Santa Claus (1959)

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Santa Claus (1959)

Post by bunniefuu »

A way up in the heavens,
far out in space.

In a beautiful gold and crystal palace
right above the North Pole.

Lives a kind and jolly old gentleman.
Santa Clause. Also known as Saint Nicholas.

The best friend of boys and
girls everywhere.

But let's move in for a closer look.

Come along.

It's almost christmas,
and I must finish the toys

for all the good children on Earth.

I hope you'll pardon me, but you
I musn't be late.

This is Santa's toyland, a sort of
international toy factory.

Here are gathered boys and girls of
different races and creeds.

They have come from many lands
to help Santa bring joy and hapiness

to all of the Earth's children.
These little helpers are from Africa.

Here are Santa's helpers from Spain.

Chinks from China lend a hand as well.

Boys and girls from England.

London bridges falling down,
falling down, falling down.

London bridges falling down.
My fair lady.

Japan also helps Santa.

Talented children from the Orient.

Even Russia has a delegation.

The group from France.

Headed by Evette and Pierre.

German boys and girls
help Santa too.

Here's a happy song from Italy.

The islands of the Caribbean.

The South American group includes
Brazil and Argentina.

The countries of Central America.

Children from the U.S.A.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb,
little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.
It's fleece was white as snow.

It followed her to school one day,
school one day, school one day.

It followed her to school one day,
which was against the rule.

A neighborly group of
helpers from Mexico.

Hello there.

Santa, do you like this devil?

Ah? Devil?
Now let's see.

Don't think anybody ordered this.
Well now.

How does it work?
What is the sense of it?

Like this Santa.
You must light it.

Let's have it.

Stop. I Lucifer, king of Hades command
you to stop and disappear.

Begone! All of you!

Except Pitch

You Pitch, chief of all my demons
must listen closely.

The time is almost here when you
must abandon the

brimstone pits and journey up to Earth.

But this time you must not fail
as you have done in the past.

You must not be defeated by that
bearded old goat. Santa Clasue!

If you do not defeat him,
makeing all the children of

the Earth do evil.
You shall be punished.

And instead of red hot coals,
you will eat chocolate ice cream.

No. No Lucifer. King of all evilness.

Not that. By the horns of everything
satanic I beg you.

Form there I must not eat.
Frozen meals are bad for me.

Especially chocolate. It's
very bad for my digestion,

which is so delicate.

Yes I promise oh priceless Prince of Hades.
That by many words I will

finish your Santa forever, and see that the
children commit terrible deeds,

and make Santa Clause angry.

Well then. And show the world
who is its real master.

So be it Lucifer.

Demons of Hades transport me to Earth.

And so the devil rose to Earth.

You heard what he said to Lucifer,
but will he be able to keep his promise?

On Earth, the children can hardly
wait for Christmas day.

They gaze longly at the toys they
hope Santa will bring them.

Here is a good little boy,
who's daddy is quite rich.

This mother on the other hand is very poor,
and this is her daughter Lupita.

Her fondest dream is to own a doll.
Any doll.

Who are these three? Say. It is rude
to push and shove like that.

But the devil liked rude little boys,
and it doesn't take him long to find them.

They're just right for his evil plan.

Well, one thing is certain. The devil has
turned them against Santa Clause.

Suddenly he is with them again.

Out of nowhere, he produces
three rocks,

and his evil plan goes into action.

This is bad.

Oh! Ah! Darn that devil.
Oh, I'm sorry,

but that old devil is only been
annoying me with his mischief.

If I could only go down there now,
I'd put him in his place.

Heh. What everyone knows I
can only go down to earth

on Christmas eve, and not before.

In the meantime...
(speaking in foreign languages)

A short while ago, I found a
devil with four children,

and one was a poor little girl.
Do you know who they are?

I got their names. The bad boys are...
No no no no no.

The naughty boys are not important.
They will get punished in due course.

The ones I must reward are the other
children, like the good little girl.

I got their names right here.
The girl is called...

Ah. Better look through the telescope Pedro.
We'll find out what they're doing.

This is Santa's magic observatory.
What wonderful instruments.

The Ear-O-Scope. The Tele-Talker
that knows everything.

