05x06 - A Three Hat Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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05x06 - A Three Hat Day

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪


Everybody's been
telling me

About an amazing store.

There's nothing
like it.

I wanted to see
for myself.

Ah, this must be it.

Hats...to where?

Hats...to where?

Strange name
for a hat store.

Come on.
Let's check it out.

Look at this!

Every kind of hat.

Straw hats,

Top hats,

Cowboy hats,

Even books
about hats.

This is great.

We're totally surrounded
by hat after hat.


Did you see that?

I think my eyes
are playing tricks on me.


This store is definitely
keeping some secrets.

Books are always good
for finding answers.

I wonder what books
are in a hat store.

The great hatsby?

Pat, the beanie?

This one
looks promising.

In fact, it's perfect.

All about hats.

It's called
a three hat day.

R.r. Pottle iii
loved hats.

He loved
firemen's helmets

And fur hats

And felt hats
with feathers in the bands.

He loved top hats

And tiny hats.

He loved berets

And bonnets

And bathing caps

And bowlers.

R.r. Pottle was the last
of a long line of pottles.

Father collected canes.

Mother liked umbrellas.

Together they took
long walks in the rain.

After a happy life

Mother and father died.

R.r. Lived by himself
in the pottle mansion.

He was rather lonely.

He dreamed of meeting
his future wife in the rain.

He dreamed she would
be wearing the perfect hat.

[Rooster crows]

Every morning
when r.r. Woke,

The first thing
he did,

Before he polished
his glasses,

Before he combed
his mustache

And his few strands
of hair,

Even before he yawned,

Was choose a hat.

Sometimes when he
was feeling sad,

He chose two and wore them,
one on top of the other.

One bright, clear morning,
r.r. Felt so sad,

He wore three hats.

He passed two frogs in a pond,
singing a tender duet.

R.r. Recognized the tune.

It was estrillita, be mine,
the love song.

[Ribbit ribbit]

R.r.'S shoulders drooped.

There was only one thing
left to do.

With a sigh of relief,

He glided
through the revolving doors

Of the largest hat store

What hats!

There were fezzas
and face veils,

and tam-o'-shanters.

There were sombreros
and skullcaps,

Pillboxes and panamas.

There were beanies
with propellers,

with green glitter

That glowed
in the dark,

And much, much more.

He tried on the sombrero

And did a little jig.

Pompoms hit his nose.

"What are you doing?"

A sharp voice rang out.

R.r. Was doing
a pirouette.

An angry saleswoman
pointed at him, scowling.

"Stop that!" She said.

R.r. Took off
the sombrero,

Slipped it back on the shelf,
and backed away.

Tears came to his eyes.

He turned to leave.

Just then,
a round figure rushed out

From behind a curtain.

When she saw r.r.,
She smiled.

It was the sweetest smile
he had ever seen,

And above the smile
was a hat,

A perfect hat!

On one side,
a sequined seal

Balanced a shining ball
on the tip of its nose.

On the other,
tiny gold bells jangled,

And a plume,
as soft and gray as fog,

Graced the peak.

"Oh, isabelle,"
the cross one said.

"He is messing up
our hats!"

He's wearing three!"

But isabelle was still
smiling broadly at him.

"Why, ida," she said.

"We don't sell
sailor hats."

She stepped up to r.r.

And gently took off
his sailor hat.

"And, ida," she said,

"We don't sell
firemen's helmets,"

And gently she took off
his helmet.

"And, ida, dear, we don't sell
bathing caps either,"

And gently, gently,

She took off
r.r.'S bathing cap.

"It's clear," said isabelle,
balancing on her toes,

"This man is
no messer-upper of hats."

"It's very clear,"
said she,

"That this man

Is a lover of hats."

And she beamed.

R.r. Took off
his glasses.

"Shall we go
for a walk?"

"Yes," said isabelle.

They passed a pond

Where two frogs sat
doing a duet.

[Ribbit ribbit]

Isabelle recognized
the tune.

It was
love, is that you?

Isabelle and r.r. Pottle iii
lived ever after

In the pottle mansion

R.r. Pottle iv
was born!

R.r. Pottle iv
did not like hats.

She did not like

And canes
left her cold.

R.r. Pottle iv
loved shoes.

[Ribbit ribbit]

R.r. Pottle would love
this hat store,

Even if it is odd.

