.

Ok? It's going off.

Yes. If you could come over right away,
it would be such a help.

If you could
take them to school?

Thank you so much.

...has struck the pentagon,
and here is live footage from the scene.

Jerry, eyewitnesses on highway 110
saw a plane fly into the structure.

It struck the southwest
side, where there...

Oh, my god.

Oh, my... Oh, my god,
oh, my god.


Are you ok?
Uh, no, I'm not.

They just hit the pentagon.
I thought it was your plane.

What, what?

They just hit the pentagon.

They just hit the pentagon.

They think that
5 planes have been h*jacked,

And they believe that all of them are commercial planes.

I haven't heard them say anything about which airline,

But, uh,
all of them originated on the east coast.

Do you know
who's involved?


What's the probability of them
having a b*mb on board?

I don't think they do. I mean,
I think they're just using that for crowd control.

Ok, a plane can survive a b*mb, tom,
if it's in the right place.

Did you call
the authorities?

Yes. They're here.

They didn't seem to know
anything about your plane.

Listen, we're gonna
do something.

We're, uh, putting
a plan together.

Who's helping you?

Just some people,
good people.

Don't worry.
I'll call you back.

keep your seat belts on.

Are you ok?
Is everybody ok?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Fellas, calm down.

Oh, my god.

What about
that cart?

I've got a schematic
of the plane.

How wide
is this corridor?

Uh, 18 inches.

What about first class?
24 Inches. It's 2 feet.

We'll move single file.
We'll spread out when we get to the galley.

I got the cart.

Reporter, on television:
here is an aerial view of the pentagon.

You can see the southwest side
of the building engulfed in smoke.

This is the third airplane
to have hit a building.

They are all believed to
have been commercial jets

That were taken over
by hijackers...

What should we do,

Should we call
the police?

The police can't fly,

They hit the world trade center with h*jacked planes,

And they just got
the pentagon.

Listen to me, alice.

You've got to call mark
on his cell phone,

All right, and tell him
this is a su1c1de mission.

Tell him they have to do
whatever they can

To try and get control
of the plane back.

We can call
the police afterwards.

Tell mark that they have to
get that plane back.

Tell him this
is a su1c1de mission.

The circuits are busy.

Try again.

Ok, yeah.

He's too scared.

Look, my wife
was a flight attendant.

She said a plane can survive a b*mb
that goes off in the right place.

This is lisa jefferson,
shift supervisor.

I understand your plane's
been h*jacked?

Yes. I'm todd beamer.
I'm on united flight 93.

We're, uh...
We're over ohio, maybe.


The hijackers have knives,

And they're in the cockpit
flying the plane, I guess.

How many passengers
are aboard this flight?

Maybe 40. 2 Are lying
in the corridor...

The captain
and the first officer.

I don't know if...

Are you still there?

Yes, I'm here.


If at any time you think
your life is threatened,

Lay down the phone,
but don't hang up.

Leave the line open.

No, I'm ok. I can talk.

Do you know what they want?
Money or ransom or what?

No. No, I don't.

We're goin' down!
We're goin'...

We're coming back up.

Todd, breathing heavily:
we're coming back up.

Oh, jesus, please help us.

just stay calm.

I thought
we were going down.

Are you there?

Yes, I'm here.
I'll be here as long as you need me.

Wh... Uh, hold on
a second, ok?

I'll be back.

Honey, are you there?


Pick up, sweetie.

Oh, well.

I just wanted to tell you
that I love you.

We're having a little
problem on the plane.

I'm totally fine.

I love you more
than anything. Aah!

I'm comfortable,
and I'm ok for now.


Just a little problem.

I love you.

Please tell my family
that I love them, too.

Bye, honey.

It's your turn.

I know your mother will wanna
talk to you, elizabeth.

What's her number?
I'll dial it.

Reporter, on television:
and then at 9:27, a third plane...

All right.
What's the latest?

Looks like there's a fourth plane on its way here, too.

United plane,
flight 93.

