Fatman (2020)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Fatman (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Regina, I am prepared to depart.
Have my project brought up.

Yes, Mr. Wenan.

Billy, I just got word

that your father will not be
joining us for Christmas.

Oh, I know, sweetie.

It's... his work.

It's unfortunate.

I was really looking
forward to seeing John.

I'm sorry that I won't be able
to be there for you today.

It's okay, Grandma.

Come here.

You know what would
look good here?

Another ribbon.

Bring home the blue,

I will, Grandmother,
because that's what winners do.

Oh, that's my boy.

And we'll send a picture
to your father afterwards.


Please be a dear
and get me a glass of milk.

Of course, Grandma.

Thank you.

- Regina.
- Yes, Mr. Wenan.

I need this letter
mailed overnight.

Of course.

I'll be back in
approximately four hours.

Otherwise, I can be reached
on my phone.

Oh, and, um, Regina,

Grandmother would like
a glass of milk.

Of course, sir.

Working something out,


I finished up early
on the day's orders,

so I figured
I'd get in some practice.

This is our lowest year
on record.

Yeah, we've had slumps before.
It'll pick back up.

And the supply bill
next month?

We can't run up
any more credit.

Try not to worry.

Just trying to keep things
in perspective.

I'll head
into town tomorrow

and check on the late entries.

I'll look at the PO box.

They've assured me
our check's in the mail.

All right.

I'll make cookies
for the drive.

That'd be nice.

You have fun
sh**ting the trash.

Yes, ma'am.


Hi, uh, it's Donald.
Is this, uh...


Merry Christmas.

Do you have
something for me?

Uh, yeah.
Yes. Yes, I do.

Well, walk over here
and bring it to the table.

Uh... yeah. Um...

On the mat.

So, uh, how long does this
usually take?

As long as it takes.

Is there a place
I can sit?

Does it look like there's
someplace that you can sit?

Does this belong to you?

Uh, yeah. I got it for
Christmas when I was 11.

Eleven. Eleven.
That's great.

You know, I never got
what I asked for.

Are you
a baseball player?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I am.

You're an athlete?

I mean, I was.

I, uh, blew my ACL out in
college, like, 15 years ago.

- Why are you selling it now?
- I don't really wanna.

But my little girl wants to go to
space camp, so, uh, we can't afford it.

What do you think
your childhood dream is worth?


I'll give you
$900 for it.

That's not even
gonna get me halfway there.

I will give you $900 for
it or you can f*ck off.

Hydroelectric power
is an abundant energy source

and the underlying thesis
of my project.

- How long did this take you?
- Two weeks of conceptualizing

and ten days
of actual building.

How'd you come up
with this?

After I realized the amount of
power within a flowing water source,

the rest was elementary.


Oh, you have made Chester Elementary very proud.

You just beat four-time champion
Billy Wenan. What do you have to say?

I couldn't have asked for
a better Christmas present.

Thank you to everyone,
especially my mom and dad.

- Congrats again.
- Thank you.

- Billy!
- Excuse me, Judge Robinson, I think I got the wrong...

Oh, we've got, uh,
Billy right here.

Let's get a shot
with the runner-up.

All right, let's get
the runner-up out here.

- I've got the wrong...
- Come on. Hold that ribbon up high.

You two get snuggly.
Look at me.

Pretend like there's a little
squirrel's nest on my head.

Bye, Billy!
Have a good Christmas!

- Roger.
- Yes, Mr. Wenan.

I have some more work
for that friend of ours.

I'll put you in contact,

Thank you.

All right, I can talk.

What exactly
does this entail?

I see.
All right, uh...

You got a name?

How much?

Yeah. Yeah, I understand.

Job accepted.

I gotta go.
I'm on another gig.

...we ask ourselves the real question.
Is Santa making a difference anymore?

Here we have a story
out of North Carolina.

Two children said
they were just having fun

when they dropped a bowling
ball off the Hickerson overpass.

This caused a 30-car pileup.