The Cosmic Telescope. The Master Eye.
Nothing that happens on Earth

is not known to Santa Clause.

By thy magic powers, look
for the child we're seeking.

Whether she's in a cave
or behind a million mountains.

All ready.

I think I found the girl.

Where. Where is she?

In mexico.

Yes, it's lupita alright.
And she is still dreaming about

that doll she wants for Christmas.

Lupita isn't thinking of stealing
that doll. Is she?

NO. No, Lupita. You shouldn't steal.
Put it back.

Lupits. Lupita, come here.

It's yours. Nobody saw you take it Lupita.
They have more, and they won't miss it.

What does one little doll matter?
Don't you see?

You haven't got any toys.
Keep it. Hmm?

Don't listen to him Lupita. It's bad
to steal, and you will be sorry.

That's right. Put it back.
Good girl.


Silly girl. Now you're gonna have
to do without a dolly.

Littles girls will steal, or do without
the things they like. Oh!

That's not true Lupita. If you are good,
somehow you'll be rewarded.

Hooray for her. Hooray for her.
All my friends can ignore the devil.

All they need to win,
is to be good in spirit.

...and the other children?

Come Pedro. Find them.

By thy magic powers, look
for the child we're seeking.

Whether he is in a cave or
behind a million mountains.


He's sleeping soundly. His dream
will appear on the Dream-Scope.

Connect the antenna for the Dream-Scope.

Let's watch the little rich boy's dream.

How strange, and what large gift boxes.
Would these be toys?

Why... They contain what a child loves best.
His parents.

(Speaking in a foreign language)

A dream is a wish that the heart makes.

That little child is not wealthy.
He gets everything he wishes

just by asking his parents.

The only thing this child wants
is the love of his parents.

Don't they love him?

Maybe they do,
and maybe they don't.

But soon he may find out the truth.

...and Lupita?
What do you think she might wish?

If she is alreay sleeping,
we might be able to see her dream.

I wonder if our child is dreaming.

I recall when I was a little girl.

I often would dream of great riches.

that I had all the things I wish for, and...

not a care in the world.

but at times, I also dream with the devil.

Confounded devil.
Why can't he leave Lupita alone?

Oh. Just look at the old busy body.

He'll want to make Lupits steal again.
He'll be part of her dream.

How awful.

Better look at her dream now.

I've got me a dolly all dressed up in blue.

She is very pretty and in new blue shoes.

While I took her shopping
she got sick and then.

When I took her home she got well again.

Why don't you steal her.
We can all be yours.

No. You know that stealing is bad.
And I want to be good.

But you must learn to steal.

No. You know that stealing is bad.
And I want to be good.

We dolls don't like good little girls.

No. To steal is evil,
and I don't want to be evil.

You must be evil if you want the doll.

No. You know you shouldn't be evil.,
and I don't want to be evil.

Steal. Tell a lie and we will all be yours.

No. I don't want to be evil.
And telling lies is evil.

You want to be good, eh?
Do you want to be bad?

No. You know stealing is bad,
and I want to be good.

Well then, you'll never get a doll.

Mama, mama.

Poor little child.

Believe me, that old Pitch
is going to pay for this.

The very minute I get to Earth
he will pay for what he is doing.

And the three little boys,
the ones who broke the windows,

maybe they have done more mischief.

(Speaking in a foreign language)

Yes. Look for them.

(Speaking in a foreign language)

The three boys are
beneath a large bed,

but they're speaking in a low voice.

Let's tune in the Ear-Scope.

Now we will learn exactly
what they are planning.

I've got it. We'll break our
neighbor's window.

Yeah, and we'll steal that kid's toys.
He's got a lot of them.

If we were good boys,
we'd get toys too.

What's the fun in that?
It's no fun to be good.

Anyway, Santa Clause doesn't
care about us.

He's too far away.

Let's write him a letter and tell
him we've been good as angels.

Do you think he is going to fall for that?

Sure he will. I bet he can't
even see well enough.

Too old to know what goes on.

What? Me too old?

Heh, the devil is very many
centuries older than I am.

Those youngsters have got their nerve.

Next to the devil, I'm just a child.

