03x04 - The Tortoise and the Hare

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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03x04 - The Tortoise and the Hare

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

Ok, everybody, listen up.

This is
our last sprint

For tomorrow's
rainbow mini-classic.

Give it
all that you can.

Use your arms.

Breathe deeply.

Give it %.

Are you ready?

On your mark,
get set,




I thought
I was in shape.

You are, levar.

Two pointers
will help you, though.

Start on a smaller
chain ring.

Put your feet in
faster, too.

Thanks, shannon.

Here, levar.

Well, thanks.

One of my favorite fables--
the tortoise and the hare.

I feel like
the poor old tortoise,

Puffing away
while the hare sprints ahead

For a sure win.

But you can't judge a book
by its cover.

Once upon a time,

There was a tortoise
and a hare.

Tortoise was friendly
and quiet.

He did everything slowly.

Hare was flashy and rude.

He did everything

Hare liked to tease tortoise
about being so slow.

When tortoise ate breakfast,
hare said,

"By the time you finish
your last bite,

It'll be dinner time."

When tortoise gardened,
hare said,

"By the time you pick
those spring flowers,
it'll be winter."

One afternoon,

Hare followed tortoise
to the store.

"By the time
you get there,

The store will be closed,"
he said.

"I could beat you
at a race

Hopping backwards
on one paw."

"But I could never
beat you, hare," said tortoise.

"Yes, you could,"
said tortoise's friends.

"All you need
is a little help."

"Then you will race me,
tortoise?" Asked hare.

Tortoise pulled his head
into his shell.

"I don't want to."

"You've got to,"
said his friends.

"You've put up with
that nasty hare long enough."

Tortoise didn't want
to disappoint his friends,

So he finally agreed
to race against hare.


Tortoise only had
/ weeks

To get in shape
before the big race.

Rooster helped him out
at the gym.

Raccoon cooked him
healthy meals.





Frog went jogging with him
every morning.

[Huffs and puffs]

By the day of the race,
tortoise was ready.

Animals from
all over the county

Came to watch
the tortoise and the hare.

Rooster read aloud the rules
and described the course.

"Attention, everyone.

"The race will begin
when I sound this gong.

"The six-mile course
is marked by red flags.

"The first one to reach
the finish line wins.

"Runners, take your mark.

"Get set.


Hare bolted out of sight

Before tortoise
had taken his first step.

The crowd roared and cheered
as tortoise inched forward.

Hare was so far ahead

That he decided
to stop at bear's house

For something cool
to drink.

Hare rested
and sipped lemonade.

Bear noticed something moving
outside the window.

"Hare, there goes tortoise."

"What?" Yelled hare,
running out the door.

Hare passed tortoise
for the second time.

Then he decided to stop
at mouse's house for a snack.

[Munch munch]

As hare munched
on crackers and cheese,

Mouse yelled,

"Is that tortoise I see
out the window?"

"I'm not worried about
that slowpoke," said hare.

"I've passed him twice

Hare finished his snack
and hopped out the door.

Hare passed tortoise
for a third time.

Now he was far ahead.

He saw a pond and decided
to stop and rest.

The snacks
had made him sleepy.

Hare was so sure
he would win,

He took a nap
in the soft grass.

As he closed his eyes,
he dreamed of victory.

Suddenly, hare woke up

Because the crowd
was cheering.

"Yay, tortoise!"

The crowd roared.

Tortoise was two steps away
from the finish line.

"Slow down,
you bowlegged reptile,"

Screamed hare
as he tried to catch up.

It was too late.

Tortoise crossed
the finish line

Just before the tornado
that was hare flew by.

Tortoise had won
the race!

Hare couldn't
believe it.

That measly shell-on-legs
had beaten him!

Tortoise smiled

As his friends carried him
on their shoulders.

He had learned
an important lesson--

"Hard work and perseverance
bring reward."



Slow and steady
wins the race.

Hard work and perseverance
bring reward.

Boy, this is hard work.

Hey, levar!

Don't give up now!

Keep trying!

Gather ye rosebuds
while ye may.

Stop and smell
the flowers
along the way.


No. I can do it.

pedal that bike
and you'll go far.

Yay, levar!

By the time you
get up that hill,

They'll be crossing
the finish line.

I may not win,

But I'll feel
like a winner

If I do my best.

Have you ever tried
really hard at something?

When I started to swim,
I couldn't swim good.

My dad said

He was going to teach me
how to swim.

He picked me up
and threw me in the water.

A few days later,
I just started swimming good.

Once I tried
climbing a tree.

I finally did it.

I tried
to do the laundry

And all the soap
came onto the floor.

I've been working real hard
on my baseball swing.

My brother and I
fight sometimes,

But I say I'm sorry.

We had to do
this crossword puzzle.

I got stuck
on down.

I've been training
for an oahu-wide track meet.

I'm going to do
real well.

♪ Givin' it
all that you've got ♪

♪ You think
you can win it ♪

♪ But win it or not,
you keep goin' ♪

♪ Pushin' as hard
as you can ♪

♪ You're feelin'
the energy flow ♪

♪ You've been trainin' so hard,
now it's startin' to show ♪

♪ 'Cause it's goin'
even better than you planned ♪

♪ When you're reachin'
for the sky ♪

♪ No dream
can seem too high ♪

♪ You take each fall
in stride ♪

♪ Until you can fly

♪ You know you're really
in it to win ♪

♪ But if you don't win,
you're still a winner ♪

♪ Just 'cause
you're tryin' ♪

♪ Tryin' as hard
as you can ♪

♪ When the distance
seems too long ♪

♪ And your strength
is almost gone ♪

♪ That's when you find
you've got what it takes ♪

♪ To finish strong

♪ You know you're really
in it to win ♪

♪ But if you don't win,
you're still a winner ♪

♪ Just 'cause
you're tryin' ♪

♪ Tryin' as hard
as you can ♪

♪ Ooh, just 'cause
you're tryin' ♪

♪ Tryin' as hard
as you can ♪

I've got to get in shape
for the big race.