Next hour, we're gonna be
talking to an Oregon man who says

a group of schoolchildren
burned his house to the ground.

Merry Christmas, Chris.

Ah, schoolkids are lighting
their uncles on fire

and throwing bowling balls
off of bridges.

Nothing too merry
about that.

Got two more crates
for you in back.

I'll bring the truck around.

All right,
I'll get 'em ready.

Hey, Chris.


I got a whole lot
of presents under the tree.

You could come over later
and unwrap a couple early.

- Hmm. I might be...
- Hold that thought.

Sorry about that, Chris.
What can I get ya?

Johnny Carson.

Not in your usual
chipper mood today.

Went a whole two seconds and I haven't
heard anything about the decline of society

or the reckless youth
in America.

I guess I'm just having
a good day.

Wishin' and waitin' isn't
gonna change what's inside.

Gotta get another whiskey
from the back.

Can I help you?

How are ya, Mike?

Don't think I know you.

Nicole and the kids are well,
I hope.

Look, uh, I wasn't gonna
do anything...

Oh, I've known Sandy since she was a kid.
She's a great girl.

But she never did hold
much faith in wedding vows.

- Not like you and me, Mike.
- Listen, I'm...

I'm just here having a drink.
I'm not...

You know, if you drive
straight through...

I reckon you could be home
in 12 hours,

spend the holiday
with your family.

Who are you?

Well, I'm... I'm the guy
that's gonna buy you a beer.

Why don't you hop?
I'll take care of it.

And Mike, drive safe.

Where's Mike?

- Who?
- The good-looking guy

that was sitting right next
to where your fat butt is.

Oh, that fella.
Well, I guess he left.

Why is it every time you come in
here, I end up going home alone?

Maybe I'm a jinx.


- Hello?
- Hello, ma'am. I'm a reporter with The Times.

Oh, that's a wonderful paper.

Yes, it is.

I feel very privileged
to be a part of it.

- How can I help you?
- Yesterday, we ran an article

on your school's
science fair...

and I had a few
follow-up questions

for the "Best of Show,"
Christine Crawford.

I was hoping I could get
her contact information.

No problem
I can get that for you.


Just gonna be
one more second.


I brought your milk.

Oh, thank you, honey.

Put it here.

You should be resting.

Let's get these outta your way.

On the desk.


- Night.
- Good night.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

- Regina!
- Yes, Mr. Wenan.

Grandmother wants everyone
out of the house right now.

Certainly, sir.

Mmm, you know...

I've never lost
a science competition.

Did you know a circuit
is only as good as its ground?

Billy, I-I thought that your science proj...

Twelve-volt car battery.

Might not k*ll you,

but it'll make
your teeth chatter.

You're gonna return
the first-place ribbon

and tell them you were unfairly
helped with that train project.

You cheated.

You don't deserve to win.

Am I being clear?

Get her outta here.


They arrived about
20 minutes ago.

Yeah. Hope they brought
the other half of our check.

Stay calm. You exploding
is not gonna help anything.

No, but it'll make me feel better.


Good to see you,

Apologies about springing
this visit on you.

Why don't we drop
the pleasantries?

It's my busiest time of year,
and I got work to do.

- Now, where's the rest of my money?
- I'm Captain Jacobs.

- We've got a proposition for you.
- No propositions, no shakes.

I want what's due.
And this? This is half.

Well, you only produced
half of last year's product,

and, uh, the subsidy payment
reflects that.

Well, this is Christmas. We're not
handing out participation trophies.

I can't help it if half the kids
deserve coal instead of presents.

We got a minimum budget.
It's in our contract.

Well, actually, your contract with the
United States government, um, states,

"Subsidy payment is dependent on
volume of presents made and delivered."

And that's exactly
how you've been paid.

This won't even
cover the power.

We have employees to pay,
food to buy,

and quite frankly,
this is one...

humdinger of a time

to lay this burden on us.

The point is,
with only half our payment,

we're not gonna
be able to survive.

We understand the financial
constraints that you're suffering.