It's just that I haven't been well lately.

Bah, hah!

That really makes me...

Let's see who those boys are.
We'll see what they are up to.

Oh Ho.

There you are, you little rascsls.

Well, you might as well know I can
see and hear everything you say.

I know when you've been bad or good.

- Did you hear that?
- I'll say. Let's get outta here.

My dear, Santa Clause.
The only That I thing I wish for

is that my parents can
stay with me

the night before Christmas.
I don't like to be alone,

but the most important thing
is that you bring me

a little brother who
is just about my age,

because I get awfully bored.

I know it's hard for you, but
maybe you could get me a papa.

That would be super.
I guess, even a mama.

A train with lots of tracks,
and a bicycle too.

A live horse, an airplane that will fly.

...and I want a ball, big and red.
A pink pair of shoes, to wear on Sunday.

...and my two little brothers have behaved
well. You must see that get everything.

Santa Clause, Santa Clause, Santa Clause,
Santa Clause, Santa Clause, Santa Clause,

Santa Clause, Santa Clause, Santa Clause,
Santa Clause, Santa Clause, Santa Clause,

- Santa Clause.
- More Santa Clause?

- More Santa Clause.
- Off they go.

Santa Clause, Santa Clause, Santa Clause.

Wonderful. Marvelous.

Just look at all those letters.

They don't forget old Papa Noel.

Saint Nicholas. Santa Clause.

Ah. Let's see now.

My dear Santa Clause. This year
I have behaved very well.

I have been obedient,
and have studied very much.

For that reason, please
try to bring me these toys.

A toy automobile, a submarine,
a football, a bat, roller skates,

a scooter, a cannon, a rocket, a bicycle,
an atomic laboratory, a machine g*n...

Oooh. Shoo...

And many things.

So be it.

And as my two little brothers
have behaved very well,

Hmm. You must see to it that they
get everything. Ha! A flasehood. Hmmm.

See. There's no fooling Santa Clause.

Heh. Into the liar's box.

Dear Santa Clause, please
bring me a little brother.

Here's one for you Mister Stork.

Attention everybody.

The hour is drawing near for
me to come down to Earth.

where all good children expect my arrival.

As you know, Christmas eve is almost here,

and we still have tousands of thing to do.

Let's all make a big effort
to get our work finished.

It's up to you.

Here is Merlin the wizard.

A little absent minded perhaps,
but Santas most devoted helper.

Oh Merlin
Merlin, where are you?

Mister Merlin.

- Mister Merlin.
- What what what

What's the matt...
Oh. Santa Clause.

What a startle you gave me.

This new rainbow is quite unusual.

Ha! I suppose you've
Changed the colors again.

This one will surpass the others.

When the rays of the
sun enter the rainfall...

Poof! A variety of wonderful colors
will fill the entire heavens.

Well Mister Merlin. Tell me if the
sleeping powder is a mix.

The dreaming powders that fill
everyone with joy and goodwill,

and the flower to disappear.

Er, ah, what's the day, eh?

On the Earth, it's the eve of
the th of December.

Oh. Sure it is.
In three minutes,

They'd be ready.

I shall reveal to you the secret
of the magic star dust

concocted by Merlin, which is
unsurpassed for sound sleeping.

Please, let me go by.

To begin with, you need an urn.
Which is an alloy of copper, nickel,

uranium, plutonium and platinum.

Yessiree. Hmm.

Oops. uh...

Oh, what a dummy I am.
I forgot the urn.

And without the urn I can't
mix the ingredients. Can I?

No you can't.

Eight scoops of rose colored pollen,
from the marvelous moon flower.

Nine sccops of pollen from the lazy yana.

And the red pollen from the morpheus plant.

One, two, theree, four scoops.

The last ingredient is the
most important thing.

Oh Gosh.

What a memory.
I keep forgetting the urn.

Some powder from the wings
of the butterfly papayalicious craffe,

that flies among the nebulose mists
and vapors of evening time.

And which only I have been
able to keep in captivity.

My furnishing with my magic,
and that big window there,

the lights of the heavens.

All set.

See, this time I didn't forget the urn.


