Bye Bye Barry (2023)

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Bye Bye Barry (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[fax machine buzzing]

[upbeat music]


[clicking, whirring]

[woman] Barry Sanders played his hand

today, revealing his desire to retire.

- [man 1] Barry Sanders will retire.

- [man 2] The day before training camp.

[man 3] He didn't have a press conference,

he sends a fax in.

Fax machine?

[woman] He does not want to talk

to anybody, doesn't want to see anybody.

[woman 2] Shocking announcement

has thousands of fans feeling flustered.

People are very disgusted

with the way Barry handled this.

[host] I've got an email that says,

"Until yesterday,

O.J. was my least favorite NFL runner,

but he only stabbed

two people in the back.

[upbeat music continues]

There's all these conspiracies

of why he did that.

- Well, I've heard a number of things.

- A lot of it doesn't make sense.

[man] Was Barry frustrated

playing for a losing team?

[man 2]

Is this possibly a bargaining ploy?

- Everybody's trying to figure out why.

- I don't remember if I asked him why.

- Yo, you walked away early.

- It was the right time for me.

I'm a little part of the reason

why Barry retired.

[man] Was it friction with his coach,

Bobby Ross?

He's always had bad coaching.

I had called Barry perhaps ten times,

wrote him three to four

personal handwritten letters.

Whether it's coaching or whether it's

front office, whether it's ownership.

[man] Was he just plain burned out?

Who knows?

[man 2]

To walk away at the height of his career,

we might have had two or three or four

more good years left. That takes guts.

[woman] I mean, he has his dad talk

for him and his coach talk for him.

Can't he talk?

[man] All we know is Sanders ran

to daylight again, taking off for London.

[man 2] Barry Sanders is in London.

[man 3] Turns out somebody found out

he was going to be there.

And so he actually had cameras

waiting for him.

What the f*ck? Wow.

[Eminem: "Cinderella Man"]

[man] I've seen every documentary

on Barry Sanders that there is to see,

and I've never walked away feeling

like I knew why he walked away.

Who could catch lightning in a bottle

Set fire to water

coming out the nozzle

On the fire hose

Flyer than swatters

[Eminem] Still to this day,

everybody talks about him.

He's the greatest running back

to ever play the game.

And I know that he walked away at a time

when he could have broken

every single record there ever was

and ever will be.

So why did he walk away?

Catching lightning, he struck it

Screamed shut up at thunder

And flipped the world upside down

and made it rain upward

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Cinderella man

You know,

I don't take that question lightly.

It's really hard to explain.

He's the shit right now

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Cinderella man

[dramatic music plays]

[man] I always view Barry as...

it's like an artist

will convey their personality

in their work.

They may not be dynamic,

but what they do is dynamic.

Barry was every bit Picasso or Rembrandt

or whoever you want to throw out.

He was an original.

He was somebody that when you watched him,

you added the words

because Barry didn't describe himself.

He didn't want to. Didn't care to.

He left it up to your interpretation

of what you saw.

And that always fascinated me.

[music continues]

[Patrick] He didn't have a brand.

He didn't need to be famous.

He was going to be famous.

But he didn't really care

about telling you about being famous.

[man on TV] You are looking live

at the Marriott Marquis ballroom

just a couple of ticks past noon

Eastern time here in New York City,

as the 1989 NFL draft is about to begin.

The 1989 draft class

was one of the best in NFL history.

Troy Aikman, Hall of Famer.

Derrick Thomas, Hall of Famer.

Neon Deion! [laughs]

Cowboys select

Troy Aikman, quarterback, UCLA.

Next up, the Green Bay Packers.

Tackle Tony Mandarich, Michigan State.

Next up, Detroit Lions.

I had a pretty good idea

that I was coming to Detroit.

Coach Fontes was like, "Young man,

if you're coming out of college,

we're going to pick you."

Detroit Lions.

Detroit Lions select...

- Barry Sanders.

- [cheering]

Running back of Oklahoma State.

Barry Sanders, the Heisman Trophy winner,

the true junior that came out.

And he goes to the Detroit Lions.

Our Dan Patrick has been with Sanders

out in Wichita.

[Patrick] Well, I thought

we had an agreement on draft day.

I said, "Look, I'm going to come out

and we need to do an interview."

And he said, "Okay."

And then I got out there, he got drafted,

and then we couldn't find him.

The Atlanta Falcons first round choice,

Deion Sanders, cornerback, Florida State.

I was kind of scared.

I thought Detroit was going to take me.

I woulda asked for so much money,

they'd have had to put me on layaway.

[woman] On layaway, uh-huh.

No baseball leverage there.

[Patrick] So now ESPN is going, "I thought

you had a relationship with him."

I go, "I do." And then they would say,

"Well, let us know

when you found Barry Sanders."

I mean, it sounds strange to say...

I couldn't find him.

And people in his family

that weren't quite sure where he was.

Like, it was just odd.

But then that's... that's Barry.

[Patrick on TV] Back here in Wichita,

and we're finding out

Barry Sanders is just as elusive

off the field as he is on the field.

We finally tracked him down

after a couple of hours.

We had sightings of you going to church.

We had sightings of you

going to the airport to go to Detroit.

- Where have you been?

- I've been at home, uh,

watching the draft. First, I watched...

[Patrick] And there was part of me

when I did the interview,

like, I was a little bit pissed at him

because it's like, help me out here.

And I'm like... It came back to...

he just wanted to go play football.

You're one of the shyer persons

I've ever met,

and you didn't want to

meet the media today.

You didn't want to go to Detroit

to meet the media up there.

Pretty tough to be a pro athlete

and stay out of the spotlight there, bud.

It's a... I think I'm being...

I'm being read wrong, I think.

It's not that I'm shy.

You know, I'm not shy.

Uh, well, like I say, I don't...

I mean, some things

are just unnecessary, you know?

And I'm not trying to downplay

what you guys do, you know.

But you have to respect my judgment

and the way I am as a person, too.

You know, uh, I mean,

every individual is different, you know?

And I don't... I'm learning now,

the people in these...

in situations like this,

people don't really...

They don't really care about you,

you know? And that's all I'll say.

They don't really care about you.

They just pretty much want

what they can get out of you.

But I don't know.

That's just something I have to deal with.

[Sanders] I mean,

it's certainly something,

when you talk about the spotlight.

I think for some people

that's almost second nature

and that's something they enjoy.

Um, and me, on the other hand,

I mean, that's not something

I naturally do and naturally,

you know, sort of gravitate towards.

It just was not important to me.

Barry was never interested

in promoting himself.

That role was reserved specifically

for William Sanders.

[woman] Barry may be exceptionally humble,

but his father makes up for it.

He's one of Barry's greatest fans

who is very proud

of his son's accomplishments.

[William Sanders] I'm so proud

of what's happened to Barry.

I know Barry don't...

Barry don't want it.

If he wants it,

he wants it for his father.

Because he know how I feel about him

and my friends back home in Wichita.

[Sanders] My dad. One thing you

know about him is he's his own man.

He was opinionated, you know,

and he was going to

let his voice be heard.

He craved the spotlight.

He wanted to talk to us.

He liked when we'd come around

with the cameras and reporters.

He always would give somebody something.

What make him so special

is 'cause he's a Sanders.

He's my son.

That's what make him special.

[Sanders] Dad was a handyman,

which included roofing and painting

and doing, you know, remodels.

Most of my free time

was spent working with Dad,

starting when I was maybe ten,

12 years old.

It wasn't that he needed help, but it

was just that he wanted to make sure

me and my brother were with him

just because that's what he felt

like we needed to do.

[man] He was such a stickler

for doing things perfect.

He wanted things done right and perfect,

and you had to make sure you did it right.

Daddy would say,

"I'm your father, not your friend."

So we wouldn't get it twisted

or mixed up.

We had eight-foot ceilings in the house,

and Barry could jump,

and every time he come to a door,

he want to jump up and touch the ceiling.

And that was one of our little pet peeves.

After I threatened

to break his arms and legs

for doing that, he stopped.

[Sanders] Certainly he was

a passionate football fan

and a lot of my love for the game

definitely comes from him.

- [woman] Look at him! Look at that strut!

- [indistinct chatter]

Look like I used to run.


[woman] I knew he was gonna say that.

[Sanders] He was always probably my

biggest fan, but also my biggest critic.

[William] He couldn't outrun me.

And I told Barry if I had...

if I put him in my offense,

he might have never touched the ball.

[Boyd] Dad is true to form.

He's always said... [laughs]

who he thought

were the best running backs.

[man] We all knew that since he was a kid.

Top three running backs: Jim Brown,

Mr. Sanders, and then Barry.

Me, I wouldn't do too bad now in a 40.

And he would remind Barry,

no matter how great you are,

you'll never be better than Jim Brown.