No one wants to shut you down,
not if we don't have to.

Do you even understand
what you're saying?

What you'd be doing
to Christmas?

We want your holiday spirit.
It generates holiday spending.

Let's not get into
all that right now.

I mean,
the important thing is,

we might have a chance
to work this out.

Captain, if you please.

Chris, Ruth,

the United States military would
like to procure your services.

You know what happens
if I hear you talked, right?


I'll k*ll your mommy.

I'll k*ll your daddy.

You got a dog?


What's your dog's name?

J-Jo Jo Beans.

Well, I will k*ll
ol' Jo Jo Beans too.

you're gonna go in there

and say that you were
at the mall

and you lost track
of time.

You were buying them some
Christmas presents. You got it?

I don't have
any Christmas pre...

Well, maybe you were thinking about
buying them some Christmas presents.

two nights from now,

Santa's gonna slide his
fat ass down your chimney

and give you
a whole bunch of presents

'cause you've been such
a good girl this year.

You know, he doesn't
do that for everyone.

Here's your phone.


Merry Christmas.

Thanks, love.

You think they're serious about
shutting down the factory?

Nah, they're just
trying to bully us

into a contract.

You sure about that?

We could use
the extra income.

Oh, I'm aware.

Doesn't have
to come from them though.


Why, no, it doesn't.

I'm glad I thought of it.


Well, I'm calling you on
Christmas Eve, so you know it's serious.

I mean, I thought we did
a great job for you back in '98.

My team is fast.

And you know
they do quality work, right?

Well, no.

No, no, I can't beat that.

But if you're getting it that cheap, you've
gotta be sacrificing something somewhere.

I'm sorry to hear that,
Lee Ning.

Yes, have a good day. Bye.

Lee Ning, out.

Elon, this is Chris.
What do you got for me?

I bid on everything from
mainframes to Pez dispensers.

Everybody's outsourcing.

They got six-year-olds pulling
12-hour shifts in bare feet

for two sticks
of bubble gum.

It's heartbreaking.

You're exhausted, and you've got
a long night of delivering gifts.

Why don't you get some rest
before you go out?

You still got
a little bit of time.

I can't sleep.

The whole damn operation
is goin' tits up.

- Chris.
- Chris, the sleigh's packed and ready to go.

I'll be right there.

- Let me see it.
- Hold on. I'm almost finished.

Let me...
Just give me the list.

Have you checked it?

Come on. It's fine.

Why are you being
like this?

'Cause I failed.


- You forgetting something?
- Oh.

- I'll keep hold of this for you.
- Oh, come on.

It's 15 below out here.

Then have hot chocolate.

All right.

How'd it go?

- I survived.
- Mmm.

Merry Christmas, darling.

You just messed
up big time, fat man!


Hot damn. That was
a course record.

Let's run it again.

I was, uh, hoping to, uh,
get to my son's place

and see the grandkids opening
presents this morning.

Are you not being
compensated for your time?

Oh, y-yeah, yeah. Sure.

Well, is that
not enough for you?

No, uh, it is.


Then let's run it again.

Is there a problem?

I've got a job for you.

- Good.
- I think you're gonna like it.

It complements
that hobby of yours.

What's the job?

I'd like you
to k*ll Santa Claus.


I know he let you down too.

Well, uh...

that's not gonna be easy.

Well, if you're not interested,
I'm sure I could find s...

No, I'm interested.

I'm very interested.

Hello. Davis here.

Ah, good morning.
This is Chris.

- Chris, good morning.
- I'll do the contract.

Oh, that's fantastic!
That's great.

- Ye... Yeah. Yeah, well, yes.
- Let's get together...

Well, m-merry... merry Christmas.

The one day you get to sleep
in, and you're up early.

Well, I had
a heavy mind.

I just agreed
to the contract.

- It's what we have to do, love.
- I know.

What is it?

Oh, some kids with a deer
r*fle put some flak in the air.

- Again?
- Yeah.

Put two holes in the sleigh, one in me.
Even tore my bag.

