EXmas (2023)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Christmas & New Years movies collection.
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EXmas (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


Christmas is sooner

So much sooner

Than you think

Yeah, baby

It will be here in a blink

Well, Christmas is sooner

than you think

Decorate your house with lights

There's Christmas cards to write

Buy yourself a Christmas tree

And a mistletoe for you and me

- Cheers!

- Cheers!

Happy holidays!


so, for Christmas... here?

Do you guys wanna come--?

No, I thought we were going to be here.

We're going to his parents' house.

We've gotta just do it.

It'll be all right, I know.

It's gonna be the worst,

is what it's gonna be.

- It-- it will be the worst.

- It's gonna be--

But then we'll be back,

and it will be over, right?

- It will be fast.

- Yeah.

I'll have just been, like, driven insane

by your dad for, like, four days.

We're gonna try and keep them

off the sauce this year. Yeah.

We've got

to keep them off the sauce.

So, let the snow fall white

Some say the stars is white

Let the Christmas spirit reign

And a mistletoe for you and me

So, are you and Graham

talking anymore, even, like?

No. No. We haven't talked.

We're not talking.

His family on the other hand--

they're pretty great.

Just 'cause I dumped him doesn't mean

I have to dump the family.

It kinda does, though.

God, I wish I could dump your family.

I-- I know.

Wish I could dump them

in the garbage.

I want to have

my own pastry truck one day.

- Oh, you bake? Yeah?

- I do.

Taste it, and tell me

if you think I'm crazy.

- Really? Okay.

- Yeah.

Oh, my God. This is so good.

- First cookie's free.

- That's how they get you.

I have a question.

Was this coffee our first date,

or did lunch at the office count?

Good question. Uh,

what if it was coffee today

and also some dinner tonight?

Let's do it.

Oh. I forgot my-- my phone.

You always forget your phone.

So, I'm with the boxes,

and you're with the glasses of wine?

- Yeah. But one's for you.

- Okay.

Welcome home.

- Aw. I love our house.

- I love your house.

- So-- Hey!

- Hey.

- It's our house.

- Thank you.

Bah humbug.

- Cheers!

- Merry Christmas, everyone!


Whoa. You looking at porn?


Hey, we're taking tequila sh*ts.

You down?

Uh-- No. Thank you, Mr. Tusk.

I got a lot of work to do.

- That's exactly the answer I wanted.

- Oh.

You're my head designer.

I need you right here.

That's me. Just, uh--

work, work, work, work, work.

Oh. We're moving the launch date

of Poof 'n' Puff up to Christmas.

Christmas like, like--

like next week Christmas?

You get this done, I can grant you

an additional thousand stock options.

And you can maybe buy

something nice for your wife.

Uh, well, my fiance and I, uh,

called it off, like, six months ago. So--

Oh, that's good.

Eyes on the prize.

Merry Christmas, everybody!

- Hello.

- Hi, sweetie.

Just calling to check in. It's

officially seven days until Christmas,

and we're so excited that you're coming.

Thank you, honey bun.

- Mom-- Mom-- Mom--

- We're gonna do those, uh...

snow angels as soon

as you get here. Okay?

- Hockey.

- Hockey.

Ooh. I know what I wanted to tell you.

I got, uh, the ham, but, uh,

this time I got it from Anthony's.

- I hope you don't mind. Your dad likes it.

- Mom--

They have the best dead pigs.

Oh, my God.

Grahamgy! What do you

call a snowman with a six-pack?

The abdominal snowman!

My barber told me that!

Well, there's

plenty more where that came from.

Mom, I can't barely hear you guys.

Are you on the landline? I can't hear--

The landline has been proven

to have much better sound quality

than a mobile phone.

Everybody knows that.

Fifty years we've had this sucker.

That's absolutely right.


- See? See? And it didn't break.

- That's the good news. Here. Whoops.

It sounds like you've

had it for 50 years.

- Now, where are we?

- Hello?

Yep. Go ahead. We're both here.

I can't come home this year, okay?

- I'm sorry.

- What?

- Is that a joke?

- No.

It's not a joke.

I have a deadline, okay?

I have to be-- I have to get

the game done by Christmas.

- Don't kid with Mommy.

- I'm not kidding.

- Don't kid with Mommy.

- I'm sorry.

Don't kid with Mommy, honey.

I have a deadline of Christmas,

and I have to work.

- No, no.

- No, no.


Graham, you've got to come home.

Your mother has been decorating

the house since Halloween!


She does that every year, Dad.

Okay. You know what,

here's what we'll do.

- I'll call your boss, all right?

- No.

I'll call your boss

and explain the situation

that we take Christmas very seriously.

No. I'd really prefer you not to do that.

You know what I think is really happening?

I think this has less to do with work

and maybe a lot more to do with Ali.

- Ali.

- Because, well---

'Cause, 'cause what, Dad?

'Cause Ali dumped me? Ditched me?

Ripped out my heart, stomped on it?

- Okay.

- This has nothing to do with that.

I have a deadline. I have to run.

I gotta work.

- I can't even hear you on the landline.

- No, no, no, no.

- Graham! Graham!

- Goodbye.

It's the gift

that matters most this Christmas.

Because after all, who wants

to be alone for the holidays?

Tired? Stressed? Single?

What is this ad for?

Who's this ad for? Who made this?

No, no, no, no.

Remote. Remote. Remote.

You can do this. Graham, you got this.

Okay. Ready.


Yes! No!

This holiday season...

...the freezing temperatures

won't show any mercy to the poor animals

who have been left outside.

Abandoned. Forgotten.

I'm the dog. Great.

Lonely. Hungry.

They have no shelter,

and they need your help.

Call or text now to donate

and make a difference

in an animal's life this holiday season.

Well, Graham.

This is rock bottom.

I gotta book a flight.

Thank you for flying

with us today, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to Minnesota,

a winter wonderland.

With just three days left

until Christmas, happy holidays.

O, jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh


Thank you.

Okay. Here we go.

I wish Heather

could have come.

I know,

but she's busy with her podcast.

It's called, uh,

Don't Tie Me Down.

- And it's all about singles in the city.

- Ah--

She talks about polyamory

and, um, not kind of feeling

constrained or non-committal.


Didn't they play Coachella?

Yeah. I think they did. Yeah.

What? Um-- What is that?

It's for Aunt Mildred.

Oh, she's gonna love it.

She needs that.

- Yeah. It's just a...

- Surprise!

Your second favorite son

hath returneth.

It's a Christmas miracle!

Graham, what are you doing here?

Uh... nothing, Mom, just

spending Christmas with my family.

- But you were-- you-- you--

- Don't have any bags?

No, they lost everything. All my clothes,

the amazing gifts I got you guys.

Thank God I held onto my laptop.

You know,

when I pictured this in my head,

there was, like, tears

of happiness and joy and--

Oh, honey! Oh, Graham,

I'm so happy you're here!

- Oh, Graham!

- Thank you for coming home!

You might want to tell your face.

- Graham is here!

- I love you.

- Yay, Graham.

- Thank you.

- Okay, let's hug outside.

- Yes, let's do that.

- Wanna see the Nativity?

- Oh, good. Take a gander at that.

- And I'll go to the kitchen.

- Oh, I'm starving. I'm so hungry.

Yes, yes, yes.

Oh, please, sandwiches.

Did Ali send cookies?

She sent cookies? What are you doing?

Well, I found all of these

in the back clo-- shit!

Is that Ali?

Shut up.

Well, I thought--

I thought you said he was working.

He said he was working!

When has he ever said that

and then shown up somewhere?

What are you doing here?

I-- I was invited.

No, no.

I'm pretty sure when you

uninvited me from your life,

you uninvited you from Christmas!

Graham, that's not really true.

We knew she'd be alone

for Christmas, so we invited her.

I'm sorry. How did you know that?


- We keep in touch.

- Yeah.

- You keep in touch?

- We keep in touch, yes.

We text. Uh, she posted

that she was on vacation.

I swiped up, and, you know,

next thing you know we're DM-ing.

- Then texting--

- Texting and...

And now we're on day

75 of Wordle.

...of Wordle,

and you're, like, incredible.

- No.

- Last night you got it in like two tries?

What was the word?


Cool. Oh, my God, that's so wild.

