18x02 - Pet Stories: You Don't Have to Walk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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18x02 - Pet Stories: You Don't Have to Walk

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow
butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look, it's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know
and ways to grow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look, it's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

Hi. You're just in time

To help me find
one of my best friends.

Today is his birthday

And I'm planning
a surprise party with
some of his friends.

The problem is he decided
now was a great time

To play hide-and-seek.

Well, he's not hiding here.

Not here either.

Nope. Not here.

This shouldn't take long.

He always picks
the same hiding places.

Let's try one more idea, hmm?


Here's a tip: if you're
going to play hide-and-seek,

Make sure you know
exactly where your tail is.

Come here, roy.

Come here.
Come here, roy.

Come here, yes. Roy.

Good dog.

This is roy,
my golden retriever.

Today is his birthday.

For us, it's a celebration
of all of the hard work
and commitment

That have gone into
our relationship.

I've taken care of him.

I've fed him,
played with him,

Groomed him, trained him,

And he'seen a good boy.

Haven't you, roy?
Yes, you have.

You are a good dog.

He's a loving,
loyal companion who's
always there for me.

And before
the you-know-what,

that's you, mister,

You are going
to get a bath.


Oh, come on.

You know you love
your bath.

Come on, let's go.
Come on.

Ok, roy, time to get you
all squeaky clean.

This is u-wash doggie,

Kind of a car wash for pets.

There's always a whole lot of
washing going on here.

Good dog.

He likes to complain
about his bath,

But he really loves it.

A few years ago,

When roy was still a pup,

Giving him a bath
was a snap.

But now, he's fully grown

And it's not quite
as easy as it used to be.

But, having a gigantic pet
does have its advantages.

This is a collection
of some of my favorite
pet stories,

Called pet stories
you don't have to walk.

One of the stories inside
is about a little boy

Who has the biggest pet
you can possibly imagine.

Selections from
"danny and the dinosaur"
by syd hoff.

Read by jason alexander.

Danny loved dinosaurs.

He wished he had one.

"I'm sorry they are
not real," said danny.

"It would be nice
to play with a dinosaur."

"And I think it would be nice
to play with you," said a voice.

"Oh good," said danny.

"What can we do?"

"I can take you for a ride,"
said the dinosaur.

He put his head down
so danny could get on him.

"Let's go!" Said danny.

A policeman stared at them.

He had never seen a dinosaur
stop for a red light.

The dinosaur was so tall,

Danny had to hold up
the ropes for him.

"Look out!" Said danny.

"Bow wow," said a dog
running after them.

"He thinks you are a car,"
said danny.

"Go away, dog,
we are not a car."

"I can make noise like a car,"
said the dinosaur.

"Honk. Honk, honk!

I love to climb,"
said the dinosaur.

"Down, boy," said danny.

Some people were
waiting for a bus.

They rode on the dinosaur's
tail instead.

"All who want to cross
the street

May walk on my back,"
said the dinosaur.

Danny and the dinosaur went all
over town and had lots of fun.

"It's good to take
an hour or two off

After million years,"
said the dinosaur.

That was a good one,
huh, roy?

Danny and his dinosaur were
just right for each other.

They were a perft match.

Having a pet is about
love and trust,

No matter how unusual or
unlikely your pet may be.

[Running water]

Come here, bubu.

Man, voice-over:
I'm baldo mistretta.

This is my african gray parrot.

His name is bubu.

He's been with me
for the last years.

He's about / years old.

When bubu takes
a shower with me,

The minute bubu hears the water
he knows it's time for fun.

And one thing that he
likes best in the shower

Is when I spray him
with a hose spray,

Especially when I put
the hose under his wings
or under his chest.

He really loves that.

Very nice.


Can you give me
a kiss, baby?

Give me a kiss.

Very nice.

Do you smell good?

You smell, ahh...

You're great.
Are you cold?

Looks like we're
gonna have to use
the hair dryer, right, baby?

We're gonna have to dry you.

Bubu, you're shivering.

Baldo, voice-over: I have
a special little dryer for bubu.

The minute he comes out
of the shower

I have to dry him real fast

Because I don't want bubu
to catch a cold.

Even when you're wet
you look pretty.

You're a wet baby
right now.

Hold on, baby, hold on.


Oh, you don't want
to scream.

