07x05 - Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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07x05 - Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family Lazardo

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

I got it!
I got it!


I guess I don't.

Looks like
I could use practice.

Hi. Welcome
to spring training

With the american league
champion, oakland athletics.

Here in scottsdale, arizona,

The a's are getting into shape
for baseball season.

Everyone loves baseball,

But not everybody is
a major league ball player.

We're invited
to spring training

To get tips
from the pros.

I know
the perfect place to start.


It's hard work
getting in shape.

Every player does it

So he can contribute
to the team.

Every team seems
to have a hero

Who inspires them
to win the big game,

Like bob
in this baseball tale,

Dinosaur bob and his adventures
with the family lazardo.

Every year
before baseball season,

The lazardo family
took a trip

Far from their home
in pimlico hills.

One afternoon,
while on safari in africa,

Young scotty
found a dinosaur.

"He looks like my uncle bob,"
said mrs. Lazardo.

Scotty patted the dinosaur
on the nose.

"Bob?" He tried.

The dinosaur smiled
and wagged his giant tail,

So they named him bob.

With bob along,
safari life was fun--

Swimming in the morning

And games of baseball
in the afternoons.

When it came time
to start for home,

The lazardos
invited bob to come.

The journey was grand.

For part of the trip,

They made bob
into a ship

And steered him
down the nile river.

Then dr. Lazardo booked passage
on a luxury liner.

It was a wonderful voyage.

Passengers danced the conga
up and down bob's back.

And every evening,

The children brought bob
a little bedtime snack--

Chocolate cakes.


When the ship
reached new york city,

The lazardos caught a train
to pimlico hills.

It was
bob's first train ride.

Reporters flocked
to the lazardo house.

Cameras flashed.

"Lengthy lizard
lands with lazardos,"

Read the headline
in the paper.

Bob was famous.

The next day,
bob and the lazardos

Played some baseball
in the back yard.

Bob was terrific.

He could play right and
left field at the same time.

The pimlico pirates
watched bob play.

The pirates
had never won a game.

They were
the worst team in history,

But everyone in town
loved them

And went
to all their games.

"I wish the big guy
could play for us,"

Said one pirate.

The following morning,

Bob joined some
neighborhood dogs chasing cars.

He was arrested
by a policeman

For disturbing the peace.

The lazardos rushed
to get bob out of prison,

But the chief of police
wouldn't let him go.

He said, "we can't have
dinosaurs running wild.

We're sending him
back to africa."

That night,

No one at the lazardos' house
could sleep.

dr. Lazardo jumped up

And ran out the door.

Soon the doctor returned
with the pimlico pirates.

"Come on,"
he whispered.

"I think I know
how to save bob."

Bob's escape made headlines
the following morning.

The people of pimlico hills
weren't worried.

They were too busy

Thinking about
the pirates' opening game,

Which was that afternoon.

As the stadium filled,

No one noticed a large bump
in the outfield.

The team began to run out
onto the baseball diamond

As the announcer
called their names.

When the last
of the team was called,

The announcer shouted,

"And now the newest
pimlico pirate--

Dinosaur bob!"

The crowd roared!

Bob smiled
his big dinosaur grin,

And the game began.

The game was close.

The pirates needed
just one run to win

When dinosaur bob
stepped up to bat.

He swung
with all his might.

The ball went up and up,

Clear out of the stadium
and out of sight.

Bob rounded the bases

And touched his nose
to home plate.

The pimlico pirates
had won the game!

Everyone cheered bob.

The chief of police
cheered the loudest.

Bob was a hero!

That evening,
bob and the lazardos celebrated

By having a party
in the back yard.

"Here's to bob,"
said dr. And mrs. Lazardo.

"The best ball player,
the best pal,

And the best dinosaur
a family ever had!"

Shouted scotty.

They all sang and danced
late into the summer night.

Dinosaur bob
might have trouble

Fitting into
the batting cage.

It's no problem
for the a's.

This team is known
for its great hitters--




And a whole line-up
of bashers.

It takes a lot
of hard work and concentration

To be a great hitter.

Coaches use
all kinds of techniques

To strengthen
the hitter's swing.

The bats are heavy
and can slip.

The players rub on pine tar
to improve their grip.

Then it's just practice...

And more practice.

Hitting instructor
merv rettenmund

Works one on one
with players.

Weight on the balls
of the feet.

When it was my turn,
merv offered me some tips.