Don't worry about the bag.
Let me see your side.

I'm all right. It's...
It's fine, it's fine.

It'll heal
in the usual way.

I don't know
what I'm doing wrong.

Maybe it's time
I retired the coat.

You just need a break.
We're all feeling it this year.

I've lost
my influence.

You're an icon.
People love you.

I'm a silly, fat man
in a red suit.

I mean, you think it's cute, but this
is what people actually think of me.

Christmas is a farce.
I am a joke.

There hasn't been any real
spirit of the season anymore.

Not for years.

Let's just get
a few days out on this.

That will give you
a better perspective.

I should've charged them
royalties for my image.

- Now, that's what we should've done.
- That's not who we are.

No, we're only the largest economic
stimulus in the entire world.

Christmas generates
$3 trillion in the US alone.

We can't pay our power bill.
Think there's something wrong with that?

Oh, is that how
we're measuring success now?

Well, that's what
they care about.

They put up with us so they can
sell their toys and sodas and cars.

We're a business.

And don't kid yourself, Ruth.

Altruism is not a deductible
on their bottom line.

Don't put it all on them.
You've changed too.

You might be right.

Maybe I'm just like 'em.

You still have it.

All I have is a loathing
for a world that's forgotten.

Thanks for the cigars.

- Information. Can I help you?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I need to get ahold of somebody
in the North Pole.

I'm not able to search without
a specific country or code.

Okay. All right, uh, then what's
the closest thing to the North Pole?

Something... Something
arctic, in the Arctic Circle.

Unfortunately, I don't know. If you
could be more specific, I could help you.

Well, is there a city up there,
an island, anything?

A chunk of ice
floating in the f*cking ocean?

I can't stay on if you're
gonna talk like that.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to cuss.

- Please don't hang up.
- I want to help you. If you could be more specific.

Okay, uh,
what about the city of...

of Eureka
on Ellesmere Island?

- Okay, I have it.
- Great, great.

Do you have a listing
for Christopher Cringle?



Why did you
hang up the f*cking phone?

Just relax.

Back to basics.

- Damn! Shit.
- I broke it.

- I broke it.
- Jesus.

May I get another pot of tea?

Mr. Wenan.
This package came for you.

From your father
for Christmas.

It's a few days late.

Yes, sir.

From the Bahamas?

That's what it says,

He's probably there with
his girlfriend, Kara.

I wouldn't know, sir.

Well, pass it to me.

Where the hell are you?


Where do the, uh...

the letters
to Santa go?

You know, the letters the
children write to Santa Claus?

- What happens to 'em?
- Yeah, yeah. H-36.

Uh, it's a... it's a bin
down at the office.

- Right. What happens to 'em after that?
- Uh, I don't know.

Guess you could ask Weyland,
our district super.

Weyland? You know
where I could find him?

Yeah, downtown office,
just off Redding Street.

- Redding?
- Yeah.

- Great. Thank you.
- No problem.

Have a good day.


This is my first day.

Know where I can find
Supervisor Meeks's office?


can I help you?

I'm looking
for the fat man.

Where is he?

Excuse me?

Santa Claus,

Come on, Weyland.

Don't act stupid.

Just give me the address and
I'll walk right out of here.

Where do you send the letters?

Okay, just take it easy.

I can't give you an address because...


I can't give you an
address because I don't have one.

Then you just sorted
your last piece of mail.

No, no, no, no.
I just...

Look, it's a classified program.
They give me a PO box and that's it.

I don't know anything else.
I swear to you.

We just crate up the letters
and send them out.

Write it down.

- Write it down.
- Okay.


To the right.

Other way.

Not that page.
Use a blank one.


- Slow down. Make it legible.
- f*ck.


- You gotta be sh1tting me.
- No, no, no. It's the truth. I swear it.

So, uh, what now?


that's it.

Son of a...


We're a go.

- I'll be on the road by midnight.
- Sounds good.

Keep me updated
on your progress.

They'll understand.

They shouldn't have to.

Can I assume
they speak English?

