03x06 - Let's Twister Again/The Legend of the Golden Worms/Beanie Boys to Men

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "ChalkZone". Aired: March 22, 2002 – August 23, 2008.*
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Follows Rudy Tabootie, an elementary school student who discovers a box of magic chalk that allows him to draw portals into the ChalkZone, an alternate dimension where everything ever drawn on a blackboard and erased turns to life.
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03x06 - Let's Twister Again/The Legend of the Golden Worms/Beanie Boys to Men

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's
got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk... ♪

I bet with
imaginary light,

that prism will make
even bigger rainbows.

Well, I don't know
about that,

but it is
a lovely present.

Thanks, Rudy.

Penny: And look.

The prism's spectrum
is just as beautiful here

as it is
in the real world.


Both: Hey! What the--


It's a twister!

Uh...uh...uh, Rudy?




I've never seen
a chalkzone twister

Snap: Look out below!


Hiya, bucko.
Hello, buckette.

That nickname
is totally
unacceptable, snap.

Did you get caught
in that twister?

That one and
the one before it.

Today has been
like a twister parade,

one tornado after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!
All day long!

Man: Help!


Get me down!




I can't hold my water
in this position.

Don't worry,

Help is on the way.

Penny: Someone must be erasing
twisters into chalkzone.

Where are they
coming from, snap?

Same place,
every one of them--

mount runnynose.

All: Aah! Another twister!

Come on!
We've got to fight
that twister.

Any ideas, penny?

Well, maybe if you

drew a counterclockwise

it would neutralize
the force

of the clockwise


It's worth a try.



There will be
more storms

unless you
find some way

to stop them
at the source.

[Penny, Rudy, and snap

Well, bucko,
there's the source.

Snap: All the twisters
came worming out

right here.

Let's find out why.

a preschool kid.

Now, Sonny hale,

you've been drawing
twisters all day.

Wouldn't you like to
draw something else?

Yes, a bigger

Ok. Ha ha ha!

That kid
is a menace.

He's gonna keep
drawing twisters.

And erasing them.

And every twister
that he erases

will blow
through chalkzone.

Unless I stop him.


Yes. You have
to stay in chalkzone

to tame what
that kid erases,

but I can go
into the real world
and convince him

to stop drawing
such destructive
weather patterns.

Yeah. That
just might work,

but you'll need
a disguise,

and I know
just the thing.


Rrgh! Ah!

Think you might have
made the portal

just a little
too small there,

Yeah. I didn't want
anybody to see
into chalkzone.

Hi, children.

Who are you?

Uh, i'm, uh,
Betty blackboard.

Yeah, that's it.


Miss blackboard,
is it?

You must be
our visiting
art instructor.

Oh, well, I wasn't
expecting you
till next week.

Uh, yes.
Schedule snafu,
don't you know?

I'm here today to see
the class' artwork.


a marvelous snowman

that little Jill
sculpted and
a tree by--

in chalk.

I've come to see
the class' artwork

in chalk.

Oh, well,

Sonny is the only
one using chalk.

Young man,

I see you like

big twisters.

I love twisters,

and my mommy
loves twisters, too.

His mother
is the local

This is Gale hale

predicting a bad hair day
for everyone

due to high winds.

Yeah! High winds!

I'm gonna draw
some really high winds.

No! You can't!

Uh, you don't
want to erase

such a beautiful
drawing, do you?

Yes, I do.


[Both straining]

Oh, miss blackboard!

What are you doing?

I'm, uh, making
the sound that
the high winds will make.


a weird teacher,

miss blackboard.

Penny: Brace yourself, Rudy.

Rudy: I dub thee
hungry cloud.

What's he hungry
for, Rudy?


Here comes a meal
for you, hungry cloud.

Ha ha! Have some
meatballs, Mr. Twister.


There you go.

Huh? Whoa. Hey!

A tornado with meatballs.


[All cheering]


Yeah, snap?

Oh, penny has got
to get that kid

to draw something
less gassy.

Sonny, wouldn't
it be nice

to draw something

After all,
your mom reports

on all kinds
of weather, right?


she reports
on thunderstorms,

big, giant

that sh**t lightning
from the sky.

Oh, no!


Oh, miss mild!

She's repressing
my creativity!

What art program
did you say

you were with,
miss blackboard?

Uh, lightning bolts
go like this.

I know that.

Now you
ruined it.




There's dessert,
hungry cloud.


Go get him,
hungry cloud.





[Glug glug glug]




Too spicy.


♪ Kumbay-- ♪

[Hard rock music playing]

♪ Kumbaya! ♪

Hey, snap,
how do you like
your thunderstorms?

Ah, you know me,

I'll take mine
sunny side up.



Snap: Well, there's
a new one, Rudy.