He never wanted me to get too high

or too low in what I was doing.

He's definitely different.

But I can...

I mean, I can tell he's more relaxed.

He's definitely not like a superstar

like you would expect.

- Greg, if he did, I'd k*ll him.

- Would ya?

But he was thrilled,

you know, to have his son being, um,

you know, the number one guy

on a team in the NFL.

- Yeah, Barry!

- [laughter]

[man] All right, Dad.

[soft music plays]

[Sanders] I had, you know,

really known and heard about Detroit,

really just through the news.

For me, it felt almost overwhelming.

You know, it was a much bigger city

than I'd ever been in or lived in.

The late '80s, you know, it wasn't...

You know, it wasn't sort of a,

you know, the greatest time for like,

you know, Detroit proper.

[woman] It was a rough time for the city.

There was a lot of crime.

Detroit had a very negative perception

because nationally, the only time you saw

Detroit really spoken about

in the national news

was when the m*rder rate was released.

Because usually Detroit

was somewhere in the top three.

We were just so used to

being the national joke.

It was kind of the same for the Lions.

Their reputation, um, was not very good.

Every bad stat that you don't want,

the Lions are the number one.

1957, that's the last year the Lions

won a world championship.

You had to go there, didn't you?

You grow up in a darkness.

[announcer] Frustrating afternoon

for the Detroit Lions.

[man] You're watching all

these incredible other teams go

and you just stay right here.

[announcer] Eight turnovers.

And the second one

that goes for a touchdown.

[Daniels] Decades of darkness.

[man] The identity of the Lions

going into 1989,

it was same old Lions.

They were 4-12. They're horrible.

- [cheering]

- But there was a level of hope

because Wayne Fontes had taken over

as head coach.

And Wayne was one of the best salesmen

that you could ever meet.

I want to sell the people in Michigan,

in Detroit area,

that the Detroit Lions are for real.

I want them back. We need the people back.

He sold the Lions gonna be different,

and he sold it on,

"We got Barry Sanders."

[cameras clicking]

[Fontes] Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like at this time to introduce to you

one of the finest running backs

in the United States of America

and our number one pick, Barry Sanders.

[Sanders] When I was drafted,

I guess I would have been 20,

but I was so excited

and I was looking forward

to the challenge of playing in the NFL.

It's really good to be here in Detroit.

I really feel... I feel good

and I feel it's a privilege

to be one of the players

that will help

restore the roar in the Dome.

[cameras clicking]

Get drafted.

And then I signed

the week of the first game.

The plan was not to play the first game.

Just to put my uniform on,

let the fans see me.

[laughs] That's... at least, that's

what I was told going into the game.


Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan.

Crowd of about 40,000,

half-filled here at the Silverdome.

Those kids can move up,

there are some empty seats.

Join the crowd.

[Peete] And they didn't see him

in the backfield to start the game,

that's when they started.

Barry, Barry, Barry!

[crowd chanting] Barry!

[announcer] Waiting in the wings

on the sideline is Barry Sanders.

Signed a $9 million contract plus,

the highest paid Lion in history.

Cardinals look like they're ready to come.

Paige. A loss on the play of a couple.

Tony Paige. He doesn't have nearly

the speed Barry Sanders has.

[announcer 2] Obviously.

He runs about a 5.1 40.

[man] But you could feel

the uneasiness with the fans, like,

"Come on, man, what's going on?

What are you doing?

What point are you trying to prove?

Put him in there."

[announcer] Barry Sanders is primed

in case his number is called.

[Peete] He didn't get in before half.

And there were some boos.

[crowd booing]

[announcer] I wouldn't be surprised if we

don't see Sanders on in the second half.

I don't think the Lions

can beat the Cardinals without him.

The first part of the game

pretty much went as planned.

I watched the game.


The Lions went to the dressing room.

The crowd started chanting,

"Barry, Barry." We heard it again here.


Around the end of the third quarter,

Coach came to me and asked me,

did I want to go in the game? [laughs]

And I wasn't going to turn that down.

So I said, "Absolutely."

[announcer] He's coming up to Fontes.

[Sanders] So they showed me

a few running plays on the sideline...

[announcer] You'll hear the cheer.

After I guess they felt

I had a pretty good handle on it,

you know, they sent me in.

- [announcer] Here it is.

- [crowd cheering]

[announcer] What kind of play might be

best for a Barry Sanders in his debut?

And he gets the call.

Cuts it back, reverses field, 25, 20!

He's to the 15! Barry Sanders!

On his first NFL carry,

goes 19 yards!

[Sanders] I was off

and running in more ways than one.

[announcer] Well, you talk about

restoring the roar.

Barry Sanders does it in one carry.

That Silverdome crowd really woke up,

and it was...

To that point, I feel like

it had been a pretty boring game,

but they came alive after that.

[announcer] This 40,000 crowd

sounds as if there are 70,000.

Handoff Barry Sanders, left side!

Sanders breaks a tackle! Touchdown, Lions!

Barry Sanders!

- [cheering]

- Listen to this crowd!

What a debut.

[announcer 2] From the end zone,

Barry Sanders is gonna

shake off two tackles.

And now he knows exactly

how to get into that pay dirt.

[Sanders] Reaching pay dirt,

getting my first touchdown,

it was such a thrill, man.

It was as much a surprise to me

as it was to everyone else. [laughs]

But it was also, I guess, almost a relief.

[announcer] It has been years

since the Detroit crowd

has been this excited about the Lions,

and Barry Sanders

has given them a shot in the arm.

Right then and there, you knew

that we had something special

and something to build around

and something that was unique.

And that's Barry.

It was lightning

from the first snap that he took.

And because of that,

Detroiters were just all-in.

[dramatic music plays]

[announcer] Rolling right, draw play.

Barry Sanders... Touchdown, Lions!

[man] Barry was the messiah

when he came here.

Thank the football gods

for letting Barry fall into the hands

of the Detroit Lion fans

and the Detroit Lion organization.

[music continues]

[Sanders] I was very satisfied with,

you know, how the season started,

but I wasn't really paying attention to,

you know, how popular,

this, that, and the other.

For me, it was I had to continue to go out

and continue to prove myself,

I felt like.

[announcer] Another flag here

in the late going. Here's Sanders. Draw.

Ran right around Bubba Baker!

And with those 13 yards,

rookie Barry Sanders

is over a thousand yards

and gets a standing ovation.

[Patrick] I just remember

he was so unassuming.

The spotlight was on him,

but he never reacted to the spotlight.

I did a story his first year in Detroit,

and he agreed to do an interview.

He said, "The only thing I ask,

the only thing, when I get out of my car

in the parking lot,

I don't want you to have a camera there

following me down the tunnel,

the loading dock,

where the players would go in."

He said,

"I don't want the veterans to see that.

I don't want them to think

that I'm getting special treatment."

I mean, he was cognizant of those things.

He was cognizant of being,

"Can I just blend in?"

The best example of what kind of person

Barry is, is his rookie season.

When he had a chance

to take home the rushing title.

[announcer] Of course,

All-Pro rookie Barry Sanders,

going today for the '89 season

rushing title.

[dramatic music plays]

Sanders now with 133.

[announcer 2] Oh, there it is again!

[announcer 1] Sanders going out to

the right again and he will score again!

Sanders on the delay.

Inside the ten! Touchdown!

Barry only needed nine yards

to win the rushing title.

We had got word on the sideline

that the Kansas City game was over with

and Barry was only nine yards

behind Christian Okoye.

We had a whole quarter left.

As a rookie in the league, I would think

you would want to win the rushing title,

but we didn't know that records

didn't matter to Barry.

[William] Barry's not after records.

If they have kept track of Barry's career,

Barry just take himself

out of ballgames.

[dramatic music plays]

[Sanders] It was North High in Wichita.

We were playing against

the crosstown rival East High.

It was the last regular season game,

and I had a chance

to get the city rushing title.

We were up by two or three touchdowns,

and I remember calling him over

in the third quarter saying,

"Hey, we got the game in hand.

Do you want to get in and get some...

get some numbers on that stats

to win the thing, or not?

Or should I let the young kids play?"

And he said, "Let the young kids play."

[Sanders] It had been pretty much

mission accomplished.

I mean, it had been a great season.

And being that the game

was already over, no.

You know,

those few extra yards, just...

just was not important to me.


Now Sanders is going off the field.

This is unbelievable.

Sanders is not in the game.

Man, we begged Berry to go back

in the game to get that nine yards

because that meant something to us,

you know, to have the rushing king,

you know, that's a lot

to an offensive line.

[Fontes] So I walk over the bench.

I said, "Barry, you're five yards away

from leading the league in rushing.

You want to go back in?"

He goes, "No, Coach."

He said, "That's not important to me."

[announcer] Why is he not in the game,

unless he's injured?