I've got to remember,

Hard work and perseverance
bring reward.


That's it, levar.
Sit down.

You deserve
a break.

Come on, levar.

Don't give up.
Get up!

Making it through
an obstacle course

Takes muscle power
and will power

Because the key to success
starts right here.

Karate is a japanese word
meaning empty hands.

It's an art of self-defense
that uses no weapons.

The karate school
is called a dojo.

Students and teachers bow
when entering the dojo

To show that they come
to do their best.

Line up!


Keep your body straight.

Your body reflects
through your mind.

Your mind reflects
back to your body.

If you can control your body,
you can control your mind.

The japanese word for teacher
is sensei,

And in this class,

When sensei howard speaks,
everyone listens.

Everybody ready?

The opening ceremony
is very impressive.

The dojo precepts, or rules,
are recited by all the students.

[Speaking japanese]

[Speaking japanese]

...mind and body.

[Speaking japanese]

...mind and body.

Precepts are important.

We emphasize them a lot.

We speak very clearly
and very forcefully

So that they can see

The value
of what we're saying.

Dojo precept.


Uphold the principles
of propriety and courtesy...

Students do not try
to hurt their partners.

They concentrate
on the perfection
of their movements.

You're using
your body a lot.

If you don't concentrate,

Then you're not
going to be able

To do the technique well.

Each technique
has split-second timing

To build up

To build up
its potential power.





Most people don't realize
that studying karate

Means working with
your mind and body together

To improve yourself
with discipline and practice.

Basic exercises give us

Our foundation
for doing everything else.

It gives us also
a foundation

As far as our
mental development.



[Speaking japanese]

Kata is a set sequence

Of blocking and punching
and kicking movements

Where a person is imagining
someone is attacking them.

It's like
an imaginary fight.

Because those movements
are always the same,

You have to build up
an imaginary opponent.

Concentration in kata
is so that each movement

You try to do
your best

To improve it
the best you can.

Sparring is a learning process
of getting along with someone.

Sparring is where you have
an actual partner.

You're learning
how to work with each other.

Rather than learn karate
to fight someone,

We learn karate
to fight our own weaknesses.

When you do it the easy way
instead of the right way,

You're becoming a loser.

When you do it the right way,
you're becoming a winner.

The easiest thing to learn
about karate

Is to develop
a spirit to try hard.

Karate teaches this

From the body
and the mind together.

Crank extractor.

Crescent wrench.

Pedal spanner.

Third hand.

Fourth hand.

What's the matter,

Aren't two hands

I need
the third hand

To attach
a braking cable
to the yoke

And the crank

To extract
the crank arm.

It's part of getting
your bike in shape.

To get my mind
in shape,

I just turn
to a tome.


Reading material.

There's nothing
like reading

For mental exercise.

If you liked
the tortoise and the hare,

Here are some others
you might enjoy.


My name is mary beth.

I'm doing some exercises.

Here's a book
that can show you how.

It's called
albert the running bear's
exercise book.

It's about
albert and violet.

They make a deal

That albert will do
his exercises,

And violet
will show him how.

The book has lots of pictures
of exercises in it.

Knee bumps,
rock and rolls,

Super stretch,
and runner's reach.

It's a great book
to keep in shape with.

Even adults should read it
to keep in shape.

Hi. How are you doing?

I like books about animals
and funny books.

I just read a book called
hooray for snail!

By john stadler.

I enjoyed it.

Ordinarily, snails aren't
on baseball teams,

But this snail
is the batter.

He wallops that ball
right to the moon,

And it hits
the pyramids.

He's trying to get
around the bases just once.

Hooray for snail!
Is terrific.

Go to your public library
and pick it up.

It doesn't matter
if you're two inches tall.

You can do anything.

Hi, guys and dolls.

I'm here to tell you
about an exciting contest

That can prove men can do
almost anything women can do.

It's called sam johnson
and the blue ribbon quilt.

The most important people

Are sam johnson
and his wife, sarah.

Sam took some
of sarah's scrap pieces

And mended them together
while she was out of town.

He said, "this looks neat.

I think I should join
sarah's quilting club."

The women say,
"there's no room for a man."

Then the contest begins.

By the end
of the contest,

The quilt looks different
than anyone planned.

If y learn
to work together,

You might
get something

A little different
than you planned.

Ok, welcome, everyone,

To the first annual
rainbow mini-classic.


We expect you
to follow the rules,

Stay to the right
of the center line,

Don't try and face
opposing traffic,

Obey the laws.

If a policeman
tells you anything,

Obey that policeman.

We expect this to be
a fair race.

Do your best.

Timers, are you ready?

Come on!

Come on, dave!

, , ...


Yay! Yay!

Yay! Yay!

All right!

All right!

All right!


Good race.

Thank you.

Thanks, guys.

Thank you.


Thank you.


What a race!
I feel great!

I never thought
I would do so well.

I did.

isn't everything.

Winning means different things
to different people.

It can mean as much

To the last person
across the finish line

As the first.

I overcame
the person inside of me

That wanted to quit.

That's me.

I feel like a winner

Because I made myself
keep on keeping on

And turned in my best.

With help
from your friends.

We'll always
be here.

We'll see you
next time.
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