I mean, this looks like
an ordinary pith helmet,

The kind an explorer
might wear.

That's exactly
what I'm looking for.

This pith helmet?

This hat doesn't go
with a tuxedo.

It's not what
the hat goes with.

It's where
it goes.


Where the hat goes?

Where the hat goes!

Hats...to where?

Let's see.

This looks like some sort
of weird baseball cap.

Hat, take me out
to the ball game.

Whoa! Where am i?

Hey, what are
you doing?

Where am i?

You're at
turf paradise.

I'm denise mccormick,
a jockey.

We're going to race.

What are you doing?

I guess I'll race
with you.

You better put
your goggles down.


You'll be eating
some dirt.

Buckle up
your chin strap.

Here we go.

Then what?

Get your stick.

Does this hurt
a horse?

No, it just
urges him on.

Get your reins.

One in each hand.

Grab the mane.

Then what?

Then get tight on.

Good luck.

A horse race!
I can't believe it!

[Bugle plays
call to the post]

It is now post time.

Last horse in, wally sombrero
with levar burton,

Riding his first time
at turf paradise.

They're all set.

The flag's up.

And they're off!

That's bluebonnet
with the early lead.

Outside, wally sombrero,

Followed by skycap,
top hat, and fedora.

Into the first turn
towards the back stretch,

Bluebonnet has the lead.
Wally sombrero challenges.

Then it's fedora,
top hat, and skycap.

They race
down the back stretch.

Inside, wally sombrero
takes the lead,

Bluebonnet's in second,

Then fedora,
top hat, and skycap.

Moving down the back stretch
around the far turn,

Wally sombrero opens up
the lead by 5

For levar burton.

The field now enters
the stretch.

Wally sombrero opening up
a commanding lead.

They're coming
into the final yards.

Levar burton will win this
with wally sombrero!


Great, levar!


Thank you.

Thanks to wally,


Thank you.

How about a kiss?

The horse did
the work,

But I really owe
my gratitude to this hat

That brought me
here tay.


I get it!

This place is not
your ordinary hat store.

Let's try
another one.

Hmm, nah.
Too cold.

A railroad cap.

I'd love to ride
a locomotive.

Whoo whoo!

All aboard!

Tiny trains.

Is this some sort
of miniature world?

Hi, levar.
I'm bruce williams.

Where am i, anyway?

Three bridges, new jersey,

Home of one of the largest
model railroads.

Let me show
you around.


All aboard!

This is remarkable.

You've created
a miniature world

For these trains.

This is one
of many towns.

We have cities
and towns like this.

The attention to detail
is fascinating.

There are so many
little touches,
you know.

Not just people,
but signs on houses,

Laundry hanging out
of the window there.

They get their clothes
dirty, too.

It's remarkable.

When there's nobody
down here,

This community
comes alive.

People walk around.
Smoke comes out of chimneys.

Bruce, how many guys
does it take

To run this train?

It takes 81 men
to run the system.

We've got some operators
running trains here.

How big is this setup?

There are five more rooms
like this one.

Five more rooms!

Tell me about
the bridges.

There's over 400
scratch-built bridges.

You've built them
by hand.

You've got to support
the trains.

Some of these trains
weigh 20, 30 pounds.


This is scratch-built
like this bridge.

You started
with raw materials.

Right, card stock,

And built the railings
and designed this.

Presto! We have
an industrial building.

It's like
a mining town?

This is a mining

They go
into the mountains

And bring ore
through here.

It's crumbled up
and put into freight cars,

And on it goes.

On its merry way.

How do you feel
about this?

You've devoted

I love it.

I thoroughly enjoy
creating it.

It's hard work.

Find what the heart
can do,

And then do it
with all your might.

Levar, great
having you here.

Thanks so much
for showing me around.



Oh, wait a minute!

How do I get back
where I came from?

Think, levar, think.

It has something
to do with this hat.


Ah, I get it.

I took this off,
said "hat," and I'm back.

These hats can take you
anywhere you want.

A good book
can do that, too.

Here are three
that will flip your lid.

Some people like hats.

Some people like gloves.

The person who wrote
this book likes shoes,

All kinds of shoes.

The name of the book
is shoes.

This book is a poem

About things to wear
on your feet--

Shoes to slide
and run in,

Shoes to turn
a double flip in,

Shoes for fishing
and muddy squishing,

And lots and lots more.

