Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus (2004)

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Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Christmas

♪ Christmas medley

Ah, cold milk. [Laugh]

Oh, Beth.
I'm afraid I don't
have that in my bag.

- Daddy, daddy...


♪ rock'in Christmas music

-But, Mr. Anderson,
you already approved
the print campaign.

Yeah, I assure you, this
is the right approach.

- Mom, I need five dollars for
Mrs. Meyer's Christmas present.

- No, I am not dismissing
your wife's suggestions.

It's just that I had done
such a great deal of research,

and I feel that this is
your target demographic.

Uh, I'd love to have dinner with
you and your wife.

Okay, goodbye.

♪ rock'in Christmas music

Okay, baby, hop out.

Let's go.

Get everything?

Did you get your
canon balls? Yeah.

- Hey, buddy.
- Jake, I might be home a
little late tonight.

I know, honey. Hey,
aren't you forgetting
something very important?

There you go. I love you.

- I love you too, mom.

♪ rock'in Christmas music

- Ooh, Andrew wants to see you.

- When?
- Like, minutes ago.

He keeps calling to see if
you're here yet.

- Oh, You don't

- No, no, no, no,
no, his secretary would
have given me a heads up.

- Well, when Carl was
fired, he didn't get a warning.

- Carl was a jerk, and we were
happy to see him go.

West & Associates, may I help

- Good morning, Andrew. Sorry
I'm a little late.

- Beth, I've been looking over
these Orbitz spots you created.

- Yes.

- They're terrific.
- Thanks.

- The graphics, the
loglines, it's perfect.

- Well, good.

- Big news. Big.

The hot new company, Hennesy

- Oh.
- for a new agency.

- Uh, actually they
went with SSR.

- Oh, no, they changed their

As of yesterday, they
were up for grabs,

and we have a shot to pitch

- Huh, uh, when would you like
the presentations by?

- Friday?

- Andrew, but today's

- Beth, no buts.

They want to move fast on a new

they think will be the
must have gift for kids.

They need something ASAP.

We need to round the clock for
the next couple of nights.

- Oh, well, you know, thing

- Oh, look, Beth, this is the
big one.

You reel it in, you're looking
at a promotion.
- I'm not...

- All right, how does Beth
Sawtelle, VP Creative Director

- Well, it sounds like a lot
more responsibility,

and a lot more hours, and I have
a son, Andrew.

- You know what? The raise is
gonna make it all worthwhile.

- Well...
bye .

♪ Christmas music

- Uh...

[elves chattering]

[train whistle]

- Move on.

[train whistle]

Haven't you finished going
through those letters yet?

- Give me a break, Ernest.

There's a million of them.

- Your father
could go through them
in the blink of an eye

when he was your age.

- Of course he could.

- You know, you
better start taking

all this a little
bit more seriously.

Nicholas, ready or not, you have
to take on the role

you're destined to fulfill.

- I know.

- Your father wants to see you
in his study for a chat.

- Chat? That's never good.

- Now, the target audience for
Mighty City

is six to year olds,

and your game is coming out at

So the logical image would be
Santa Claus.

Now, most kids in that age
group, they still believe.

- Isn't that rather stale?

- I have a highly
respected actor in mind,
Sir John Marshfield.

- Can you imagine Sir John

in the role of the beloved,
classic Santa?

- I like it.

- Thank you.

- Bye, I'll see you.

- Drive safe.

- Bye, thanks again. Woo.

- Yeah, I did it.

Well, for the next few days,

we're gonna eat, drink, and
sleep this campaign.

- Right.

- So, uh, why don't you come in
early tomorrow?

- No, tomorrow's Saturday.
Jake has a basketball game.

- So? You know what they say?

If you don't come
in on Saturday,

don't bother coming
in on Sunday.

- Hey, Bud.

Pop, let me show you what the
elves made.


- Nicholas,
please. Act your age.

- Uh, your mother, uh,

and I would like to talk
to you about your future.

- Uh, oh.

- We don't mean to tell you
how to run your personal life,
dear, but...

- It's not personal, ma'am.

The entire village is
affected by Nicholas'
decision, or lack of one.

- Uh, Nick, I passed retirement
age three years ago.

So this has to be my last

- The new term begins at noon
on December the th.

And for better or for worse,
that's when you become Santa.

- You'll do fine.

- There's one thing you have to

You have to get married.

Your wife will play
a vital role in the
success of this organization.

- I may be the head
of this enterprise, but
your mother is the heart.

- Uh, I can't just
marry anybody.

I've been looking for the right
woman for a long time.

I just haven't found her.

- What are you looking for?

- Someone who feels
like the other half of
my heart, my soul mate.

- This is far too important to
leave up to infatuation.

- You think that's what love
is, Ernest?

- That's what you think it is,

I think it's a far
more sober undertaking.

I have made a list
of ideal candidates,

and narrowed it down
to the most appropriate.

- It's time to
settle down, son.

- I agree, mom. But let
me find the right woman.

- Nick, we've left this up to
you, and you've come up empty.

Now, Santa Claus without Mrs.
Claus beside him is like, uh...

- Trying to make the Christmas
sleigh ride without reindeer.

- Go and meet these young
women. I'm sure you'll find
someone you like.

- Doubt it. All these women are
in Southern California.

- As I said, they're the top

- I never pictured my Mrs.
Claus being a surfer girl.

- Sir, time.

- Oh, okay.

- You really should get going.

- Okay, Buddy, draw your card.
What'd you get?

- Hey, Joanie.
- Hey.

- Sorry I'm late again.
- Oh, it's okay. Jake and Alex
had a ball, as usual.

- You're a lifesaver.

- Forget it. You want something
to eat?

- Uh, no, I had a sandwich at
- Okay.

- One, two, three, four, five,

- I'm switching again. Nice.

- Sorry.
- Well, I better get him home.

I got to work tonight.

- You're a workaholic.

- Oh, don't start, Joanie.

- Well, it's Friday. Take a

- Can't afford a break.

- Oh, one of Rich's single
friends is coming over for
dinner on Sunday.

He's cute.
- Spending the day with Jake.

- You know, you go out with a
guy once,

and then you just drop him.

Give a guy a real chance.

- Which one?
The one who wants to borrow
money from me,

or the one who drops me
off because I had a child?

- You know, there
are nice guys out there.

- Doesn't matter.
I'm not interested.

Well, Sunday, I'm gonna take you
to see that movie you've been
wanting to see, okay?

- Don't you have to go to work?

- I can work afterwards. What?
Aren't you happy?

- I am.

