18x18 - Confronting the darkness!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x18 - Confronting the darkness!

Post by bunniefuu »

ASH: Lumiose City! We're back again!


BONNIE: We get to see Clemont, too!


SERENA: So Ash. Ready to go?

ASH: You bet! Ready to battle


BONNIE: Clemont?!





ASH: Hey, Clemont!

BONNIE: I'm back! Yay!

CLEMONT: I'm so glad that you're back!

CLEMBOT: It's a pleasure to see everyone again.

ASH: Thanks! It sure has been a while.

CLEMONT: So Bonnie, how has everything been going?

BONNIE: Awesome!

Looks like everything's going good for you, too.


BONNIE: You're not gonna believe all the nice girls I've been

asking to take care of you.

So many keepers! So much has happened since you left!

CLEMONT: Now just calm down.

You can tell me all about it later. Deal?

BONNIE: You don't have to tuck me in anymore

when I go to sleep. Serena does it now.

SERENA: Right?

ASH: So whaddaya say? Ready for me to challenge the Lumiose Gym?

CLEMONT: Yeah! Totally ready!

SERENA: Oh yeah. Look! Braixen, come on out!

CLEMONT: Wow, Fennekin evolved into Braixen!


CLEMONT: Fennekin was exceptionally cute, of course,

but Braixen is beautiful! What do you think, Chespin?


SERENA: We've been practicing our new performance routine.

CLEMONT: Now that you have Braixen,

you'll come up with all sorts of new things.

SERENA: Right!

ASH: Oh yeah. Check this out!


CLEMONT: Your Sliggoo evolved into Goodra?

ASH: Uh huh. It's a lot stronger.

I'm all set for our battle!


You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


NARRATOR: Our heroes have finally arrived in Lumiose City,

where Ash hopes to win his fifth Kalos Gym badge. And his

opponent will be his friend Clemont, the Lumiose Gym Leader!

ASH: I hope you're ready for this,

'cause I know I'm gonna win my fifth badge!

CLEMONT: Well, I'm not going to make it easy for you!

SERENA: I'm so excited to finally watch

Ash and Clemont's Gym battle!



BONNIE: And Clemont came back home early.

Just to make sure he was all set. Isn't that right, Dedenne?

CLEMBOT: It's time to begin this Lumiose City

Gym battle challenge!

CLEMONT: What do you say we get things going?

ASH: You betcha!

CLEMONT: Officer Jenny?!


OFFICER JENNY: You must be Clemont,

the Lumiose City Gym Leader, is that right?

CLEMONT: Right...

OFFICER JENNY: Then that must be Clembot?


CLEMONT: Isthere a problem, officer?

We were just getting an important battle started

OFFICER JENNY: Clembot, look at this.

OFFICER JENNY: You're under arrest!

CLEMONT: Clembot's under arrest?!

CLEMBOT: What did I do WRONG?!

I assure you I am completely innocent, sir!

CLEMONT: I know, Clembot. It must be some kind of a mistake.

Don't worry. I promise I'll prove your innocence,

no matter what it takes!

BONNIE: Please try to relax while we figure

this whole thing out.


CLEMBOT: All right. I'll try

OFFICER JENNY: Strange things have been happening

in Lumiose City lately.

OFFICER JENNY: First, there is the sign on

our three-star hotel. Somebody stole one of its stars!

OFFICER JENNY: Next, there is the incident where all the

mannequins on display at a high-end boutique were found

hanging upside down, and wearing bathing suits.

ASH: No doubt there's been some weird stuff going on, but what

does Clembot have to do with this?


OFFICER JENNY: Look at these.

OFFICER JENNY: They're surveillance videos.


OFFICER JENNY: It's proof positive.

CLEMONT: Would you mind zooming in a little bit closer?

CLEMONT: See that?! I know Clembot has a dent on the top of

its head. But this robot doesn't have one!

OFFICER JENNY: I'm afraid this video doesn't prove that.

SERENA: So you're saying that it's definitely Clembot?

CLEMONT: Officer Jenny. Wait. I can vouch for Clembot's

innocence because I've been with Clembot constantly!

OFFICER JENNY: Alibis provided by friends aren't reliable. And

with all the evidence I have, I'll have to make an arrest.