[announcer 2] It's hard to understand it.

[announcer 1] Unbelievable.

[Glover] To me, that says a great deal

about his character

and the fact that

he was all about team success.

He really didn't

care much about individual awards.

[Sanders] I don't feel like

I've ever been one

who's really pinpoint focused

on the record

as much as just the performance.

You know,

the performance will tell you everything.

[Daniels] I don't think it's that

different from being an actor,

or Hollywood,

which is all about fame.

What athletes, you know,

they become larger than life instantly.

[announcer] At running back from

Oklahoma State, number 20, Barry Sanders!

There are a lot of actors who live

for between "action" and "cut".

I'm one of those guys.

That's where it's at for me.

That's the exciting part.

That's the thing I love to do.

Action. And then you're on the ride

all the way to cut, and then you're done.

Everything else,

I don't... I'm not interested in.

And so I completely get that.

He loved game starts, game's over.

You know, you could tell that

that's what he loved doing.

It was like when the play started,

boom, the ball's in his hands.

That's his action,

all the way to either getting tackled

or a touchdown. Cut.

That's it. That's all you get.

[Sanders] Looking back,

I never remember thinking when I was a kid

that ballplayers are famous or,

you know, they get a lot of money.

Everyone knows who they are.

That was never really

a big attraction for me.

I felt like I had had enough attention...

[laughs] growing up.

You know, I had, you know,

ten brothers and sisters.

I had enough people around me all my life.

So I don't know.

So it was just really weird going places

and, you know,

people stop and you,

saying that you're a star.

[boy] Can you please sign this?

[Hill] He was a perfect superstar

in many ways.

And I know that a lot of people love

athletes who have bolder personalities.

[man] Thanks a lot, Barry.

Good luck this year.

But I think what added

to the allure of Barry

and what gave him

an even sort of greater status,

not just in the city of Detroit,

but I would just say everywhere

across the nation is that he was a dude

that let his play speak for itself.

[man] How do you juke people, spin,

make adults fall down,

get to the end zone

and just give the ball to the ref?

That's a decompression

that 99.9 percent of us just don't have.

[Daniels] I doubt that

the phrase was coined

when he started

just handing the ball to the ref.

But it was the first time that I heard,

"Act like you've been there before."

[Sanders] After going from sideline

to sideline and disappearing... [laughs]

[announcer] Watch out the other way!

[announcer 2] I don't think anybody

in football can do that.

[Sanders] I don't have the energy to dance

and plus I don't have that kind of rhythm.

Maybe I should work with Deion

to see if maybe he could

give me one of his spare dances.

[Eminem] It just made him

so much more likable.

The fact that he was that good.

I've never seen somebody be that good

at something and be so humble.

I think probably because he knew,

I don't have to say this,

you know, you can... you can see.

[Sanders] My dad, you know, I think

there was a time when I did... I scored,

I may have done something, you know,

that was other than just

giving the ball to the ref.

And he just said, "No, you don't...

You don't gotta do that.

I don't want you doing that.

I don't want you doing anything extra."

But it's just really something

that I took as my own.

[dramatic music plays]

[Sanders] From a very early age,

I was exposed to sports.

When I was in diapers, you know,

my dad had season tickets

to OU football games.

He was going down there

to Oklahoma watching the Sooners.

[woman] He was an OU fan.

We all, you know, we all knew that.

I didn't know how serious it was.

Oh, man. I used to get mad

at my wife a lot. When they lose a game,

I wouldn't show up at the barber shop,

I would get mad at my wife and family.

I wouldn't even talk to nobody.

I was a serious Oklahoma fan.

There was no greater name on the planet...

than Barry Switzer, in my dad's mind.

[announcer] A national championship season

for the Sooners of Oklahoma.

[Sanders] All my life,

he continued being a big OU Sooner fan.

If one of my sons

coulda went to Oklahoma, OU,

I coulda laid down and died in peace.

That's the way I feel.

- That's the way I feel about the Sooners.

- [laughter]

[man] North High School, it's a familiar

sight to see Coach Dale Burkholder

on the phone, you know,

answering college recruiters' questions

about his prize player.

Well, I've been getting letters,

but, you know, Coach says

there's going to be more,

so I can't just focus on one school yet.

They're just now finding out about him.

You know, they've seen the stats

and their seasons are over

and they're having a chance

to look at who's done well.

And so now they're starting to focus in

on Barry Sanders.

[Sanders] I didn't have a flood of offers.

My three offers were Iowa State,

Tulsa and Oklahoma State.

Tulsa tried. They tried really hard.

But in the end, I knew Barry

wanted to play... Big Eight back then.

Who wouldn't want to play the Big Eight?

That's our big show

in the middle of the country.

When you grew up in Kansas,

you're thinking, "Okay,

that's where like the real athletes are."

[upbeat music plays]

[Sanders] Oklahoma State,

when I visited there,

I just loved being there.

Something about it felt like home.

For me, it was a clear picture

I was going to Oklahoma State.

For my dad,

I was playing against his team.

Oklahoma State was like the little brother

in the state of Oklahoma,

compared to University of Oklahoma.

Of course, his dad's like,

"Man, you gotta go to Oklahoma."

Barry Sanders, to me, Ron, is exactly

what you would want your son to be

if you want your son

to be a wholesome youngster.

[Sanders] The coach from Oklahoma State

comes to the house

going through

the whole signing day routine.

And Dad comes out of the bedroom.

Coach tries to greet my dad.

My dad wouldn't shake his hand,

and he just says, "You know,

I think he's making a mistake."

And he just walks out of the house.

And I just, I couldn't believe

I was experiencing this.

I mean, it was, you know...

I don't know. It was tough, man.

That was a tough morning. Um...

He wasn't too thrilled about that.

And so...

Uh, and so he let me know it.

A lot of guys like myself

have two years under their belt.

And, um, to have a record

of below .500 for two years,

for me, it doesn't sit well.

And maybe it's not anything

that the coaches can do.

Maybe we have to take it upon ourselves

to say, "Hey, we're sick of the way

things have been going. We're going to do

something on our own to change it."

[announcer] Sanders.


All I saw today was the impact of

a superstar player on a football team.

When Barry Sanders was announced

that he was going to start for the Lions,

you could see the entire squad

getting a lift.

[Sanders] I think the team that they

predicted us to be the previous year

finally showed up that year,

my third season,

and we kind of just got on a roll.


Sanders turned around the defender,

and he's going to score. Touchdown!

Look at Peete with his hands up.

He knows it's going to be a touchdown.

[announcer 2] Oh, yeah.

It's vintage Barry Sanders.

[Peete] We started

to build up a little momentum.

Barry's running wild,

we're winning games.

[announcer] Pitch out to Barry.

35, 40, Barry on the run to the 50!

To the 45! To the 40! Look out! 30!

They'll never catch him! See you later!

[Hill] Because the Lions

have such a negative history,

it was almost like people

couldn't believe it.

Like, Detroit's actually good?

We're considered a favorite in something?

[announcer] This was not sold out today.

There were many disbelievers

even here in Michigan.

Any word for them?

Me personally, we can't spend our time

worrying about what other people think

and whether they believe in us or not.

We know we have the talent

to go on and be in postseason play

and that's all that matters.

[Sanders] Fall of '91, I feel like we

had arrived in the division.

The Lions have been kicked around

for a lot of years.

It had always been someone else.

The Vikings had had their time.

[announcer] The Vikings were chasing

Barry Sanders all day long.

[Sanders] Obviously,

the Bears had dominated.

[announcer] They're playing a good team

in the Bears and they're beating them.

I think they're proving to themselves

that, "Hey, we belong."

It was kind of a new kid on the block

within the division.

[Hill] Everybody had a sense of hope

and felt like this might be the year.

You had people coming to school

wearing Lions gear,

And just that sort of camaraderie

around the Lions.

Um... there was such excitement.

[announcer] The Lions have a shot

at the NFC Central Division title

with a victory today.

[Hill] Going into that game,

the Lions winning the division

was just, you know, it was crazy.

[announcer] Trying to tie this game up.

- Kramer. But Barry spins free, touchdown!

- [announcer 2] Oh, wow!

- [announcer 1] Lions!

- [announcer 2] Wow!

[announcer 1] Barry Sanders with a move

that Mikhail Baryshnikov couldn't make!

Normal joints don't move the way

Barry Sanders' joints move. I'm sorry.

[dramatic music plays]


And this gives the Detroit Lions,

for the first time in franchise history,

they've won 12 games.

The Lions will host

a playoff game in Detroit.

[all shouting]

Lions, Sanders! Detroit is back!

- RFK! Here we go!

- RFK, we'll be there. Next week, man.

- Lions number one!

- [man] RFK!

- Super Bowl!

- Go, Lions, go!

