When Time Got Louder (2022)

Thanksgiving, Dramas Movie Collection.

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When Time Got Louder (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

[mellow piano melody playing]

[Abbie] Dad, come on.

Kay and I are ready.

[Mark] Okay, coming.

Let's go see what Santa--

-[Tish] Come on, honey. Come on.

-[Mark] Okay. [chuckles]

Okay. [sighs]

All right, here we go.

-Well, Merry Christmas, Mom!

-Merry Christmas.

-[Mark] Hey, what the heck?

-Okay, honey, it's [indistinct].

-[Mark] Are these presents?

-Let's just get right to it.

-[Mark] Okay, okay. Hey, guys.

-[Tish] Okay. Okay.

All right, say hi, Abbie!

Hi, Kayden!

Dad, Dad, look at

the presents Santa left us.

-Can I open one now?

-[Mark] Wow.

Whoa, bud. Wait, wait.

Do you-- do you want

to hold the camera?

-[Abbie] Can I try, Dad?

-Yeah, here you go. Be careful.

["Jingle Bells" playing]

Oh, what fun it is to ride

[both chuckle]

[Abbie] Wait, Kayden--

[rhythmic beeping]

[somber instrumental playing]

[hospital din]

[indistinct conversation

in background]

[Mark] My son clearly

did nothing wrong!

[Claire] Mr. Peterson, please.

I also want

what's best for Kayden.

I-- I still--

I still don't understand why

we need to do this right now.

We need to provide

an evaluation to the police

as soon as possible.

As Kayden is still 17,

it's important that

I speak with both of you

-so I get a better sense--

-No, but listen.

He's gonna wake up...

and he's not gonna know

where he is, and he is-- [sobs]

He's not going to understand.


He will be so scared.


I need to be there

when he wakes up, Mark.

I need to be there

when he wakes up.

I need to be there

when he wakes up!

-[Mark] Okay.

-[Tish sighs]

-[phone vibrating]

-[Claire] Abbie?

Sorry, what was the question?

How often did your father work

those weekend shifts?

Why does that matter?

Abbie, all of my questions

are to help me

get a better sense

of your family's situation.

As you're not

Kayden's legal guardian,

you don't have to speak with me

if you don't want to.

No, I want to answer

your questions

to help my family.

I just wasn't expecting you

to be passing judgment on--

No one here

is being judged.

[Abbie sighs]

My dad rarely

worked weekends.

We spent tons of time

together as a family

and no way

did that impact Kayden.

Was that the real question?

[phone vibrating]

Will anything I say here

even matter?

Of course.

Your parents spoke

a great deal

about how you were a major part

of your brother's life.

What I'm trying

to understand is...

how in the last few months,

in light of your absence,

how it may have impacted Kayden

as to where he is today.

So you think

this is my fault?

Not at all.

But you're sitting here

asking us questions

-like we did something wrong.

-I'm just trying to--

Like something we did

could have changed it.

I'm hoping to understand

how this incident happened today

so that

we can help him.

Can I go

to the bathroom?

[phone vibrating]

[Karly] Hello?

Abbie, are you there?

[Abbie] You were calling me?

I've been trying

to get a hold of you.

You were starting

to worry me.

[Abbie sniffles]

I'm sorry.

It's just not

a good time right now.


I just want to talk, please.

How are you?

-I miss you.

-[Abbie sobbing]


-[Abbie breathing shakily]

I'm sorry, it's just really

not a good time right now.

Abbie, what's going on?

You can tell me.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

I'm sorry, I gotta go.

-Mom's calling me.

-Abbie, wait--

[Abbie sobbing]

[melancholy music playing]

[Abbie breathing heavily]

I'm sorry.

Kayden was diagnosed

when he was three.

Abbie was five.

You know, they've always been

best friends,

ever since the day

she first held him.

That's wonderful.

In many of my cases,

the sibling dynamic

can be quite challenging.

They always had

a special bond over art.

Um, drawing, painting,

whatever they could get

their hands on.

That's what, uh, Abbie,

uh, went to school for

in California.



[Tish] This is incredible.

Oh, Abbie,

we're so proud of you.

Full ride-- what exactly

does that mean, full ride?

It means my tuition

is paid for.

-Um, o-- okay, Mom.


Okay, tuition's paid for,

but not

books or housing, probably.

Books are expensive, housing--

California's not cheap.

I'm just saying.

Yeah, but the California

Design Academy

has one of the top programs

in animation.

It's basically

the Harvard of arts.

Well, Harvard

is also very expensive.

Okay. We can make it work.

-We'll make it work.


We'll make it work.

-Good job, kiddo.

-[Kayden hum talking]

[knocking on door]

[door opens]

[Abbie] Hey, Kay.

-What's you doing?

-[hum talking]

-[hum talking]

-Ooh, a sea lion?

-[hum talking]

-Why a sea lion?

[hum talking]

Hey, you wanna see

something funny?

[hum talking]

[sea lion barking]

[hum laughing]

[automated voice]

This is funny.

-It is funny. Good job.

-[Kayden laughs]

[hum talking]

[pencil scratching]

[calm piano melody]

Your drawings

are the best, Kay.

Seriously. [chuckles]

We're gonna make

an awesome TV show one day.

But I have to go away

for a bit to make that happen.

I have to...

go to school for it.

You know,

like how you go to school?

[Abbie breathes shakily]

[hum talking]

[hum talking]

-I love-- I love you so much.

-[hum talking]

You know that, right?

[Abbie sniffling]

[hum talking]

[pencil scratching]

[hum talking]

-[Abbie sniffles]

-[hum talking]

Make his nose

a bit smaller.

He's starting

to look like Grandpa.

[Kayden laughs]

[hum talking]

[hum talking]

[Tish] Mark.

What's wrong?

[sighs] I don't know.

I'm just worried.

[sighs] About Abbie?

Or Kayden?

[sighs] Both.


This is a big change.


It's not ideal,

but this is

what we wanted, right?

This is what

we worked so hard for.

For Abbie

to have her own life.

Of course.

Of course, but...

this is all Kayden knows.

And now

he's gonna be alone.

I mean, Abbie is

the only friend he's ever had.

Well, he is capable

of adapting...

and I'll be able

to spend more time with him.

And what are you gonna be

doing after school now?

The same thing I did

when she was a kid.

Take it one day

at a time.

You know, I really...

think that it's time that

we talked about assisted living.

[emotional piano music playing]


You're something else,

you know that?


-Assisted living?

Look, it's an option

that we haven't explored.

Hell, we haven't

even talked about--

-Because we don't need to!


