18x43 - A Performance Pop Quiz!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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18x43 - A Performance Pop Quiz!

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: After rehearsing late into the night, our heroes

overslept and everyone rushed to the Pokémon Showcase venue so

Serena could register in time.

CLEMONT: So do you think Serena and Shauna made it?

ASH: I'm sure they're just fine.


TIERNO: Though cutting it real close like that isn't

such a good idea.

JESSIE: How will you make this up to me if I'm too late?!

JAMES: Buy you a new alarm clock perhaps?!

MEOWTH: Drop it! Let's move!



SERENA: Hey guys! We got here in the nick of time!

SHAUNA: We're so sorry we made you hurry

You're just a kid on a quest

To be the best of the best

Someday you're destined for power and glory

You know you're up to the test

There's only one way to tell this story

Be a hero!

Be a hero!

All the power is at your command

Face your fears and show you're a hero

The future of the world is in your hand


SERENA: Well, off we go!

ASH: Yeah, good luck!

SERENA: Thanks. One more thing


SERENA: Are you okay?

SERENA: Eevee? I'd like you to watch us do our very best, okay?


SERENA: You'll look after Eevee for me, right?

ASH: Sure! Leave it to us.

CLEMONT: All right, Bunnelby, come out!

CLEMONT: Please take care of Eevee, okay?


BONNIE: It's gonna be just fine. Let's cheer for Serena together.




BONNIE: You know? Chespin never learns

ASH: Don't worry about Eevee.

You just go and give a great performance.

SERENA: Thanks a lot!

TIERNO: Shauna? Do your best!

SHAUNA: Count on it! You know that's the way I roll!




PIERRE: Ladies and gentlemen! The wait is over! It's time for

an enchanting presentation of performers and their Pokémon!

The Anistar Pokémon Showcase is about to begin!

PIERRE: It is I who will escort you through this lovely dream

world. My name? Monsieur Pierre!

PIERRE: You are about to witness an elegant competition

between performers who dream of becoming Kalos Queen!

And the winner gets this Princess Key magnifique!

SERENA: All right. First I make it through the Theme

Performance. After that, I win my second Princess Key!

NINI: Not quite. I'm gonna win!


NINI: Serena dear. Long time

SHAUNA: Is she a friend of yours?


SHAUNA: What a nice surprise!

SERENA: I didn't know you'd be here.

Have you won a Princess Key?

NINI: Of course I haven't!

But I'll win it today, so technically I already have one.

I'm going to show you an incredible performance.

NINI: Hey, you're the Shauna? It was so fun watching the video

of your winning performance! You were wonderful.

SHAUNA: Thanks so much! That's nice of you.

NINI: I'm sorry, but I'm going to walk away from this Pokémon

Showcase the big winner.

SHAUNA: Good luck! Let's both do the very best we can!

NINI: Right!



NINI: How cute! It's easy to see how my Smoochum's really been

missing your Pancham.

SERENA: Yeah. I guess so.

SHAUNA: They're so friendly!

JESSIE: Aww That sweetie-pie Smoochum

is still as cute as ever!

FEMALE STAFF: All right, Nini, Lilly, and Serena.

You're all going to be up very shortly!

SERENA: Right!

SERENA: It looks like it won't be long now...

SHAUNA: Good luck, Serena! Nini, you too!

PIERRE: The Theme Performance for this showcase is

A Pokémon quiz!


ASH: I didn't know a Pokémon Showcase could have quizzes.

CLEMONT: It sounds like a battle of intellect.

PIERRE: Not only does the Kalos Queen have to be beautiful

She must also be intelligent. Beauty and intellect

Both are necessary to become Queen.

PIERRE: Only those performers who correctly answer three

questions will then move along to the Freestyle Performance.

CLEMONT: Makes sense.

ASH: That sounds hard

PIERRE: That's not all!

PIERRE: It's the performer who will answer the question, but

it's her Pokémon who will have to win her the chance! Performer

and Pokémon, working together to dominate the stage!

BONNIE: Sounds like fun!


PIERRE: And now, it's time to give a big round of applause to

your first group of performers!


BONNIE: Look, it's Serena!

ASH: Wow, she's up first!

CLEMONT: Hey, look. Isn't that Nini standing next to Serena?

BONNIE: You're right!

TIERNO: Is Nini your friend, too?

ASH: Yeah, you bet ya!

PIERRE: Now! Our first trio of performers must

win the chance to answer

PIERRE: in the Stone Trial!

PIERRE: The performers' Pokémon retrieve a ball from inside

one of three boulders.

The Pokémon who returns to the quickest earns the chance

for its performer to answer the question!


SERENA: I'm counting on you Pancham

NINI: This will be a piece of cake for my Farfetch'd.