- What's up?

- Nothing.
- Come on.

- I wish I still had a
dad like Alex's.

- You know, just 'cause daddy's
in heaven,

doesn't mean he's not
with us.

- I was gonna ask for a
mountain bike for Christmas.

Now I'm thinking
about asking for a dad.

- Honey, it
doesn't work that way.

- Why not?

- Because you
can't wish someone back.

- I miss him.

- I miss him too.
You gotta go to sleep.

- Love you, mom.

- I love you too.

- Love you more.
- I love you more.

- I love you more.

- No, I love you more.

♪ upbeat Christmas

- Good morning. Beautiful day,
isn't it?

- Would you like a room, sir?

- Yes, I would, Mary.

- Okay, please fill this out.

We require two forms of ID,
including the credit card.

- Mm, uh, I would say this
isn't really a requirement.

It's more like an
option. You think so too?
[magic tinkle sound]

- Yeah, I suppose. [Laugh]
- Good.

- Oh, but you didn't write down
your last name, sir.

- Oh, well, I prefer to be on a
first name basis.

Much friendlier.
[magic tinkle sound]

- How long will you be staying
with us, Nicholas?

- Uh, Nick. And I'm not really

It depends. I'm
looking for someone.

- Oh, may I ask who?

- I wish I knew, Mary.
Wish I knew.
[magic tinkle sound]





- Action.

- Fly with me to
the stars, my child.

Come with me on a
magic mission to a place,

which only your
imagination can conjure up.

- Oh, Santa. Can I really fly
with you in your sled?

- So cute.
- It's sleigh, not sled.

- Cut.
- This is why I despise...

- Um, everything's
fine. Don't worry.

Oh, it's okay, sweetie.
He's just acting.

- Are you aware that I did
Hamlet with Lawrence Olivier?

- Yes, sir.
- My Lear is considered

the definitive
interpretation of the role.

- [OVERLAPPING] We are quite
aware of that, Sir John.

However, if you could be a
little patient with her...

- If, when you give me this...

- Child. Child.
You're scaring her.

She's little bitty. You're huge.

- How dare you treat me
with so little respect.

I refuse to work with such a
cantankerous woman.

Get out of my way.
- But, Sir John, please. I
can't believe you did that.

- Don't come chasing after me,
you miserable...
- Uh, um, let me, let me...

- Let's take a break for
a few minutes.

- Hey, there's cookies over at
craft service.

Want me to get you one?

- Uh, huh.

- Watch out.



-Oh, my Gosh.

Oh, are you all right?
- Sure, fine.

- Can I, uh,

thank you so much,

- Nicholas.
- Mr. Nicholas.

- Uh, actually just Nicholas.
- Just Nicholas.

- Well, uh, to tell the truth,

- Nick. I think you saved my

- Oh, I think I was
just going to get a cookie.

- Hi.

- Hi. Hey, I got a cookie for
you. I hope you like it.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Huh, what's everybody doing

- Well, we're
sh**ting a commercial,

but we're having
a little problem.

- Oh. Seems to me
that little girls do much
better if they're relaxed.

They'll enjoy it more.

- Mm hmm.
- Huh?

- What are you, a professional

- [Laugh] Oh, no. No, no, I, I
just know kids.

And I know that they do much

with sugar than they do with
vinegar, huh?

- Mm hmm.

- What's your name?
- Holly.

- Holly. Holly, that's such a
beautiful name.

- Thank you.

- Would you like me to help you
with your line, Holly?

Okay if I get in?

- Yeah, sure.

- Okay. Well, let's play, um, a
little game,

and the word
sleigh rhymes with play.

So that's what we're gonna do.

We're just gonna play a little
game, okay?
- Okay.

- Okay, and I'm
gonna say the line.

Come fly with my, my child.

Come with me on
a magical mission

that only your
imagination could conjure up.

- Oh, Santa. You mean, I can
come with you on your sleigh?

- Right.
- I did it.

- You sure did. [Laugh]
- I got it right.

- [Laugh] Oh.
- Yay.

- That was terrific, Holly.

Why don't you take a break while
we look for Sir John, okay?

Okay, sweetie. [Laugh]
- Bye.

- That was very nice. [Laugh]
Thanks a lot, uh...

- Nick.
- Nick, yes.

- Yes.
- Right, I knew that.

- Oh, I'm actually looking for
South Street.

- It's just a couple blocks up
this way,

I'm pretty sure. Yeah.
- Thank you.

I'm actually, uh,
not from around here.

I'm new to the neighborhood.
- Huh, mm.

- And I'm staying
at the Posada Hotel.

- Oh, oh, mm hmm.

- Would you like to have some
hot chocolate with me?

- Hot chocolate.

- I prefer it to coffee.

Actually, it's the
little marshmallows,
which I love the most.

- No, thank you. I, I have to

- He says he's quitting. He
wouldn't listen to me.

- I'll talk to him.
- You'd better. Thank you.

- Bye, Nick.
- Bye.

- Are you on my crew?
- No.

- Then what are you doing here?

- Leaving.
- Good.

- Bye.

- You gotta see this.

- What?

- Jackie, the
cameraman grabbed some footage

while that guy was
talking with Holly.

It's amazing.

- Well, it doesn't matter
because we lost Sir John,

and we've lost the commercial.

- Hmm.
- Probably have no account.

And after Andrew finds out, I
will have no job.

- Just look at this before you
apply for unemployment.

- Come fly with my, my child.

Come with me on
a magical mission

that only your
imagination can conjure up.

- This guy's a natural.
She never got this excited
with Sir John.

- Right.
- I did it.

- Yeah. [Laugh]

- The camera loves him.

- I'll be back.
- Yay. [Laugh]

- Well, did you
persuade Sir John to come
back to work tomorrow?

- Um, I want you
to come with me,

and then you can
fire me if you want to.

We found someone
to replace Sir John.

- I don't want
to replace Sir John.

- Well, just
watch. Get the thing.

- Mm.

- And the word
sleigh rhymes with play.

Sleigh, play. Okay, and that's
what we're going to do.

We're gonna play.
- Okay.
- Okay.

- He's too young.

- Uh, look at him. He's fresh.

This is, uh, a new
image for a new product.

- Bye-bye, Holly. [Laugh]

- All right, get him to
sign a contract, and get
this commercial in the can.

- Okay.


Excuse me. Um, I'm
looking for someone
who is staying here.

This is gonna sound crazy.
I don't know his last name.

But his first name is...
[magic tinkle sound]
- Nick.

- How'd you know?

- I have no idea.