I gotta dry you off.

Who's your
number one friend?


Now we're
going to make you
smell nice, bubu.

Baldo, voice-over:
every time he comes out of
the shower I blow dry him

And out comes the cologne.

Right away,
bubu loves that cologne.

Yes. Let me see,
let me see.

Oh, you smell so good.

Bubu, you look terrific.

How about some pasta?

Let's go get some pasta.

Oh, bubu,
this is fantastic.

We're gonna have a great lunch
this afternoon.

Baldo, voice-over:
I always tell agnes, my wife,
to set up the table for .

The kids, the extra kid
over here, me, and her,

Because bubu is part of
the family now, right, bubu?

Hey, bubu,
you like the pasta?

This is great.

Wait ainute...

We play this li(tle game
like I won't give him the food

And he's expecting me
to give him the food,

And I try to pull away
and every time I pull away

He reaches even
further to grab it.

He what are you doing?

You took my pasta!

Bubu, you like the pasta?

We got to gesome soda.

Baldo, voice-over:
at the beginning,

I approached him,
I tried to talk to him

And he would not
pay attention to me,

So I noticed that every time
I have food on my hands,

He would start looking at me,

So I realized that
I probably could try to win
his friendship with food.

We became friends after,
I would say,

Close to years,
little by little.

We started to spend
a lot of time together,

And by doing that,
I won his trust.

And I'm the only person
that he probably trusts
in this entire world.

To him I'm like his best friend.

There you go, roy.
Good dog.

Being best friends
with an animal

Is a lot like being
best friends with a person.

Sometimes you have to
work at it.

it's just pure joy.

In pet stories
you don't have to walk,

There's a tale about
a young pup and his owner

Who discover both.

Excerpt from "a dog's tale"
by seymour reit,

Pictures by kate flanagan.

Read by jason alexander.


When I was a tiny puppy,

I lived at the pound,
but I was very lonely.


I wanted a person to love.

A person all my own.

Then, one wonderful day,
I saw wendy.


She was just right for me,

So I let her take me home.

Wendy was a good kid,

But she never had
a puppy before.

She had lots to learn.

Lucky she had me to teach her.

First, I helped her
pick my name.

She called me spot.


Then skippy.


When she called me ruff,
I barked.

Ruff! Ruff, ruff!

I had to teach her that puppies
eat at least times a day.

I always remind her
if she forgets.


I even had to teach wendy

That puppies need
lots of fresh water.


Wendy finally
got the hang of it.

She found a big box and made
a warm, cozy bed for me,

But sometimes I just have
to snuggle in wendy's bed.

It makes her so happy.


In you go, roy.

Wendy found just the right pet
at an animal shelter,

A place where pets without homes
meet people who want pets.

Adopting a homeless dog or cat
can be a wonderful experience,

But it takes a lot of
thought and planning.

Here at the north shore
animal league america,

Families can find
their perfect pet

By spending
lots of time with them.

Some people come looking
for dogs or puppies.

Others for cats or kittens.

It's an adoption agency
with hundreds of animals
to choose from,

And because an adoption
is forever,

It's important to choose
the right pet for you.

This adoption card tells you
everything you need to know

To make the best choice.

Big dogs need a home with
lots of room to run around.

This little guy might be happy
in a family with a small child.

Volunteers are there to
answer all of your questions

And help you get to know
your new family member.

He's a handsome
boy though,
don't you think?

And we have
another cat at home.

Burton, voice-over:
older dogs make great pets.

After all, it wasn't long ago
that they were puppies, too.

She wants a treat.

Are you a good puppy?

Burton, voice-over: the only way
to know for sure

Is to spend plenty
of time together.

Look at you.

Hi, leesha.

Teeth are sharp.

A friendly setting
too, right?

And he's a baby, too,

So no. We have
an experience with
a baby dog.

There's no more.

Look how cute he is.

Burton, voice-over:
once you know which pet
is right for you,

Applications are filled out.

I have your friend
danny here.

Burton, voice-over:
references are checked
and rechecked,

All to make
for a successful adoption.

And I need to
ask you a few

Woman: ok,
and over here...

The best part of any adoption

Is the magical moment when a new
pet is added to your family.

Oh, thank you.

Hello. Hello.

Let me see.

handsome boy.

Oh! It's ok,
it's ok.