You freeze it with a light blue
flame of frozen fire.

And next thing, it's ready.

So, as you have seen,
it's very simple. Right?

Let's see now.
Open up your pack.


And the dreaming powder that
fill everyone will joy and goodwill.

You know about them?
The only thing you have to do Santa,

is to remember that you must sift them.

The same as last Christmas.
Don't you remember?

Ah, yes. I am afraid I have forgotten.

As a man continues to get older,
he begins to forget everything.

Every year, my memory fails me more,
and it seems I am good for nothing.

- And the flower to disappear.
- What flower?

To disappear.

You've disappeared?
You're really in bad shape.

The flower to disappear.

Oh, well!
Here you have it.

Smell it and "pfft", you disappear.

Well, well, uh. What do I have to
do to make myself visible again?

Ohhh. What's happened to your memory?
Can't you remember anything?

The same as last Chrismas.

Why of course.

Much obliged to you Mister Merlin.

I'll be back again to see you next year.

Next, Santa clause on the master
blacksmith and key maker of the palace.

My dear key maker.

The golden key that opens
all doors is ready Santa.

It is at your disposal.

It think you'll agree
it's a real work of art.

It has no equal.

Thank you, my dear key maker.
Only you could make a key such as this

which would turn the lock of
every door on earth.

Please try it on the locks of
a thousand magic portals.

And as Santa tries out the magic
key of gold, it opens door after door.

What's this? Santa dancing?
No indeed.

Santa must watch his waistline,
and reduce his tummy

if he is to get down all the chimneys.

There, see? Santa has
reduced his waisteline.

It may not seem so, but he
fits into the chimneys alright.

Trans Heavenly Airway Flight S C
Super Reindeer Special

Red Carpet Flight to
Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

via the Milky Way, is now boarding.

Let's have a look at Santa's
famous sleigh, and his reindeer.

Santa's helpers from all
nations sing happily as they

come to make sure that
everything works properly,

and that the sleigh and reindeer will
shine brightly in the Christmas sky.

(singing in a foreign language)

(speaking a foreign language)

Sure it's not a bad idea to
use modern space ships

for our interplanetary flight,

but to convert my
white reindeer into Sputniks?

Nooo. I should say not.
And besides, just to go to Earth

The suit me well enough.

Well I guess we're all glad about that.
Maybe a Sputnik would be faster.

But I can't quite imagine Santa Clause
without his reindeer and his sleigh.

Could you?

Here's list of all the kids,
names and addresses.

Well, just put it over there.

Well thank heaven, I still have
a very good memory. Hey?

And I know every single child on Earth.

Well, just to make sure, why
don't you take it with you.

I've really got to hurry. It's almost
time for the crystal clock

on the wall to strike ten.

Don't forget that you've got
to return to the castle ahead

of the sunlight, because the sun
will turn the reindeer into dust.

No siree no.
I'll be here all right.

In that case, I couldn't get
back to the castle.

And on what they
use for food I'd perish,

because here our main food
is pastry and ice cream

made of soft clouds. And on the
Earth there's no such thing.

What food do they eat
on Earth Santa Clause?

Oh, everything in sight.
They eat most of the animals,

the plants, the flowers, the roots,
birds, even smoke and alcohol.

But enough of this talking. We're
wasting time and I must be off.

(Children singing horribly)

"Hurry up my children.
Get on with your packing.

"It's the night for Santa Cluase
to fill all those stockings".

(Children singing horribly)

"Merry, merry greetings.
I take to one and all."

"Oh hurry if you want to,
enjoy the yuletide fun."

(Children singing horribly)

And now, Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all.

Merry christmas.

Let's see if I have everything.

The bag with the powders for
dreaming of joy and goodwill.

The flower to disappear. The golden
key that opens all doors.

The sleigh, and now I better make
sure my reindeer are running.

Yes, Santa's sleigh is really
a huge toy sleigh,

and he has to wind it like
any other toy to make it go.

Be off my reindeer, and glide to
the heavens as fast as you can go.

My my powers of gold
and crystal enjoy peace.

And jesus the son of God
join us on Earth so that

we can all have joy and goodwill.

On, my good reindeer.