- Uh, would you ring his room

- He's not in his
room. He asked me the
way to Valley College.

- Valley College?
- Yeah, I think he had to meet
somebody there.

- Valley College.
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- Oh, no problem.

- Thank you.

- Oh, thank heavens, I
found you, Mr. Nick.

- Yeah.
- Um, I need to speak with you.

- I just can't play Santa.

- Yes, you can.

- I'm just not
right for the role.

- It's just one commercial.

- I'm just not
ready to be Santa yet.

- This is not Hamlet.
It's just Santa.

- I'm not an actor.

- And that's what's so
wonderful about you is you're

- Just one commercial.

- Just one. Just one.

- No, Santa suit.

- Why can't you play Santa and
wear a Santa suit?

- Because I think it's wrong to
use Santa for commercials.

- Huh.

- He means much more than that.

- [Laugh]

You're serious.

- I'm very serious.

- Okay, no suit.

- Okay, I'll do it.

- Great, thank you.

Okay, I'll have the office draw
up the contract.

- I'm not gonna be very good.

- All right, Jocelyn.

- That was lucky.


Nice shot.
- Thanks, Chris.

- What are you looking at,

- Nothing.

- Yes, you are.

You were looking at Jocelyn,
weren't you?

- No, I wasn't.

- [SINGING] Jake loves Jocelyn.

- [SINGING] Jake loves Jocelyn.

- No, I don't. I don't even
like her.

- Rolling. Sound is rolling.

- And action.

- I know what every
child wants for Christmas.

It's Mighty City.

- That's good.

- There we go. All right.

- Okay, everybody. That's a

- Hey, Beth.

- Hey, I heard the sh**t went
great after I left.

- I thought so.

- Oh, do you want some?

- Sure.
- I bet you're hungry.

- Thank you.
- Long day.

- May I sit?

- There you go.

- Oh, I'm sorry I
didn't get to say goodbye
at the end of the day.

- Oh, yeah, I had to come here
for a meeting.

- I hope everything's okay.

- Yeah, terrific, thanks to

My boss is so pleased.

- Mm, mm, this is good pizza.

Can't get this
pizza where I live.

Can't get it delivered.

- Where's that?

- North, north, way north.

- You're Canadian?
That's funny. I don't
hear an accent at all.

- [Laugh] Well, I'm just trying
to lose it, eh?

- So what do you do there?

- Well, I'm, I'm, I'm in my
family's business.

- Mm hmm.

- Yeah, something that's
been passed down from father
to son for generations.

- Right.

- Do you like to travel?

- Uh, sure, I mean, when I can,
which is never.

[Laugh] I'm a single mom, with
a child, a job.

- Oh. Oh. You have, uh, a
child, uh,

how old is he or she?

- He's seven. Jake.

- Jake. Seven, seven's a great

- He's adorable.

- If you and your son could go
anywhere in the world,

anywhere, where would it be?

- Yeah, I , I don't know.

- Do you like to ski?

- No. I don't like the cold.

- Mm, so I guess the North Pole
would be out of the question.

- Uh, yeah, freezing.

- Oh, good, you're still here.

I need you in my office to
discuss how

we're gonna pitch him to

- Right, okay.

Listen, it was a pleasure
working with you, and thank you

- Mm, me too.
- All right.

- Ernest. What are you doing

- Your parents thought you
could use some help.

- This isn't the first day of

I think I can do this on my own.

- Did you meet
the women on the list?

- The truth is I met
someone else.

- Someone not on the list.

- Forget the silly list.

- Forget the
list. Forget the list.

- If the women on your
list were more like Beth,

I might be more interested.

- Beth.
- Sawtelle. She has some very
nice qualities.

- Such as?
- She's kind, and warmhearted,

and her whole face lights up
when she smiles.

I don't know if I'll ever
get to see her again.

But I do know that I felt
something for her,

and I didn't for the others.

- You do like her.

- I know what every child wants
for Christmas. It's Mighty City.

- He's fresh.
- He's appealing.

- Real. He's perfect for us.

By Christmas, every kid
in the country is gonna be

begging their
parents for my game.

- Well, we'll have the
storyboards to you by Friday.

- We will?
- Good. I'll see you.

- Nick, hi.
- Hi, Beth.

- Um, uh, can I talk to you?

- Sure.
- Uh, can, what has happened

- Beth, this was
supposed to be a one-time thing.

- Well, there's a decent amount
of money in it for you, Nick.

- I don't care about money.

- Oh, great. Well, I'll be
unemployed at Christmastime.

- You promise I'll be back by
Christmas Eve?

- Yeah, promise.

- And these, these,
these will reflect the
true meaning of Christmas.

- Yes, they will. They will.

- And if I don't like
something about them, you'll
change it?

- I give you my word.

Pretty please?

- Okay, I'll do it.

- Thank you.

- But first, you've
got to do something for me.

- What?

- Come on.

- Woo.

- Ho.

- Head first .

♪ rock'in Christmas music

-How do you do it?
- Do what?

- Make me feel
like a little girl.

- You are a little girl inside.
You just got to let her out.

[magic tinkle sound and
Christmas music]

Uh, [Laugh] hey, Beth, I
got to get going. I got to
talk to somebody.

- Sure, I'll, uh, catch you in
the morning at the office.

We'll talk.
- Okay, all right. Bye.

- All right, bye. Hey, Nick, I
had fun.

- I had fun too.


Ernest, I know you mean well,

but you are cramping my style.

- I checked her
out with your father.

He remembers her well. She can't
be a candidate.

- Why not?

- 'Cause she doesn't believe,

and you know that's
absolutely essential,

number one on the list of
requirements for your wife.

- Ernie, I'm going
to change that.


[phone rings]

- Hello? Anna, where are you?

What? Aren't you too old to have
the measles?

No, no, it's just that it's
teacher development day,

and Jake's school is closed.

No, no, it's okay. Um, you just
get well, okay?

All right, bye. You're in luck,

You get to spend the
day at the studio with me.

- Oh, mom.

- Morning. Sorry we're late.

There was traffic. We had
to set up.

- Lights won't be ready for an
hour. We're a little behind.

- Hi, Nick, this is my son,

- Jake, a pleasure to meet you,
sir. [Laugh]

- He's the lead actor in the

- Mm.

- Jake.

Jake Sawtelle, you
didn't write your letter to
Santa yet, did you?

- Not yet. How did you know
that? [Laugh]

- Uh, we don't
write letters to Santa.

- Beth, Amy
needs to go over those
changes with you and Andrew.