You lucky boy, you.

You want to
come home with us?

Nice doggy, oh...

Burton, voice-over: one of
the most amazing adoptions ever

Happened to scarlett,
a very brave cat.

Woman: this is scarlett.

She's a beautiful,
beautiful calico cat.

She looks a little
different from most calicos

Because she was
badly burned in a fire.

Scarlett lived on the streets.

She didn't have a home.

She'd found a garage,
made a home for her babies,

And the garage caught fire.

She went in and saved each
of her kittens one at a time.

She pulled each one out,

And each time
she went into this garage,

She got more badly burned.

And if a very nice fireman
hadn't saved her

And brought her to the north
shore animal league,

She wouldn't be
here with us today.

And we're very lucky
that we have her.

She spent months
in the hospital recuperating.

I wanted scarlett because I was
in a very bad car accident,

And it left me with a little bit
of a problem when I walk,

And I thought I wanted
a cat like myself

Who wasn't quite
perfect anymore.

The north shore animal league

Received so many letters
and phone calls

From people all over the world
wanting to adopt her,

And my letter was chosen.

I couldn't believe it.

It was better than winning the
lottery. It was better than
winning a million dollars.

Nothing, nothing could compare
to winning this beautiful cat.

And I think she wants
to eat breakfast with us.


Do you like that?

That's your favorite.
That's tuna.

I think that cats
who have gone through...

And dogs who have gone
through difficult times

Become more loving
and make great pets.

Life with scarlett
is so much fun.

When we first got her,
she was a skinny little cat.

You could see by her profile
she's not skinny anymore.

She gets lots of food.
Lots of love.

We're always playing
and running around and jumping

And in the middle of the night
sometimes she'll jump on top
of me and say, "let's play."

I love to feed her from my hand.

I love the feel of her tongue
against the palm of my hand.

Baby, I love you.

I love you.

The thing she likes
the most is tissue paper.

She loves to jump in it,

Hunt for toys that
are buried underneath it.

This is m favorite
thing to do with scarlett,
is to hug her and kiss her.

Yeah, you're the best.

You're the best.

She makes me happy.
I make her happy.

I think she's the most
beautiful cat in the world.

She saved her babies.
She's a hero.

Ok, roy.
Happy birthday, buddy.

This is it.
This is your surprise.

The restaurant
of your dreams.

Worried about
"no dogs allowed?"

Not at this place.

This is
the three dog bakery.

Come on, roy.
Let's go. Come on.

Look at all of this.

It's hard to believe that
these cakes are for dogs.

They look so good,
I want to eat them.

Look at this, roy.

Doesn't all this
look just delicious?

Man: is this roy,
the birthday boy?

This is him.
The one and only.

Hey, this is
mark bodner.

He's one of
the owners here at
the three dog bakery.

What I'm going to do
is take roy,

Go get him settled in,

You can take
a look at the menu,

Get ready for
the birthday party.

Thanks a lot, mark.
Bye, roy.

And this is leanna.

She is the head
pastry chef here.

Now, leanna,
this all looks like
pastry I would eat myself.

Well, you could.

It's all normal

The main difference
is we just don't use
any salts or sugar.

So right here on
this platter we have
a large pup cake,

A bull dog bar,
which is a great treat
for the big dogs,

A wagon wheel, a set
of ruffles, a labrador loaf,

Small pup cake and pup tart,

Which is a great treat
for the little guys,

And a petit four
for special occasions.

It's amazing, and you
make all of this right here?

I do. Do you want
to find out how?

Can i?
You bet.

Here we go.

All right,
so to make a cake

We need to start first
with our wet ingredients.

You mean water?

That's right.

And then we'll
add some apple sauce.

Now is this
because you don't
put sugar in it,

So this is for
the sweetening?

That's right.
It sweetens it.

So this applesauce,
it doesn't have any
sugar in it, either.

It's just apples
and water all mixed up.


Now we're going to
add some baking powder.

That's going to
help our cake rise.

Rise, right.

Now we're going
to pour in our
cake batter now,

And this is not
a normal cake batter.

What's different
about it?

It doesn't have
salts or sugar.

All right,
that looks good to me.

Is that enough?

That looks perfect.

Now we're just going
to transfer it here
into this pan...


For baking.

It's a big sheet pan.

Now this will go into
the oven for minutes.

