02x13 - Navel Maneuvers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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02x13 - Navel Maneuvers

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ I wanna take the ultimate step ♪

♪ Find the courage to be bold ♪ Pokémon

♪ To risk it all and not forget ♪

♪ The lessons that I ho-o-old

♪ I wanna go where no one's been ♪

♪ Far beyond the crowd ♪ Pokémon yeah

♪ Learn the way to take command ♪

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ We all live ♪ Live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live ♪ Live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live ♪ Live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

♪ We all live ♪ Live

♪ In a Pokémon world ♪ Po-ké-mon ♪

NARRATOR Today, our heroes are travelling with new purpose.

They're headed for Navel Island

where Ash hopes to battle for his second Orange League badge.


There it is. Navel Island.

ASH 'Look at that mountain.'


I wonder what kind of badge they have at the Gym there.

I think it's called a Sea Ruby badge

'cause it's made out of a sea shell with a ruby in it.

The Sea Ruby badge.

Guys, let's get to that island so I can get that badge!


ASH "Navel Maneuvers!"

This place sure is quiet.

Seems like it's deserted.

And I don't see any Gym around here either.




DANNY Hi. I bet you guys are looking for a Gym battle.

ASH Uh, yeah.

DANNY Well, you came to the right place.

It's nice to meet you. I'm Danny.

Uh, hi. I'm Ash.

And my name's Tracey.


Oh, my name is Misty.

Misty, eh? That beautiful name suits you.

ASH/TRACEY You mean her?



- My pleasure, Misty. - Uh, nice to meet you.

I've seen lots of beautiful things in these islands

but nothing as beautiful as you.

Beautiful as...me?

- Huh? - Huh?

JESSIE 'There they are.'


Now, I know we've suffered several significant setbacks.

But just remember that old saying

"A Twerp and his Pikachu are soon parted."

Well, it can't be soon enough for me, Jessie.

We gonna win this time?


Looks like you've got everything you need there in that backpack.

Well, you can't be totally prepared for the surprises

life has in store but I always try to plan

where I'm going and know what I'll need before I do something.

That's such a mature way of looking at things.

Too bad certain other Pokémon Trainers

aren't smart enough to think ahead.

Ha! Some Trainers don't have to plan.

'Cause they're good enough to come out

on top in any situation.

Especially if they're with Trainers

who know what they're doing.

- Oh, yeah? - Yeah!


It sounds to me like the two of you

are pretty close to one another.

- Huh? What do you mean? - What's that saying?

"You always hurt the one you love."


Oh, you've got it all wrong.

I-I'd never get involved with a little kid like him.

I-I only like the mature, intellectual type.

She's the kid, not me. Huh!

And who is this guy anyway?


I guess he's another Trainer

and he must be here to challenge

the Navel Gym Leader just like you are.

Oh, yeah?

Well, we'll just see

who's gonna be the first to win a badge.

ASH Well, let's go inside.


- Huh? - Huh?

ASH 'Hmm..'

'Hey, look.'

I guess you have to take that little cable car

to get up to where the Gym is.


- Uh? Huh? - Huh?

MISTY 'Maybe that sign has instructions.'

Let's see.

It says, "Welcome, Pokémon Trainers."

What kind of welcome is this?

Does it say to take the cable car up to the mountain?


No, it says, "All Navel Gym Challengers

must climb to the top."

ASH/MISTY Climb to the top?



TRACEY 'Wait, there's more.'

'"Trainers must reach the top on their own.'

'"Pokémon may not provide help.'

'Any Trainer using a Pokémon will be disqualified."'


MISTY Do we have to climb up too?

It says, "Those accompanying Challengers

should use the cable car."

Me climb that...myself? Huh?


[chuckles] You're right.

Yes, I can do it if I try.




DANNY Is everything okay, Ash?

Yeah, everything's just great.



TRACEY 'Hey, Ash!'


TRACEY We'll see you at the top.


Oh, hi. Hi, Danny!

I'll be at the top in just a little while.

MISTY 'Please be extra careful, Danny!'

What's she so worried about him for?

Uh? Aah!

Ash, hang on!


Bulbasaur, use your Vine--

- Ash, don't do it! - Huh?

He's right. If I use a Pokémon, I'll be disqualified.