Instead of a downpour,
it's an uppour.

Ha ha!


Oh, why can't penny
get that kid

to draw
nice weather?

Now, Sonny,

I think you've drawn
quite enough storms
for one day.

Give me the chalk.


No more twisters.

Give me that chalk!

[Both shouting]

Miss blackboard!

If you don't stop,
I'll have to ask
you to leave.


What's that?

It's a prism.
It makes rainbows.

Rainbows happen
after a humongous,
gigundo storm.

How would you
like to draw
a rainbow, Sonny?


Miss mild,

do you have
colored chalk?

Sonny wants to draw
a rainbow.


Penny: See?

You can use
all the pieces
at the same time.

Wow! I love rainbows!

And my mommy
loves rainbows, too.


Rudy tabootie!

You have protected
chalkzone well.

Yeah, but what kind
of storm will that kid
draw next, Rudy?

I'm scared to look.

Hey, that's no storm.

Rudy: It's a beautiful rainbow.

Way to go, penny.


Hey, Rudy.

Yeah, snap?

I don't think
I can stand
this much beauty.

Hungry cloud: Too spicy.

Rudy: Well, snap,
our exploration
of uncharted chalkzone

has taken us to
the grimm kingdom.

Ok. Here's us
just before entering

the grimm castle
of doom.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Man: And now, king grimm,
get ready to hear a story

that you have absolutely,
positively never heard before--

the tale of
"the 10,000 burping brides."

Ha ha ha! Once upon a time,
there were 10,000 burping--


Yes, your grimness?

This fool just tried
to tell me

"the 10,000
burping brides" again.

Remove this boring boor
and feed him to slurpy.

[All gasp]

Slurpy? No!
Anything but slurpy!

Please! Wait!

I must have heard
every story there is
a dozen times.

Don't worry,
your grimness.

Surely, someone
will come along

and tell you
a new story someday.



Flatso, give me
my spyglass.


I've never seen
these two before.

Bring them to me.

Take to the sky,


Uh, snap,

do you get
the strange feeling

we're being watched?


Snap: Yep, Rudy.

I definitely think
we was being watched.

Do you have a story
to amuse me?

A story? Uh, sure.


Uh, this
is the story

of, um,
Rudy and snap.

Grimm: Oh, please!

Oh, and I had
such high hopes.

All: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Take them to slurpy
and be done with them.


Perhaps it would
amuse your grimness

if I brought
slurpy here.

Oh, I haven't witnessed
a slurping in a long time.

Yes. Bring him in.


String them up!

Ever seen
a spine slurper before?

It slurps up your spine
like spaghetti.

Then you'll look
just like me.

Oh! Rudy!

This time, you really
got to draw something.

I can't.

My magic chalk
is in my backpack.

Did you say
magic chalk?


Why, yes,
your grimness.

I have
a magic wand
I can use

to create
amazing stories

that come to life
right before
your eyes.

Huh, magic wand.

Let the boy down.

What about snap?

He stays.

If your story bores me,
your friend gets slurped.

Can't your magic wand
make something interesting,

like a beautiful

I'm sorry,
your grimness.

I've never drawn
living things

because then
they live forever,

and I'm responsible
for them.

Feed the blueberry
to slurpy.

Uh, Rudy, this might
be a good time

to rethink
your position.

Ok. Once
upon a time,

there was
a beautiful



Surely, such
a beautiful Princess
has a name.

Surely, she does.

Uh, her name was, uh,
Princess Shirley.


Yip! Yip! Yip!
Whoo hoo hoo!

Rudy: The Princess
was very unhappy.

You're kidding me.

Oh. Oh, woe is me.

My life is empty
and without joy.

Oh, go on. Go on.

Uh, one day, a frog
appeared in the kingdom.

Princess Shirley.

I could Grant you

a long, happy life,

on one condition--

you feed me
golden worms.

Golden worms?
Golden worms?

Golden worms?

Golden worms?

Do you expect me to get
down on my royal knees

and actually
dig for them?
I don't think so.

Oh, I like
this Shirley's spirit.

Come to my arms,
my dear,

and give me
a little kissy-poo.

Mwah mwah.


[All gasp]


Oh, ha ha!
How amusing.

To be slapped
by a character
in a story.

I mean, really.
Ha ha ha!



Where could Princess Shirley
get golden worms?

Why, where else
but a magic troll?

I'll get you all
the golden worms you
need there, Princess,

but if I do
the job right,

you gots
to marry me.

Oh, ha ha!

A Princess marry
an ugly troll?

Never, never, never.

She wants a handsome
king like me.

Oh, my gosh, of course
I'll marry you, troll.

She's tricking him.

So the troll
takes a, uh--

a meat grinder!