Right. Ok.

Good consistency.

I'm a good mixer.

That's right.

And here we have
the finished cake.


And now to make
a bone-shaped cake,

We use this stencil.

We're just going to
cut it out by hand,
corner to corner.

So this will
actually give us
a cake

In the shape of
a dog bone.


That's great.

There we go.

That's one bone.

That's right. Careful,
it's a little fragile.

Ok, got you.

Now, this is where
the fun part starts.

What comes next?

We get to frost
the cake.

My favorite part.

That's right, so we have
some peanut butter flavored
frosting right here.

May i?

Yeah. Sure.


Not bad.

That is really good.

That is excellent.


Ok, so
it's just like now,

It's just like frosting a
regular cake, right? That's

Just kind of slather
and spread.

That's right,
nice and thick.


Now we're ready to add
the finishing touches.

A little decoration?

That's right.

How does pink
and yellow sound?

Pink and yellow
are some of roy's
favorite colors.


So right along the edge,

You're just going to
squirt a star,

Leave a space
and squirt another star.

Squirt a star,

Leave a space.
Squirt another star.

There we go.
We add the yellow.

And the pink. Cool.
That's great.

Yeah. Looks nice.

All righty, so now
that we've finisd
with our rosettes,

We're ready for
that finishing touch,
which is...


You got it!

This was a test.

I got to get
the right answer.

Ok, so what are
wgoing to write?

"Happy birthday roy"?

Sounds good.

All righty.

Now this
is melted carob.

now not chocolate?

That's right.

In fact,
it's really important

That you remember dogs
can't have chocolate.

It makes them very sick.

That's right.

Ht, so now we're all r going to
write "roy." All righty, I think
we're ready.

That's a thing of beauty.

Ok, everybody.
It's time to howl
happy birthday to roy.

Are you ready?



Well, shall we
cut the cake?

What do you think, roy?

If seeing all of these
nutritious treats

Has given you
an appetite for more,

Then here are some pet books
you'll want to devour.

But, you don't have to
take our word for it.

Hi, I'm ahmed,

Here to talk to you about
a great pet story.

The girl in this book
has a very unusual pet.

The book is called
harry and lulu.

Lulu begs her parents
for a dog, but they say no.

Instead, they give her
a stuffed animal.

Lulu went lulu!

"I want a real dog."

One night, lulu wakes up
to, "ruff, ruff!"

"Wait a minute,
you're not a dog."

But she finds out differently

When they have an adventure
together in paris.

By the end of the story,
lulu is crazy about harry.

Even if you don't
have a real pet,

You can use your imagination,
and voila! You've got one.

If you want to be inspired,
read harry and lulu.

Hello, pet lovers

I'm samantha and I read a story
about a girl and a pet

That will make you smile
from ear to ear.

It's called
aloha, dolores.

Dolores and her sister fay
went shopping for cat food.

The meows munchies company
was having a contest.

First prize: a cruise to hawaii.

She's sure that
she and duncan will win.

Dolores says aloha
to everyone she meets.

"Aloha," she says
to the plumber.

"Aloha," she says
to the dentist.

Finally the big day comes.

The winner is...fifi,

A siamese cat from indiana.

Poor dolores.

I have a bird, two dogs,
and two hermit crabs,

And I know how dolores felt.

But there's a happy ending.

Read aloha, dolores.

Hi, I'm jamie and sometimes
the search for a pet

Can take you to some
pretty interestinglaces,

Maybe even the moon.

Take this story,
for instance, moondogs.

It's about a boy named will
whose dad thinks he needs a pet.

Will is a scientific type.

He decides the moon
is the perfect place
to find the perfect pet.

A moondog.

On his way to the moon,
will goes to get a snack.

Can you guess what he discovers
eating from his pack?

There are a lot of excellent
moon creatures in the story.

And a scary one, too.

You can find out what happens
by reading this book.

So blast off to your
local library today.

Burton: what a great party.

This is the best dog party
we've ever given....

How you doing, roy.
Is that good, huh?

Any more cake on you
and we're going to have to
give you another bath.

Here you go.

Happy birthday, roy,
and many more.

I'll see you next t

Want some more?

That's good, huh?
Good cake.

Good boy.

Today's reading rainbow
books are:

Pet stories
you don't have to walk,
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