LILLY: You can do it, Solrock.

PIERRE: All right, my friends!

Let's get under way with round one of our Theme Performance!

Quiz Time!

PIERRE: Eevee has many evolved forms.

Name its Fairy-type Evolution!

PIERRE: Ready Go!




PIERRE: Who will win the chance to answer the question?!



PIERRE: Look! Serena's Pancham is first to retrieve the ball!


PIERRE: And close behind, Farfetch'd!

ASH: All right, Pancham, way to go!



SERENA: No, Pancham!


ASH: You can do it!

CLEMONT: I know you can catch up!

BONNIE: Run, Pancham!

TIERNO: Step on the gas!


PIERRE: A close finish, but Nini gets to answer

the question! So, Nini, if you please

SERENA: Don't you worry, Pancham. You were amazing!

NINI: Let's see The answer is Espeon! Oh


PIERRE: I'm afraid not. Espeon is a Psychic type. Which gives

Serena the chance to steal!

SERENA: All right. The answer is Sylveon!

PIERRE: Correct! Tres bien!

ASH: All right!

SERENA: What a relief!

PIERRE: Alors, question two!

PIERRE: Gloom has two evolved forms. Vileplume andwhat else?


PIERRE: This time, it's Serena!

SERENA: It's Bellossom!

PIERRE: Correct!

NINI: Don't be too sure of yourself

SERENA: Give it your best shot!

PIERRE: Which Pokémon weighs more, Exploud or Ursaring?


NINI: Ursaring.

PIERRE: The Pokémon Trevenant has two types.

One is Grass and the other


SERENA: A Ghost type!

SERENA: I did it!

PIERRE: And Serena moves on to the Freestyle Performance stage!

CLEMONT: All right!

BONNIE: Yippee yay!

ASH: That's one down one more to go!

TIERNO: I'm impressed!

NINI: Nice job, Serena. I know I didn't win,

but I hope you'll win this one for both of us.

SERENA: Thanks a lot, Nini.

PIERRE: Alors, the next question!

PIERRE: What berry cures a poisoned Pokémon?

PIERRE: Now the answer s'il vous plait!

SHAUNA: Pecha Berry!

PIERRE: And Shauna is a Theme Performance Stage winner

as well!

ASH: She's amazing!

CLEMONT: That means we'll get to see Serena and Shauna show

what they can do in the Freestyle Performance!

BONNIE: Yippee!

TIERNO: No surprise. It's them, after all

ASH : "Who's that Pokémon?"

ASH : "It's Gloom!"

MEOWTH: Oy vey. How did I get stuck with this gig?

JESSIE: One more question! Grab that ball or else!!

MEOWTH: Come onPokémon aren't tools, you know.

MEOWTH: No way!

MEOWTH: If Jessie gets any more upset, I'm toast!

JESSIE: The answer is Confuse Ray!

PIERRE: Incredible!

PIERRE: And of course that means Jessilee will move on to the

Free Performance Stage!

JESSIE: Yes! I did it!



JESSIE: No surprise here



PIERRE: Congratulations!

ASH: 'Kay, inally time!


TIERNO: Soon, we'll be watching the Free Style

Performance Stage.

SHAUNA: Don't forget. There'll be no holding back from me!

SERENA: Or from me!

PIERRE: And nowIt's time for the Free Style Performance Stage

where the winners from the Theme Performance Stage compete.

And what's more, you lovely people will be our judges.

PIERRE: Please cast your votes using the Glow Casters after all

the performances have concluded.

So please get readyfor sublime performances! First up?

It's Shauna!

TIERNO: Wow, Shauna's up first!

ASH: You can do it, Shauna!

SHAUNA: All right. Flabébé, Fairy Wind!


SHAUNA: Ivysaur, Vine Whip!

BONNIE: Look at that. Pretty!

TIERNO: Of course it's pretty.

They've been rehearsing twenty-four seven!

SERENA: Shauna's amazing for sure. But I have to beat her if

I want to get up on the same stage as Aria!


SERENA: Yeah, you're right, Pancham! So let's make sure

everybody knows we're giving it all we've got

in our performance!

SHAUNA: That's all!


PIERRE: And next up?

Prepare yourselves for the beautiful and talentedJESSILEE!

WOMAN: What in the world?

ASH: Looks pretty cool.

JESSIE: Use Seed b*mb!



BONNIE: What a surprise, huh Dedenne?

CLEMONT: Hey, what's wrong, Bunnelby?


BONNIE: Eevee's missing?!

ASH: Excuse me! Did you see an Eevee?!

FEMALE STAFF: Eevee? No I'm sorry. I haven't.

SERENA: Ash? What's up?

ASH: Serena! I'm sorry, but we don't know where Eevee is!

SERENA: Oh no!