- [music plays]

- [man] Are you ready for the showdown

in Motown?

The Lions entertain the Dallas Cowboys.

Sold out, and as loud

as we have ever heard it.

- [all shouting]

- Super Bowl! Super Bowl!

[Brandstatter] This city is starved.

They're starved for a championship.

It's been 1957 since they had one. Okay?

So when they went to that game,

that was the next step.

We get this one,

we go to the NFC champion.

Then we're only one game away

from a Super Bowl.


How you feeling?

What's going on inside you today?

- You nervous, excited? You ready to go?

- I'm nervous. No, I'm nervous.

I'm always nervous.

A little more today than usual.


When I think back

to that first playoff game,

man, it was so loud and electric.


It was like they had been starved,

which they had,

and it had just exploded.


[Sanders] We had such an advantage.

I'm pretty sure that impacted the Cowboys.

[Hill] To be going against one of

the storied franchises in the NFL,

there was a sense

that this was the Lions' destiny,

that this was finally their time.

[announcer] Jimmy Johnson

told us last night,

Barry Sanders is not going to beat us.

The defense's priority

would have been to stop me.

And so it hadn't been a great day for me

statistically, I understood that.

[announcer] Sanders has eight yards,

four carries.

I knew that eventually I'd have

an opportunity to try to make a play.

Sweep! Watch the sweep!

Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!

[announcer] Barry off the right.

Barry to the 45.

And bumps to the 40, breaks it, 35, 30!

He's gone! Unbelievable!

Just kind of an off-tackle play

to the right.

It's looking like I'm just going to

maybe get four or five yards,

and I end up bouncing off of the tackler.

[announcer] You think you got him tackled?

Tony Casillas, kind of looking

around like, "Okay, this guy

is still running down the field.

I thought we had him."

[dramatic music plays]

[announcer] Every time we talk about

Barry, we say, "That's the greatest run.

That's the greatest run."

That might have been the greatest run.

And I just remember the crowd

just absolutely went nuts.


It was such a moment, given the Lions'

history and given the city's history.

For a lot of people in Detroit,

it was just like, "Wow, this is real."

[Sanders] It was just a great feeling,

a great way to cap off

the first playoff win

in however many years.

[announcer] 78,000 people

have been waiting 35 years,

and there's probably a million more

in the Detroit area.

[announcer 2] And, you know,

after he'd done something like that,

everyone around him gets excited.

Barry Sanders does not throw the ball.

He doesn't dance,

he doesn't do spikes.

He scores, his feeling is one of relief.

And this is about

as much as you get out of him.


[man] Sweet running, Barry,

sweet running.

You know,

that was the expectation and the thought

that, um, this is just the beginning.

[man] Have you guys got another

one or two of these left in you?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

I mean, today was a pretty decisive win.

It wasn't like we were just hanging on

by the skin of our teeth.

We ex*cuted well, played well,

despite all the injuries.

And I feel like we can go into Washington

and get a win.

[dramatic music plays]

[crowd] Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry!

I was really looking forward

to playing that game.

At that point,

they were the class of the league.

[announcer] The best record in the NFC

was the Washington Redskins.

[Sanders] I knew that would be

a great test for us,

but I know I was thrilled to go play.

Things didn't go as planned.

[Criner] I was frustrated thinking,

"Can we back...

Can we... what can we do?"

That was the last game before

they were going to go to the Super Bowl.

I just... Anyway.

The only thing you could say

that was good about that

was we did lose to the eventual

Super Bowl champion.

We were one game away. One game away.

[Sanders] I was dejected, man.

I felt that one for a while.

[announcer] That's a competitor.

Something bad has happened to him

and he can't do anything about it.

[Sanders] But I also felt like,

and assumed after that game,

that we'd have, you know,

I'd have another chance

to play to go to the Super Bowl. Um...

That that wouldn't be my only time

playing in the NFC Championship game.

I mean, that was my third season.

I felt like we were on the rise

and we'll be back.

We'll be back

to the NFC Championship game.

And we'll be back for a chance

to play to go to the Super Bowl.

[Hammond] Everybody always thought

that Detroit and Dallas

would be the big rivalry

because they had the two best

running backs in the game.

It was the era for great running backs.

Dallas had Emmitt, and Detroit had Barry.

With Barry back there, I thought we

were going to compete head-to-head

for many, many more years.

[announcer] What a ride it's been.

From the absolute worst

to the absolute best!

[announcer 2] The Lions end

the regular season at 5-11.

[announcer 3]

It's been a long, tough year.

A lot to be done for the Detroit Lions.

You would have assumed that, you know,

we would have been right there with them,

you know, for many years to come.

[announcer] Your Cowboys

are still champions.

Two in a row. How sweet it is.

[announcer] Packers down by three.

[Sanders] Somehow we leave Sterling Sharpe

uncovered with under a minute to go.

[announcer] Touchdown!


There's certainly residual sort of

frustration and disappointment.

[announcer] Cowboys win

another Super Bowl title.

[Sanders] Obviously,

we know what they went on to do,

but just being very surprised,

looking back,

that we didn't fare better

in the playoffs.

- [crowd cheering]

- [announcer yelling indistinct]

[announcer] That is the most points

the Eagles

have ever scored in a playoff game,

and they've done it in the first half!

Barry had this organization

that was known for being incompetent.

Emmitt had better coaching,

better organization.

Hall of Fame line, Hall of Fame

quarterback, Hall of Fame receivers.

I don't want to speak down

about Emmitt Smith.

Emmitt Smith was amazing, right?

Um, but he had a team.

If we had a team like the Cowboys had

and we had Barry, f*ck.

We'd have been unstoppable.

[Rose] You swap Barry

and Emmitt right now, my God,

Barry woulda had them three Super Bowls.

When you start trying to go to,

"How many playoff games did he win?

How many Super Bowl did he win?"

You'll get into a fistfight

with a Detroiter talking about that.

You don't even want to know

about Barry Sanders, man.

Like a cannon ball

loose inside a pinball machine.

Bing, bing, bing, bing,

bing, bing, bing, bing.

Sometimes I...

I still see it when I sleep.

Every time he got the ball, it was like

he's going to score a touchdown.

I mean, that's how it felt.

[announcer] And the give to Barry Sanders,

cut back over the middle at the 15,

breaks a tackle to the ten!

Barry to the five! Touchdown!

There will be plays where, like,

ten guys jumped on him.

[announcer] Barry Sanders.

[Eminem] You're like, "Oh, he's down."

And all of a sudden,

he comes sh**ting out from the pile.

[announcer] He breaks it,

and he'll go all the way!

Touchdown, Detroit.

[Eminem: "Cinderella Man"]

[announcer 2] Sometimes there are

individuals that come along,

superlatives just don't fit.

Like, what the f*ck?

Who can catch lightning in a bottle

Set fire to water

coming out the nozzle

On the firehose

Flyer than swatters

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Smash an hourglass

Grab the sand, take his hands

And cup 'em

Spin a rhyme to freeze the clock

Take the hands...

[Eminem] It was literally

like watching a video game.

Cinderella man

[man] The way he improvised

on so many plays

and was able to take it all the way.

[announcer] Quintessential Barry Sanders.

That's what endears us.

It's not even all those plays.

It's some of the plays

where he might've just gained a yard,

but he dodged ten players, you know,

those are some of the greatest.

You know, behind the line of scrimmage,

he get the ball... ah!

They be right there on him.

[Eminem] Running 40 yards

to get three yards.

[announcer] Barry will reverse his field.

And he's running back and forth.

You know what I'm saying?

[Daniels] Everybody kept saying

they've never seen anybody like him.

And I agree.

I mean, for this second he's here,

and then 1,001, he's not here anymore.

He's over there and you're tackling air.

[announcer] Watch what he does.

He just put a move on Reggie White.


[Daniels] He could go

from here to over there,

like, don't even get

a finger on him.

Cinderella man

Cinderella man

[announcer] I think sometimes

you just have to look at something

and just enjoy it. I mean,

there's no one else in football

that can make these moves.

Cinderella man, Cinderella man


When God created Barry Sanders,

even He didn't know what He made.

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

Cinderella man, Cinderella man

[Glover] Playing for the Lions,

Barry Sanders won

the team MVP award every year.

And one year he leaves the banquet

and leaves his award on the table.

I pick it up, take it on the bus,

give him his award.

He leaves it on the bus.

He said, "Oh, take it home."

I take it home, and Barry,

William White, and Bennie Blades

would come over to our house on Thursdays.

My wife would cook for 'em.

Lomas Brown's wife would cook

on different days for 'em.

And he left his MVP trophy

in my apartment the entire year.

And would not take it home.

[Stein III] Of course,

Barry didn't want the MVP trophy.

He's never really cared about accolades.