Rock the bat
wherever it comes up.

Relaxed position.

I've got my balanced,
relaxed position.

The bat is
off my shoulder.

The swing is
like a cast.

The first thing
you do is

Go back with it
and push the bat.

Am I ready?

For sure.

Feet a little wider
than shoulders,

Weight on
the balls of the feet,

Relax in the knees,

Just rock the bat
a few times,



It feels great
to make contact.

When the a's
get a hold of one,

It's going, going, gone.

The game really starts
on the pitcher's mound.

When the umpire says,
"play ball,"

He's telling the pitcher
to deliver that first pitch.

This is dave stewart,

One of baseball's
best pitchers.

Here's one
of dave's trademarks--

Getting the big strikeout
when it really counts.

Dave, how you
hold the ball

Affects how
the ball travels.

How do you
hold the ball?

I've got
three different pitches.

I throw a fork ball,

Which has
been the success
of dave stewart.

It's a pitch
that's held across
these two seams.

Dave's fork ball
fools the batter.

He thinks it's
coming at him,

Then it drops
before reaching the catcher.

For a fast ball,

You'd use it
across this seam.

The curve ball
is a pitch

That you can
do without

Until you're
about 17 years old,

Once your muscles
are strong.

Watch how
dave's curve ball arcs

As it spins
toward the plate.

What happens
if the batter

Gets the best
of you?

Let the other
eight guys take over.

The infield
and the outfield?

I hope.

Here are the glove men
for the a's.

They can always be counted on
to make the big plays.

There are important members
of every team

That you don't see
on the field--

The fans.

They don't get instructions
from experts,

So here's
a little spring training

That'll help you
get in shape

As the perfect
baseball fan.

In the good old days,
enthusiastic baseball fans

Packed stadiums
across america.

Fans got a special treat

When their favorite slugger
blasted one.

Today's fans rush
through the stadium turnstiles

With the same enthusiasm.

Modern cheering styles

Are an important part
of fan etiquette.

the hankie cheer.

Dancing at the dugout.

You might want to bring along
special cheering equipment.

Don't forget
to bring your camera

For a picture-perfect day.

A good fan must always
eat at the park

To keep up
his cheering strength.

Fresh milk is now available
at some parks.

Whether it's a day game
or a night game,

Be prepared for
some unexpected surprises.

The observant fan appreciates
the fine art of fielding.

Finally, fans,
don't go home

Until your hero
hits a home run for you.

Whether you're
a ball player or a fan,

There's nothing like
the excitement you feel

On the day of the game,

And it doesn't matter what game
it is or who's playing.

Welcome to the reading rainbow
pony softball classic.

It's the 78th precinct bombers,

Wearing dark red uniforms,

Versus the bergen beach bengals

In green and white.

This is steve albert
in brooklyn, new york,

Bringing you the action.

It's a beautiful day
for softball.

Let's go meet some key players
in today's game.

Suzanne, this is a big game?
How are you feeling?

I'm nervous
because they pitch fast.

They're a good team.

Stephanie, what's
your strategy for today?

Get a lot of hits,
not strike out.

Anna, what's
your game plan?

I'm pitcher, and I plan
to get strikeouts.

Corrie, how do you see
today's outcome?

I think we'll win
because we have a strong team.

I hope the pitchers
can come through.

Have a good game.

They're coming
out of the dugout.

Let's go to the field.

Play ball!

Bombers up,
chris kenny at the plate.

It's a shot
to the outfield.

Still no score.

Bengals are up.

Lisa lent at the plate.

It's a hit.

Lisa hustles to first base.
She's safe!

The runner scores.

The bases are loaded.

Melanie cross
is at the plate.

She smashes it
through the infield.

She's safe!

Dina comes home
to make it 2-0, bengals.

This could be a big inning
for the green and white.

Bases are loaded.

Jeri marotta pops it up.

That's out number 3,
and the inning is over.

leah ellis talked

About the strength
of the bengals' team.

They're a good team.

We were the first team
to beat them.

I think it'll be
a good game.

It's the 5th inning.

The bombers have runners
on every base.

Ali gonsowski up.
A dribbler to the pitcher.

A race to home plate.
She's safe.

It's now 2-1.

The bomber dugout

And the crowd come alive.

Mary kenny steps up.

It's a ground ball
to first.

She's out at first,
but another run scores.

It's 2-2.
We have a tie.

It's the 6th inning.

