04x10 - Abiyoyo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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04x10 - Abiyoyo

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ All night long ♪

♪ All night ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ All night long ♪

♪ All night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ All night long ♪

♪ All night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ All night long ♪

♪ All night ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

♪ Yeah,
once you get started ♪

♪ You can't sit down... ♪♪

Do you recognize
that one?

It's lionel richie's
rock video all night long.

It tells the story of a street
party getting together.

Most music videos
tell a story

Using words,
pictures, and music.

Videos are the newest way
of performing a very old art--

Telling stories with music.

I'll bet you've seen
videos that tell stories.

♪ Feel it rising
in the cities ♪

♪ Feel it sweeping
over land ♪

♪ Over borders,
over frontiers ♪

♪ Nothing will
its power withstand, I say ♪

♪ There is no deeper wave
than this ♪

♪ Rising in the world ♪

♪ There is no deeper wave
than this ♪

♪ Listen to me, girl ♪♪

♪ Something happens ♪

♪ And I'm head over heels ♪

♪ I never find out ♪

♪ Till I'm head over heels ♪

♪ Something happens ♪

♪ And I'm head over heels ♪

♪ Ah, don't take my heart ♪

♪ Don't break my heart, don't ♪

♪ Don't,
don't throw it away ♪♪

♪ My heart's in overdrive ♪

♪ It's great to be alive ♪

♪ "Who's johnnie?" She said ♪

♪ And smiled
in her special way ♪

♪ "Johnnie," she said ♪

♪ "You know I love you" ♪

♪ "Who's johnnie?" She said ♪

♪ And tried to look
the other way ♪

♪ Eyes gave her away ♪

♪ All right... ♪♪

Today, we'll hit you

With some stories
you can tap your foot to,

Stories told with music.

Our first story
is by run dmc,

A rap group
from queens, new york.

In rap, rhythm and rhyme
are everything.

It's like street poetry.

Here's their story
set to music.

♪ Now, we're run dmc,
and we like to rap ♪

♪ And the reason that we do it
is to make you clap ♪

♪ So all you guys and girls
who are takin' a nap ♪

♪ Open your eyes,
it's time to rap ♪

♪ So take your foot
and tap ♪

♪ When I was small,
I didn't play much ball ♪

♪ I loved to draw,
and that's not all ♪

♪ Loved the swimming pool,
I played it cool ♪

♪ And every day
I went to school ♪

♪ I got straight "as,"
loved sunny days ♪

♪ And I always listened
to what my ma said ♪

♪ What the sloppy boy
need and love, the funky beat ♪

♪ But most of all,
I love to eat ♪

♪ And I never been deprived
of nothing I like ♪

♪ As a kid I chilled hard,
bag of chips and a bike ♪

♪ What I'm sayin' is my trade
called rockin' a mike ♪

♪ And it's adidas on my feet,
I'm never wearin' the nike ♪

♪ I'm not tall,
I play ball each and every day ♪

♪ But not alone, I use the phone
and call up jay ♪

♪ I never beat him
when I meet him, but that's ok ♪

♪ 'Cause when I rhyme, I'm right
on time with no delay ♪

♪ Huh! ♪

♪ When I was small,
each and every day ♪

♪ I'd get on the drums
and I would play ♪

♪ I'd play from 1:00
at least till 3:00 ♪

♪ Then I'd hang
with my homeboy, dmc ♪

♪ And when the day was over,
I would sleep ♪

♪ But on my mind
I would keep ♪

♪ Those same drums a-playin'
from 1:00 to 3:00 ♪

♪ And hangin'
with my homeboy, dmc ♪

[Scratch scratch]

♪ Now the things I do
make me a star ♪

♪ And you could be, too,
if you know who you are ♪

♪ Just put
your mind to it and
you'll go real far ♪

♪ Like the pedal to the metal
when you're driving a car ♪

♪ Huh! ♪♪

We'll see some more
run dmc soon.

The guys in the group--
joe, daryll, and jay--

Write all
their own rhymes.

Hi, tammy.
Do you make up
your own rhymes?

Uh-huh. Here's one.

I was feeling down.
I didn't know what to do.

I thought I'd see a friend.
I think I'll come see you.

This book is blackberry ink
by eve merriam.

I'll read some rhymes.

"Bella had an umbrella,
didn't want to lose it.

When she walked in the rain,
she didn't ever use it."

Is there a picture
with that?

Uh-huh. It shows
bella and her pockets
filled with water.

The poems are really funny.

Another one I like
is the five little monsters.