-We don't need to yet.


I'm not-- No. Mark.

I'm not talking

about this with you.

I'm not talking

about this tonight.

[Mark] I'm sorry, okay?

But today

was a big wake-up call.


This discussion is over.

[Tish sobbing]

[Mark] We always knew

Abbie was going to leave,

and we always knew he was

going to have this problem.

I just didn't think it was

going to happen this sudden.

You and I both know that

he is not going to understand.


How many hours a week

did Abbie look after Kayden

when she was home?

Hard to say.

I-- I mean, Abbie would...

hang out with Kayden

while I ran errands

or did things

around the house.

Weekend outings were always...

as a family.

Abbie always wanted

to spend time with Kayden.

That's quite the commitment

for a young girl.

She's quite the girl.

Can you tell me more

about the transition?

Abbie leaving home?

Well, it was hard

on all of us.

Technology helps, I guess.

[Winnie the Pooh]

No, let me see.

Oh, yes.


it's not much of a tail...

but I'm sort of

attached to it.

[Winnie the Pooh]

I've got an idea.

Hey, Eeyore's in my spot.


-Stupid thing's broken.

-What's wrong?

Well, I'm trying

to set up the FaceTime

so we can all

video chat together.

[Abbie chuckles]

It's FaceTime,

not the FaceTime.

Kayden, pass this

to your sister, please.

[hum talking]

[hum talking]

Can you pass it to me?

[high-pitched groan]

Kayden got it.

[Eeyore] No song and dance.

No "here we go round

the mulberry bush."


Thank goodness I have you

to take care of me.

[hum talking]

Abbie, I can see my face.

I don't want to FaceTime

with my face.

Yeah, you--

you have to FaceTime me

if you wanna--

Okay, let's do it.

Um, what's your phone number?

No, I know.

Hold on. Okay. And go.

[door opens]

[Mrs. Thompson]

Kayden, Look who's here.

[Kayden hums excitedly]

[automated voice] Abbie.

[chuckles] Hey, buddy.

You ready to go?

[hums excitedly]

I hear

someone's going to California.

Your mom could not stop raving

when she was here.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited.

We'll sure miss seeing you here

every day after school.

I think it's Kayden's

favorite part of the day.

[hum talking]

[Abbie chuckles]

You want your headphones

for the hall?

[hum talking]

[hum talking]

[soft piano melody playing]

-[pop music on radio]


What did I say yesterday?

It's too loud.

Seat belt.


I don't have time for this.

I have to go home

and pack.

[hum talking]

-[Kayden groans forcefully]


[hum talking]


[hum talking]

On our last day.

[hum talking]

-[Kayden groans forcefully]


[somber tone building]

[hum talking]

[hum talking]




[both] Four.





[whispers] Thank you.

[pop music playing]

Love whatever journey

we're on

Being so free

Looking at the road

ahead of me

One, two, three

Let's let this be

the moment we will seize

Tigger, I'd be happy

to tell you

my secret for winning

your Pooh sticks.


Oh, you would?

[Abbie] Mom, have you seen

my sketchbook?

She's upstairs.

[automated voice]

I like Winnie the Pooh.

[chuckles] Nice.

I like Winnie the Pooh too.

Who's your favorite?


You know, the only reason

that he is your favorite

is because your sister

used to carry Eeyore everywhere.

-You all packed?


You didn't

overpack though, right?

Because they will charge you

if your bag's overweight.

No, it's barely even full.

[Mark] Good.

Well, make sure

you text us when you land,

and when you get to your dorm.

-You know where it is on campus?

-I think so.

I've been talking

to my roommate, Jen.

She explained it to me.

She seems really nice.

-[Tish] Kayden?

-[hum talking]

[Kayden grunts excitedly]

-[whispers] Give this to Abbie.

-[hum talking]

[hums excitedly]

-Mom, no.

-I know you said,

"No presents, Mom,"

but it's not every day

that your baby girl

goes off to California, so.

[hum talking]


[Winnie the Pooh] That's funny.

I dropped it on the other side,

and it came out

on this side.

Eeyore, what's the matter?

[Eeyore] What makes you think

anything's the matter?


Well, you just seem so sad.

[hums excitedly]

[hum talking]

Oh, Kayden,

did you write this?

[hums excitedly]

It's-- it's awesome printing.

I had to steal your book

so I could tape

his drawings in.

We thought

it would be nice for you

to have it with you always.

[calm piano music playing]

-Thank you.

-[hum talking]

[engine starts]

-[Tish] You have your phone?

-[Abbie] Yep.

And all the numbers

are programmed in?


-Okay, so.

Text when

you get through security,

and then text

before the plane takes off,

and then when you get there,

you should--

Get in the first person's van

that offers me a ride?

Mom, relax.

Well, you know,

it may be hard to say no

if they offer me candy.



I'm just kidding, Mom.

All right. Well...

-Work hard and stay safe.

-I can do that.

I love you so much.

Will you please come back to us

even after you're famous?

[chuckles] I'm only gonna be

gone for four months.

-You'll barely notice.

-[hum talking]

No, uh,

bud, remember Dad said that

Abbie is going on the airplane

and-- and she's going

to school,

but she'll be back

to see you soon.

We'll mark it off

in the calendar,

on the fridge, okay?

[automated voice]

I will go on airplane.

Just Abbie is getting

on the plane today, buddy.

[hum talking]

But I'll be home

before you know it.

[hum talking]

[hum talking]

I'll be on soon, okay?

[hum talking]

Just make sure

you send me lots of pictures.

-Oh, no, not now.

-[camera clicks]

-[Kayden laughs]



It's time to go, kiddo.

[hum talking]

Love you guys.

I will go

on airplane.


-Come on, bud.

[woman on PA] Flight 2826,

service to Los Angeles,

is now inviting passengers in

Zones 3 and 4 to begin


Please have your boarding pass

and passport...

["Missing June"

by Miki Ratsula playing]


Now my heart's

a little heavy

Missing June

Hey! You must be Abbie.



Nice to finally meet you.

Nice pictures.

Damn, you came prepared.

Well, my mom used to be

an interior designer,

so I guess

I got that gene.

-Is that Kayden?

-[chuckles] Yup.

Oh, so cute.

Okay, so, uh, my friend, Robbie,

that I was telling you about

I guess knows

this guy Brooke,

and they're throwing

this insane party

for the beginning

of the semester.

They invited me. It's on Friday

if you wanna come.

Uh, I don't know.

I'm gonna have to see--

Oh. [scoffs]

Uh, did I phrase that

as a question?

Because it's actually

not optional.