The air is clean, the view is great.

There's nothing like the mountains.


- Danny? - Hmm?

Thanks for helping me.

I would've been disqualified if it wasn't for you.



Huh? Pikachu!


What's going on?


JESSIE 'Prepare for trouble.'

JAMES 'Make it double.'

JESSIE To protect the world from devastation.

JAMES To unite all peoples within our nation.

To denounce the evils of truth and love.

To extend our reach to the stars above.

Them again! Let go of Pikachu or I'll..




- Thanks a lot, Danny. - No problem.

- 'Hey, Twerp!' - Hmm.

You're not getting off that easy.

That's right. You didn't even let us finish our motto.

I'll show you, wise guy.

JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH 'We're blasting off again!'

We don't need troublemakers like that on Navel Island.

I hope we don't see them again. Ready to finish our climb, Ash?

Uh, yeah, sure.



JESSIE/JAMES I'm freezing!

Let go. You're choking me.

JESSIE 'You're the only fur I have.'

- Look! - Oh, no, we're gonna crash.


What's that?

JESSIE 'It's a geyser.'

JESSIE/JAMES 'Ooh! That looks warm.'

MEOWTH 'That thing couldn't hit us, could it?'




Pikachu! Pikachu, are you alright?



You must be freezing.

Here, t-this oughta help.

[laughs] Is that better, Pikachu?


Don't worry about me.

I'll just hold you real close and that way we'll both be warm.


No mountain's gonna beat us, right, Pikachu?


ASH 'Hey!'


Misty, Tracey!


They did it!

Hey, you guys! I told you we'd make it!

- Great job, Ash. - You're here.

Ha ha. Ah!

MISTY 'Are you okay, Danny?'

You must be cold, wanna share my blanket?

Thanks, but I enjoy this brisk weather.

What about me?



That was quite a test, Ash.

Congratulations, you passed.

Huh? I passed?

I knew it!

I figured it out when we got to the top

and nobody else was here.

What are you talkin' about? What do you know, Misty?

Well, it's pretty obvious, isn't it, Ash?

Danny's not here to win a badge. He's the Gym Leader.

Climbing that mountain was just a test to weed out the wimps.

- Oh. - True.

I'm the Navel Island Gym Leader.

And I'm also a member of the Orange Crew.

I hope you're ready for our big match, Ash.


GROUP Who's that Pokémon?

GROUP It's Exeggcute!


DANNY 'These are the rules, Ash, so listen carefully.'

Matches here are decided in three rounds.

And if you can win two out of three

you get this Sea Ruby badge, understand?


First, we'll see who can freeze hot water the fastest.

Uh? Ha!

Wow, a geyser.

Hey, that means they're gonna have to start with ice att*cks.

I choose you, Nidoqueen!


So, Ice type att*cks, huh?

Okay, I choose you, Lapras!


ASH/DANNY Ice Beam Attack!


Hang in there, Lapras!

Nidoqueen, full power, now!


- Huh? - Wow.


ASH Oh. Ohh!

DANNY Well, it looks like I win the first round.


DANNY In the second round, we'll compete at sculpting that ice.

The first one to carve out this ice sled

using only three Pokémon, wins.

So, Ash, do you know which three Pokémon you're gonna use?

Yes. I know exactly which ones.





'...and Charizard!'


TRACEY/MISTY Not Charizard!

That's right. Charizard.

Charizard's got the fire power I need to carve that ice.

But, Ash, Charizard never does a thing you ask it to.

DANNY 'I'm using Machoke, Scyther, and Nidoqueen.'


Let's go!





Hey, come on, Charizard! I can't win without you.


Ash is gonna get iced out.

MISTY 'If he loses this one, the match is over.'

[grunts] Come on, Charizard.

I need your Flamethrower.

'Use your Flamethrower.'



- Oh. - Oh.

- Oh. - Alright! We did it!



Well, I don't know how you did it, Ash.

But you just won the second round.

Yes! Pikachu, Bulbasaur and Charizard

'thank you so much.'


Well, it's all downhill from here.

Yeah. The first one to that goal line on the beach wins.

'This isn't gonna be easy.'


Let's take the cable car and meet them at the finish.


Right, now left, hold it there!

Stay on course, everybody, you're doing great.

A little to the left. Uh, I mean the right!


