17x21 - A Pok?vision of things to come!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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17x21 - A Pok?vision of things to come!

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome back to Pokévision Live!

Time for more rankings!

We've reached number four on our top ten!

And it's Snow-Capped Onix!

Never seen Pokévision before.

That's amazing, since everyone knows about it!

Pokévision refers to promotional videos

created by Trainers themselves.

Awesome! That sounds so cool!

I wish I knew what that meant.

Next up, we bring you video number three,

which is Psyduck at Twilight!

[Serena] Pokévision is a way for Trainers to introduce their Pokémon.

Psyduck's such a cutie pie!

Next, number two!

The Beauty of Joy!

[Serena] It can also show the bond between Trainer and Pokémon,

like this video does.

You see, Trainers upload their videos

to an online viewing site, and the Pokévision Top Ten

is based on the viewer's rankings they receive.

And now it's time for this week's video number one!

Aria and Fennekin's Life of an Idol!

I knew Aria would be number one!

After those two had a series of top ten Pokévision appearances,

they made their debut as a pop duo

and became Pokémon superstars!


So cute!Dedenne!

You know, Bonnie, that is a cute... Fennekin.

I think Ash gets it.

You know what? My Fennekin's just as cute any day.

For sure! And you're at least as cute as Aria is.

Bonnie, that's so sweet!


You know, I'm pretty sure you can rent all the equipment

you need to make Pokévision videos right here.

Really? Perfect!

So I'll make my debut Pokévision video!

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ POKEMON! [Gotta catch 'em all] ♪

♪ It's you and me POKEMON! ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny POKEMON! ♪

♪ Yeah you're my best friend ♪

♪ In a world we must defend POKEMON! ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪


[Ash] "A Pokévision of Things to Come!"

[narrator] Now that our heroes have arrived at the Pokémon Center

en route to Cyllage City,

Serena has decided to make her debut Pokévision video.

I always knew I'd be making a Pokévision video

if I ever got a Pokémon.

I wanna make one with Dedenne.

But, I think you've forgotten Dedenne isn't your Pokémon.

All right, then I guess I'll just have to make a video

to find a wife for you.

Ash, will you help me with mine?

Thing is, I wanna do some special training

so I can be ready for my battle with Grant.


If I don't have a move to counter Onix's Rock Tomb,

there's no way I can win.

Special training would be the logical choice.


You're really psyched.

Well, maybe the rest of you can help me.


[man] After you've finished sh**ting all the video footage you need,

simply bring it back here and we'll do

all the necessary editing and create a soundtrack as well.

That would be a big help.

[Bonnie] I could even do a video, too.

Now, I think I can be the most helpful behind the scenes.

No way.

You'll be the most help if we make you a big star.

But... I don't want to be a star!

We also have quite an extensive wardrobe department you can use.

That'll be perfect.

Yeah, I can't wait.

We're all ready to roll.

Then let's go.

Chespin, Pin!

Scene one and action.

Uh... hello there.

I'm Clemont.

And this is...


No, no, cut, cut!

Chespin, you're too far out front.

And Clemont, you need more energy.

Your voice is getting softer and softer.

I told you.

I'm not any good at this sort of thing,

so why can't we make Serena's already?


Hey, I've got an idea, talk for him, Bonnie.

You mean speak his lines?


You see, we'll be hearing your voice instead of Clemont's.

Then all Clemont has to do

is match his lips to everything you say.

That might work.

Yeah, let's give it a try.

All right, take two, action!

[Bonnie] Hello there.

My name's Clemont.

I'd like you to meet my partners, Chespin...


And Bunnelby.


Oh, I can't stand this kind of video.

Don't worry, we'll edit everything together later,

and that'll make it perfect.

Now, it's time for our video debut.




First take a shot of Fennekin and me

running through the field.


It looks like that's my cue.

Because the future is now, thanks to science.

Clemontic Gear, on.

I thought that we would encounter

a situation precisely like this one.

I call it the Pokéstar sh**t!

Pokéstar sh**t?


My camera-equipped mobile tripod robot can provide fixed sh*ts,

mobile sh*ts or even crane sh*ts as high a quality

as Pokéstar Studios, the movie capital of the world.

This device will make you shine like stars.

Device on.