[Abbie chuckles softly]

Okay, fine.

I'll go.

Cool. Yes, you will.

All right. [sighs]

[Jen sighs]

When did you move here

from Bluewater?

[Mark] I don't know. 2002.

-And the reason for the move?


I'm a construction foreman.

I imagine it's very long hours

in construction.

I manage just fine.

How long have

the two of you been together?

Uh, 24 years.

Can I have a tissue, please?

I'm sorry.

[whispers] Could we--

[clears throat]

Could we please

do this later? [sobs]

I would really like

to be there when he--

when he wakes up.

I know this is hard.

No. [sobs]

Hard doesn't even

begin to cover it.

I know that you think

that you understand,

but you don't.

It's-- it's...


prepares you for it.

You-- You just--

You just hit

the ground running.

[automated voice] Abbie.

Abbie. Abbie.

-Abbie. Abbie.



-Kayden, calm down.

All right, all right.

-I want to see Abbie.

-Kayden, calm down, buddy.

Sweetheart. Kayden.

She's not here.

[Kayden groans forcefully]

Kayden, enough.


-[Kayden groans forcefully]

Kayden, look at me.

I have an idea.


[hum talking]

Thank you.

That's the last

of the eggs.

I'll pick some up

on the way home from work.


Hey, Kayden,

do you want anything special

for dinner tomorrow?

Chicken strips.

All right.

Chicken strips it is.

-[hum talking]

-Is that good?

[hum talking]


Okay, that's enough, bud.

[hum talking]

[Claire] Did Kayden seem to be

affected by Abbie's absence?

Well, I mean,

we did explain to him

that she was

going away to school.

It's hard for him to gauge

what that time is,

as you can imagine.

Yes, but over

the last few months,

did you notice a change

in his mood or behavior?

I saw in his past charts

that he had

some previous incidents

at his high school.

If you're implying

that what happened today

had anything to do

with Abbie's absence

affecting my son's behavior,

you are way off.

I mean, of course we missed her

while she was gone,

but that had nothing to do

with what happened today.

My son did nothing wrong.

Mr. Peterson,

I am just trying to get

a better understanding

of Kayden's trajectory

over the past year.

He was fine.

I mean, of course he missed her,

but what do you expect?

Mom, you have to tilt

the camera up, I can't see you.

-What? Oh.

-[Kayden groans excitedly]

So, how is your roommate?

Are you getting along?

Uh, yeah, I mean,

it's only been a week,

but she's nice.


-Um, she invited me

to a party that's tonight.

I don't know

if I'll go though.

-[Kayden groans excitedly]


Kayden's touching noses

with you.

[Kayden groans excitedly]

I should head

to class now.

Well, let us know

if we can talk to you tonight.

Kayden put in a special request

for chicken strips.

No fair.

I never get chicken strips.

-Okay, I should go.

-Uh, okay.

Um, Kayden,

uh, say bye to Abbie.

-[Kayden groans excitedly]


I love you guys.

-[hum talking]



-Yeah. It'll be okay.



I think

I'm gonna pull Larry

and his three from that job

after the fourth.

They can finish off

the molding.

Well, I'll see you

at Whitestone next week then.

-Yeah, sounds good.

-Hey, uh, how's the family?

Good. Good.

Abbie's getting settled in

in California.

I mean, ten grand

a semester room and board.

Can you believe that?

-Ooh, ain't that a mess.


You know, I could use

a few extra hours

if you have anything.

Uh, we got the build on Fraser

as long as you

don't tell Ms. Tish

that I'm the one

taking you away on Saturdays.

She's expecting it.

-Thanks, Henry.

-All right, take care.

Are you serious, Mark?

I'm sorry.

We ended up working late on site

and I must have forgot--

[automated voice]

I want chicken strips.

Kayden, stop.

Hungry. Chicken strips.


Why didn't you just cook him

something else?

I told you I was busy on site.

No, you didn't tell me anything.

I didn't hear anything

from you all day.

That would require you

to actually pick up your phone!

[Kayden groaning]

Change your tone.

He's been talking

about this all day.

We were gonna call Abbie.

-It's a thing.

-Fine, fine.

I'll go get some.

It's not that big of a deal.

[Kayden groaning]

Yeah, forget it.


go upstairs to your room

and draw while mom cooks dinner.

Kayden, please.

[Kayden groaning softly]


No? Great.

Cheese toast it is.

["Keeping Secrets"

by KANDY & Madison Rose playing]

Losing by keeping secrets

Can we erase

every rhyme or reason?

Throw me a line, it's our


let's seize it

You gotta know,

you've got to know I need it

Tired of losing

by keeping se--

All I did was cough!

You bounced.




[Tigger] Oh, dear,

I didn't bounce him.

[Eeyore] He bounced me.

[Tigger] Oh, I didn't really!

I, uh-- Well,

I just had a cough, you see,

and I happened to be

behind Eeyore and--

Good movie, huh, Kayden?

[coughing & laughing on TV]


That's what I call bouncing.

[Tigger] I didn't bounce.

I coughed.

How about Mom makes us

some hot chocolate?

[hum talking]



Oh, well, it was just a joke.

[loud pop music playing]

Just be you, you, you

Just be you, you, you

And it's true, true, true

And it's true, true, true

Just be you

[melancholic music playing]

Why didn't you just let him

watch a movie like I said?

He needed a break

from electronics.

He was fine.

Dr. Palmer specifically

said less electronics.

So now we have

to start that tonight?

Well, maybe if he wasn't

so glued to his screen,

he would be having

a better night.

-This-- That is not why--

-No, Mark.

The reason

that he's having a bad night

is because his dad

couldn't be bothered

to pick up

the f*cking chicken strips!

Enough with the f*cking

-chicken strips!

-[Kayden groaning]

Hey, Kayd.

You want to play a game

on your phone?

[blasting sound effects]

Hey, Kayden.

I have an idea.

How about we call Abbie?

[automated voice]

I will see Abbie.


-[Tish] Okay.

[electronic music playing]

Move your body, baby

I have to pee.

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?

[girl] Karly, come on!

Do you need to go?

Hey, hey, don't be that guy.

-No, I just need to--

-Hang up and hang out.

New rule, if you're not peeing,

you're dancing.

Let's go, okay.

Excuse us, thank you.

[hum talking]

She's not picking up.

Well, try her again.

Maybe she's already gone to bed.

Yeah, we should have just

let him be.

I know. I thought

it would help distract him.

[Kayden groaning]


Kayden, calm down.


We're going to have to try

and talk to Abbie tomorrow.