- Text and--

- Why?

Graham, Ali has been a part

of our family for a very long time.

You can't just flip that off

like a light switch.

That's literally what she did to me.

Okay, you know what, actually--

I think it's time to get my ring back.

Oh, the ring. My ring?

The one you gave me.

Well, I thought about it,

and I like it too much, okay?

It's very pretty on the hand.

And also, I didn't want to hurt you.

Why didn't you just say,

"Hey, Graham, let's talk about things.

Let's try and work through this."

I literally said so many times,

"Hey, we need to talk."

- Pffft.

- "We need to work on things."

But you never processed it,

Mr. Lack of Self-Awareness!

Oh, I am like a wolf in the jungle, okay?

I'm always aware.

- Okay, I'd hit that.

- What?

I said I would hit that.

- Uh-huh.

- No. Do you know what that means?

Putting an end to something.

I'm putting an end to this conversation.

No, that's not what it means.

Have you been saying this to people?

I said it yesterday to the pharmacist.

What does it mean?

You guys can talk about what it means

when I'm very, very far from here.

- What does it--

- And right now, everyone...

everyone needs to understand

Ali and I are over.

So, you know what?

This is super unfair.

She broke up with me.

But I'll go. Merry Christmas.

I should go?

I don't wanna. Okay, fine, I'll go.

Hey, isn't that baby Jesus's job?

Just don't break anything

'cause Mom's gonna be so mad.

You guys plan on telling me about this

or just keep it a secret forever?

Can you blame us?

You're kind of freaking out!

Of course I'm freaking out.

Wouldn't you be?

- So, what do you wanna do?

- I dunno.

Literally every hotel in town is booked,

even the Holiday Inn.

Yeah. Maybe you could stay

in a manger.

Ha ha.

Everybody is so hilarious today.

I'm gonna fly home.

I love you, but you have your head

so far up your own butt

that you can basically

lick your own tonsils.

Ew, what?

Okay. How do you

expect me to react, hmm?

You invited

my ex-fiance to Christmas!

- Technically, Mom invited her.

- Oh, that's fine, then.

But I get it, I get it. It's weird.

No, actually, you don't get it.

You know, Ali never gave me

one real reason why she dumped me.

Not one.

She didn't say anything to you,

did she?

No, we didn't really talk

about that stuff.

And every time Ali was here,

you were off in your own little world.

- What does that mean?

- Grandma's 90th?

- Well, it's not a hundred.

- Well, she showed up.

Also, when Heather and I

got our place, who helped us move?

I offered to pay for movers.

And... moving sucks!

I know it does, which is why

I needed your help.

I dunno, I think Mom's gonna

invite Ali to a lot of holidays now.

Like Cinco de Ali.

Could you imagine?

Or, um... Easter Ali Day.

- No.

- That wasn't great.

- Ali-ween!

- Oh, God.

Ali Fool's. Ali Fool's

is the--that was-- also fine.

Okay, look, I know you're joking,

but you're not wrong.

Mom and Dad are so sweet

and so nave, they can't move on.

No. No, which is why

you and Ali need to--

I need to show them how evil she is.

- No.

- Yes!

That's not what I was gonna say.

You're a genius, okay?

I know what I have to do.

I have to get Mom and Dad

to dump Ali before Christmas.

Otherwise, I'm gonna have

to share my family forever.

Okay. I'm gonna pretend like you're

not going absolutely insane right now.

- Can we please go inside?

- We have to go inside, okay?

'Cause every second she's in there is

another chance for her to steal my family.

What are we still doing here?

We got to save Christmas, come on!

- Oh, my God.

- Mind!

- I'm coming.

- Move it!

Oh, my God. I'm scared.

Well, I mean, my Dad

and his new girlfriend

did technically invite me

to join them in Hawaii.

Well, it doesn't sound like

you're too fond of his new girlfriend.

Well, I don't really know

the new girlfriend.

I mean,

there's one every, like, two weeks.

And it's always someone named

Bunny or Cookie or Maple Syrup.

Uh, they all sound sweet and sticky.

His good taste started

and ended with my mother.

Oh, honey.

I know how much you miss her.

But you always have a place here.

You're part of our family, you know it.

- Mom?

- Well, well.

Has my son finally come to his senses?

Well, Mom...

I will admit I may not have handled

this whole situation

as well as I could have.

But then I realized it's Christmas,

and there is more than enough

holiday spirit to go around.


that is wonderful to hear.


Wow, that's-- that's

really big of you, Graham.


Look at this old vagrant

I picked up from grad school!

God, Dad.

"Vagrant" is a derogatory term

blaming the unhoused for their own situ--

- Sweet baby of Bethlehem!

- Okay, whatever.

Did I have too much nog at the office,

or is this my firstborn standing there?


Oh, hey, buddy.

Elliot! Oh! How'd the Psych final go?

- "A"-minus!

- What?

I couldn't have done it without you

and all the FaceTime study sessions, Ali.

- FaceTime study sessions.

- Yes. Aww. Congratulations.

That's such a nice moment

between you guys.

I mean, it wasn't an "A," so.

I'm so glad that you two

finally patched things up!

- Oh, no. We didn't patch any--

- No, it's just a temporary patching--

It's a try-not-to-

k*ll-each-other sort of thing.

Okay. Well, then,

I'm sorry that I said anything.

But it's great that you're here.

Hey, what about all your work?

Oh, no, no.

I still have to do all of that.

Yeah. I'm on a deadline.


I also realized that

a Stroop family Christmas

wouldn't be the same

without all of the Stroop kids, so.

Oh, yay. It looks like we're having

an honest-to-goodness

Stroop family Christmas.

Let's make reindeer food!

Oh, I'll grab the Christmas vinyl!

- I got the wine!

- I love it.

- Graham!

- Yeah?

- Hey.

- Hey.

I just wanted to say that, um...

I would never have come here

if your parents hadn't sworn

you'd be in L.A.

But now that we are here, together...

uh, do you wanna maybe talk about it?

- Talk about what?

- Our separation.

Oh, that.

No, thank you.


You didn't want to talk about it then.

I don't wanna talk about it now.

So... let's just not talk about it.

Are you sure?

Ali, we're both grownups here,

so let's just act like grownups.

- Hey, Graham?

- Yeah?

Which couch do you want me

to set up for you?

The one in the basement

is more comfortable,

but the new one in the game room

doesn't smell like cat pee.

RIP, Mister Cinnamon.

Yeah, so that means that Ali was,

uh, set up in my room?

You know what? I'm gonna just move--

Yeah, because she was here.

Because Pamela Anderson

and Wolverine

staring at me

from the wall's kinda creepy.

No, no, no, no.

Joseph would never let Mary

sleep on the couch, right?

That's the man I raised.

Yeah. The clean couch, please.

- You got it.

- Thank you.

- Graham...

- Yes?

What's going on?

I know you,

and you're acting... weird.

I'm fine.

In fact, I'm super.

Hey, fam! How do we feel

about a game night tonight?

- Did somebody mention a game night?

- You bet.

Okay, well, I got the supplies.


gonna need more than that.

Who's hungry,

what can I make ya?

- Yes!

- I am. Starving.

Everybody's singin',

laughin' up and down the way

Goin' all around

for a jolly, jolly day

Everybody's boppin'

Coming in hot.


'Cause I'm full of quips, baby.

- Good for you, baby.

- Let's go.

Whoo-hoo! That was my "Q."

Do you know how hard it is

to get rid of a "Q"?

I know, and when you

have a "U" and an "I,"

and then every other letter

on your board to create an entire word--

"Quilting," using each and every

one of my letters. It's empty.

Empty slate.

- Uh, no, no, no. Challenge, challenge.

- Here I go.

You misspelled "quitting,"

which is surprising

'cause you're really good at it.

True, it's no "cat"

for seven points, but it is--

I had no letters, 'kay?

- Whoo, 96 points!

- Good for you, Ali.

- Wow. Everyone cheer for Ali.

- Fun! Good for you.

Yay, Ali! Cheers!

- I was--

- To Ali. I'm glad you're here, Ali.

I was joking.

All right, let's play another game.

- Ooh. Let's play Werewolf.

- Yes!

Let's play!

Look at her. She's playing you.

She's been picking off our family...