SERENA: Please let me look!


SERENA: Eevee must be petrified!

I'm sure it's waiting for me!

FEMALE STAFF: But if you miss your performance,

I'm afraid you'll be disqualified.

BONNIE: No way!

ASH: You should go and get up on that stage!

I'll find Eevee. Promise!

CLEMONT: He's right!

You've been rehearsing so hard for this moment!

SERENA: But I can't! I'm worried about Eevee!

ASH: Serena

FEMALE STAFF: Hold on. Let me find out if they'll change the

order so you can go last. I'll do what I can, okay.

SERENA: Thank you so much. I'm so sorry for this!

SERENA: Braixen, Pancham, let's go!


SERENA: Eevee!

SERENA: Eevee? Please, where are you?!

ASH: Eevee?






ASH: Hey! Eevee?


BONNIE: Eevee?


SERENA: Eevee?!

SERENA: There you are, Eevee!

SERENA: Oh, thank goodness! Where've you been?

SERENA: I was so very worried about you, Eevee.

ASH: I think Eevee's telling you to go give your performance.

BONNIE: Yeah, Eevee's right!

ASH: I'll keep a closer eye on Eevee from now on.

SERENA: Thanks you guys.

FEMALE STAFF: Serena, did you find Eevee?!

SERENA: We sure did!

SERENA: Here I go, Eevee!

PIERRE: Now for our last performance of the competition!

PIERRE: So let's all make her feel at home! Welcome Serena!


SERENA: And here we go!


SERENA: Now, Pancham, Arm Thrust!


SERENA: You see, Eevee? I want to try that dance

you did in tomorrow's Free Style Performance.

SERENA: It would be amazing if you could teach us how

to dance like you do!

SERENA: Let's do it!


CLEMONT: It's brilliant!

BONNIE: This is so much fun!

ASH: You bet!

TIERNO: Serena makes me want to dance, too!

PIERRE: Please light your Glow Casters using the

corresponding color of the performer you thought

gave the best performance.

PIERRE: All right. If you please!

JESSIE: Good, good, GOOD!

PIERRE: And now! The winner of the Anistar Pokémon Showcase is

PIERRE: Serena!

SERENA: YAY! We did it! YAY!!

ASH: YEAH! That's her second win!


SHAUNA: You were great, Serena!

Congratulations on a wonderful performance!

SERENA: Thank you, Shauna!

JESSIE: My not being the winner is not an option!!

PIERRE: Congratulations on being our winner. We're happy

to present you with the beautiful Princess Key.


SERENA: Ta-da! The Princess Key! We did it!!


PIERRE: And we come to the end of the Anistar City Pokémon

Showcase! Thank you all for coming!

Au revoir, mes amis, until next time!


SERENA: Did you watch us?

Did you think all of that rehearsing paid off?

ASH: That was a great performance. So cool!

BONNIE: Watching you made me want to dance, too!

TIERNO: Your excellent performance totally got

me in the groove!

CLEMONT: You've got two Princess Keys!

SERENA: One more and I'll be in the Master Class!


SERENA: As for you Let's perform together!


JESSIE: Give me a break! The people in Kalos have absolutely

no taste! Zero! Nada!

JAMES: What do we do now?

MEOWTH: Jess? Don't forget they still voted you third place!

JESSIE: You're right! Here's the plan.

We'll go work on my routine!

JAMES: Again already?!

JESSIE: The next win is ALL MINE!

JAMES: Yeah!

MEOWTH: Yeah! Rock it!

BONNIE: Wow! So pretty!

SHAUNA: Now we both have two Princess Keys. One to go!

SERENA: I'm not going to lose!

SERENA: All right, Ash. Your turn next

ASH: Awesome! I'm gonna beat the Anistar Gym and win another

Kalos Gym badge!

CLEMONT: So why don't we go to the Gym tomorrow?

ASH: Great idea!

TIERNO: Shauna! Emergency!

SHAUNA: What, Tierno?

TIERNO: Trevor was so preoccupied taking pictures,

he misplaced his stuff and doesn't even know where!

SHAUNA: Oh no!

ASH: Man, what was he thinking?

CLEMONT: That's just Trevor being Trevor.

TIERNO: So I'm gonna go right now and help him look for it!

SHAUNA: Okay, I can help you as well.

TIERNO: Sorry to rush off like this,

but I'll catch you all soon! Later!

ASH: Bye!

SHAUNA: Lots of luck, Ash!

SHAUNA: See you, Serena!

ASH: Take care! Tell Trevor we say hi!


NARRATOR: Serena has won the Anistar City Pokémon Showcase

and now has her second Princess Key! So, will Ash be able to win

his seventh Kalos Gym badge? The answer to come,

as the journey continues!
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