02x01 - Pallet Party Panic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x01 - Pallet Party Panic

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme song]

♪ I wanna be the very best

♪ Like no one ever was

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause

♪ I will travel across the land ♪

♪ Searching far and wide

♪ Each Pokémon to understand

♪ The power that's inside

♪ Pokémon ♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ It's you and me

♪ I know it's my destiny

♪ Pokémon

♪ Oh you're my best friend

♪ In a world we must defend

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ A heart so true

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Pokémon ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Pokémon ♪

[instrumental music]

NARRATOR After battling in the Pokémon League competition

at the Indigo Plateau, Ash and his friends

return to Pallet Town for a heroes' welcome.

Uh, I'm very happy to be back home

and to everybody who supported me

throughout the Pokémon League

I just want to say, thank you very much.


And thanks to Ash for representing us so well.

And we all owe Professor Oak a big thank you

for hosting us here today.

Now, let's start the party!

First, let's salute Ash for finishing in the top

at the Pokémon League and doing Pallet Town proud.

- Hip hip! - Hooray!

Thank you too, Pikachu, and all the Pokémon.


ASH "Pallet Party Panic."

[instrumental music]

Pallet Town really knows how to throw a party.

Um, the food is delicious!

Hey, guys, we shouldn't be the only ones celebrating.

Why don't we let our Pokémon join the party, too?

ASH Good idea.

We couldn't have gone to the Pokémon League without them.


Hm, you're right.

Geodude, Onix, Zubat, Vulpix

it's time to come out and chow down!


Goldeen, Staryu, Psyduck, you're invited, too!



Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto!

Join the party!



Think about this first, Ash!

I don't think that letting Charizard out

is such a great idea, Ash.

Oh, but, I..





I'll invite Charizard next time.

Okay, everybody! Time to dig in!



Ash must be really proud.

I think he's grown up a lot

since being in the Pokémon League, don't you?

- Huh? - Huh!

Where's Ash?

Let's eat fast so we can eat again!



This time I think we've cooked up the perfect plan

to capture that Pikachu, don't you?

Yes. It's a really hot idea!

We finally got the recipe for success-ipe!

ASH 'Excuse me!'

- Yes, young man? - Yes, young man?

I'd like three super-size orders

of everything you've got, please.

- Yes, sir! - Yes, sir!

It's working!

Now we'll secretly soak them with our sizzling sauces

and while their mouths melt, we'll grab that Pikachu!

[laughs] Let's get cookin'!

Could you hurry up, please?

There's a lot of hungry people and Pokémon to feed!


Our Team Rocket pepper-upper ought to fire this up.

[Jessie chuckles]

And just wait till they get a taste of my molten-lava mustard!

And a little super strength wasabi sauce

will make their mouths go ballistic!

- Here you go. - Bon appétit.



JESSIE/JAMES Be sure to eat it while it's hot!

Okay, guys, this ought to be enough to get us started!

Thanks, Ash!



Okay, guys, dig in!






Okay, Staryu, I think you better use

your Water g*n Attack to cool everybody down!



What's the matter with you guys?

Aren't you tough enough to handle a little spicy food?



JESSIE 'A Pikachu in the hand is worth two in the..'

Hey, look.

JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble.'

JAMES 'Make it double.'

JESSIE 'To protect the world from devastation.'

JAMES 'To unite all peoples within our nation.'

JESSIE 'To denounce the evils of truth and love.'

JAMES 'To extend our reach to the stars above.'

Ha! Jessie!

Ha! James!

- 'Ha!' - 'Ha!'

Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right!


I'd be glad to give you my secret recipe

for those nuclear noodles.

And my mustard-plastered meatballs!

It's not funny to fool around with food!

Yeah, let's see how you like it! Ha!

[instrumental music]



Come on, let's get out of here and fast!

Power on!

JESSIE Say so long, Pikachu!


Come back here!


Squirtle, use your Water g*n Attack!


Now let's make sure their little party's really a b*mb!

- Blasters away! - Blasters away!

- Blasters away! - Blasters away!

- 'Blasters away!' - 'Blasters away!'

This is awful!


Ash, we've got to do something to stop them!

Don't worry! Pidgeotto!

You got to get up there and burst that balloon!


Pidgeotto! Use your Quick Attack!


Meowth, hit the panic button!

You got it.

Here goes!


Don't let them get away!

Arbok, Poison Sting Attack!





Ar-are you okay?



I'll show them!

[grunts] Wait a second, Ash!

I know we've got to stop them

but that's not Charizard's Poké Ball, is it?

Yes, it is! So what?


Don't worry! Help's on the way, Pikachu!

I choose you, Charizard!


I'm counting on you, Charizard.

Please go and get Pikachu back for me.


Aah. It's no use.


Come on, Meowth.

Let's make sure that kid's party ends with a bang!

- Blasters away! - Blasters away!

- 'Blasters away!' - 'Blasters away!'

[instrumental music]









JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH We're blasting away again!

[music continues]



Good work, Charizard!

Guess you finally decided you're gonna obey me after all!



I guess not.

Charizard is certainly the life of the party!

Well, that's one way of putting it.


I knew this would happen.


Hm, that was quite a fall.

[groans] Will you cut that out?

I didn't do anything.

Aah! I think we picked the wrong time to drop in!

- Huh? - Huh?


What's going on?


Oh, you're giving me a migraine!






GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Pidgeot!


[instrumental music]

PROFESSOR OAK 'There, good as new!'

Thanks for treating Pidgeotto, Professor.

Sorry, Pidgeotto.

I should have known Team Rocket

would try a Poison Sting Attack.


Pidgeotto's so great.

Pidgeotto would stand up to any kind of an attack for Ash/


Too bad Charizard isn't like Pidgeotto.