- ...one by one. Okay?

- Oh, my God.

She's the werewolf.

I'm a villager, I swear.

Eh-- Of course, you'd say

your ex is the monster.

I mean, I know you guys

don't wanna see it, but like--

he's obviously the werewolf.

Villager. This is a villager outfit.

Okay? This is not a werewolf outfit.

This is the werewolf.

Please, I know you don't

wanna see it, but your son,

your precious firstborn,

he is... the werewolf.

- Okay. Okay.

- Believe me. I swear.

Look me in the eye

and swear to me

that you're a villager.

I swear...

on the spirit of Christmas...

that I am just a villager.

- Wow.

- That's very convincing.

- Very convincing.

- All righty.

I can't compete with that.

- Time is up.

- Werewolf!

Werewolf! Werewolf!


Oh, my God!

You guys bought it.

Whoa! I'm so sorry.

All you were fooled.

Especially you. So gullible!

I am the werewolf.

How about that?

Whoo! Ahh! Feels good.

But you swore

on the spirit of Christmas.

Yeah. Too far.

Well, I just--

Well, I didn't it mean it like that.

I didn't mean it like-- for real.

I think I'm done with game night.

- No!

- Me, too.


Get you picked up here.

That was super fun, everybody.

Just because

of that horrible thing Ali said?

The object of the game is to...

You wanna watch

a movie or something?

Thanks, guys.

Do you have anything in mind?

I don't know.

Well, that was

really horrible what she said.

Oh, boy. You know, I had

a feeling your competitive spirit

might get you into a little bit

of trouble with the Stroop fam.

I see. You're trying

to make me look bad.

I didn't even have to try.

My family will work up the courage

to ask you to leave

before Christmas morning.

You wanna-- you wanna bet?

Oh. Yeah. It's a bet.

By Christmas morning, you're gone.

Or you're gone. Hmm.

Only one can stay.

And that goes

for every holiday forever.

- Great.

- Great.

- We're on.

- We're on.

...control tonight, they are

showing this Calgary team how it's done.

- And here we go.

- Anderson's coming up the corner there.

- He has the puck.

- Over to Sam Hoesley.

- Oh, my gosh.

- He sh**t. He scores!

Yeah, baby.

- Yes. Okay, okay, okay.

- That's crazy.

Gosh. Okay. French toast

is almost ready, everybody.

Unless you want something else,

I can make it for you.

How about some

blueberry pancakes?

- Well, I've got French toast.

- But everybody likes your blueberry--

Yes, they do. I can make you some--

Honey, are you up?

- I am now.

- Morning, Graham.

- I'll help you after the commercial.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you for coming

to join me on my bed.

Okay. Let's keep it down.

He's trying to sleep.

Oh, yeah. Now's a good time

to keep it down. I gotta pee.

You want coffee?

There you go. All right.

Yes, please.

Ali, I gotta go.

Come on.

Your hair looks as good

as it's gonna look.

Come on.

Hurry up.

Come on. Let's go.


Sounds like an emergency.

- Very funny.

- Coming.

Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta--

- There you are. Thank you so much.

- It's all yours.


Is Heather not coming for sure?

I've got her veggie bacon.

Nobody else eats it.

No, I told you, she's doing

Christmas with her family.

I feel like it's because

I didn't ask her myself.

- No. That's not why.

- I didn't ask her. That was wrong.

No, no, no. She says hi.

And she misses us--

You know what?

I'm gonna give her a call.

- Please don't. Don't call her.

- No, I think that would work.

- No, no, no.

- Everybody likes to get a call.

No, no, no, no, no. God!

Where's the plunger?

Code red! Code red! Code red!

Code red! Get the towels!

- What?

- I'll get the mop.

Okay. Nobody panic.

I'll get the towels.

I'll get the towels. I'll get the towels.

Oh, I'll get the towels. Nobody panic.

Did you not read the sign?

Didn't anyone read the sign?

Why didn't you read the sign?

There was no sign.

Get the towels! Save the carpet!

That's a big puddle.

Oh, my God.

Don't let it out of the bathroom!

You're doing great, Dad.

You're doing great.

- Can you stop filming and help us!

- Stop filming!

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

I'm gonna cram it up your ass!

Get over here and plunge!

- Oh! My socks! It's getting wet!

- That was disgusting!

Don't worry about your socks.

Save the carpet!

Oh, God. So much water!

- We need a plunger!

- I got it! I got it!

We're clear!

Thank you, Ali.

You are our hero.

- Mom?

- Jeannie!

Someone stole the baby Jesus.


- Mom!

- Jeannie?

Mom, are you okay?

Look! Someone stole the baby Jesus!

Oh, Mom.

My God, we thought you were hurt.

I am hurt. My heart

is being torn out of my chest.

I've had that baby Jesus

since before you were born.

Who would do such an awful thing?

I dunno. Probably

just some teenagers, Mom.

Or... or somebody new here

who hates to see our family happy.

- Hmm.

- What?

Graham, you're obviously talking

about Ali. Ali is not new here.

She's been with us for five years.

She's not gonna steal the baby Jesus.

- I didn't say anything.

- You know what?

I can go get one. Yeah, I'll pick one up

from the store, put it in place,

and meet you guys

back at the lot, okay?

- Oh, Ali.

- Oh. You're the best, Ali.

You're a Christmas angel.

You're saving the day.

Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, no. I'll go, Mom.

I'll-- I'll save the day. She won't

know which one to get anyways, so.

- I think I can manage.

- She can't.

I know how to go to a store and shop.

I have maternal instincts

and ovaries, and...

We haven't seen them.

And I know what babies look like.

I don't know that he knows--

I'll go without ovaries.

I'll pick the perfect baby Jesus.

Oh, for God's sake,

just both of you go. Here.

Oh. There's a key in here somewhere.

- That's right.

- Okay.

- Have fun.

- Yeah, right.

Christmas crisis averted.

Well, that's one off the list, anyway.

I have a list, Dennis.

This is fine.

We look normal, just act normal.

We look great, okay?

You look-- actually that looks nice.

You're doing-- that was

a compliment. What are you--

It's fine. What?

So, does it have to be total w*r

between us this entire holiday?

Uh-- you know, I am tempted

to say no, but...

hmm... yeah, probably.

You never supported me.

Why should I support you now?

- What is that supposed to mean?

- What is that supposed to mean?

Real mature.

Oh, okay, you're here trying

to steal my family. That's pretty mature.

I'm not trying to steal your family.

You don't even like your family.

I-- what?

You're dismissive of your family

and dismissive of me. And my feelings.

Wow. Well, I'm gonna

dismiss that comment, okay?

And you can leave

and surrender any time you want.

- Never. Hmm.

- Never. Okay.

- What is going on here? Is this it?

- Well, I think this is it.

We've arrived at our options.

This is, uh...

- Yikes.

- Rubber ducky Jesus.

- Is this all right for a manger?

- This is sad.

This is the bottom--

the absolute bottom

of the Nativity barrel.

Is that even a thing for sale?

Or did someone just make it

and put it in the bin?

It might win.

I got Tyrannosaurus Jesus.

Oh, this is quiet an ironic way

to teach creationism.

Oh, don't bring that up

with Jeannie, okay? Just--

- Oh, no, I'm bringing it up.

- Don't bring it up.

- These little arms--

- She will kick you clean--

You know what, bring it up with her.

Talk to her about it, see what happens.

- Ohh, hmm.

- Okay?

This is big 'cause it cries.

It belongs in the manger.

That's generous.

That is not a baby.

I don't know,

he's got a little diaper.

Just 'cause he's--

That's his robe!

And he makes a baby sound, listen.

Wah! Can you believe that?

What about you?

All right. Make this guy roar.

Very nice.

I gotta take this, hold on.

Hello. Hey, Mr. Tusk, yes?

I know.

Christmas Day, I know.

Coming up fast. Yes, sir.

I'm on it, okay?

I will take care of it right away.

Okay. Okay, bye.


Okay, let's go.

Been ready.

- I'll hold them.

- I'll hold them.

Well, Graham said it was slim pickings.

It's all they had left.

Now, it looks like a little T-rex...

- Uh-huh.

- ...who won a pageant.

There's nothing

baby Jesus about it at all.

- Well, it'll work for now.