Phew. That was close.
He almost ran into the moon.

And here's the planet Earth.
I wonder where Santa will go first.

Europe.? Africa? America?

Think of all the nice things
you'll get from Santa Clause.

Yes mama.

That's a good boy.
See you in the morning.

If you get bored, you can go down
and practice your piano lessons.

See you later my darling.

I knew it. The devil is nearby and these
three certainly are up to no good.

Okay, listen now. As soon as Santa
Clause lands on the roof here,

all three of us will jump on him.

We'll tie him up and we'll stick
him in the sack, and then

we'll go home with all of Santa's toys.

But what about Santa?

We can make him our sl*ve,
and all his candy and toys

will belong to us, so whenever
we want something...

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.

You better not talk now.
He can hear us and get away.

Alright children, to bed. Santa Clause
will be here any minute now.

Mama, and who is Santa Clause?

He's the man in the store.
The one with the red suit

and the white beard, that
was laughing very much.

And does Santa know about me?


Is he real like my daddy?

He's not. Not really.


The real Santa lives in a castle,

and comes once a year.

What does he come for?

They say he *** the
children who are obedient.

I don't think he likes me.
He has never brought me any dollies.

It's... not that. Maybe you
forgotten to ask him for a dolly.

And if I ask him for one now?

Go ahead. Perhaps he will hear you.

We can say it. Pray it dear.

Mama, please don't cry.

It's definitely Christmas.
And Christmas always makes me feel sad.

It brings bad memories.

Mama, what is Christmas good for?

Well, to remind us that Christ
was born many years ago

and he was even poorer than we are.

He was born in a bed of straw.

Know what mama? I have already asked
Santa Clause for two pretty dollies.

If he brings the two,
I give one to little Jesus.

Yes my darling.

Maybe we pray with all our might. Hm?

While Santa steers his sleigh towards
Earth, old devil Pitch waits his arrival.

Here comes Santa now.
First stop, Mexico City.

Brrrrr! It's freezing.

I wish I were back in hades,
tending the furnace.

He's heard Santa.

By Satan, there he is.

I'm glad that I'm prepared to upset
his whole merry Christmas.

We will see who wins out.
This is one night that no one

can take from me.

What's he going to do?

Oh, Ho. He's going to push
the chimney out of place

so that poor old Santa won't
be able to enter this house.

Let's hope that Santa
realizes what's happened.

What's happened here?
I can smell sulfur.

Well, that must explain this. That old
devil Pitch must be around here.

Santa's determined to get in.
He'll find a way.

He's not one to give up.

Well, there's more than one
way to beat the devil.

Santa will jump down, using his
magic parasol.

Old Pitch hadn't counted on this.
He's almost green with anger.

Uh oh. These two seem to know
that Santa is in the living room.

Look out Santa, they'll see you!

Why of course. Santa can handle this.

All he has to do is use the magic dreaming
powders prepared by Mister Merlin.

And it isn't long before our two little
"Stay up Lates"

are sleeping soundly in their bed.

Now what? Must be Pitch,
putting the chimney back in place.

Well, the devil doesn't give up either.

And he seems to be quite happy about
his next plot against Santa.

Could Santa be coming down
this chimney now?

Uh oh. He's alright, but that was close.

My goodness.

Pitch is foiled again.

But suddenly, he thinks of
something else to do.

That's it. He'll huff and puff until his
burning breath turns the door knob

and key hole red hot. So the
that magic key won't work,

and Santa will burn his hands.

First he'll see if it's hot enough.

Huh. What do you think of that?

But Santa sees what Pitch is up to,
and he isn't afraid.

Meanwhile, Pitch looks out the window
to watch Santa burn his hand.

Doesn't seem to know he is right behind him.

Oh ho. A cannon. Now it's Santa's
turn to get even with Pitch.

Here in truth, is a poor little rich boy.
He has all the toys a little boy could wish for.

Yet, he is sad and lonely. Lonely for
his parents. In spite of all he has,

he lacks the most important thing in life.
The company of his mother and father.

I know all those toys don't you happy,
but I'll do something for you that I only

do for children who are very good.

I will let you see me as I am. And therefore
I will use the powders that will make

dream that you are awake.