She's not exactly sure what
Andrew wants.

- Okay. Let's go.

- I'm gonna go down to that
cafe and get something to eat.

Would you join me? Are you

- I'm starving.

- Oh.
- Do you mind?

- No, sure, sure.

- Great.
- Ah, oh. [Laugh] Oh, yeah.

Let's have a little race now.
Come on.

- Okay.
- He wanted less sell.

- Go. [Laugh] Ah.

- Here you go.
- Thank you, ma'am.

- One sundae, and
one hot chocolate.

- Can I ask you something,

- Sure.

- Do you think my mom is right
about Santa?

- What do you think?

- My dad said he believed in
Santa, but mom doesn't.

She says that big boys don't
believe in Santa.

- Mm, well, can I ask you a
question, Jake, man to man?

- Sure.

- Do you believe
in Santa Claus?

- I don't know. I'm not sure.

- Mm, you've got a lot of
questions, huh?

- Yeah, like, how can
Santa fly to gazillions of
houses in one night,

and leave all of those presents?

- Mm, some people, they think
he doesn't.

Some people think he's a myth, a

- That's what
most grownups say.

- Yeah, but, you
know, kids know better.

You know what I think? I think
that maybe,

just maybe Santa
has magical powers.

And with those magical powers,
he can do anything.

Anything is possible.

- So Santa could be real?

- Oh, sure, he could
be real if you believe.

- Hey, we're ready
for you on the set.

- Okay.
- Mm.

- Nick says you're wrong about

Santa is real.

- Well, I didn't ... , I
didn't exactly say that you

- Oh, honey, why don't you run
onto the set,

and we'll be right behind you.

- Okay.

- Well, you had an interesting

- Well, he, he asked.

- Listen. We've already had
the little talk about Santa.

- Beth, I think
he still believes.

- Listen, Jake's
been through a lot.

And right now the last
thing he needs is to put

hopes and dreams into
things that are not real.

- You once
believed in Santa Claus.

- Yeah, when I
was a little child.

- Why'd you stop believing?

- I grew up.

- Is that the only reason?

- No, yeah. Uh, we need
to get back to work.

Hi, Jake.

- Can Nick come to my
basketball game on Saturday?

- No, honey, Nick's
got his own life.

- Oh, no, I'd love to.

- Great.

- Oh, you don't have to go.

- No, no, no, it's, I'd love
to do it. I want to.

Uh, actually I was
pretty good in basketball,

except I was on a
team with all short guys.

- Maybe you can help me be
better. I'm really lame.

- You are not lame.
Basketball is just
not your strongest sport.

- You have to say that. You're
my mom.

- I don't have to say anything.

- Say I've got an idea.

If it's okay with you, and we
finish on time on Friday,

I'll come over to the house and
we'll play a little one on one.

- Cool.
- Nick, they're ready for you
in make up.

- Ah, make up. Make up.

- You're good.

Honey, be sure and ask
me in private before

you invite company
over to the house.

- Hey, have you seen this?

- Uh, not the whole thing, but
enough to get a sense of it.

- Well, it's set up in the
studio. Come take a look.

- Uh...

♪ computer game music

- That's it.

- Beat you, loser.

- See, level one and
level two are fine,

all about building things.

But the next half,
it's about lying,

and cheating, and scheming.

It's totally inappropriate for

- That's who we're selling
to, children.

Oh, I would never
let Jake play this.

- Beth, I'm sorry, but I cannot
do these commercials.

- Oh. Well, the
client will fire the agency.

Andrew will go ballistic, and
then he'll fire me.

- Not necessarily. I'm sure if
I speak with them they'll

- Yeah, I'm sure they won't.

- Beth, given the chance, most
people will do the right thing.

- You expect me to not only
yank the commercials,

but hold off on
selling the game.

- Mr. Hennesy, kids will buy
it, but they shouldn't.

It starts off well enough, but
once you get into it,

it's all about mind games, and
power games.

- Why do you think we
called it Mighty City?

It's just like life.

- Not for children it isn't.

- I'm sorry you
were dragged down here.

I had no idea about this
ridiculous nonsense.

- The game ships in four
days. I expect everything
to go as planned.

- Won't be a problem.

Are you insane?

- Mr. West, this
isn't her fault.

I'm the one who has a
problem with this game.

- No, Nick, I'm with you.

I wouldn't let
Jake play that game.

- You have a decision to make.

Are you going to be a team
player, or are you off the team?


- Golly, uh, that
went about how I expected.

- Beth.
- Listen, don't feel bad.

I know what you're gonna say,
but don't feel bad about getting
me fired.

- No.
- 'Cause I can get another job.

- I'm not gonna say that.

Look, if it's okay with Hennesy,
then it's okay with
Andrew too, right?

- Well, yes, but Mr.
Hennesy is not gonna change
his product at this late date.

- It's the right thing to do.
- Oh.

- I just have to make him see

- Oh, that's smart. How are you
gonna do that?

- By appealing to
his Christmas spirit.


Hey, dad, yeah, I
need some information.

Do you remember a
boy named Mike Hennesy?

Yeah? [Laugh] Yeah.

Mr. Hennesy, Mr. Hennesy, can I
have just one word with you?

- I'm not going
to change my mind.

- You always were stubborn,
weren't you, Mikey?

- How do you know I
used to be called that?

- I know a lot of things about

including why you
created these games
when you were a little boy.

You wanted to create a better
world for yourself,

better than the one you were
growing up in.

- Who told you that?

- You can do the same thing for
other little kids today

with just one simple fix.

- No, morality is not, there's
nothing wrong about it.

- He's right. Nick has
a great suggestion.

First half of the
game is great for kids.

It's the second half
that's a problem.

So we're gonna end the kids'
version at the halfway point

and market the entire game to

- Instead of one
game, we've got two.

- Exactly. We
double our market.

- So would we be doing the ads
for the grownup version?

- Sure.

[phone auto-dial]

- Anna, hey, it's me. Uh, how's

Yeah, can you put him on?

Hey, Jakey. Guess what, you can
stay up past bedtime

so I can tuck you in.

Yeah, I'll be home
in a little bit.

Okay, I love you. I love you

I love you more. Okay, bye.

- You got it. Almost, okay,
dribble, back to the basics.

Okay, almost, back to the hoop.

Put it right in
there, right in the basket.

Jakey, I know
what your problem is.

Your rhythm's off.

- Rhythm?

- Yeah, rhythm. You see, in the
old days, the ancient Greeks,

they started this
thing called the Olympics.

