Sons of Mistletoe, The (2001)

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Sons of Mistletoe, The (2001)

Post by bunniefuu »

(gentle music)

Miss Helen Radke,

President Radke's Department Store Incorporated.

Dear Miss Radke,

I am the current director of the Mistletoe Home for Boys.

Every year at the holidays,

we celebrate the anniversary of the home,

which was founded 30 years ago today,

with the generous support of your father.

The home began by taking in a few foster children

who had nowhere to go and the rest is history.

I grew up in the home and became its director

when our first director retired.

The home is an institution in the town of Mistletoe,

a big part of its history,

and we strive to maintain

the highest standards of excellence.

(sign creaking)

First of all, Miss Radke,

I would like to offer my deep condolences

on the passing of your father.

He was a good friend, a fine mentor,

and a deeply appreciated benefactor.

We all miss him very much.

Though this is a sad moment in all our lives,

I want to be among the first

to officially welcome you to the town of Mistletoe.

It's a safe, quiet town

where everybody knows everybody else.

Good morning, Miss Radke.

Where people always have a kind word

to say in passing

and where our children are taught to be polite

and respect their fellow citizens.

Wylie Armstrong, next time I'm calling the sheriff.

You may not know that the home relies on the state

for only a portion of its budget

and takes boys in from as many as five counties.

Every year at this time,

your father renewed his investment in the future

and pledged to support us for another year.

As the home has been in constant use for over 30 years.


We are particularly in need of help at this time.

We can arrange a tour of the home as soon as possible,

or if it's more convenient,

I can come to your office

to discuss your pledge for the coming year.

I knew your father very well.

And I hope to get to know you too.

Kindest regards, Jimmy Adams.

Oh, PS, best wishes

for a profitable Christmas season

at Radke's Department Store.

May the Christmas spirit fill you

with peace and joy and success

so we can look forward

to the continuation of your father's generosity,

a tradition I know you understand and respect.

Morning, Miss Radke.

Attention, all employees.

Good morning.
The store will be opening

in five minutes, five minutes till opening.

Good morning. Nice weather, Miss Radke.

Yes, very nice. Thank you.

You're welcome.

What'd she say to you?

Thank you. She hates me.

Oh, she hates everybody.

Well, I'll be working at the Burger Boy soon.

Money, cash.

Jimmy, Benny took my homework.


He took my Pokemon cards first.

That's because you wouldn't stop singing

like Britney Spears.

He's driving us nuts, Uncle Jimmy.

Guys, if you can't work it out between the two of you,

it has to go to council, you know that.

Okay. Okay.

Guys, I'm calling the council on the count of three.

One, two-

Okay. Okay, I'll stop.
It's about time.

Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy, the banister broke.

Okay. I'll fix that later, Howard.

Everybody ready to go to school?


Everybody ready to make the world a better place

than it was before you born?

Ready to find Benny's shoe.

He's missing one. All right, fan out everybody.


Here shoe. (whistling)

Yes, I gonna call you back.

Okay. Bye.

Good morning, Miss Radke.

Good morning.

There are two men in your office from New York

and you know what they asked me for?

Look at this, two caramel mocha macchiato lattes.

(laughs) Of course, Ethel Krieger down at the cafe,

she said, "Well, we've had a run on those this morning."

So she's just plumb out of caramel.

They're early. Serve them regular coffee.

They're new Yorkers.

I know.

(gentle music)


Chocolate sucks.

I thought everybody like chocolate.

You got any peanut brittle?

You bet. Right down here.

You know, this whole town depends

on Radke's Department Store.

I know, Mary.

And everybody's asking me what you're gonna be doing.

You know, now that your father's gone, oh, bless his soul.

But it could be hard finding another job. Almost impossible.

Please, don't worry about anything.

I've taken everyone's needs into consideration.

Oh, by the way,

I have to go through all of my father's papers.

I have a feeling I'll be working Christmas Day.

Will you be available if I need to call with any questions.

(phone ringing)


He was about this tall-

All right.
Long hair.

Attention shoppers,

create beautiful packages with red holiday selection

of gift warp and ribbons.

Now 15% off in aisle three.

That's all your paper and ribbon needs.

Now 15% off, main floor, aisle three.

You little!

My father tried to fill the niche

that our competitors left behind.

He revived the Mistletoe town center

by building this store right in the heart of things

to keep the town alive.

It's a retro idea. That's futuristic.


And that of course is why I'm so confident that this store

and all of my father's corporate assets will sell quickly.

As a matter of fact,

our investors are quite anxious to make a deal

before the end of our fiscal year.

We've been trying to buy this business

from your father for years,

but he was a stubborn man.

A stubborn, shrewd man.

I see.

Well, would you like to see the improvements that he made?


Remember Christmas shoppers,

Radke's jewelry department has a great selection

of gift ideas for your sweetheart.

And this is our ladies department.

It's one of our most profitable.

Oh, sorry, Miss Radke.

Excuse me, Sheriff.

Doing a little Christmas shopping.

Not exactly.

Everything all right?

Everything's under control. (laughs)

What's going on?

Oh, just a little fun.


Oh, you get back your little scalawag,

trying to get away from me, now come on now.

Get up.

Good work, Sheriff. What did he do?

Absconded with truffles.

Just a misdemeanor, ma'am.

I see.

There's nothing serious, Miss Radke.

Don't you worry, he won't do it again.

Well, I'm sure you'll deal with it appropriately.

Thank you, Sheriff.

Well, gentleman, shall we continue.

(upbeat music)

Wylie Armstrong, if your mama was alive,

what would you think of what you just did?

She's not.

So it don't matter.

Doesn't. Doesn't matter.

Good English matters.

And so does your behavior.

I knew your mama years ago

and she didn't like thieves and liars, did she?

No, ma'am.

I've been looking for you for three days.

How come you ran away from the Wesley's?

They made me eat rats for dinner.


How many foster homes is this now?

Hmm, two? Three?


You've had five chances to straighten up

and you didn't do it?

What's wrong with you, boy?

Next time you mess up there won't be another chance.

I'm gonna have to cuff you and shackle you

and stick you in a cell until you're 18.

And all you're gonna get to eat

is water and bologna sandwiches.

And those are worse than rats.

So what are you gonna do with me now?

I got a place in mind for you.

Boy, if they can help you, nobody can.

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

♪ You're cutting green beans ♪

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

You wanna help?

♪ We're cutting celery. ♪


♪ I'm cutting green beans ♪

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

♪ We're cutting vegetables ♪

♪ I'm cutting carrots ♪

Oh, Jimmy, come on. You gotta take him.

(Jimmy groans)

You're his only chance.

He's a good kid. (laughs)

Reminds me an awful lot of you when you were that age.

They all remind you of me.

No, only the ones who like to break windows

just to hear the alarms go off.

Benny, did you wash your hands

before you touched the biscuits?

I'm not eating those.

Good, now maybe the rest of us will get one.

Don't you wanna help us cook, Wylie?

I got more important things to do.

♪ We're baking biscuits now ♪

♪ We're baking biscuits now ♪

♪ You're sprinkling flour ♪

I'm sorry, Margie.

I, I don't know what to do here.

Why are you being such a butt head about this thing?

