01x30 - (N)ice Work if You Can Get It

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x30 - (N)ice Work if You Can Get It

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Eagle: Once again,

our three heroes,

those brave young cadets of the Stardust Space Academy

must pit all their skill and wits against...

cleanup duty after Turbo Mechanics class!

Nice try, Eagle.

But no matter how you say it,

we just can't get excited

about cleanup duty.

Yeah. Not exactly rocket science, is it?

Yes, but our good friend Eagle

is actually on to something.

Wait...I'm on to something?

Yes. What you said was, in fact, very wise.

Sometimes where there is no adventure

to be found at first glance...

we must look deeper

and make an adventure of our own.

See, guys? What've I been tellin' you?

I'm wise!

Now, has anyone seen Coot?

I have important business to discuss with him.

[snoring coming from other room]

Coot? Coot?

Coot! Whoa!

Yeh-yeh! Fire the thursters!

We'll slingshot around Jupiter's third moon!


Headmaster Crane!


I was just catching up on some, uh...


Yes, it looked quite strenuous.

Do you have a moment?

We need to speak about...

the big "event" tomorrow.

Ah, yes, the big "event"!

Well, what're you three waitin' for?

This junk's not going to clean itself up! Heh-heh.

Shake your tails now. Back to work!

[sigh] Well, let's get this over with.

♪ Now it's time to sweep it up ♪

♪ Keep it up ♪

♪ Come on, keep on pickin' it up ♪

♪ Lose that mess, let's clean it up ♪

All: ♪ Clean it up, clean it up ♪

♪ Clean it up ♪

Headmaster Crane: Alright then, Coot,

can I count on you to do your part

for "Project P.S.P."?

Remember, it is, as they say, top secret. Very hush-hush.

Eh, don't you worry, I'm your rocket, sir. Heh-heh.

Excellent, excellent.

Oh, and don't forget the ice!

We're going to need lots and lots of ice.

Please make sure someone brings the ice.



Listen up!

I just heard Headmaster Crane telling Coot

that they need lots of ice

for their top secret event thingy

that's happening tomorrow!


What kind of ice?

He didn't say...

Hey, I know what we should do!


I know that look, Eagle.

Last time you looked like that,

we were picking meteoroids out of our hulls for a week!

Aw, come on!

Didn't the Headmaster just tell us

we need to make our "own adventure"?

Let's go get that ice!

Both: Uh, I don't know.

We'll be heroes!

Heroes? Really?

Yup. And just think how proud Headmaster Crane will be of us!

It's win-win!!!Well, alright.

But we'd better get this place cleaned up quickly

if we're gonna go get all this "ice" for tomorrow.

That's the Stardust team spirit, guys!

Let's get out our clean-up tools and do this thing!!!

♪ Now it's time to sweep it up ♪

♪ Keep it up ♪

♪ Come on, keep on pickin' it up ♪

♪ Lose that mess, let's clean it up ♪

♪ Clean it up, clean it up! ♪

♪ Clean it up, clean it up! ♪

♪ Clean it up, clean it up! ♪

♪ Clean it up, clean it up! ♪

♪ Clean it up! ♪

Alrighty then. Let's see how you three cadets

are doin' in here with your... uh, cleanup chores?

Uh, huh?

Well done, then.

Yes, well done!


This calls for another power nap!

How hard could it be?

All we've gotta do is figure out

what kind of ice they need!

And how are we

supposed to figure that out?

There's a whole lotta ice

in the Solar System.

Um, maybe we should ask Ava.

So we just need to know

where we can find ice in the Solar System.

Pretty simple, right?

Ava: Affirmative. Quite simple.

Starting at the outer edge of the Solar System

and working in, ice has been discovered

in the following places: the dwarf planet, Pluto.

Neptune's moon, Triton.

Two of the Uranian moons, Titania and Oberon.

Cool! So all we've gotta do is go to...

Ava: Also on three moons of Saturn:

Titan, Enceladus, and Rhea.

Three of Jupiter's moons, as well:

Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede.

Mars contains ice too, of course.

Okay. So that's --

Ava: Many comets in our Solar System are made...

We get it, Ava!