And whenever they would have
their competition,

they'd have a musician playing,

you know, when they
played sports.

And they had a rhythm, and
that's what you need.

You need to get a little rhythm
going. Let me think.

Got it. [SINGING] Now you.
[SINGING] [Laugh]

[Singing and Christmas music

[SINGING] Back to the hoop.

[Laugh] Yeah, you got the

- Jake, that's, uh, that, you
were awesome.

- Nailed it.

- Yes. Ah...

- I'm thirsty. I'm gonna get
something to drink from the

- Okay.

- Okay. Wow, what did, how did
you do that?

- Oh, it's easy. It's easy.

We just relaxed,
had a little fun.

I actually think I'm a much
better coach than I am a player.

- Well, you've had quite a
week, haven't you, Nick?

You, uh, saved our biggest

stared in our commercials,

and gave my son a
basketball career.

- Oh, it's nothing, and he's a
really good kid.

- You really do enjoy spending
time with him, don't you?

- Sure, but I know who's been
naughty or nice,

and he's been nice. [Laugh]

- You're amazing with kids,
just amazing.

- I never met a
child I didn't like.

And you, you make me feel really
good about myself.

- Good. You're terrific.

- You really think so?

- Hey, baby.

- I got to go, mom.

- Why?
- I haven't finished my
Christmas shopping.

- Yes, um, we got to go. Get
your stuff, honey.

We got to hurry 'cause we don't
have a lot of time.

Nick, want to go with us?

- Yeah, sure, where you going?

- Shopping.
- Okay. [SINGING]

- Mom?
- Yes, you can
run on ahead, baby.

I know every little thing that
he wants for Christmas,

[Laugh] but I
can't afford it all.

So it's hard to decided what to
get and what to leave out.

- Well, I'm sure
Jake will be happy

even if the toy truck doesn't
pull right up to your house.

- I know, but I feel so
guilty about working and
not being home with him.

Time is passing.

Just yesterday, he
was a little, bitty baby.

Now he's gonna be grown and

- Beth,

pardon me,

if you could have a job
where you stayed at home

and saw Jake as
much as you wanted,

is that something you'd like?

- Of course. But stuffing
envelopes isn't gonna
pay the rent.

- [Laugh] No. [Laugh]
[STAMMERS] I'm thinking about
something else.

- What?

- Mom, can I have a pretzel?

- Well, when you come up with
it, let me know.

- I will.


How are those pretzels?

- Well, he's happy.

- Mm.

- [Laugh] I'll tell the chief
toymaker at once.

Don't forget to leave out the
milk and cookies,

uh, chocolate chip cookies, by
the way.

Oh, hello, my friend.

- Bless her little heart.

[magic tinkle sound]

Isn't that nice?

- Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Hey, I've got a
really good idea.

How's about we have a
proper dinner, my treat.

- No way. You're gonna come
home and have dinner with us.

Let's go.

- Yes.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Okay, the dining room. Okay.

- He's a cool guy.

- Very cool guy.
- Mm hmm.

- One, two, three, four, five.

- You still have...
- The ballroom,

I say, okay, I'm not gonna make
a suggestion. You go.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Ready?

- 'Cause if you're wrong...
- If I'm wrong, I'm out.

- Yes.
- I know that, so I'm not

five, very nice roll.

- You have to start a new one

- Oh, yeah here we are....
- The same one, if you have the
same cards,

then you, you just,

and it is seven.

- Seven, okay.

- Which one are you gonna move?

- I'm gonna
move this guy.

- Okay.

- Into the...

- Into the lounge.

- Wow.
- Okay.

- Oh, I don't have a lounge.

- All right, so...

- So I'm gonna...

- Two, three, four...

- one,two, three,
four. I have this.

- Three, four.
- Yeah.
- All right.

- Jake, bedtime.

- Please, mom, just
five more minutes. Just
one more mark, just...

- Sorry, honey, you've had a
very busy day,

and tomorrow you got a
basketball game.

- That's right. You have
a big game tomorrow.

- Say goodnight.

- Goodnight, nick.

- Goodnight, Jake.

- I know.
- I'll be on my way too.

- Uh, you don't have to.
I'll just be a minute.

- We had fun today, huh, mom?

- We sure did.

- Did you notice how Nick kind
of makes everybody,

well, happy?

- No, I didn't notice that.

- He made you
happy too, didn't he?

- Jake, don't get any
ideas about me and Nick.

- He's great, mom.

- I know.

- The other guys
just pretend to like me.

But Nick really does.

- Yes, he does. Goodnight.

- I bet dad would
have thought he was nice.

- Yeah, I bet he would have.
Goodnight. I love you.

- Love you too, mom.

- I love you more.

- I love you more.

- Sorry, I had to wrestle him
into his PJs.

- [Laugh] Hmm.

- So, you're gonna be
here until Christmas
Eve, and then what?

- Well, right
after the holidays,

I'm expected to take over...

the family business.

- Hmm. Is that
what you want to do?

- [Laugh] I don't have a

- Mm, so you
don't want to do that.

- Oh, no, actually
it's the most
wonderful thing in the world.

It's just quite a
legacy to live up to.

- So your father's putting a
lot of pressure on you to do it?

- No, no, not really.
It's just that he's
really good at what he does.

And I'm not so
sure I can measure up.

I don't want to be the only one
in my family to let people down.

- Well, Nick, I've
known you for a short while,

but I don't think you
would ever let anybody down.

Everything that you do,
you do it with all your heart.

And anybody that does
that, they never fail.

- Thanks for the
vote of confidence.

- Sure.

- Well, I'd better go.

Thanks for the, uh, dinner.

- My pleasure.

- Goodnight, Beth.

- Goodnight, Nick.

- [SINGING] Coach. [Laugh] Hi,

- Hey.

- Hey, how you doing, partner?

You remember what we talked
about when we played one on one,

about the rhythm, right? [MAKES

- Mm.

-She's pretty
good. Who is that?

- That's Jocelyn.

- Oh.
- She's the best one
on our team.

She plays violin in
the school band.

She isn't even stuck up like
some other girls are.

You know, they're all, hey, look
at me, I'm so popular.

- But not Jocelyn.

- Wow, she sounds like
she's got it all together.

- I get to get her
a Christmas present,
something that costs a lot.

I've been saving my allowance.

- Why?

- She thinks I don't like her.

- You know, Jake, the value of
a gift doesn't matter.

It's the thought, the
feeling that counts.

Why don't you try to find

that'll impress her in a
different way?

- What do you mean?

- Something that
touches her heart.

- Like what?