- Yeah.

Oh. Oh, we're in trouble.

Yeah. We're gonna burn in hell.

Okay. Let's go get ready for that party.

Wow, I kinda forgot

how big this thing is.

Oh, yeah. It is the social event

of the holiday season.

- Oh, thank you.

- Thank you.

Oh, no.

- What?

- Oh, no.

- D-d-- nothing. Shut up.

- Oh. What?


I almost forgot about

your irrational hatred of goats.

- Hey, Santa!

- Ohh!

Place looks great.

You're gonna move

a ton of inventory this season!

Oh, I hope so.

We got two mortgages on the house.

- Oh, boy.

- But why the goat?

Well, we had to change things up

after last year's fiasco with the bunnies.

But they were so cute.

Yeah, they were cute, but now there's

like 300 of them living in the park.

What's wrong with goats?

She has an irrational fear

after one of 'em headbutted her

when she was a kid.

She thinks they're all evil.

They have rectangular pupils, Dennis.

You know what, forget about the goat.

Why don't you say hi to the team.

Hey, Brady!


It's been a while, man!

Yeah. Yeah, been a while.

Who is this beauty by your side?

Oh, Dennis, you know him.

He's your boss.

- Hi. Uh, I'm Ali. Mayer.

- Hi.

Uh, I'm not by his side.

He's-- he's my...

- Ex-fianc.

- Ex.

Wow, Graham. You let her go?

That was a big mistake.

No, no, no, no. Her mistake, actually.

Yeah, she let me go, so...

Well, we didn't mean to interrupt you.

I know you were telling a story

to your friends there.

No, no, no, no.

I've lost my train of thought.

Yeah. Well, talking's confusing.

Uh, anyway,

back to selling cars, I guess.

Okay. Well, wow. I think you're

just being a little bit frosty here

because you were offered a job here.

You didn't take it. Brady got it.

Now he's head salesman.

- Number one.

- Smells like number two.

Mmm, and who could forget

when Brady beat out Graham

for captain of the hockey team

in 12th grade?

And we won state that year.

Oh. Yes, you did.

Oh, and in 9th grade you both wanted

to play the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.

You got it, and you played

the Mayor of Munchkinland.

But you were so good.

He was a lot smaller back then.

Yeah. This has been so fun.

You know what, I am going

to go hang with the baby demon.

I'm gonna get back

to selling some cars.

You guys tried the eggnog?

It's really good.

- Spicy.

- So, Ali, are you, uh--?

So, okay, you're still doing that-- Okay.

Hey, you two have fun.

- Can I interest you in a ride?

- Good one, Brady.

- The ride of your life?

- Um...

There you go. Hey, you're pretty cute.

Little bigger than I thought.

This party sucks.

I couldn't agree more.

I'm Graham.

I know, I'm Jess.

What do you mean you know?

We actually went to school together.

I was a few grades below you.

You played hockey with Brady.

- Uh-huh.

- You should've been captain that year.

Thank you. Thank you.

That is the nicest thing anyone's

said to me in a long time.

- Do you want a drink?

- Lead the way.

Oh, one second.

Okay, let's go.

Thank you so much

for all coming out today.

The reason for the season

of course is love.

- Love.

- That's exactly right.

But it is also the time for a good deal

with a fair price on automobiles.

And just because they're used

doesn't mean they're bad.

It's like me.

Jeannie just does everything.

You know, she painted the windows here.

Took her two weeks.

I-- I said,

"Can we hire someone?"

"No, they like the way

you do it, Jeannie."

We really can't afford it.

Jeannie is my own personal Santa Claus.

And of course, nothing runs without her.

Yeah, Mom!

Jeannie keeps the elves in check

and the presents on time,

and I just love her to death.


- Now, we met at the U of M.

- Go, Gophers!

And specifically at a Christmas party,

and that is why today has always

been so special to all of us.

And as you know, this is the season

where we think about love

and peace and happiness.

And of course, family.

That's what this is all about.

Honey, it's family.

Family, family.

Thank you so much to the carolers.

And of course, Gumdrop the Goat,

whose real name's Stingray.

That's a Christmas

present right there.

- Yeah.

- Well, I hope everybody has a good time.

Eat, drink, and be merry!

- Oh, no.

- And buy some cars!

And buy some cars!

- Ali, don't be afraid.

No, no, no.

No, no.

- Oh, is she okay?

- Good goat. Good goat. Good goat.

Ali, take off.

- No.

- No.

What is it doing to me?

Your parents ended the night early.


Um, it's kinda their anniversary,

if you know what I mean.

Every year they go home early

for intercourse.

Thank you, Elliot!

Yeah, that's what I meant.

- That's very healthy!

- Yeah.

The rest of us just come here

to drink until the coast is clear.

Well, maybe it's time for you

to take me home, yeah?

Oh, okay that's my cue to leave.

Hi. I'm Ali.

Jess, I've heard so much about you.

You have?

What did you hear?

You know-- on that note,

I'm gonna get another one.

I don't even need one, but I think

I should probably get another one.

So, Jess, I just wanna say,

between us girls,

I am so happy for Graham

that he finally found someone

who's okay with his, you know,

little candy cane problem.

Whoa... disappointed.

But you know, he'll tell you

that it's never happened to him before,

and he just wants

a little shoulder rub and a cuddle.

Well, you know what people say.

Every couple has their own chemistry.

Well, that's not chemistry, that's...



Has he told you he loves you yet?

He'll tell you tonight.

I wonder what she's

saying about you, dude.

Oh, thank you.

Are you trying to tell me something?

Melinda Persephone Stroop.

You are such a buzzkill!

What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

Oh, just enjoying my life!

Enjoying your life

cheating on Heather?

I'm not cheating on Heather.

I'm not cheating on Heather,

by the way. I'm single.

Oh, you're not cheating on Heather?

What do you call that?

This seems like a private moment.

I'm single. Thank you.

What are you talking about?

Well, maybe if you actually asked

about Heather, then you would know.

How are things with Heather?

We broke up, okay?

I'm so sorry.

I know how much you love her.

This must be so hard.

Yeah. Sometimes love isn't enough.


- Can you give us a... second?

- It's okay. Ali knows.

Aw, sweetie.

You told Ali. Why didn't you tell me?

I dunno, because I was...

embarrassed to admit that,

you know, my shit's

as messed up as yours.

I didn't want to Stroop

down to your level--

stoop down to your level.

Hi. Um, this might be bad timing,

but that's my number.

Uh, good kiss. Sorry.

No, I'm sorry for interrupting.


She's single.

- Quinn.

- She's cute.

- She's really cute.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I still got it.

- Okay.

And I still got it.

All right. We're gonna

got you some water, okay?

But I already like that girl

more than Heather, so...

- Really?

- Yeah.

Here is my number.

Maybe you could tuck me into bed later.

Oh, wow.

Give me your phone.

Oh, yeah, it's right--

Here it is. It's locked.

- I'm sorry.

- Okay. Here's my number.

Oh, thank you.



Oh, my God, that was-- sexy.

- Did you like that?

- I love that.

It, like, loved you.

Thanks, Mike.

These are on him. Okay?

- You'll call me?

- Yes.

Oh, no, no, no, one.

You get one. You get one.

I'm gonna call you right now.

Okay. All right.

Almost home.

- Shh, shh, shh!

- That was so much fun.

Come on, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Everyone shoes off. Shoes off.

You gotta get shoes off

of her and change.

Shh, shh!

Okay. But actually, what if we

wake Mom up 'cause she'll cook?


Elliot! Elliot, God!

It makes me so happy

that we're all hanging out,

but sad that you guys

aren't getting back together.


I want a little kissy.

Give me a little kissy. Come on.

No, no-- oh, God, oh, God!

No, no. This way. This way!

- Someone get her water.

- Get her hair! Get her hair!

- I'm trying so hard here, Graham.

- I just--

I don't really know

what else you want from me.

Well, you don't talk about it. You just--

I do, I do. I talked about it before,

but you never listen to me

because it's always about you

and your job and your work.

That's all anything is ever about.

- Okay. So, I have a few ideas.

- Okay, hit me with them.

I dunno, I've been thinking

about Frosti by Ali.

- Frosti?

- Frosty like the Snowman.

- With "I's" instead of "Y's."