And into the meat grinder
the troll put...

Uh, a key!

And out came
golden worms.

My golden worms.

Oh! Feed me
my golden worms!


More golden worms!


Oh, how ridiculous.

So the troll took
a candlestick...

And a school bus.

More worms!

Ha ha ha!



[Uproarious laughter]

Nothing satisfied
the frog.

Whatever the Princess
gave him,

he wanted more.



Ha ha ha!

Hee hee!


[All gasp]

Ah, you see,
your grimness,

this story has
a surprise ending.

While the king
was busy laughing,

the Princess was busy
disarming his poodles

and reinforcing
her frog.

Now you've got
no spine slurper.

You've got no weapons.

You've got nothing.

Shirley: You have been
a cruel tyrant for way too long.

Be gone.


[All screaming]

The Princess
married her troll

and ruled the land

with her trusty
giant frog by her side,

just in case.

Snap: Rudy!

Hey, bucko.
Don't forget about me.

Say cheese.

Frog: Golden worms.

Good evening
and welcome to "snap sh*ts,"

the show that takes a sh*t

at showing you snap's
secrets of chalkzone.

I'm snap, your host,

and tonight we'll be
looking at beanie boys.

We know them
as scrawl's henchmen,

but where do they come from,
how do they fly,

and why are they all
so darn spherical?

Tonight our reporter spy fly

will take you inside
a secret training compound

for would-be beanie boys.

Spy fly,
can you hear me?

Clear and loud,
comrade snap.

We are outside scrawl's
top-secret compound,

and we are going inside.

It is a bustle
of beanie boy activity, comrade.

Here we see some
prospective beanie boys

learning to control
their beanies...

Or not.



They are using a biclops dummy
for battle drills.

Scrawl: No, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

Snap: Is that
who I think it is?

Beanie boys are not
screamie boys.

"Eek" is not
in their vocabulary.



It is, comrade.

Scrawl is here
at the compound.


Oh. Well, then, ahem,

you'd better be
extra careful
there, spy fly.

Don't worry,

I'm totally safe.

Let's see
where he's going.

All right.
Let's try it again.

♪ Beanie boys, beanie boys ♪

♪ we're the boys
that scrawl employs ♪

♪ hee hee hee hee ♪

♪ ha ha ha ha,
ho ho ho ho ♪

♪ ho ho!
Ha ha! ♪





♪ Beanie boys,
beanie boys... ♪

It looks like someone
didn't do his homework.

I am now flying to the east side
of the compound, where--

ooh! Wait. Oh.

I'm sorry.

A dozen
dummies, boy.

A beanie boy has
to be able to hold
a dozen dummies.

Dummies, huh?

Yeah? Well, look
who's talk--

uh, oh. Ahem.
Moving on.

Spy fly, what else
can you tell us?

Well, comrade,

I understand there
is a special cosmetic
surgery building

on the compound...

Uh, spy fly?

Where those few
who are selected

are given
a special identical
beanie boy look

by skilled
plastic surgeons.

Uh, spy fly there,
I think you better--

I would visit
this facility

just to, you know,

give myself a little
nip and tuck
around the jowls

because, you know,
as a spy fly,

I need to keep up

Uh, spy fly, right now
you'd better keep up

Know what I mean?

No, I don't,

I haven't even

the annual beanie boy
boot camp hoedown,


Uh, yes. Well,
there then now.

As spy fly escapes
the beanie boys,
let's see.

Let's take a look
at what's coming up
next on "snap sh*ts."

Bathtub granny--
does she have legs,
or what?

We'll go
underwater to--

we've got company,

Snap: Aah! Security!

How dare you trespass
on my property?

This is where I do...

We will see you
next time

for another edition
of "snap sh*ts."

Snap: Security!

♪ Hey, everybody,
clap your hands ♪

♪ give it up for Rudy
and the chalkzone band ♪

♪ 'cause you know
we're good to go ♪

♪ penny on skins ♪
♪ good to go ♪

♪ snap on strings ♪
♪ good to go ♪

♪ me, I'm on my keyboard,
and you know I'm good to go ♪

♪ audience ♪
♪ good to go ♪

♪ get up and dance ♪
♪good to go ♪

♪ now we're going overboard,
you know we're good to go ♪

♪ good to go ♪

♪ bim boom bang,
the chalkzone g*ng ♪

♪ is good, good, good to go ♪

♪ good to go ♪

♪ maybe we should
knock on wood ♪

♪ 'cause everything's
good to go ♪

♪ good to go, good to go ♪

♪ good to go,
good to go ♪

♪ good to go ♪

♪ good to go, good to go ♪

♪ good to go,
good to go ♪


♪ Ooh ♪

♪ we're good to go ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk... ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone... ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalkzone ♪
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