- Like, I don't know.
You got to figure that out.

But I promise you,

I guarantee you it'll
mean much more to her

than anything you
can buy at a store.

- Hey, Jocelyn.

- Hi. You are a
very good player.

- Thanks. I'm Jocelyn. This is
my brother, Christian.

He helps me practice
at home. He makes a lot
more baskets than I do.

- [Laugh] Well, Christian, nice
to meet you. I'm Nick.

- Hi. [Laugh]

- Hi.
- Hi.

[music and cheering]

- Rules say you can substitute,

- Yes, why?

- Here. Show'em how it's

- Oh, this is it.

[crowd cheers!]

- Thanks, Jake.

- It's okay.

- Get over here.

One, two, three, yeah.

- Hey, look, yeah.

- Hey, Beth. What are you gonna
be doing this afternoon?

- Uh, what's today?
- Saturday.

- [Laugh] I'm gonna be
not working, and hoping Andrew
doesn't call.

- Well, how's about coming by
the library today, South Street.

I'm gonna be the guest
speaker on reading time.

- Oh, what are you reading?

- 'Twas The Night Before
Christmas, of course.

- 'Course.

- My name is Nicholas.

I'm going to read you a poem

called 'Twas The Night Before
Christmas by Clement C. Moore.

Okay, here we go.

'Twas The Night Before

and all through the house not a
creature was stirring,

not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the
chimney with care

in hopes that Saint Nicholas
soon would be there.

The children were nestled all
snug in their beds,

while visions of sugarplums
danced in their heads.

- And mama in her kerchief

and I in my cap had just
settled our brains

for a long winter's nap
when out on the lawn

there arose such a clatter.

I sprang from the bed to see
what was the matter.

[every kid hears Nick in their
native language]

- How can they understand Nick
if they barely speak English?

- I guess he's a
really good reader.

- Happy Christmas to all, and
to all a good night.

[Ho ho ho] Oh, thank you. Thanks
for coming.

[Laugh] Oh, thank you.

[Laugh] Bye-bye. [Laugh]
[Laugh] Bye-bye.

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Oh, that was really great.
- Oh, thanks.

- Fantastic. Um,
guess what we're doing.

- What?

- We're gonna buy
a Christmas tree.

[Laugh] Um, we didn't know if
you would like to come with us?

- Absolutely.
- Okay, let's go.
- Oh thank you.

Oh, just get this here.

- Here it goes. [Laugh] Woo.

- Tada.
- Our tree.

- Is it straight?
- Perfect. [Laugh]

- Can we decorate it now, mom?

- No, it's too late tonight.
- Tomorrow?

- Maybe. I got to
work tomorrow, so maybe
tomorrow night.

- Maybe means no.
- [Laugh] Not necessarily. Come
on, it's bedtime.

- Goodnight, Jake. Oh, Beth.
- Yeah?

- You want me to get out the
Christmas decorations,

give you head start on the tree?

- [Laugh] Um, yeah, if you can
find them.

They're in the
garage in a little box
marked Christmas I think.

- Christmas.

[Laugh] Where would Beth keep
the Christmas decorations.

[SINGING] Oh, Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree.

[SINGING] Oh, Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree.

[SINGING] [Laugh]

[magic tinkle sound]

- [SINGING] Oh, Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree.

[SINGING] Oh, Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree.

Wow! How did you
do this so quickly?

Where did you
get these ornaments?

- Your garage.

- Oh, not my garage. No, I've
never seen these ornaments.

- Don't you believe in
Christmas magic?

- No.

- Don't you look in
the rafters of your garage
at those extra two boxes?

- No. That must have been here
before we moved in.

This is amazing.

- I thought it'd be
terrific for Jake to
see this in the morning.

- Yeah.

- Oh,

I saved the star for you.


- Thank you.

Oh, that looks good.

- Now it's complete.

- It's beautiful.

- Oh, found this too.

- Snow globe, great.
I remember these.

[winds music box, plays Up on
the Rooftop]

[winds music box, plays Up on
the Rooftop]

- May I have this dance?

[music continues...]

- [Laugh] Sorry. Just dancing
to a snow globe.

Um, I've got to work in the

- Goodnight, Beth.
- Goodnight. [Laugh]

[magic tinkle sound]
- Ho ho ho

[magic whoosh sound]

- She doesn't fit
any of the criteria.

I can't believe you're still
wasting your time with her.

My Goodness, you're in love with

- Yeah, and suppose I am?

You're right. You're right,
Ernest, I love her.

I am so in love with Beth.

- Never let it be said that I
shied away from a challenge,

no matter how impossible.

My job was to make certain you
had a wife by Christmas.

And, well, none of my candidates
seem to have worked.

You seem to have found one.
- And?

- You only have a week. That's
seven days, hours.

Have you kissed her yet?

- No.
- Uh...

- But.. I'm, I'm waiting for
the right moment.

- I don't believe this.
You insist on pursuing

a romantic match instead of a
sensible one,

but you don't make your move.

- My move?

- You know what I mean,

- Oh, Ernest.

With all due respect, I don't
need your help in courting.

- How are you going after her?

- I'm taking my time with her,
and letting her get to know me.

I'm not just going to rush in.

- It's time to start rushing.

- All right, what's going on?
- What?

- You've barely said a word all

- There's nothing.
- Is there a problem at work?

- No, not really.

- Is it Jake?

- No, he's fine.

- Well, we know it's not a man.

[gasps] So it is.

- It's, it's someone.

- And?
- And it's...

- Who is it?
- We're not dating..

- Well, who is it?
- His name's Nick,

and I think he's single.
- Uh, huh.

- And he's cute in this
smiling, loving kind of way.

- Oh, that's good, 'cause drop
dead gorgeous guys are usually

- Yeah, he's definitely not a

In fact, he is different than
any man I've ever known.

- Oh.

- He's a big kid.

[Laugh] I mean, he's not
Peter Pan, but he's fun,
and uninhibited.

- Ooh, that sounds promising.

- Yeah, uh, he's very kind.

But we're working
together right now,

so I think it's very
inappropriate for us to even...

- Oh, it sounds promising.
Beth, give it a chance.

- Yeah, well,
we've just met.

- Uh...
- So, um, he's not from here.

He's got to leave
on Christmas Eve.

- [Laugh] Well, then strike
while the iron his hot.

- I'm not striking nothing.

- Beth, you lit up
just now when you were
talking about this guy.

- I flickered.
- I had not seen
that in a long time.

It's good to see a
little of the old Beth again.

- It's just a ... start.

