07x02 - Stay Away from the Junkyard!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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07x02 - Stay Away from the Junkyard!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪


Got a job to do.

See all this junk?

I'm getting rid of it.

I'm going to have
a yard sale.

I'm going to
sell this stuff.

Look at this.


I'm going to
clean this place up,

Starting right now.

Look at this.

My old watch.

This was my first watch.

Wonder how long
it's been here broken.

Still looks good.

It's still ticking!

this isn't junk.

This is certainly
worth keeping.

I'm going to
hold on to this,

But the rest of this stuff--
all this stuff--

Is going.


Ha ha ha ha ha!

Oh, boy!

Look at this!

This is my old
letter-man's jacket.

It's got my name on it.

It can't possibly
still fit.

Try it on anyway.

You never know.


it's not that bad.

Wait a minute.

Where is...

My book--here it is!

My old book bag!

I wore this to school
every day.

It had my pencils, pens,
erasers, and stuff.


I'm definitely going
to keep these.

These aren't junk.

Just because something's old
doesn't mean it's junk.

You can't always tell
on the first look.

Look at this.

This is a story about
a town full of people

Who thought they knew
when junk was junk,

But this girl, theodora,
made them take a second look.

It's called
stay away from the junkyard!

Theodora was arriving

In the small town
of jasper, texas,

For her first summer
at aunt mazel's.

"Yoo-hoo! Theo!"

Aunt mazel's housekeeper,
mrs. Percy, greeted theo.

"I expect
you'll keep your room tidy,

"And by all means,
stay away from the junkyard!

"That odd-looking old man
crampton lives there

"With a pig he calls clarissa.

He's clearly mad."

"Now, now,"
said aunt mazel.

"He's a newcomer.
Nobody knows him."

"And nobody's going to."

The next morning,

Theo set out for the vast,
unexplored land beyond.

Her first stop was
mudd doogan's general store

For a root beer.

"Have a good time
in our town,

"Only stay away
from the junkyard.

"The rumor is,
crampton has no teeth.

He swallows kids whole."


Lured into miss betty anne's
bakery by the delicious aroma,

Theo bought an oatmeal cookie.

"Don't set foot
near that old junkyard.

"The place is booby-trapped
with holes so deep

You could fall to china."

After playing
with the kids in town,

Theo headed north
toward a nearby hill.

Over the hill,
theo came to a stumbling halt.

Before her was the most
breathtaking sight!

A mountain
of glistening objects

Towered above her!

Rummaging through,
theo found an old trumpet,

A lamp shade,

A chandelier.

She squealed with delight.

the pile began to move.

Out crawled
the plumpest pig ever!


"What are you doing,
little girl?"

A man's voice asked.

"Clarissa, you all right?"


This was old man crampton,
theo realized.

She was standing in the middle
of the jasper, texas, junkyard!

Old man crampton
stared at theo.

"No one's been near here since
I moved in six months ago."

"I--i was
just exploring, sir."

"Well, go on
and enjoy yourself.

By the way,
what's your name?"

"Theo, sir."

"Well, mine's not sir.

It's otis."

He smiled.

Theo was shocked.

Was this the man
who swallowed kids whole?

She summoned her courage
and asked,

"Why do you live here?"

Otis pointed to
the pile of junk.

"Because these are the tools
of my trade."

He winked
and walked away.

Theo set to work.

She made a chariot
for clarissa

And placed a crown
on her head.

For herself,
she found a helmet

And a magic cape.

Most of the afternoon
had passed

When theo waved good-bye.

"Bye-bye, theo."

When she got to town,

Theo stopped to tell
miss betty anne about otis.

Miss betty anne cried,
"what a sight you are!

Don't even think
about coming in!"

Mudd doogan received theo
the same way.

"Get on home
and fix yourself up."

Back home,
aunt mazel listened

While theo told her

About the enchanted kingdom
she'd discovered

And the friends she'd made.

"Well," said aunt mazel,

"Maybe people would like
otis crampton.

I doubt they'll get
close enough to find out."


Early the next morning,
theo returned to the junkyard.

Otis was busy drawing.

"Otis, what is it?"

"An idea I've been working on
for a sculpture.