He did the same thing at Oklahoma State

after having the most magnificent

college season I have ever

seen in my life.

[announcer] Let's see how they answer.

How about Barry Sanders to midfield!

He might go!

[upbeat music plays]

[announcer] And doesn't Dad love it?

His dad, his heart was a Sooner,

but he jumped...

He jumped on the wagon pretty quick

once he saw Barry run at Oklahoma State.

[music continues]

[Criner] His junior year, OSU,

he just came out of nowhere.

As far as a school rushing record,

he broke the record that Thurman set

against Iowa State last year with 293.

That was 300 and something.

I thought, "He really is good."

[announcer] Barry Sanders,

the storybook year.

24 NCAA records.

[Peete] We went into that season

and all the hoopla and fanfare

and Heisman talks

involved Troy Aikman and me.

Then you start to hear the name

Barry Sanders.

He hated that notoriety.

I mean,

he did not want to win the Heisman.

I heard him say that.

He was hoping Rodney Peete got it.

[Stein III] The Heisman Trophy is

the highest honor in college football.

It's the biggest award you can get,

hands down.

[Sanders] I happened to be in Japan

during Heisman Trophy ceremonies.

As far as the team is concerned...

I was there to play a game,

and it just so happened that the game

was on the same day as the ceremonies.

Oklahoma State scheduled that game,

not thinking they'd have

a Heisman Trophy candidate.

[reporter] For some of Barry's sisters,

it seemed like forever

before the announcement was made.

- That's the living room in the back.

- [all laugh]

[woman] I can't take it!

We didn't understand

the magnitude of the Heisman Trophy.

We just understood

it was just another award.

I didn't know a lot

about what Heisman was.

It was really a nice affair.


I'm on the other side of the world.

And because of

the 13-hour time difference,

it means I had to get up at, I don't know,

three in the morning or whatever it was.

I was halfway asleep.

It is my special privilege to announce

with great joy,

the 1988 winner of the Heisman Award,

the John W. Heisman Memorial Trophy,

and the winner, and I know him now

as you will know him...

- is Barry Sanders...

- [screaming]

...of Oklahoma State University.

It was typical Barry, when they announced

his name as the winner,

it was almost as if he was embarrassed

to get that kind of attention.

[man] Thank you, Barry.

Thank you very, very much. Thank you.

Congratulations to you.

[Sanders] You know, I'd like

to thank William and Shirley Sanders

for being so inspirational in my life

and bringing me up

the way they know I should be brought up.

Thanks a lot.

Barry, I love you,

and have a great game tonight.

Pops was lighting it up,

smiling ear-to-ear, holding court.

We might just store it in the living room

and just look at every day.

[Aikman] For him to be able to come in

and do the things he did

without having any

of the widespread media attention

that I did receive in Los Angeles

is amazing.

Finally, a guy won the award

on just sheer ability,

without having to receive any publicity.

[Sanders] And I'd come from nowhere

to win the Heisman Trophy.

And I was now someone

that people recognized.

You know, that's something we can all

take with us, you know, for a lifetime.

That was one of those markers

where a lot changed after that.

Hey, Coach.

[indistinct chatter]

I appreciate you

telling the people the truth.

- I told them, man.

- [both laugh]

- Absolutely.

- You know what, Barry?

- We had every piece but the core.

- You think so?

- Everybody knows that.

- Right, right, right. Yeah.

- We didn't have it...

- It would have been interesting

just to be a part of some of y'all

conversations about that.

I can only... [laughing]

[Fontes] Joe Montana called,

called me at my desk.

I'm telling the truth.

He called me and said, "I'd love to play

with you and Barry Sanders."

- Wow.

- I said... I jumped off my desk

and I went and saw Chuck Schmidt

and I said,

"We got a chance to get Joe Montana."

And Chuck Schmidt said, "He's too old.

He's over the hill.

He's done, another year..."

I went back to Joe, "I'm sorry."

- He goes to Kansas City, and plays...

- [Sanders] Lit it up.

- Yeah, he lit it up.

- [Fontes] So I said let's get Warren Moon.

Said, "He's too old."


- Wow. That's amazing.

- Yeah.

[man] The Lions finished

this past year, 5-11.

That's their worst performance

in four years.

But Wayne Fontes is now a Paper Lion,

he is in the team's record book.

But he is no longer the head coach.

That's right. It happened.

Fontes had more resurrections

than a televangelist,

but he was fired today

by team owner William Clay Ford.

And without much further ado,

I'll introduce you to our new coach,

Bobby Ross. Thank you.

[man] If you haven't gotten yourself

to the playoffs

and ultimately to the Super Bowl,

there is an empty feeling inside.

And I can tell you

from this very moment on,

that that's going to be the direction

and the goal of our football program

here with the Detroit Lions.

[Sanders] 1997 started out

very, very slow.

You know,

I chalk it up to being a new offense.

[dramatic music playing]

The first two games,

I think I had a total of 50 yards,

53 yards or something like that.

And Bobby Ross was like,

"We gonna get Barry a fullback."

I'm like, "No, we not."

You mess with the other 52 guys,

leave Barry alone.

[man] What is the basic problem

with the system?

The bad offense

they're running him out of.

In fact, there's no...

it's a nonexistent offense.

[Sanders] He was used to seeing me

in the run and sh**t.

He felt like that was

a better offense for me.

[announcer] Detroit has been

stymied offensively so far,

especially this man, Barry Sanders.

Stymied again.

[announcer 2] Only 20 yards rushing today.

[announcer 3] He's not going to set

many records today.

I just remember the rumblings about,

you know,

me being in my ninth year,

maybe losing a step. Uh... [laughs]

If they want changes, they can...

they can kiss Barry Sanders goodbye,

number 20 goodbye. That's a promise.

[Sanders] I can't sit here

and say what clicked.

But for those guys up front,

they always were talking about,

"Let's not get too cute with the offense.

Run the freaking football."

[upbeat music plays]

[announcer] Barry Sanders,

cut back over the middle.

Back free to the 25, 30!

He's off to the races!

40, midfield 40!

It's a foot race to the 30!

He slowed up, keeps going to the ten,

five, and touchdown!

80 yards!

Barry Sanders, cut back over the middle

to midfield, right side 45.

Barry in the open, 35, 30,

off to the races.

20 to the 15 to the ten

to the five, touchdown Lions!

[announcer] And he moves into second

on the all-time rushing list.

Now he only has

one more running back to catch,

the former Bear, Walter Payton.

[music continues]

[announcer] Also, aiming for 2,000 yards.

And he has to average this week

and next week 144.5 yards a game

to get to 2,000.

[Hill] I just remember there just being

this campaign of Barry Sanders

has got to get this 2,000 yards.

But people wanted that for him

in the sense of

you're never going to get to

the level of success

as a team that you deserve to have.

You gotta get this.

2,000 yards rushing

for a running back in a season

is one of the most notable records

because at that time

only two players had done it.

It'll be 2,000 this year, Barry.

To be able to eclipse 2,000 yards,

um, it just is such an elite mark

for a running back.

And it almost seemed

to feel like it was impossible.

Or if not impossible, not likely.

That was probably the first time

we had seen him

get excited about a personal goal.

We all told everyone on the team,

"Don't mention it.

Don't ask him anything about it.

If it happens, it happens."

[Sanders] There were a lot

of the sort of storylines

going into that last game

against the Jets.

[dramatic music plays]

We needed the win

to get into the playoffs.

We were playing against

one of the toughest run defenses.

[man] Bill Parcells was the head coach.

Bill Belichick

was the defensive coordinator.

That was actually an all-star staff

when it comes to the coaching staff.


And good afternoon, everybody. Welcome.

As the Detroit Lions and New York Jets

are prepared to kick it off here.

Barry Sanders, 131 yards away from 2,000.

[announcer 2] Sanders has a hole

and it closes in a hurry.

[Sanders] They did a pretty good job

of shutting us down the first half.

[announcer] Trapped, tries to get away,

and their gain is only two.

But as a defensive player,

you don't want that on your resume,

that Barry got the 2,000 yards.

[Sanders] It did not look like I was gonna

be able to get the 130 to get 2,000.

The New York Jets with a 10-3 lead

on the Detroit Lions at halftime.

Barry Sanders, we've been talking

about him all weekend long,

in the first half today,

eight carries for 20 yards.

We had it in the bag on both parts.

He wasn't going to get his 2,000,

- and we were going to win.

- [announcer] And the fact,

he has only 20 yards in the first half,

gives the Jets defense very high marks.

Gotta do it up front now, let's go!

It's gotta be done up there, okay?

The running game has gotta get going!

[dramatic music plays]

[announcer] Sanders.

Inside the ten-yard line,

a gain of nine more.

[announcer 2]

When in doubt, give it to Barry.

[announcer 1] Barry to the 15,

to the ten, five, touchdown!