Not that much. Hey! We're going too fast.


Bulbasaur, do something quick!


I don't like that guy's attitude, it's too positive.

Is that trap ready?


Too bad, Ash. You're way too far behind to catch up with me now.



ASH We got to stop!

Danny, are you okay?

I think so. Are you alright?


That's what counts. But that was no accident.

Somebody dug that hole.

Oh, it was a trap alright

and think I know just who set it up.

- Who's that? - It's Team Rocket.

JESSIE Is that your final answer?

If it is, you are correct.

You're getting good, kid.

Well, he has known us for quite a while.

Ash, you know these three? Are they friends of yours?

Aah! No way!

We're havin' a match, so get lost!

JESSIE Oh, I get it. You want to cave in!

- Cave in? - You got it.

Here's you cave in! Ha!


Wow, your friends must be pretty smart and pretty skilled

to set a trap like this one, Ash.

They're not smart and they're not skilled

and they're not friends.


JAMES 'Thanks for the Pikachu!'

MEOWTH 'Stay cool Ha-ha-ha.'

Come back!

And now, let's bring our little Pika-prize back to the Boss.

JAMES/MEOWTH Aye, aye, sir.



Try as hard as you like, Pikachu, you can't shock us.

Yeah, go ahead, turn up the juice.

Give it all you got, 'cause you're only helpin' us.

JAMES 'That's right, we'll just save on our electric bill.'

JAMES/JESSIE Bon appetite.

We like to be energy efficient. Aah.

- Huh? - Ah!

- What's going on? - Prepare for--

We already did the motto! Let's get 'em.




Ash, are you guys ready?

Yeah! One, two..




This calls for a Pokémon battle.

- I choose you! - Huh?

Whoops, wrong Pokémon.

Train that thing!


- Electrode! - Huh?


[expl*si*n MOVE]


JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH We're blasting off again again!

We did it, Danny!

DANNY Well, we still have half of this race to go.

Are you ready to finish it, Ash?

Yeah, we're ready when you are.

DANNY 'We'll start the second the sun comes from behind that cloud.'

I have to win this one to get that badge.


He didn't tell me the sledding would be this rocky!


Go right! Good job, Scyther!

Bulbasaur, we're headed right for that rock!

We're going to hit it!

Good, we're almost at the finish line.

'Just a few more seconds.'

- Look. - Who is it?

MISTY I think it's Danny.

Looks like I'm the winner.

ASH 'Hang on!'

He's not bad.

MISTY/TRACEY Here comes Ash.


- Oh! - He won.

Ah-ha! He beat me.

That sure was a rough ride.

- Ash. - Huh?

You were great. You chose your Pokémon well.

And you won two out of three.

Now, I'd like to give you something

you really deserve, Ash.

The Sea Ruby badge. It's yours.

Oh. Oh.

I did it! I earned a Sea Ruby badge!


Thanks, guys, I couldn't have done it without you.


- That was great. - Yeah, but..

- But? - But Danny lost.


Bye! Good luck on the rest of your journey!

- Hope I see you again, Danny! - Thanks for everything, Danny!

NARRATOR And so, with courage, skill and a little bit of luck

Ash earns his second Orange League badge.

No one knows what's next for our heroes.

But there's a new adventure just beyond the horizon.

ASH 'Don't go away. Pikachu's Jukebox is next.'


♪ Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To become the greatest Trainer ♪

♪ And I won't quit

♪ Until I'm number one

♪ Gotta be the one the

♪ We keep on tryin'

♪ And then we try some more

♪ To stay together

♪ And find a place worth fighting for ♪

♪ I'm on the road ♪ To Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road ♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City

♪ I'm on the road ♪ To Viridian City

♪ We're on the road to Viridian City ♪

♪ Gonna meet my friends along the way ♪

♪ I'm on the road

♪ To Viridian City ♪ Come on let's go ♪

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ I wanna be

♪ The greatest Master of them all ♪

♪ Greatest Master

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world

♪ Po-ké-mon

♪ Put myself to the test

♪ To be better than all the rest ♪

♪ So you wanna be a Master of ♪ Pokémon

♪ Do you have the skills to be ♪ Number one

♪ We all live

♪ In a Pokémon world

♪ Use the power that's in my hand ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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