I'm going to build it
just for you."

After several weeks
of hard work,

The sculpture was finished.

It was time for theo
to prove the town wrong.

With otis' permission,

She took clarissa
for a stroll through town.

Just as theo had expected,

It was love at first sight
for the kids.

[Oink! Oink! Oink!]

They all followed
clarissa home.

Music and laughter
from the junkyard

Were heard
across the town.

When the people
of jasper, texas,

Reached the top
of the north hill,

They witnessed something
extraordinary below.


The old junkyard
had become a work of art,

A world of magic

And wonder.

Following aunt mazel,

Everyone went
to get a closer look,

Not only at the junkyard,

But finally,
at their new neighbor,

Otis crampton.

Theo beamed at the crowd

And especially
at mrs. Percy.

As old man crampton
could tell you,

One man's trash
is another man's treasure.

Take this stuff,
for example.

Someone else might say
I should throw it away,

But I don't want to,

So I'm going to keep it.

Wonder what's under there.

There's really only one way
to find out.

Oh, boy!

Look at this!


I remember this.

My best friend
steven and I

Spent a whole summer
building this thing.

I wonder if I can remember
how it works

Or even if it
still works at all.

Let's see...

There was a doohickey
here someplace

That I hid so my sister
couldn't find it.

Wait, wait!
Here it is.

This is it.

This is the key.

Now watch this.

This is very cool.

It's a piggy bank.

Ha ha ha ha!

Isn't that great?

This is wonderful!

I built this
with my own hands.

Maybe I should move this
into the living room.

I mean, this is art.

People should see this!

The robbers drive up
to the scene,

Hit the hammer,

And pop up with the cash.

But then, they drop it.

The cops race in
to arrest them.

And the money--
see the penny?

Goes back to the bank.

Now, this,
this was my treasure chest.



This is an old friend
I couldn't say good-bye to.

No matter how old
or how tattered,

There are certain things

You just can't
get rid of.

Is there anything
your mom and dad

Want you to throw away

That you can't part with?

This is vanilla.

My mom wants to
throw it away.

I want to keep it.

My baby doll.


And it's this.

I love my monkey.

I'll feel terrible
if it's thrown away.

Zoom zoom zoom!

Come on.
I got to keep this.





You know, most of us
save things

For their sentimental value,

Because they mean
something special to us,

But some people save things for
an entirely different reason.

See all these odds and ends?

Someone else might have
junked them long ago,

But not michael ives.

Like old man crampton,
michael is an artist.

He saves objects and turns them
into works of art.

He pokes around
in his back yard

Until something--
like this old dresser drawer--

Strikes his fancy.

Then he lets
his imagination soar.

Today, he's going to make
a story box.

A story box
is just an imaginary scene

Where I can create
anything I want.

I think I'm going to do
a cowboy scene,

A rodeo one
with a bucking bronco.

Once I decide what to do,

I have to
prepare the box.

First, I gesso the box.

Gesso's a white paint
I put on the inside.

It helps the colors
stand out.

To make this box,
I'll need several layers.

I can find them all
in my junk pile.

When I was a kid,

I learned to be
a real good scrounger.

Making something
out of a pile of junk

Became a real treat
to be able to do.

I've got to sketch the scenes
out on these different layers.

Next, I cut the layers out
with my jigsaw.

This is where the pieces
take on some life.

When I'm laying color down,

large areas of color,

It's fantastic.

It's the greatest feeling.

You feel the brush
underneath you.

Your hand feeling

Is going along
with what you're seeing,

And it's just magic.

Colors, for me,
are truly joyful and exciting.

Using colors
is real instinctual.

It's a gut feeling

Rather than something
learned in school.

The next layer is
the mesas and the cactus.

I want to reflect
the setting sun on them.

I'll do this
with an orange and a pink.

The next layer
is the grandstands

And the cactus
in back.

I want the grandstands
to be a happy place.

There will be flags
hanging in front.

Sometimes I get great ideas
from everyday things,

Like this can...

Plenty of buttons,

Great for the faces
in the grandstands.

This next layer is the cowboy
and the bucking bronco.

This guy's really having
a good time.