There's a lot of ice in a lot of different places!

Yes. See? Quite simple.

Okay. Ava, can you please limit your search

to places that we could get to and from by tomorrow?

Ava: Of course.

Factoring in the limitations

of current rocket engine technology,

you should go no further than Mars

and the Asteroid Belt.

Well, that's it then! I guess we all know

which ice source we're going for!

Thank you. Thanks, Ava.

Booster Rockets?Engaged!

Wings? Back!

Space visors? Down!


So we all know where we're going?Yup!

Mars! Comet!Asteroid belt!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Okay, wait a second.

Isn't it obvious

we need to go to the Asteroid Belt for ice?

I thought Mars was the obvious choice.

I figured we were gonna get ice from a comet.

Well, I still think the Asteroid Belt would be best.

So, who's comin' with me?

[cricket chirping]

Huh? There are no crickets in space!

[cricket chirping]

Very funny, Ava.

We know that's you.

Ava: [chuckles]

So, no one wants to join me, huh?


Then let's make it a contest!

You go your way, I'll go mine.

And last one back is a rotten booster!

Yeah! You're on!

On your mark...

get set...



Wow! Mars is so beautiful.

So, where can I find ice here, Ava?

Ava: Mars's North Pole.

That's where most of the surface ice is contained.


North Pole it is then.

Ava: A comet will be arriving shortly,

if you wait right here, Hawk.

Thanks, Ava.

Ava: It is approaching now.

It will arrive in , , .

The comet is gone.

That's one very fast comet!


Hmm, now, let's see..

I guess I can use my nose cone to break off the ice.

Ouch! Ohhh!

Wow. There sure are a lot of asteroids in the Asteroid Belt.

And you say there's ice in there, Ava?

Ava: Affirmative, Eagle.

Some scientists believe that icy asteroids

hitting the Earth billions of years ago

gave us our own rich supply of water

when the ice melted.

Never mind. Okay, I'm goin' in!

Ava: I should warn you...


It can get pretty crowded in there.

No problem. I'm okay.

Still okay.


You look like you just lost

a Rocket Rugby match.

Well, you guys don't look so hot either.

No ice, huh?Both: No ice.

I could see the ice, I just couldn't maneuver

between all the asteroids to get hold of it.

Yeah. There was actually plenty of ice on Mars, too.

I just couldn't get it out

'cuz I didn't have the right tools.


And I saw a comet full of ice.

If I only coulda caught it.

That thing was too fast.

Wait a minute.

That's it, guys!

If we wanna get the ice,

we need to do what we're each really good at.

Robyn, you're smaller than me!

You could maneuver in between

all those moving asteroids

and get in there!


And Hawk, you could chip some ice

off the Mars polar cap

with your super strong grabber arm!


And Eagle, you're really, really fast.

You could catch up

to that icy comet real easily.

Great idea!Great idea!

Okay, let's do it, Space Racers!

Using my grabber arm now!

Uhhhh! Got it!



Gah! Got it!

And thrusters kicking in.

Got it! Wooo-hooooo!

Mission accomplished.

Let's go home!

All: Oh, no!

Our ice melted when we re-entered Earth's atmosphere!

Uggghhh! After all that hard work!

Starling: There you guys are!

Headmaster Crane's been looking all over for you.

He wants you to get the ice!


What're you standing around for?

Ice cubes?

This is the ice he wanted!


For the rocket punch at the party.



Never mind!

Open your cargo hold, Hawk.


Huh? What?

A party for me?

Ah, you guys shouldn't have.

Come here. Come here.

Bring it in, guys.

Headmaster Crane,

this is super-secret hush-hush "Project P.S.P."?

Why yes!

P.S.P. stands for "Pigeon's Surprise Party."

It is his anniversary teaching here at the space academy.

Thank you for bringing the ice for the punch!

And just in the nick of time, too!

I trust you didn't have any trouble.


Trouble? Never.

Well, at least no one can say

we don't make our own adventures.


And nice work out in space, guys!

It takes the right skills...

And the right tools.

And some teamwork...

to get the job done!

So, which one of my teammates

feels like having a glass of ice cold rocket punch?


Teamwork, guys!

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