- Yeah.



I love you so much,

and I was gonna wait to do this.

And I had this whole big thing.

But I can't-- this is like--

I just gotta-- I love you so much.

Will you marry me?

We're engaged!

We're getting married!

Oh, my God, look at my hands.

All right. Who's ready

for some male bonding?

What are you doing here?

We invited her. A little "bonding"

might do these two some good.


And I couldn't give up the chance

to spend some quality time

with my favorite ex-father-in-law--

- Thank you.

- No. No, no, no.

Ali, this is a guy's trip, okay?

It's about farting and burping

and just telling stupid jokes.

Oh, settle down, Graham.

We could use a little

female energy in the Stroop shack.

What are you talking about?

The whole point of these trips

is to avoid female energy.

Times change, and if you

don't change with them,

you're gonna end up

marrying your own hand.

He's meaning masturbation.

Thank you, Elliot. I got that.

Oh, God. I don't wanna

alarm anybody,

but it looks like

baby Jesus is missing again.


- Oh, no!

- Oh, boy.

- I don't think we should tell Mom.

- No, no, no!

- Don't tell Mom.

- No, no, no, no, no, no!

Let's just drive.

How's everything in L.A.?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

L.A., it's warm.

It's warm, and it's nice.

Job's really good.

- How about you, Ali?

- Oh, good.

So, my whole life is so perfect.

I love my house,

which is really more of a home,

as you can probably tell

from all the FaceTimes.

Very nice.

I know. I got kicked out of it.

Darn it, I forgot my joint.

Oh, Dennis!

I didn't know you were

a cannabis connoisseur.

Well, my doctor prescribes it

for chronic back pain.

Well, he didn't really prescribe it.

He handed it to me at a party.

Mom can't stand the smell of weed.

She only lets him do edibles

in the house.

Are you two dating?

Not each other, but are you dating?

- Yeah. Yeah, everyone.

- Everyone?

Yeah. Not discriminating

against any dating app.

- Just going headfirst.

- Wow, that's disgusting.

Well, everybody has different beliefs.

I, for one, don't think COVID's real.

Do you mind pointing

the heater towards me

for a second there, Dennis, please?

No, you don't have to do that.

It's fine where it is.

- It's getting everybody, I think.

- How's that?

- Whoo, it is good.

- Good?

It's not a problem. There you go.

There, are you happy?

Oh, God, yeah. That's good.

Guys! I think I got something!

- Oh!

- Okay, just be gentle.

- There you go, Elliot. Gentle, gentle.

- Aah! Help me!

- Don't gentle! Reel it in fast!

- No, no, go gentle.

- I'm trying!

- Can you please point it towards me?

- We're gonna have it for everybody.

- Can I please have it?

If you're so cold,

maybe go back to California.


Let me have it. I'm freezing!

- Okay, good.

- Give me the damn heater!

Fine! Want it?

- What'd you do?

- What do you mean, what did I do?

- What the hell?

- You asked for it, so I gave it to you!

We could've all been electrocuted.

This is the worst

Christmas Eve I've ever had.

Well, I'm sorry we didn't

tell you it was missing sooner.

- Mimosa?

- I'd like a mimosa.

Okay, let's go.

Please save some of those

for me to nibble on later. Just a few.

'Cause they add a nice crunch to it.

I understand,

but I just like nibbling a little bit.

Oh, still no luggage, I see.

How can you tell? The, uh,

ginormous pants or the itchy sweater?

- Oh, honey, I love it. It looks festive.

- It's the pants?

It's festive, all right.

Now, more importantly,

where are Dad's Christmas cookies?

I've been here two days

and haven't had one.

Well, you're not gonna see them

because ever since Ali

got that write-up in L.A. Magazine,

your dad decided too much competition.

We're letting Ali do all the baking.

- What write-up?

- What?

- Just a profile thing.

- Oh, just a--!

It was L.A. Magazine.

It was huge.

They said that ever since Ali

took over Laila's Cafe,

it's become a Westside staple

and that Angelenos are now

hungering to see what she'll do next.

Wow, someone memorized it.


That's great, Al. So, you quit

your accounting job to bake?

Well, it was a long time coming.

Yes, it was, missy.

That's awesome.

What are you gonna do next?

Are you gonna do the bake truck?

Uh... well, thank you

for remembering that.

No, um-- well, I mean, maybe.

I don't-- I don't know yet.

- What's stopping you?

- Well, the plan was...

I was supposed to get a truck

and fix it up,

but the car guy who promised

to help me do that... didn't.

Oh, wh-what guy was that?

It's Graham.

It's Graham, Mom, you know?

Sounds like a bit of a-- a jerk.

He sure does, Mom.

He sounds like a huge, huge jerk.

And I bet he would love

to help you out now

if you needed me to look at a car.

Just like as a friend

and a one-time thing.

It's a little too late now.


The ham's in the smoker!

- Yay!

- Dad dropped it!

Okay. Snitches gets stitches, Elliot.

You dropped it in the pool!

It'll make it tastier.

Listen, the dressing is done.

So... maybe we could

put on my favorite?

Basic Instinct?

- I'm kidding. White Christmas it is.

- Yeah, great.

Yes, Rosemary Clooney

was my first crush.

Do I smell like turkey?

So, Ali, is the whole

food truck thing that--

Is the food truck thing the re--

Okay. Something tells me

you don't want to talk about it right now.

Okay, fine. Fine, fine, fine.

You wanna play that game.

I will just have to concoct

something unique and amazing

that makes your dish taste like farts.

Well, all I want

for Christmas is my baby

All I want for Christmas is that maybe

She will tell me yes

and maybe be my wife

Honey, I been lookin' for ya

all my life

All I want for Christmas is that maybe

All I want for Christmas is my baby

You can keep the Christmas bows,

white and blue

'Cause all I want for Christmas

is little old you

I don't like eggnog


Or the mistletoe

I don't like sleighrides


And I hate the snow

All I want for Christmas is my baby

All I want for Christmas is that maybe

She will tell me yes

and maybe be my wife...

Oops, did I use

all the butter on my dish? Sorry, Al.

All I want for Christmas is my baby

All I want for Christmas is that maybe

You can keep the Christmas bows,

white and blue

'Cause all I want for Christmas is you

- What is that?

- It's a cheese-mix souffl.

- Is that what it should look like?

- I don't know. It's French.

Welp, looks like our

special guest has arrived.

Wouldn't be Christmas Eve

without our number one salesman.

Why would you invite him?

Anyway, be nice.

Can somebody get the door?

- I'll get it.

- I'll get it.

- Okay, I'll get it.

- I'll get it.

- Hey... Jess?

- Hey, got your text.

Right. The text that I--

sent you earlier. Great.

Hey, bro.

- Yes.

- Oh, mistletoe.

- Huh, would you look at that.

- Look at that.


Mm... Oh, boy.

Got to tell you, Ali, these cookies

are just jingling my balls

in all the right places.

- Ew, Dad.

- Bells. Bells.

I know what you mean.

Well, I'm avoiding them.

Trying to stay in shape, so.

So, you actually chose the pear shape?

Oh, snap!


He went there. Okay.

Sooner or later,

you're gonna get the Stroop chin.

Now you see it. Now you don't.

It's coming. It's coming your way

in about ten years.

Well, I love your shape.

And I stayed away from the sugar, too.

Thank you, Jess. You're so sweet

and funny and kind and beautiful.

- Mmm.

- Mmm.

So good. Mmm.

Oh, yeah.

Okay. Starting to sound

a little pornographic in here.

Oh, wow, these are so good!

It's like all the food's

just better this year.

Yeah, food was great.

I mean, it would've been better

if we had fish for the Feast

of the Seven Fishes, right, Dad?

That's your fault.

Oh, come on. Stop it.

What is going on right now?

Well, Graham, it's called fun.

Do you remember? Fun?

Damn, this is good.


What the hell

is wrong with you guys?

You don't know anymore

how to have fun.

- Do you feel okay?

- I feel fine.

- You're so talented, Jeannie.

- That is so realistic.


Oh, my God, the cookies.

What? What about the cookies?

You guys ate the cookies.

You're freaking out.

We didn't touch the cookies.

We're fine.

Ali poisoned you guys.