Our work requires that they
speak many different languages.

Let's just get this
over with.

All right, everyone.
Quiet down now. Let's quiet down.

- Is everybody here?
- We're all here and accounted for, sir.

Well, firstly, uh,

I'm sorry to call you
all back so early.

But I'm sure you're all
excited to get cracking

and get working again
on next year's Christmas season.

And you're probably wondering about
all the new faces around here today.

as you already know...

there is a rising number of our
youth making poor decisions.

Now, this has unfortunately
caused our yearly subsidy

to be well below
our current budget.

Now, to make up
for that shortfall...

we are fulfilling a two-month
contract with the US military.

Now, I know this must come
as a shock to a lot of you.

Believe me,
had there been any other way...

This is Captain Jacobs.

Captain Jacobs'll fill you in

on a lot of the changes
that are going on around here.

Thank you.

I am going to go over
some rules

that must be followed
without exception

and throughout the duration
of this engagement.

These rules are for your safety,
and your safety alone.

Number one,
you will be fingerprinted,

- assigned a security badge to be worn at all times.
- Next.

Number two, you must enter
and exit the factory floor

through the
southern bay doors only.

Number three, you must remove
the bells from your uniforms

as they will set off
our metal detectors.

In addition to these rules,
we will be upgrading the site's security.

Do you have any questions?


What kind of toys
are we making, sir?

Not toys, miss.

Control panels for
America's eagle in the sky,

our FJ-63 fighter jets.

What's the purpose
of your visit?

Recreation. Hunting.

I'm gonna k*ll some things.

You fill out the 5589?

Yes, ma'am,
I have my 5589...

my 4457,

and my 3177 right here.

All right.

Welcome to Canada.

Good to be here.

Holy Christ, Corporal,
you call that hammering?

Show a little pride
in your work.

Here. You're up.

Holy hell.

Soldier, get your sorry ass
out of that lift.

Clean that shit up.

Hey, partner. Here.

Hang on to this.

Thank you.


I come in peace.

Thank you.

Morning, 7.
How's everybody holding up?

Very well, sir. We got the
line up and running last night.

- Right now we're optimizing.
- Oh, yeah.

Okay, optimizing.
I see.

19, 23,
how are you doing?

- Wonderfully perfect, sir.
- Uh, super-duper good.

Ah, I appreciate
the positivity.

Are you buying that?

Absolutely, boss.

I really backed you into a corner on this
one, 7. Don't think I don't know that.

The order calls for a lot of
product in a short amount of time.

Yeah, it's gonna be a squeaker even if
everything goes perfect. Refill, thanks.

Which it never does.

When have you seen it
go perfect?

- 1910 was close.
- There was a bad w*r that year.

You can't blame

- I'll go check the crew.
- The office.

Oh, one more thing.


this is make or break
for us.

I don't need to tell you that
absolutely everything is on the line.

Christmas is at stake, sir.
We won't let you down.

- We'll have the order finished on time.
- Good man.

Chris, I just
talked to my superiors.

They're very impressed with
the numbers that I gave them.

They're sending in a couple of suits
to have a look at the operation.

It's a very impressive
group of...

little workers
you've got here.

Real hard workers.

I'd like to use the break
room, if that's possible.

I'm running an eight-man
rotation, four on at all times.

Me or one of my men are gonna be
inside the factory 24 hours a day.

How does that
sit with you, 7?

We can take our breaks
in the cafeteria.

Many thanks to you.
Captain Jacobs.

- 7.
- 7?

We're all ranked and
accounted for by number.

It's more efficient
that way.

7's our factory foreman.

What happened to
1 through 6?

Well, we've been at this
a long time.

We don't reissue numbers.

That would be unethical
and dishonorable.

I like it.

That's a hell of
a way to run a crew.

Would you like a cookie,
Captain Jacobs?


A hell of a way
to run a crew.

Excuse me.



You all right, buddy?

The hamster hammock is a top
seller and this, the roller.

Then we have
the seesaw.