The curtain has finally raised

on the Barry Sanders show.

[dramatic music plays]

[announcer] 2:15 to go.

Will he get it here?

Barry. Off the right side to the 44.

And that should be it.

That should be 2,000.

[announcer 2]

So, yes, it is 2,000 officially.

[announcer 1]

And Barry Sanders will get the football.

Officially, 2,000 yards.

Right on the button, 2,000 yards.

[announcer 2] Now, if Barry

loses a yard in the next carry,

- do they go take the ball away?

- [announcer 1] I don't know.

Second down and eight.

Barry cut back. Now he's got it!

50, 40, 30! Look out!

Right side, 20, 15 to the ten to the five!

He's well over 2,000 now!

Holy mackerel! Aaron Glenn with the stop!

[announcer 2]

They can't take that ball away from him!

- Once again, Sanders, as good as they get!

- [announcer 1] Whoa, nelly!

Barry gets 2,000 and then some!

A 53-yard run, 2,053 yards!

The Lions are gonna head to the playoffs.

[Glover] That was the loudest

that I've ever heard the Silverdome,

when Barry broke for that 53-yard run

at the end of the game.

Now you've downplayed this all week.

In fact, all season,

and you've always been very modest.

But beneath this all,

we're told that you really did want this.

- How much of a thrill is this for you?

- Well, don't get me wrong.

I want to go into each game

and run for as many yards as I can.

And... but I just needed

to focus on what was important,

and, you know, playing a complete game.

And if that means blocking

and catching, running routes,

- whatever, running, then so...

- And to have your father here with you.

Well, you know, that didn't hurt any.

Having my father and my brother here.

I think it meant more to everyone else

than it did him.

[triumphant music plays]

[Daniels] Every franchise wants to be able

to point to greatness.

You want to be able to go,

"That's when we were great.

That's when we were

excellence personified."

Barry Sanders gave us that.

[announcer] Papa watching on

the sidelines, William.

He was so... just beyond himself.

He probably enjoyed it more than

anyone else in the world.

To be on the sideline cheering me on,

it really meant the world to him.

And it meant a ton to me, as well.

[indistinct chatter]

Congratulations, B.

Great job, man. Great job.

[indistinct chatter]

Thank you, appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks.

- Congrats, Coach. Congratulations.

- Very proud for you.

What happened to the shoes

I was wearing that day?

Um, I don't know.

Let me think.

Who has my shoes from that day?


One of my teammates?

I walked over to Barry and I said...

I didn't say,

"Congratulations, great job."

I said, "Can I get those shoes?"

And actually had him sign those.

Put "December 27th", signed both pair

of shoes by Barry Sanders

for the shoes he broke 2,000 yards with.

I have those shoes.

- No...

- Everybody else gonna tell you...

- Jocko, that's not...

- Everybody gonna tell you

that Barry Sanders

is better than Jim Brown.

- Them guys don't know.

- Well...

- I know football, too.

- [laughter]

Mr. Sanders, what does that mean

to you from your son?

Jocko, it...

It means you the third leading...

second leading ground gainer.

Second leading ground gainer.

And it probably don't mean

anything to him now,

it probably won't mean anything to him

till maybe ten or 15 years down the road,

and he's through playing,

he look back through the history books

and see the things

he accomplished on the football field.

What does it mean to you, though?


Believe me...

I don't feel good for me.

I feel good for the city of Detroit.

Because this means

they can go on another day,

they can go to another playoff game.

I feel good, but I'm not...

It don't mean... it don't mean much to me

as it should to you people in Detroit.

I think it's a great honor to have this.

And your son gave it to you.

And I think it's... it's great.

- [man] We're all a part of that.

- That's true.

The entire Sanders family.

[man] The biggest thing about that game,

and that game is off the charts for me

compared to any other game,

was the Reggie Brown situation.

- [announcer] Murrell.

- [whistle blows]

Close to the 30, a gain of about three.

11:45 left in the 4th.

Reggie Brown, the injured Lion.

And from the action

of coaches and players,

uh, it's not an ordinary injury.

You get a young linebacker going in,

making a routine tackle.

And all of a sudden he falls

and he doesn't get up.

[announcer] There is an awfully

scary situation going on.

Reggie Brown is lying motionless.

They had to do CPR right there

on the field to revive him.

I mean, this was a life and death

situation that was occurring

and unfolding right in front of us.

[Sanders] We were all just praying

and hoping for

Reggie's safety and recovery.

Reggie had a serious neck injury.

[announcer] I had hoped we would never,

ever see this again.

It definitely brought back memories,

you know, with Mike Utley.

[Peete] So that '91 season,

we're playing the Rams.

And on a freak play, Mike Utley goes down.

[announcer] Mike Utley

is down for the Lions.

[announcer 2] And we can only hope

that it's not as serious as it appears.

He hits the turf, hits in an awkward way,

and he's paralyzed.

[announcer] And the scary thing about this

is, is Mike has not moved at all.

Mike kept pounding his chest,

and said, "I can't feel my body.

I can't feel my body."

A lot of us were just frozen

in disbelief, stunned.

It was a reality check

that there are some dangers involved.

It was tough. It was tough to see that.

It was tough to experience it.

The impact of it, um,

I think, stayed with us.

Over his career,

I mean, he'd seen two of his teammates

suffer serious spinal cord injuries.

He was beginning to wonder,

"Should I continue?

And if I continue,

why should I continue?"

We were on vacation,

and just kind of offhandedly, he said,

"You know,

I've thought about hanging it up."

It's like, "Really? Um... why?"

He said, "You know, um,

I'm really wrestling with

continuing to... to do this.


It's kind of a grind."

[Sanders] What started sort of happening,

guys end up going elsewhere, you know,

guys like Chris Spielman, you know, Lomas.

[Brown] Chris Spielman became

a salary cap victim

the same year I did.

I left kicking and screaming.

I didn't want to go.

[Sanders] Like Ray Crockett, for instance,

Jerry Ball, even Erik Kramer.

And you go to w*r

and go to battle with those guys,

you form a bond, obviously.

Some of the guys they may have brought in

to replace those guys,

just not the same.

But you got to take the field

with the guys that you practice with.

[announcer] Quietly just labors away.

He has had just constant shuffling

on the offensive line in front of him.

[Hill] As every year passed,

and they didn't quite duplicate

the success that they had in '91,

there was a intense feeling

among the fan base

that here they have this great

generational player in Barry Sanders,

and they are wasting his time.

Had that group stayed...

been able to stay together somehow,

yeah, we definitely

could have done much better

and definitely won some playoff games,

you know, because a lot

of those guys went other places

and did win playoff games

and win Super Bowls.

Toward the end of my ninth season,

Kevin Glover pulled me aside,

and he says,

"I think, you know, I'm probably

not going to be here next year."

And I said, you know, I just thought,

there's no way that's going to happen.

I mean, why would... why would

we do something like that?

Contract was up, and...

Yeah, I don't want to

get into all the details.

The franchise tag was put on me.

It was taken off after the cutoff date,

so it wasn't handled properly.

I just... I'll leave it at that.

[Sanders] To see Kevin go

was definitely tough

just because of how

he solidified the locker room

and was so much a part of my career.

And so when that actually happened,

to me that was a blow.

[Moore] They underestimated the fact

that when you start getting rid of

the leaders of your team,

like a Kevin Glover and a Lomas Brown,

and it's not a lot of money,

you're sacrificing the opportunity

for a franchise

to go from good to great.

I think we looked at the dollars and cents

of it, more so than we looked at,

you know what,

sometimes you just got to pay.

[William] These guys both know football,

that's what we brings.

Them suckers don't know more

about the game than I do.

The Lions attempts at rebuilding

only made things worse.

And the '98 season played out

just like every other one before it.

[announcer] And he did not

find running room there.

Goes up the middle! 40-50.

[Hammond] Barry was one of the best backs

in the league

and the team just couldn't win.

[announcer] 30, 20, ten!

They'll never catch him!

Touchdown, Lions! Barry Sanders!

[announcer 2] That puts Barry

over a thousand yards

for the tenth straight season.

Nobody's ever done that.

[Sanders] By most standards,

it was an okay year, individually.

[announcer] Career rushing,

and Sanders second all-time

on the heels of Walter Payton.

[announcer 2] If he stays healthy,

he will be the leading running back

in the history of the NFL.

But team wise, we didn't play very well.

[William] They lost that game in Chicago.

They blew a 17-point lead,

and I'm not lying.

I've never seen Barry

so dejected in my life.

[announcer] You look over

what the team has lost free agent wise.

It's pretty devastating.

The guys that were there

that made up the backbone of the team,

- the Spielmans, the Perrimans... Glover.

- [announcer 2] Glover.

[announcer 1] Guys that have gone

other places have done well.