- I researched the subject, and
the steps are very clear.

- Thank you.

- Select your target.
- Target?

- There's a certain amount of
inane conversation,

but if the lady
laughs at your jokes,
that seems to be a good sign.

Then you buy her gifts, like

and chocolates, and if she likes
those, you kiss.

And if neither one of you finds
that nauseating, you close the

- Ernest, where did you do your
research, The Art Of The Deal?

- My point is, Nicholas,

that you're doing the
same thing with this woman

that you've done with
the job, and I know why.

- Oh, okay.
Please, tell me, doctor?

- If you don't go in the
kitchen, you won't get burned.

But you will go hungry.

- Come in.

- Hi.

- Hey. Reception didn't tell me
you were here.

- I wanted to surprise you.

- [Laugh] Come in.

- Would you like to have dinner
with me tonight, just you and I?

- Nick, uh, I would...

- Excuse me. Uh, Beth, we're
having dinner with Hennesy

He wants to hear your ideas on
the spring campaign.

Hi, Nick, nice flowers. I'll
pick you up at :.

- Sorry, Nick.

- Would you like me to baby-sit
for Jake tonight?

- Be great. You don't mind?

- No. Uh, uh.

- Okay.

- Okay. [Laugh]

- Uh, nice roses.

- These are for you. I'll see
you a little bit before :.

- Paper, rock, scissors.

- Scissors. [Laugh]

- I got it .
- Hate doing this to you guys.
Sorry about this, guys.

- No problem, we'll have a
jolly time.

- Okay. [doorbell] That's

- Oh, good, you look good.

- Oh, thanks.
- Good.

- Okay, be good, Jake.

- All right, we got to hurry.

- Don't argue about bedtime.

Just go to bed when he says.

Thank you so much
for doing this, Nick.

- Have a great evening.

See ya.
- Mm hmm.

- Now where does your mother
keep the chocolate ice cream.

In there? Okay, let's go.

[Laugh] Come on.

♪ music box

- Goodnight.
- Yeah, yeah.

- Oh.

- Hey, Nick.

- Yeah, hey.

- Sorry I'm late.

- Oh, I didn't even notice you
were late.

I was just reading.

[Laugh] Gee willakers, hi.

- Hi.
- You have a fun time?

- Oh, it was work.

- Oh, good.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- I see you're boning up on
your advertising.

- Yeah, no.

No, no, just, just tidying up,
tidying up, just...

- Mm hmm.
- ...helping you out around the

- [Laugh] Shall I make us some
hot chocolate?

- Yeah, sure.

- Normally you would never
disagree with a client,

but when he started to say that
Meet The Beatles was their
greatest album ever,

I had to say something 'cause of
course it's Rubber Soul.

- Rubber Soul. Everybody knows

Beth, why did you stop believing
in Santa Claus?

- What is it with you and

- Well, he's a really great

- Really?
- Mm hmm. Think of it this way.

He never brings you socks and

He hates fruitcake,

and he is the single largest
employer of elves

in the entire universe.

[Laugh] What's not to like?

- I stopped believing in Santa
when I was eight years old.

I asked him to grant me what I
thought was one simple wish,

and he didn't of course.

So that's when I
stopped believing.

You know what I miss about
loving someone the most?

- Hmm?

- Knowing that I am everything
to him,

and that he is the other half...

- The other half of your heart.

- Mom, I'm thirsty.

- Okay, sweetheart.
Go upstairs and I'll bring you a
glass of water.

- Mom?
- Okay.

- I'd better go.

- Oh, you really don't have to.

- No, he needs you.

- Goodnight.

- Goodnight, Beth.

- Do you want to
come around tomorrow?

- What time?

- What time's good?

- :.

- : is good.

♪ rock'in Christmas music

- Yeah. [Laugh]

- Left hand, red, mom.

- Left hand, red.

- ohh .

- Right hand, yellow, Nick.

- Okay. All right. Oh, got you.

- Left foot, green.

- Left foot, green.
- Okay. [Laugh]

- [Laugh]

- Left hand, green.

- Okay, good move .

[laughing and rock'in Christmas

[laughing and rock'in Christmas

[phone rings]
- Don't move, mom. I'll get it.

- Okay.

- Hello?

- Jake, it's Mr. West.
Is your mother there?

- Wrong number.

- Finally got him to bed.

[Laugh] He was excited.

- Sure.

- You're here. [Laugh]

- Beautiful night, isn't, it?

- Yes, it is.

- [Laugh] I'm usually not this

- Ah. Thought you were Cary

- Not even Hugh Grant.
- [Laugh]

Just an ordinary guy.

- Oh.

- On a moonlight night,

with an extraordinary girl.

- Mm. Thank you.

- You only get one chance at a
first kiss,

and I want it to be perfect.

May I kiss you, Beth?


- Hold that thought.

[rapid doorbell]

Can you believe that?

- Finally. I've been trying to
get through for hours.

Does your phone work?

- Uh, I think so.

- Did Jake tell you I called?

- Oh, nope.

- This has to get to
the printer tonight,

and I need you to tell
me why it doesn't work.

I can't put my finger
on what's wrong with it.

Then we have to finish
the rest of the campaign.

- Andrew, do you know it's
: in the evening.

- I know, and if I'd
been able to get through,

I would have
been here hours ago.

- Listen, this is family...
- If we don't get
this to the printer,

then we miss the copy date.
- I'll go.
- Hi, Nick.

- Wait, don't go.
- All right, should
we just use this one?

- No, we have to use that one
'cause that one's terrible.

- Terrible. I made
these changes myself.
This is a beautiful duck.

- Yes. Keep the bunny and the
egg, lose the duck.

- Lose the duck?
- Lose the duck.

- And this is Christmas.

I've told you
that. Put a red bow on.

- Beth, I really want
you to be my vice president.

You do realize you're a very
special person, don't you?

I couldn't do
this without you.

- Thank you. I
don't know what to say.

Um, it's such a generous,
wonderful proposal,

but I am gonna
have to think about it.

- What's there to think about?

- Everything. Jake, for one.

It's gonna affect him as
much as it affects me.

- Well, you do
realize your future is at
stake here, don't you?


Okay, well, just promise me
that you'll think about it

very carefully, and you'll let
me know tomorrow, all right?
- Tomorrow.

- [SINGING] We wish you a merry
Christmas, and a happy new year.
- Good morning, Nick.

- Hello, Mary. [SINGING]

Happy holidays. [SINGING]
- Nicholas.

- Ernest?
- Over here.

Does she believe
in Christmas yet?