The fifth little monster
is licking pudding
from a spoon.

Would you recommend it
to your friends?

Yeah. It's really fun.

Thanks, tammy,
for the great rhymes.

Many books can be used
for storytelling.

Abiyoyo is a book
you can sing.

It was written
by folk singer pete seeger.

Pete, where did you
get the idea?

Oh, quite unintentional.

I was singing
a lullaby to my kids
about 35 years ago.

You know,
kids discover

That lullabies
are propaganda songs.

They don't want to
go to sleep.

They howled,
"no. We want a story!"

I said,
"I'll figure out a story,

But I'll sing you
the song."

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪♪

Once there was a little boy
who played the ukulele.

Around town he'd go--

Clunk, clink, clunk!

Clunk, clink, clunk!

The grown-ups would say--

Take that thing
out of here!

Not only that, the boy's
father got in trouble.

The boy's father
was a magician.

He had a magic wand.

He'd go zoop! Zoop!
And make things disappear.

But he played
too many tricks on people.

He'd come up to someone
about to drink something--

The glass disappears.

Someone doing
a hard job of work--

[Zzz zzz]

[Zzz zzz]

Up comes the father
with his magic wand.

Zoop! No saw!

He'd come up to someone

About to sit down
after a hard day's work--

Zoop! No chair!

People said to the father,
"you get out of here, too!

"Take your magic wand
and your tricks

And you and your son
just get!"

And the boy and his father
were ostracized.

That means they made them live
on the edge of town.

Now, in this town,
they used to tell stories.

The old people
used to tell stories

About the giants that lived
in the old days.

They used to tell a story
about a giant called abiyoyo.

They said he was
as tall as a tree

And could eat people up.

Of course,
nobody believed the story,

But they told it anyway.

One day, the sun rose
blood-red over the hill.

When the first people got up
and looked out the window,

They saw a great big shadow
in front of the sun,

And they could feel
the whole ground shake.

Women screamed.

Strong men fainted.

Run for your lives!

Abiyoyo's coming!

He comes
to the sheep pasture.

He grabs a whole sheep!


At the cow pasture,
he grabs a whole cow!


Grab your most precious
possessions and run!


Then the boy
and his father woke up.

Hey, pa. What's coming
over the field?

Why, son,
that's abiyoyo.

If only I could
get him to lie down,

I could make
him disappear.

The boy says,
"come with me, pa."

He grabs his father's hand.

The father
gets the magic wand.

The boy gets his ukulele.

They run across the fields.

People yell,
"don't go near him!

He'll eat you alive!"

There was abiyoyo.

He had long fingernails
'cause he never cut them,

Slobbery teeth
'cause he didn't brush them,

Stinkin' feet
'cause he didn't wash them.

He raised up
with his claws.

Just then, the boy
whips out his ukulele.

♪ ♪♪ ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo... ♪

The giant had never heard
a song about himself.

A foolish grin
spread over the giant's face.

The giant started to dance.

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo... ♪

The boy went faster.

♪ Abiyoyo yoyo yoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo yoyo yoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo-- ♪♪


The giant got
out of breath.

He staggered.

He fell down flat
on the ground.

Up steps the father--
zoop! Zoop!

Abiyoyo disappeared!

He's gone!

The people ran
across the fields.

They lifted the boy and his
father on their shoulders.

They say,
"come back to town.

Bring your darn ukulele.
We don't care anymore."

They all sang...

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Yi yoyo, yi yoyo ♪

♪ Abiyoyo ♪

♪ Yi yoyo, yi yoyo ♪♪

And that's the story
of abiyoyo.

I think I like
the disappearing part
the best.

Time for me
to disappear--zoop!

I guess we'll see pete
some other time.

Folk songs and rock videos

Tell their stories
with words and music,

But musical stories
can be told just with movements.

Here's a group working out
the way to tell a story

That you'll probably

Melanie stewart
and her dance company

Perform folktales
and fairy tales set to music.

Dance is a terrific way
to tell a story

Because the human body
is so expressive.

In the story
beauty and the beast,

Movement can show the feelings
of the different characters.

This is a good image
for your opening scene.

That's just
the way it feels.

It's a great story.


The story of
beauty and the beast

Is about a beast
transformed into a prince

Through his love
of a woman.

We'll tell that story
through movement.

What emotion can I convey
through movement?


Happiness is one, ok.
I can get happy.


That can be really silly,
and that's fine.

During rehearsal,
we talk about the story,

The attitudes and actions
of the characters.

