17x15 - An appetite for battle!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x15 - An appetite for battle!

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] With entry into the Kalos League driving Ash forward,

our heroes now head to Cyllage City,

home of Ash's next Kalos Gym battle.

If we don't hurry, we won't get to the Pokémon Center

before the sun sets.

Then we can just camp out.

No big deal.

We'll camp out?

What's wrong?

Don't you have your gear?

Well, actually...

My mom told me this might happen,

but I never really considered that I'd end up

having to sleep outside for real.

I brought an extra sleeping bag with me,

so you're welcome to use it if you'd like.

And you can sleep with me in my tent!


That's so nice...

Everybody ready to have a big dinner?


[Serena] Wow, what a feast!

Everything looks so totally delicious!

Help yourselves!

Bon appétit!

Fletch, Fletch, Fletch, Fletchling...


It's great!

You're really a great cook!


Cooking's a lot like inventing.

Make a plan, gather materials, and then go!

My big brother, the chef, hooray!

[Serena] Mmm, that was wonderful.

Thanks so much!

[Bonnie] Yeah, thanks!

Oh, yeah, am I stuffed...


Now, who has room for dessert?

Yesterday when we stayed at the Pokémon Center,

I made macarons!

Nobody makes them like you do!Yay!

Hey, I want one!

[Clemont] I'll get the tea.

Bun, Bun, By?

Macarons and tea make the perfect combination!

Okay, let's try them!


It's empty!Excuse me?

What was that?

No!Oh, man...

[Pikachu] Pika!Uh, that's so weird...

Could I have dropped them?[Bonnie] I hope not...

Hey, Chespin!

Did you take all the macarons again?

Ches, Chespin, Ches!

You can't eat them all!

Ches... Ches!

Come on!

Ches, Ches, Ches... Ches, Chespin!

That was the last macaron!

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all it's you and me ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ I know it's my destiny

♪ Pokémon

♪ Yeah you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Pokémon ♪

[Ash] "An Appetite for Battle!"

On behalf of Chespin, I sincerely apologize!

Forget it.

Yeah it's really not that big of a deal.

Maybe, but I really wanted a macaron...


Don't worry.

I can always make more.

Pin, Pin, Ches!

Okay, now that we're all set, how about a Pokémon battle?

Sounds good to me!

Hey, Chespin, let's battle and get a little exercise.

Chespin, Pin!

Let's go, Froakie!


Chespin, now it's your time to shine!

Pin, Chespin!

Froakie, use Bubble!


Dodge it!


Chespin's usually much faster than that.

I think its tummy's full...

Now, Chespin, use Tackle!

Ches... Pin!


'Kay, Froakie, use Pound!


Dodge it, Chespin!


Faster, move!

Pin, Pin!

Ches, Ches!



Oh, well...


That's it!Pika!

Guess I won, but...

Froakie, Kie.

Being a gym leader and losing like that

is kind of embarrassing...

The way things are now,

I bet even Dedenne could beat Chespin in a battle!


No way.

I don't think that would ever happen...

Yeah? Prove it!

Battle us!Yeah!

I wanna see that.

Whaddaya say, Chespin?

Chespin, Pin!


Dedenne, show them what you can do!


Are you ready, Chespin?

Now don't be overconfident

just because your opponent happens to be

smaller than you!

Pin, Chespin!

Wow, I wonder if Chespin can handle this?

Its stomach looks pretty full...


Now, this time we'll go first!

Use Tackle!Ches!



Dedenne, Dedenne!



You did it!Dedenne!

And it looks like little sister comes out on top!

Yeah, and big brother gets knocked down a notch or two...



[Bonnie] Look, look!


That's great!

Okay, my turn!


I know! You're a Swadloon!

Exactly!Looks just like it!

Dedenne, Dedenne!

Okay, okay, how about this?

Okay now, Chespin.

I'm a gym leader and you're my Pokémon, so here's the deal...

Chespin, Pin, Ches...

We can't have you battling like that

just because you ate too much.

But not to worry!

With this machine, you'll be full of energy in no time!


There, all done!

We'll get you moving again

with my brand-new invention!

Now, if this test run is successful,

I'll have Chespin use it.

Okay, here goes!

Exercise Gear, on!

I feel it!

Treadmill accelerator speed...


I can't wait for Chespin to take a crack at this!



How do I stop this thing?

Whoa, what was that?Black smoke!

What happened?Pika!


Big brother?

What are you doing?

What is this?