You'll love this book,
or my name isn't jara whitt.

Put on your shoes

And run to the library
right now.

Caps for sale.

That's the name
of the book I just read.

My name
is vincent sierra.

This book is terrific.

It's about a man
who sells caps

And carries them
on his head.

He's a funny
little guy.

He walks slowly
so they don't fall off.

One morning he can't sell
any of his caps.

He decides to take a nap
alongside a big tree.

When he wakes,
the caps are gone.

There's some mysterious
monkey business in this story,

And the pictures
are marvelous.

I like this book
because it teaches you

Not to fall asleep
on the job.

Put on your cap

And pick it up
at your local library.

Are you interested in meeting
some unusual characters?

There's a couple
in this book.

It's called
maebelle's suitcase.

Maebelle is
a 108-year-0ld woman.

Binkle is a bird
who lives next door.

Maebelle is famous
for making unusual hats.

Some are a little weird.

Maebelle and binkle
work together

On a terrific hat

For the annual
hat-making contest.

I'm michelle bernstein.

If you like funny stories
as much as I do,

You should read
maebelle's suitcase.

Here's my entry
for the annual hat contest.

What do you think?

I think we should try
one more hat trip.

Let's see
what we've got here.

A trip on the ocean?

Nah, too far away.


Definitely too far away.

Huh? What's this?

I've never seen
a hat like this before.

Wonder what it's for.

Maybe it's
a two-sided helmet.

Can you guess?

I don't have a clue.

Well, I guess there's
only one way to find out.

I hope I don't
regret this.

Hey, levar,
your helmet's on


Your skates
are fine.




Let me give you
a hand.


There you are.

Where am i, anyway?

At the nassau

You're at practice

How are you
doing now?

I'm a little shaky,
but we'll be ok.

I'm kelly hrudey,

A goaltender
for the islanders.

Let me show
what we're wearing.

We have skates,
pads, pants,

Chest and arm

Then we have
the gloves.

This is a blocker.

That's not for catching.

You knock the pucks away.

Next we have
the catching glove.

It looks exactly
like a catcher's mitt.

We have the stick
for deflecting sh*ts.

Then we have the helmet.

Face it with the cage
facing forward.

The bars go this way.


Balance is the most
important thing
about goaltending.

I'll show you
a few things.

Bend your legs.

Keep the weight
on the balls
of your feet.

Grip the stick

Ready to make
some saves?


The first one
is a leg save.

Stick out
the left leg.

Can you try that?

Stick out
the left leg.

Keep the legs bent.

There you go.
That's all right.

Try it
the other way.

Just like that.

Bring it back up.

You can get
a little quicker.

I don't think
I'll get it that quickly.

There you go.
Stand back up.

Try some glove saves.

Envision that a puck's
coming towards you.

Turn your body
and pretend

To grab it
with your glove.

Just like in baseball.

Try everything
a little quicker.

Left leg.


Right leg.


Glove save.

Other glove save.

That feels
pretty good.

Want to try it?

I think
you're ready.

Take it easy on him.


What a save!

Ho, yeah!

Got to get down here.

Great job!

Ho, yeah!

What happens
when you catch it?

You hang on to it
for a face-off.

All right!

Keep your gloves
up there

So you don't give them
too much net.

Got by me there.

Here we go.

Oh, yeah.

This looks
pretty easy.

Put your helmet on.

Then we'll take
some real sh*ts,

All right?

There you go.

Just like this, huh?


We'll sh**t
some hard ones now.

We'll give it
a shot.

Ready, levar?




What a great
hat trick!

Anyway, three hats
will do it for me today.

I guess we did have
a three hat day.

So, I'll see you--

Whoa! Wait a minute!

Look at this!

Nah, this had just
better stay a three hat day.

I'll see you next--

Oh, what the heck.

Let's make it
a four hat day.

I'll see you next time.


Today's reading rainbow books

A three hat day
by laura geringer,

Pictures by
arnold lobel,

Published by
harper & row.

by elizabeth winthrop,

Illustrated by
william joyce,

Published by
harper & row.

Caps for sale
by esphyr slobodkina,

Published by
harper & row.

Maebelle's suitcase
by tricia tusa,

Published by
macmillan publishing company.
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