Nibblers and
the pet playhouse.

There's no room
for the pet playhouse.

You know, it's funny.
You don't strike me as a hamster person.

- Well, I am.
- You seem more like a... a reptile person.

Do you like lizards?

I have a great selection
of chameleons.

I don't want a chameleon.


That's it.
You're a snake person.

Snakes eat hamsters.

You know, lots of people don't know
what kind of pet person they are,

but I'm really good
at this.

You know, you remind me
a lot of my mother.

- Really?
- Yeah.

She wasn't
a good listener,

and she never knew
when to shut the f*ck up.

Thank you.

Here you go, fellas.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Mr. Cringle.

We had a hell of a time
finding this place.

Asked around town,
but no one had a clue.

Yeah, as you can imagine,
it has to be that way.

And we think
it's a good thing.

Great thing.
Yeah, I'm Lex Taylor.

- This is, uh, Carter Mapplethorpe.
- I know who you are.

Right. They warned us
about that.

Things were a little touch-and-go
for a couple of years.

Weren't they, Carter?

Whoa, hey, hey.

Oh, that's Donner.
He gets a mite nippy.

You're lucky it wasn't Blitzer.
She'd tear your package right off.

Well, have a look around, fellas.

7, my shop foreman,

will show you anything
you might need to see.

We, uh, don't need to have
a look around, Chris.

No, we've seen the numbers,
we've seen the samples,

and the work you do
is exceptional.

The military would like to procure
your services on an annual basis.

Let's not get ahead
of ourselves here.

We are prepared to guarantee
your subsidization for 15 years.

I hear
what you're saying,

but this is a one-time deal,

How about you wait until you get that
check on the first of next month,

and then we'll see if you
don't have a change of heart.

That's not gonna happen.

I appreciate your optimism,
sir, I-I really do,

but with all due respect,
I think both of us know

that there's a very good chance you're
gonna end up right back here next year.

And then maybe,
Mr. Cringle,

- the deal we offer won't be so sweet.
- Mm-hmm.

I'll keep
some axle grease handy

just in case
I change my mind.


But will the president do that?

I think he already is.

Sit tight.
Be right back.

You get this
for Christmas?

Yeah, Santa gave it to me.

You must be a good kid.

I guess so.

You know what I got for
Christmas when I was your age?

You never forget the smell of
burning flesh and menthols.

Give you
a hundred bucks for it.


Your workers sure have
healthy appetites.

You know, I can't help but think
the smallness and discoloration

is a direct result of
an inadequate diet.


Please elaborate.

Well, I think
what you need is some...

protein, vegetables, fiber.

I bet if we gave some
real food to these people,

they would sh**t up
like bean st*lks.

Captain, we have discovered the most
efficient and productive way to eat

is simple carbs
and sugars

six times a day.

But that's unnatural.

The body needs
four food groups,

regular exercise,
a minimum of six hours of sleep.

Oh, every elf takes a 20-minute
nap every eight hours.

That keeps our bodies fresh and allows
us to work on a 24-hour rotation.

How long can you keep that up?


It's why elves live
much longer than humans.

- And Chris? He does the same?
- No.

It's the giving
that keeps him young.

Thought I'd head into town
tomorrow to check the PO box.

I'm gonna feel a lot better
with that check in my hand.

I'm with you there.

Thanks for these.

We have each other's backs.

That's how this works.

Remember when my baking went
through the vegan, sugar-free phase?

Oh, yeah.

I was lucky
to survive it.

Must've lost 12 pounds.

But you told me, even though you knew
I wouldn't be thrilled to hear it.

That may have been more of
a self-preservation thing.

Point is, we both have
good days and bad days.

We disagree.
We tick each other off.

Like when you come into the house
dripping sweat all over the floor,

using my good towels
for sweat rags.

But I love you.

So we figure it out,

we work through it,

we lift each other up.

- I'm feeling downright inspired.
- Good!

Let's hope that inspiration
starts with a shower.

Mm. That... That bad?


- Really?
- Hmm.