-[grunting angrily]


[grunting angrily]

I'm so encaptured

Got me wrapped up

in your touch

Feel so enamored

Hold me tight

within your clutch

How do you do it?

You got me losing

every breath

What did you give me

To make my heart

beat out my chest?

Not a fan of Brooke?


The guy you just blew off.

This is his house.

Uh, no, um...

I just didn't feel like dancing.

Oh, that's too bad.


Um, well, I was gonna

ask you to dance,

but you don't feel like it,

so it's fine.

I actually

really do like this song.

-[Kayden grunting]

-[Mark] Kayden!

[grunting angrily]

-He's gonna hurt himself.

-Kayden, she's not here.

[Kayden grunting angrily]

-[Kayden wailing]

-Kayden, sit down.


[wailing continues]

Kayden, listen to me.

Hey, listen.

Listen, listen, listen.





[both] Three.





I feel we're close enough

I wanna lock in your love

I think we're close enough

Could I lock

in your love, baby?

Now I've got you in my space

I won't let go of you

Got you shackled

in my embrace

I'm latching onto you

Latching onto you

I didn't wanna let go

I won't let go of you




I'll check it

before I go to bed next time.



I'll FaceTime Kayden

after class.

I love you too.


[both giggling]

I'm guessing

you had a good night.

Hey, you know, um...

it was almost as good as yours.

I have no idea

what you're talking about.

Okay, so, "tall, sultry woman"

doesn't ring any bells?


She's a friend of Brooke's.


So, when's the first date?

There isn't gonna be

a first date.


It was just a kiss.



Well, I am seriously starving,

so can we please

get some brunch?


don't worry, it's just brunch.

I am hungry.


-Then get up, let's go.


-I'm tired though. I'm tired.

-It's mimosa time.

So tired.

That sucks.

Will you pick me out an outfit?

Absolutely not.

I'm so tired.

I will drag you out of bed.

I take spin classes,

I'm very strong.

Just wear that, let's go.

Up and at them.

Let's go, come on.


-Hi, Tish.


He wouldn't sit with me.

So, did Emily

give you the details?

Just that he gave

someone a push.

Yeah, another student

reached for his headphones.

So my son was being bullied?

We-- we believe

it was a misunderstanding.

Kayden apologized.

Didn't you, Kayden?



these things happen,

but Mrs. Thompson

has her hands full as it is

and she just can't manage.

So, maybe you could

just take him home for the day.


[locker slams]

-[Kayden grunting softly]



Not now, okay?



Let's get you home.




Let's go home.

It's time to go home, bud, okay?


Kayden. Kayden.


[melancholy music building]


Did you talk to Abbie

this weekend?

Yeah, she seems

a little homesick.

I wish we could

have her home for Thanksgiving.

You know we can't afford that.


Awesome, bud.

Just go grab some pasta

down the aisle.

[hum talking]

I was thinking that maybe

we could ask the Robertsons

to look after Kayden on Sunday.

Just one. Just one.

Thank you, big guy.

Okay, tomato sauce next.

[automated voice] Sauce.

Just down the aisle.

[hum talking]

And we can go see Greenville.


It's a group home in Barleton.

Maybe we can get

some extra help.

I can ask if-- if there's-

It wouldn't hurt to go look.

One day at a time, right?






[calm instrumental playing]


What else did you do today?

Mom told me that you did

some more drawings today.

Can you show me?

[hum talking]

Kayden, can you show me?

Kayden, can you show me?

[sighs] Okay, bud,

I gotta go, but I'll--

I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Love you.

Hey, stranger.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I part time TA

for a journalism class.

How you been?

Good. You?

Pretty good.

Except I-- I did have

a rough past couple weeks

'cause I met

this really awesome girl

and she never texted me back.

Yeah, I'm--

I'm sorry about that.

I've just been

a little bit overwhelmed

with the first couple weeks

of school

and catching up on assignments.

Did you draw that?


I'm in the animation program.

Shut up, you're so cute.

Oh, I'm cute?

[hopeful instrumental building]

I really am sorry though for...

not texting you back.

Well, there is a way

you could make it up to me.


Any plans Friday?

What's that for?

Just going on the beach.

-Someone's got a date!

-Jen, come on.

Please tell me

it's the girl from the party.


Just drop it.

Okay, I think

we're a little past

the point of roommate deception.

It's not like

you haven't seen me coming in

at 3:00 a.m.

from Brooke's, so.

Seriously, is it her?

Oh, my God, you really like her.

Maybe a little, yeah.

This is too great.

I'm so excited for you.

Very nice.

Okay, I got this.

Make good choices.

[door closes]

Or not.

The latter is more fun.



[engine starts]

[Tish sighs]

Hey. Um, I'm Cooper.

-You must be the Petersons.

-Yeah, I'm Mark.

-My wife, Tish.


Um, I'm actually

head of admin,

but they needed an extra hand

on the weekends,

so you got me. [chuckles]

Jackie said

you wanted to see the space.


this is Mark's only day off,

and our son

is with a family friend.

Got it.

Uh, come on in.

So, um,

this is the main floor.

It's mostly common area,

and over here

we have the kitchen.

Whoa, whoa.

Who whoa, whoa, Daniel. Daniel.

Please take a seat.

No more coffee until

you have your medication, okay?

[sighs] Um, sorry about that.

As I said,

shorthanded on the weekends.

Uh, the kitchen

is just this way.

[TV playing

in background]

Meanwhile, downtown we're

seeing a lot of congestion

because of the road closure

on Adams and Jefferson.

Some unusual backup southbound

on I5 due to a broken-down bus.

["grocery store"

by Miki Ratsula playing]

Now I'm lifted up

into the ceiling

She makes me feel

like I'm dreaming


And I never ever

wanna come down

So I swore

I'd never know this feeling


caught up in believing, yeah

Now I never

ever wanna come down

This is the, uh, backyard.

[sighs] We like to engage

our residents in, um, gardening

and other outdoor activities.

Um, I think

that woman needs help.

Oh, Maggie, not again.


Maggie, we don't pick our scabs.

Okay, I'll--

I'll be right back.

[somber instrumental building]

Ooh, that doesn't look good.


Want a BAND-AID? Yeah?

As I said,

we're here to help,

and so we'll do anything we can

to accommodate Carl's needs.

Uh, Kayden.

Kayden. Uh, right. Sorry.

I'll follow up

with you both.

There's a lot more logistical

questions having to do

with the health insurance

and whatnot.


And, uh, next time you

can bring Kayden by

and he can take a look

at the place.

Okay. Um...

it was good meeting you.

[Claire] Did you ever

consider a group home?