I'm not being a butt head.

I'm being responsible.

Yeah, yeah. Sure.

(boys laughing)

Is it because of who his mama was?

No, no, no, no.

Who, who was his mother?

Sadie Armstrong.

Your Sadie?

Sadie was his mother.

That's Sadie and Leo's kid.

Oh, I knew that'd be a problem.

Nah, don't be ridiculous.

I got over her a long time ago.

Do you know where Leo is?

We weren't exactly close since Sadie dumped me for him.

Well, I'm going to track that one down

if the last thing I do, by God.

I'm gonna make him take responsibility

for the first time in his life.

'cause that kid's been bouncing

around this system way too long since Sadie died.

Okay, Margie, here's the thing.

I can't afford to take in one more kid. Okay?

I don't have enough money in the bank account

to pay the electric bill, let alone buy Christmas presents.

He won't be here long.

You know I always get my .

Besides you owe me, you turkey.

Oh yeah. How's that?

Because if it wasn't for me arresting you constantly,

you never would've gotten outta high school.

Yeah. But.

Is there a draft in here.

It's just a small glitch in the, the heating system,

but it should be back any minute.

I hope.

Thank you, Jimmy.

You're welcome.
See you later.

Bye, son.

Bye, Sheriff.

It broke again and the furnace is groaning.

It's my problem. Not yours.

Don't you worry about a thing.

You cut out of the budget, Uncle Jimmy.

It's back. I feel it.

I feel it. The heat!

It's back. Yeah.

When's your appointment with Miss Radke?

I'm not sure.

You know, are you scared of her?

No, she won't take my calls.

So just go there.

(sighs) Look, I never had to deal

with any of this with her dad.

Time to grow up, Jimmy.

I also don't have time for this on my schedule.

Well, you don't have to ask her for money right away.

Oh yeah. What should I ask her for?

Well ask her on a date. I bet she's lonely.

Uh, I've heard she's a real, real snob.

You seen her?

She's hot.

She's hot, huh? Really?


Okay. Let's keep that between the two of us, okay?

You can't really say things like that about women to women.



She, she's hot, huh?


She's hot.

Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy! Wylie won't help in the kitchen.

Get up-
Wylie. Wylie, Wylie, Wylie.

You know, we all help out around here.

I'm gonna leave as soon as my dad comes.

But in the meantime we need you.

I didn't ask to be here.

Oh yeah, but, uh, you are here

and there's nothing you can do about it.

Okay. So you might as well just join in.

Come here, Buddy. (whistling)
(Buddy barking)

Come here, Buddy. Come here.

Here you go, Buddy.

See, even Buddy helps out.

So if Buddy can do it, so can you.

He smells.

(boys gasping)
(Buddy whining)

What do you say?

(Wylie sighs)

Support us and become VIP member
to remove all ads from

(dish crashing)
(boys gasping)

(sad deflated music)

Lot of potential there, don't you think, boys?

(upbeat music)
(people chattering)

Good morning.

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.


(people chattering)
(upbeat music)

Oh, everyone been good this year?

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Santa.

Good morning, Jane.

Good morning, Jimmy. (giggling)

Well, if it isn't the lovely and talented Bonita.

Oh, Jimmy, speedy. Wanna try one?


Tina, you outdone yourself this year. A work of art.

Perfect for the holidays.
Thank you.

Merry Christmas, Michelle.

Oh, thank you, Jimmy.

Oh, you're so cute.

(upbeat music)

(Jimmy whistling)

(knuckles rapping)

Hello Mary.

Well, for heaven's sake, Jimmy.

What are you doing here?

Here to see, Miss Radke.

Oh, I'm sorry. You can't do that.

Well of course I can.

All I have to do is waltz right in there

and tell her I need some money.

No, you can't. You don't have an appointment.

And she hates people that don't have appointments.

I go in there, I interrupt her,

she's gonna yell at me.

And I just-
Mary, Mary, Mary.

I'll take the heat.

All you have to do is tell her I won't leave.


(Jimmy whistling)

I'll wait right here.

You get me in trouble!

(knuckles rapping)

Miss Radke?

(hands clapping)

(bright music)

Wow. You are hot.

Is this a joke, Mary?

No. He's real.

Well, from what everyone said about you,

I thought you'd have a big wart on your nose

and frizzy gray hair. (laughs)

Who said that?


Nobody said that.

I, uh-


Jimmy, I'm sorry.

Jimmy Adams, that director of the Mistletoe Home For Boys.

The one who's calls you been avoiding.

You want money, don't you?

Wouldn't have put the tie on if I didn't. (laughs)

The home was my father's interest.

Miss Radke, you know your father was our only real patron.

I'm sure there were others.

My father can't have been the only one.

Wanna bet?

Do you always talk like a 14 year old?

No, more like an 11 year old.

That's the median age of the boys in the home right now.

Have you been to our home, Miss Radke?

Not for a long time.

I left Mistletoe when I was quite young.

You don't know what you're missing.

And ignorance is bliss.

Look, I'm sorry, Mr. Adams, but I'm reassessing all

of my father's philanthropic endeavors.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting.

Oh cool. That's great.

Um, I can come back.

Let's go ahead and set up an appointment while we're at it.

If I were you, I'd quit while I was ahead.

I've got a great idea.

Why don't you come by the home

and the boys will cook for you, right?

And then we can make some Christmas decorations

and all kinds of stuff, then you can see-

Goodbye, Mr. Adams.

See what I mean?

(sighs) Lot of potential here.

(people chattering)

I'm usually-
Good job, Benny.

It's really good. Where do you wanna put it?

(people chattering)

Can somebody please pass me the scissors?

Here you go.

What do you want to do?

Yeah, yeah, that's one.

Guys, I don't get it.

Helen Radke is nothing like a dad.

She's insecure. She got a, got a shell around her.

Like a turtle.

Yeah. Like a turtle, Benny.

But I think we'll get through to her.

(Buddy whining)

Hey, Victor, that is one great star.

It's supposed to be a bell.

That is one great bell.

I need glitter.

Crayons. Any crayons?

Crayons, crayons.

Wylie, will you help me put up my angel?

Do it yourself.

About Miss Radke, Jimmy, we need to plan.

Oh. I've got plan.

(electricity crackling)
(Buddy barking)

Oh no!

Better hurry.

♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ Radke's store makes us feel jolly ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ Don we now their fine apparel ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ And their pockets they will share ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

Hey! Hey, Helen.
Hi, Miss Radke!

This is for you, Helen.

Yeah. Hit it boys.

♪ We wish we wish you merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪

Who are these people?

Oh, just more of the friendly citizens of Mistletoe.

How quaint.

We're not in New York anymore, Franco.

This would never happen in New York.

♪ We all know that Santa's coming ♪

♪ And soon will be here ♪

♪ Good tidings to you and all of your kin ♪

♪ Good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year. ♪

Thank you very much. You know where to find us.



(Helen sighs)

Leo B. Vanderschnitten. Leo M. Vanderschnitten.

Leo Q. Vanderschnitten. Leo Z. Vanderschnitten.

Who in the world would ever imagine

there'd be more than one of them.

(Margie groans)

(phone line buzzing)

(phone beeping)

Come on, keep going.