- No chance?
- Oh, God.

I got to talk you into this?

- How about I... Oh, okay. All right.
- Just... Just go. Go.


Hope the new year
is treating you well.

Only a couple of days in,
but I'm optimistic.

Can I help you
with anything?


I'm, uh...

looking for
a friend of mine.

This is his box.

What box you lookin' at?


You a friend of Chris's?


Yeah, we, uh, we did some
business a couple of years back.

Wanted to look him up,
but I misplaced his contact information.

I was hoping maybe
you could help me out.

Well, sadly, don't think
I'm gonna be able to.


Oh, that's, uh...

that's very disappointing.

I've come a long way.

No, can't say he ever gave us
any contact information.

You don't even have
his last name?

Been that way
since I can recall.

- Hey, there, Sandy.
- Hey, Herman.

I gotta get this thing
out to Palm Beach double-time.

Hold on a sec
while I help this gentleman.

Let's have you
leave a message.

Chris comes in
every couple of days.

That's all right.

Say, does, uh,
Chris still drive that green Chevy?

- Red Ford.
- Right.

I meant Ford.

I don't like duck canvas.

Way too much going on.

Too many sticks.
I'm not a f*cking tree.

Too puffy.

Tan makes me look fat.

Green is f*cking stupid.

Maybe you could give me some idea

of what
you're looking for.

What about that one?

Great coat.

I can see you're a man who
appreciates a quality garment.



Status report.

Getting warmer,
so to speak.

I was thinking.

I'm putting a lot
into this venture financially,

and I'd like
to retain a keepsake.

What did you have in mind?

I want the big man's head.

That could be problematic.

- Are you saying no?
- I'm saying that it's not practical.

Severed heads are fickle.

They rot, they mold,
they smell.

It's a multi-day trip across two international
borders and several state lines,

which means a sizable cooler,
frequent stops

and putting myself
at considerable risk.

And I don't do that
for anyone.

Then I want his beard.

I'm not shaving off
a dead man's beard.

How about some, uh...
some sleigh bells?


Okay. Uh...

What about his coat?

Bring the coat.


All right, I gotta go
back to work now.

Keep me abreast
of your progress.

You f*cking prick.

Hey, Sandy.
How's the day?

What's got you
in such a good mood?

Well, I found
something I lost.

- Hmm.
- Uh, it's too early for all of that.

- Well, then what'll you have?
- I just dropped in to say hello.

And if it's not too much trouble,
maybe a glass of milk for the road.

- Milk.
- Yep.

- Want me to warm it up for you?
- That'd be nice.

Oh, man.

- Hey, Chris.
- Hey, Herman. How you doing?

I'm good.

Now, Chris, there was a guy
in here looking for you.

- Oh, yeah?
- Out-of-towner.


Fancy suit?

- Couldn't find his ass in the seat of his pants?
- Yep, that's him.

- Yeah, I'm working with him.
- That's what he said.

Well, thanks, Herman.

You have a good one.

You, too, Chris.

- Is Captain Jacobs down below?
- Yes, sir, he is.

"We'd like to extend
our sincerest apologies.

Christine Crawford
has admitted she cheated.

Enclosed is the award
for first place."


- I'm actually looking forward to seeing my ex-wife.
- What?

- Yeah, I think we're gonna get back together.
- You're brave, man.


What the hell was that?

It's a ski.


How'd it go?

I got it.

How's that knittin' going?


Well, it seems like
an opportune time

to try it out,
don't you think?

- Right now?
- Why not?

Got some heft.


- Now...
- Ooh.


Fine work.

A slight miscalculation.

Probably a little

Oh, we always wanted
a bigger bed.

There's the man I married.

I want to apologize.

I lost perspective and lately,
I've been a little...

self-absorbed and not much
of a partner to you.

There's been a lot of talk
about quitting,

and, well,
that's not who we are.

Or, it's not who I am

I'm sorry.

We've been at this
a long time, love.

This isn't easy.

We knew it wouldn't be
when we started.

I guess I just let it
get away from me.