She's trying to ruin Christmas.

- No.

- Yeah. Ali ?

- I'm eating them, too.

- Wait, am I dying?

Well, Mom, as soon

as you are born, you start dying.

Ali , did you, uh, by any chance

make the cookies with this?

Yeah. The-- the-- the thick butter.

Oh, boy.

Oh, Ali, you sweet dummy--

it's not thick butter.

It's THC butter.

That's my bad back butter.

Ali made the cookies with weed,

Mom. You're all stoned.

Well, I just-- whoops.

You gotta be kidding me.

You hate weed!

Honey, everything

that God creates is perfect.

So, if God created that,

then it's perfect,

and I'm down with the sticky icky.

Oh, my God, this is why

I can never win with this family.

I get caught with a joint,

I get grounded for a month.

But Ali brings Woodstock

to Christmas,

and Mom's down

with the sticky icky?

Well, we were just trying

to be good parents.

No, I'm--

You are good parents.

You're great parents.

You're like the perfect couple

on top of a wedding cake.

Well, not something you'll have

to worry about for yourself for a while.

Oh, crap.

- Thank you, Graham.

- Sorry.

What? What? Melinda?

What does that mean?

- Heather and I broke up.

- What?

She moved out last week.

- Oh, honey.

- Ohh. Mindy, I'm so sorry.

Yeah. I'm sorry that I let you down.

Oh, honey, didn't let me down.

Can't let Mommy down. Never,

nobody can ever let Mommy down.

- Mommy's always up.

- I just miss her, and I just...

feel like I should call her.

I should call her.

No, not now.

Yes. I should tell her how I feel!

Where's my password?

I need to call her!

- Come here, sweetheart.

- Could you type in "Heather"?

Well, why don't we talk about it?

Do it tomorrow.

I need to tell her

that I think that we could--

Yeah. Let's just not do it today.

I'm gonna go, too.

Too much intergenerational

trauma on display here.

Wow, Graham.

You couldn't even sabotage me right.

You know what I think?

I think that you should

just concede now

and take a nice,

safe flight back to L.A.

because it's Christmas Eve,

and that means it's your last chance.

Hey, why don't we get out of here?

Give everyone a moment?

Yeah. I think that's a good idea.

The further away, the better.

Don't forget your secret ingredient.

Yeah, we should, uh--

we should probably head out, too.

Let me take you somewhere

I like to unwind.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, they're gone. Let's go.

Do you want some gum?


Minty. I took you

for a cinnamon kinda girl.

I'm still trying to find out

if you're a little fruity.

Oh, you know what they say:

everybody's a little fruity.

- Let's find out.

- What?

- Hi.

- You want some gum?


Oh, uh-- you really like gum, huh?

Mm-hmm. Do you wanna

come back to our place?

- Oh, your place?

- This is Randy.

He's, um, my roommate

and special... friend.

Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Um, one second, okay? Just one.

Oh, he's hydrating. I like that.

I like it. I know you hydrate as well.

Whew! Okay.

Nope, can't do it.

Okay, it's not you. It's me.

You guys are great.

You're both beautiful.

It's awesome.

You're gonna have a great time.



Oh. Oh, this is where

you come to unwind.

Yeah. It's a place of man

and metal

and pistons and the smell

of burnt gasoline.

- Yeah.

- 440 pound-feet of torque at 2,000 RPM.

Vroom, vroom, vroom,

vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom!


It's like taking a gut punch

as soon as you press on the gas.

I'm sorry. I get carried away.

I love my job. Uh...

It's passion, and that's really--

that is something.

Okay. Well, just know, if you're the one

hitting the brakes on this bad boy,

she stops from 65 in only 160 feet.

Is that-- is that good?

- Is that good? It's great.

- Oh.

Plus, you would look amazing doing it.

And you can order it in a custom color

to match your favorite purse.

Are you trying to sell me this car?

Are you trying to buy it?

I guess not.

All right, well, lemme just lock up.

And just so you know,

I would've hooked you up with, like,

a one-year manufacturer's warranty.

Yes. No, sir. No, yeah, yeah. I get it.

Thank you.

I'm just saying,

I don't really think it's realistic.

It's Christmas Eve, and I--

Yes, okay, Mr. Tusk.

I will figure it out.

Yeah, Merry Christmas.


- Ow!

- Ow!

What the hell?

Oh, my God. What the hell

are you doing in my room?

Wait, you gave it to me,


Now that you mention it, I do! Sorry!

What happened to what's-her-face, huh?

Couldn't seal the deal?

Oh, wouldn't you like to know?

You know what, yeah,

the deal was sealed,

except she had a friend,

and he was not my type, so... no.

Shocker, shocker.

Mr. Adventurous.

Oh, how'd it go with Brady?

Was he even into you?

Or did he just want to sell you a car?

Yeah, no. He sold me a car,

and he sold me on his height

and his muscular build.

We're gonna ride off

into the sunset together.

- We are in love now.

- That's great.

You guys can have tiny

little used car salesman babies.

- You want a Volvo?

- And they'll come for Christmas, too.

- God, I hate your face so much.

- I hate you. You know what?

- You are such a d*ck!

- You are such a--

- I just hate you!

- I hate you so much!

- This is so gross.

- I hate your bangs.

- We are not having sex.

- Of course not.

- I'm serious!

- Me, too.

- No cuddling.

- Ew.

Just shut up.

- You still sleeping?

- Shh. I'm sleeping. Be quiet.


- Should we talk about it?

- No, no. No, I'm still sleeping.

Okay, fine. You fake sleep,

and I'll talk.

Did you kick me out because

of the whole food truck thing?

Well, you are drastically oversimplifying.

But, yeah, I guess it was emblematic.

Okay. Well, I--

I've been thinking, and, um...

not that this makes it okay,

but I think that...

maybe I was retaliating

because I wasn't getting

the encouragement that I needed from you.

I just-- I...

I feel like I wasn't...

always able to be there for you

because I was working so hard

to try and, you know, get promoted

and-- and get bonuses

so that we could build

the life that we wanted.

And we'd get married, and have kids,

and buy a house,

and-- and travel.

And um... I don't know.

I just feel like I was doing

all those things for us,

and maybe I started

to resent the fact

that you weren't

super excited about it.


So, you were focusing

on what you thought I needed,

but what I really needed

was you to just be with me.

Merry Christmas!

Ali, wakey, wakey!

One second!

- What? Ow!

- Get out!

- Just go!

- You get out!

You get out! I'm supposed to be here.

- Where are my clothes?

- This is my bed. I don't know.

Get dressed and hide!

I'm putting some stuff on, okay?

What do you mean, hide?

- Shh! Shh! Shut up!

- Honey, I'm coming in.

- Shh! You shh!

- I'm coming in, Ali.

Come on in!

Merry Christmas, Ali.

- Graham?

- Yeah.

Whatcha doing here?

'Bout to iron some clothes.

This is Ali 's room.

Yeah, we swapped for the night.

She wanted the couch. I dunno.

- I didn't see her down there on the couch.

- I know, weird. That's fine.

There, right there's good. Thank you.

Honey, what's going on?

You're not dressed yet for church.

- I know--

- It's Christmas.

- Merry Christmas, sweetheart.

- Merry Christmas, Mom.

That's why I had the--

had the iron board out.

Um, look-- I can't come to church, okay?

I gotta finish my coding playthrough.

It's not gonna take long.

Graham, for heaven's sake,

you're coming with this family to church.

And don't worry, while you get ready,

you and I are gonna have a little chat.

Freeze. Deal.

I'm in for church. I'm pumped.

But let's talk after.

No, sweetheart, we need to do it now.

Just careful.

Right there's good.

I think that we need, um,

a little private chat about Ali, okay?

- Now?

- Yes, now.

I just-- I just don't

want her to hear, okay, honey?

Well, then...

we better be real quiet.

- Okay.

- Okay.

All right. All I wanna say is...

I know we shouldn't have kept her

coming here a secret from you,

so I do apologize for that.

But I don't think that we're wrong

to extend the invitation and be kind.

Okay. Good talk.

Now, a relationship, Graham,

is a two-way street.

- Mm-hmm.

- And here's the thing--

harboring resentment

is like eating a big bucket

of fried chicken

and then going for a swim.

You sink!