(upbeat music)

Benny, I think you did a good job.

Really give it some elbow grease there, guys.

I think you missed a spot.

What is going on here?

Can I carry your dry cleaning, Miss Radke?

I want to.

I asked first.

It's Helen.

What are you doing?

Oh, we're washing your car

to show our appreciation for your generosity.

And these are some of the boys from the home.

This is Miguel.

Hi, lady.

Alex, Victor, Evan, Howard.

How you doing?


And the little one's Benny.

Give me five.

Why are you doing this?

Oh, well we intend to do a good deeds for you

til you get so sick of us, that you come by and visit.

I had my car washed yesterday.

Now it's even cleaner.

Car can never be too clean. Isn't that right boys?

Right, Jimmy!


Here's another one of our cleaning experts.

(water splashing)
(Helen yelping)


(Wylie groaning)

I forgot to introduce you to our newest member of the home.

This is Wylie Armstrong.

Let me go.

This is not going to work.

Why don't you just give up?

Oh, the sons of Mistletoe never give up.

Shouldn't these kids be in school?

They're just on our way, actually.

I'm not going to school.
Enjoy the party.

Bye, Miss Radke.
I put a new car scent

in there for ya.

Is that the Sadie Armstrong file.

Thank you.

Dr. Jaffey to radiology.

Dr. Jaffey to radiology.

Dr. Bronstein to surgery.

Dr. Bronstein to surgery.

(phone ringing)



Yeah, I'm in charge of Wylie Armstrong.

He left for school a couple hours ago.

(sad bluesy music)

(melancholy music)

(melancholy music)

(Jimmy sighs)

(pensive music)

(pensive music)


(sighs) No stupid adults allowed.

What you doing?

I'm making my own house.

I don't need you.

Looks like you're skipping school.

School's stupid.

Maybe, but you're going back.

You can't make me.

Try me.

(dramatic music)

Uh-uh, this way.

Go inside. Back to your classroom, got it?

Yeah, sure. I got it.

Uh, no more ditching school?

(gentle music)

(door squeaking)

(upbeat music)

(door squeaking)


Back inside.

You can't make me.

As those of you who are paying attention may recall,

yesterday we began a long and thrilling journey back

to the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia.

Now, if you open our textbooks to page 322,

you'll find a map.

Can anybody tell me where Mesopotamia actually was? Tammy.


Here's a list of all the corporate assets,

which are for sale.

Everything here is in the deal.

Hm. Very good.

We're flying back to New York this afternoon

to give a recommendation to our investors.

If they give us the go ahead, they'll wanna move quickly.

I can't believe places like this actually exist.

We'll be in touch within the next 36 hours.


Thank you.

Thank you.
Thank you.

(pensive music)
(Helen sighs)

(upbeat music)

(Jimmy sighs)

Oh, oh, it's you.

Come with me.

To see the home.

Not now.
It won't take long.

No, I have too much work to do.

I'll bring you back whenever you want.

Look, Mr. Adams, give it up.

I don't wanna go there.

I can't. I'm unable.

Really? I'm unable.

I'm sorry. I've just been this way since I was a little kid.

You still are a little kid.

Why do you say that? Really?

Why would you say that?

Would you stop this? Someone will see you.

If you take your car, we'll get there faster.

(Helen sighs)

Come on. Denial can be a useful tool.

(upbeat music)
(people chattering)

(Buddy barking)

It's a bit of an eye sore, huh?

It needs some paint, but it's pretty sound

except for the roof.

And, uh, we could use a new hot water heater

and sometimes the electrical's a little funky,

but, uh, hey, boys.

Hey, Uncle Jimmy.
Hey, Jimmy.

Met everyone.

Hi, Miss Radke.
Hi, Miss Radke.

I know you remember Wylie.

Oh yes, I remember Wylie.

Say hello to Miss Radke, Wylie.

Make me.

There's a lot of potential there.

Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy.

I put the big bow way up there.

Oh, way to go, Benny.

Of course we all helped. Except Wylie.

He never helps.

Can we light it up now?

(sighs) Alrighty. Here we go.

On your mark.

Did anyone see-

I get to make dinner!

You always get to make dinner!

My hands are full!

We have an art show once a week.

These are some of the pictures that kids have done.

Mine's the third one from the left.

Yeah, look at that.

And these are pictures of the boys who grew up here

and then have moved on.

Picture of me.

He's the geeky one.

(sighs) Thanks.

Technically this is a foster home.

Although most of the boys do have families.

There are problems and complications

and every once in a while they do get to go home.

But for the most part,

watch the top stair there and, uh, hey Evan,

make sure there's an extra setting at dinner, will ya?


Stair was always bad?

And upstairs is where all the boys sleep, obviously,

after much begging and pleading.

In every room, we've got some older boys and younger boys.

So the little ones don't get scared.

It's kind of tough for the older ones though, I think.

But, uh, ultimately a good thing

because it makes 'em feel needed.

Ah, I tell ya, my best memories are in this house.

(gentle music)

This was my room.

Your room?

You lived here.


Before my parents got divorced.


My bed was over here.

The walls were pink then.

(gentle music)

You know, we should probably go downstairs

and start on our chores.

We have chores?

Oh yeah. Lots of chores.

Come on.

You put the sharp part of your knife

at the right side of your plate.

So when you reach for your spoon,

you won't cut yourself.

Got that?

Yes, I believe so.

It's nice to have a lady around.

You have kids?

No, I don't.

You can have one of us on a trial basis.

Excuse me?

What he means is that we have a program every Christmas

where the boys get to go to someone else's house

on Christmas Eve.

That way they get to spend part of the holidays

with another family.

I see. Well, it wouldn't be much fun at my house.

There's nobody there, but me.

Well, Mr. Radke was really nice to us.

You knew him.

Oh yeah, sure.

He came by here all the time.


(bell clanging)

Dinner is served.

And then we're trying to pay off Victor's brace.

And we also wanna build a greenhouse in the back

so we can grow our vegetables cheaper that way.

And which is great actually,

'cause Alex loves to dig in the dirt.

He's like a little mole, you know.

Please, pass the potatoes.

And we're raising money to send Miguel to Washington DC.

He got first place,

an a fair for his science experiment.

Pass the beans.

What was the experiment about?

He left his socks on for seven weeks

(boys laughing)

Funny. Isn't he funny?

Not really.

I analyzed the effects on impressionist music

on toddlers and playgrounds.

Pass the jello.

Give me that.

Wylie, wait your turn.


I knew that-
Come on!

Hey, hey! Hey!

Calm down. Calm down.

Stop it!
No, guys. No!

Stop it right right now!

Hey, hey! Hey!

Boys, boys!
Guys, stop it.

Take that.
Stop doing that! Ow!

Ow, ow!

Stop it, right now!
Wylie, no!

(Buddy whining)
(bright music)

Good king Wenceslaus looked out

♪ On the feast of Stephen ♪

♪ When the snow lay round about ♪

♪ Deep and crisp and even ♪

♪ Brightly shon the moon that night ♪

♪ Though the frost was cruel ♪

♪ When a poor man came in sight ♪

♪ Gathering winter fuel ♪

All right!

(audience applauding)

You sing great, lady.

Well thank you.

