05x09 - Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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05x09 - Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to kno

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

Howdy, partner.

Hitch up your britches
and climb aboard.

We're traveling like
the pioneers of yesteryear

Across a hot, dusty trail,

Past cactus and sagebrush.

This stagecoach is bound
for old tucson, arizona,

Where the spirit
of the wild west lives on.

This is what's really meant
by horsepower.


@Thank you.

Have a good one.

I never would have guessed
the stagecoach could go so fast.

I reckon the west
is still full of surprises.

And here's another one.

It's called
meanwhile back at the ranch.

I guess the only thing
to expect is the unexpectmd.

Rancher hicks
lived out west.

As far as the eye could see,
there was nothing,

Not even a roaming buffalo.

So nothing much ever happened.

"Y think I'll drive into town
and see what's happening,"

Said rancher hicks.

"Do you want
to ride along, elna?"

He asked his wife.

"No. I've got
to dig potatoes," said elna.

So rancher hicks
drove hisútruck miles

To the town of sleepy gulch.

He looked at
the new wanted posters.

That were there years ago.es

Meanwhile back at the ranch,

The cat had just had kittens
in elna's sewing basket

When the phone rang.

Hello. Mrs. Elna hicks?


Mrs. Hicks,
you have just won

A brand-new,

super-cooled refrigerator

With a built-in
a*t*matic food maker.

"Why, I never!"
Exclaimed elna.

The delivery men
are on their way.



Back in sleepy gulch,

Rancher hicks strolled over
to the barber shop

For a whisker trim
and to hear the latest gossip.

"What's new, bob?"
Asked rancher hicks.

"Back in the spring of ',

"We had a rainstorm
you wouldn't believe.

"It rained nearly
a whole five minutes.

Nothing much
been happening since."

Meanwhile back at the ranch,

The dog had just had puppies

When the postman came
with a special delivery.

It was great aunt edith's will.

It said...

Elna cashed in the ticket
and added a new wing

For the wall-to-wall

And a new den for all
the puppies and kittens.



Back in sleepy gulch,

Rancher hicks moseyed over to
millie's mildew luncheonette.

"What's on the menu
for today, millie?"

"We got potatoes
mashed and fried,

"Potatoes boiled
and potatoes baked,

"Potatoes roasted
and potatoes stewed,

"Potatoes scalloped
and potatoes steamed,

And one egg."

"Sounds great,"
said rancher hicks.

"I'll have one of each
and a side order of fries."

Meanwhile back at the ranch,

After all the pigs
had had piglets,

Elna finally started
to dig potatoes.

She struck oil.

Ha ha ha.

The oil man came and gave her
lots of money.

Elna took the money

And had a stylish sty
built for the pigs and piglets.


Back in sleepy gulch,

Rancher hicks headed over
to the general store

To check out
theúchecker game.

"Howdy, boys. What's new?"

"Bernie here
just got a king,

And it only took him
two weeks."

"What a game,"
said rancher hicks.

"I can't wait
to tell elna."

Meanwhile back at the ranch,

All the cows had calves

When a silver limo
swung into the driveway,

And out jumped
a hollywood movie producer.

"Elna hicks, I'llúmake you
a movie star!"

The producer gave her
a script, a bikini,

And a large stack
of dollar bills.

Elna had a glamorous cow palace
built for the cows and calves.

She studied her script.

Meanwhile back in sleepy gulch,

Rancher hicks started
to cross main street

When he saw it.

"Amazing!" He gasped.

Folks ran to see it.

"I've never seen anything
like it," said the mayor.

He declared it
a town holiday.

The whole town watched it
for hours and hours

Until finally...

A turtle crossed main street.

Meanwhile back at the ranch,

All the horses had colts

Wxen the president's heligopter
landed in elna's yard.

"Elna hicks," he said,

"I'm making you
a diplomat.

Don't forget
to vote for me."

Meanwhile back in sleepy guéch,

The sun began to sink slowly
in the west.

Rancher hicks felt bad that
elna had missed the excitement.

He bought her
a box of cr*cker jacks.

"This will make her day,"
he said.

He climbed into his truck

And drove miles
back to the ranch.

Elna met rancher hicks
down by the mailbox.

He gave her the cr*cker jacks

And told her
about all the excytement.

"sh**t! I miss everything,"
said elna.

Then rancher hicks
turned around.

"What the hay?"

Meanwhile elna opened
her box of cr*cker jacks,

And inside she found
a real diamond ring.

Ha ha ha.

Real ranches in the west
aren't like elna's.

Real towns aren't
like sleepy gulch.

A real western town
looked like this years ago.

It's called old tucson.

Everything looks like
it's right out of the old west--

Buildings, horses, people.

No wonder movies
are filmed here.

Visitors come from everywhere.

I want to spend my day
in the wild west in style.

Let's go get duded up.

Early cowboys lived
lives of adventure.

Their clothes had to be
tough and rugged.

Every day was
a test of survival

As they led wagon trains
in the heat,

Headed out in rainstorms,

And checked corral fences
in the bitter cold of winter.

Whe÷her they were chowing down
at the chuck wagon,

Driving cattle
across the range,

Or bedding down
for a night out under the stars,

Cówboys andcowgirls needed
good strong clothes.

They wore long sleeves
and long pants

To cut down on sunburn
and insect bites.

And some wranglers,
like this one,

Had wrist cuffs
to protect their arms

From the fierce sting
of rope burns.

To keep out the dust
from stampedes and windstorms,

Riders wore bandannas they could
pull up over their faces.