ASH: So all we have to do is prove that

Clembot's innocent, right?

CLEMONT : Right.

CLEMBOT: I tell you I'm an innocent robot, innocent!



BONNIE: Daddy!

MEYER: There's my sweet Bonnie! Welcome home!

It's good to see all of you.

ASH: Nice to see you.

MEYER: So they've arrested Clembot?

CLEMBOT: Clembot did nothing wrong!

MEYER: Right. I know that!

ALEXA: Guys!

ASH: Alexa!

ALEXA: Videos?

CLEMONT: Yes. They're of the three-star hotel and high-end

boutique incidents. They were caught by security cameras.

And both videos show a robot who looks just like Clembot.

BONNIE: But it's not Clembot!

ALEXA: Of course. I know that. So I've been looking into those

incidents on my own. During my research, I

discovered the man in the Blaziken mask is involved.

ASH: Blaziken Mask? No way

ALEXA: It seems he's trying to get to the bottom

of this as well.

MEYER: Ha! You're not serious, are you?

You're saying Blaziken Mask is real?!

ALEXA: Yeah. And he's always with his Mega Blaziken.

MEYER: What? Mega Blaziken? Whoa. That's a new one on me

ASH: It's true! Blaziken Mask had helped us before!

ALEXA: That Blaziken Mask just might have some kind of lead.


CLEMONT: Those videos are all we have At least for now.

CLEMONT: All I can think of is it was made to look

just like Clembot.

ALEXA: But they'd need blueprints.

They wouldn't be able to make Clembot without them, right?


ALEXA: So tell me, where are the blueprints?

CLEMONT: I filed them up in Prism Tower.

They're saved on the computer there.

ALEXA: Then I suggest you go there right now

and see if you can find any leads.


ALEXA: Meanwhile, I'll see what I can find out.

CLEMONT: That would be great.

ASH: We're gonna prove Clembot had nothing to do with this!

SERENA: For sure!

BONNIE: All right!



ASH: What's up?

CLEMONT: I've uncovered concrete evidence that

this computer's been hacked.

ASH: So what about the blueprints?

CLEMONT: It appears somebody located and copied all of them!

SERENA: Then that means Alexa was right all along.

CLEMONT: Now hold on just one second.

If I can trace the computer that hacked into this one

in the first place

You can do that?

Apparently this shows the hackers were working from

Lumiose University on the robotics department's server.

CLEMONT: Clembot's blueprints!

This proves they stole them from there!

CLEMONT: They even stole Clembot's operating system!

That's it! The robot in the videos!

It looks exactly like Clembot!

ASH: Like Clembot's got an evil twin

BONNIE: And that means that Clembot's bad.

CLEMONT: It says electronics storage.

CLEMONT: Look at that! It's the Lumiose Museum!

BONNIE: Lumiose Museum?

ASH: Maybe they're gonna hit it next.

CLEMONT: That's a distinct possibility.

Let's make a copy and give it to Officer Jenny!

CLEMONT: It says Belmondo Is that a name?

BELMONDO: All right then, Dark Clembot.

Let's do this with more of a kick today.

DARK CLEMBOT: Understood, master.

DARK CLEMBOT: Now, Magneton, use Discharge!


BELMONDO: All right. Here we go.

JESSIE: All the latest electronics are stored here!

JAMES: Perfect for raising some Team Rocket cash

MEOWTH: But there's something we hadn't bargained for.

JESSIE: A Pokémon-controlling robot. Bonus time!

Tailor-made for Team Rocket.

JESSIE: Well then

JESSIE: Let's grab it and go!

JAMES: Righteo!

ASH : "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH : "It's Magneton!"

OFFICER JENNY: It looks exactly like Clembot.

We gave the surveillance footage a closer look.

There was no dent on its head.

CLEMONT: It isn't Clembot. I tried to tell you!

ASH: You see?

That robot is the one who did all that horrible stuff!

OFFICER JENNY: That possibility can't be ruled out. So tell me,

Clemont, where exactly did you get a hold of this data?

CLEMONT: I discovered someone hacked into the Prism Tower

computer and stole Clembot's blueprints. I kept tracing it

further and further back until I found the keyword "Belmondo."