Well, it's exercise gear designed to help get Chespin

back into tip-top condition.

I don't think it works.


This will only take a second to repair.

So why don't you give my invention a try, Chespin?

Hey, I don't see Chespin anywhere.

I know Chespin was here just a minute ago...

It could've gotten frightened by

the expl*si*n and gone to hide.

Well, it couldn't have gotten far.


Hey, Chespin!

[Bonnie] Chespin, where are you?!

[Pikachu] Pika, Pika!



Chespin, can you hear us?

I sure hope we find it soon...

Gee, maybe Chespin doesn't like us anymore?

Don't worry.

We're gonna find Chespin!

We just gonna have to widen our search a bit.

'Kay, let's go!Pikachu.

Chespin, Chespin...

Oh my!

What a cute little Chespin!

But what are you doing here, I wonder?

Hey, Chespin!Pika!

I'm really starting to get worried...

I wonder if Chespin was really shocked

after losing so bad...

It's my fault.

I was the one who forced Chespin

to have a battle after it had eaten all of those macarons

and now it doesn't like me anymore...

Chespin must've run away, I know it.

I'm sure that's not true.

Maybe, I really hope you're right.

Let's all split up and search the whole area!


Pikachu and I will go look over there!

Come on, buddy!

Pikachu!We'll come back here when we find Chespin!

Okay, I'll look over this way!Me too!

Then I'll go this direction and take a look!

Chespin, Chespin, Ches...



Chespin, Chespin, Chespin!

So, you're awake, eh?

I've just baked some delicious macarons.

Pin, Ches, Ches, Ches!

Ches, Ches.

It's Chespin...

So, dear...

Do you like the macarons that I baked?


Why, that's just wonderful!

You may eat as many as you like!

Ches, Chespin, Ches!

It looks so happy...

[all] "Who's that Pokémon?"

[all] "It's Delphox!"


[Serena] Find it?

No, I didn't see Chespin anywhere.


Me neither.

I can't believe Chespin would've run away from us...


Hey, Clemont!

Any news about Chespin?Yeah.

I found it.

Wow, that's great!


Thank goodness!

So, why isn't Chespin with you?

Doesn't matter.

I left Chespin where it was.

But why?

Why would you leave Chespin?Dedenne!

Well, it was at a kind-looking

old woman's house

and Chespin looked really happy.

You're kidding.

What are you talking about?

Well, I don't think Chespin cares about me anymore.


Eating my macarons seems to make you very happy.


I'm glad you enjoy them so much!


[Wylie] Hey there!


Well, it looks like Wylie's come back.


Home again, home again!

I was just thinking,

there's something you can do for me!



I won the village tournament!

Boy, am I hungry.

Grandma, where are you?

Oh, those look good!!

Just a minute!

You can't touch these macarons yet!

Why not?

Not one single bite until you have a battle with me!

A battle again?

You should know by now

there's no way you're gonna beat me!

Wait, maybe you've found a Pokémon you think can win

against my Delphox?

That's right!

I've got a secret w*apon today!

Meet Chespin!

Ches, Ches, Ches?

Grass-type, eh?

That's just fine!

On one condition.

If I win, you'll forgive me for what I said yesterday.

All right, but if I win...

Ches, Chespin!

Then you'll have to apologize to me!

Now, today is gonna be the day

that I finally defeat you in a Pokémon battle!

All right, Chespin!Chespin, Chespin!


Here we go, Delphox!

Come on out!




Del... Phox!

Chespin, Ches, Ches!

Pika!What's that?

It's coming from the house...

Oh no, Chespin!

Clemont!Looks to me like Clemont

still cares about Chespin an awful lot...

C'mon, let's go, too!


Chespin, Chespin!

Chespin, No!

Chespin, Chespin, Ches!

Please, little Chespin!

Stay strong!

Quick, do something!


Chespin, Chespin!

Looks like it's gonna be another win for me...


I guess little Chespin

doesn't know how to battle after all...

Pika!What's Chespin doing?

It's having a battle!

Shouldn't we stop it?

Who's that Pokémon?

[woman] Delphox, the Fox Pokémon

and the final evolved form of Fennekin.

When Delphox stares into the flame on the tip of its branch

to achieve a focused state,

it creates a white-hot spiral of fire with its psychic power.

This isn't good!

A Fire-type like Delphox

puts a Grass-type like Chespin

at a disadvantage!Sure does...

Clemont, you've got to do something!

But what?

I know Chespin doesn't like me anymore.

It's time to wrap this thing up...