They're estimating it's 25 minutes from downtown.

Has norad been notified?
We don't know yet.

I called f.a.a., Herndon.
They say they're working on it.

Working on it?

Where's the vice president?

They're bringing him over from blair house now.


F.a.a. Just gave an order
to ground all planes.

How many are still up?

Total 4,500, but we've
been bringing ours in.

What's the present
air speed on 93?

It's over 450 knots.

At what, 12,000 feet?
The aircraft could break up at that speed.

It's possible.

This really
is unprecedented.

I guess you could go
back to pearl harbor,

But we really
don't know if it's over.

This is an entirely
different kind of enemy.



It's me, elizabeth.

Hello, darling.

Uh, are you ok?

Mom, we've been h*jacked,
and I'm calling to say good-bye.

Wh-why would you
wanna do that?


Do you know
what's going on?

Reporter, on television:
evacuating the pentagon is of course far less problematic...


Elizabeth, um...

I have my arms around you,

And I am holding you,

And I love you.

I feel your arms
around me, and...

I love you, too.

But, mom...

We're being h*jacked,
and I'm not gonna come home.

Elizabeth, darling,
I want you to listen to me.

We don't know how things
are gonna turn out, so...

Let's... Let's just...
Be here

In the present. Let's...

Look out the window

At the beautiful blue sky,

And let's just...


And let's take
a few deep breaths.


We're gonna vote soon.

I don't know what to do.

We'll figure it out

Is it true
about the trade center?

Yes. You know
I wouldn't lie to you.

Liz, are the hijackers
blowing up planes?


Are you sure?

They said they've got
a b*mb on our plane.

Uh... I haven't
heard that.

Are they gonna
blow up this plane?

I mean, they said
they would.

I don't think so,

Are they gonna crash us into the world trade center?


No, the... The...
The towers...

No, they won't do that.

Why not?

They've done that.

Will someone please tell us what's happening?
We need to know!

How do you know
this is gonna work?

There's a guy
with a b*mb up there.

They flew 2 planes into the trade center,
one into the pentagon.

It's the same thing
here, ok?

Yeah, but people...
There's no other choice.

What should we do?

Should we
retake the plane?

How many of them are there?

3, 4.

Jesus. I love you.

I love you.

Aw, jesus, i...

I want to hold you
so much.

I love you, too, jeremy.

Um, you're...

Do they have g*ns?

No. Knives.

And there's
3 passengers on board

About as big as me.
I think maybe...

There are no g*ns?

No. They would have
shown them to us.

Then I think
you should do it.


...we can, now
before it's too late.

I'll use my plastic
butter knife.

Todd? Todd?

You all right?
You're ok?

You ok? You ok?

Stay there.

Don't get off, liz.

Jeremy, what are you doing?
What's that noise?

Stay there.




Oh, god.

Man, on speakerphone:
personnel is still being evacuated from the pentagon.

Mm-hmm. Ok.
Yeah. Got it.

Keep me posted.

No one at langley knows where that flight is.

And andrews,
are they scrambled, too?

We haven't reached them,
but they asked for a heads up on that.

Who? Andrews?

They asked the f.a.a.
If any orders had been given

To intercept flight 93
as of 0936 hours.

Who were they talking to?

Herndon command center.

It's being routed
through there, sir.

Ok. Get through
to norad.

Let's see if we
can get a read on this

Before it gets here.

We now have a report
that united airlines

Is worried about 2 flights
still in the air...

United 1166 out of logan
and united 93 out of newark.

Oh, no.

We do not have
any information...

Oh, no.

...other than that they both
took off before 9 a.m....


...standard time,
and have not responded to the emergency order

To land their
respective aircrafts.

93 Was en route
to san francisco...

It's a voice mail.

Mark, this is your mother.

Well, apparently,
it's t*rrorists,

And they're hellbent
on crashing the aircraft,

So if you can, try to...

Take over the aircraft.

There doesn't seem to be
much of a plan to

Landing the aircraft

So group some people

And perhaps...