No, because Kayden

can only live in our home.

And how would you

describe your home?

More than just a home.

I mean, for Kayden

it's more than just

a roof over his head.

It's his whole world.

[Mark] Thanks again.

[both sighing]

[Tish sniffling]

[engine starts]

They don't do anything.

They just

sit around all day,

and when you get home,

they don't even care.

You might

as well have a fish.

I'm sorry,

but what did cats do to you

to deserve such animosity?

No, they didn't.

Dogs are just inherently better.

You can take them for walks

and you can play with them.

Okay, we're gonna have to agree

to disagree on this one.

So, do you want food now

or food later?


And who ever said

chivalry is dead?

Hey, food is the foundation

of any good date.

So it's food now

or food later.

It's that simple.

So, this is a date?

Do you kiss

a lot of girls at parties?


Then it's a date.

[waves crashing]

Is there enough?

[chuckles] I think so.

So, what brought you

down to LA?

The program.

I like their animation track.

There's nothing

really like it back home.

And what's home like?

Uh, you know, the usual.


Overworked dad,

overstressed mom,

and my brother is

in his last year of high school.

Oh, nice.

Does he know

what colleges he's applying to?

Um, actually,

I'm-- I'm not sure.

So, what was it like

growing up in LA?

It's all I know.

It was just me

and my mom.

My dad left

when I was seven,

came out when I was 14,

she threw me a party.

-She's a good mom.

-Yeah. I'm lucky.

My friends

were all so cool about it.

I even brought

a girl to prom.

So, what about you?

Any ex-girlfriends I need to

worry about stealing you away?

No, definitely not.

I mean, I've-- I've been

with a few girls before,

but nothing serious enough

to call a girlfriend.

So, no, you have nothing

to worry about. [chuckles]

[waves crashing]

So, how long did you and that ex

from prom go out for?

About a year and a half.

When we graduated, she got

into this college in New York,

and she broke up with me.

Said she didn't want to do

long distance.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Look where I am now.

What was that for?

Oh, you got

a little something right here.

Oh, uh-huh. Yeah?

-You have a little something--

-Yeah? Yeah, where?


Right here. [laughs]


by Miki Ratsula playing]

Fell sick with oblivion

So the sun has set and now

the moon is back again, oh

Hello, my friend


How many times

has this happened now?

I lost track

when I was stressing

'Bout those thunderclouds,


Those thunderclouds


I've come way too far

to not know

That I've been in the dark

And, oh,

time's been slipping on me

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

Oh, falling

but never could sleep

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

Fell sick with oblivion

So the sun has set and now

the moon is back again, oh

Hello, my friend


How many times

has this happened now?

I lost track

when I was stressing

'Bout those thunderclouds,


Those thunderclouds


I've come way too far

to not know

That I've been in the dark

And, oh, time's been

slipping on me

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

Oh, falling

but never could sleep

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

And, oh, time's been

slipping on me

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

Oh, falling

but never could sleep

But when I find it, oh

When I find it

Who left

the headlights burning?

[phone vibrating]

[door unlocking]

[giggling] Well, well, well.

What do we have here,

Miss This Isn't A Date?

Very funny.

Uh, Jen, this is Karly.


Uh, well, don't mind me,

love birds.

Uh, I'm just gonna go meet

Robbie at the campus center.

I just have to change clothes.

I'll only be a few minutes.

I should probably take this.



[phone continues vibrating]

Hi, Mom.

Hi, sweetie.

[Abbie] Sorry,

I missed your call last night.

That much homework.

Even on the weekends?



-We're really proud of you.

-Thanks, Mom.

We're really,

really proud of you.

So, what's up?

Oh, not much.

Just tidying around the house.

Uh, Kayden went to see a movie

over at the Robertsons.

Oh, that's nice.

Did he have fun?

Uh, I'm not sure.

I-- I-- I think so.

Your dad and I didn't stay.

We went to tour Greenville,

a group home.

I-- I don't...

see him there,

but we thought it was best

to at least do the research.

Did you call

just to tell me this?

I-- I just--

You don't bring up care homes

our entire lives,

and then I'm gone for, what--

like two months

and you start shopping

for a place

to send Kayden off to?

Sweetheart, no.


this has nothing to do with you.

Kayden is almost 18 and--

How can you say

it has nothing to do with me?

Abbie, please.

You know, you have always--

I can't do this right now, Mom.

I gotta go.

Abbie. Abbie.

[somber instrumental music




Mom, Dad said that

Kayden and I could paint

in our coloring books

after the movie,

but now he's saying

Kayden's going to bed.

Well, he's probably going to bed

'cause he's really tired.

Do you want me

to paint with you?

No, it's okay.

I'll wait for Kayden tomorrow.

Okay. [sniffles]

What's wrong, Mommy?

Come here.

Do you remember when we talked

to Kayden's doctor and--

Yeah, when you thought

Kayden was sick.

Is Kayden sick again?

No, honey, he's not sick.

Kayden has

a special thing called autism.

It means that sometimes

it's going to be harder for him

to do things

like school or chores.

And sometimes he's not always

going to be able

to tell us what he needs

or wants, so...

we're gonna have to pay

extra special attention to him.

What it really means

is that he is going to need

a lot of extra love

from his big sister.

-I can do that.

-I know you can.

You are the best big sister

there is.

And sometimes Mommy and Daddy

will need your help,

and Kayden

will need your help too.

In school Mrs. Mitchell

was telling us about

the special parts

of your body that help us live.

This is my heart, my lungs,

my stomach,

and my two kidneys.

Wow, you are so smart.

What if I gave Kayden

my kidney?

Would that help

make Kayden better?

You know, sweetheart...


...I think that that's not


that's not gonna help

with this.


What Kayden needs from you

is a lot--

of love and hugs,

like you already do.


He's pretty dependent

on me and my family.

He won't be going to college.

We actually don't really know

what he's going to do

after high school.

There aren't many options

for him.

-Why didn't you tell me?

-I don't know.

I guess it's kind of

a lot of background

to share on a first date.


Wait, we were on a date?

[Abbie chuckles]

But seriously, um,

I'm really glad you told me.

My mom told me they went

to visit a group home yesterday.

They're insistent that

I don't have to be his caretaker

when I'm older, even though

I've always said I want to.

They think it's going to ruin

my life, so...

now that I'm gone,

they've already started

looking at options

as if

I'm no longer an option.

Sounds like your parents

just want you to be happy.


I know it's tough for them.

When my brother

was first diagnosed,

the doctor

told my parents to...

go home

and love your other child.

Can you imagine that?