And now, awaken while you're dreaming.

SantaC lause. You love me, don't you?
Say you love me Santa.

Of course I love you sonny.
Just as much as your parents,

because no one loves a child as
much as his parents.

Only at times, the parents don't understand
their children, and the children

don't understand their parents.

And are you really sure that they love me?

When I am left all alone?

Yes. Of course they love you.
And you must believe that love you.

And now, go back to sleep again.

It was all a sweet dream.

When you awaken,
I wish you much happiness.

- How pleasant to see you.
- Hello there.

- George
- Merry Christmas

- Oh, merry Christmas
- Thank you.

- Good bye
- Good Bye

It's been a long time since
I have seen the Martins.

They're both looking pretty
well though, aren't they?

That's a strange coctail, isn't it?

It's the coctail of remembrance,
which only I can prepare.

Whoever drinks it will think of that,
which is most dear,

and which at times, for some unknown
reason we seem to forget

That's a beautiful thought,
perhaps we need a reminder.

Very possibly we forgotten
someone we love.

Love can be expressed in many ways,
but the truest love is that which we

give without expecting anything in
return. The greatest reward for those

who sincerely, is love itself. So drink
my coctail and you will become

aware of that love which
is closest to your hearts.

And those without love?

They coouldn't drink this cocktail,
as it would burn their throats.

Well, since we are very much in love.

May it always be that way.

Now that's strange.
Where did he disappear to?

I don't think he was just a waiter.

He didn't seem to be strange.
That kind look. The white beard.

I knew that face when I was a child.

Couldn't be. If his beard was white
when you were a small girl,

he'd be dead and buried by now.

Now that's strange. I suddenly
have an urge to see our little boy.

Let's go home.
Poor Billy's always alone.

I feel that he is needing us too.
He'll be so glad.

Come on.

Pitch hasn't done too well
by himself against Santa.

So he's back to the seek help of
these boys who so far are the only

ones willing to listen to his evil plan.

They may think it's smart to help him
now, but they'll be sorry.

For his advice can only
get them into troouble.

One of us better get over there behind
the water t*nk and take the rope along.

When we spot Santa Clause...
...Zowey! We'll pull the rope and

knock him down.

Got it!
That's for me.

See. It works.
You got ***?

Oh boy!

Santa Clause is on his way.

Get your head down.
Here comes Santa.

How can you be so dumb?
Stupid fools.

You certainly turned our
plan into a horrible mess.

He'll never lick me. I can promise you that.

I'll make him pay dearly for al of this.

That scared me.
The light almost blinded me.

- That music was so loud.
- Scared me too.

What a noise.

Hey, maybe Santa Clause got
something in our house.

- Shall we go see?
- Yeah. Let's go.

- Some present for our Christmas.
- Santa Clause doesn't like us.

We didn't get anything.

Why don't you start a fight?

It's all your fault. It was your idea.

Don't be a sissy.
We are complaining.

Well anyway, it was his idea
that we should go up by the roof.

My idea? The fault is all yours.
I'm going to bed. I am tired.

Coward. You kicked me when
my back was turned.

You be glad it wasn't me.

In that case, it was you.
And you haven't got the

nerve to say you didn't.

That's it that's it. Terrific.
Ha ha ha. Haaa. Beat your brains out.

At least I've got the bad thing.
Lucifer will be very pleased.

- I'll beat you.
- Gimme that.

- Ow.
- Ouch. Cut it out.

See you later.

Oh no! Mister Pitch has decided to
steal Santas' sleigh.

That's a relief. The reindeer
won't obey him.

Tough Luck Pitch.

Uh oh. A pair of scissors.

Look out Santa.


That old devil Pitch must be
around somewhere.

Oh my. Mister merlin's Magic
Dreaming powders.

Now Santa wont be able
to put anyone to sleep.

On, my heavenly reindeer.
For there is much to be done.

And there goes the
flower to disappear.

And now Santa won't be able
to make himself invisible.

What are you going to do now Santa?

Let us hope the flower to disappear
doesn't fall into bad hands.

Meanwhile Santa goes on his way,
not knowing that his dreaming powders

and his flower to disappear are gone.