- Not yet. I'm working on it.

- Have you kissed her yet?

- No.

- I gave you a game plan. What

- Ernest, sometimes things
don't go according to plan.

- You do realize that
in less than hours,

your father will take his
final Christmas journey.

And in exactly hours, you
will take over as Santa Claus.

That's all the time you have, so
make a believer of her.

- Yeah, well, he's only gonna
be here one more day,

and I don't know
where he's going.

I don't know if
he's coming back.

You know, I don't know anything
about him.

- But [Laugh] how do you feel
about him?

- I think he's sweet.

- Sweet is what you call a
grandmother, or a Danish.

He's a guy.

- Yeah, I know he's a guy.

- Well, when you look at him,

do you ever imagine what it
might be like to...

- Joanie...

- ...kiss him?

- Maybe, yes, I do.

- All right, then, just, you
know, just go with the flow.

Enjoy the time you have

- Yeah, I know. But
it's not that simple.

I mean, what about Jake? Oh,

Jake just adores Nick.

It's gonna k*ll him when Nick

- Beth, what Jake
needs most is a happy mom,

and Nick
obviously makes you happy.

- Sorry I'm late again, kiddo.

- Oh, so, did you
finish the campaign?

- Huh, uh.

- Oh, well, it'll be done by
tomorrow, right?

- Tomorrow night is Christmas
Eve, Andrew,

and I don't think I'm
gonna come to the office.

- Why not?

- You turned him down, why?

- What, are you
gonna make me say it?

Now that I remember what I
forgot for so long,

that we were meant to be happy.

You make me happy, Nick.

- Yes.

- I'm gonna steal all
the stars from the sky

and give each one to
you each time you smile,

'cause making you happy is the
greatest feeling in the world.

- Oh, Nick. You're everything
I never realized I wanted.

- Beth, I've been keeping
something from you.

I've got a secret.

- Uh, you're married.

- No, no.
- Oh, good.

- It's not bad.
- Good.

- It's kind of wonderful.
- Oh.

- I hope you think so.

- I will.

- Beth...
- Go ahead.

- I'm Santa Claus.

- [Laugh] No, really, go ahead.

- [Ho, ho, ho] I am, really.
I'm Santa Claus.

- You're Santa Claus.

- [Laugh] Yeah. Well,
I will be in two days.

- You will be in two days.

- Uh, Kris Kringle, that's what
they call me in Germany.

- Nick.
- Seriously.

- Oh.

- Uh, in, in French, I'm, uh,

le Père.
Shèngdàn Laorén.

That's in, uh, China.

- Shèngdàn?

- [Laugh] Yeah, Santa Claus all
over the world.

- Nick...

- I knew it.

- Honey. Um, you're
Santa Claus?

- I'm serious.

- All those things that
happened, just magic.

You have to be Santa. [Laugh]
How do reindeer fly?

- Oh, that has to do
with power and the thrust.

You see, the wind hits the wings
of the sleigh.

That in turn hits the wings of
the harness on the reindeer.

Boom, that gives them the lift,

[Laugh] years,
that's been my family

ever since the
first Saint Nicholas.

Since then, every generation has
given the job to the eldest son.

This year, my father hands the
reins over to me.

- That's enough.

- And you like my mom?
How cool is this?

I'm gonna have Santa for a dad.

- Ho ho ho

- No, baby.
Nick, this isn't funny.

- I'm not trying to be funny.

You wanted me to play Santa.

Well, you believed in
me as a pretend Santa.

Now you've got to
believe in me as the real thing.

- What? Are you a nut ball?
Stop it.

- How do you get to
every home Christmas night?

- Jake, stop it.
And, you, stop it.

Go to your room, and I'm gonna
come up there and talk to you.

- Beth...

- Goodnight, Nick.

- I know this is hard to

- Well, yeah.
- Look, you've known me long

You've got to believe in me.
You've got to trust me.

- What are you talking about?
Why are you doing this?

- You've got to
have faith in me,

and faith means believing
without proof.

Beth, Jake believes in me.
Why can't you try?

- He's a child. I knew it was
too good to be true.

I finally find a guy I like.

It turns out he thinks he's
Santa Claus.

- That last Christmas before
you stopped believing in Santa,

you wrote him a note.
- All kids do.

- And your last Christmas
wish was that your father would
come home to you.

- How did you know that?

- Beth, I can't do what
I have to do unless I have
you beside me.

I need you to believe in me.

- I need you to leave and never
come back.

- Well, you think
about what I told you.

You think about
it with your heart,

not your head, 'cause
your heart is so much wiser.

- Nickolas

I'm truly sorry.

- Nick's gone, isn't he?

We're never gonna
see him again, are we?

- I'm afraid not.

- Why does that make you angry?

Shouldn't that make you sad?

- It does, honey.

- So you do love him?

- Mm.

- Well, I don't
understand, mom.

If you don't believe in Nick,
you get nothing, right?

- Right.

- So if you do believe in him,

you got nothing to lose.

- Jake.

Mary, where's Nick?

I need to talk to him.

- He checked out.

- What? Well, where'd he go?

- I have no idea.

He didn't leave a home address.

- Yeah, he wouldn't, would he?
Sorry, Jake.

- You loved her a
lot, didn't you, son?

Being able to love that way will
make you great Santa,

even though you are on your own.

[grandfather clock chimes]

- It's time, sir.

- I'm on my way.

Everything will be fine, son.

♪ melancholy

♪ Happy Christmas

Oh, ah. Ah. [Laugh]

Ho ho ho!

Now, that I
can give you. [Laugh]

- Why'd you get me up so early?

- Don't you want to see
if Santa brought you
what you asked for?

- Merry Christmas.

- You got to have more faith,
Jake. [Laugh]

[all laughing, and
Santa ho ho ho]

- What about me? [Laugh]

- Sorry about that, partner.

- My wish came true.

- Oh. [Laugh]

Oh, I've got something for you.

Beth, will you marry me and be
my Mrs. Claus?

- Yes.

- [Laugh] You will. [Laugh] Oh.

Ho ho ho!

- I'm gonna have Santa for a
dad. [Laugh]

♪ rock'in Christmas

- The first thing
we're gonna do is I'm
gonna show you the North Pole.

I'm gonna introduce you
to every single elf we
have, and the reindeer.

You know, Donner, and Blitzen,
and Rudolf, and ...

- Rudolf.

- Rudolf, of course.
- So that's all true.

- Of course it is.
- Huh.

- I think I've got something
here, a present for everybody.

♪ rock'in Christmas music
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