I don't really sing much these days.

Hey Miguel, play them the other version.

(upbeat jazzy music)
(Buddy howling)

(gentle music)

There you go, Benny.

You and little cupcake all tucked in.

Good night.

I want Miss Radke to just tuck me in.

(gentle music)

What if I have a bad dream.

Then I guess you go and find Jimmy.

But what if you just stay here

before the bad dream happens?

That way it won't happen.

That way you'll never go to sleep.

Can you help me write a letter to Santa?

I need to get into the mail before it's too late

and I don't know how to spell remote control.

I asked Santa for a book of plays.

What are you gonna ask for Wylie?

Santa's stupid. It's just, just a big rip off.

Santa makes people happy.

Being happy isn't stupid.

(gentle music)

I, um, I'm sorry, but I really need to go.


Maybe another time.

All right.

Okay. Lights out.

Goodnight you sons of Mistletoe.

Goodnight, Uncle Jimmy.

Goodnight, Jimmy.

Tell him it's Marge Hochren,

Sheriff's Department Mistletoe.

Oh, stop crying.

Leo's not in trouble.

Unless you know something I don't.

They were kind of wired, weren't they.

Tell you though,

that's gonna be the highlight of their week.

Here, let me get this door for you.

You really don't need to open doors for me.

Oh, I love to do that for people.

Hey, thanks for coming by, really.

And sorry about the food fight.

Well now you can't say I never visited.

I didn't, uh, didn't realize

this whole place meant that much to you.

It doesn't mean anything now.

I'm sorry. I know that you're doing wonderful work here.

But you can't count on me.

My father's estate is very complicated

and I don't know how it will work out.

Come back and visit.

Mr. Adam.

Ah, why don't you go out to a movie

with me on Saturday night.

I'm sorry.

I only date grownups.

What about dinner then.

(laughs) Thank you. But no thank you.

All right, I'm only gonna ask you five or six more times

before I just give up.

Goodnight, Mr. Adams.

Goodnight, Miss Radke.

(gentle music)

(upbeat music)
(Jimmy groaning)

(water hissing)

(wrench clattering)
(bright music)

(Jimmy sighs)
(bright upbeat music)

(bright upbeat music)


(bright upbeat music)

Come on, come on. Sit up.


Good boy. Read the paper.

(Buddy barking)


Could you please knock?

Well, I didn't think you let me in.

Mary has instructions not to disturb me.

She's not at her desk.

Please leave.

You know I can't.

Yes, you can.

You can put one foot in front of the other and lean forward.

See, now that you've been to the home

and you've seen what it is,

we need you to make a commitment.

We need you to write the big check.

You've seen those kids.

They're not criminal or evil.

They, they need so much.

I've got 10 letters to Santa Claus right here

and not one scent to buy presence with.

You have to stop coming here

thinking that you can ask me for things.


Because I may not always be here.

Where are you going?

Look, you can't count on me.

It is not a sound business practice

to rely on only one person for all of your income.

You gotta start acting like a businessman, you know,

get a business plan and create a campaign to raise funds.

You need to be organized if you're gonna raise money.

Okay? I don't know anything about business.

You're right about that.

Why hasn't the rest of the town rallied to your defense?

Because you never had to go to them for money.

My father took care of it all.

Well, invite the rest of the town to come and see the home.

And really, Jimmy, you, you, you've gotta get people

to take you seriously.

I mean, why on earth would anyone trust you

with a large sum money

when you dress like a, like a pizza delivery boy.

Okay. Okay.

Okay, you're right there.

I'm terrible at having an image.

But what I do know about is kids.

I mean, how can you talk

about business plans in a fancy suit

once you've bet Howard or, or Benny or Wylie?

It doesn't make any sense to me.

(sighs) Fine. Fine.


This will get you through the holidays.

And after that, we'll see.

Now, will you please leave me alone?

You know, maybe we could continue this over some coffee.


Well, how else am I gonna learn

about all this business stuff?

You could show me some pointers.

You'll have to pick it up on the street

like everyone else.

You're dating someone, aren't you?

That's not the point.

No, you should date more.

You need, you need to have more fun.

Well, thank you for the advice.

Just make sure he's got a dog.


The only way to tell if you've got a good man

is to watch how he treats his mother and his dog.


(gentle music)

(Buddy barking)

(thoughtful music)

(Buddy barking)

(playful music)

(upbeat music)

Sit down, sit.

Stay there, Buddy.

How's the beat.

(laughs) Criminals everywhere.

This is a hotbed of filth and corruption here.

Oh, I can see that. Coffee, please.

Coming up.

Did you find out anything about Wylie's father?

Do you know how many Leo Vanderschnittens there are

in this state?

I'm just, I'm surprised at Leo's behavior.

He always seemed so responsible.

It's just, I don't know, strange os all.

Well, I'll find him if it's the last thing I do.

He's not gonna get away with this.

I never understood why Sadie dumped me for him.

Well, Sadie wasn't long on patience.

Guess my being away

at college and grad school for so long,

just too much for her.

And Leo always had a thing for her.

Yeah, but I came back most holidays.

Leo was here even on Ground Hog Day.

Thanks for reminding me.

Did Sadie ever have any close friends you could think of?

Mm, none that would ever talk to me about it,

but I'll think on it.

(people chattering)

What is that smell?


Mistletoe Musk for men.

Oh, you're fixing to get yourself some sugar.

I got it on sale at Radke's.

You dog, you. (laughs)

Oh, aren't you something. (laughs)

Check, please.

Benny, where are your shoes?

I don't know.
Oh, lookie here.

Lookie here. Somebody didn't finish their breakfast.

I hate old oatmeal.

Uh-huh. You ready for school, Victor?

Somebody took my homework.
On the piano.

How did it get there?
Somebody took my skates.

Look under the table. Okay guys, wipe your mouth.

Get your backpacks together.

We gotta get a move on.

Who used up all the toilet paper?

Toilet paper. I'll get it for you, Howard.

Toilet paper, toilet paper, toilet paper.

Uncle Jimmy, the hot water stopped.

What do you mean, it stopped?

I was taking a shower and it just stopped.

Not again.

All right. Rinse off in the sink upstairs.

I'm gonna fix it later. Here you go, Howard.

Thanks, Jimmy.

All right, on the double.

We've got inspection in five minutes. Let's go.

Let's go. Let's do it.

Everybody ready for school?


Pencils sharp?

Homework neat?

Ears clean?

Well, um.

Good enough. Let's go.

(hands clapping)

Marching, marching, marching, marching!

(upbeat music)

(car horn honking)

Watch the cars, watch the cars, guys.

Okay. Here we go.

What's all over your jacket, Wylie?

See ya, Wylie.

See ya, Buddy. See ya, Jimmy.

Okay, buddy.

Take care. Let's go.

Come on.

Why are you doing this?

It's my life. It's what I do.

Yeah, well, everyone's making fun of me

because you sit in the back of my classes.

Look, if you want me to stay away, I will.

Okay. But you're gonna have to go in there.

Why? What do you get out of it?

This is not about me, right?

It's about you.

If you don't get an education,

you're not gonna be able to do what you want with your life.

I just don't get it.

Well, maybe you will someday.