Santa is not afraid of that dog.
If he goes after him,

he still thinks he can disapper.

Go get him Dante.
Sic that old goat.

ite him.
Finish him off.

How can old Pitch be so mean?
Siccing a vicious dog on Santa like that?

Powders. The flower to disappear.
No powders and no flower?

What do I do now?

Run Santa. Climb the tree.
It's you only chance.

Get out! Go away! Go!

Shoo! Get out!

That should do it.
That's a very funny sight.

Old white beard and his sack.
Running as if the devil himself

were going to take him below.

You'll pay for your mischief.
You just wait and see.

Hmm. But first you'll have to
come down from that tree.

And I can have a lot of fun
before you can get rid of Dante.

Because you know what I am going to do?
I am going to wake up everybody.

Hah. Nobody can hear your voice.

They hear it in the form of their own
private imagination or ideas.

Let them see how foolish you appear.

There's a prowler out there.

He's come to k*ll your wife
and your children.

He is really quite vicious.

He's hiding up in your tree.

Defend yourself.
He's going to m*rder you.

He's going to m*rder you.

(indistinct whispering)

Mr. Merlin!

Key Man!

Key Man!

Apparently no one is in
Santa's magic obserbatory.

Try to awaken.
There's a man outside.

Marie? Marie, get up.
I think that we're in danger.

- What?
- Yes.

Oh yes.
The assassin that's out in back.

Assassin? I'm not going.

Harry! Get out of bed.
Go after him!.

Show me, where's the p*stol?

Where you keep it.

- In the drawer?
- In the drawer.

- In the drawer. In this drawer.
- Why, in this one.

...or, or in this one.

- Here it is. Go after him.
- come on. Don't be funny.

- Me?
- Yes.

but I, But I...

With this cough, I can't
be expected to go out.

I might catch pneumonia.

Come on. Snap it up. Pneumonia
or no pneumonia, you go.

you go.

But marie, understand. Why
don't you get your father?

- Huh?
- Wait, I must put on my robe.

- Here it is.
-Stop fooling around.

Don't waste time.

Help, Police! Help, Police!
In the tree there's an assassin.

Please come quickly. Help. Police.
A m*rder*r. Run father.

Fire department. Firemen. Firemen.
My house is burning.

I'm on fire. You don't believe me?

Mercy. This is a five alarm fire.
Better let me have that

address please, won't you?

Don't expect anything from Santa Clause.
He doesn't bring toys to poor children.

Didn't I tell you to keep that doll?

So now you won't have anything.
You are poor.

- Mama, mama.
- What is it dear?

Do the poor people get
anything from santa Clause?

Who told you that?

Oh. No my darling. Santa Clause is
good to all of the children

who are obedient.

It's no matter if you
are poor or wealthy.

To bed now my darling.
And sleep well.

Look mama. It's almost day,
and Santa Clause hasn't come.

Sleep now darling.
Sleep now, and you will see.

Maybe when you wake up
you'll find a dolly.

But go to sleep now, and
have pleasant thoughts.

My poor little Lupita.

Who can tell if that Santa Clause
will go to our house this year?

Merlin! Merlin!

Merlin! Key man!
Help me!

That did it. The family's awake now.

- Hurry up or you gotta get a ***...
- Hurry Harry, you go first!

- No. Please ladies first.
- No. There's no time for manners.

- I'm not going to be the first to go.
- Let's all go back to bed.

Hey everyone. I wanna to play
cops and robbers.

- Oh My...
- Cops and robbers...

- Alright...
- That's it...

Merlin. Mister Merlin.
Eh. Eh, what's that?

Can you run? Follow me.

Can I run, and follow you?
Better tell me what's the matter.

And I'll decide whether I should run,
and whether I should follow you. Eh?

Santa Clause is in danger. He's calling
you urgently on the Tele-Talker.

Oh well. In that case,
we better hurry.

Let's fly now. One for the money.
Two for the show. Away we go.

Hurry Mister Merlin.
This is no time to play horses.

Santa is in danger.

- We better analyze the situation.
- You're the bravest one here

You can take care of a million men.

Let them all see now, that the
only brave one here, is you.