Somewhere along the line,

I definitely felt like,

you know, just that drive,

um, you know,

and that passion to play the game,

you know, it was different.

[man] What's his level of enthusiasm

for football right now?

I think it's like about zero.

[pensive music plays]

[Sanders] The Baltimore game,

there was really nothing to play for.

The season was over.

It was a tough game.

You know, we didn't play well,

had a couple of fumbles and...

And it just wasn't a good game.

[music continues]

[announcer] Sanders loses another yard.

[Sanders] I mean, I just remember

walking off the field,

I pretty much knew

this great journey was over.

[music continues]

[Sanders] I definitely couldn't

hold back a few tears.

Kevin Glover had moved on.

I think he was in Seattle at that time.

But he's from the Baltimore area,

and I remember he had come to that game.

Somebody on staff came and got me

and asked me to come in the locker room.

I said, "Well, I'm not really on the team,

so I'm not going in the locker room."

He said, "No, we need you to come in

and talk to Barry."

I said, "What's going on?" He said, "Well,

he's in the back of the locker room.

He won't talk to anybody."

And I went in and he's sitting back

by the lockers, by himself.

Everybody else was gone.

I said, "Man, you had another solid year."

I said, "Hey, when you break the record

next year, no matter where I am,

I'll be at that game.

I'm coming to see it.

I want to witness it for myself."

And he said, "I don't know

if there's going to be a next year."

[Sanders] I decided to get away

from everything,

that I was going to get away

for a few days.

So I go out to Metro Airport.

I came to the gate as I was heading

to London, and several of the passengers

were like, "Man, I think that's

Barry Sanders over there.

Don't the Lions have training camp

starting, like, tomorrow?" [laughs]

'Twas the night before training camp

and all through the town,

word traveled like lightning

that Barry Sanders won't be around.

[laughs] It was hysteria in the newsroom.

It was just...

CSI: Find Barry.

[Sanders laughs]

And so people found out

that I was on this plane,

including the media.

And some media members

ended up coming to the gate.

[man] Pretty odd going off to Europe

as you announce your retirement.

[man 2] Well, he wanted... It was funny,

he wanted to get away from everything.

And it turns out somebody found out

he was going to be there.

And so he actually had cameras

waiting for him.

[man 1] That's funny.

So, I boarded a plane

and flew to London.

[Ed Sheeran (feat. Stormzy)

"Take Me Back to London"]

Jet plane headed up to the sky

Spreading wings

in the clouds getting high

We ain't hit a rave in a while

So take me back to London

[reporter] On the day that the Lions

opened camp, Barry Sanders is in London,

and he sends word that he's retiring.

[Glover] I actually was on the way

to training camp

and I'm walking

by the sports bar in the airport.

There must have been 60 guys

crowded around the TVs in the sports bar,

and I'm walking by, like,

"What's happening?"

As Sanders announced his retirement

from the NFL at age 31.

And I just stood there and kind of smiled

and shook my head. It's like, that's B.

So take me back to London

[boy] We're in London

with my dad, Barry Sanders.

Uh, I'm assuming something

on his retirement.

I do not know the story.

[anchor] Was Barry frustrated

playing for a losing team? Who knows?

All we know is Sanders ran to daylight

again, taking off for London.

[boy] I really don't know why we're here.

My dad don't talk about, you know,

football a whole lot or retirement really.

I know he retired and he came here,

so that's pretty much all I know.

So take me back to London

I'm here with my dad and my brothers.

He retired in 1999.

He came over here to London. I'm sure

that was a pivotal point in his life.

Spending ten years in NFL

and then just calling it quits.

We got a couple of questions

for him to see what happened.

So take me back to London

[Sanders] In '99, it was so chaotic,

and I knew that I had left, I don't know

if you want to call it a mess.

So it feels nice to be back.

So take me back to London

[Barry Jr.]

You come to London. Why London?

[Sanders] Why London?

I had been there before.

Um, it's a different country.

But, you know,

I kind of knew how to get around.

I knew that it would be crazy back home

and I just wanted to get away.

- And London seemed like a good idea.

- Did you tell Grandma and Grandpa?

I mean, I'm sure Grandpa had

something interesting to say about that.

I called Mother and told her

that I was retiring,

and I was going to head to London

for a few days.

No Grandpa? Where's Grandpa come in?

- He found out eventually.

- Oh, okay.

[phone rings]

[man] How many people

have called you today?

Oh, at least... maybe 25 or 30.

God, I did so many interviews today.

[Sanders] Grandpa Sanders, man,

he thought I was out of my mind.

In particular, he was just very shocked

and surprised and disappointed,

you know, as to why... why I would retire.

But he was definitely

caught off guard by that.

- He was probably...

- So that's why... So that's why

I called my mom and told her. [laughs]

I wasn't going to tell him. [laughs]

They had a good relationship,

but he was pissed

when Barry quit football. [laughs]

[man] You talked to him last year,

he was considering it even then?

Considering it last year and I talked...

I talked him into playing one more year.

- [man] But what did he say?

- I can't tell you. [laughs]

It was... it wasn't nice.

He don't know why the hell he did this.

He could have played, this and that.

[anchor] Barry Sanders played his hand

today, revealing his desire to retire.

A shocking announcement

has thousands of fans feeling flustered.

People are very disgusted

with the way Barry handled this.

I think rightfully so.

They're insulted the star running back

simply faxed in his retirement.

[upbeat music plays]

I think it was his idea

to release it by fax.

So I crafted a statement with Mark.

[McCormick] I was working

at the Wichita Eagle at the time

and we were faxing a retirement letter

back and forth under his pseudonym,

which was first initial B.,

last name Abernathy.

I don't know where we came up with that.

It was important to him

that his hometown paper get that story.

[man] Who's the big loser

in this Barry Sanders fiasco?

Undoubtedly, it's the fans.



Like literal.

Like literal f*cking devastation.

What the F are you doing?

Shocked. Completely shocked,

because Barry looked like he was the guy

that could have rushed for 20,000 yards.

Here's a guy in the prime of his career

who could have really help this team

and he didn't retire,

he quit and left them in the lurch.

[man] Issuing the following statement,

and we quote:

Eventually, we got the verbiage down

that his desire to be out of the game...

[man] greater

than my desire to remain in it.

[Sanders] And so we released a statement

in the local paper.

We faxed the Lions,

and that's how I announced it.

Fax machine?

That's when you knew, like,

he hates this thing.

[man] The Sanders statue

at the Lions Experience in Saginaw,

since the Barry fiasco, the middle finger

on the left hand was manipulated.

It was like a divorce.

And you took sides.

[host] I've got an email right here

that says, "Until yesterday,

O.J. was my least favorite NFL runner,

but he only stabbed

two people in the back.

He could have came on national TV

and said that he was going to retire.

Yeah, I heard there was a fax

that Barry... but that's Barry.

You know Barry wasn't going to

have no press conference

and he wasn't going to put on

no whole big shindig.

[Hill] There were some Lions fans who were

angry at him for the way that he left.

There was a lot of Lions fans

who understood.

Because frankly, if they had

an opportunity to send the Lions a fax

and divorce them and then go to London

for a couple of weeks and walk around,

they would have done the same thing.

Was there another way that you could have

sent it or like, why a fax?

I guess email was around, you know,

I guess I could've just driven over there.

I could've driven over there, you know...

- Could have done a press conference.

- ...and just handed in a pink slip.

- [laughs]

- What, so you like run a paper

- through like a printer?

- Correct.

- And then it just prints out somewhere?

- On the other side. Yeah.

- Exactly what it was.

- That's actually kinda cool.

So, I mean, why after that ten years

when you're still having great,

great seasons, why then, why retire?

I feel like that's...

that's a hard one to explain sometimes.

But I think it was even though

the retirement was, like,

kind of shocking

to the football sports world,

for me I felt like toward the beginning,

middle of that last season,

I was pretty sure that just, like, inside,

you know, in my mind,

I was like, "Okay, I'm pretty much done."

Did you consider going to a different team

and, you know, being able to win, or what?

I didn't. It was never really a thought.

That was it.

So you're saying,

there's no circumstances...?

- Circumstance...

- No circumstances could have changed?

- Oh, yeah.

- To have...

still ignited that... that drive?

That's a game you could

probably play all day.

You know, like if we were coming off

deep... a deep playoff run.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You know, a Super Bowl loss.

- Yeah.

- You know, those things do matter.

And thinking back,

I guess all I can say

is it could have

made the difference, you know.

So basically it was, like, the losing.

Because if you were winning Super Bowls,

you would have wanted to keep playing.

I'm not gonna say

we lost for ten years, but... [laughs]

- I mean, you didn't win the one.

- But yeah.

- But a lot of guys don't win...

- Yeah, no, I get that.