You know, my dad's gonna come and get me soon.

Then I won't have to do anything I don't wanna do.

Where is your dad, Wylie?

He's, uh, he's on his way.

You know, I went to high school with your dad.

You did?

Yeah. I knew your mom too.

We even dated for a while,

but, uh, she liked your dad better.

Must have been even more of a loser than him.


Did she, uh, talk much about him?

She said that, uh, he was real smart

and that I was just like him.

Well maybe Sheriff Margie will find him.

Yeah, can't be too many guys like that in the area.

All right, now promise me you'll stay in school all day.

I promise.
All right.

And work real hard.

And work real hard.

Keep an eye out for Benny. He looks up to you, you know?

Okay. See you at home.


(gentle music)

Mary, get me David Pearson in New York.

(phone thudding)
(gentle music)

Anybody home?
(Buddy barking)


Uncle Jimmy, you better come quick.

What's going on.

Hm? Oh, hey.

It, it's just a bad valve, Jimmy.

Bad valve?

You, uh, you know about plumbing.

I lived with old Mr. Carter for a while

till I put his dumb cat in the dryer,

but, uh, he taught me all about plumbing.

No kidding.

I think it should work now.

Well, thank you, Wylie, thank you.

No problem, Jimmy.

(footsteps tapping)

Hello, David. Helen Radke here.

I'm fine. Thank you.

Listen, there was a small piece of real estate

that was accidentally included in that list that I gave you

and I'd like to withhold it from our agreement.

It's just an old house on Second Street. Nothing valuable.

Yeah. I know that you have time constraints.

Yes, I, I know that the papers have already been drawn up,

but I'd like to make the change.

Well, can't we work something out.

(water trickling)

You guys want me to dry or something?

That's okay, Wylie.

We can handle it.

Why don't you just go upstairs and relax.

Suit yourselves.

Hey guys, guys, get in here.


(gentle music)

What's going on?

The sons of Mistletoe hereby welcome Wylie Armstrong

into the family.

Congratulations, Wylie. Thanks for all the hot water.

(gentle music)

There you go.
Yeah, Wylie!

Thanks, Wylie!

Hot showers for everybody!

I made you, man.

What a great cake!

Oh, ho, ho!
Whoo! Showers for everybody.

Who wants first piece? First piece?

I'll take it.
I'll take it!


(gentle thoughtful music)

(gentle music)

(suspenseful music)

(sobbing) Jimmy.

What's the matter?

He had a bad dream.

Had a bad dream.


Come here, sit down.

I'll get him some more milk. That'll help.

Okay. Thanks, Wylie.

I dreamt that Wylie got taken away by aliens.

Aliens? What kind of aliens?

The ones with the red noses that light up

and the weird, hairy antennas

that grow out the tops of their heads.


And tails and bells.

You mean kinda like reindeer.

Maybe from space.

Reindeers from space.

Hey, Benny?

Wylie's never gonna be taken away from us.

You understand that, don't you?

Are you sure?

I'm sure. He's one of us now.

What if his dad shows up?

Well, that would be a really wonderful thing.

Don't you think?

You wouldn't wanna stand in the way of that, would you?



Benny, Wylie will always be one of the sons of Mistletoe,

no matter what happens, he'll always come back and visit.


Evening. Didn't hear you come in.

I didn't wanna wake anybody.

Oh, hey, why don't you run upstairs

and Wylie will be up in a minute with the milk, okay?

What are you doing up so late?

I picked up tomorrow's paper. It's bad news.

Helen sold the store.

What do you mean?

She sold the store?

Kit and caboodle.

Sold it to a bunch of investors from New York.

She didn't tell you, did she?


Don't you manage

to get in her face three, four times a day.

Uh, yeah, yeah, I do. But, uh-

So it was a secret, was it?

This doesn't make any sense.

This, this, uh, there's got to be a reason for this.

Jimmy, it says here she sold the whole business,

as well as this house.


Front page, second column.

You have New York landlords now, and God help you.

(somber music)

(door knocker tapping)

What are you doing here?

Why did you sell the home?


I'm talking about this?

Oh my God.

My God.

I, I, I didn't know they'd issue a press release so soon.

So it's true, huh?

Yes, it's true.

But why did you sell them the home?

I had to.

You had to.

I'm sorry, I tried to do everything I could to stop it,

but the papers were already signed.

There's nothing I can do.

Your father let us lease it for $1 a year.

No one will rent it for that.

Where are we gonna go?

Sometimes when things like this happen,

they lead to better things.

That old house is falling down around you, Jimmy.

It's gonna take hundreds of thousands of dollars

to fix it up right.

You know that.

Have you looked for anything else?

There is so much history in that house.

You know what a special place it is.

No, I don't. I didn't grow up here.

Your father would never allow this to happen.

It is not fair to keep comparing me to my father.

And selling the home isn't fair either.

In any other setting, most of those boys,

they would've slipped through the cracks.

I grew up in that place.

Where would I have gone

when my mother realized she couldn't raise a kid?

What would've happened to me if they didn't take me in?

Look, it was my job to come back here

and sell the business.

And I have done that now.

Why destroy something your father loved?

Why not build on it? You don't fool me.

I saw your face when you were with those kids.

You care about people and you don't feel good about this.

When did you suddenly grow up.

Right now.

And it hurts.

(somber music)

(door thudding)

(Helen sighs)

♪ Jingle bells, Radke smells ♪

♪ She sold our home to thieves ♪

♪ Oh, ho, ho, no place to go ♪

♪ But still have to leave, hey ♪

Move it along here.

Guys, guys, guys, guys.

What is going on here?

Keep moving.

Oh, well Wylie woke us up last night

and told us the news.

He said we have to do something.

We can't just sit back and let it happen.

And since Victor is studying the French Revolution,

we decided we'd make a barricade.

Well, we couldn't bring all our stuff down here.

So Wylie said we should make signs instead.

It sounds like a great idea, but listen,

I don't think it's gonna further our cause.

Plus I think it's illegal.

I got a permit.

He did. Smart kid.

Reminds me of somebody.

Ah, don't start.

Hey, there she is.

The mean landlady.

Save our home! Save our home!

Did you hear our song?

Why are you closing the home? Why?

Yeah, we thought you liked us.

I do, Benny. I do like you.

Excuse me.

♪ Jingle bells, Radke smells ♪

♪ She sold our home to thieves ♪

I don't have much hope for that one.

Ah, beat's me.

♪ Jingle bells, Radke smells ♪

♪ She sold our home to thieves ♪

Hey, Miss Radke, heard about the sale.

Too bad about the boys' home.

Yes. Thank you.

Uh, uh, the wife works in children's shoes, you know.


15 years next August.

She was hoping to keep her job

if it's all right with you.

I made sure it was in my contract with the buyer, Floyd.

No one will lose their jobs.

Heard you sold out to New Yorkers.

I really have to be going.

Your father didn't trust New Yorkers.

Yes, I've heard that.

He always said that they say what you want to hear.

But they do, what they want to do.

Yes, well, he was entitled to his opinions.

You're not the man your father was.

I don't want to be.

Well, I see what you're doing.

You think you've gotta be hard

because that's what people respect.

But nobody around here respects a person who's so in love

with their own power that they put a whole town outta work.