Low angle.

High angle.

Zoom in.

You're witnessing movie perfection.

I guess science really is amazing, just like Ash says.

This could be your first big hit in a while.

Way to go, big brother.Dedenne!

[Clemont] All right, now to get that shot

of Serena and Fennekin running through the field.


Okay, action.



What happened?

It's out of control.

Get away as fast as you can!

If we're gonna stand a chance against Onix's Rock Tomb,

we'll need a lot of speed.

Pikachu can use Quick Attack,

and Froakie and Fletchling's Double Team

will make its att*cks harder to hit.

We'll get your moves in tip-top shape and stop that Rock Tomb.

Let's do it.


Great, now let's get moving.

Come on!

Looks like one of Clemont's inventions at work.

Science is really amazing, isn't it?


It's not amazing!

[Clemont] My device is out of control!

[Bonnie] Ash, do something.

Right, don't worry.

Pikachu, aim for the robot and use Electro Ball!

Pikachu! Pik, Pika-Pika-Pika-Pika!

Now look at me, I'm covered head to toe with black soot.

But I thought you wanted me to help you out.


Pik-- Pika!

You didn't have to do that.

Uh, if you remember, Fennekin likes to stay clean.

You know, this might be the perfect time

to have a wardrobe change.

That's a great idea.



See how the Fennekin ears and tail give this outfit its charm?

So cute!


Hey, Ash, please help us with the video.

But we've got special training to do.

Sometimes taking a break can go a long way

to help you to focus your training.Pika.

You're right.


From now on, I'll be manning the video camera.

And... action!


The next scene will be Serena and Fennekin

baking goodies together.



We're wearing matching aprons

And Pikachu's got a cameo role.

Pika, Pika.

Are we ready to roll?

All set.

And... action.

[Serena] Pikachu, powdered sugar, please.




We're sorry, Fennekin.


I guess I just can't win.


Right...and cut.

It looks like Fennekin's not mad anymore.

Staying clean sure makes Fennekin happy,

Fennekin's always busy grooming

because getting dirty is so upsetting.

I think you're a bit like that too, Serena.

Right, like Fennekin, I love to keep clean.

I like to look my best so good grooming is always a must.


You two sure make quite a team.


And cut.

We've got everything we need.

So now we'll just go and get that nice man.

to edit it all for us.

[James] So the Twerps have Pokévision on the brain.

[Jessie] Speaking as a professional actress,

the Twerps are making a monumental movie mess.

Let's use that mess to our advantage.

Use it?

Use what?

Just follow my lead.

We're sure to succeed.

Let's proceed.


[all] Who's that Pokémon?

[all] It's Bunnelby!


[Clermont/Bonnie] What, the editing machine's broken?

[Serena] It can't be.

I'm afraid it's true.

I only left the room for a minute,

but when I came back in...

What am I gonna do?

Do you really need to edit it or can you leave it as it is?

If we use raw footage, it'll be a disaster.

[Jessie] Pokévision production, anyone?

[James] Inexpensive, yet reliable.

[Meowth] Pokéstar quality on the cheap.

We'll give your video style and we'll do it with a smile.

[Serena] I don't remember that place.

We're the Pokévision Rocketeers,

the video experts in Pokéstar Studios.

And we've decided to grace your town with our genius.

Trainers who want their Pokévision production

to be primo get top-tier treatment

at our super-special studio.

So you're a Pokévision production company?

Observant, come in.

The proof of our prowess needs to be seen to be believed.

You'll be so moved, you'll need to rent a moving van.

Roll it.

Get ready to be bedazzled.



All the world's a stage.

And no actress stages more worldliness than I, Jessilana.

Now, may I count on you?

Of course, I'm assuming that all of you can count.

[Serena] I've never seen anything like this before.

Yeah, and I'm kind of glad.

Well, at least their video's been edited

and they have a soundtrack.

Yeah, so should we ask them?


Guess so.

Will you help us with our video?

We thought you'd never ask.

We've already got the footage

so we just need it to be edited and the sound added in.


Who do you posers think you are?

I'm an accomplished makeup artist

as well as a great actress.

So there.

I'm the great Pokévision producer, Jamecetti.

And I'm the number one director, Spielmeowth.