I know someday I'll get Charizard

to listen to me too, Misty.

You just wait and see.

That's the spirit!


By the way, I wonder if you could all do

a very special favor for me.

Sure, what is it?

I need you to run a very important errand for me

on Valencia Island in the Orange Archipelago.

The Archipela-who?

- Valencia? - Valencia?

[instrumental music]



PROFESSOR OAK I'd like you to go and visit my friend Professor Ivy

and bring back the mysterious Poké Ball

that she recently acquired so that I can study it.

Can't you just have her transport it to you, Professor?

For some reason that isn't possible.

Normally, I'd ask my grandson Gary to go.

But he's already off on another Pokémon journey.

Valencia Island?

Lots of girls on the beach?


Let's go. I say we leave right away!

I'll go, too! All my Pokémon will love it!


A mysterious Poké Ball, huh?

You bet I'll go!

- I'm counting on you! - Be careful!

- We will. Bye! - Don't worry, goodbye!

And don't forget to change your you-know-what every day, honey!


[instrumental music]

Hey, it sure is quiet in this forest, isn't it?

- It sure is. - Maybe even a little too quiet.




ASH Those are Spearow!




What's that?

POKEDEX Fearow, the Beak Pokémon.

The evolved form of Spearow.

It's large, powerful wings

allow it to fly for an entire day.

The crushing power of its beak is tremendous.

If we stick around here much longer

we'll find out how tremendous it is!

But why would a Fearow be attacking us?

Unless it's..


I got it!




That Spearow I hit must've evolved!


ASH 'Huh?'




Pikachu, Thunder Shock now!




- Hey, Ash! - Hey, Ash!

Hey, what are you three guys doing up here?

We're stuck because that Fearow

and those Spearow don't get along

with these Pidgey and Pidgeotto.


You see, the second we try to leave this tree

we'll be caught up in some kind of a big bird-brained battle!

We can't sit here forever!


I get it.

These Pidgey and Pidgeotto

are too scared of Fearow and Spearow to move.

BROCK 'Hey, Ash!'

- Huh? - Are you okay?

What're you doing up in that tree?

I'm fine, but Fearow and the Spearow

are gonna attack the Pidgey and Pidgeotto

if we try to leave this tree!

We have to get to Valencia Island!

I know that, but I'm not gonna leave

these Pidgey and Pidgeotto here to get att*cked!

Then what are you going to do?

If we work together I think we can help

the Pidgey and Pidgeotto escape!

Sounds like you have a plan.

Don't trust him!

If the Twerp can get us down from this tree, let's help him.

I wanna help the Pokémon

but I think it's more important

to get you guys out of this tree first.



I just knew I'd be the fall guy!



MISTY They never catch a break, do they?

BROCK Not really.

Alright, that worked perfectly.

Pidgey, Pidgeotto, now's your chance to get away!


I guess they're still too scared to fly away

but there's got to be..

I know! I choose you, Pidgeotto!


Pidgeotto, let them know everything's okay

and lead them out of here!






Pidgeotto's doing a great job!




Look, they're back!





Pidgeotto, watch out!




Pidgeotto, are you alright?



Pidgeotto, you did your best.

Maybe you're just too hurt to help them now!







Pidgeotto's evolving!



Ah! Pidgeot!

POKEDEX Pidgeot, the Bird Pokémon.

The evolved form of Pidgeotto.

It can fly at twice the speed of sound

at an altitude of nearly one mile.



Are you asking me to come with you?


Well, I'm ready to battle Fearow

if you are, Pidgeot!

Let's go, Pikachu!


Ready for take off!





Alright, Pidgeot! Gust Attack now!


Nice work, Pidgeot.

Now let's try your Quick Attack!



Now let's finish off that Fearow.

Are you ready, Pikachu?




Okay, Pikachu, use your Thunderbolt now!



That was great, Pikachu!

Your Thunderbolt weakened it!

Alright! Now let's capture that Fearow! Come on!



Poké Ball, go!


No good. It still has enough power to fight back.









Looks like you're in charge, Pidgeot!



So long, Fearow.

I guess that ought to teach you not to pick on other Pokémon.


[instrumental music]

Just to make sure that Fearow doesn't do something sneaky

and attack again, maybe it's a good idea

if you stay here for a while and make sure

the other Pokémon are safe, okay, Pidgeot?


We'll be back as soon as we get Professor Oak's Poké Ball.


See you soon, Pidgeot!






Well, let's go get that Poké Ball, guys!

- Mm-hmm! - Hmm.

NARRATOR What manner of Pokémon

await Ash in the Orange Archipelago?


JAMES/JESSIE/MEOWTH Team Rocket's flapping off again!

ASH Don't go away, Pikachu's Jukebox is next.


♪ Pokémon go go

♪ Oh

♪ So you wanna be a Pokémon Master? ♪

♪ I got to be the one the only one who can ♪

♪ Withstand the test and be the best and ♪

♪ I got to strive keep up the drive ♪

♪ Be a Master

♪ It takes certain kind of skill ♪

♪ And I won't stop until

♪ Pokémon are mine

♪ I must define the art of capture ♪

♪ Of all Pokémon

♪ To be a Master

♪ Pokémon Master

♪ I will be writin' a brand new chapter ♪

♪ A brand new chapter

♪ To be a Master

♪ Pokémon Master

♪ And I will be strivin' to be the greatest Master ♪

♪ Pokémon Master

♪ The greatest Master

♪ Na-na-na na-na-na na na ♪

♪ The greatest Master of Pokémon ♪♪

♪ I wanna be the very best ♪

♪ Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test ♪

♪ To train them is my cause ♪

♪ Pokémon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ A heart so true

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Gotta catch 'em all

♪ Pokémon ♪
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