OFFICER JENNY: Doctor Belmondo?!

SERENA: Is that name familiar?

OFFICER JENNY: Of course. He's a robotics researcher.

And he stole blueprints from the Prism Tower computer?

I'll investigate.

CLEMONT: One more thing. Please have a look at this.

CLEMONT: These are floor plans for an electronics warehouse.

OFFICER JENNY: Oh no! Another incident just occurred there!

CLEMONT: What happened?!

BONNIE: Oh no!

JENNY: Those electronics were burnt to a crisp.

CLEMONT: That's awful

OFFICER JENNY: And this situation is only getting worse.

CLEMONT: That's right! He had Lumiose Museum files, too!

OFFICER JENNY: Lumiose Museum?

OFFICER JENNY: If they're going to strike again,

it's possible that they'll target the museum next.

CLEMONT: Right. So that proves Clembot's innocent.

Please release Clembot.

CLEMONT: Officer, please! The only one who can stop

Fake Clembot is Clembot, and you know it!

OFFICER JENNY: All right. I will.

CLEMBOT: Sorry for the trouble I caused.

OFFICER JENNY: Okay, you're free to go.

BONNIE: I'm so happy!

CLEMONT: Clembot, please. We need your help right away!


CLEMONT: The real criminal needs to be caught, now!

CLEMBOT: I'm happy to help!

ASH: All right! It's all for one!

ASH: Yeah!

OFFICER JENNY: I've already notified the museum officials.

The most important thing to remember is you must

stay hidden and quiet.

We'll strike once they're caught in the act!

Let me know if anything comes up.

ASH: We will!



ASH: Look! Up there!

BELMONDO: All right. Time to work, Dark Clembot.

DARK CLEMBOT: Understood.







ASH: So you're Belmondo!

BELMONDO: Who are you?!

CLEMBOT: This monster was trying to sneak

inside the Lumiose Museum!

CLEMONT: Just what are you planning to do with

that fake Clembot?!

BELMONDO: To frame your robot as a common criminal.

Simple as that.

SERENA: I'll go and get Officer Jenny right now.


BELMONDO: Mark my words. I make the very best robots the world

has ever seen. From the moment I saw your Clembot I knew it

wasn't complete. And that's when I realized what needed to be

done. So I did it. My Dark Clembot is robot perfection!

The greatest robot that has ever been created!

CLEMONT: You couldn't be more wrong.

My Clembot is a masterpiece of robotic design!

BELMONDO: Think what you want, but there's no doubt you've

ruined my exquisite ambition to frame your robot and have Dark

Clembot be the hero who catches Clembot and saves the day!

So now we must battle to find out which robot is best.

BELMONDO: Let's see which robot is truly the greatest!

CLEMONT: You used the magnificent power of science

to fulfill your own selfish ambitions. I'll take you on!

BELMONDO: Look what we have here. A Pokémon battle.

DARK CLEMBOT: Magneton, go!


CLEMONT: All right then. Clembot, I'm counting on you!

CLEMBOT: Understood, sir! Heliolisk, come out!


DARK CLEMBOT: Thunder Shock, let's go!


CLEMBOT: Heliolisk, dodge it!

DARK CLEMBOT: Use Electro Ball!


CLEMBOT: Now use Dragon Tail for your counterattack!


DARK CLEMBOT: Magneton, Tackle!




CLEMBOT: Heliolisk!



OFFICER JENNY: Doctor Belmondo and Dark Clembot!

You two are coming with me. I have a few questions


DARK CLEMBOT: Do it, Magneton!

DARK CLEMBOT: Use Flash Cannon!


CLEMBOT: Dodge and use Parabolic Charge!


DARK CLEMBOT: Use Tackle, Magneton!



CLEMBOT: Heliolisk, no!


DARK CLEMBOT: You're slow, Magneton! Pick up the pace!

CLEMONT: All right. This battle is over!


CLEMONT: You've already lost. Your robot couldn't care less

about the condition of your Pokémon one bit!

All it cares about is winning!

My Clembot always battles alongside my Pokémon!

BELMONDO: Oh, what a fool! The only thing that matters

in battle is getting the win.

That's how I programmed Dark Clembot. And that's what makes

him the most powerful robot of all!