Then let's take it back.

We need to do that.

You found me.

This is Captain Jacobs,

What can I do for you,

I just followed up with the
brass on your supply requests.

Had them put
a double-time on it.


Say again?

- Affirmative.
- Copy that. Over and out.

- Come here.
- Why?

Well, maybe I just
want to embrace my wife.

- Oh, is that all?
- Hmm.

What's wrong with that,
Mrs. Cringle?

I thought you wanted me
to mend your bag.

Yeah, I do.

But, um, later.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking,

you know, the good
does outweigh the bad.




Hey, uh...

Just take it easy,
little fella.


That's not a toy.

You one of
Captain Jacobs's men?

Yes, I am. I'm one
of Captain Jacobs's men.

So put it down
on the ground.

Right now.

What's this?

I have no idea.

What's going on?

Oh, shit.

Pressure, Henshaw.
Press down on it, son.

Where's Chris?


- Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?
- They're sh**ting.

- Who is? The soldiers?
- I-I don't know.

Go. I'm initiating
barricade protocol yellow!

- Get into the domestic wing!
- Go, go, go!

Dobson, McCranie, Phillips.

We are under fire.

- Aaron, Sophie, doors, right now.
- Stay close.

7, you all get your asses
ready to move.

I'm getting you
outta here.

Go, go, go!

7! 7!

Get over here!
Come on!


7, where are you going?

Oh, what now?

All right. Yeah?

We're under attack!

- 7?
- Chris!

I'll take the Walker too.

Go, go, go, go!

Come on! Come on!

Close the door!

Come on! Go! Go! Go!


That's enough!

Jonathan Miller.

You twisted child.

And I always thought
you forgot about me.

You remember this?

This was the only g*dd*mn
thing you ever got me.

After all the times
that I wrote you.

I'm sorry, son.

There are limits
to what I can do.

I couldn't replace
your parents.


You couldn't.

Well, here we are.

I've come for your head,
fat man!

You think
you're the first?

You think I got this job
because I'm fat and jolly?

Stop now! Stop!

It's over.

I'm sorry.


Chris, love?

It's okay.
Just try and relax.


I'll be working in my room
for the rest of the evening,

so no interruptions.

Yes, Mr. Wenan.

Why are you calling me
about this now?

How can there be
that much missing?

Oh, I want this tracked.

Find out where
it was cashed.

Then check my signatures.

Call the bank. Tell them to
keep an eye on all my accounts.

If there's a rat,
I want to snap its little neck.

We'll see
who catches the rat.

Damn it, Helga.
I said no interruptions.

Don't you speak English?
I said stay out.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Ruth.

And this is Chris.



I can't say
I'm surprised.


Yeah. Fentanyl.

That'll get the job done.

This is partly my fault.

You know, I just haven't quite
been myself lately, have I, dear?


But the time has come
to turn things around.

I've decided to be proactive.

And it starts with you.

Ow. Ow. Ow.


Now look at me, child.

I said look at me.

A wicked soul
bent on bloodshed

was sent
to collect my head.

Like you, he thought he lived
outside of morals and consequence.

He is now buried
with his lack of reverence.

One more time,
Billy Wenan,

once more,

and you'll be getting more
than coal in your stocking.

If your grandmother
meets an early grave,

if Christine Crawford
suffers so much as a cold,

if anybody that crosses your path is made
to feel less or lower because of you...

I'm coming back.

I'll come while you sleep
and rip you from your covers.

By my hand, you will know the
consequence of your actions.

So don't screw it up.

The fat man's
got his eye on you, kid.


Why don't you all take 15?

Uh, I'd really
rather not.

I wasn't asking.

If there's one thing
I've learned, 7,

it's never argue with
a woman gifting cookies.

Oh, I'll tell the crew
we're on a break.

Yeah. I'll take one of
those, if you don't mind.

Aren't you supposed
to be taking it easy?

I am.

We'll have this place up in no
time, bigger and better than before.

And we're gonna
keep it that way.

We are.

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