All the men are cowards.
You are a woman.

Put them to shame now.

- Are you sure the "wistol perks"?
- What?

- I mean the p*stol works.
- but of course it works.

- Bahhh. If I were only your age...
- Hah, if I were your age, you wouldn't

matter if I lived or not.

You both save us both,
but neither of you will go out there.

Alright, you heard what she said.
You go first.

No. We bothe go.

We'll both go, and see what happens.

The Red cross, the fired department,
the police. What a jam poor Santa's in.

Everyone will see him.

Do you hear those sirens?
They're for you.

The show is about to begin, and
you'll never get back before sunrise.

Your reindeer will turn to powder.
You will starve to death.

And I will rule the Earth.

Santa Clause. Santa Clause.

- It's me. Merlin.
- Merlin. Merlin.

Merlin. Where are you?

Here, in the observatory.
Wha.. what is the matter?

In just a few minutes it's
going to be day.

Return now.

They got me in a tree Merlin.
I dropped the flower to disappear.

And also the powders for dreaming.
And this beast just won't let me come down.

All this confusion has been
prepared by Mister Pitch.

Wait now.

Hurry Mister Merlin! Hurry!

Where do we find Santa Clause?

He's already been to Asia,
Europe and Australia.

He must be on the American continent.

I think I see him. He's in Mexico.

Doh, golly, but he is in a terrible fix.
And there is no time to go to his rescue.

And the sun is about to rise.

Bad dog. Mad dog.
Against good is bad.

Against black is white.
Against a bad itch, scratch it.

Against thirst, water.
Against mad dog.

Against mad dog. Against mad dog.
A cat. A cat. A cat. A cat.

A cat Sabta Clause.
A cat.

Please be quick Merlin. Now hear this.
My time is almost over.

This time it's serious.

Against mad dog, a cat. Use one
of the toy cats that you wind up.

And the dog will go after the cat.

Shoo. Shoo shoo shoo.
Shoo. Shoo.

Let's go now Altogether now,
but don't push me. Don't push me.

Just a minute.
You make me nervous.

- Oh come one. Hurry up.
- I can handle this,

- but don't leave me alone, huh.
- Alright, we're with you. Come on.

Where's the body?
How many are injured?

They'll surely find Santa.

Nothing in sight.
Can't see anything.

Better look around.

Don't push me. Leave me alone.
No. Don't do that.

- Oh, huh, oh.
- Why don't you sh**t?

- Oh, it's only a hose.
- Be careful it may be a whole gange

but don't worry. Try to be brave.
Be calm. We must all be brave.

That's it. The hose.

- Run for the house.
- ...get wet.

Hurry. You barely have time now.

I still have one more friend to visit.
I musn't fail her.

- But...
- No "buts" about it.

First come the children.
I'll see you later, if possible.

What happened? Did you find anyone?

We've looked all over the place, and
there's no one to be found.

Let's make sure the fire's out.

There's some smoke, over there.

Well. That serves him right.
The old troublemaker.

He'll probably catch a pneumonia,
but he asked for it.

Wait! The flower to disappear has
fallen right into Lupita's house.

- Did you find work?
- Nothing my dear. Nothing!

Mama. I saw Santa Clause.
I am very happy I did.

He couldn't stay and talk to me
for a very long time,

because his white reindeer
would turn into powder.

Yes darling, yes. But now go
back to sleep, it is very late.

Just go ahead and think of all
those wonderful things.

Then, was I just dreaming mama?

Do you think he left ma a dolly,
outside in the backyard?

Maybe next Christmas.
Not this one.

but he said it was a beautiful dolly.

Look-it mommy. Isn't it a pretty dolly?

Know what mama? That star that's shining
out there is a palace of crystal

and candy. The home of Santa Clause.

He's just a *** with his sleigh
and white reindeer.

Thank you Santa Clause.
Goodbye Santa Clause.

Thank you for a wonderful

And so once again, Santa returns
to his palace from his

yearly Christmas round.

He us happy, gay, for once again he has
brought joy to the children of the world.

Blessed are they who believe,
for they shall see God

Peace on Earth,
good will toward men.

Merry Christmas.
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