- No. No.

- Yes, it is.

- Yes, it is. You're right. It is.

- It is. You understand now?

It's a weird metaphor, but I'm getting it.

Okay. Well, let me explain this to you.

When your father

and I were first married,

he practically lived at that dealership.

I was alone 24/7 with you kids,

day and night.

It was a lot. I finally had to say,

"Dennis, honey, I need more than

money in the bank. I need a partner."

And not just somebody to talk to,

somebody who's gonna listen to me.

Somebody who understands

how to make me happy.

It's-- it's not just about

achieving your goals.

It's how you get there

together that's important.

And I said to your father,

"If you're not gonna be that man,

I'm gonna go out and find that man."

I said that to your Dad.

- You said that to Dad?

- I meant it.

What did he do?

Well... I don't know.

It wasn't one magical thing.

It was...

It was everything, every day.

He figured it out...

because he really wanted to.

So, anyway, I guess the question is...

do you want to?

Okay, come with me.

We're gonna go through your dad's closet

for some clothes for church for you.

I think there's a vintage suit in there

that should fit you.

Joy to the world,

the Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King

- Ali.

- Let every heart prepare Him room

And heaven and nature sing

- Ali.

- And heaven and nature sing

And heaven, and heaven,

and nature sing


May the peace of Christ,

which surpasses all understanding,

fill your hearts and homes this Christmas.

Hey, go-- go ahead. Go ahead.

We're just gonna--

we're gonna hold back a little bit.

- Go, ahead. Go ahead.

- What are you-- what are you doing?

There's plenty of the little crackers

and the little wine for everyone.

No, I mean why are you

making a scene?

I'm not making a scene, okay?

Look, this morning with my Mom

was a little awkward, okay?

- But last night was...

- Seriously?

- No, just--

- I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry. Great earrings.

Great earrings.

Can you just spit it out?

Last night was amazing!

- Yes?

- In church?

No, at home.

- What?

- Keep your voice down.

Am I wrong?

- Yeah. Okay, we had sex.

- Okay.

You're acting like I humped

some sense into you.

Well, I don't know,

maybe you did, okay?

I'm starting to realize

where we went wrong.

And I think that I can forgive you.

Oh, forgive me?


Have you ever stopped

to think that maybe

I should be the one to forgive you?

Oh, I think I know what it is.

Oh, please. Oh, please.

Yes! I got a Soda Stream!

Oh, this is what Mude and Margie have.

Oh, no.

You don't know how happy I am.

Oh, Ali, you did not!

How did you remember

I wanted new hockey gloves?

Because you won't be quiet about it.

That's fantastic.

- Aww.

- Merry Christmas everyone, really.

Uh-oh. Who's that?

I can get it.

Did you invite your sister?

Oh, honey, no.

I wouldn't do that to you.

I wouldn't do that to any of us.

- Hey!

- Hey, Brady!

Brady, what a nice surprise.

- What are you doing here?

- Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.

So, I volunteer

for the Knights of Columbus,

and every year we return

lost bags from the airport

so that people can have a nice holiday.

- Oh, my God, that's so nice.

- Aww!

And when I saw whose bag this was,

I had to take it back to G-Man.

- Thank you.

- Ooh!

That's why you're

my number one salesperson.

Number one, right there!

Wait! This means Graham

can give us all his gifts now!


- Did you have time to do it?

- Right in here.

Oh, wow. Yay.

Yay is right.

But I haven't wrapped them yet, so...

Oh, that's okay. Just open it up

and hand them out.

- Okay.

- We're sure they're great.

Drumroll, please.

I don't want to know. No, I want to know.

I really want to know.

Okay. Um, well...

Oh, thank you.

And one for you.

- Thank you, honey.

- And you.

And one for you.

- Oh.

- Wow, all right.

- Neck pillows.

- Neck pillows, you got it.

It's nicer than I even expected.

This would be good for Maria at work.

She can sit on it.

- Since the operation.

- Yeah.

Well, it's for your neck, not her ass.

- Well...

- It could be for both.

...you can talk when you've had

a hemorrhoid removed.

Oh, "Lax." Lax is the designer.

Do you know-- do you know those--

those guys?

- I feel like they're Italian or something?

- It's like LAX, like the airport.

- Oh, right. Fancy.

- You know, it was a last-second trip,

so it was either that or, uh...

one of those crossword books.

It's the afterthought that counts.

You know what, I'm gonna let you guys

enjoy the neck pillows.

- [Jeannie No, no, no, Brady--

- Oh, no, don't go.

Honey, have a seat. I'm gonna grab you

a coffee, join us.

What can I get for ya?

That's very sweet of you.

I'm gonna hit the road.

Jeannie makes

amazing blueberry pancakes.

Dad, shut your face.

Brady, we're about to play some hockey.

You should totally join us.

- Yeah!

- Hockey?

- Yeah.

- On Christmas?

It'll be like old times, man.

Yeah, it would, but--

I mean, it's Christmas.

I'm sure you have other people

to see and things to do.

No, no. This was my last stop.

My gear is in the car.

- Of course, it is.

- Let's do this.

How great for all of us.

- I'll see you guys at the rink.

- Okay.

- All right, this is gonna be awesome.

- See you, Brady.

- Best Christmas.

- I am so pumped about it.

I can't wait to watch him humiliate you

just like when you were a kid.


Whose turn to open a present?

We got something for you right here,

Graham. Why don't you have that?

Is this one actually for me? What is it?

Well, maybe a new attitude.

Ooh, I hope it's not another ex.


That's right.

Hold it in. Just hold it in.

Hold it in, Jeannie, hold it in.

- Just like old times, huh?

- I feel like you used to be bigger.

What was that?


Come on, Brady!

Whatcha doing down there?

Come on, baby.

Don't be a sore loser.

Go, Mom!

- I didn't hurt you, did I, honey?

- No, no, that's fine.

- Okay.

- Come on!

I'll just take a--

I'll take a breather. Right here.


Come on, let's go!

All right, block her, Dad.

Brady, take one of them out.

- Mama's coming!

- Yeah, Brady, that's it.


Graham, you suck!

- Whoo!

- Okay. Next goal wins!

- Okay, you take out Dad.

- Uh-huh.

- I'll get the puck.

- 'Kay.

- I'll score.

- Okay. You getting hungry?

- No.

- Okay. I'll fix you something after.

Mom, I love you, but you gotta

get your head in the game, okay?

I will. Taking out Dad.

Taking out Dad. Let's go.

Take out Dad. I gotcha.

- Come on, old man!

- Ha, ha, yeah, hang on.

I'm not as young as I used to be. Ooh.

All right. Run some

interference, Mom. Take Dad out!

Look out, baby!

I'm coming for you, Jeannie.

I'm coming for you, Jeannie.

Look out! Get 'em!

Come on! Keep up, old guy!

Oh, God.

Oh, I'll take that, Dad,

thank you very much.

- Ohhh!

- Oh, get up, Dad!

No, no, no, no. Get up.

- Whoo!

- Whoo!

How's it feel, Brady? Let's go.

- Dad?

- Dad? Um?

- Dad? Dad?

- Dad?

- Honey?

- Dad?

- Honey?

- Dad?

- Dennis?

- Dad?

- Graham! Graham!

- Oh, my God.


- Honey.

- Oh, my God.

Look out.

Flip him over.

Roll him over. Roll him over.

Be careful, okay?

Okay, help me with his helmet.

Watch his head.

Oh, my God.

I don't have a pulse. Ali, call 911.

Tell them a 63-year-old man

had a heart attack.

We're at the ice arena

on Williston Road.

Come on, sweetheart.

We're right here. Please, Dennis.

...six, seven, eight, nine, ten...

I-I'm with a 63-year-old man

who's had a heart attack.

No, he's unconscious.

Oh, Graham.

My fianc is doing CPR.

Honey? Come on, Dennis.

Come on. Come on,

sweetheart. Oh, God.

At the ice hockey arena

on Williston. Please hurry.

You got anything?

Come on, honey.

Come on, open your eyes.

Open your eyes, sweetheart.

Come on, it's Jeannie.

Dennis, it's Jeannie.

Please, please.

- It's okay.

- Dad. Dad.

- Come on, Dennis, please.

- Oh, my God.

