06x16 - Max Decorates/Max's Shiny Coin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Max & Ruby". Aired: May 3, 2002 – present.*
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Follows two rabbits: Max, a rambunctious and achievement-determined three-year-old and his sister Ruby, a seldom-patient, goal-oriented and sometimes, annoyingly-restrictive seven-year-old.
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06x16 - Max Decorates/Max's Shiny Coin

Post by bunniefuu »

KIDS: Max and Ruby!

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and Max

♪ Max and Ruby

♪ Ruby and her little brother Max ♪

♪ Max and Ruby


TOY: Greetings, Earthling. Greetings, Earthling.

Alien space invader!

When I get outside, I'm going to make a snow alien

and help him find his planet!

That sounds exciting, Max.

Dad! Guess what?

East Bunnyhop is having a holiday lights contest!

The best decorated house will win.

And a picture of the best decorator

will be on the front page of the newspaper.

Wow. That also sounds exciting, Ruby!

Fly home to your planet!

I can't wait to decorate the house.

Hmm. I have so many ideas!


Oh, right, boots!

We've got to be prepared. There's a lot of snow out there.

You know, I have a few decorations in the shed

that might help you, Ruby.

Thanks, Dad.

Max, are you going to help me decorate the house?

No. I'm going to make a snow alien.

An alien made of snow?

Yes. I'm going to help him find his home planet.


Hmm. Let's see.

This is everything.

Thanks, Dad. These are perfect decorations.

Oh! What's that?

That's also perfect! It's a great colour for my decorations.

It sure is.

I'm feeling so inspired. Thanks, Dad!

My snow alien!

My decorations!

Sorry about that, Max. I didn't see you.

It's all right. He's okay.

Aren't you, snow alien?

Have fun!

I know!



Oh, my.

Oops! Sorry, Mrs. Huffington.

Ruby, what lovely decorations.

Thanks. But this is nothing. I've just started!


Yes, it's going to be spectacular!

In fact, it's going to be super spectacular!

Well, good luck!

I can't wait to see how it turns out.


I'm going to need some garland, lights, a wreath.

Just what I'm looking for!


Oh, no, you don't, red moon worm!

Get off snow alien!

Max, maybe I can take the red moon worm

to decorate the front of the house?

That way, it won't bother snow alien.

No. They're wrestling. They can't stop.

Wait. I know!


This feather boa is even better than a garland.


The walkway is too plain. It needs something colourful.

I know! I saw some tall candy canes in the shed.

Looking good, snow alien!

You're ready to find your planet now.

Oh, Max.

I really need those candy canes to decorate the front yard.

But snow alien won't have any arms!

Okay, let me see what else I can find.


My sled!

I found your spaceship! Isn't it great?

Spinning pinwheels are so much prettier than candy canes!


I can't leave the door all empty like that.

It needs...

a wreath!

That is if snow alien isn't already wearing it.

Oh, good, Max isn't using the wreath.

Snow alien in space!

Your ring of power!

Oh, Max, I was really hoping I could hang that wreath

on the front door.

Can I borrow it until after the judges see the house?

Pretty please?

Nope. Snow Alien needs his ring of power!


There are space worms everywhere.

Oh, Max.

I'll see what else I can find.

I think I like this more than the wreath!

Oops. I forgot to bring the tinsel with me.

That's going to make this door sparkle.

Do you like snow alien's space hair?

Yes. The tinsel suits him very well.

Did you take the garden umbrella?


This is going to be perfect. Wait until the judges see this.

I love all my decorations!


Do you like it?

I've never seen anything like it. That's for sure.

I just need one more thing.

Would you please plug in the lights?


It's absolutely perfectly


It was a lot of work, but lots of fun too.

I couldn't use everything I wanted.

But it turned out even better than I thought.

I hope the judges like it.

Of course they will, Ruby.

Maybe your planet is this way.


Snow alien, do you know where we are?

Your planet!

Isn't it great?

We'll make sure all the snow aliens know you're here.

Don't move.

I can't wait for the judges to see

my super, spectacular, perfect decorations...

Max! What did you do?

How am I going to fix this?

The judges are going to be here soon!

Snow alien found his home planet! And he made a friend!

But this isn't a planet, Max.

I decorated the house for

the East Bunnyhop Best Decorated House competition.

You know, maybe snow alien and his new friend

want to go and explore the back yard?

WOMAN: I think this is the last house.

No! The judges are here.



Oh, my goodness!

So different.

Hello. Welcome.

Tell us, Ruby, what is your theme?

Well, umm,

I couldn't use all of the decorations I wanted to.

But to me, beautiful decorations are happy

and, umm, colourful

and have, uhh--

Snow aliens!

Yes, that's a very unusual touch.

I have to say there's nothing else like it in East Bunnyhop!


[WHISPERING]: Thanks, Ruby.


Your house is the best decorated house in East Bunnyhop.

It is?


Thank you, everyone.

What a wonderful job you did, Ruby!

It's terrific!

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

And thank you, Max,

for adding your snow aliens to my decorations.

Let's share the ribbon.

We did it, snow alien. We found your home planet.

This is for you, Max,

a shiny, new coin.