Because they just assumed

that he would have no future.

See, that was a lot.

This is why I shouldn't--

Abbie, I'm really happy

you told me.

I mean, you must be

close with your parents.

I'd say so.

Have you come out

to them yet?


I-- I want to though.

I just don't think

it's the right time yet.

So, what kind of stuff

does Kayden like to do?

He is the most amazing artist.

More inventive than me,


Not bound by any rules

or styles like they teach here.

We love to draw together.

We're gonna make

a TV series one day.

[Claire] Were you and Kayden

always this close?


Some siblings struggle

to connect at a young age.

Did you ever

find it difficult?


It just always worked.

[FaceTime ringing]

[ringing stops]

[line ringing]

[Mark] Hello?

Does Kayden have his phone?

I just tried FaceTiming him.

No, he forgot it at school.

Do you want me to grab him?

Uh, yeah. Okay. Sure.

Hold on. Kayd!

Hey, bud.

How's it going?


How was school?


Did you make some art today?

Did you make some art today?

[quietly hum talking]

Okay, bud, I should go,

but I'll talk

to you later, okay?

I love you.

[Kayden smacks lips

and grunts]


Why didn't you guys go

to the school to get it?

I don't know.

I didn't have time.

I'll grab it


Kayden needs his phone

so him and I can talk.

It's not the same

without FaceTime.

Abbie, I don't know

what you want me to say.

Do you want me to grab him?

He can use my phone.

Dad, you don't get it.

My brother and I

need to be able to talk.

He needs his phone.

Okay, Abbie,

no one gets it more than I do,

but I can't just drop


["in the middle" by

Miki Ratsula playing]

Would be the way

it's always been with you

Since I was a kid

No matter what I did

I had to choose

Who I'll hurt

Without trying to

It's heavy on my shoulders

but it's all I ever knew

Either way I'll be fine


'Cause I've been

in the middle my whole life

How are you?

Good. You?

What's wrong?

Nothing, I'm...


just really missing

my brother.

I'm sorry, babe.

I just feel

so guilty being here.


being here helped you meet me.

We all know that's the highlight

of your university experience.

[Abbie laughs]

I really like you, Abbie.

I really like you too.

Hope so, 'cause that

would have been really awkward.

[both laughing]

[engine starts]

Kayden, hold out your hand.

-Okay, one.






That's how much it costs

for one bus ride.



you're gonna get on the bus,

you're gonna put that

in the slot,

you're gonna take your seat,

and you're gonna get off

at the grocery store.

Like we did before,


Do you remember

what the bus top looked like

at the big grocery store with--

with the doughnuts you love?

[automated voice] Dad. Bus.

No, no, no, no, Kayden, Dad's--

Dad's gonna follow the bus.

This is just for practice.

For you to be able

to do it by yourself.

[automated voice]

I will ride the bus.

Yes, Kay, you will ride the bus.

All right, look,

everything's gonna be okay.

Dad's going to be

right behind you.

-[hum talking]


-Hey, kid!


Kayden, the money.

Your headphones.

In your backpack.

Well, we should probably be

productive today.

It is already 4:00.

I would say

this is very productive.

-You wanna study?




Can I ask you a question?


Have you mentioned me

to them yet?

Not yet.

Is it 'cause I'm a girl?

[Abbie chuckles]

My dad would be intense


if you're a guy or a girl.

So, you're just

not gonna tell them?

I just thought that...

maybe since we're more serious

that you'd want them to know.

I do.

I want to, it's just with...

everything going on with Kayden,

I don't want to put more

on their plate.

I'll tell them

when the timing is right though.

I promise.


I'm not going anywhere

if that's what

you're worried about.



[Abbie moans]

I say...

we go get cupcakes

and go for a walk.

-Oh, so you went from the gym...


-...to cupcakes?


Or doughnuts.

We have options.

-[Kayden hum talking]

-[Mark] Hold on. Hold on, bud.

Do you have the card

I gave you?

[hum talking]

Okay, good.

So this is an ATM,

and what you're gonna do

is you're gonna put

the card into the machine,

follow the instructions,

and you're gonna

get out cash.

Here we go.

[ATM] Please insert

your card to begin.

[automated voice] Hello.

Kayden, it can't talk to you.

It's just waiting for your card.

[hum talking]

[phone vibrating]


-[Mark] Hey.

So I'm looking into flights.

We better move quick here

before the prices move up.

Uh, I've got December 17th.

I have my last final

on the day before.

Can I get a couple of days

to say goodbye to my friends?

Okay, um, how about--

how about December 20th?

Do your friends allow you

to leave then?

[chuckles] Yeah, thanks.

Are you happy with how

the first semester went?

Yeah, it's been good.

Good group down there?


I wouldn't call it a group,

but, yeah, some friends.

Any boys?

No, Dad.

I'm just curious, you know,


why you needed the extra days.


I just want to say sorry

for getting upset with you

the other day.

It's just been tough

being away from Kayden.

I understand, kiddo.

It's okay.

All right. I got your itinerary.

I'll send it to you.

Thanks, Dad.

All right. See you soon.


So, the winning assignment

gets to shadow Professor Watts

for a weekend.

I mean,

there's a lot of competition,

but I think I have a chance.

[Tish] What are you gonna do?

Uh, I have an idea,

I've started sketching, but--

Hey, babe.

[Tish] Is that Jen?

Oh, it's Abbie's mom. Hi!

Abbie's told me

so much about you.

Uh, no. No, Mom.

This is Karly.

She's a-- a friend from class.

I don't think

I've mentioned her before.

Hi, Karly.

Abbie's been telling me

all about your class.

Nice to meet you,

Mrs. Peterson.

Okay, Mom, we should probably

start studying.

I'll talk

to you tomorrow, okay?

-Say hi to Kayden for me.

-Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.


How are you? How was class?

Which class?

My journalism class

or our animation class?

I'm sorry.

It's just Kayden's struggling

with me being gone,

and my dad taking

an extra shift, I just--

-I didn't wanna--

-Tell them about me?

No, put more stress

on my mom's plate.

Didn't realize

I was that stressful.

No, I'm just saying that

the idea of us

might be stressful.

I don't--

I don't know

how they'll feel about it.

Yeah, well, I don't know how

I feel about it anymore either.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I--

I just don't think

it's the right time yet.

It's not the same for me

as it was for you.


It's not that simple.

I just thought

we were more serious than this.

But I guess I was wrong.

We are.

You should want people

to know we're together.

You should be proud of me.

I am proud of you!

Oh, yeah?

Well, it doesn't show.