Delphox, Flamethrower!

Quick, Pikachu, go help Chespin, now!







Stop it, Delphox!

Stop it now!

Stop it!


Are you all right?Pin, Chespin!

Clemont!I'm sorry!

You see, Chespin is my Pokémon!

Well, what do you know.

It looks like I've made quite a mistake.

Then, that's that.

I suppose that would make me the winner again.





Chespin and I would like to finish the battle

for you, ma'am.


I'm going to think about Chespin's feelings more.

By doing that, somehow I think it

will help me grow as a person and a trainer!

Not sure what you mean by that.

But anyway, I'd be pleased to let you battle for me.

And I'd be more pleased if you win!

That old man owes me an apology, got it?

Wylie, that's okay with you, isn't it?

Uh, okay.

If that's how the boy feels!

Thank you very much!

You ready to go, Chespin?


Chespin sure looks like it means business now...


I don't think Clemont's feeling down anymore!

All right, you can do it, you two!


Here we go then, battle begin!




Now, Chespin, dodge by rolling!

Chespin, Pin!

[Clemont] It's no good making Chespin attack with a full stomach,

but if it can keep moving and stay out of the way...


Delphox, use Flamethrower!


All right, Chespin, drop and roll!


Pin, Ches!

I don't know...

Chespin just keeps rolling.

Is his strategy working?

It's really hard to tell...

I'm starting to think that it is.

Being rounder helps it to roll around!

Oh, yeah!

Maybe that'll keep Chespin from getting hit!




Keep rolling and dodging!


Wow, it's working!

Now Chespin's starting to move faster and faster!

Yay, Chespin!

Way to go!

Chespin, feeling good?


Use Tackle!Pin, Pin!

Pin, Ches!


All right!

Now Chespin's moving like its regular self!


Let's keep it up!

Use Vine Whip!

Pin, Chespin!

That won't work on us...

Oh no!

Use Flamethrower!



Chespin, Pin!


Please, Chespin!

You've just got to get up!

I believe in you!

Get up!

You can do it!

[Serena] What's that?Pika!


Chespin's Special Ability!

When Chespin's in bad shape,

its Grass-type moves get stronger!

Chespin, Pin, Pin!


It's time to really show 'em!


Vine Whip, let's go!

Pin, Pin!




That's the way to do it!Pin, Pin!

I've still got a trick or two up my sleeve!

I didn't think I'd need to use this,

but I'm gonna and that'll be that!

But, Wylie!

You're going to use that move?

It's much too dangerous to use and you know it!

Now you be quiet!

There's no going back now!

Sounds like a super-strong move

that could hurt the Pokémon who uses it!



Now, Mystical fi--

My-- my-- my back!


Are you all right?Chespin!


Now didn't I tell you you'd hurt yourself, Wylie?

Poor thing...

I see.

She meant Wylie'd get hurt, not the Pokémon.


I'd say that's enough battling for one day, Wylie.

I guess I'll letcha have this victory.

Well, I suppose we should just call it a draw.

I'm really sorry that we ended up

dragging all of you nice folks

into our little family squabble.

We had a fight yesterday.

Really going after that soup, aren't you?

What do you mean by that?

Are you insinuating that I'm eating too much?


I'm just saying a little restraint's healthy.

Oh yeah?

Well, there'll be no dinner for you tonight!


Come on...


Oh, what's that?

Well, you see...

I bought it for you with the hopes that we could make up.


Now isn't that sweet?

I bet you were gonna apologize whether I won or lost,

weren't you?

'Course I was...

Well then, I think we should all eat Wylie's apology!

What do you say?


Thanks!All right!


Chespin dear, I can't thank you enough.

I'd say you're a very lucky Pokémon

to have teamed up with

such a good and caring trainer!


So you didn't run away because you don't like me?


Wow. You do.

You like me, Chespin...

Clemont, looks to me like you imagined the whole thing!

I could tell how much Chespin cares about you

by watching the two of you in that battle!

Oh yeah.

You were great!Dedenne.

You're my special partner.

I hope you and I can be friends forever!


Thanks for everything.

Come back anytime!


[narrator] And so, a brief misunderstanding has helped Clemont and Chespin

strengthen the bond between them--

another happy ending in our heroes'

many exciting adventures, as the journey continues!

[Ash] It looks like it's getting dark...

[Pikachu] Pika.

It doesn't look like we'll get to

the Pokémon Center tonight either...

I have an idea!

Let's just camp out!

I thought of some more Pokémon to imitate!

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