01x24 - The Tale of the Lost Tunnels

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Peter Rabbit". Aired: 14 December 2012 – 6 May 2016.*
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Follows mischievous, charming Peter Rabbit and his friends as he overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and avoids danger.
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01x24 - The Tale of the Lost Tunnels

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme song playing]

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Go on a run
Run for our lives ♪

♪ We'll tear a hole
in every fence and every wall ♪

♪ Run through the fields ♪


♪ Run wide and free ♪

♪ And grab a piece of every radish
that we see ♪

♪ Go day and night
Go for it all ♪


♪ It's time to fly, come on,
the wind's begun to blow ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ 'Cause you and I
We weren't made for going slow ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Adventure calls
The game is on, come on ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

[Peter] The Tale of the Lost Tunnels.

-[Peter] One...
-[Benjamin panting]


-[grunting] Ooh! Ow! Ahh! Ow! Ah!


Ow, ouchy, ow, ow!

[Peter] Five...







Ready or not, here I come.


Mmm. [munching]

-[twig snaps]

I know you're around here somewhere.

Ha-ha! I found you, Benjamin.

Hmm, nice move, cousin.

Benjamin! This is my hiding place.


Shh, Peter's coming.

Nice try, Lily, found you. [chuckles]

Oh, not fair.

If I could tunnel like Benjamin,
you'd never find me.

Uh, tunneling is no big deal.

Can you show me how to do it?

Of course we will.

We'll teach you to tunnel,
won't we, Peter?

Um, yeah, but first I...
Oh, I just remembered,

I promised my mum I'd be home for lunch.

See you later.

That's strange.
Why did he run off like that?

And he didn't even ask us over for lunch.

Oh, well, if you need me,
I'll be at the blackberry bush.


[burps] Excuse me.

Dig, dig, dig!

Gah, ah, oh...


That's not a tunnel, that's a dent.

There must be something about it in here.

How do I dig a tunnel?

[sighs] Nothing!

I'll never be a good tunneler.

Never say never, Peter.

[gasps] Mum!

You know, your father wasn't much of
a tunneller either when I first met him.

But he still dug out
this whole burrow for us.

-He did?

Actually, he dug eight burrows.

-The first seven fell down.

But this one... this one is home.

So, how did he ever learn how to dig?

Well, he kept trying until he found a way
that worked for him.

Just like you'll find a way
that works for you.

Oh, yeah, these paws can find a way.

-I'll be there best digger in the whole--

[nervously] Oh!
Uh, I wasn't doing anything.

Peter, I think something's
happened to Benjamin.

-Come on!

...and that's when I heard a scream,

like, "Aah!"

Except quieter with an echo, like,
"Aah, aah, aah..."

So, I knew something
must have happened to him.

What are you doing?

Rescuing Benjamin! What are you doing?

But I thought we'd talk out a plan first.


Okay, coming.

Oh, hang on.

Just in case pocket, just in case.

This is no place for knitting, Lily.

I'm not knitting.
It's in case we get lost.

We can just follow the wool
to find our way back.

We're not going to get lost.


[both screaming]

[both] Oof!

Benjamin has been busy.

I don't think Benjamin dug all this.

Question is, who did?

I'll tell you who dug these tunnels...
My dad!

See? They match.


Your dad really did all this?

Good old Dad.


I'm not lost. I'm not lost.

[gasping] I'm not lost. I'm not lost.

Uh... Uh...

I'm so lost.

[stomach rumbles]

And there goes my dinner alarm.

Luckily... Wow.

[burps] Excuse me.

Okay, what would Peter do?

He'd find a way out.

All I need to do is concentrate.


What a stroke of luck...



[both grunting]

Whoa... Uh...

Phew, thanks.


Peter, don't take this the wrong way,

but these tunnels your dad made...

Well, they're not very good, are they?

Yeah, well, they're old.

Ooh, look, blackberries!

You boys,
all you ever think about is food.

Uh, no, I mean,
wasn't Benjamin eating blackberries?

Yeah. So?

So, he must have dropped these.

If we follow the trail, we'll find him.

-Oh, yes!
-Let's hop to it.


Uh... [grunts]

Ouch, hurty paw.

Aah! Oh!

Rabbits are brave,
um, rabbits are brave.

Help, help!

[sighing] Which way?

[laughing] That's easy.

This way.

[Benjamin] Help!


Benjamin, stay there, we're coming.

Uh, can we just talk about the plan
first this time?

Of course. Shake on it?

-[Peter grunts]
-[Lily screams]

Hey, my paw is feeling much better!

-[Lily screaming]
-[Peter laughing]

[Peter and Lily grunt]

[both cough]

Now, admit it. That was fun!

Well, uh, maybe it was,

but we still haven't found--


[groans] Hurty, hurty paw.

-Thanks, Lily.

That feels a lot better now.

How did you get so good
at doing bandages?

I just practiced. Practice makes perfect.

I know that for a fact.

[sighs] It's no good,

there's no other way out.

Looks like we're going back
the way we came.

But what if we get lost again?

There are so many tunnels.

Don't worry, Benjamin,
that's why I brought this.

[Benjamin screams]

[all screaming]

[all coughing]

I told you this is no place
to bring your knitting.

Don't worry, I have a back-up plan!

Show us the way home, Florence.


Is there a back-up plan
for the back-up plan?

Oh, I know how we can get out.

Peter will dig us a tunnel,
won't you, Peter?

[sighs] There's something you should know.

I can't dig tunnels.



I can't believe you never told us, Peter.

I thought you were good at everything!

Sorry, Dad never got around
to showing me how.

Well then, it's time you learned.

Copy me. Left, left, left...

[Peter and Lily] Left, left, left...

Right, right... Ow!

[Peter and Lily] Right, right... Ow!

[sighs] It's no good,

I can't tunnel with one paw.

A good rabbit never gives up.

I-I know I can work this out.



Have you found something about tunneling?

Huh? Uh, no, sorry,
I was just reading about your dad.

He was such an adventurer.

Yep, he was one of a kind.

Always did things his way.

And that's what I have to do!

Do this my way.

Like using that to dig our tunnel.


Give me a hand...

[all grunting]

[Lily] Ow!



Well, it's not pretty, but it's working.

Come on, you two, let's dig!

♪ Off you go ♪

♪ No time to lose
You'd best be on your way ♪

♪ Proceed with care
Think fast and stay aware ♪

♪ And you'll succeed
At what you're trying to do ♪

♪ So off you go ♪

♪ And you should know ♪

♪ The goal's in reach
It's waiting there for you ♪

I found my way to dig. Yeah!

[all] We did it! [cheering]


[Lily laughing]

Peter, could you show me
how to dig with that rock?

You'll find your own way, Lily.

Something that works for you.

Ooh! Hey! [splutters]



Um... Help?

[laughing] Benjamin! Coming! Gah!

[Lily giggles]

[theme song playing]

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪

♪ Peter Rabbit ♪
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