01x21 - The Tale of the Dash in the Dark

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x21 - The Tale of the Dash in the Dark

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Let's go! Peter Rabbit
Go on and run, run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole in every fence
And every wall Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Run through the fields
Run wild and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
That we see Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go day and night go for it all ♪

♪ It's time to fly come on the
Wind's begun to blow let's go! ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I we weren't
Made for going slow let's go! ♪

♪ Adventure calls the game is on
Come on! ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go!
Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

[voice over]
The Tale of The Dash In The Dark.

[mystical music playing]

[Rabbits] Whoa! Wow!
[all laugh]

[laughter continues]

And now, for the grand finale!



[all] Whoa!

[continues crying]

I don't understand.
We've tried everything.

I'm afraid Cotton-Tail
is just frightened of the dark.

There's nothing to be done
until she grows out of it.

Poor thing.

How is she ever going to sleep?

I really wish I could help her.


Don't be so hard on yourself, Peter.

Getting babies to sleep isn't really
a big brothery thing.

It's more of a big sistery thing.

Just stick to...
raiding vegetable patches.

We'll take care of our little sister.

Isn't that right, little
Cottony Wottony?


There must be something we can do?

A night light is a big help
when you're afraid of the dark.

Uh... at least that's what I've heard.

Have you ever seen a glow-worm?

They light up at night!

Don't they, Florence?

A jar full of glow-worms
would make a perfect night-light!

Lily, you're a genius!

[Lily chuckles]

Let's go and catch some glow-worms.

What? Now?

I-I didn't mean...

-Come on.

♪ Sleep little baby close your eyes ♪

♪ Your sisters will sing you a lullaby! ♪


I'm going to catch a million...

no, a gazillion glow-worms!

And I know just where to find them.

In the woods!


Wait... in the w-woods?

That's right!

At... night?

Of course! There's nothing more fun
than a night-time adventure!

No. Nothing! I love night-time.

It's so... dark!

Ooh, I can't wait
to catch my first glow-worm!

Let's hop to it!

-[eerie whistle]
-Whoa! [sighs]

[adventurous music playing]

-[Frog croaks]
-Ah! What was that?

-It's just a toad, Benjamin.


What was that?

It's only a cricket, Benjamin.

I knew that!

Just testing. Heh.

Wah! Wah! What was that?

-[both laugh]
-It's you, Benjamin.

You've got something stuck to your foot!

Are you alright?

Me? Yeah! Never better.

Why do you ask?

Want to hold my hand?

Yes, please.


Are those...


Oh! Wait for me!

Just look at them.

[Lily] They're wonderful!

Let's get a jar full for Cotton-Tail!

♪ Off you go! ♪

♪ No time to lose
You'd best be on your way ♪

♪ Proceed with care,
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
at what you're trying to do ♪

♪ The goal's in range
It's waiting there for you ♪

There. That's the last of them.

It's the perfect night-light!

You know, glow-worms really do help
you feel less afraid of the dark.

I mean...
if I were scared, they would.

Which I'm definitely not!
Why would you think I'm scared? Heh.

OK, then!
Let's take them home to Cotton-Tail.

Don't worry. I'll lead the way!

These woods don't scare me.

Eugh! What is that smell?

Eugh! It smells almost as bad as a--


-[Lily] Oh, no!

[Benjamin] Waahh!

Who's stealing my dinner?

-You eat glow-worms?

'Course I do!

[chuckles] They're the only
bugs he can find at night!


Oh! Sorry, you're right. Not funny.

These glow-worms
are for my little sister.

She's afraid of the dark
and she needs them!

Give them to him, Peter.

There are enough glow-worms
for everyone!

G-give 'em here!

You'll have to catch us first!

-[all] Ahh!


You rotten rabbits!

[dramatic music playing]


It's one of my dad's hiding places!
In here, let's hop to it!

Aha! My dinner!


Oh, no! Brock's coming straight for us.

How does he know where we are?

It's the light from the jar.
He can see it!

Right. Abandon log!

-[whimpers] Oh no!


-[Peter grunts and groans]
-Let go!

He'll be able to track us through here!


Never say 'never'.

It's the glow-worms!

Stop glowing!
Switch off or something.

I don't think they can help it,

Let's get rid of it, then! Please!

Throw it away and let's go home.

Cotton-Tail needs this night-light.

And I'm not going to let her down!

We need a plan.

-We're going to have to be clever.
-I'm clever!

-And quick!
-I'm quick!

And brave!

I'm... quick.

And we'll need some of that
string from Lily's pocket.

[Peter] Yes!



I'll take that!

Oh! Ugh, sneaky rabbits!

Ooh! Well, well.

Fancy that!

I suppose you'll do for a snack.

Come here! Oh, where you going?
Hold still!

[chuckles] Now, let's get that
jar home to Cotton-Tail.

[Peter] Oh, no!


I'll get it.

Let me!

It's too small.

Benjamin, you're the best digger.

Maybe you can dig your way in there?

Erm, ah...

Well, yes. Um, I'd love to.

But, well... um... I think there's
something I should tell you.

[both] You're afraid of the dark?

Yes! Very! How did you know?

Lucky guess.

It's OK, Benjamin.

I was afraid of the dark too,
when I was little.

What, you?
But you're not afraid of anything!

Everyone is afraid of something,

I always hum to myself
whenever I'm scared.

It makes me feel better, somehow.


Don't worry, Benjamin.
If you don't want to go in there,

we'll just have to find
some more glow-worms.

If we can... And if
Tommy Brock doesn't come back.


If you two stopped being scared,
then so can I.

I'm going in to get that jar!

-Hop to it!

You can get those glow-worms,

You're a brave bunny!

Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave.



Uh, guys...
I don't know about this!

[Peter] Come on, Benjamin.
You dig tunnels all the time!

But... this isn't one of my tunnels.

Wait! I...

I think I see it!

I've found it!

-Woo hoo!

Well done, Benjamin.

[splutters] Piece of cake!

I was never really scared.

Um... Benjamin?



Goodnight, Cotton-Tail.

What a very clever idea, Peter.

Amazing that you found so many
glow-worms right here in the burrow.

[all] Um...

Yes, well um, you see...

Hm? Maybe you two
should be getting back home.

-Alright! Bye!

[both] Bye bye, good night!

Would you like me to walk home with you,

It is pretty dark out tonight.

No thanks. I'll be just fine.

I don't think I'll even need
to hum to myself.

-Goodnight, Benjamin.

-[Frog croaks]
-[gasps, whimpers]


-[Frog croaks]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit, Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit ♪
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