Do you really think professionals like us

would use footage taken by amateurs the likes of you?

There's no dispute, we must reshoot.


We'll need these.


Okay, but what about us?

And what are you going to use for costumes?

It would be great to be able to watch you work.

All costumes and scenery will be computer generated

so no worries.

And we need complete concentration while we work,

so there will be no peeking.

Now chill and wait out here.

Something doesn't feel right.


Let's go take a look.


It's an empty room.


[Serena] Fennekin!


Look, that balloon!

Prepare for trouble.

Your vision is good.

Too bad your heads are made out of wood.

To protect the world from devastation.

To unite all people within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.


And James.

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare for one cinematic fight.

Meowth, that's right.


Team Rocket, not you again.

I wouldn't be surprised if they broke the editing machine.

Well, well, I wonder...

[Serena] Give Fennekin back!

[Bonnie] Dedenne, too.

[Ash] And Pikachu.

Not on your life, we're flying high.


[Ash] No way.

Fletchling, I choose you!


Go after Team Rocket.


Fletch, Fletch, Fletch, Fletchling.

Pika! Pi...ka.

[James] To the Pikachu we've been chasing for so long.

And let's not forget, we were able to catch

the other Twerp Pokémon for little more than a song.

Team Rocket's strong!

So now that that little project is off the table...

Time to start work on our next Pokévision production.

Are you serious?

But we already wrapped that project.

I'm an actress.

And an actress must act.

So off we go to make a brand-new Jessilana video show now.

Acting, it's the craft of a lifetime.

To be or not to be the greatest actress of them all.

Now that is the question.

Whether she's lost her mind is the question.

The jury's out on that one.



Fletch, Fletch!

So, did you find Team Rocket?


Awesome, show us where they are.







Pika... Pikachu!

[Serena] Fennekin!



You're all okay.

[Clemont] Why is it only raining over there?

It looks like the Twerps are crashing our set.

We've got Pokémon problems.

What?! Can't you see I'm busy making movie magic up here?

Take Pikachu and the rest of your paltry Pokémon.

She is good at acting like a fool.




I should've known.

Fennekin hates to get dirty, like me.



Nope, no way!

Inkay, use Psybeam on the Twerpette.


[Serena] Who cares about dirty clothes?

Fennekin has always been there to protect me.

Your cue, Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball.


Now, Pikachu, Thunderbolt.



I don't care if I get dirty or not.

This time it's my turn to protect you.


Thank goodness you're okay.


Aww, your fur's a mess.


Inkay, show the Twerps we will not be shunned.


Electro Ball, let's go!

Pika, Pika, Pika!

The job of this great actress

is showing a clueless Twerpette the ropes.

Now, Pumpkaboo, use Frustration on the two of them.

Pump, Pump, Pumpkaboo!

Whoa, what's that?

Flamethrower, wow.

That's unbelievable, you just learned Flamethrower, good job.

All right then, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!



[Jessie, James, Meowth] We're blasting off again!


We did it, we did it!


You're all clean again, Fennekin.

Serena, the Pokévision video's done.

I'm coming.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

All right, now let me show you your finished video.

Great, thank you.

Hi, my name's Serena.

And this is my partner, Fennekin.

We love making sweet treats.

And we love eating them, too.

We also love to dress up and look our best.

If you see us around, please stop and say hi, okay?

You both looked so great!

Thanks, Bonnie.

Pretty nice, I must say.

Chespin, Pin-Pin.

I guess "pretty nice" is sort of a compliment.

Hey Ash, what did you think?

Who, me? I thought it was awesome!

Pika!Chespin, Ches!


Fennekin, did you hear that?

[Narrator] Thanks to Pokévision, the bond between Serena and Fennekin

is there for all to see,

as our heroes' journey to Cyllage City continues.

[Bonnie] Hello there, my name's Clemont.

I'd like you to meet my partners, Chespin...


and Bunnelby!


I'm a handsome Gym Leader,

from the Lumiose City Gym.

I can be shy, but I'm very strong in my own gentle way.

I love to invent things, and right now

I'm looking for a nice girl who I can be a good friend to...

[Bonnie] Hey, out of the way!


Hey, there's no reason for you two to have a fight.

[Bonnie] Stop it right now.

[Bonnie] That's my big brother.

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