Me walking in on a call

with you and your mom

is the perfect time

for you to be like,

"Hey, Mom,

this is my girlfriend."


it's not the perfect time.

You don't understand anything

that my family goes through.

You never will.

So then what?

You just never tell them

about me?

What about

when you're done with school?

Then what?

I don't know.

It depends--

It depends on

if you're gonna stay or not.

Stop. You know exactly

why I would have to go home.

So, is it just like

a fun little experiment to you?

How convenient.

You know that's not true.

Or would it be

more convenient for you

if we never met

in the first place?

I think you don't mean that.

You don't mean that.

Yeah, I can't do this, Abbie.

Karly, please don't.

Please don't. Please don't go.

No, I really can't.

No! [sobbing]

[door opens, closes]


[objects clanking]



-[Kayden humming angrily]

Kayden? Stop.

Stand over there.

Stand over there.

[murmuring angrily]

Hey. Hey, it's okay.

It's okay, buddy.

Kayden, it's okay.

[Kayden groaning]

Kayden, stop.

Mom's got it.

[Kayden screams]

Kayden! Sit. Now.

[Tish] Kayden.

Mark, I got it.

[hum talking angrily]


[hum talking]

[Tish] There's Eeyore.

It's okay, sweetie.

[Kayden sobbing]


How am I supposed to function

for the next three weeks

without you?

Well, you've survived

for the past 20 years,

so I'm sure three weeks

will be fine.

Hmm. We'll see.

Also, how did you get stuck

with me

instead of your girl

taking you to the airport?

I didn't ask her to.

I think we might be done.

Shit. I'm sorry.

Does she know

you're leaving today?

Well, she knows

I'm going home for Christmas,

but I don't think so.

Right. Well, her loss.

We'll find you a cutie

in the spring.

[Abbie chuckles]

Hey, Kay.


That looks great. [chuckles]

How's it going, buddy?

Hey, can you flip the camera

back to your face, buddy?

[hum talking]

Mom, Dad, can you help Kayden

flip the camera back?

[hum talking]

Hey, so guess what?

Abbie is getting on a plane

to come home and see you.



we can have chicken strips.


All right,

I gotta get on the plane,

but I can't wait to see you.

I love you.

[phone vibrating]



so have you boarded yet?

Yeah, I'm about to.

Thanks for helping

with Kayden.

-With what?

-Our FaceTime call.

What call?

Our FaceTime call?

Weren't you in the room?


[grunts] Hold on.

Hey, Tish?

Were you in Kayden's room

when he was talking to Abbie?

[Tish] No, why?

No, no one was in his room.


We just had

a great conversation.

Best one

we've had in a long time.

Felt normal,

like we were together.

That's really great.

[Tish] Mark!

Can you come up here?

Hey, uh, kiddo,

your mom's calling.

Why don't you text me

when you're on the plane?

Okay. Talk to you soon.

Love you. Bye.

Mark, why didn't you wait?

[automated voice] Pick up Abbie.


That's right, bud,

today's the day.

-[hum talking]

-[Mark sighs]

What do you think we should do

for dinner tonight, Kay?

[automated voice]

Chicken strips.

I think Abbie

would be happy with that too.

I will ride the bus.

Chicken strips. Abbie.

I will ride the bus.

Chicken strips. Abbie.

-Oh, really, bud?

-Oh, no sweetie.

-Hey, now.

-Hey, now, what?

We've been working on this

for a while,

and-- and-- and the store's

just a few stops down.

No, Mark.

This is a big deal,

him initiating it.

-No. Look,

-Look, I'll follow the bus.


-I'll follow the bus.


-I'll follow the bus.


-Hey, bud.

-[hum talking]

-Tell you what.

Why don't I give you

some money

and you can buy Abbie

some chicken strips?

I will ride the bus.

Chicken strips. Abbie.

Oh, very smart, kiddo.

All right, go up and grab

your jacket and your wallet.

[Kayden humming in excitement]

You are really

pushing it today.

He had another meltdown

just yesterday,

he's having more

and more problems at school,

and now you're letting him

ride the bus?

-I'll be right behind him, Tish.

-No, Mark, it's--

Let's go, bud!

I will ride the bus.

Good job. So just like

you did before with Dad, okay?


-That's right.

Three dollars. You got it, bud.

Now I'm gonna be

right behind the bus,

and I'll meet you

at the store.

-[grunts in excitement]

-Kayden, slow.

A-- and you have your headphones

in your backpack, okay?

All right.

You better get going.

I'll see you

at the store.

Oh, hey, hey,

why don't we get Abbie

some donuts?

What do you say?

I will see Abbie.

[sighs] Abbie is going to be

so proud of you.


[car door closes]

[engine rumbling]

[machine beeping]

[machine buzzing, beeping]

[pop music playing]


[girls laughing]

[indistinct conversations]

[engine revving]

[boy] Excuse me. Your bag.

Hey, could you

move your bag?


-[humming nervously]

[laughs] Calm down, buddy.

What's that you got there?

What, you just come from a

construction site or something?

Or is the bus

too loud for you?

[boys laughing]

[humming nervously]

Hey, I'm talking to you, man.

What's your problem?

-[humming nervously]

-What's your problem?

Hey, settle down

back there!

Hey, listen to me

when I'm talking to you, man.

Why don't you take those

stupid things off your head

and talk to us, man?

[panicked grunting]


Hey, Dispatch.

[panicked grunting]


-[woman screaming]

[siren wailing]

Hey! Stop!


[angry grunting]


Sir, calm down.

Please stop.

-Stop that.


Sit down.

[Kayden yelling]

[handcuffs clicking]

[Kayden crying]

[phone ringing]

[line ringing]

Where is he?

Look, he's in surgery.


Your-- your mom

just got here.

I've got to go back to her.

Some social worker's

asking us questions.

-What? Why?

-Look, just grab a seat.


I'm-- I'm gonna come with you.

Come here. Come here.

It's gonna be okay.

I promise.

Just let me help, Dad.


Just let your mom

and I talk to her first.

Maybe you can

talk to her later.

All right?

Just grab a seat.

[monitor beeping]

[somber melody playing]

I can see that you love

and care for your son,

but due to your situation

and his previous reports,

I'm concerned

that you are not able

to manage Kayden's needs

at this time.

W-- what does that mean?

Well, Mrs. Peterson's

sole supervision

during the day of Kayden

puts both her and him at risk.

And after today's incident...

I have concerns.

I think

that a supervised care facility

would be a better fit

for Kayden's current needs

and your home situation.

I'll give you

some information,

and then you can look it over

and conduct your own research.