But like, if you're in the game,

you want to win. You want to win that.

- Everybody does. You know what I mean?

- Right, right.

If you were winning those bigger games...

I couldn't simplify it just to say

the losing because, again,

we had been losing

for many years, you know.

But obviously,

you do play to win the game.

[Noah] Well said. Yeah.

For me to continue to play,

I would've had to have the same drive.

And I just knew, like,

inside that that was it.

Yeah, I... That makes sense.

And I think if they had made

a concerted effort earlier

to say they was going to

change some things in Detroit,

I think Barry would have still been there.

But they played hard ball

that they was going to go

the same direction they've been going,

and Barry, he was just sick of it.

Oh, no, Grandpa Sanders, man,

he definitely felt

like I should go after

Walter Payton's record.

You guys don't even know

who that is, but...

- [Noah] I used to watch his highlights.

- [Sanders] You heard the names.

[Noah] I used to watch the highlights.

[announcer] The 31-year-old

is calling it quits just 1,458 yards short

of Walter Payton's all-time record.

[William] In fact, I talked

to Walter Payton about a month ago.

He said he'd like to see Barry break it.

You know, that was something he was

looking forward to taking pride in.

You know, so...

[reporter] Sanders,

less than 1,500 yards shy

of breaking Payton's

career rushing record last season.

So barring injury,

this was really just a matter of time

before the record was Barry's.

You know, it's really just

almost hard to explain

because there was... there was a time

when I would've thought that same thing,

how could a person be that close to it?

And I never imagined that I would be

someone that would be that close

to Walter Payton's all-time rushing record

in the NFL.

If they have kept track of Barry's career,

Barry used to take himself

out of ballgames.

When he was in college,

he wouldn't go back in.


He did not wanna win the Heisman.

[William] He's done the same thing in pro.

[announcer] Sanders needs ten yards

to win the rushing title.

Why is he not in the game?

[woman] Everything you saw him do

in the NFL,

some component of that had already

happened in his life prior to that, right?

Barry's not after records.

Barry wants to win football games.

[Sanders] I mean, I think about how much

football I had played at that point,

how much I had invested myself

into the game.

For me, just that...

that thing that drove me to play,

which is just, you know, that passion.

It just wasn't there.

There was nothing really left to play for.

I didn't see us as any kind of

a serious Super Bowl contender.

You know, I was still...

I felt like able-bodied

and, you know, sound mind.

Certainly, not according to my dad,

but I felt like I had a sound mind

and was making, um,

you know, a pretty clear decision.

I just felt like, in my mind,

yeah, this is pretty much it.

I think everybody still wants

to know why Barry retired.

They want to know the mystery.

The real mystery might be why

we're surprised in the first place.

Because everything he did

throughout his life, his career,

how he felt about fame

and personal records,

walking away the way he did

is just another example

of Barry being Barry.

- [man] All right, my man.

- [indistinct chatter]

Yes, yes.

[man] What are you going to do

on Sunday afternoons now?

Um... I can relax now.

Don't have to worry about watching.

Don't have to worry about getting home

from Sunday school

or missing church to see Barry play.

I don't have to worry about traveling.

Maybe I can save some money.

In fact, I'm gonna try to go see Oklahoma

play some games now.

So it's not all bad.


Barry Sanders is officially gone now.

This is video just shot of the mural

in downtown Detroit.

As you can see, Barry is covered

with the message "Gone to Canton" over it.

And in case you didn't know,

the Canton on the sign

refers to Canton, Ohio,

location of the Football Hall of Fame.

Barry is one of those players

you could tell right away

that was going to be special.

But there was a gentleman who saw it

long before the rest of us.

- [cheering]

- His father, William Sanders.

[Sanders] I loved the fact

that I could give him that spotlight.

He loved every minute of it.


He found a way to, you know,

make sure he kept me in my place.

First, I want to say hello to

the greatest running back that ever lived,

the number one running back

who ever lived. He's not with us today.

I think he's with his family

in Los Angeles, Mr. Jim Brown.

- So I want to say hello to him. Jim.

- [applause]

And now I want to introduce you

to the third best running back

that ever lived.

- Barry Sanders.

- [applause]

[Glover] His dad and I had

a good relationship.

We could talk afterwards.

I said, "Well, if Barry is number three,

who's number two?"

He said, "Well, I'm number two."

I was like, "What?"

He said, "Yeah, I was good too,

so I'm putting Barry behind me.

He's number three behind me and Jim."

I was like, "Oh, okay." [laughs]

Well, he was good. [laughs]

The little time that he did play,

he was real good.

- [man] But he was better than Barry?

- I wouldn't say all that. [laughs]

Was there anything you

could have done for you

to have been his favorite player

over Jim Brown?

- I doubt it.

- [laughs]

I doubt if there was anything...

I doubt if there was.

Because there was just

that nostalgic attachment...

- Absolutely.

- that era, you know.

And for him, so...

And obviously, Jim Brown was amazing.

- [laughs]

- Yeah.

My dad, uh, is truly the reason

why I am here.

At one point,

when he was sick but in remission,

I was at home visiting

and I was driving down the street.

And he was in the front yard,

and he was chopping

a stump out of the ground.

When someone like that passes,

it's like watching a redwood fall.

[Sanders] It was amazing

just to see how many people

he had impacted,

you know, when he had his services.

It's like, how did he

find time to do all this?

He helped raise 11 kids.

He would just say things like,

he's definitely not trying

to raise a great athlete.

He wants to raise good young men

and young women.

And when you do that,

then you can go off and do anything.

It seems like he gets wiser

and smarter every day.

[man] As a dad who's

very proud of his son,

what do you wish for him

in the coming months?

I wish all my sons would get married

and have two or three kids.

I think a man do need

two or three kids to be whole.

[man] So that's what's important,

not football.

[William] That's...

that's what's important to me.

This has been just

an amazing few days.

And, you know, you think back, we've been

able to do a lot of cool stuff together.

But nothing quite like this, obviously,

to be able to share this with you guys.

I really appreciate it.

So cheers to that.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

[slow tempo music plays]

[Sanders] Love you guys.

[sons] Love you too.

[Sanders] This stuff,

it just goes so fast, man.

It's amazing how fast it goes.

So enjoy it, it's precious.

And one thing that my folks

always believed is that, you know,

if you get the character things right,

then other things tend to fall into place.

[man on PA] Kansas Shrine Bowl

Hall of Fame inductee:

Barry Sanders.

[Patrick] He's a good dude.

You know, he's just a good dude.

- Let's go, let's go!

- How you doing?

How you doing?

[Sanders] Football is the greatest

team game out there.

And I was able to shine because of

the efforts of many so many others.

Shirley Sanders, I appreciate all that

you did to make this day happen.

And I know Dad is looking down,

I know Dad is proud.

[William] God, I'm so proud of him.

The average football player

would have been trying to set records

and trying to hang on.

And he walked away

at the height of his career,

and that really take guts.

[Sanders] If I could, I would go out

to each and every Lions fan

and give you a hug,

tell you how much I appreciate you.

It's been such a wonderful journey.

[announcer] Barry, got room, 30.

["Mimi Webb": Last Train To London

(I Won't Look Back)]

I'll be on the last train to London

[announcer] Barry off to the 40, 30!

I'm so sorry, darling

Couldn't give you what you wanted

[Sanders] Wow.

[man] The Barry Sanders Air Zoom Jet

that you made famous.

- Right. Recognize that shoe?

- Sweet.

You can tell your lies

But don't you dare say

that I didn't ever try

[Sanders] I love being here.

I still live here.

And I'm sorry if there

are any hard feelings.

Detroit does not win a lot

of brochure contests.

Miami, Chicago, New York, LA, those are

all the fashionable, cool, it cities.

Detroit is not like that.

It's a city that you got to love.

And you know if people stay there,

that they really love the city.

Thank you so much for the joy you brought

to Detroit and everyone here.

[Hill] The way he carried himself

with dignity, class, professionalism.

He gave Detroit a representation

that the city desperately needed.

And so his legacy of greatness

won't just be about him

being arguably

the best running back of all time.

It'll be about him being

a beloved member of the city.

I hope one day you'll find someone

He's a Detroiter, and that's

the highest compliment I could pay him.

But I'll be on the last train...

[Sanders] I think it just sets in stone,

if you will,

so much of what I was taught by my parents

and what I tried to live out.

[man] We want to

thank you all for being here

for this very special celebration.

[man] You know Dad,

he would have been so...

He would have definitely enjoyed it.

Yeah, that was the only thing missing.

- He may have been...

- [man] You made him proud.

I tried. Yeah. I tried to, man.

[Patrick] We'll never see somebody

like Barry Sanders again.


[Eminem] We had the greatest running back

that ever played the game.

I'm going back to London tonight

[upbeat music plays]
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