It'd be great
to make these move up and down.


This is fantastic,

Making something
from odds and ends.

Brings the kid out in me.
I love it!

Ha ha ha ha!

This is my high school


Let's see...
Where is my picture?

There it is.

Oh ho ho!

I can't believe
this is me!

Look at this hair
and these clothes!


Pretty scary.


What else is in here?

A box with
my name on it.


Oh, these pictures.

These have to be
so old.



Get ready for a trip down
levar burton's memory lane.

There I am with mom and dad.

Huh! I was
a pretty cute kid.

My dad thought so, too.

My first birthday!

There's the cake!

Ha ha ha ha!

I liked the cake!

Oh, there's my bunny

And my first crib!



Look at that!

And always, new books.

Me and my sisters,
letitia and valencia.

There we are at easter
in new outfits.

Look at those glasses!

Ha ha ha ha!

School pictures.

I'm in the fourth grade.

Oh, my bowling team.

I was a terrible bowler.

This is my high school
basketball team.

I was team captain
that year.

These were my early
acting days.

I loved being
in school plays.

In my senior year,
I was student council president.

I still can't believe
that was me

Or that I was ever
that small.

What is this?

"My peom book."

My poem book!

This is my poem book!


I wonder how old I was
when I wrote this.

Here's one called
my policeman.

"He is always standing there,
at the corner of the square..."

This is where I kept
all of my books.

The velveteen rabbit.

Boy, I used to know this book
practically by heart,

Backwards and forwards.

There are some books
I never get tired of reading.

I can read them over and over
and over again.

So if you're looking
for some books

That you can read
again and again,

Here are a few
you can keep around forever,

But you don't have to
take my word for it.

I've got a special book
for you to read.

My dad used to
read it to me.

It's called
make way for ducklings.

It's about
a family of ducks

Looking for a place
to hatch their ducklings.

They settle
in the city of boston.

There's a lot of traffic
that scares them.

Can you imagine a policeman
stopping traffic for ducklings?

In real life,
that probably wouldn't happen.

I'm melody carter.

I like this book because
it has a happy ending.

Read it for yourself.

make way for ducklings.

Everybody likes to play
in the snow.

I'm charles stern.

I'm here to tell you about
the snowy day,

By ezra jack keats.

This story is about
a kid named peter.

One morning, he wakes up

And the streets
are covered with snow.

He goes out in his red snowsuit
and has fun.

He makes funny footprints,

Angels in the snow,

And a smiling snowman.

The funny part is when peter
tries saving a snowball

By putting it in his pocket,
but it melts.

Once you try this book,
you'll read it over and over,

So snuggle up with
the snowy day.

I'm shephanie nevaro.

I bet you think all bulls
are mean and fight,

But not ferdinand.

He's in this book called
the story of ferdinand.

Ferdinand looks like
a big, strong, fierce bull,

But he's a gentle bull

Who loves
to smell flowers.

All of the other bulls
like to fight,

But not ferdinand.

This book is also available
in spanish.

I read it
in both languages.

Pick it up!

Well, I guess I'm ready.

There wasn't as much junk
as I thought.

There was stuff,
but it was mine.

I couldn't sell that.

My neighbors are getting
a great deal.

This is a nice color,
got a great handle...

Maybe I could
use this myself.

It's chipped,
but not on the lip.

Now, this is a handy item
to have around.

You could use it
as a paperweight,

A doorstop,
or a hammer.

Why am I selling it?

What, am I crazy?

Now, this is a good buy--

A pair of sandals.

A shoemaker could
fix these right up.

It's not like
they're out of style.

I could use
a good pair of sandals.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Wait a minute.

There is one thing
I can get rid of.

I'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow
books are...

Stay away from the junkyard!,
By tricia tusa,

Published by macmillan
publishing company.

Make way for ducklings,
by robert mccloskey,

Published by viking kestrel.

The snowy day,
by ezra jack keats,

Published by viking kestrel.

The story of ferdinand,
by munro leaf,

Drawings by robert lawson,

Published by viking kestrel.

The velveteen rabbit,

Original text
by margery williams,

Original art
by william nicholson,

Published by doubleday.
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