Do your best
to take control...

Of it.

I... I... I love you,

Good luck.


United 93.

United 93,
do you hear cleveland?

United 93 calling?

United 93.
United 93, cleveland.

American 1060
and executive 956,

We just lost the target
on that aircraft.

Man, via radio: executive 956,
we had a visual on it.

Stand by.
You have a visual on it now?

We lost
the transponder.

Man, via radio: we did,
but we lost it on the turn.

You can make a turn
back to 220 heading.

Let me know
if you see him.

Man, via radio:
he's still there.

We got him. 956.

Let's see
a show of hands.




Get the hot water.

And you are looking
at a live feed

From helicopters
circling the trade center.

You can see the extent
of the damage...

The south tower was
struck at least...


Anything new?


How are the kids?

They're fine.
They're outside playing,

And they want
to talk to you.

Tell them I'll talk
to them later, ok?

I called
your parents...

And I told them that your plane had been h*jacked.

Oh... You shouldn't
have worried them.

How are they doing?

They're ok.

Your sisters
are with them.

We're waiting till
we're over a rural area...

Then we're gonna
take back the airplane.

What? No, no, no!

Just sit down,
be still, be quiet.

Don't draw attention
to yourself.


They're gonna take us
into the ground.

We've gotta
do something.

It's up to us to do it.
No one else can.

What do you
want me to do?

Pray, deena.

Just pray.

I love you.

Don't worry.

We're... We're gonna
do something.



I'll call you back.

Where's more soda?

I need more cans,

Go! Go back! Go!
Go, go, go, go!

Let's go.

Heads up.
Coming through.

Let's roll.
Keep it coming.

We're gonna
do this. Let's go.

All right, everyone.


I'm here,

It makes me
so sad to think that...

This is gonna be so much harder for you than it is for me.

I'm just...

I'm just sitting here,
being quiet.

I'm not even...

I'm not even talking.

We don't have to talk.

We're together.

We have an update.
The planes from selfridge are 23 minutes

From contact with flight 93.

That's outside
93's eta, isn't it?

No one knows for certain.
The estimation is that 93 is 19 minutes to the capitol.

Well, then,
the fighters are gonna have to engage it inside d.c. Airspace.

Ok, contact iads.
See if they can execute the order in time.

Have you been in touch
with langley?

The jets are
circling overhead,

But they don't have
their orders to engage 93 yet,

Just for general protection.

Well, somebody better
issue them.

Please tell my children that I love them very much.

I'm sorry. I just...
I don't know what to say.

I'm trying to stay calm.

Uh... I hope...

I hope I get to see
your faces again.

I love you.

I already called mine.


Lisa, are you there?

Yes, I'm here.

Lisa, you call
my wife and kids...

And you tell them
just in case.

I'll tell them
what you told me.

What do you think, lisa?
Should we do it?

I stand behind you,

Lisa, do me a favor.

Of course.

Say the lord's prayer
with me.

Right now, todd?



Our father,

Who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day
our daily bread.

Forgive us
of our trespasses,

As we forgive those
who trespass against us.

And lead us
not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power,

And the glory,

For ever and ever.



You ready?


Let's roll.

Todd, are you still there?

All right, you guys ready?

I gotta move
the cart.


I gotta go, mom.

Everyone's getting ready
to go to the cockpit.

I love you.


Elizabeth, no!

United 93,
calling united 93.

Are you there, 93?

United 93...

This is herndon,
f.a.a. Do you have a position on flight 93?

One minute, please.

Presently around 10 miles west of johnstown,

Doing around 400 knots.

Thank you.
What's your vhf?

121.8 megahertz.

Do you have any information on the intercept of that plane?

Negative at the moment.
Thank you.

What did he say?


Man, via radio: dixie,
this is siegfried, do you copy?

Second man,
- dixie.

We expect a read on
objective momentarily.

Maintaining course south/southeast at 1-2-1.

Copy that, dixie.
This is mascot here.