We try different ways
of moving our bodies

To tell the audience
what's happening.

We'll work
with the ugly sisters today.

Remember, we're telling
a story through movement

And the portrayal
of emotions.

What are the emotions
of the ugly sisters?



Let's see that
in your body.

Beauty's ugly sisters

Practice mean faces
and arrogant postures

That show jealousy,
anger, and spite.

They can turn
into ugly sisters

By using facial expressions
and body movements.

It's the flaring
of the nostrils,
the shoulder forward,

And the decoration
in the hands--
decorating the body.

Rather than coming
from within,

It's all put on without.

Beauty, beast,
it's your turn.

Come forward, please.

Now, in this sequence,

I'll tell the story,
and you'll do the movement.

Now, beauty, you've just
found the beast.

He's dying.

The beast is dying of grief,
and you come to him.

You're listening
to his heart.

You feel his fingers.
Are they cold yet?

You don't want him
to die, do you?

Lift his head
up towards you.

You see he's alive.

Could there be life
in this body?

Ok. Well, it's
all right to laugh.

In dance, the hands
are so important.

We rehearse using our hands
to show emotion.

At the end of the story,
the beast lay dying,

And beauty strokes his hand.

His fingers flex and move.

His legs begin to stretch out,
muscles straining.

Life is coming back to him.

Costumes and masks can help
dancers tell their stories.

They become part
of the dance.

The glove and the mask

Help tell the dancers
and the audience

Who the character is
and what he is feeling.

As dancers,
we use these props

As part of the movement
of the story.

And it's really magical.

Music with no words,
but still a story.

You can tell a story
by dancing,

With the right moves.

Do you like
to dance, molly?

Only in front
of my brother.

But you read
about dancing?

Uh-huh. I read
ayu and the perfect moon.

It's a perfect book.

It's about a grandmother
telling her granddaughter

About when
she did a dance in bali.

She learned to do
a special dance
with masks and costumes.

I loved the part
about the musicians

And dancing
with the other girls.

My favorite part

Was when ayu wore
her beautiful dresses.

I never knew
there was a place
called bali.

Maybe you can
bring your brother
on the show

And dance for us.

Dancing is one way
to tell a story,

But some music lets you
make up your story.

There are no words,
no dancing,

Just pure music.

There are no words
to tell you the story.

It's up to you
to hear pictures.

They can be anything
your imagination wants.

Here are the images

That animators dean winkler
and john sanborn saw

When they heard this music.

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪

We must mention
the most famous
musical story.

Kimball will
tell us about it.

It's a musical story
called peter and the wolf,

By sergei prokofiev,
a russian composer.

It's about a boy
named peter

Who saves the animals
by capturing a wolf.

The different thing
about this book

Is that each character
is represented

By a different
musical instrument.

For example,
peter's instrument
is a lively violin.

The wolf's instrument
is a threatening french horn.

♪ ♪♪♪
♪ ♪♪♪

♪ ♪♪♪
♪ ♪♪♪

There are not only
pictures and words
in the book,

But you can also
read the music.

The musical notes
are on the pages.

The instrument
that plays the music
is beside it.

Everyone should read
peter and the wolf.

It proves you can tell
a story with music.

We might see you
back here

your own books soon.

Thanks, levar.

Before we wrap up
today's show,

Let's hear another rap
from run dmc

On the subject of books.

♪ Oh, yes, indeed, I like
to read 'cause reading's fun ♪

♪ Not only me, I'm dmc,
but also run ♪

♪ From the front to the back
as pages turn ♪

♪ Reading is a very fresh
way to learn ♪

♪ And if you look into a book,
you might just say ♪

♪ "I had fun just like run,
dmc, and jay" ♪

♪ Huh! ♪♪

So if you look into a book
like run dmc says,

There's fun to find,

Especially in the books
we've seen today--

Books that have music,
books that are storysongs,

Books about dancing,
or books with rhymes.

Find a book
you can get into,

Preferably one
with a good beat.

I'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow books

Abiyoyo, a storysong
by pete seeger,

Illustrated by michael hays,

Published by
macmillan publishing co.

Blackberry ink,
poems by eve merriam,

Pictures by hans wilhelm,

Published by
william morrow & co.

Ayu and the perfect moon
by david cox,

Published by the bodley head/
merrimack publishing circle.

Peter and the wolf,

Adapted from the musical tale
by sergei prokofiev,

Illustrated by erna voigt,

Published by david r. Godine.

Reading rainbow
is made possible by grants from
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