I told you, Floyd, no one is going to lose his job.

Why does everyone in this town assume the worst of me?

Maybe it's because you sold the boys' home

right out from under them.

The home is tied to my father's corporate assets.

I didn't realize that until it was too late.

It was a mistake.

Maybe people around here think

that people like you don't make mistakes.

Well, we do all the time.

We're just as mistaken as everyone else.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Jingle bells, Radke smells ♪

♪ She sold our home to thieves ♪

♪ Ho, ho, ho, no place to go ♪

♪ But we still have to leave, hey ♪

(pensive music)

(pensive music)

(pensive music)

(pensive music)

Standing out there for your health?

The porch is rotting.

The mailman could fall through it and sue us.

Yeah. Well, I'll, I'll have maintenance get right on it.

May I come in?

If you like.

(gentle music)
(people chattering)

Come on in.

Thank you.


Oh, it's you.

It's the mean landlady.

(Buddy whining)

Are you gonna take our Christmas tree away?

Shut up, Benny.

Don't give her any ideas.

I'm not.

Yeah, you are.

Uh, gentlemen.

What can we do for you?

(gentle music)

You know, if it hadn't been for you,

this would've been easy.

I just wanted to come back here for a few months.

Take care of everything, sell the business and get out.

I, I didn't wanna get to know anyone.

I didn't wanna feel obligated to anyone.

I just wanted to get through it. You know?

I understand. My problem, not yours.

Well couldn't some of the boys go back

to their real parents.

No, most of 'em wouldn't want to, even if they could.

Are you sure?

I mean, didn't you wish your mother could come

and take you away from here?

No, never.

Well, didn't you go looking for her

when you were old enough to leave here?

I like my family here better than the ones

that had at home.

I really love this place.

All these years, I really hated this house.

I remember the day that my mother took me away from here

and my dad, he was standing outside on the porch

and, um, he didn't say anything.

He didn't even try to stop us.

He, he just looked at us,

just standing there.

You should know your father talked about you all the time.

I think he, he missed you very much.

Oh, well I only ever heard from him

on my birthday or Christmas.

Maybe he thought it was better for you

if he just stayed outta the picture.

Well it wasn't.

And I really missed him.

To this day, I don't know who he was.

You know? I, I...

(sighs) Was he gentle or gruff or, or funny or serious?

I don't know anything about him.

(gentle music)

He was Santa Claus.


That's me. That's your father.

Yeah, he must have spent thousands of dollars

every year between the decorations

and the turkeys and the presents, everything.

I sat in his lap every Christmas with a list a mile long.

(laughs) This is so hard to believe.

You come from a long tradition of blatant generosity,

and Father Christmas fat suits.

(Helen laughs)

(children shouting)

Are you okay?

Got your glasses.

Guys, what's going on out here?

Wylie and Victor had a fight.

He said bad things about Miss Radke.


He said she's stupid.

And that we're all stupid

because we're gonna live out on the street.

But he's the one who made her hate us.

Where is he?

Oh, I sent him up to his room.

All right. Run up and get him all.

All right, just hold that, Victor.

Okay and pinch it.

Just pinch. There you go, it's bleeding.

You didn't have to stand up for me, Victor, but thank you.


I don't hate any of you.

I hope you know that.

They know that.


(dramatic music)

Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy, uncle Jimmy!

Wylie's run away and he's taking Benny with him.


Wylie! Benny!




Benny's afraid of the dark.

He would've never gone out there alone.

Wylie, Benny!

Maybe we ought to get out and look in the garbage cans.


Why would they run away like this?

Don't they know

how lucky they are?

Benny knows. It's Wylie's fault.

Oh, it's my fault. I should have made sure he was okay.

It's my fault.

I should have done the same thing.

It's my fault.
Why is it your fault, Alex?

Because I feel guilty.

All right, everybody just-

I wish we'd brought food.


Hey, that's where I'm going for Christmas.

You're going to the mayor's house, Victor.

Yeah. And look how big it is.

And it has heat

and nobody's gonna sell it out from under him.

I'm going to Mrs. Brown's.

She has three dogs and two cats and hot water.

Wylie! Benny!

I'm going to a farm on the outskirts of town

where they make goat cheese.

They have heat and hot water and a new roof.


Where are you going, Miss Radke?

I don't have any plans yet.


Are you gonna evict us?


Well, I...

Okay, guys, it looks like

we're almost back where we started.

Time for bed, I think.

But what about Benny and Wylie?

I promise, I'll wake you up as soon as I hear a word.





Goodnight, Miss Radke.
All right,

let's get move on here.
Goodnight, Uncle Jimmy.

Goodnight, Miss Radke.
Thank you.

All right.
Goodnight, Uncle Jimmy.

Let's go upstairs, brush your teeth.

Okay, guys.
See ya, Uncle Jimmy.

Good boy.

I better go in and make sure they all get the bed

and then I'll come back out and keep looking.

Ah, will you call me when you find them,

no matter how late?

I just wanna know they're all right.

Yeah, I'll do that.

Um, thanks for your help.


(gentle music)

(door thuds)
(engine rumbling)

(gentle music)

(dramatic music)

(groans) Come on.

Watch this.

(dramatic suspenseful music)

(alarm ringing)

We have a 214. No, no, a 2430.

No, somebody broke a window at Radke's.

(alarm ringing)

We broke it.

(siren blaring)

Come on. Come on, we gotta go.

Come on!

Come on!
We broke it!

(siren blaring)

Come on, Benny, come on!

We, we broke it.

Come on, Benny, let's go!

Let's go, Benny, let's get out of here.

Wylie, stop.

(Wylie groans)

I got this one.

Let me go!
Oh, no, you don't.

I got rights. Let me go!

What in the world did you two think you were doing?

We didn't mean it.

Yes, we did.

You did?

I hate you. I hate you.

I hate you.

I can take care of this, Miss Radke.

Well, I, I'd like to try

if that's all right with you, Sheriff.

Be my guest.

We'll be in the car if you need me.

Is that why you ran away? Is that what this is all about?

Because you're mad at me.

I don't wanna go anywhere else.

I've been everywhere else.

Why isn't my dad here? Why, why can't find him?

Why didn't he come get me sooner?

Even dads make mistakes.

Doesn't even know he made a mistake.

He doesn't know me.

I'm sure he feels bad about that.

What do you know about dads?

Not much, I'll admit.

I didn't know my dad very well.

And that made me mad.

And because I was mad at him,

I made a terrible mistake.

(scoffs) Rich people don't make mistakes.

I sold the home in order to get back at my father.

It was a stupid thing to do.

But you running away with Benny and breaking this window,

that was a stupid thing to do too.

Now you and Benny are both in trouble.

It's time to take him in, Miss Radke.

Can't we work something out?

I've given this kid too many chances.

Maybe a little taste of jail will make him understand.

Oh, yeah.

Besides I'm gonna have my hands full

with all these criminals in the cruiser.

Maybe you can come along and help me keep 'em under control.

I'd love to, I've never seen the inside of a jail before.

It's not exactly Santa's village.

Come on.

And then your old man, he says,

"Well, sir, if that old tractor can't pull a parade float,

I'm gonna have to buy this town a new one."