Cowboys knew they'd be riding
through thorns and brush,

So they wore leather chaps
to protect their legs...

And leather boots,

So when they were
riding broncs

Or chasing steer,

Their feet would
stay tight in the stirrups.

Sometimes a cowboy's hat
was as well-known as his face.

Everybody had one.

The brims provided shade

And, in a pinch,

Could be used
to fan the fire.

Life was hard
in the old west,

But it had its rewards.

One of them,
after months on the range,

Was coming home
and heading into town again.

♪ There's lots of things
about this cowboy life I love ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade a -gallon hat
for a king's golden crown ♪

♪ But the one thing that
I just can't get enough of ♪

♪ Is how warmly folks greet me
when I ride into town ♪

♪ Everyone says howdy
to a cowboy ♪

♪ Everybody smiles
as I passúby ♪

♪ 'Cause they know
I'm a man ♪

♪ Who'll lend
a helping hand ♪

♪ Before I get back
on my horse and ride ♪

♪ Everyone says howdy
to a cowboy ♪

♪ Everybody smiles
as I pass by ♪

♪ 'Cause they know
I'm a man ♪

♪ Who'll lend
a helping hand ♪

♪ Before I get back
on my horse and ride ♪

♪ 'Cause they know
that I'm a man ♪

♪ Who'll lend
a helping hand ♪

♪ Before I get back
on my horse and ride ♪♪

A cowboy just isn't a cowboy
without his horse.

That's true for real cowboys
as well as actors

Who saddle up in movies
and on tv.

Actors who do tricks
on horseback

Are called stunt riders.

Here's how one of them
gets her practice.

Hi. My name
is wendy wolverton.

I've been stunt riding
for most of my life.

To be a good stunt rider,
you have to be a good rider,

Know a horse
and have it respond to you

And be real athletic, also.

It just takes
a lot of practice besides that.

Trick riding requires
a special saddle

Called a trick-riding saddle.

It's different
than other saddles

Because it has a high horn
about six inches long.

It's metal.

When doing vaults
or jumping on and off,

You can hang on to it.

The hippodrome is where

You put your feet in the straps
on the trick-riding saddle

And stand up.

The hardest part
is keeping your balance.

The farther you lean forward,
the better it looks.

Some people hold a flag.
I wave to the audience.

To show off a little.

That's one of
my favorite tricks.

I started roman riding
when I was .

I was tired
of sitting on a horse.

I wanted toústand up.

The easiest way was
to put two horses together.

Your legs are going
different wavelengths.

Your horses are galloping
at different times.

The fun part is when
your horses get offbeat.

You're going back and forth.
It's a lot of fun.

Balance is important,
especially in roman riding.

No straps hold you down.

You're just standing
on two horses.

You have to balance
the horses with the reins.

Sometimes they want
to go different ways.

They can't because
they're tied together.

If you're not concentrating,

They turn and you can lose
your balance like that!

My brother kip and I like
to practice patterns together.

The main thing
about the cossack drag

Is that the horse
has to support your weight.

The horse has to be
specially trained

To hold that weight
off the side.

Trick riding is dangerous
if you haven't practiced,

If you don't know
what you're doing.

You have to practice
and become a professional at it.

After a hard day
of trick riding,

I feeé real good.

It's hard work,
but it's worth it.

Wanted--good boóks.

Reward--reading them.

Listen, partner,
and listen good.

Tell you this once.ing to

We got some hog-tied,
horse-high, bull-strong books

For you to read.

But don't
take my word for it.

Is there anyone you know who
likes bossing everybody around?

Even animals?

I know someone.
She's in this book I just read,

Bossybootsby david cox.

It's about a girl
named abigail.

Her nickname ys bossyboots.

One day, she catches
the stagecoach home

And even bosses the driver.

She says...

On the ride home,

She meets flash fred,
the fearsome outlaw.

They start to argue
about who is bossier.

Sometimes I felt worried
about abigail.

But other times,
I just felt like laughing.

The pictures really
helped tell the story.

My favorite was abigail
bossing the horses around.

It's pretty weird
bossing horses around.

If you want
to have some fun,

Read bossyboots.

Pick it up
at your local library today,

Won't you, please?

Have you ever heard
of the pioneers?

They lived out west
about years ago.

That's what this book,
dakota dugout,is about.

The lady in the story goes west
to meet her husband.

They settle
in a house together.

It's a dugout,
the dakota dugout.

That's a small house
built into the earth.

The couple has
hard, hard times.

There were snakes
falling on their bed,

Really bad blizzards,

And, one year,
the whole corn crop died.

But they worked hard together,
and there were fun times, too.

These pioneers finally became
successful with their lives.

But they still had wavm memories
about the first home,

That dakota dugout,

Because sometimes
the things we start with

Ave really the best.

I advise you
to pick up this book.

¿Como estas, caballeros?

I'm felipe. I read
a book called rodeo.

It's as exciting as riding
a real bucking bronco.

A rodeo is
a big celebration.

It reminds me
of a carnival.

There are many events
in rodeo, like cattle roping,

Barrel racing,

And my favorite,
bull riding.

The rodeo cowboys
sure are brave

To ride
on those wild beasts.

The pictures
are color photographs.

They make you feel
like you're really at the rodeo.

It's been nice
riding with you.

Go to the library
and lasso up the book rodeo.

Adios,cowboys and cowgirls!

After spending a great day
in old tucson,

This cowboy
is plumb tuckered out.

I'll leave this town
in the classic western style.

I'll say good-bye
and ride off into the sunset.

Happy trails.
I'll see you next time.
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