The bengals
need some runs.

Stephanie gugliaro spoke
about the bengals' offense.

We won't swing
at bad pitches.

We're going to hit good.

Now's the time.

Suzanne gervasi at bat.

Pitcher anna diaz
is struggling.

She sets and delivers.

It's a wild pitch.

Suzanne walks to first
to load up the bases.

Anna diaz is
in a tough spot.

The coaches are giving her
support from the dugout.

She's ready,
and the pitch.

It's a slow grounder.

The play is
at home plate.

She's out!

Great play
by catcher corrie simpson.

Earlier, we spoke with corrie
about her defense.

I want to throw
runners out

And hold on to the ball

If there's
a play at home.

A good prediction

As she gets the bombers
out of a jam.

It's the final inning.

Pitcher anna diaz
is up at bat.

She rips it!

It's way out there.

It's going to be
extra bases.

She's rounding second
and motoring to third.

Here comes the play
at the plate.

She's safe!

A home run for anna diaz,
and the bombers win.

What a finish!

The score--
bombers 3, bengals 2.

Let's go to the field
for postgame reactions.

I noticed you were
upset on the mound,

Yet you hit
a home run.

How did you feel?

It felt great
hitting that home run.

Did you know
when it left the bat

That it was gone?

I did.

Did you ever think

That you'd be
the winning pitcher

And hit a home run
the same day?

I don't know.
I just kept on running.

We've seen
some powerful hitting

And strong fielding.

It's a game
that went down to the wire.

Final score--

This is steve albert
from brooklyn, new york,

Saying so long,

Years from nowow,

These ballplayers will
tell great tales

About the games
they've played in.

Everyone has
their favorite baseball story.

The more you tell it,
the better it gets.

Here are three you'll want
to get your mitts on.

My name's gideon.

They always say,
"keep your eye on the ball."

What happens
if you're afraid?

Find out in
ronald morgan goes to bat.

It's about a boy
who has team spirit

But no confidence
in himself.

He can't hold
the bat properly.

When he runs the bases,
he goes the wrong way.

His teammates laugh at him,
but ronald keeps trying.

This is a great book,

Whether you like baseball
or happy endings.

This is gideon elliot

Guaranteeing you a home run
with this book.

Do you like baseball?

I do. I love
baseball stories.

Here are some funny ones

old turtle's baseball stories.

Each story is about
an unusual ball player.

My favorite
was the octopus.

It's really funny.

It's about an octopus
who throws too many balls.

Guess why.

I'm katrina.

If you like baseball
as much as I do,

Just go
to your nearest library

And catch this book.

My name is nacole.

Would you like to read
a poem about baseball?

I just did.

It's called
casey at the bat.

It's about
a baseball player named casey

Who's the hero
of all the fans.

His team is losing
when casey comes to bat.

Everyone expects him
to win the game.

Casey thinks
he's so brilliant.

He lets
the first pitch go by.

"That ain't my style,"
says casey.

Casey ignores
the second pitch.

The fans say,
"k*ll the umpire,"

When the umpire
calls strike 2.

Want to know
what happens?

I'll read it to you.

"Somewhere in
this favored land,

"The sun is
shining bright.

"The band is
playing somewhere.

hearts are light.

men are laughing,

"And somewhere
children shout.

"But there is
no joy in mudville--

Mighty casey
has struck out."

Baseball is a great game,

Whether you're
a little leaguer

Or a major leaguer.

Whether you're a fan
in a big stadium

Or your neighborhood park,

When spring fever sets in,
it's time to play ball.

Thanks, guys.
Have a great season.

The a's are leaving
to start their season.

I wish I could go
to play one game.

Just imagine what
it would be like.


Levar burton steps up
to the plate.

Bottom of the 9th,
score tied, 2 out.

The world series is
in levar's hands.

He swings.

There's a long drive
to center field.

It's way back.

It's a home run!

Levar burton wins
the world series

For the oakland a's!


A dream come true!

I'll see you next time.

Today's reading rainbow
books are...

Dinosaur bob and his adventures
with the family lazardo,

By william joyce,

Published by harper & row.

Ronald morgan goes to bat,
by patricia reilly giff,

by susanna natti,

by viking kestrel.

Old turtle's baseball stories,
by leonard kessler,

by greenwillow books.

Casey at the bat,
by ernest lawrence thayer,

by ken bachaus,

by raintree publishers.
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