And he did.

Yeah. That's how we got Big Blue.

Want some coffee?

No, thank you.

All the kids know Big Blue.

You know, I always thought he got involved

with the home because he missed you.

After all these years, I, I think I'm finally beginning

to understand my father.

I just wish it had happened before he died.

Well, he sure was proud of you,

especially when you got into that fancy college back east.

Margie, where are they?

Okay, just calm down now, Jimmy.

How bad is it?

It's bad. He smashed a window at Radke's.

(boys gasping)
(Jimmy sighing)

Can I see him?

Yeah. Come on.

All right, boys, sit down.

Sorry about this.

We didn't mean it. We really didn't mean it.

Keep your trap shut.

It's okay, Benny. I know you didn't mean it.

Are you gonna put us in jail?

Well, I don't know what they're gonna do.

Don't tell them anything. You'll implement yourself.



What in the world happened?

I don't know. I just got so mad.

Where are we gonna go, Uncle Jimmy.

Don't you worry about that, okay?

You let me figure that out.

Your job, and it's gonna be a tough one,

is to stay out of trouble.

Your job is to be a kid. Deal?


The sheriff isn't gonna go as hard on him, is she?

I mean, he was just following me.

He thinks I'm cool.

Not if you both apologize to Sheriff Margie and Helen.

(Wylie sighs)




Let's go. Grab those coats.

Have you ever shot your g*n?

I have.

Hey guys, what was it like being arrested?

Did you have to eat bologna?

We thought they were gonna put you away forever.

(gentle music)

We're sorry.

Real sorry.

I understand. Thank you.

And we're sorry to you too.


Gentlemen, I'm gonna release you

into the custody of Mr. Adams.

Not because I trust you,

but because Miss Radke here doesn't wanna press charges

and I trust Jimmy.

You got it?

Yes, ma'am.

And I D-double dare ya,

don't you ever, ever come back here again?

All right, boys. Let's go.

Go on.
Bye, Miss Radke.

Bye, Miss Radke.

Bye, Miss Radke.



(gentle music)

And she never said anything

about Leo's whereabouts, Alice?


But you and Sadie were close friends, weren't you?


Honey, you're boring the moles right off of my back.

You can't remember anything else

that might be helpful here?

She had a lot of split ends.

Now that's a lot of help.

She didn't want anybody knowing where Leo was.

Why was she protecting him?

I don't know.

This kid wants his daddy, Alice.

When Sadie died,

I, I heard that Wylie got sent back to Mistletoe.

I'd have taken him in myself, but he's a real terror.

I couldn't handle him.

Well, thanks for your time.

I guess I'll push on, it's a long drive home.

I, um, I heard that Leo managed a Quick Mart

outside of Copper Town, but that was a long time ago.

Well, there must be 50 of them in this county.

102. I read it in the paper. (laughs)

Let me ask you something else.

What the hell kind of respectable hairdresser are you

that you can't come up with more information than that?

(upbeat music)

Who taught you how to tie tie?

You did?
Oh, well I did a bad job.

I hope they have two kinds of pie where I'm like.

Don't worry, Howard.

The Jenssen's own the pie shop.

There'll be 634 kinds of pie.

Oh boy.

(doorbell buzzing)

I'll get it. I'll get it.

No, I'll get it.

All right, everybody sit down.

Let's see those laces.

Hello? Where the Olandorfs

We're here to pick up Miguel.

Oh yeah. He's just upstairs.

Here I am, sir.

Miguel says you have a Cadillac.

Yes, I do young man.

Well, Merry Christmas, everyone.

Yeah. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
Have fun, Miguel.

Bye, suckers.

I warned 'em, it'll work.

But they look ratty.

Yeah, but I don't have any new laces, but no one will see.

Now they won't like me.

Oh come on. They'll love you.

You, you're, you're funny.

You're smart. And you're interesting.

You've got red hair. Yeah.

It's not about your shoes, buddy.

Come on.

(Buddy barking)

Merry whatnot.

Merry Christmas, Sheriff.
Merry Christmas.

Howard, the Jenning's are waiting for you in their car.

You're on.

Thanks, Jimmy. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Sheriff.

Merry Christmas. I gotta talk to you.

Okay. Okay.

I don't wanna go anywhere without Wylie.

Benny, Wylie's gonna be all right.

I think Wylie ought to go

and brighten up Miss Radke's Christmas.

Guess who I found? Leo.

(doorbell buzzing)

You are gonna have a great time

at the Peterson's, I promise.

Merry Christmas!

Hi, I'm Mrs. Peterson here to pick up Benny,

I'm not going.

I heard they have a snake at the Petersons.

Oh, a snake. Good one.

Okay, I'll go.

There we go.

(gentle upbeat music)

Go, go, go.

Have a good time, Benny.

And I think Wylie

should show Miss Radke his winsome smile. (laughs)

You know, I can't think

of anyone more deserving than Helen Radke.

Congratulations, Helen.

You have been selected as the lucky winner of an evening

in the supreme company of one

of Mistletoe's most talented conversationalists

and convicts, Wylie Armstrong.

I believe I've heard of him.

And in addition,

you'll receive, absolutely free, the company

of his canine companion, Buddy.

(Buddy whining)

Oh, the dog too.

Well, this is rather sudden.

Trust me. We wouldn't ask if it weren't important.

I see.

You got videos.

Jimmy and I have some police business to attend to.

How about it?

I'm game if he is.

You have satellite or cable?

(Buddy barking)

We think we found his daddy.

Oh, I hope so.

We'll only be a few hours. Thank you, Helen.

All right, Jimmy, come on. Let's go.


Are you sure it's his dad?

So Margie says.

Good luck.


(gentle music)

(doors thudding)
(engine puttering)

(both sighing)

How can we not (indistinct) to nail this guy

once and for all?

I'm just worried he's not gonna want his own son.

Then again I'm worried that he will

'cause then he is gonna take him from us.

Isn't that the point?

Then what'll happen.


Yeah, I guess.

Well, you're gonna miss that little rascal.

I like him. He's a great kid.

He's got lots-
Lots of potential.


(both laughing)

Yeah, I think so too.

He's gonna miss you too.

Yeah. Right.

They way you kind of miss a mole after it's been removed.

(Margie groans)

(people chattering)

(knuckles rapping)

Hey, Jimmy.

Long time no see, huh?

Yeah. (laughs)

What brings you here?

Leo, can we come in and talk to you for a minute?

Yeah, I guess so.


I've never seen so many bedrooms

without people in 'em before.

This is such a cool house.

Thank you.

Hey, what's in this closet.

(glass crashing)

I found your Christmas ornaments.

I can see that. Thank you.

So how come they're not on your tree?

I didn't have time to get one.

Boy, Helen, need more help than I thought.

But that's okay.

I know what to do.

(upbeat music)

What's all this about?

Well, Jimmy's running the boy's home now.

Oh yeah?

And we've got Wylie.


Your son.

I don't know what happened.

I don't know why you left him like you did and I don't care,

but I will help you in any way that I can.

We know that it's hard, but you can do it.

You gotta give it a try.

Wylie he needs his daddy.


You mean you'll come back.


You know, I never really pegged you

for a deadbeat dad, Leo,

you always seemed like such a good guy.