For me? Thanks, Grandma.

You're very welcome.

You can keep it or trade it for something that you want.

It's up to you.

So shiny.


My coin!

It's shiny, and rolls.


And it spins too.

Where'd you get that shiny coin, Max?

Grandma gave it to me.

I can keep it or trade it for something I want.

Like a box of delicious Bunny Scout Cookies?

Yeah, cookies!

It's the end of the Bunny Scout Cookie Drive.

And I'm close to selling the most cookies,

even more than Valerie or Louise.

I love cookies.

And you'd be helping me win

my Bunny Scout All-Star Super Cookie Seller Badge!

It's for a good cause.


or my shiny coin?


GRANDMA: There you are, Ruby.

I can see that you're ready to go downtown

to sell Bunny Scout Cookies.

And win my Bunny Scout All-Star Super Cookie Seller Badge!

Why don't you come along, Max?

Maybe you'll find something you want to trade

for that shiny coin.

Like a box of Bunny Scout Cookies?

You know you want to, Max.

Thanks for supporting the Bunny Scouts.

Time to sell some cookies.

Hi, Mr. Esteves.

Would you like to buy some Bunny Scout Cookies?

Sure! I didn't realize you were a Bunny Scout, Ruby.

How wonderful.

Thank you, Mr. Esteves.

And thanks for supporting the Bunny Scouts.

You're welcome. See you in school!

Better make up your mind, Max. They're going fast!

Time to sell some cookies.


Bubbles! Hmm.

RUBY: Better decide, Max.

My cookies are selling like hot cakes.

Eh, I can make bubbles at home.

Why, I'd be delighted

to buy a box of Bunny Scout Cookies, Ruby.

Thank you, Rosalinda. And thanks for supporting the Bunny Scouts.

This takes me back to when I was a Bunny Scout.

You were a Bunny Scout?

And troop leader!


A Bunny Scout All-Star Super Cookie Seller Badge!

That's right.

Selling cookies was my big start in sales.


Look at all this stuff!

Rosalinda has so many wonderful things in her shop.

You can trade your shiny coin for any one you like.

Like a baseball bunny!

Right. You like it?

It's the best thing on the shelf.

But there are lots of shelves!

Well, take your time, Max. It's a big decision.

Why don't you make it easy on yourself, Max? Cookies!

[Chime clanging]

Hello! How may I tempt your sweet tooth today?

It's your turn to be tempted, Candi!

Don't tell me it's already time for--

Bunny Scout Cookies!

Oh, you know I can't resist.

I'll take one-- no, two. Oh, go on, three boxes!


Ooh, I could get chewers or crunchers or--


Red hot marshmallow squirters!

Or a swirly-whirly lollipop!

Anything tickle your fancy, Max?

This! I'm going to get it.

I think.


It's your decision.

Thanks for supporting the Bunny Scouts.


Seen anything you like, Max?

Lots of things!

More than Bunny Scout Cookies?

Better decide fast.

The way I'm selling cookies, there won't be any left.

I'd hate for you to miss out.

RUBY: Hi, Mr. Piazza.

Ruby, it's good to see you.

And la bella, Grandma!

♪ The flowers that bloom on a sunny afternoon ♪

♪ Are so delightful



Would you like to buy some Bunny Scout Cookies?


I only wish I could buy all your delicious cookie boxes

and sell them in my store.

But I know they are special for the Bunny Scouts.

And I am no Bunny Scout!

But a very good dancer.



Super Bunny!


It's gone!




That was fun.

Thanks for supporting the Bunny Scouts, Mr. Piazza!

Any time! Goodbye!

Come on, Max.

Boy, Mr. Piazza sure likes cookies.

Thank goodness!

I know how many cookie boxes Valerie and Louise have sold.

And I just need to make one more sale

to win the Bunny Scout All-Star Super Cookie Seller Badge.

But we're right at the end of Main Street.

There's no one left!

Unless-- What do you say, Max?

Super delicious Bunny Scout Cookies?

Before they're all gone?

But my coin is so shiny!

Cookies, Max.

It's a tossup!

What's that?

It's when the only way to decide something

is to toss a coin up into the air and catch it.

Heads, you choose one thing. Tails, you choose the other.

You have a coin, Max. Why not use it?

Try tossing it and let it decide.

Yeah! My coin can decide!

A coin toss is sure to help you make up your mind.

Woo! Oh!

My shiny coin!

Oh, no!


A shiny coin. It's someone's lucky day!

I think this belongs to--


Oh, nice.

You're very lucky, Max, to have a lucky shiny coin.

I am!

What's this?

Is it Bunny Scout Cookie time again?

It sure is!

I'll take two boxes!

Thanks, Mr. Huffington.

Now I'm sure to win

the Bunny Scout All-Star Super Cookie Seller Badge!


GRANDMA: Well done, Ruby.

You worked really hard to sell all those cookie boxes.

Not all. There's still one box left.

What do you say, Max? It would be nice to sell out.


Well, Max?

It's a tossup!

Could it be that we have a decision?

Something tells me that you're--

Keeping it!


That's okay, Max.

I'll still get my Bunny Scout badge, thanks to your--

Shiny coin!
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