CLEMONT: Wrong Belmondo! The robot who is best at Pokémon

battling cares about Pokémon above all else! And that

definition describes my Clembot to a tee!

ASH: He's right! You lost, Belmondo!

Just give it up already!





CLEMONT: Hey Clembot, what's wrong with you?

ASH: What's with Clembot?!


JESSIE: What's with Clembot is what's with us!

JAMES: We've got a big magnet and that's a plus!

JESSIE: To protect the world from devastation!

JAMES: To unite all people within our nation!

JESSIE: To denounce the evils of no attraction!

JAMES: To extend our reach with magnetic action!

JESSIE: Jessie!

JAMES: And James!

JESSIE: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

JAMES: Surrender now or prepare for an isotro- pic fight!

MEOWTH: Meowth, that's right!

SERENA: Team Rocket? Again?!

JESSIE: We attract technically advanced robots

and repel Twerps!

JAMES: At Team Rocket, naturally naughty behavior

is a way of life.

MEOWTH: And with this magnet, we can grab both of those

metal heads at once!


ASH: It's Blaziken Mask!

CLEMONT: And Mega Blaziken!



ASH: Alexa! It's Blaziken Mask! See?

ALEXA: Yeah!

BLAZIKEN MASK: I won't let you cause any trouble for this city!


BLAZIKEN MASK: Use Flare Blitz!




JESSIE: We're blasting


MEOWTH: Again!

BLAZIKEN MASK: Sorry to interrupt your activities.

Resume, Clemont!


CLEMONT: Good job, Clembot! Get a good rest.

You deserve it after all. You too, Heliolisk!

BELMONDO: You leave me with no choice.


OFFICER JENNY: Out of the way!

CLEMONT: Please, I want to handle this.


ASH: He'll be just fine. Clemont knows what to do!

CLEMONT: All right, Luxray Let's go!


BELMONDO: Magnezone! Zap Cannon!


CLEMONT: Quick, Luxray! Dodge it! Go!


CLEMONT: Use Wild Charge!



BELMONDO: What do you think you're doing?!

Hurry and get up! Electro Ball!


CLEMONT: Now Luxray, hit that back with Swift!


BELMONDO: Hit that back with Tackle! And do it RIGHT NOW!


ASH: Not again

SERENA: Terrible!


CLEMONT: Luxray, dodge it and use Swift!





CLEMONT: I know your style.

I learned it from watching Dark Clembot's battle.

That's how I predicted your moves.

CLEMONT: From now on, I suggest you treat your robot

and Pokémon with more respect!


ASH: I knew you could beat them!

BONNIE: What a cool big brother!


OFFICER JENNY: Doctor Belmondo. You're under arrest!


BLAZIKEN MASK: Ash! Clemont!

BLAZIKEN MASK: You two are going to have

a Gym battle, aren't you?

ASH: Hey! How did you know about that?

BLAZIKEN MASK: I know everything that goes on in this city.



BLAZIKEN MASK: Good luck to both of you!

ALEXA: Wait!



ALEXA: Slow down!!


ALEXA: He must still be around here. Let's go!


MEYER: Clemont I'm looking forward to your Gym battle.

It's you against Ash. Man-to-man.

It's time you fulfill the promise you made to him!

MEYER: Give it your all. Everything you've got!


MEYER: Now, I want you to eat as much as you like.

There's plenty more where that came from!

ASH: Thanks so much for the food!

BONNIE: It's yummy!





CLEMONT: Wow, they wrote about what happened yesterday!

CLEMONT: The Lumiose Gym's Clembot was proven innocent.

And for nabbing the real culprits,

Clembot was given full honors!

MEYER: Ooh, let's see.

SERENA: That really sounds like Alexa wrote that article!

MEYER: Say. Serena, you were right! This is amazing!

And look at you. You're famous!

CLEMBOT: Stop it. You're embarrassing me!

CLEMONT: Now we can finally rest easy.

ASH: Then is today the day?!

CLEMONT: Yup. Time for our Gym battle!



NARRATOR: Although Clembot was arrested for crimes it didn't

commit, our heroes figured out the identity of the true

culprits. Now, Ash and Clemont's Gym battle can finally get

underway, as our heroes' journey continues!
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