I'm not Wylie's dad.

Oh, everybody knows you are, Leo.

Your name's on the birth certificate,

the date, and you and Sadie left town together.

That was all her idea.

She went to stay with her cousin.

I was ready to leave Mistletoe anyway.

I wanted to see the world, you know.

I let Sadie use my name on the birth certificate.

Her cousin worked at the hospital and changed the dates.

Wylie was born in May, not October.


Sadie didn't want anyone to know who the real father was.

Said she didn't wanna ruin his life.

Had a big crush on her, you know?

I was kind of proud to let people think it was me.

Do you know who the real father is?

(gentle music)

(gentle music)

You know, I always used to wonder

what it was like up here in this house.

I used to pretend that there was a couple who lived here

and they had all these kids

and the backyard was a swing hanging from a tree

and all the kids played on it all the time.

And they sang songs together

and, uh, and in the living room was,

was an enormous color TV.

My father lived here all alone.

(gentle music)

(doorbell ringing)
(Buddy barking)

Excuse me.

(gentle music)

(doorbell ringing)

Benny? What are you doing here?

I ran away.

I wanna be with Wylie. Can I come in?


Wylie, Wylie, Wylie!

Hey, how you doing?


Come on, I'm making a tree.

Thanks, Leo.

(sighs) How am I gonna tell him.

Not gonna be easy. That's for sure.

(upbeat music)

Hello, Mrs. Jennings,

may I please speak to Howard Finster?

It's an emergency.


Well, we haven't even had dessert yet.


Sorry, Ms. Jennings.

I gotta go. Benny's missing.

I gotta cover the west side of town.

(doorbell ringing)

Oh, Miss Radke, Benny's missing.

We don't know where he is and we don't have your number

for the phone tree 'cause we're organizing a search, so.

He's here. He's here.

He's here.

Oh, Benny.

Benny, man, I've been so worried.

He's better here with me.

I tried to call the home, but there was no one there and,

and he couldn't remember the name of the people

he's supposed to be with.

Uh-Huh. Merry Christmas, Benny.

What about you, Evan?

Where are you supposed to be?

Oh, I'm with the Davenports,

but they said it's okay if I stay here.

Oh. Well.

(doorbell ringing)

Benny's missing.

We can't find him.

We've looked all over.

It's all right. He's here.

Come on in.


We were so worried

about you!

I looked all over but we couldn't find you.

Hey, hey, you guys.

Come on, I'm cooking dinner.

Oh, cool.

Let's go.

(doorbell ringing)

Hi, Miss Radke. Benny's missing.

(gentle jazzy music)

(Jimmy sighs)

You're not gonna let me down now, are you, boy?

After all we've just been through.

No, ma'am, I'm not gonna let you down.

(gentle music)

Miss Radke, Wylie and I were wondering,

do you have Dijon mustard?

Ah, try the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

(doorbell ringing)

Merry Christmas. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Santa's here!

Santa's here!

Did you find that gift for Wylie?

I sure did.


Ho, ho, ho! We're getting close to the end.

All right. Now who's next?

Two big presents here.


This one's for Benny.

There you go, big man.

Thanks, Santa.

You're welcome. You're welcome.

This one's for Alex.

Thanks, Santa.
You're welcome.

One left for Monsieur Evan.

Thanks, Santa.

You're welcome, sir.

All right guys.

On your mark, good set.

Merry Christmas.

Oh yes!

(all chattering)

(Santa laughing)

(gentle music)
(Buddy growling)

A basketball!

Oh my gosh!

You like it, huh?


(people chattering)
(gentle music)

(Miguel groaning)
(harmonica wailing)

Now's your chance.

I'll go make some cocoa then we can celebrate.

I wouldn't celebrate too soon.

I thought you had good news.

I do. I'm just not sure how well he'll take it.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

No, I don't want.

(boys chattering)

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Ho, ho, ho.

You like it, Huh?

It's great.

I can show you how to play if you want.

Don't you have to get back to the North Pole.

Oh no. I'm gonna stay right here with you.

Ho, ho, ho. (laughs)

I knew it was you the whole time.

You did, huh?

You didn't fool me.

Yeah. Guess not.

Wylie, I need to talk to you about something.

Is it bad?

I don't think so.

Go ahead.



Hit me.

(sighs) Well, I found your father.

I was just saying that about wanting him back.

I, I didn't actually think it would happen.

Wait, wait, wait. Something wrong?

I don't even want him anymore.

Well, why not?

Because I don't wanna leave the home.

Is that what's bothering you?

I don't even know. What if I don't like him?

He might be a good guy.

I mean, you don't know him unless you meet him.

Will you come with me?


I'm scared.

I'm scared too.

Where is he?

Right here.

I'm your father, Wylie.




Sadie and I, um, eh, just a long story,

but I really cared about your mother,

but we were so young and she never told me about you.

All these years we could have been with each other.

I, if I had known that I had a...

(Jimmy sighs)

How come she never told us?

I don't know.

I think maybe she thought she was helping me.

How do you feel about being a dad, Jim?

Happier than I've ever been in my life.


I have always wanted to be a dad.

I love you, Wylie.

(pensive music)

I love you too.

Don't ever leave me again.

I won't leave.

I promise.

(gentle music)

(Wylie laughs)

(gentle hopeful music)

It's snowing, it's snowing! It's snowing!

Let's go, it's snowing!
Come on, look at the snow!

Last one out's a rotten egg.
Oh, it's snowing!

Go ahead. I'll be right there.

(boys shouting)
(Buddy barking)

Did you just hear that?

I heard. Congratulations.

That took a lot of courage on your part, on his part too.

He's a good kid.

I wish I'd been able to forgive my father

when I was his age.

You know, it's never too late to forgive somebody.

(gentle music)

It isn't, is it.

Hey Dad? Are you coming, Dad?

Yeah, I'll be right there.


(upbeat music)
(boys chattering)

Hey, guys, look at the snow!


(upbeat music)
(boys chattering)

(Buddy barking)

I have a gift for you and I would've wrapped it,

but it's too big.

Ah, you didn't need to do that.

How big?

Extremely big.

It's this house.

Come on. You sold it.

No, I didn't. It wasn't part of the deal.

Why not?

It was the only thing of my dad's that I had left.

It's way too big for one person

and it'll make a perfect new home for boys.

What did you just say?

You heard me.

But I, you can't be serious about that.

Yes, I am.

And I know that my father would've wanted me to.

(gentle music)

I don't know what to say.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Do you think I can handle it?

Mm, I think you got a lot of potential, Jim.

You think, really?


How about you come over for a thank you dinner,

cooked by the boys.

That would be lovely.

You should just drop by more often.

I mean, the boys would love to see you and so would I.



Now I don't know what to say.

Say it's all right with you.

It's all right with me.



(gentle music)
(boys chattering)

Ew, Uncle Jimmy kissed a girl!

Come here, come here, come here!


All right. All right.

All right.




Go on! Go, go, go!

(boys cheering)
(Buddy barking)

(gentle jazzy music)

Merry Christmas.

And happy holidays.

(upbeat jazzy music)

(upbeat jazzy music)

(upbeat jazzy music)

(bright music)
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