I'll touch base

with you both

once you've had time

to discuss this,

but if she'd like, I would like

to speak to your daughter.

[Tish sobbing]

[Tish sighs]

He's a good boy.

We're here to help you

find a safe solution for Kayden.

No. We make it work.

Uh, autism isn't easy,

but we-- we make it work.

-I understand.

-No. No.

I don't think

that you do.

If you understood,

you would never suggest

what you're suggesting.

He-- he is my baby.

We-- we make it work.

We make it work.

He is my baby.

He is my baby.

You can't take him

out of our home.

You can't take him

away from us.

[sobbing] He's my baby.

He's my baby.

He's my baby.

My daughter...

her name was Jackie.

She was seven

when she passed.

She had cerebral palsy.

So, I want you

to know, Tish,

that I do understand

what you're going through.

That's why

I got into this work.

I'm sorry.

Please give this some thought.

I think that's all

I need from you, Abbie.

Thank you.

What's gonna happen

to my brother?

We'll help assess the care

that your brother needs.

I've given your parents

some suggestions.

-And we're here to help--

-We're the best care for him.

I don't know

what my parents have told you,

but I'm coming home

to take care of Kayden.

He'll be staying with us.

I appreciate

your concerns, Abbie,

but right now

we're trying to find a solution.

We need solutions

for a lot of things.

Programs for Kayden,

employment opportunities.

We need for people

to not give up on him.

He-- he's just

a smart, talented kid,

and he deserves opportunities

just like anyone else does.

No one is ever gonna be there

for him more than me.


by Miki Ratsula playing]

La, da, da, da, da

La, da, da, da, da, da, da

La, da, da, da, da

La, da, da, da, da, da, da

Every once in a while

when the cries get too loud

And hurt is all we see

Call out the wrongs

at the top of our lungs

We have the right to be

You okay?




Peterson family?

You can see Kayden now.

He's waking up.

It shouldn't be much longer.

I'll check in with the doctor.

Let me go and grab

his discharge instructions

to go over with you, okay?

Thank you.

You okay, Dad?

-I failed him.

-Dad, don't say that.

I was right there.

I was right

behind the damn thing.

How're you doing, buddy?

Sore? Come here.

[hum talking]

Shh, shh.

-[Kayden crying]


It's gonna get better, okay?

I promise.



It's okay.

It's okay, it's okay.


[both crying]

It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

I promise.

It's gonna be okay.


I love you.

[Kayden whimpering]

[Abbie] What are you doing?

A little research.


Additional care

that we can get for Kayden.

Can we afford that?

We'll see.

[Mark sighs]

I never should have left.

None of this

would have happened.

-Abbie, don't.

-It was selfish to leave.

Don't put what is happening

to Kayden on yourself.

How can I not?

Because teaching him

to adapt to the world

was always going to happen.

It's not your fault

that the world

can't adapt to him.

But if...

if I come home,

we can go back to our routine.

Mom could go to work.

I can go to the art store.

-And then--

-And then what?

That's your solution

for the next year?

Then what?

Do you really think

you're helping Kayden

by going back to work at that--

that art store

for the next ten years?

You worked hard,

you got into a good school,

so stick with it

and have a good career.

That is how

you will help your brother.

I don't want

to hear anything

about you giving up

and coming home.

Your mother and I did not

raise you and your brother

to give up

when things got tough.


Okay then.

We'll just...

we'll take it

one day at a time.


Wow, you've taken over

breakfast duty

since I've been gone?

That's concerning.

Why aren't you at work?

Well, I took the day off

for the next

little while, actually.

The social worker said

her main concern was

for your mom's safety

to care for Kayden,

so until we come up

with a more long-term solution,

I will be

staying here with Kayden

and your mom will be going back

to her work for a while.

I could get

a part-time job down in LA.

There's a coffee shop

in my building.

Help out,

pay for books and stuff.


cheers to that. [chuckles]

These clients have been looking

to switch designers for weeks.

They keep asking me

for referrals.

I can't wait to tell them

you're back at it.

Thank you, Mary.

I really appreciate you

helping me out so last minute.

[shower running]

-Hey, you good, bud?

-[Kayden] Good.

[phone vibrating]

-[Karly] Hello?


You know who this is?


Okay, good.

I-- I just wanted to make sure

you didn't forget

about me already

or delete my number

or confuse me

for your other girlfriend.

No, my other girlfriend's

calling later.


I wanted to say

I'm really sorry.

I shouldn't have

gotten upset with you

and I shouldn't have

made it about me.

I didn't mean

to push you away.

I'm a bit

of a shithead, huh?


I'm not sure

what else I can do,

but I hope that one day

you can forgive me.

I think

I can do that.



I'm glad you called.

Actually, I've been...

thinking about you

a lot lately.

Sorry I led you to believe

that I was gonna tell them

when I wasn't ready yet.

Anyways, we're about

to go grocery shopping

for Christmas dinner.

Can we talk later?

Are you at your mom's now?

Oh, no problem.

Yeah, I-- I am.

-So, you'll be back in January?


Uh, I have to look

for a job and stuff,

but I'll be around.


does that mean

I'll see you soon?

Yeah. You-- you will.

Okay, good.

See you later, shithead.

We're gonna have to work

on some new nicknames

when you get back.

Oh, I don't know.

It's got

a bit of a ring to it.


I'll talk to you soon.

-Good shower?


I was just on the phone

with this girl.


[hum talking]

[Abbie chuckles]

I like her a lot.

I think

she'd like you too.

She'd love

to see your drawings.

-[humming in excitement]

-[Abbie chuckles]

Thanks for listening.

-[hum talking]

-[Abbie chuckles]

So, what do we want

to do after dinner?

Anything's good.

Kay, what do you want to do?



-[hum talking]



-[hum talking]

-This was a good idea.

[Tish] Okay,

I got it working again.

Say "Merry Christmas,"

Mom and Dad!

Oh, yeah.

Okay. Hold on.

[Tish chuckles]

Merry Christmas!

[laughs] Okay.

Uh, hold on. And I'm back.

-Say "Merry Christmas," Kayden.

-[hum talking]

Kayden, say "Merry Christmas."

[Tish] Abbie, it's okay.

[Abbie] Okay.

Merry Christmas, Kayden.

You can go first.

[Tish] Abbie, do you want

to help your brother?

[Abbie] You want me

to help you, Kayden?

Wow! Eeyore.

-Can Kayden and I share this?

-[Mark] Of course!

[Abbie] Merry Christmas, Kayden.

Merry Christmas, Kayden.

[automated voice]

Merry Christmas. Abbie.
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