What's your
readiness status?

Beg your pardon, sir?

In case
you have to engage.

Could you
repeat that, sir?

Yes. What's your
readiness status

In case you have to
sh**t 'em down?

We have 20 millimeters.

Didn't have time to take on sidewinders before we scrambled.

We may be able
to cr*pple it.

I guess if it comes to that,
we can always ram it.

Roger that.
Stand by.

132 Is on the ground.


Nothing yet.

I'll try a hard copy.


Give me a kiss.

Oh. Let's zip this up.




We are looking

At a live picture of
the world trade center

Literally starting
to crumble.

It is collapsing.

Just unbelievable.

Falling apart,
my god.

The world trade center,
over 100 stories,

before our eyes.

And that would be the south tower, correct?

Yes, yes.
The south tower.

And you know that there has to still be people in there,

Fireman and
police as well.

The reason
for the collapse...

Oh, that's great.

That's a good idea.

That's a great idea.
Use that.

Listen, uh, yeah.
That's good.

Nice to meet you.


I'm tom.

My god,
we're getting low.

should carry these.

I got one.
I got one.

This cart's really
gonna be moving.

All right.
Oh, my god.

Ok, you ready?


Ready? Go!

Todd? Todd?

Chester 1181, cleveland.
Look out your window at 10 o'clock.

Do you see a united 757
in the vicinity?

Aye, I see him.

It's about 6 miles

Moving pretty fast.

We don't have control
of that aircraft.

It's rocking
back and forth.

Take evasive action.
Get out of there, please.

Colonel, we got a visual spotted from a private plane.

93 Is 10 to 12 minutes
away, sir.

Go, go, go!



Take it down!
Take it down!

No! Not now!


Go! Go, go, go!

Oh, god! Oh!

Put it down!
Put it down!

No, no!

United 93.

United 93, if you hear
the center, iden.

United 93, united 93.
- I got it.

United 93.

United 93, cleveland.
Do you still hear the center?

United 93, do you
still hear the center?

United 93, do you
still hear cleveland?

United 93.
United 93, cleveland?

Dixie, flight's down.

Down as in landed?

Negative. Down
as in some field.

Roger that.

have been landing

At various airports in the united states and canada,

But at the time
the order was issued,

There were over 4,500 en route
to their scheduled destinations,

And there are flights that the airlines are worried about,

One of which could be heading toward washington, d.c.

Well, we will keep you
updated on the situation

As more information
is available.

In the meantime...

Is the plane in there?

We don't know yet.

What do you mean?

We're still
looking for it.

At first we thought
it was in the hole,

But there's nothing
in there.

It must have landed
in the woods,

But we haven't
located it yet.

We're talking
about a 757,

A huge airplane.

Yeah, we know.

You can help us look
for it if you like.

...manhattan, and there's
the horrifying possibility

That the north tower
will fall as well.

Excuse me. We're just
getting this word in

That a fourth plane
has crashed.

It is believed to be
united flight 93

That was en route
to san francisco.

It was flying southeast on a path
heading toward washington, d.c.

We don't have any information as to the cause of the crash,

But we will
keep you informed...

And this will be
the fourth plane

Taken over by t*rrorists.

We don't have any information as to the cause of the crash,

But we'll keep you informed.
Again, this...

release the call.

Release the call,

Here's where we stand
at this hour.

4 Planes crashed...


...and washington, d.c.
As of yet...

...that this will take
a massive effort

That will tax the resources
of our greatest city,

But as you know,
new yorkers have been known to pull together

In times like this.

This city will rebuild,
and no doubt

New towers will be

And I would assume
there will be a response,

A military response.

You can see people
covered in dust and debris

Leaving the area.

The scale
of the buildings...

Smoke inhalation
has been widespread,

As several square blocks...

The plane must have
impacted at such a speed

That it resulted in
an expl*si*n so intense...

The entire area,
of course,

Is being searched
for evidence

As well as for
the voice recorder.

...over there.
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