All right, Dennis, we're gonna get

you in the back of the ambulance now.

- You're gonna be okay, Pop.

- Three, two, one, go.

- The Stroops?

- Yeah.

Come on.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Are you all family?

- Yes.

Okay, great.

So, good news is you saved his life.

Without the CPR, that would've been it.

He's suffered a sudden cardiac arrest,

probably caused

by an irregular heart rhythm.

Is he awake? Can we see him?

He's awake. He's doing fine.

But we still have a lot of tests to do.

So, maybe just one of you right now.

- He's asking for Jeannie?

- Oh, that's me.

- Okay.

- Come on.

You saved his life.


Hi, Mr. Tusk.

Yes, of course I know

what day it is. It's Christmas.

Yes, I know what that means.

You know what?

I quit. Merry Christmas.

Well, that was...

- Yeah.

- Wow.

- Yep.

- Okay.


I don't have a job, but that's okay.

Are... are you sure?



Yeah, I gave that job way too much time.

I-I should've been spending time

with my Dad and my family

and the people that I love.

If he had died, I just, I...

I never would've stopped thinking

about all the time I wasted.

I just, I give him such a hard time,

and he's just the best.

He's always trying

to just make his family happy.

- I'm such a horrible person.

- No, no.

You're not. You're really...

You're really not.


this whole stupid game

has gotta stop. It's gone too far.

You almost lost a parent.

I know what that's like.

They're your family, Graham.

You win.

And I'm sorry that I wasn't honest

when I was becoming unhappy.

I was afraid.

I thought if I told you the truth,

you would walk away.

So I did it first.

I'm sorry.

I screwed up.

We both did.

Can we forgive each other?

You're gonna

find someone amazing...

who deserves you.

You, too.

Dennis, did you

take your pills, sweet pea?

Yes, honeybun.

Okay, guys.

Stroops, it's time I hit the road.

- Already?

- Yeah.

Okay. Oh...

- Thank you for coming, honey.

- Oh, thank you.

You know it's not Christmas

here without you.

Aw, I feel the same.

So good to have you here.

Thank you.

You take care of yourself, okay?

- I will. I promise.

- Take it easy.

I will.

Oh, he's got Nurse Graham

here for another few days.

- Don't be a stranger.

- Okay.

Well, there's always next Christmas

or Valentine's Day...

Oh. We'll see.

I guess this is goodbye again.

I guess it is.


Okay. Well...

Thank you all for everything.


Merry Christmas.

I love you all.

We love you, too.

- Bye.

- Bye.


Good one, Mind.

Can I pass?

This is depressing.

Yeah, where'd our Christmas spirit go?

With Ali, back to L.A.

Yeah. I didn't want

to say anything, but...

I can text her to come back.

Jeannie and I could call

from the landline.

Everybody always picks up

when we call from the landline.

Guys, she's not coming back.

I screwed up. I gotta talk to her.

I gotta talk to her in person.

- What? At the airport?

- Yep, at the airport.

Okay. Well, we're coming with you.

- What? Why?

- Because we love her.

Not how you love her.

Well, sometimes after one or two drinks

I think about it, but it's not that way.

Okay. Because

we can use the carpool lane.

Ah! Let's take the Datsun!

It's faster than-- than Rudolph!

- Okay. You're not driving.

- Okay, you drive.

- No, guys. I'll drive. Let's go, come on.

- All right. Let's do it.

- Okay. Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

- Go, go, go!

Those pills are making my feet fat.

- Come on, okay, we're getting there.

- You wanna step in there.

You guys wanna come?

Yeah. We're ready.

To the Datsun!

It's tight in the car. Come on.

- Everybody get in.

- Okay.

- We can do it.

- Go, go, go!

- Going, going.

- Come on.

I don't wanna be in the middle.

Oh, my God, get in the car!

All right. Everybody in. Everybody in.

Start her up. Start her up.

- Okay, here we go.

- Go, go, go!

- Okay. Press on the gas. Press on the gas.

- Now, now!

- I am! I am!

- Okay. Third time's the charm, baby!

- Let's go!

- Let's go!

- No!

- Okay.

- To the wagon!

- To the wagon!

Move it, move it, move it.

Get out, Elliot!

- Mom, I got ya. Come on.

- Oh. Thanks, honey.

- Come on, come on. I know.

- I'm so glad I took Pilates.

- Hi. I just--

- Hi. I just--

- I wanted-- I was coming to--

- Okay. I-- no, I just--

- Can I go?

- Okay.

Wow. I thought I was gonna have

a couple of minutes in the car

to figure out exactly how to say this--

Just say it, honey.


- Ali, I'm an idiot.

- He's such an idiot.

My priorities were so out of whack.

- It was like, "What's important?"

- It's super whack.

"I don't know what's important.

This, that--"

Okay, guys, can we...?

What's up? You wanna-- okay.

- I'll take this one.

- Your thing. Hey-- good luck.

Thank you.


all I want is to figure

things out with you.

And if you let me,

I promise I will do anything I can

to be there for you,

to make you laugh,

to make you smile.

I will be there every day.

This Christmas was,

um, a little bit crazy.

But I can't imagine

another Christmas without you.

Ali, you're a part of this family,

and if you gave them the choice,

they would probably choose you over me.

So, I'd prefer

we didn't give them that option.

I'm so crazy in love with you.

Can you give me another chance?

I just came back 'cause I forgot my phone.


Oh, okay.

I'm just kidding.

I hate you.

I love you.



It's okay. It's okay.

We're not looking.


Hey, hey! Stop!

Oh, oh, that's Homer!

It's Mrs. Snyder's dog.

Bad dog! Bad dog!


- Dad, careful!

- Slow it down.

Dude, he's so fast.

- Dennis.

- Oh, we gotta see this.

I... slow down!

Oh, the whole time!

- Oh.

- Come on.


He's really tearing through

those things. Oh, that's a bad dog.

Oh, I can't watch.

Well, we got plenty

of baby Jesuses, Mom.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Oh.

You know, maybe he's just hungry.

- Yeah. Make him a snack, for sure.

- I should fix him something. I will.

- He's definitely hungry.

- I'll fix something for you, honey.

Make him some blueberry pancakes.

Oh, I think it's eatin' the duck.

Merry Christmas!

Your first L.A. Christmas!

I'm so excited.

- This is Quinn.

- Hi.

I've heard so much about you.

Isn't she something? We like her

so much better than Heather.

- Dad! You can't say that.

- I'm sorry, but we do.

- Well, I'm sorry. It's just true.

- Thank you.

Welcome. Welcome to the family.

Welcome to L.A.

- Come in.

- Wait a minute, where's Graham?

What? Is he still asleep?

He said he had to get some work done.

But he'll be back soon.

No, he's not working at Christmas.

He's his own boss, finally.

He can make his own hours!

Uh-oh. What's that?


Okay. Wha-- wait a second.

Hey, is that...?

Yeah. I mean, it's just

a little starter truck to get you going.


this is the cutest little truck

I've ever seen.

Thank you.

Look at these adorable...!

Oh, it's a puffer fish!

- This is amazing.

- Well, I'm sorry it took so long.

Oh. Well, better late than never.

- Merry Christmas.

- Aww, Merry Christmas.

- I love you.

- I love you.

And I should probably let you know

that I am engaged.

Oh, my God!

My eyes!

He has great taste,

and I bet he is gorgeous.

Yeah, not much behind those blue eyes.

I don't mean to be pushy,

but it's game night. Come, come.

- All right, let's go, let's go.

- Game night!

- It really turned out great.

- It turned out great, I know.

- Don't take it too far.

- Oh, yes. She really does.

- That paint job really came out nice.

- I can't wait to see the house.

It's like a-- what color is it?

Like an off-white kind of a thing?

- Yeah, eggshell. Something like that.

- No, no, you should be scared.

- Oh, wow, you got a whole bunch.

- I got it, I got it.

I'm making blueberry pancakes this year.

So, Mom, has been smoking

marijuana every night.

I mean, it was all downhill after dinner.

It really kinda got out of hand.

- Heather?

- Guess who's here?

Heather, I'm so glad you could make it.

You know, we stay in touch--

DMs, Wordle.

Even sent her an edible arrangement.

Merry Christmas.

Graham... what the fu--
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